PACJE TWO Wwtnt-tiUjr. The Daily News SETTLEMENT i j The Man in the Moon Remember The Name pniNCK nui'FJiT - nniTiaii Columbia ( Puhllihed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prlnee ON ISLANDS i SAYSn. a Itupert Itaily News. Limited, Third Avenue. I.IHKIITY Is one of those Hung the politicians talk about "SAIADA" II. F. PUM.RN. Managing Editor. Moreton Frewsn Writes In Lon init few of us ever allain. don Newspspse Favoring ..4. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Queen Charlottes. around Massett 'tii greatest! I.IHKIITV Is something no one City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 lulling quavers ,n Uir worlil. can give yon. The only way In Uy mull to nil part, of the Hritih Empire and the United Mate. POINTS TO FAILURE, When I first dtsi-.A-'ied Victoria to gel il cut off the shackles T 3E1 j&l. 1 ill IHHt I houglii il the lovllest in advance, per year ffl.ton voiirsei f. PURlW Famous Flnenclee Sees Greet ITS STRENGTH. sleepy hollow in ide Koiplre AND To all other countries, in advance, .er year I7.B0 Possibilities In Future Settlement -- I use, to into the hr row mil FRAGRANCE ARE TELEPHONE 98 There. I.Vs'lKAIl of Mhntt'htng money UNEQUALED ho r in the j cubing. ii.'IIihk ;i transient Display Advertising $1.40 per Inch per insertion in Hi.' lied rounlriew they have spinning hail Hie behind nw lYansient Advertising on Front page $2.80 per Inch financier,Morcton well Frewen,known the to famous many hoal, and return nenernlly with increnseit ii 10 such an extent Tho .Sealed Pnt Ket lp your safeguard Local Headers, per insertion 2Ac per lini- he Classified Advertising, per insertion ?c per won' ieope nf Prince lliiwrl ha w,b'"' """ ,"r",,,,,,n written an article fnc the Daily away se., , ,e n.h "''!'.' i.egai nonces, earn insertion rc per agate llm Telegraph, London, in regard In dealer rw half-pcny a.rM,ml. " hr ' ' Contract Hales on Application. Hie possibilities settlement So recent It as 1911 there had All advertising should lie in The Daily News Onire on day greftl u. been 1IIKHKH one thing annul a preceding the C.linrlolle oneti,J rI prince Hnprt a publication. All advertising received suhect to on (Jtieeu liotlor boat. U keeps y.m Im.y approval iHoilern esdd slorege plenl. where Islands. In part his article Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. follows: unlimlleid siiiiidies of salmon tinkering with the engine and Lumber & Lath the hull that painting o you My attention has been dirrelrtl ami halibut were ol, for cash nave no Urn la brood over your DAILY EDITION 4f$3j$tt Wednesday. Aug. 23. IBIS. In the reply given hy (Colonel aero the counter at td n Amery in the House nf.tVmimons Mion). Hut in IW.'O I returned wrong. - and Prince Rupert's lo Hie quest ion asked hy Colonel to I'rtnee Hnoeri to find the A Ml I'M III IhmiI rttner t never Shiplap-Boards Assessment Hlah. Wedjrewnnd a tit Hie suitability price of these fh no longer Sil. la real llolshevik. A (invpriimeiit Idiie Iwwik which, arrived yesterday containing for settlement of those remote mil m,. a ixHind. and that td Dimension me report or trip provmriai inspector of municipalities gives figures .hiIimisI of the Empire, the inre will deliver llese floe fish ONK thing ahiwil this town that will prove of interest to Prince Hupert people. It show ijucen Charlotte Islands. in Liverpool. (bere i m nee for a regulation Thoroughly Air In-led and Stored I inter I ,(r the total assessment of the taxable land on the Prince Unpen Colonel Auiety' reply wa hy I was shown over the Canadian uualn-i walking. towiisile is nlxMil eiirlil. and n halt million .Inline I vn. no mean of a nature to pro-unite Fish ami Cold Storage plant hy oy t -- .....