rxui wuvn THI DAIL-T MWU Wiliif.i,, FINANCING OF BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMe NURSES' II j Bit COLLT- I wot , T" THCb ts V trine UNe or L DO VOO RlAUlft THAT FVvKOOM MUM tiur H HOME - tUtEPf CCRTrHUT THE. DA TO BC CCTTINfi tQ CHJOX IT? (v i up- too ooo-roa OCT WOHK OONC OT MOvJ y-J 1 f MOW OO TOO CVCK -'- i HotplUl Board to Hold Confer CVPCCT TO AMOUNT ence at an early Data With TO ANTTMIfiq Representatives of I MX TSV ,v II jAWI i i J iw. SocUtlo. Thr hotilnl hoard, at II monthly meeting Inst night, in-trucled lln secretary l call a cnnferciice of representative of Various snrlelica, in the rlly n nn rarly dale In discuss I lie procedure nf ra iitiK fund fur Ihf proposed nurses' Inline. l'reldrnl 0. O. Stewart brought the mailer of thr hnmr forward for Ihr approval of llir bohrd. Ilr reporlrd nn the mwl. Cyr,k, Ull, k. Im1 tmn trn. Urn flJi1 ins lat werk with Ml llrlrn Ilandal, lnprclnr of training school for H, C. and gavr h Ihu In drtail. The detachment review of llir financial ilua-tlrni. TWOPREVIOUS appearing each year operate The film nf fJ.IOfl wait al. wholly indeenb-ntly nf llioi American Express ready on hand, 15,000 mi?hi ho thhl iinninjialrl)' prrrdp nnd Daily News Classified Ads. SOCKEYE RUNS rxprrted a hare nf liquor pro. ; ! follow. If wr iirrrd in ir- fit llil fall and it wa hi npln- irjin only mip Iwn annual 2 CENTS HEK WUKO IN ADVANCE. No AdnrllMnMnl Tkn for Lmmm than BO Money Orders Ion Hint llir remaining 8,00n Iriarhniriu in a fivr.yrar ryrlo. required for th 115.000 build-! SKEENA RIVER! rriill brmmr riiiiuilali Issued on WAflTIO ORIENTAL Q000S In? prnpned might he ral.rd Iho i-ffiilut iljtt mikI l.. ..r j Norway, Sweden eiHier through public roller!inn ' J"--" . d. WISTARIA WANTS TO jWAXIFU Iji fmm owners near Japanese Klmnna. Croelrry, Denmark 4 Tm A Ka4 In ftt,,i- at or llir float in? nf bond, tir - ' Hay CUivr (Sirele or other t.e llanibnn Furnilurt. llrnamrnt. Lowttt favnrrd lh former method. I Tell of .Need of Conrt- j - cannot lw iflcn h nrjrl SEND CAR OF CATTLE of errek latr ocaliti aisl IUkrts, r.titblrrn's llompers, Current Rate. II. 0 .Mcllae thought Itir bond t'on jlhai a rational xiliry of rnncr-j . . j rah prter. Apjdy IUt It , Toy. F.lc. proo4iiiin llir best one and I valion iiuiI prrrrilr a larV Fair Board Rel LetUr From Iiaily New office. jno LfiYVKKT IMIir.KH. Bnle for (minted In Ihr example nf hr in inr rrp..ri or mr nnniirr annual afrly farlnr. Wr mnt. 0org, Larn, ScrUry of k AKAIC Norwegian AmsHcta List Presbyterian Church whrrr sue ni imifrir mr iirumi tMiini. rtinliliur rarli yrar In iimvldo Livestock Association. sniMFKHF.PKH In Interior cuw. ,. , T(l M , Swedish American Um rr had allrndrn! nuoh an rf-j'. "r. miiimti xak i Tor Ihr rrapr nf laryrr nunUrit try re.,ulr. hmM.kee,.er. limnl Tfllri, AvnuB Seandlnatlan AmsHcu fori. ol.r run up Ihr Skrrnajf .pawninir fili than arr nr. lrrie l.areu, errrlary nf home and wage. Ad lbl - i Lin. Mra. Darlnn aid that Arrhl. tnr Ihr yar 1910 and I9rl. lrrary In rnurr adqualr prf.. Ihr l.itroturk Ariallon. VI. j U Hall) New l filer. tf. WATCH AMD CLOCK RgRAIRt. Ollter TypewrlUr Irrt JrffrM bad lalr. lr. Uillwrl how dial Ihr