wmkn you want a THE NEW TAXI 99 mm Wml YOKOHAMA in Phone a hurry CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HUME llAKr.RY all nr.w CAMS Phone .... 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper III N PIIINCK HI I'EHT H.U, WMiMvHUAY. -MKiUHT 2a. IW22. THUfOi'i Clftslstl Kll atrttl ! Mt PRICK FIVK CKNTH GKE4 T IRISH LEADER LA TEST VICTIM RICHARD MULCAHY TEMPORARILY LEADER OF FREE STATE Michael Collins Assassinated and Mulcahy is Temporarily in 1 STAND FIRM Charge of Affairs in Ireland Died for those Following the Assassination Asking Forgiveness Irlah Proclamation Nationalist Following Iseue '.SM.-iul l Ilaiiy New.. Death of Collin. Itt'llUN. Ana;. iT.i. W ith mi ovation given him by cheering LONDON, Aun. 23. tlioti.aiol in lit city of Cork still ringing in hi ears Michael Who Killed Him; Ireland in Despair Rlchard Mulcahy, chief of Collin. Irelan.l'. hope, head of th provisional governnient and staff of th Nationalise ha romrnandrr of the Free State army, wa hol and killed in am-!l.ih Issued proclamation to the Ity the rtH at Hatufon near lii birtliplare lal nighL army In which he said: I Figliling at the Aide of hi staff of even officers and their LONDON, Aug. 23.- Michael Collint, head of the provisional t FEW YOTES SO FAR "Stand calmly ,to your post, eort again! rehel whu held up hi car on Hi road, Collins then bravely and undaunted ! fell moriallv woumlcd at the rnotncnl when victory over the force o?rnmnt and of the Irish national army, wa shot and Instantly DE VALERA BECOMES TODAY AT ELECTION to your work. Let no cruel of ili-.irW in IrelmiiJ eemd almot within hi grap. As he killed from an ambuth at Bandon, County Cork, lat night, a few CAVALRYMAN IS MORE act ef reprisal blemish your 1 '!ly in the dusl clutching i revol hours after he had been given an ovation by the people of Cork, ELUSIVE THAN EVER Only S2 Ballets Were Raglstared honor. To each of you fade 1 IS STILL LEADER ver Collin raised hi head and 4 Collins' unfinished work." iiiiirmured he for the first time taw the Free Stale hero In the uniform of . to 1:15 Thl Afternoon "Forgive them." They i.mMmi.x. up A mestaqe of condolence t were hi lat word. immanderlnchlef of the army. Collin' death came at a time lie Yali-ra. former leader at Clvio Referendum. ha been received from Heveral attempts had been an ik. Hlsslnstlnn. fif leenol.e. w.i. rnnIHf4.. r rpr nl mt m Lloyd Ceorqe. : The 1111 " .-p. .w. w, " I ' rw w.w v M iiirivv of the Hinn Feiner and provisional made in recent month on hi life CORK, Aug. 23. "Forgive them." These were the last leader of (tie irregular in there a in rti-li ) the j.ill government announced by bomb and rifle shot. When words ef Michael Collint as he lay dying from an assassin's but-lei In-lain! ha become a Mil- ui-.rii.iijt bv propertv holder- that Collin' body would arrive Arthur fSriffith died ten day cavalryman and consequently t.i vote n the lllli School at Dublin tonight. alio Ireland, pining for pear, last night. They were addressed to Major General Oalton. '' In Uinrr elusive repair and lhi Hay Creek BBBBr 'teiSi? f looked to Collin, and the death The assassination occurred between Macroom and Bandon. than ever. All member arid?' bylaw ami Hp s FUEL SITUATION VHK-T' iff'"19 v y of "Mickey" has no plunged Calllni was aeeomDanied bv the member of hi staff and wa f in contingent are Ibi aflernooM Itiere lis. BBBBBBkV A ' aV Ireland into Ihe depths of sorrow vltitJna various military position In the south of Ireland. A large mounted. but Mi volt en'I. Sixlv per-rrni f 'il''.aaaaV. and almost despair. L I I ..... I k.. - b....U..4 vole will be mnnired l VERY SERIOUS I ollin was formerly an extremist nUmOfT Ol irrrjUrs Wfr IM low iniuutnvu ymnj 4 le.inv I...In Tne ftil will