-. ,i, i,nn I ll 111 where the..... Hipulatioii i greater than. . here the aesed value is settlement there; indeed, II. JnhNsffh. Mr. Johnson ha.l A lUVCIIKl.tlll la a man whom Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding i:nl. i...' al ItHH lime on his premise iiiup iirr iwo miiii a quarter minion uoiinrs. dak Hay with quite the contrary, and as the no lolelligrnt female ha iricl three hundred writer two since the over t t.Oort.ooi) hohhs of feoren and Finish less people is asesed at slightly over four millions. was years lo lawl, acconllng lo Hob Mc- New Westminster with nearly three time our population vilest of lite Hovemnient of IH. fish, the iliirtlity nuiles edmir- IHlllen. is assessed at only nine and a half millions. North Vancouver lawa on a, to ue, very memorable We. but to ensure Dial quality - SPRUCE LATH visit to "the Char!n!ie." I (he fish mut be frosen as nearly : with a imputation of five thousand, comes nearest to us for it lii.MMtANCH i jusl a mailer has ail assessment.of ralherless than six millions. should like to ke permitted In pnss"de nllle. In this i Manufactured In Prlnee Rupert and selling el Lewati PHttt " '-""''o ' While some Of the towjisites are. much smaller than Hint give my reaos for bctievin secret of sueVess. lhat I de a I i tin- miieeaien man any- 1..1 il..1 l-'.nuiun.l Prince there to lh thai in no part of the Km pi re e .n are Huj;rt, exceptions rule, for Oak Hay Is ,m,n "' nu" " " about aoo 'acres larger thair Prince Rupert yet its assessment is is the rie-nt kind of settler so ean iMTin.inl denend fish uo..n .uimUv anv large fma!""""and 1 -la. - .rinp.. l lie. ignornoi PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. less than half. likely to "make good" as there, t ,,r,m ' ' While a good many cities have higher tax rate than Prince "next dof 4n Asia." I can only these Pactfke fisheries wiB.ler. I'"'""- P",M" vf leal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephen Ml fully rich and amtadaat lm.ugh write that the prospects nf a well Hupert, the assessment is reasonable more that taken so on a ,nT"p- ""tsii war. flh tnr the they are. caplure.1 per capita basis, the lax rate of the city is proportionately too orsraniieil settlement there an- jsear to me more promltne; lo. snd frtiien a Massrll in ra- T..,, high. l-MIKI nT. Tf J believes in l.niH ltri.l mile On a former occasion we showed that the general cost of lay than at any other snot In our "a nil of r!rope.n ,,n. of the I nf will we.f own impert Km pi re which i known to me. running the affair, or this city wjts much higher than the cost of ' aher two and be inlerrepie.1 on their mnd e.i My friend, Colonel Rmery, and conducting the affairs of oiler Canadian National municipalities of approximately t ,ti 11. mssii. ,u. inarter nMIHaei dollar all Railways there is no better son of the the same size. This is something for the ratepayers to consider. mand nf the prairie commuml realy to keep up the I rouble in Koiplre ntfiy have with Hie es If we make taxes I.hi high in this city we are taking the surest lrelao.1. intention put park the hands of les ami of Ike great Katem way of retarding progress. settlement ami eolnoii niton on markets, such as Winnipe. To. Prince Rupert till, keep lite Kord factory rrmtn, Chiengo, St. 1'ant, arxl a clock in a corner of the world Danger Of Having niniioui, arroeilns lo the ds. whieh remindett me Nit with evwi ltolrn It os Ion I be" I Mime Land On Our Hands. many and preat advantage of of the This demand pale tees. DRYDOCK If the taxes in the city go loo high, the people on the outside what ' now populfxi and Itiriv. on the part nf the highest wave - who are holding land here, will refuse to bold any (longer and ins