I PAQJt four THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday j, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa. VICTORY o: loo bc vrfmue . T I I sneaxeo iri law IF IT VAW FCH NIGHT VITHOOT HER orociN'. IT 1 QHSHACGfEHf j WITHOUT MC V binc. toi riACCISL WAKIN'OP- "THINK tHC WJ2 VCLL- I invEHT COAL BUT I COT to csx SHUT TO WORK Ef$UV THIS MORNIN'SO Sm n . nub . irf iTTrr-rr For Furnaces, Flreplaoe. I'M- HAVE TO WAVE and Store ' HER OP OR 2sHCLL Guaranteed lo be free from fj TH1MK I CHOM'T rock and clinkers. I COME HOME- Almost Bootless and smoke, rr less. Small Inotsture content. $13.00 per ton delivered In sacks. $12.00 per ton delivered In bulk. PACIFIC CARTAGE 121 ev Imtx FutuK Scmvicc, l"C I I Limited Phone 93 I LOCAL BOY SCOUTS iTfMV TIMC WIM -- ASSOCIATION FORMED w " "! Sport Chat j;j Daily News Classified Ads. JUNIUK LMliUh The recent a-nitie "f inan-(i George Rorie Appointed President! a-erK ami porismen In arrange. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdwllMnwnt TWn for La than BOt Metropois Hall at Meeting Last Night. a lioul fr Ja L Ieiiipey. w..rid s Cinched Season's Honors In i'hainin lieavj wpijjIiJ rliainpion FOR SALS MISCELLANEOUS. A tneetmjr of persons interested Game with Dry. Dock Lett has resulteit in a malch beiiiR Tor rent to lodces or sia:Uar in tic formation .f Jocal no. Night Intermediate set heiween llhe ehatnp and Kill SILVER CUP IN .Kill SAI.K-Tiiy or fishhoal, HI.AIii: STKVFNS h j , organizations. rialmn for Prince I in perl if the Games. Hrennaa fur March I". Oilier oi i.er , Ti r A. A . eiiBine, tuner. At Den v Hoy Scout AssiM-iation if (Canada bouts with ItHOiey are atsu in mo.no. ivnny's st.ire, i OFFICE SPACE ''lie Tiny Tims nettled Ifie mit-rlnnr fur Hie runin of etn-iturainfc the wind and one thai is said I" ELKS' CONTEST Tun -37xlOH 3? II.P X. k S. Phone Hbte :m n by 21, he-atcd, suitable for (.r tjir Jiiiii ir UakHb!l the movement in (hi cily was le ma!linns ls thai with Slarry .urine, sj,000.nti. professional man,' for rent. held lael niirhl. in lln Presbyterian f.eaffiie Inehe.! fr the MeMordie this seami.JunV1 and Wills. Thee yl. IIhi, talk of a CrulM-f ICxJl -i H., en FISH Kit MF..V! II FM KM It. Agents for Church,' Canon Jlix presided, and evehlnj: when tliey defentedt the furhl In i:u2land wtlb ' (Jisirpes Ralph Leplne to Give Trophy for n-tne, l.2in.nn. machine and v Norwegian American Line Hie rneetine unanimotia tn Thirty fool general boal, is ojll. r ,j m a ianpcilier. Mu'fcad ehampum. pnroe !ry liwt by llif easy niarphj f the Member Maklngi Most Swedish American Line (he desirability of forming -a local ?l lo 4. I'ertiaps, from a rumnierrial Points at Billiards. i S II.P. Yale, dynam, sloraRs fwir work tn n faction Scandinavian American 4nciu.lion. There is already one standpoint. J&rk has med tint eteelrtr liniit. '8AI.Afl. iainrnn;' ; The H-.orin? was its follows Line. formed in connection fi-xlrtVr. eneral Tjr7 ftA-60- II. p. Faifbanksi Parent Co.. e M troop with treat a irtibJir A silver In lac Tilly Tims V. KTjrin. 