taria. ha written in ihr Fair lilr; ,,1lPjn .iiirinir In a ra.n wlnrli 'lllNF.lt Al. Servant wanlnl. Apply Kxpert watrh. clock and Csry Safes loiil.lmjr n a firi unit niiitht ."krrna Hivr wirkjr run nf niwliiion arr favorable. a i Ibiard eprent lelrr nf i Mr. Fh hrrlonhaugh. Ftrl rh rnno meter maker. j FIRE INSURANCI bp buill for ?,000. I'J to a?rrr, with that of.IlivrM rationally rnnlndlrd trrain will hia im.im'mI ion i." wm a car Avenue. Walch and Mr. Slrwarl and Mr. Mrltar lnbt in bring (rrirl in pari hnw il pawnin7-Kroiind rarli of rallle a an Jhlbll in Ibe Jrwrllrry Repairs a fell that II mluht not tw ncr-; from a Kd brnnd-yrar and In yrar rrminly orpop'ilatel. forlhcooiiisr rxhibiimn. An an-wer naam Mall ordrra specialty.promptly executed. Dybliavn & Hanson ary to bavr rparalr rMni fnr.part frnrn a vrry mr brd. Thi i nalurr' nirlhiMl nf pre. i Ih-iiik rtil elliuc mit rarh nur.r. If unch wa Ihr yrar. Thr fivr.yrar flli nf vrnlinir orrinii depletion durinir the rondllioii under whirh Ihr KiAlilnlandcr, 830 tfecorul OtO. OIBB Third Avenue 'PP- Vot Office (P. O. Hoi Til oar, 85 rnnnu would In nrnled. tOiO brhmtrl In Ihr brtm.l nf Ihr not infrtsjuent yrar when ' bandle,!. Avenue. Phone 137. If Prince Rupert, B. ft. . Prince Hupert. If Thr matlrr nf thr luinrk. 1015, whir.li pmdurrd a park of ntinlilioii arr unfavorable fnr! FOR RENT WrhMrr rnncrrl was bronchi up II6.3M rap: whllr Ihr 'four-and SMITH ISLAND WILL BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR. it wa dridrd In lrar it yrar rniMinnl of Ihr I'J JO run nTibf,a,,i K"""n. PAItT IKM'SK to rent. fitmlhe.f ovr unfit aflrr thr rnufrrrnrr .wa dprivril front ihr brood.year afr mrlhiNl. Failure lo ,rf,ere HAVE EXHIBIT FOR al Jap Inlet, pnrcjier llaHl. Phons Black C2S. From the Farm nn Ihr nnre' hnmr queiion. of inly a -o,9t3-ra nin. Tli thi nlivioii precaution hhiI he DDIkirr DIIDCDT C Phone Win. Him," nreen S96 if If alrdrcsslnr, Fhampoolnr. Iltn. to the Table irrull wa rlrarly rrflrrlrd in held re.non.ihle- fn no mall iKlnlfc KUftKl ti T nalng, Marcel Watlnir. Mancur- TENDERS RECEIVED the rbaraeler nf thr run, whirh .mniire for Ihr certain depletion H..M for hrnl In I rsnrr Apart- , yM uni . TrMlmn,, mrnts. M M. HlrphrtM. tf wa well Mow thr average In i with which all mir .alninn A leHer hu oecn received Abov. Wralhall'., , BuIkleyValley AMBULANCE SERVICE " Iream are Ihreateneal. by Ihe Kxliiiiit i.iii Aoeialioii FOR SALE Third A. ,H6'J rar. Ihr run rmi.lr: "Thr appearance nf reatoital from Mr. Thro Kyulfrn, if BEEF . largely nf fivr-yrar fih, how. h year in Ihr rire .if a O'land. anniHiiii-ing the intention Splendid Ml wilh natural basement. SYNUPS1S OF PORK Tnrw Firm Tsndsr on Caring rnit tiai , ,.t iqia declining run I ruslnmanr and uif the Smith Wland Fanners' Third Avenue and arv-oiid MUTTOd ror ana uriving uuy mien irihtitr, very litile t il num. n be rlieetrd. They hmild nnl liililute tn send a didriet rt. Street, It.into. H4.y term VEAL n 99 Tail orsd.Offer Fa- Iter. I.ikr thr lliver Inlet and serve in any degre. In allay Hir hIbH to Ihe fall fair. Thi Twu view lot Section J. 6lKI LAND ACT AMENDMENTS FRESH KILLED P0ULTI7 Hie Naa ilrver ciUiie, nf sock. apprehension. I.r