VBFK-Kier was uhen I first earners in the worl.i will year lWl. i. great eiitcioenl h immediately half the revenue of the will Ke Hriaer lluin-ri Itse choice f AND city cut off. To bring t(sited that site tun years before Kv lake nU ll.e harve.1 . alKiut such a condition would be a calamity. We cannot affiinl Hie rail of the Canadian Pacific any selllement of fi.lier fik in'" n-""ve leader in Vn. to do it. We depend to a large extent for our income on (he re-ache,! it harbor. ttse Charlolle Islands, ami al r,n,,rr inoon.i. inroog in SHIPYARD revenue from outside. Without it we should have to either rut Chanqe at Vancouver. prices higher than today. II is h.i seiiesi gcnips .us. our expenses in half or double our taxes. Ibw magical it seems today I tU waters of the North Al-"" relative merit of tVe to find what was less than forty taolte to Xewfoiiti.llaiMl mI not Iramlhlales. II is real II rd that Operating Q. T. P, M.tOO Tan Fleeting Dry Oeek High Taxes.Defeat ' , ' - ' years since an untouched virgin lo lleeate Slrai- -that we must lle fate af hIIhis deends n nglneere, Maehlnlsle. Bellermakers, Blcknlth, PalUn Their Own Ends. ' -' - ohm ior our Use uDtesima, mekere, rounders. lie. fnresl, showing no sign of (lerinaneni supplies. Waodererkeesj As an illustration in another field altogether of bow high nun's presenee, bill which is taxes defeat the end of the Government that' levies Ihem is seen now a thriving western metrop. Flthfnq Colony. AISTIHA i like a lo of Hie Electric and Acetylene Weldih. in the cigarette tax. of it A fishing the rest of u. Her financial cou .Speaking "Saturday Night" of Toronto dis. And it seems lo me that colony n Oueen says: with the westward pressure of a miarlotle Islands, with head ditntn is someuliitt precarious. Our plant la equipped lo handle all kinds of "The high cost of smoking materials, owing to the excessive continent where are. not as in quarters at beautiful Massett, In other words she I close to excie and other taxes levied Under the new tariff i having an llio.e days in.nnO.uon hut nearly with branch establishment fur- being ilea,I broke. No riliif'n Marine and Commercial Work effect on Canada's revenue that was not anticipated bv the Fi 1 30,000,000 of the most rest Iher we.l on Naden Harbor nr sympainue wiwi jusi as PHONES S AND 3S8 nance .Mimir when he revamped the schedule at the last se less and energetic people in the fishing the wonderfully rleh W'M a newsirman. sion of parliament Hy raising the excise tax on cigarettes the world, and who earn the high waler around Iingara lsHn,, lion. Mr. Fielding anticipated lhat he could increase the countrv's est rale of waees, these Chert it I es emild ool. if roMrly orgeniiesl ItlMOIIIltlW'S head tine in revenue iiy a considerable amount The reverse has been th cannot fall to have a phenomcn fail nf success. An, to waleh Ihi paper should read some, cae. as the returns for June, the first month that the new schedule ally rapid development just these growths as I have watched thing like I his; "(treat Kicite. of taxes was in force, shows a drop of upward of ninety-six ahead. They compare wllh Prince the growth of Victoria daring the menl at the City Hall. Crowds million cigarettes, as compared with June a year ago, which Itupert and the mainland opnos pal forty years would Ke of surge inward(o the polling booth Back to Pre-War in effitrl east vote. .Many means that the rederal treasury is poorer b-a quarter of a million lie, some eijihiy miles away, on immense Inleresl. e(r Colonel Shoes In death In effort to dollars for the mouth than it needed to be: and incidentally very much the same terms of Amery therefore, 01 no account trampesil get near poll clerk and I heir Prices in