tl ! Cf J.I' ,liy , bi nary TTTB DAIf.T NEWS PAGE FTVlt PHI I LVJ. APPLIES FOR LU LICENSE TO navA. bbbb BUILD DAM Canada's Favorite I Notice Posted on Ground January Pip Tobacco In every home Zam-Buk proves a priceless possession. 1 in Preparation for the It is a-valuable herbal balm and superior to old-style fatty Big Work. ointments, Swiftly and surely Zam-Buk banishes pain, expels poison and disease and grows new healthy skin. tIic Tli n ran by Iniili!fitfl is ap Wherever there is'a cut, burn or scald, a patch of eczema, Tohacco plying for Ihe right li build (lift ringworm or salt rheum, or a case of poisoned sores or new (lain, announcement of which piles,. ZanvBuk'a rich herbal essences speedily soothe and liHfk sen made: before in this heal. You cannot afford to be without Zam-Buk. I in per, nn Falls Creek. Mowing fnlnt 1 r-MtlMP UlMPStMl Afikl.,Mra. ' Zaaa-Bak It ft hkr auai la aiawina Ml am jObserviilory inlet a I Anyox ulMiutj 2 J Elinrtk. M, Vllink a,mm, Vunlrt. MH aa4 aia Mif,aaa,aliN.. 2aaa-bak a kcabag a-avcS arBMarat r: "I'km tuttt4 a mtf Ml Mkl tm4 la IWifio feet upstream from the; HI dmelttf ttnumtmt. trtd Mvirrft tk SBuprrt In Knalaalon. Itr. E. J rriit tluin find tinting a storage feM. A ua,L l 4M-ok Mlk4 kM MelMaak. M. HiaWn m. rlaratitd aar rlly fwtbn 4.MMCtrf lk.1(mm kila "WaS lakial kliakt kaua I aa barfly rapacity nf acre feet and ipp4 lk ntki,. im c all pMMawa aad aaaat lk haad aa4 lata Ikraack ika kwltet ami Bcaletf my Ug F-nclly." a,ackiaa raaloriiag. Aflcf i,a I In batatlal CANADIAN SCOTTISH Hooding about ?" acre of land, tk karaa ,f- soil kal ao J weal la a aiarc ana) imuernieii vv in ouppuri. announced" tr-Chlw- Jp DkMH, Id.W D. al aw Zaa-Sak Tkia caalad tka baraiag II i llml I! wort l.8.KnlSl I flrtirJl4.f.S A..TilM aoa aaa aaa aaick aalM-f. Aflar a .week a RETURNING TO COAST on '.III darn will nof commence 'I!r little ktrl'k skin 4iw m Ik I,M a4 Mml ' 2aaauk vaatMant ati coald ftcarcriy t,ll : wkare tk iNjarwa kaal ka, a lalrwaM a Efforts to Develop this for several months yet, as the 49tf tr,twiif. TW itwt mrltm Ik- k'aMtif mt iu Suk HUM lk1lcWfi Iriilaium mmd ! AFTER MAIDEN TRIP (snow is still ileen and the i.rt. .l,lmtMW4ilMMtMkUMkiUUh 4-Th",f SlaW.aalaan. lira. i lrraiM wlk Xmm-Bmm urn n IM Fraak SW. Irala. SDS.Tkoaiaaan Si. Wiami. Porf fnr Kvnnif RllCiniCC liminaric. such u procuring u lfM aftf tfce r rfi,ete." aa "Allf a aaf'a mt ml isgar 1 aarfa araaaae kaial a4 awallca anat waai a kiaa 1 "II IVJI LiApUll JLIUSlllCoa Eddie Craggs Coming to Prince license have not yet been com-" Frost-Blta anal CII-SP. Mia aalaar. 'I k aia at inlanaa. )S men paalliaaa M .. ITM. Maac 9t Moanrral. wtiira kavaaarriif;anyrfaaakiet-uvlaar tat aaa aoaa Rupert for Visit and May Be .Il ! Willi. ' A Urn iwiih mt am ukUIi Tmf kitw iia lhl. Ikraaauaklr aabalawa ika Ikiakkua Thf Vorlhrrn It. (J. Tiiiibcrnieii' Asmm-ihIiou, at ils annual ( .... w . PA .. j Men looking for employment a Alikk ik mm I M m k-al dtnmrt aTaiarathr.HntMit Zrf I tul4 wiamr m aaa aaia.iaiaaBaaalicm klarr aafbak aad kala4 atrew tka aat aar laia aarf of a ccltjr" iiiK hi'M I'-1' PVCiiiHB ill llii" rily police court, wont nn record should not pn Ik llranl.y ippclinti ki,aatajlurkvaalr'rr Winds Ma. kmm.t fttlJ3.m.llktmiitfmA4tiTt. w,,rk U.Im jol. moronic tlx rriiH"( lor tlx' ilewlnpiiieiil of the port of I II.' T'rini - Hi rt l.uill Omu-1'" ,.l pnnl . .....I ii. v..