2 : P. cup Is (fiven by Oliver Typewriters Hie Pfrshylcrian Oiun-h, under Ittaek. M. Hiindenieli. J. opinion now ecm tn be thaj h Italpll lupine for Ihe laer tret-tmi: enl-lieei eneine. Power! HAIRORCSSINC. ,(hc rharjre of J. A. Ten?, and an is (m zuA for these three ir windlas. Auxiliari. Cary Safes Kelly, 6; 3r Kerfrin. I 3f He larvesi nwiMhrr nf in.irrts ' Under New M other is In course of fonnalion any oilier .aspirants nf the pres. I.oarirers - J tlfJi stern -ir Dry li-k It. Jaeojwn. l. in"a billiard tyurnaiuenl t ln- FIRE INSURANCE under Hie auspices of St. Andrew's, finrvieli, 2: T. FraseK W. en time. This seetos in a Hayed al Ihe Clks' II nine to dV. nte scarw. to II.P. leam .boiler ami 228 Silth St er' to - true and H i wrnsrii wiili tMSHse futHi. May iChurrh. and as doubtless more Lamhie, ?; IS. Ill) the. 3 7. ireaure the club rlMiM.i.nsbii. Ttn n. M. KII.IJAV Pf r.. Uluetl to he hard lo work be ued a and donkey. iwill sprinfr up as the movement Intermediate li'i'mg up cantf League. l.ttimamenl will I'.ioiiociirt- inline. 1 Dybhavn & Hanson ideveliips. il is necessary lo have In Hie Iniemiodiate League .similar interest in a battle as dioJely ami is open lo all luemhcrs M7M. MUSIC. !a central supervisins body to showed itself u July ? last at 3 H.P. Fa Inhanks type stationary Sanies, the Culls defeated the of the order. Third Avenue Isnpervisc ami nominate suitable Klks of ifi and Jersey !ity. iVrtninly il raniin ensrinl. WMh pump two PIANO k. iiy a score t; to The Lsftine cup will h e i le- Prince Rupert, B. C. " "r ' furf' I humlned tMmnils pressure Isehellrky M "r ij 'A 'persons lo art a officer and lo the k'nil.i. ..f 4VdiiM.).ii twice lefore it becomes Ihe won " - . . It t"Il! 1 fUMuitil, til fit'.1 M Til I nnl , Reared up. 2WUo . taken and S'' 1 jftppnint badsre committees of suecessiul iiver- Uie sn, . . . " absolute pepettj of l lie winner, lirtver Pile and 10 H.P. to Mic in ie ' -m.'ib 'ladies and inccause ine laus riwe mmi. donkey pritflemen lo examine iinada. rl lo 15. but the two wins n.-ed n.. bje m ( Hie boy for their various pro-j 'Ihe .eorins f (lie games: mere is mucn iwnirer ti ijirfie tiller eiiccessi.m. eneine, jirni ill. iitfmnwr. I .-fSejm. -: winning Mil lievause they CIIAH P Ht liriency badjrrs. j f,ll4i. Milcheli. It. CIFVI7DQIM7C The would tike lo have the privilege XKtfi iiopes I'aaUsned tiiill: cn. Hand lll.wk. r ui r.al following fliee hearers Smith, 6; 11. Frii.ll,-4 ; V. Mii- UlLi T LillUJ were elected: President. (Jeonrei chetL.fir K. Markiutnsli, lJ 42. f seeiniE Jtempsey in action. As JUMPING CONTESTS liliofj kmsmI, 1 2S.o. I niu-n. 1'n i r ,lorie; vice-president A. VJ Wks E. V. Ilavies 10; S. far as prnsicls are ewncerned 7 II.P. Ouarmdee marine eiicme, BROS. llealy; Secretary, S. ItanUUnni; Hatjtell-J..nes, fif C, Hill, .11. Hmfey has already vanquished AT BANFF CARNIVAL S3&n.no. SYNOPSIS OF Second Street lliem tiefre or if he iau1 done Other Je.ats and enainrs. treasurer. Mward Smith, and Hj Itavblsim. 6; W. 1). Smilh. 2 thai il U atlother likely he will HANFF. Feb. I. -In the professional M. .V. STKPIUiNS. iiivntmupwm 2. was asreed that the office bearers Dealers In alone with (he following (rentle-' S. O. C vs. K. C. if be ever nmnes u ara!til Jmiips at the winter Foil SAI.Ie t-ft. tndler. 