year alo.HI be ihr ,firt exhibil that Ibe pair. Skeona Riser Farm Freds lb S keen i deM-iid.nt Ixl 3, llbwk 30, See. I with 3 ' eyr, a it i true, have ncrurred during jSmtlli Nland ha rver sent In VAN0ERH00F CREAM tM Thr offer nf 9 Taii Cn. to rnnme.1 house, 91 feel front Mletaiam sti s4 rsrsl aea more nn it five than ft four. the mot eriN of.fhe prn.pernu I.wl .hibilion Arrange, BUTTER lakr rharsrn nf I he hnpilal ambulance II sa srrs himI Aw la age, lliggar place, ll.ooo. yrar member, and thu approximate productivity in nur lream. Ilulimeni are being made in provide 1 M S4Y by thr ervic.ambulance wa rrenmmend-rd rommillrr a five yrar cycle. The in a declining salmon 'run ihe;f,,r :i 30.50 II. p. Sterling Marina Fn-Vllie. -T-eh Unas MIT,sw tsssrtaM4 ! r NORTHERN INTERIOR average percentage of the five-year pMr year Ix-come more iiumer-: ksabras srIU bs f rM4 s.1n self lal night In Ihr hopital board Launch Triton. 33.10 Sterling. IsM estllsU fa ssrtiallBrsI l' CO-OPERATIVE group in the eighl year nu. they infallibly in Hie long 'ftili pTCD Mil I IHM kssl afclcb at asMt ltsnbM ssM for acceptance. The rrpnrt wa from 1913 to 1919 i AO per cent run pr.Mluc. iber kind, and they iUrirAI LI UllLUUil Ilrtoo. or Launch Hehn,lfl.:o 1'uts.rcSlr wkHlws asoaekea. Phone SI referred back to the committee sit rarlws ssf a sun la (ur and the highct attained in any lliiffalo, Auln-Marine, 9oo. srrane ' 4)rvsl t -wli in ascertain if the contracting year wa 75 per rent. Hut in S ZsxJrZ . -::"-,! dollar tunnel for Thrrr roomed house and two svssrt Uh Ml srvsaMi rsaidM's. ImH aa sstva miwliw atsSle ) firm will not undertake the ,rr. 1920 Hie five yrar group isim- -'-h KETCHIKAN lots. Section 2. 1100 rash. Hal. rlslms ennibilily of inakinir col lee. r'""" '?"' , WATER like fta-Maidurs msil amotr ' ym MOTORS pried MS rent, of thr ance rrnt. TERRACE per oue-ycar.in.lake leu uie lair. flvs )mi ss4 atsfc tssprfaa la lion. lyjte, and mul le House anil lot rn ray term. v t4 IIS pm ssis. Itirtasliiis The three offer Kubmllled la Measure of Control. M Iks eallltsik. i4 si laaH fas B.C. Will Also Electee Powec Terrace, Supply I jigging machinery, boat, allributed In their favorable en a.?srs) tarif Craaa lussL "Willi lhee fact in mind, Ihr board for thr ambulance er-virr nn foe City and foe Possible gines, etc. Wnr ! aintw In aaciipsiOMa as. follow: briMHl yrar, in conjunction wilh nnc ran doubl thr seriou mndition m lass I ys-rs. sM Sss atasW ara were a Ihr favorable brood-yrar Manufacture. M. M. STKPIIKNS. anlssui tonnivssaMMIs. S asst. Sa 99 Tail, Frrd Miggln. Mgr, vrry wr are fat rraliting on rsasa -t UI-asaHh ir alks ss TAXI for the four-year fih. A al. KKTCIHKAXr Phone its. If. tlM4 I' lrtadMI eeniflral al Iss l a Irip, rare and homing of the Skcena and il may br Jut Aug. 23 - The isratsatsat sjsS irsnslsr au elaua. machine free. ready noted, an entirely aimilar to remark, on all the great salmon. huge lunii.l, K feef by AH feel IIOTLI. FOH SALi: in a grow. ksvare srtitonal Hfassssl fas, Hoyal Tail, F.. J. Large, Mgr.. mndition in Hivrr Inlet, urn. river of Ihr Province. now under cnlnieiion hy the lug town, rallrond juiirton and asm sWswa raskas as