-ii. ......u.. i.r .La , i... .,.1 dian floermucnl Meivliaul Ma- ., ........ Hi' I o- -j steamer (Uinadiait Si-ollioh i Pam-Buk jrine ELKS DANCE 3EST mi ill ilelcKalioii to t!' Dominion. iiiicnimrnl nl Ollnwn nl line nn week in uncoil vrr lroni ii-H dale. Kiecinl i lie lissncintiiui In ImeL up the re-' .ulrlnia with a carpo of miyar ATTENDED YET OF tor n lumber itcnilily wharf hero, (lie inauguration of and fruit. Her arrival will he of n illr shipping, lliroiiffli lhi port and the rediiclion of iulerenl here, for on hoard Hie SIMILAR EVENTS RE! aUalWa tMa aaaar aaa- aailm la. ataaaa aaa tka aata-aa la.,Taaaaka. mm mmH fmfrm Sanaa- gi r.ic. IhiI ax n dody il lb supports all tin- ulhor reipict veon'l tire n'versil I'rince Htipcrt . tunfii, a inemiicr or mm1 llieiu The bewl attended and oneif vr ululed lliut it wn I m local HKurMiiation. Ijl.lie Craa-pc, It in underxloiHl, the mo enjoyable dance of the -n i In would IIP III IMIItWIt II wm nl mi dirid'd lo ki-p in will he hack here for n tixil at the Mann o far was h-'ld lat eve i nir (li dlvntioii wn tmirh with Ho waste -ilualldii liy end of Hie week and he may he ning in Ihe Klk' Home under the Teh Years Ago Phone 66 P. 0. Box 743 ;!iil In- offornl In rrprr-n vcliinst wnlcii from llic II. :. accompanied hyIlil llnh. I tot h nupiccK of the I.ndic of the in Princa Rupert -.'ii-uii mn. Il wilt iir- LuunfTf' .nrialion. I In- II. C. were olTered pimllinn when .ill llnyal I'urple. The 11 k- Hand JAMES HUNTER ty Il'-olVI-d tlllll ll lW Tinilicrmi'n'n and sliinslrmrn' Allnlralia, hut decided to relurn provided the iiuinic. with Minx ut ii. ii-yuif and il win Aorlutiori and llii- Mountain thin time anyvrny. 'iliey hail n Curl in and (!lair liirkenon pl.T-ins February 1, 1912. GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND CAR BODY . llml any oIIkt l.iiiiilifriiiiMiV .Hialion. , (treat .time while in fydney and during Hie early part of the The launch Viking. IhiiiihI frtim BUILDER r i h a tiicialloii who Work of Yoar. found Hint their heimr memieri evening. fJeorjrc Kritzell wn Ketchiknn i I'rtnce Itupcrt, has Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Ruggles Trucks tlmr of the l-'.lk I.iHlee of prenl iaaler of ceremonies. been missing for fifteen day and n Ottnwit at tli' Spakinp of I In- work of tliV Terms can be arranged for purchasers. senrch is instiltiteil from . . "denlial and mii-' i.iriiitliiii for lliii year ItliM. K. lMnelt. Half n n hour before midnight a l. tie rrprrio'nl Hie orgnn- 1 1'. Duliy. prcnidrnl. hIrIinI llial Ilajipv Itilcliic. who nile. from flipper wu fi-m-d on impromptu both ports, j First Avenue and Cow Bay M' llanfn i lo rv lli ortraniziilion had iM-cn