9-fL ti. Lniiunui niiiLiiuiuuiii them. Ttie brawny American is carnival here yesterday. Henry men consiitutp Hie executive S.ms of Canada 4i. J-"ltobin-son, $ Mvian ciiu-niitle: Iream, b.p. enviiie. WALLPAPERS till far and away the best Hall, of Iietroii. bolder of the Canon Hix, Itcv. It. It. R. Mclonald, K. Smilh, K. Iloat fully equlpfed and in heavywetehl lener on the pii?IL world's jirofessinual ki Jump Mtelmam ort a st ft (iranl, fScorpe Morrison, 5; T. Ilalvern, If -se-4 ti acre o4 i PAINTS Munpi (Uolary iru bevtin. fi.b.p. Vivian enpme. te bstie iinritsiiA Henay mil mis. record, jumped 1824 feel; Hans ls aa .r H Clgh, It. lnine (KiU JCjC, IVrry 15. cash. "5,Aj.ply T. SeidL "Ci-hac." ' t-rv-vatt-sMi as rvnt f0 O WINDOW GLASS ' s Ibe skill of. slmie but be llanen, of Minneapolis, ?n feel: auil II. L. (ZaniilMll. K n ie-M-s- f-Clu mbn T -M o-i"" eerf Ift4 Mtr. erriawly bas the brawn and uJer ltau?heii. i.f Hruolrn. Caw Jtay. . Iuneds ru.b' granled The fiixfifioii of Irawinr loney. 2; II. Aslwi 2; W. C. 1. 4 i..i. tt . ..-uli. FRAMED and UNFRAMED by up there have been indications (Vdorad... 109 feel. Oliver, 5r W. Iflytbe. t; W. K. ni IIOA'I'S. FnsineA nnd Marine J il-Iiiiks. a vhbrh w mmm 'Milst rJ laws I'lSSKl PICTURES of iUf lcal assorialioij's in the fwst lx iiwnths tu show Clarence Itatl, of Oelroit, made Wharfage for small I'sniwrMilp esiiS 0 21. Ilol.r?e, mi istrtsM ml tsM enr ?(iilan-e was reinilU'd lo the ih.it be has letftti down Ur.y feel winning Hie amateur tmvellliig Jl. Smith refemI the Jujir boats. Nuiirern Hietiaiiye. if arranc Isr 4JrM WINSOR & NEWTON'S executive commitlee. raIe all. II lk"!hal if jumping cmtest. NeU Nelsm, Ilk WM isldsi I.ea?ue fame, C. M. Jtlytbe, Hie a.rum e nnaeisrofiiMi 3 liempsey is lo lie beaten at all Of Hevclsltike, was Second With FOl SAI.lv taii.t' lh, mhii. ctaiM. m the nf between Knisrbls ART SUPPLIES ?ame mast V- IU FIRST MEETING OF IVdumbils and the Sons of Canada be will havejiw do. il himself or tZC, feet. binatioii wrinzer and Hiblaiid. ri.. imi...ninw.ni a '.) SPECIALISTS in SIGN and else boh the.title tut il he is to.. Cheap. Phone HteL 4tn. 2f ealae IIS yt fcr". : and I. F. ItotijUsii, the s.v-ond ina- ai eiaHtvatSva of al lfM HOSPITAL BOARD Id lo defend if. tiefare rrel't Croa 'i HOLD FIVE HUNDRED SHOW CARD WRITING Inlertnediale matrh. . Full SAI.K-On-eaH in d Where rs-e-.eir'W - . Standing of Clubs. lorHlilmn. I'biHee Hed IIS. 27 Mae Ihaa .es aa4 w" Formal Election of Officers; Col. The standing -it the olniw U Mw Phoebe Seukler, who TOURNAMENT AMONG rauts laariMMwie 4 Ul-IWlia imtwwsiwii.1: -"z Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 sent lust in Prince itu-(ierl soiitioer BOARD. c 114 v Irr iiv-.Kl Vice-chairman dale is follows: McMordie, In as and ulnwed tierv her MEMBERS OF ELKS lenswiii anS leaaafet -' Place D. C. McRae Who Senior League ...lUearde aniMMl er Withdrew. V. Ii. I.. Pt. IMiwess as a swirmer and ran-.teisi. rilK new diuiutc nsim at Ihe "rrTr. '. Jrrr,... . 