c. in the cause against Fng-iand, An armed car accompanying the national army official In !hI I lu evening a Mi I the result but turned round when ha flicted heavy casualties upon the republican. Just a the attack Mill be made known aery hri- Shortage of Coal Will Amount dk '"ivi-red le Valera'n Irreconcilable was beaten off, a bullet struck Collins' skull and he expired DELORME MAY i after. to About One Fourth of attitude was against ee-urin? I'.ly t'.lerk Wnnd, i art inn Year's Production. BBBBBBBBBB ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV united Ireland. in a few minute. The body was brought to Cork thl morning a i viiii miiik officer , wwm Harry ' A P'll.lic Is planne.) sntf transferred to the steamer for conveyance to Dublin. BE QUITE SANE i: Frank Mnrrt. b. Uuweti OTTAWA, Aui. i. Tl.v.fij- Willi full mtlltarrrlnofln ftmajal liub. A national funeral w full military honor will be accorded. H. flamtttnfr jfWliia. HtMltmi t af fir"5er1i '. Mm. The body will He In slate prior to It Interment In Glasne- at ur.'eiii in ralern tina.ia and Chief or Staff nicliard Mulcahy ll effeft will bImi be f-'ll in ef Aavlum Refute to Give PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY teniM)rarily. at least, a cemetery where Griffith was Durteo. Head Ike wel. a4M.rtliHiC l eXM-il W, J, BOWSER i wearing LONDON, Aug. 23. The assassination of Collins wa pre- Certificate of Insanity. wh are iming it Iheir alien,mn ; a', .v I ads l ollln' mantle of reMjnibility, NEXT SPRING MEETS and bis firat art wa censorship mtd In Dublin hv a kind of battle of orooaaanda. both Drovltlorv- J. A. Kill h.i bMM named fuel 'f tty i ..irv.'i MilMHr.AI. ij. .'J. Inler- . f the intimate details of the ..ill roller f.ir I he ..f i.roviiM-e 'lovemment and Irregular advocates posting placard setting h.li..ii .r... eiliua lakrn by death of Collin. Kit tnj. The . . . -M (Miiario and I"" dutira will be to fath the respective aim and claims of their parties. One poster rrmiiw. ..i Mi.-mr.pe iwirmr a ; ,. ,. r,.r r two ee thai eterv Mirt .if Ike pro. FAIR DATES FOR i The slain man was in his early with secretly sending an Hie .rifl l... wa rliarrd with , h.ky Hurtle. Itorn of humble parent (barged the provisional government MBV(,ff ,,,.,f.-..nal mr,. ha oal before Ibm r..l ihe meinier ..f hi half brother I .. v"unty Kerry, he engagel wa mitsary to assassinate De Vetera. A sinister fear that Collins ,,rjj .,-,,.;, wa. tee.e. l,,. weallier H in. Ha- ul and roiiiinillrd lo lb v.hei. .-..a-l ami iimi- DISTRICT GIVEN mm to m,m K,l,y K,e a marked for death pervaded the atmoaphere of the caplUl for Itim will be aff.'led by Mie ail- ' rlM.u.rj . wNifrrrMre.itntiree Controller's Report. m Ue past week. If he had any premonition of the fate that awalu ii...iiHriiioi.l ..f lir iirorim. ii-1 rb, ehampM.n uf tie NalMMial Thi rrawrl of Ikr ItouiiBion ! A iM'Cial session of I lad fuel rHiu-utlr ha lb tallow, It but walked calmly forward, a hand eriMlrnWIif "! III. a)Hiin , 1 r"n" tK,,'n summoned. a Mm, ho did not how . . i.....a ii.... i wnere., . Jt,. . hr my: Provincial Government Depart- tome heroic figure, boy I ah and confident. r-i.trme """, er f I He l'a. ifir (al erir Tke lriie dleJ frueal April ment of Agriculture Announces ; DUBLIN. Aug. 23.- Despatches say It I believed coinn .ivr er1if..Hl-.. thai the inet ;n wni,.,pr ,.ltx ucwful I Ul. All anlltrtuite milte Exhibition Date unable alleini I., m ima : wluiMr f Ihe LABOR ASKS tlr f,mll,8 H i - ' at accompanied by even Free State officer when he wa killed ,r,l,,r were Ibeu vkrwetl uWn a well will WestfMI 4IHMl4 I.IMSUe a Ike UMlouutxl bllumiU'Kia VlCTtrlllA. Aue. '.'J. -The nr. -! from ambuth. Several oldlr are believed to have been killed Hie rrtui.