ralli- here Willi Hie Si-ollili has lieenilalden net on the main llonry an Prince Rupert, B. C. The annual consrcsrafioiin! : iiir local noHa- I'-i iinrorliinalr In liavins or- trnnnferred in Hnollier veiet active primp of. cpiirk clianjre j meelin of the I'resbyteriar unit lo' inlorinnllnn will l.r Kanifft Jul Ik fore i In- ulump in which tin- iimie in South Africa. arlifttn M-llinsr the tnhli anil bav Church was held last night. Mur Jed nil ill'1 irtrmliwff. lniiuc in lh north had come. in? excrylhln? ready in Miiiii-lliinf ing l!Mi llieo.iint or 5K9l) had .1. u if ihf mwiI for an A few inliTiti'd had krpl il like two minulCH. "CHILD THOU GAYEST m been raied. I'raise tif the wirrk : v (mrf. V. K. NWIHiiiu. ali. Imwitcr, and rlft imi The Indies in charge of the Nanaimo-Wellington ff AT of Hev. lr V. Kerr and lleaconess if (he aoclalinn. maiil nr n"cniiic jfiMd apuin no doubl MP" AT. WFTHni MF ,lsu' '' wore p" FrUsrll. Mrs, Sutherland wa cxpressAl. The ii ii jMiiicm me neievniion all jipTalorn in Hie diirirl .uu...wu.aU William Iteid, Mrs. !ay. Mr. AT REDUCED PRICES laiXaU Ixtartt of managers for the year i t;:.i u prepared lo nulinill rt would h tilnd lo co ii ii in und Spencer, Mrs. IHhh. Mrs. Atkins as followstJ. II. Thompson, J.AV. LASTS LONGER WORE HEAT BETTER SERVICE Stirring Drama Shown In Plcturevand inrdi Hie eolimaled hnrc Hie Iwncfiln und Hie cx- ,hc nWrs or the lloyal ' McKinley. I.. V. I'atmore, F. O. AValch -voup monthly bill- and you inUst admit t k miini"n inn i-"iimi prnes. Tonight With Startling iMirplc. T Iiawsnn. A, M. Man-inn, K. Stork. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON Is the Cheapest and Best. r mirh i wharf were lie rcporled Hint at I lie pre-einl Climax. It was announced at night 0. It. Naden and II. C. Stuart. 'ailil and the .liip tinMi?lil lime lliere wmm coimiderahle lhat a public installatiort nf the ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD.. Hi rolnpany alone.- mitaMiviiy in lln exporL bulnH in The irhild Thou flavest Me." officem if the Klk would take Hip Orient und I here wii jillifi lifeh will l.c nhow it nl the on Ihekecond Wednesday of Phones 116 and 564 ration for Inyin? particular holme Theatre tonight, sets forth this month at which the members The Man in Hie Mood ec Jiinl now fin Hie need for (u ii logical ami inieresting man fiind Iheir wives will be invited to SAYS:- - a ei llial the iWeao- ocean iraniorlllon fnrililicii ner 'he complication which nris be present, and also the Ladies ofj from llii port, lie had lately from a marriage Milcmnjj-cd the lloial I'urple. ii4iu and their oiii- rcrrived a letter from Tnkio re without the grmiin knowing that WHY should .1. W dell. Karris! DENTISTRY il .- nMr.,.Ml i ...ill- ...n pontine the eilualion and poi- hi bride lias a child. The girl TERRACE have been given a nruy- i- rugj he had on hi. . leaving the ii.ier Matter of Royalties lillitle and repliid m-i herself doe not know llial Hie iinient rionL neglect your teeth. One decayed or missing tooth (!' ,f rovaTties wn1'"? iiir Titrimi fcino oi uiii- i: UlU child is still .alive until after the nl Hie inetjlnJ nwi atmj? llial Miey rmld weililinu, Hdllion, for sufllcienl il. li. Sparkes and bride re AN'UTHKn reparnl ion jiropos-ul lowers your vitatltyl doubtless 1m- made I..