Vtin i i rrnn TiHwrv wneani 1 T I iiiiiliitiiiiiiiiniitiiiiii ii urn m lin mi urn mil and HEADQUARTERS for IE Personal il. O. lintertakert. I'lione 41. tf i ,lV;av II HKKK you will find counters and 351.Haynere. Undertake. Phone ir .).... i i i i fcrtuii-a luaiiL'u uown with every requirement that the scholar needs 1'iiiM-n Rupert Kxliibtfton ep- iiiIkt It to 10. -all the new things and also the if t p items you have always used. i....!,. iturfe on a brief iu m nr.. vleil tu Uet. Special tables, oxtra service, plainly marked prices, will help Harllelt I'aare. per you ili'vn 35c. Cite Mxrttf it select what you need. Hear Bob Newell' Syncopat- Watch our big wiftd&ws for rt, De Luie Hall. Thuradav 0 now goodi. night. Mail orders will receive immediate :iit How ere and Pol Mania: Ura.-.i aaeortmenl lit Ivwn. Hre- attention. Write for complete "mn and Kaeson. if Of list of public and high school books with I in- in' 13 fiMit fxli'iilou prices. Iml.l-i, which we recently or- LdIiTIN I.m-.vI try fUe cil?'Council fW tlH llllllllllllll S!!BuIy1ShE Yz McRaTfoos.Ltd. f" . l"ai-tnten(, hat arrival ami i- K-a.ly fir lllllll llllllll I llll 1 1 II J mini iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiuiiiiiii 11m- Iio.pital hoartl i to onlrr a i elock tf I wo carload KipJ llalp return. Iiom a trip Mr. S. K. I Jlllilell l ehn in-ij "I i eneor a?lnt a (net down thp enail on th 1'rlMe today from a holiday trip to Van. (hiihih ul Hie iBrtituliiHt neit i teoTRe lhU aflmioon. comer and other eoulliern citie. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! h:iiNi !) Mom to IhU effect w.i- niiiijr lal atiizlil. lANk here! Wlm coming! Mae Mr. and Mr. V. I.. Stamford, IJeir Krvw, ilnpr and iihi4 if IHaby Ulanci, returned loday Bargains in Fresh - iiar jl reelvrii several elan. W'anati HaiijreliL If. froi Vk-torla wliete they have . -ai.4 .if our faMOfjo etove coal been vieltinz. W.- an- fillinjr order In rotation Mr. and Mr. J. I.. Christie and Toilet SOAP ii . .H1infi uf quantity. We family rHarned today on Hie Major J. II. McMullin. iroverii. FLAT iic.iiiimrnn your atockinx up I'rliipp fprge from a trip lo ntent aenl, return p-I to-iay from Rupert imw. i.on.uiwere Goal Go Ltd., Vancouver. a comtMiieil holiday and butne. I'd i.. ?, 3 and SM. tf , trip to Vancouver and Victoria. 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps Full stock of 3-ply Cotton Mr and Mr. . S. M scoff in wood Veneer la now being carried Mr. A. T. Ilailey and child to clear at lim- returned frnaH a tour of by Albert A McCaffery, Ltd., anil Mia Oracle Ackroyd rplorn-' FISH Brand Kiiropc. Mr. Matroffln brought Phone 116 or 564. If eil hoHMi lolay afler bavins-. 2 for 25c. hark a fine utonnilP pur pent ervernl week viitinx in haci in Vienna whirn I Mid Allan Mi-KiniHiii -ail tnneor- Ihe Miutl ! a wnwderfvl ar and the row niulil on thp I'rim-p Kporne my of Winnipeg motorist. for pVattlr. He will be awy Wilrkam lioMMoom. accoin. ORMES LIMITED now available from the four or five wrck. p-eaied by hi daughter Mr. local retail V.. IIIImi and K H. Mor. Ilifitiin and her three ehildren. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. P.O. Box 1G0 stores. Iiiiot hav teen appointed dir- Tbp Priuee irtoiyn arrrvpd to. returned from Vancouver on the rlol . of I hr l'rilirr ItupH Oca. 4ny frtHti Vaiewtitor at I:IS Prince Oeorfte loilay. Phones 82, 200 and 134 imI Ho-pilal for llir year by Ihr o'i-Iop. with 145 paMPnawe. Mil THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO RCXALL STORKS Canadian fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. .i..ntril novrrmiM-nl. tioiifira of whom will Up continuing Kat J. ViaVHMtky. who I inter-eted lion to i hie Hfc-i-i Iwiiitt rn'r-ivrel by oiiibl' train. in the traiK-.bipweiil of Ala-kan PRINCE RUPERT t. ihi- board al lat niabt'a berrinz Ikrmuh Ihi port IIK'i'lllg. Rod M.trrhwtn. of Um ftrr dc. for IKp lla.l. return! from Se. imrlnipnt, rp itrnvd to town o altle by the I'rince licorge thi i. Mailinon. rbargrd by I Ik- I'riupp Uaycup Unlay after a fieri Mm. li " KulherUiid with the theft haviiiH pvnt Me boli4ay vWit- "f l arriHItil IhhA, wa dm bie old nonea ui .Nova eotia. Jack lMn, Iteht bpavyweiylii Supreme" Rrand .nii-d in Ihe M court I hi wrest I ins etianroion of the I'ar momma- M. iioiualm. or il Mr. and Mm. J. F. iKilhir. ar-rivpd ifk Cuat. arrived Imlay from iiani. .Men.on A uonialr. p today row SjMelUe enroutc I'ortUnd, Oreaoa. He will wre. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY l'rl for Ikw arauel im Soth to Smiibcre where Mr. Out hip i lie here nest Vedmday nialil i iIbimI rondurlrd bia own proee iiilcrppd in miniatr. He i a with Ad. liu.tavo. Hip Anient me FRESH CqffeF FRESH 1. 1. PRINCE GCORQC AND PRINCE RUPERT will ti Thure. rulloii. pronunrut Ssnllhe' tklfaWihliuir mhltlleweiitht cnamnioii, who i ROASTED ROASTED ' " -tad jMjnday at I.' .i-.k Midnight for twtnion Bay, . . man. vi.itiov Ihe city. Oct)) falle, Powell Rlr, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Mi I Hud- who In lav I Anyoi Wi iliM -. lltim. For Stewart, Saturday. 8 pan. mat her ot nrr a mlMiotiary nseHtnir of tne Intrrp-lrd Mr. and Mr. S. V. Jaeob Why Fresh Roasted? for Ihf Woiurn Miaeltwary So in rnaMra(t thp tfetf kli44y ami Mi II. Slrin and Mi K. 1 1. Is I. I. PflfHCC JOHN rir ai pointa Northern and Southern W an. tr i.iral tttkrr buy hi. .iMtt kf (nD suBib't itirrly hjtlei-n i.-ly of lb- MHlb'Mliel Cnurrn, from U eetfevxlat n Thurtay Younv comprise an tour. nwr at balk mm! Ukr brr.d. pit at iioie or tar aueta't utili Queen CharlotU letands, May IJIh and 27th. June lutli and aftcrniMin hM il party wbirh i iu the city to. il .HHrri nitrht on I will I... In the i.ily ana rikn aMljr T Wc mlthl r in UMleriMlely ak-iHf Jrymti and r.'ii'J .August Sill and tVlb. Sept. IihJ, 1 6 Hi I'rincp HiiMrt fir Vanroovir rn Hall ou Friday ma-Ml H o'clock. day hating arrited on Ihe Pnnre Wly anr Uf balrber tllre bl. avrh quetlluaa, but may uxilll-ly t i oth. iiMitr lo