-ale i. roquireti BM( ,H, P,w,t wme in a mine aboiM ew viRcial tov. i nineiil m'j.urlment prvluiiis per or wounded during the attack on Collin' party. Major General thai a truotee ran l a,....nil.-.l baUe fr.. wx,Hd i,,,,. ifc, rent of Hie total ...iljiul uf Mft of Agrieullure announce .l.tle of EXCLUSION Dillon who wa of the party I reported to have been (lightly Injured. i adminialer le..riiie. affair w .avaii in vn null. vxhibiiioM in Northern nrd ti . The .Irei.h.n urlually at iHl(.,M,rr wfcer Ikr iale ulayM The reult i that there i now tral Mrilisb Cl unbiii as fallows: t.. a statement llial IMttnue l r,.Jv 1J4J ilt(uee The ORIENTALS that In I - ' " . W' mer four month' borUt? in Prince iSeorge September t-l. DUBLIN, Aug. 23.- It wa announced thl morning u..1 iitnii.' and t 'aninir n nam-Iht ih-IiI Kerie i btwg UaeJ on the (ir.Hliirliou of aiatbra- Mape September K. year law of the assassination of Michael Collin, the Dail Ereann of ciiiipli.ai...ii. If pro. Hie Pacific Goatl beti there MeltrMe Septemlwr I-.'. . .. cite and an .-gtial period in re- ould be summoned Immediately, the meeting to take place nouiif.'d -Hilt' 1 1 be placed will be no ie in the Hast by tke perl lo ay 6 per rent of Ike Prince Kupert September 12-(6. Trade and Labor Council Goe iiiiiril.-r. trial f"i th.' probably on Saturday of the preent week. ll Usne Ike flatal gaiH get under biluiumouA production. on Record Regarding way. The annual production of att-lliiai-ite (Jwenel Seplemlier ."-ln. Immigration. FIRE DESTROYED in llir pal h beeH Fort taer September li Dr. Sun Yat Sen May Become RAILWAY ROUND BIRTH afferle apart from local Terraao Septentber It. MtlXTHhUL, Aug. 53. The eauM ly the varyuiK eert)' Sinither September 8-22. total exclusion of Orientals from President Of China If The HOUSE AT CORBIN A ton wa bora In Mr. ami of different winter. un( Ute re-ullanl immigration into Canada was Mr. Edward Itaker, i.f ltblai. fluclualloit extr.'iiie IU PREPARING FOR THE endorsed by Ihe Trades and La. iere Street at the (iejitvul II o-pital ha been annual production bor Congress this morning. It Military Leaders Agree FHIiMK Ana ja.-A fire of ou Monday. about 1 1 per rent. CHAUTAUQUA YISIT was also recommended that there tiiikiiuwH oriaui totally dVatroy. Hence it quite clear the he effective supervision and regulation ed tkr rouudtioue and machine EXCHANGE, . fttoppagr. wlin-li will bv five of immigration generally " KIN. ,ig. The i-itli n cabinet aiiiiuiilirM Hut hi of tke Kjislertl HrUiall.Co. ntoutli if the niiate do aut re- Committee In Charge of Local to prevent further unemployment ,11. V..-.. Il.ii.ir i. ultima ll r.iirn in luir tf Sun Yat luuibia llailwav at tA.rbm. II. C Sterling. 1.17 3-H. kuiini work bfore eptHilr I. Arrangement I Becoming aggravation in industrial centres. ' deposed iod of th South China ! "raiiifitl. .rovdd The ratimali'.l damage i (7(1.. I tilled Stales, J-33. cauiiot ooaaikly be overtaken in Active The monetary provision and in npiM-ow. IXHI. Ilomt Komi. 5.I0. tin.,, to meet Ike iietnl of tlal bead tax it wa held were futile i.i Vimii llnnir i frieinllv lul .u lia commit wiiiler. Furlherinore, Tile r.hautauuua committee against ihe influx of Oriental. aurr) Uiat i arMii of the wbitfh has charge of Ih arrangement, . ..ini in I'ekin until h i Ike lrauporlatKH Ui- i... h.u .if t:iiina MftHetl iheir .liffewtc-. Bowser Again is Chosen plie will .be coiu.releU. lie for the visit of the Chautauqua ECONOMIC CONDITIONS to ui lo this city on n..i.i..u i.. ufm miw Mtairorriuir with vie caue normally tiauatla niiHrl a company ,.l ll... ..MUi.u4U nrw l.riaht for lli. eUlililmil l Leader of Conservatives 5 i. cilt. of tin year'. Ui August 30 ami 31 and September IN IRELAND ARE BAD ............. . I'l.llill lift- - " ply im tke month of April Ut, t and ?. are beginning to get bu rVal Keu Im UIHHV4 IMII inr Auyul ineluaiv. Willi the arrangement. It i pro- '"ll".itiirrn Mi r4i.lllMi iwi.ler. iaint tin' llHIIKK'rUlM. In With Stevens Close Second Eitent of Shortage. posa.l tu bave tke ei.terluinnnMit Many BI3 Bualneaa Concern I... a 1.. Hill 1 k Iwiiiu III iiiak.