U.lmirratats taaaaS, misWsl tu ssalt al at rare and lorat-e of car and duced in 9!0 a "till larger rep Ihe measure adopted ill Cil lien. Light, power ami Wat divisional nl JIu Ftslern IIS sr.nse KsUur snasiai simI auk isnirSi laisrawil nbm asu.t. Service supplying nt ga and nil, f 12 a resentation of the five-year I90M for the preservation of sal. er compan. winch I tn run Saskatchewan: siirrouinled by ar Iswl aa ant frprsis a ss group, 95 per cent, nt Hie run. for Ihr Province from Ihe tn f.llw Tos nmsi la aatslaM la hnue Fawn month; trip. $3 each. mon-fisherie ninver gotHt farming, district. House iss I hs m I rears, sast lamttM Espreee and Bait' Kalen Oarage, Kos .V Long Poor Brood Year. wrrr of much promise. Hy prr- Lake and from (here In lllg Lake well buill and laid mil and ct eiwrssl IIS. sail rr raiiitsiML arr U"iaSIi aea rsakSsar t aa fsa Transfer. etc, $15 per month; driving, (3 Ibe salient feature of thr vrnling thr incursion of new ran. with a bra ue h Utnnel lo (tranite siierially well furnished: A SI I !' .r. rdlrssl a I rip. snekeye run in Ibe krena in nerie in dilrict already fully basin, will iicreasr three or steam heated, running waler aar lraipKir ransrU sssrfkar assalss sa-rots iVaaa ksa. If Irs S si One Price to All. The matter nf injuring the 1921. Ir. Gilbert late. are l.et developed, and by limiting Ihe fimr lime, the water supply for and electric light."' pnor Isaitlrsa lM I rmftluwnna alia SU Let u make your rrscrti- fsna HlMl arlasl a. ambulance, supplying equipment brought out by a compartoii amount and character of Hie Ihe rily of Keiehrkan. health force a sale. Cash ta4 slslnlorr lriWKVsaftt arratsiliaa,rasa tluns at and arranging authority fur wilh the run of I9?0. The taller gear that mIioiiIiI le ued in each The tunnel run through solid down tl6.ono.ooo. balance in s4(risa rsaaleswa lass. aialalaiassl aa irvaa Lakelse Hot-Spring MeteL making rail wa alo left in wa produced by the good fihing district, a measure of rock (bat has hern blasted inch monthly payment. Write P. Ueurrssl srsaa. mm ateaaSiae I Ihr hands of Ihr rorumillrr. brood year 1915 and the poor control wa aumed which by inch, starting al thr power O. Ilox 91. Melville. Saskatchewan. tltts ansa,la aa mar aataleaa ta IsassS nr aa lilfmirj aaasasti,imI. one of 1916. Thr rrult wa a would, if adequately administered, house. Ml (eel above sea level. I9H S.M I.I and t n.!"( mnt aartslflfcua Tut (tsilse sna l4aliial run of medium size, over four. rnurr Ihr preservation nf il run in a nearly straight line araaa wsaisa: Si ara iwrrsaaa ua t PREPARING FOR LABOR fifth of which were progeny of Ihr salmon run. This method i 250(1 feet ilh a gradual slope f oil SAl.K Sailing yarlil. com. -asf MrU. !fs aaa lor laraoa ar Imloatrtal or ruatanr.Miaa a Let Us Advise Yon DAY CELEBRATION BY 1915. The run of 1921 had as incnnlrslably Ihe bel that ha iieward "t 31 feel. There il pee aith sail, 'in giHMl nm. iimtar tar4 Sal ieattrf arr anleerdriit two rxtremely poor li-en devised for H.r purpose. fp- turn and extend upward for dilioii: alo F.vinrude. Apply mar avmanl aa Mrrhasa4:f atsmpes r.diiKaa laxtitoa (With a llfrtunc ctprrt-enco U- T. AND L COUNCIL