-mnrrow wjtl ..f lieliiuine KUppiiiHi in any ii.riii nno turned on Saturday from a opinion Hie iim reason, she refuses Ui ii-veul ni liueiH of com- Ullnienin. ..If T t pollile, identity nf its f cider. honeymoon spent iir i'rihee llu- week. andaa few iiion- next DR. BAYNE I. .i i. Hii.... .i..ri and accorded clinraee liv llie.i11 ior' ifiimitM'iii" -Miiniriii pcrl, were a warm iv Hill, before (he echo of I hi) Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 .in lU'.'O condilinn nllr Kpetnilcallon nun more e. wiiMinc march has dnil out. the reception. ,:. WHAT about going to the Olfice Hours: Mornings, 9-12; Afternoons, tin had hecn aWcl IrtiU hut i qi fan lo llie lmiue. r basketball couple tjre cktrnnged, hut are on I'riday .On of them lie U. K. Obnildler. edilnr of the Evenings, 7-9. u: il.- ileit in lake the mat- rct-cipl compelled In Ihe iiiNlhc ame nigblf . llie Terrace News i absent from " ' Miithorilie. would endeavnr to put buy-em li Hie house. TTi' nan Is filled wllh Mi William- ihoiijrlit Hint the In touch with any mippiy in unlipalliy for hi wife's win and, town nn biiKiiiess. 1 AMUMi tbejlifngs thai won t jnie Kimuia lie iixeu on me the di!rfrl. Mr. Willlnn'iM ri. feeling that he Iihs liecn trirked gel yon anywhere i wondering FAULTY MATERIALS ' li IHirled Hull lie had rcrjii'd u Mrs. Spariies relurnoil on Kat- his ni they were al the and cheulwt, devotes his life In a when llie Chcckfr's are going In ii The bail of IU20. when niiiiitnr Hl'er and hud taken search for the falln-r of the child urday's train from I'rince lluperl win the girls' jiaskclball cup. LINEN DISCOLORJHE EDSON COAL where .he has been in the hos. a a rrn men lino oioiii'T "iiini.!. !... U iif ftn obsesKion with him that i Wiii-h liitle. utioil 1)1 HO in iew in uie slnitnalion of pilalk TIIK Klks say me of the things t:rf rour yarn henco whenHie luiiiieM in the north during rasts -uspirion upon every man . w w Hint won't get you anywhere is Canadian St?am Laundry Congratulated COMPANY slightest friend who Mhnws the Upon Knowledge I-'. C. Iliihop, manager of the Wondering if Ihey'ure to win Hi jiiIik uonlil Im hjwk nl i ik nat year, me unocianon lie- bis In .of Corner 2nd Ave.. And 7th SL ship for wife. fa' jealous Laundry Supplies. Skeena lliver lin-operalive, left ' "al asnm. There would, elded mil In iiulMiilo cfferl Hie Hie senior trophy. lie fires his best friend ne no chanite for four amieimiiienlii on output a war. rage upon on Thursday for Vancouver nn a. a fiiscolored linen is a source' one night, only to learn later the busins trip. OM 1-71 It INI 5 i'lse (bat won't and there ncenicd to he provided for in Hie constitution. a oT much annoyuiye lo may pen- real 'identity r the oh j erf or his . , . get yon anj-w-liere men in cold Coal iv in tnklnn it up nl The financial Maiemeui presented pie who lii-nd their gashing out Best search revelation thai jnlly weather is In shave. Secretary Mi4s Weatherhead and, .Miss forgetting 1 nrrcni tinm. for llllfl by tn Jie' laillldered. i vindicales his wife und brings'him Kellier of t'sl, the week. '. ai ui.i ,lohn Willinaii, of Uek, Williams howel llial Hie ao-clnliiui spent This discoloration is Ihe re- PlIltllAPS there i.