1 iiie- 1.7 aks . c 3 12 as (iiieeii is reiaminK over The Klks will I,..I.! a live hun Inlander is now open. Hoard aSSa M-II W. Man M11 sn4 ' ' " " "1 the Hanff fitter Carnivul this dred loiirnaioent in ihe near future by lh week month. Phone wr. raeUira in make 440 The firsl f Canada.. 3 (l 5 C, or le Box Phone Green 610 organization meelina, Sons r rseue eame will oj week. This popular younc lady's conllned lo members of the 137. tf fell l.re. THIe reo U of the board Intermediate new hospital was t e4 -- "TL ivi. word is law in Ihe trrcal mild.firlmiler only. Announcement Id jhaa esrs ir ji"' f held last evenin-r in the city v. n. BOARD AND '4 aiao per acre fday?rwund of Ui Hoekies and thai effect wns made last nitrhl. ROOMS nanS an4 eolilraie oi'S mi .. 0 0 IK council chamber. Cfdls V I), ti. Stewart at ai ss ; eer- are Mt-sl t W t. 8 he lias itiulesu a pay kingdom A eiHiooitU-e has this lihd oilier rrt'iMHur h.sdi.a , was formally elected president of Sons nf'Cnnada- HOOM and board for two ladies 7V 1 SSenJ the board and Col. S. 1. MrMor- K. of C 3 (I fi over wlileb - tn .rule. Crowds similar events in hand and announcements or peiltieme,,. Ilea Mtliahle. may so SMXhsr .re I'Aluri u from various points on the outside will be made from faria withoui actual iS m lie was chosen Tice.ehairman f'Jks ....:r... 1 0 2 Phone Hlark 711. sn autuKsry leipri.vem :Ui a-atsl instead of J. 0. Mcltae, who Ladles' League are in alteiidanee aiel Ihe time In time as in their projires. reM.ne KtaH.1 led wiihdrew from the office. Major AV. II. I- lls. streets are bedecked with fla.rs HOAIlli uud' neon with private arrartlesl land. S Jlienrjre Oibson was re-elected Jleleors .1 0 1 1 13 making a brilliaul coiilras to BILL BRENNAN MUST ramily for lady. Phone' Hlue title aerea.to 1st KtM)nlrfalred W lsaee afle.as t- ylT i -ieci-elary. Criiiimillees 'will e .Maple Leaf:. 5 I III Ihe carpel tf snow beneath. 3i. i'K ileettal aad lnipromii' -lafc. II 0 Iiree tiTbs 4if. Indians are there NOT FIGHT DEMPSEY Fnr Rraaiiie and ind. iT appointed laler. Telephoni tlWj.. 3 5 FOR RENT artaa eatessiler and in tin- renter of Hanff Ate. The mailer of the ambulance Checkers 0 7 " 'wmI by bur srn 'ir !",', was placed in the hands f M. Junior Coys' line are Indian leiees. The IN NEW YORK STATE TO Itl'NT Ijirpe well furnlsf.iHl unlet Mill, fait-er laMl H or atceedi Indies'i ,f"tZ j, carlel coals nf Mo- .Moiinlies lie nr itt parchased V. I. I.. Pis. .iay 4 McNeill -who has the plans and aud well healed rytnui. Suitable -airmenl oT staianese. specifications and will lake the Tiny Tim n I 12 also lend lo the color of the NF.W YiiftK. I-eh 1 U ilinm fur three gentlemen. Apply Kalural hay laeaitesrf I mailer up with the eity council. Dry I).M-ks t 3 8 scene. Miss Seukler is captain Muldoon. fhuirman of the New Mrs. rmeeion. Cart I on Ite foudiilotial erisflnr ueoa raAds fsiel mar ruri i isj j - .