brood-year. Hie. worl. wilh a imsed to it stand Ihr alternative 230 feel at an angle nf atHiilt Piillen. Haily New office, tf Sslursl Kar n...J..a. iraerarsdss In pit braiu Uc. of ir .iiattsf ru4 mmf ba w)iihI Trad lngle exception, that ha tilth. method of unrestricted com. 50 degrees to Fawn l.ake, eon- eandulunal wpua duulrvrOon af s rsa4 Itlllldlllff TOWINQ AND FREIQHTINQ l Ih.rn. 11.la I at half af ens caal af . . . pel il Ion. Ihe results nf which are neeting with a horizontal tunnel mast, aal irraln halt itl iMtrrkaaa Brickwork, i uie mr uie iauiiiiig program , .,.,- now so alarmingly manifest in 930 feel I.nig 305 , feel above Tug "Hanaco," Cow Bay Mfc-a. la mads. Labor celebration took Hay "I'lhinatinn wa, in 1921, a slill the waters nf Alaska. Hut re sea level which enter the bottom SAI.VAOF. WOIlK arc EMeron' rrta omant act. Stonework, a good deal of thr timr nf thr TU- - J Act U rfJ lower level of production than strictions in number nf cannr. of Fawn Lake. Trades Labor Council Fxperlrnccd diver and diving Mirlada all naranaa )ulnlaa aaa aara. etc. and regular Ihr Pkeena has previously at ies and in amount nf fishing- Two-third Complete. Outfits. n. allh Mia Majaatj a Karraa. Tba Concrete, meeting last night. Pres. ina wilh". akM-ii ilia aaira or elsa tainrd. Thr packxif only 11.000 gear obviously will not suffice An aerial line ha been buill BRANNEN'S 4 a sWaaaaa prs-amplur asar aisHi Plans and spr. dent chair S.and II. Macdonald there was wa a fair in thr at. in 1921 registered a further dr. In prnleel a stream iinlr the I50U feel long In carry imwder Phone fllue 711 and 063 fram f lllla fur ana unsl.r yaar ika fraa Art Ika I daaik ailanaasl free to all our ucn's. dine nf 35 per rem., compared rrslricllon arr adequate In and fool. A blacksmith hop P.O. Ilox 609 Prince lluprrt. 11 C aark uareon, aa furmarlt, unlll ana lendant'e of delegates. IleporU tsar soar Ika eaariuawa U Ika fiaat i Co. submitted showed that Ihr public with h rxlrrniely meagre yield amount. I kept txisy harienlllg Ihr drill war This (srlvllria la 1 aa4a ra William Walls of thr two brood-year that pro. "It is Impossible lo know in sterl used by Hie larnr machine CLOTHES CLEANED rs-aila. Na faaa ralailna la Contracted had given a vrry rrady rr. ia-amailaaa ar Builder and lured jt. advance the utmost rxlrnl nf drill. i has an nil forge for rlua ar baratla br at-Mlsr aa ars. sponr In the appeal for prlir and pressed by latest HTF.AV rmpllnas raearl4 sfl.f J.i ti, tu p.O, Hnx rtJ3 Phone iirutng Ihi feature, r. thr drafts that can safely br heating the trills and a corn TAttm ara rarnlltsj fur fl rsara. 3rd A.-Jobbing donation. Thr 1017 money program (iillierl slatr: "If thr salmon made on the run of any strim pressed air sharpener thai dor pressing process. !ravlUr fur raiarn af awaaia a flffire- of Ihe day will br nut tomorrow S uits railed for and delivered. rru4, 4aa M baaa I4 alma Assual Work of all Kla: runs wrrr enemy forces that wr Cannery rrslrlcllons and adr. Ihr work of iru men. , ll. aa aaowual af psrmanls. aas lilghl. were desirous of annihilating. Tin quale bnal-ratlng- must always Working sevrn days a wrrk Phone 49 e Inlarasi lata aa nn auUivrr aarramanis