- I.Iiiiki a rfiuii Varying; oiiiniou are hehl a and le-lures in the Kmpress Hardly Able to Continue Ei , "V,HUW7 ::; ui. n m i 1.1 ukm. i to Hie eitent of the U.laifr Tliealre with Mssilly the West- cept foe Support of Bank. I...I si utM'Hiiir inMii"'w u.Me in"'" tiiiiiiiI. VA.N'tJOl'VKM. Aug. 2;i.--V. J. llow.er. Iru.ler of llic Cm ,iiat will 1 cauel by the elo. holme for (lie opening day. .e Ma f(illnd.ael aii.ll - -" trativn ii..ilton in the l.(olature unit furttier Premier, wa nif f the mine uce the first F, J. MuRuire is the ehairmun IH'III.IX. Aug. 53. rave Hha. k.i dial ,.r.iu..t BANKRUPT r-elcltl ieatler uf III (wirly ut I lie Uoim-n alive rntivrntioti lal (Jf April Ul and ih ne U ablq of , the committee with Sidney economic condition exist in the - BOTTOMLEY night. The official vol wua iover, 232; Slevetts, 201; Howe, lo say that Ihe mine will vJ) Hairtt-Jonen, secretary. While west of Ireland owing to (he .iirii.imj riiniaiiiTiit uiki Ub S7. resume work ou th firat f (he committee guaranteeing Ilia phi ley of Ihe destruction of tttmt miit a iiHMiurrli. tiniK Amount of Liabilities T About Ten W'lieii Hi reauU wa announced Ihei were wild rlier. September. All agree Uiat (here, expense of the affair was for properly by Ihe irregular. The Since that Than Aat which were intermptaxl lung ciumijIi to enable the other cuttdi- will b a oouiderabU elwrtuge. merly over thirty, there art collapse of some of the big con 1 - e an almoet eoulait Time Greater dale to iuuv that lit volt) .e made unanimous. and Ilia utiml ear mut ex sllslitly less than that uumlwr eerns ha been only Just averted " iwi.in the ruaellon- Horatio Mr. Howser. in brief uiiurea. exprptHl tn neitcf that the err i.I'd to conserve aulhrueHp uoW rMuaiuiug lu the city. by steady support from the 'I thf imwiernl.t. Kveu- I.llMKlX. Aub. 3. wetl a com cut km l'rMe. a a eupplica for u duiiug the cold One of Ihe feature of tb bank. The farmer have been -..iilli broke away Hmt.ltotumley is a bankrupt m t a...... iv..an unit to tb I'lisiii.-k before it. ninth delay in the aeallng uf the el winter months Chautautiua will he the viatl of unable U. pay Interest on loan a '-'public with the eupi-' a crmtua.. "7 iVe nam- I.iUcral.tim.erva- dekgalea. many refu.lng to pay II must be remembered tbtt "Wic Jamie" Clark, the pipe and banker will bo .impelled lo 4iitoii mi, Hun Yal Heu wuuiki up. .i- .. .,.. , ,tl hv the A muvt t.) aecei.t I he de euate ir the past four winter have been major of Ik fauiou kiltie baud. withdraw support from many. n:i I preaiihmt. Zl!Z VZ'uTtZn .. W- payment wa defeat. very mild and that iibly nxt The business prospect are .iiiineul of China I lliai ... ... i.. ,i..v.. iineil. .r.-Uveuf and of the 577 vote ihleiiute.l wutl.r may the return of Mr. )'. Mill ami .'l.il.l ''-lurneil bad. prices are falling and produce ' n il.'liioeiulir baaed iaud ln . in,uon....m. ...e , ... -.7... . . :..-..:i. tbau Hie I.m1b afler one - , tu ., i i-allllia" lor a uvpoeu w u.c roiivvsiiiuii ... v n iiiiauy I tower lewpeiaLuru ItavQ I.. i'H) is spoiling In the war, " il llriiiali con.tilu-' i wLT a.id cbaiu of by ao(idleei.Uf ."'dtlie uucepted by lb ermleiillala eoui- bee, experienced in Ike peraud bavistg epeul eeveral week in houses because traffk it dis-...-al.-.. I" fait it l nil very y.iol rtUtr l milt. f. i'i . .1 to Vnr 'UV.'i- ' '-1 1'1 1 4f .'..I", racy. tr. bun tli, bankrupt.