Toronto. M Huri.on prerliwly. tleorye lo o out on tonijilil 4rM herr Ml tM-ua . ibry tre turn evIOanrvr Tb aarr la Train Service train. Mr. Jaroii. i rill far iaiM4 r iHiyiat inem rarb ra I Ihe Mine. 1h aburler will aiMid fofiii' I imp viitlna a Uih-Im-o Unie thai laHte brlaern ItM flat . Paeaenger Dally Eicept Sunday, 8.45 p.m. in (Up eoulh Iwfoip prucrrdhi? Ihe Onnadian I'Miflr eleamer member of parliament. Why M the Wr.l frail .lure ut l.blnr pmre. mnitkNKl uaS de-liter 0Tjinilhrr. prune 0r, lUlmonlen. and WinnlpeK, ljtt. frinraeii Iaiuim-. OejaL A. Staler. aui ru peauU dally la- tu the er Ibe luur MtUtac- ' -ijKjArtfi t i ..nn.ftK'iin fur all ints in Id Urn Canada will arrive from th north at 5 FISH ARRIVALS ttuo vllb lb prudurl. t J Pftftrd Hale. SMi-ial pxrui.ion rale hatr o'clock cly lime I til afternoon. Ground, Ronated and Packed at tha Warehouie of ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME Im-.-ii yranled by I hp lianMian nc ie ackeawlcd lav tWr for Su rkooner marketed v;t.(MMi Agency or all Ocean Slaamahlp Unea National Hallway for l4lor tu Vancouver at 7. pound of halibut at I lie Ki.li STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phone 260. the I'niii'p llupprt hUhlbilion rlxt-hansr thi morning, thp Coffee Importer and Roa.lert PRINCE RUPERT. t roin all lliiti wpI of l'rincp Nork (IvMletJeiieefja will be price be in .lightly his lie r than ltiiHrl fai-p and a third for Ikr brlj iu Metropole IinL Sunday. Hi. i" prevailing yetertlay. i..unit trip in tx'inv alloPil, Iho u)'-'t ti, at II u.m. by I'n.f. The arrival and aleB were a tlnti- of Hi,. aiilu'atioii of tin1 .aik. ritent of the .vrpa. follow: CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY mtiuI ratfn bvlwern Sppipwlpr lau l.urheraii Cliuroti o tjnodda. lieMtorrat, '.' I.IHHI pound, cat in and IH. All St-jndinaviaiie wolcoau. lo.i und to the llootb Fisbcr- . DENTISTRY! B.C. Coast Services - r le U'iUadlull Co. rlppair arr lo Im ptHwtea1 to Mi Caroline HaL a romnerr. Sbertnan. 20.WHI pound al : . i Ihf fl.Mir of I hp hospital kilrtH-u. lal li'rUer on the tif of one IU.3r and 4.5c: Itulh. 70IM) Modern X-RAY Service Sailings from PrinceRupert Ho- tHMnl nain iai nifrni jriv f the lketn.it Hivh Jiok, ie a pound, ut I He and 6c. to Ihe it l hp noup eotuiHiiiPp power loMilb itouud leusr on tltc Canadian Fiea aud Cold Slorane For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway to m-I in t bp nuttlpr. In tliio rincc l.ouie tbi afternoon. Co. DR. BAYNE Auguat 4, 7. 1, 15, 25, and 21. roiuippliou. I'rp.idpnl I . (i Mi Hall Itao been iM4ntf al Hefeuce, I I.IMIW pound, at For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle St.-wart rpfrrri'd lo w unfair Kptchikau with Iter lsir, Mi lO.Je and i-: Filier. IMmu Rooma 4, 5, 6, Helgeraon Block. Phone 10S Auguet 2, 9, 12. 19, 23 and 30. !.I.liu ui by the city council of Ituby Hall. piKiiid. al to 7i- and 6.5.-, to tlie Omce lloura: Morninsa, 9-11. Aftrrnonna, 1:30 5:30; . PRINCESS GEATRICE For Butedale, Swaneon Bay, llo- ttrr of liquor profile tha Allin Filiern-. Evenlnfta. 