-, another In renliie how unjust ha J been' bis end in town. haliuice "OKlii op average of. five year hod h poi cnnlll Irentnient of tier. The frlcndV Uitiiff' llial won't get you anywhere! (jlill nr faulty nialcrials nr; at 1 i' hlinuld lie Ktruck and In the hank and there were I& uietliods. Happily, our patrons i enrolled. woiiikU proved be slight, and the Mrs. I'owlijr returned on Sat jind that is believing all it. nrit of this incmherH I coiojilain serines m made every year. ends in- nsioiicilial ion and ymi .liear about gold mines,, Lowest Prices story I Mini, of llnyal M.IH". Klcction of officern for (lie urday from -prince- lluperl. .-iy. defect in laundry, service. ' "ai Hie matter would year tOl'V renullei a follown: happiness. -'-. JIIWt.NKf'H became very sick. ;;' Hie following reply in our fan nn richlcd for there Honorary ireMideni, lion. I. n. The climax 1 a startlingly Cnpluin (illhurct sustained wetiJtii the hospital and nlmost riiouiry regarding hls cnndilion ' ulcrahln nirlfatliiii nn in iMIIittlo. Mlnilcr of l.andx. uoxe.t and original ending. There Hie loss of hU hiire which i became, n corpse but theryFU may Jiulicatc Uin reason our na- Order Now! Phone; 58 ( -niUi und the Induiiriitl I'rcxideiit, M. I'. Inihy. is ii shock io hnl ii biisbund and Iriokn tln-ougbV Hie ire- while now(sligfit yuiekening ..T1Ii" iripns have no com plninlH on wife when enlightenment comes. crossing Ihfl river tit ''Little '.ti Viec.preiileiif, Olnf llanaen. 'fi"riflii l'tls score, Wan w'orkinir on il. pulse-and (lie funeral w-ill A Secrc 1 re W. K. making a dramatic situation of you. s lear Sir: n1 .if hZf and if.2? i iuw a ry-trennti r, ably lie avoided. uncommon torce and power. We., are referring your lol- NiKht Phones J. G; Steen. 371 uu .tlin cnaul und !? Willlmn., W LungwiU. UlueiTTO ' "he hiterior. Kvculii J. It. Slorpnn. H. Mr. Cameron, representing the LOOKlNa for a drink ii litis jer of Jan.uu,ry I2lh direct fo Dmy Phone S Forestry Protection. i;. Allen (llojnl Mill), John Thomas lien? Oucen Ohnr-olle nnuglilnn oil. Jnteresjs, visited town is something like I.inking Ur. Shupp, Mellon Institute, Allen .wan HPlecled n Ihe Wllfmiin (Uk), Allien Moore Islund llidiun ugi-ul. sailed I'errace this week. for hay in it hnysiuek. Pittsburg, . and you will bear STEENSLONGWILL las) night the I'rince John for him. "I'fiitatlvn of flie unaneintiun (KwiuiKon Hay), fieonte Hover fr.Vn ' 'nd die nieclliiK f ho AiiMliury), A. Y. Vllon Skldegale where In- will preside At I'riday. evening ('uninuin I Ot-'ITI'- agree with Hie enrre-pomenl imir letter uliows tliat you i Sheet Metal Works wpry lrntccHon Committee (Itemii. .1. .1. Mr.Velir (Tclkwu .1 nl Ihn annual elecuou of Hie ity Club meeting, Hev. i.l. ). who suggests that Ibis ihoroiigby appreciate the importance Agent for McCIary Kurnciei unlive council n tin' village Young gave un illustruleil int- of knowledge of lll'li Ik In hi. l.