( of the Vancouver Amazons' York lioxinu u litem lletie or one s: ir , Kinx Inwards 0 0 6 0 eommission, bus no. laumnl. Phone 313. L. 0. LARSEN Indies' hockey learn and she and tilled Te Uickard thai Ihe pro. . if maul, mrt r m a ii li ift PAINTER WIRELESS REPORT her retinue' reached Hanff last (Mlsed bout between Jm-k Itempsey I'AOhlt new iiiannKemeuL SI, ric.CMeTonS' rnst oaANTis- 8 ajn. CATARRH n in hi. They will play tuught fur and Hill llrennon ujii not Im Louts itoorna. Mrs.'p. Vnlpy. The icoix of this Art l n?Zr Mtitdm aU Jolu.'V persons IllI. HArtltOR IHoudy. calm, the championship. Uilernled in New York. lliUMHSeress, Hulrss ISJiu per ins Ilk 111 SiieTa . jy barometer, 3(l2; lemjierature. of the Stomach Ilb'knnl later announced thai week and lii. Also furiiiiMl 1 me a wlittH.4-asaaMl hlcn ja-a-emisor the heli ' '. ::); i-a sinnolli. EIGHT YEARS LADIES' WHIST preparations for Ihe bout had bonsekeepins' rooms. i.ir iiim uiMirr ine n i.. . FOR inao lot asve fear lrM1. TORK'S liKAh 1lli:j: POINT Clear. been abandoned us far as he wns FOIl HKNT 'Iliree sw-B isfraoti, aa ionr-."' - ( calm: baromeler, 30JK; temper The noM of tM miuble I he fer- concerned. room.Hl i rsr afler the conclusion ei n44 s and Sisters house near Pioneer ar Tiila jHrtvliee Royal Pythian SELL ature. 21: sea smooth. nienutlon of rnrsl Id ltv lonich which Purple Ijiittulry; nsrauve WOHY ISI.AX0 Cloudy, ralm. riwrat a llul 1 very trrquenUj Were Winners Last Night's ulsn risomiiiir house mi Fmser k... fM. rltlna to lire-e '.,!,B" .. TOVES. baromeler, 30.14 'lemperalure. twlrhrd up. There If iloo a rumblinr of Games. Sliwt. Apjily CrutidUew Hotel. ranpilona due in- pars raourded We br,efrar aoldiera M l J the twU and a dlnebarre ot sat thers-tmtn. tVrir.T. 30: sea smooth. rrirhlnr, and the 28 .r r'fi..'r there I eunaunt " 1 i'"ssseBwsa. ej.assaHaeaseaejaMBieB nwwwii ,ur - .mis' Noon meal are freqiM-iilljr vomlW-d. There la a The Itoytil Purple and J'ylhiau TIMBER SALE X-3CSS. i'O JIKNT Furnished boilse-.keepinu I.ruid.1M.due oa and account bean or paid is""""!:'". ,eS III'M. HAItHOU Clear, calm; burnJnr pain ID.....the ttomacb, the appetlla Sisters were winners of Int suite. 110 taaee on soldier -e 't"u Z n.i.i .h ii wi.a ,nj. nr..i n Sealed tenders will lie Apply Clli r Fred Stork's Hardware rerrlted by the Interest on arreemenli Jm, t barometer, 30.22: temperature, had, ciiilpathw la .eneratly present and!"!"' hlsl trames over VililKler of IjiiiiIs al iriurta imt Idler llmii Avenue l.usl nr Plione Illue town or elly lota held br ,,) t; sea miikhiHi; lt:IS a.m. sjioke do-1 1 no m. AlKll i'W alio ucnekuiis ikmi mi lite vihI ilat nr March, isff rsr Silled rWees. ne detrrnde ,.' indirect Bkcond Avenui the sufferer herunea weak, nenrwia, Hie piurliass r l.li'HH-' X-lSsn. rut St',. , M. or Inrilrect, remitted rr" PHONE B1ACK 114 steamer Caiuosuu entering Mil. irewd and eieeedinrly mhwrabto. respectively,' liie snores in enrh l.illrt.duil feel uf hiirurn. iM.r n. J.v li.tinsnt, to Starch II. Imnk Sound southbound. The llarue ulea un-s aiuiD -iiier. a ..M l,,.!,,., -t n 2. anil Italsaiii. rnsn an area slliialml m tiiirf TO IlK.VT Furnished house- sue.eunCHAStas or cs.0s .....in Tim, nun ' Iwild lrs the bile wtileh li so Deceiwry iiim'i. nanae f. Ciutui ln.lriri. keepiuK 3 IS 1NP Jl J-.AI TIII'.E POINT Cloudy; The slhudiuu' to dale follows: rooms, Second to pnnwile the movement of Die bowels, Three 131 tears will lie .11......i .... Provision made for calm; baromeler, 302; temper, aud wlieu tlx bile eels Into the .blood a P. V. I.. Pis Avenue. 