the cigarette taxes fell more than a half million dollar below advanlaye thai Victoria com lo throw cold wnler on any such lal words were 'dive me a .Mr. rieiuing loo optimistic estimates in hi bndirel speech. II pares with Vancouver. project, for ile financial sue. death.' " may interest the reader to know where the fifteen cents jrne to True the rather excessive ec tand cle4iB nut of the ie-lure. vole or five ine wim ne jhii on ine counter mr a package of ten Yirir in a c hrar moisture at Vancouver has not Fisliing colonies m Hie Miss Charlotte HUrk. hospital EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. ette. It is split something like this: Excise interfered seriously with the. Pacific coal got a black eye sffari' up stamp, sales tax. matron, will attend the II. C. My Closing Out Sale Is an e-openr, and sou cannot leaf duties, etc.-Orts. This is the Government's share. Whole growth of lhat splendid eily. hut over the faljure of Sir ttesirge saler and retailer' costs anil profits, 4ct. Manufacturing charges, no one who is free lo seleet his Doughty, but he began his venture Hospital' Association convention to pass up the bargains I am now offering. and costs including profits, 2rfs. In other words the Government home would compare the ameii when the necessary railroad August al ift New Westminster delegate from on They are -mg fai and von It nn-d ti. Im : vr ' is gelling sixty jier rejit. of the retail price of a fifleen ilies of life In Vancouver wllh was a yet I.SnO mile from Prince Itupert.iy The board, Isst selection viliitc Hit' !.' ari,.i le rent package of smokes. Under the circumstance those in Victoria, wild about half the pacific port, and llm he had lhat the any wonder the rainfall, and in the days at nolling lo convey his Charlotte night al its meeting, derided country is suffering from decreased revenue from The Man lo give Mis Ulark an allowance M. Shoe this source, not to speak of increasing the incentive to smuirirlw hand, the delirious, equable rli Islands wealth to any Kattern to rover her evpene while at-lending McArthur, cigarette from the United Slates where they are practically half mate nf I he Charlottes, never market. Ii was a strange mi, the convention. mr i,.uiituuui price. hoi, never cold, with its rain lake for a clever man In make, Hart Black, Third Avenue. fall of about 10 in., with other one hailing, a he did from Bnlendid Youngsters i thing being eual, he a great flrimsby. Sir fleorge relied, no wi In Prince Rupert. magnet to draw the home.seeker d'Milil. on the market for his fish Tsaota roa Tits. who might well be repelled by Hie In the Pacific eoal town he-Iween Prince Hupert has a splendid lot of children. In spile of Staled LiMtert Sifclroswd a the aVr some nmiiHiions in ineir aciivilies owing to physical conditions, ton in. rainfall of Prince Hupert I'rinre Itupert and Seallle. altaed and nwlurwil "Temlr for Ths" O A IT ur trnt herrln; bait I conceded by flihrm HI if rereord al IMS W fire until l.l hut the they enjoy life and are just as healthy as in any part of the world! and the mainland. These l chance visiting steamer a'rhvk mast, r.isnlsr. Itik dan . v-leoilier. DI 1 t0 bts u,, nt procurable al any Psd t"1 To watch the boys and girls swimming at Salt Lake is one of the amis were, unlit n few years ago. were not adequate (or hi pur-Itoses, Ki li HMitwrtriumi itff, fur .Inst, luitbrr Hsitstr ml Its U-IWMft Port and II Is FUhy." I'riee, 130 per ton. prHliest siehl imaginable. They seem to I.a quite at home in the refuge for a large herd of and hi whole venture wa IStf. and May. IJ. tn. IPP 1 b""1 ' inaurliiaT a itood qualll "P " tadly slaved. II I fHml lMMeen IwrMulirr I.I, trvl liooeslie entile, which wns