is ainpilaoa.., nurrkasa more certain method could be br considered tentative nieas since last January with a crew LINO, The Tailor loan ar rllr krta hal4 br snarabars at U1S llla4 Kwa. ar d'lan TERRACE CARPENTERS' devised than destroying them ores. The situation I one that of from eleven In fmirlrrn mrn, TAXI Slract of Inairarj, rrmln.4 fram acqairaa aa. rails for solicitous inspection about two.third nf Ihe tunnel Iisimani la Msrtb II, III. STAND IS ENDORSED and constant watchfulness. In Fawn l.ake ha been enm Phone 693 ua.euncHAtca LAND or crown FRUIT LANDS Herniations should be subject u pleled. The rompiuiy experts In (Call lleorge (loss PrvvlakHt rasd for laauane af Trade and Labor Council Support annual revision on Hie part of have the tunnel built In Fawn Five pussenger Inuring Car Craaa Croaa iMim.grants saaulrlr ta sab-urrhaaaia rlIHi fiwta at o' Subsidiary Union In responsible officials closely in Lake hy nxl Christmas. The Prompt ay and Night Service furrhaaara aha fallal a aatnalals Fl Aores Ooo- tll Combatting Reduction In ; p. touch Willi Condition u- I bey enllrr project which Is being Stands Boston Orlll Third Avenue fllliuard i.jr'laaa.af luwsrlne canal I ion a furraliMra.af nuirnaa an fal Is. i .j d..a mile I ssilUl er "(srllls. 1 laraal and Isi.s Wksra Frame cabin I ' 1 " Wins. ,i-v.,, so compti teii mini until a year auU-aurt'kaa riti ars do nut claim . akula uf arlau.al aa ! ''"' from next Christ Imas. Fxpert rquiprd wilh electricity than i si. imnliaau ,ri.a dua and lata mar flrored and sown The Trade and Labor Court- I "'ItlnlltW! s.'"jsit I aa 4tirluul4 Ut Tlimnas louden. aislant engineers ,ia Hint il will serve any town of her sue m the WouoiUM,aiai'' aar $000 cash, cil. at II regular meeling last h.i tkist i. ! t iaril,lll'sP,''k'" ,n"4' ! Acre. Oo- ' .l stjfU-rlnlsM'lul engineer nf Ihe iwit only tills general inn but Untied Slate. It may make it 10 H night, rudorsed the stand of Ibe I Ti-.uu.-i i lkeatu Ca..alM 1 I froirt OHAZINO mllrs (JoVrr.i..,ri.t lU'"pV many sin-reedlftsi geiierallons. possible for her In become i It, IJrsslae Set, mi. harprntrr.' Union again! flTtil&?liJ?-mm,MMn.. VanUvrr Iwr ,,,Ula.,k any relurnrd in Faith In City, manufacturing centre and provide 4a.alupnwi. a UtaMack Indaslrr wa-Maa Ollempt at reduction nf wages. la.l uiuUl aflec havlmr soent a Ttiis fine niece of engineering employment' all Ihe year Sdnimlalralluri far iraslne undsr dlsiilcl CuruMilsalouar.ai4 rauas eah. It was also rcporlrd that thr f"W day in Ihr city In cjfin- Iwnrk I lielny ry.iilrnctcd at a ti round fur many. It stands now a Annual naiaUrs srssin psrmlla laauad basad Iv-FnlNPV RROS. i local union bring rUi,(ai uriorli, tut was supported asiaa 'ion with Ihe docking of Ihefrosi ,f vlr tSO.OOil. i will a miinument In the faith in her llahad sanais. IIuI.m,, lalillllUI ws.w by the Carpenters' Unions of 'oaslwle atoamcr Canadian Insure lorn, aaauclatiaba lur raa( p,ni.a. Ketrhikan waler . InsurSnS a siip- future of the progressive business ant. ar a.-,.a. A 'ancouver and Victoria, Sold by ORMES LTD. frss. barllallr neai a.sa , J IFarmcr. ply that will make her better men of the lint City. U li'aaai w UMiwiTIi!