-lfl I.. V-UI,o-lii fieorire Utile (terrace-, "no is no weather for silk (lockings. a auid itirss onimiiv of the moM im- the supplies used in launder SavnlUiry '""in Hie hud week In officers. H Batting Engineer Mi Hirtnut cities nf the worlit. ing. Allen will again prenn 6tb Street and Krar Strtwt PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 1,11 WOti MONTH. Ypu are to bo congratulated i Mnjj the mailer nf WEATHER Prince Rupert ... U.C '''i',,nm Mis,, t:. Marsh relumed on oil this fact, because there is nf foriinlry protection write f(r m, lorn, mule The weather returns as taken Saturday from I'rince Ituperl. Wednesday. 1'ebruary Jin single item connected with ''"" nmre eiiminhlc wild Hie i... ii... laaa-ikl Mclriirolngisl. il. (I. You can't llljfb-- a:Sl a.m., 1 9.5 feel. the laundering process thai ihe iimutli t .lunu-, P. Phlllipson nf Prinoe rnw - I3;55- p.m., IK.ll feet. has any greater importance CHARTERED. ACCOUNTANTS' AND 111 AiMilion lo IliU he Crewe, ror feel go eood ' -n 1.1.. ... : ii.....j . perf vlslteil rerraiM tills worn. ,w I;il3 .tt.m, 7.3 feel. than Ibis. In fact, Hiern are AUDITORS mm nti nill 1 1, iminiii. ii ry nre as louowe. but what Nl , 2:1' feet. -Thursday, wliil flilnk that it s the S5 pJU.. many "HiorilK-H on .and office Ihe nuit. Muxlnitim IciiijM-rnture, k. a. i .ill ..T. mm vaa RORIE & SMALL '"" 'T .Mrs. K."r.aZele ene,tained at February-- 2, most important subject for Ihe mytt lind llie 1 SI It. 'incr y icudjuwlmenl leinperaluro. 15 on a musical evening on l-'ridny. lliglc 1:35 a.m., .19.2 TeeL Inuudryuwner to underslund. RaaUant Pert iiiaHerM the Minluiuni oouceniiUB " ' I (aUt? p.m., I7.l cel. Yours sincerely. EOPiaK RORIE. CJI. r nl Ihurier in Hie. 3IIIII. " nriii hunlniMn The Hev. Mr. Parsons (eft'on ,.ow--IO:tl m.uv 7.0 reel. LAUNIMIYOWN KHS- XATIOX- City Auditor for rrmca hurrt McaiTj 3t.5. Tin. ,. Balurdiiy for llneon wiiere he 2Si4R p.m., (1. feet. AL 'ASSOCIATION. AiiltiArtti-d Truata la Builrupirjr i,civriii.v I ed nnlnrall, .7S. faftaaM Aaeial I untrue the i-:.i.... I.-..I ... 1 Youc linen in worthy nf Ihn Aunif " la lo preach ur open injr. services rnuan ail-. H.i' w. ' in Hie , ,0. Lihubriv Rdldlers in Ihe new rhitrthvtherw. Hijfb . a Tl K.v ai.iii.a... 18.9 feel-in.- beU ireafinenl. MAY WU SIIHVU Financial lnaalljallena RaporU, LlnuUatlana, Aaal(aanaU "U'l, of b Wheeler, ; KhinKlemeir Ahsiu J. J'. : feet. YOU n M-iuciinB Kell'leinenl Hoard, mVM IuhI cvi 17:27, Fadaaal BuIIKIki, eflnae Nar. '"ms. Miut IUt or John for The Aliases Allan, nf ftyiit l.nw- -I I r30 iv.m., 7.9 reel. CkXADIAN SIKAM LAIJflV 7 Bat swv I'rince, lit" price, n, varhition ulng mi Mllle. spent the week-ond bore. 2-j-'JH p.m.. 1,0 feet. Phone 8. (advt )' '"nialied to i U member of Kkidcgute.