Ibis, ev- had become iV.l- ''r,c, the water and enjoy it to the full. School statistics show that the Sr.iMnlr. ism. HfJ. un iaadlait s i W,VII Peiy 0f our bard troteu wild and wintered where pect, lilonet Amery had in mind Iumi.i .iiw. vtr.i "I AfU4ii..l,s mimi school alleiidam-e here is very high, a sure sign that the health Srlluir. m ua n orlflra 14 per ton, of the pupils is pood. they pleased; they were found at when replying as he did to Col lUm . asve daird Marrh isib. ISIS. Outfife ur U-eul,pfd elore rail supply flhlu all seasos to e in fine Kin. onel Wedgwood. I..e k b deloersd on ransdian provi" Xalhsial Llnra teiern Arinlron flaheriuen s clolliln-, vroerrle dilion and in increasing num n., n il Wlniuiwr. and hardware. bers. think the slifry this tells iini.tnt to U' mi Canadian of the climate of (irahaui Island Ten Years Ago aisl.ius.l Winnis,i.iues Ijror.o sirludins fwl Unt Arthur in NEW ENGLAND FISH Company the largest of I lie Charlottes, is In Pi'nca Rupart MUlliesaila. I lueuii to h mi faiiadla No Account Too Small worth a dozen guide-book mono ..iMifMi i.ine. in stsnrsiu. KetehUan, Alaeha Branslt - lsu,u l mi d.lorsd ii Cinadiaa graphs. K. J. t:haiiiberlain. nresiilent VtthKial Lln Wr.l uf Wiiinl( in Maniiaiba (mI Satirlitan. The Ocean Wealth. of I lie lirand Trunk lanfio Hallway 4iiu,4hi 10 iw driorred t CanaSian Hut what will liuil, up with Still. l I.111.S in .Nwtliem All.rit. .and parly have returned tm,itii u m rtll.rsl ui 1 aiadiaa account is too small phenomenal rapidity the set I lenient from 11 trip 0 h end of steel. .'Valks'ial Lllir M-Ie.n hd Pt THEO LTD. of these islands is the immense jui.riuMi and l'sri Mann. COLLART. - - "t NO Kvery sati.faelion Is I,I t.ue tu lm drlosred n rni I A IMS wealth of the ocean at dian .Saitonal l.liio li.teti hd rt ia Lhm m4 this Bank to welcome by them win, 1!, vvork uf ije,.. ihi'll.n and liwlsu. We SI0,MMfiua their very door. There centres eral t . Mi lie dtlorfsd mi Canadian are now Agents for the New York Life Insurance Co'"'t' and XiipermlejnlenJ, ,W V. C. Valurtial llnra Ih-mb rodska tut The most liberal and strongest company on Ihe conlln none too large for Median. T.rr.i., b.: Teutl.r fnni.s siut SiMrlflrsllfsi. ..s 1 Assets, S2.eS2,13S.S0. Lei us show yau how to it SUITCASES llned Hut nfflre itt llw lUnrral Tl to handle. lr. W T. Kcrglq ef Ihi win. lit irv i num (itiiun, T' money. Kiie, J. e. I'aikia. m.lri.i lis si.ul, TRUNKS morning for the sooth en nolle VVVmiiiwa. Man., nr r.. i: l.abrla. Inni.ii. Phone Blue 89. Weslholme Theatre Block. P.O. to ini A i.l. Vanrimorr. B . Kasieru si ill IUU Oei MmumI Branch! in U Important Cantrca in Canada Canada where he will mil t r4i.ldersd Uliloss Uiads bf) furm CLUB BAGS lake up post.graduate- work. Ir. iiM'li.d bv ilw hailKav OsiM'.ny. Saving! Drpartmrnia in all Branch! I.. W. -n in-i.r mr U'unnn.t test wan . Keigin wijl be in charge UM AIM lie I UM'TD Larg Stock on hand. of hi brmiier' rptle during arilMl.Te isshI m ant isnder ani iw.e.iiiril. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., his abseiiee. lie inans inrnuf lit SAILINQS Bank oh Montreal Prices very low. m.irlri Ti J. a. ctrnn. wiiiik.. I pMrrnaw n.s i.rudiM-ed la hhii nutii-liii.. far Vancouver, Ocean rail and Hvanvon Hay. Tuetdsy P The Prince Hupert Longshore lijr arlual s.lil.ft frwo ibelr ni f Established Over J. F. MAGUIRE laml. for Vancouver, Alert Hay mid Purl llatdri Hatgrdajr p 100 Years men have f challtjiged Hie Callie W. M. navlT. ftr Anyos, Alice Val J''nfl' Nut the Prtnr. n.iM-r.l Arm, port Klitipsnii and Hupart lloUl and llnte team to meet tli:m at fsnadlan ruilonal Tif.ti.i..lltn, mldnlvht. nectr. Tofoalo. ICfUBlfl, AUfUSl It. IMI. Per Nsae River Osnnerlsi, Ff Iday s.m,