7.0. Eatt Bella Bella, Ocean Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell whs i-otiiiuu to the hoard. Aid. Kue iUtief and Mr. II. . Mr- lUrtaloin.-. 1 1.lion, hi H.;t- and River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. t'.oilart km v.. uuranre thai tbp lonald and Uieir o rlrtvpl lc, lo the I'aeihe rihei-ie. Ilioiit'V Would b forthoowius i-oiii ike eoutli ott (lie J'riiiee Agency for all Steamship Lines. in-ii wt-pk. vir I lii fie t noon. The Full information frun HOTEL ARRIVALS hipf hae been attaiM the W. 0. ORCHARD, General Agent, onciilkn of Awarteaa Fire Prince Rupert. E. H. SHOCKLEY Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. liief al Su Fruuifo- and Mr. F. Hollaiil and daughter Planing Mllltt Cow Bay. Wharf: Neit Imperial OH Dock. Some Mi Mrllueuibi uik,) Mtu iae Anyos; II. II. ouuy and Mi Phonai 3S3. en viiMtlns with relative at Itulh Vounit. I'orl Sinipmn; C. K. (Hikane. Iloffard, Vancouver. Fin DIMENSION, FINISHING LUMBER, PLANKING AND a. Central. TIMBERS, SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS. K. Pastry Flour Cut Glass Anions the pftfteeusrr ita- lirelrude Willi low. Firl Cabin; Agent for: iiiK Ihrouab the city ii li 1'rin. Jxme lliav. Vanrouver: Robertson A Hacketta Saw Mill. Ltd. if Wlltt ce ' l.oute tin aflnrtiuiHi are John Smith, C. X. It.: C A. J Fyfe Smith a llanlwood. This is Nu t iiiu.Ii ood qurtllly any) of the r. A. II. Zeiglei, of Kelelilkuu. Small. Ili'Kina. M. Manvn. rity: "I.amatco" 3 ply Cottonwood Panelling, tliun a f lirManl arliele. lid Iter iiiireut. Mr. iiikI Mr. Mr. uml Mr. Fi'd liuilowuid, Garland Company, Roofing Paint. ieorjie Windfohr, of HuUimore, I'orl Simpoii. f ami II' ilipap rjure - who are returuiiiir Iioiiip aflpi- Your and Our il look it. illlllH Hi Kelt'btkttU. Ml. Out t'ut iiln- Marp Hkr TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ItetKlei- i to Seallle lioiiitf to re. a ihiitii..nil and liae llm Insurance reie pp trealiio-nt. Guarantee wvislil "f "on. TO HFNT llous, w ii HtlgtTSon Block, Prince Raptrt. Phont 686 Look I'M- '"''I I'ipi'pe. The i-enular nioiilhly iin-i-t nix .n Sermul A. Api.lv Price from $3.00 to 510.00. I ii i u- - w- ttia-ut il of Hie biwuiUI lioartl wu held Dr. E. S. TAIT "in lit in Ho' council eliuiii- ' of Quality Goods John Bulger, ,r I'Imi.p inevi-ul welt l'rei. EM ORRHOIDS Dental Surgeon Yu The Jawaller lent h. tl. titt-wuil. II. U. Mcllac. H ehould tha Daet In "It & K" You hay. tha Hat. get Mr. S lMit 'ti. M. J. McNeill. lo not uft,r lh.r Ur Otixce Itthla. iUMdinc. or rroiruaic Hours, 9. a.m. to tfp.m. Aid. II. A. Mi l .ui. -I Imtu Mac. lll. or ll.morrhaiaa. Na THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. STtATLAST Utnrn. AM r -lUrt V. K. .urilctlopM-.tlo Ooitm.nt UI rHv.MquirwL jwi Dr.t mm CVw"eat Sunday by Appointment tUtlliaoa, in i i fde ami aSriht kuUnr bpmAI t: 0. Bo, 748- Prince Hupert B O. Phone S50. I Major O, I .