20 Croan crania to sub-puMis" ot the atomach. Valhalln V InrllMT luirllrulars nf I lie Oiler l'uw. Crown Landa. acaolrie inmt uture. UT; sea smoitli. Iwdly disordered eondilion ten I letaria. II, I:., or liieirlel IWe.ier. FOH HF.XT- Modern bouse, f, purvJiaaera who fsllaS W tHOU M,AS I Cloudy, calm, liver aud bowels will surely follow. lloyiil Purple .... 1 r. Prince i-rt. 11. r. P jrrhase. . Inv.jlvlnf fort ""''tt, le M. T. LEE Keep your liver active and you. l" , ,,iui ui.s.... u roiuns mid hulh. Phono Illue fllhusnl of conoltiona or PU'JMe barometer, 30.17; lemperalure, alwaye enj.y tma Jieallh. '"" ' ,r"i" ? LANO ACT. 710. teres! and taiea Where of "r'""SV avhSe fit do claim are not 32: sea smooth'; 11:30 a.m. Mn. Arnea Gallant, neaerve Mines, n. B u- I due and ta Netlce ef Intention te Apply to Lean LsnS i el, purchase prloe ftK Ladies' & Gentlemen's passed In Prince Ilupcrl norlh-bound. riie: -I 'had been a rreat aullerer fur. Itebekahs ;.. U III Sketma Jjilid I.UIrii;!, Iler..rillli ."2.' TO l-FT Apurlini'iils and bouseM be dlelrlbuled pn.is.rtlonsteij'" j,j I elhf year, froru catarrh the atomact, Andrew's. 0 f'c'. .' '"' "lrrl. H. 1:.. aiHl situate In ! Hart. whole area Applloailoiia mu slum Inlet, imtoihI biahl frimi nii.7 ..;. I tf by May L 1130 TAILOR I ina aevenii eo-cauea csisrrH rBiiiuirj r easl aide. Itbout relief until a friend advlied nie Take notice I Imt Cdaar llutnlil r,..,..r BOATS FOR HIRE t V" Uraaln lilt. Act. ire Fit Guaranteed The Canadian ftailway New to irv Miihurn'a Uia-Llver Pills, which: A. II. iiinilory, snpenuiary maiu .M'riipatliiit liianer, InimU to aimlv fnr deveios.i.t vl llvwtock JnduV Y,lf -to next uinnlli will lake over lliej did. and four vials ronipieiely relieved Islrale and pnsHnaster of I'orl eniiii.'n imN: Cwnmeiicinir ica 1 lie at rlli.inr a isl plmited dwcniHii, COMIKO IMIW'N Launch "Nar-belhoiH-eI,ttUi vide., fur arraalns ?MwiST , newstnnds mi "ihe Grand Trunk in- T"1 WM ' rer ,0' ,nd 1 ""rCleiiieuls. who has pejil a furl. tlie serniiii l)irlitf mm ih, ...I.....-1 .. adiotnlau-atlon under Cn'n,dMWrW AnauU craalni Vn'jUM Third Avenue, opposite I. 0, enal side nf khntt Intel, t Inure yu arlmlitsv not oskiliK a4 Pacific tud no return or my oio iroume. in ihe rily sailed you on nutuUra rsnssJerlortir M seamers, 'fl'liis company 11 ni,i,. iiirni-r; wir riiiiiiM raxl. tbelll'e til vial at all dealefi, or mailed K''J !',.HI rlialna north, tlience for a Job, I am ofrerlny 13A Phone fled f,F 4-haiiu y(,u already ba biuiness ''Is return to III.' IsU weti aim tur fai ", (he UlrU iVrecellH or pre by lls;.T. MII-I'llK"' ilaliiliif IU acree im.re ,r v. . a service at reduced prleea, turoi Aesoclatlona rmrtuu 'f.ulT, H'lAli IIArTol.ii uiaut. rree, or on the trains. burn Co., Limiiad, Toronto, Oct. lands, . baled Ptceiuber II,jTHAWPonii.lv. Applicant Phone Hlark 400. fur aattlsia, ratupeia r Is tau bead.