PAflE TWO tiir n.n.Y NEWS FiWy, e rai . IM The Daily News GENERAL CURRIE COLEMAN COX pniNcn nupRivr - unman Columbia PLAYER S Publhhed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the. Prince WILL BE HEARD COLLECTION Itupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. He and W. C. CuMng, of Mon-treat, Valuable Thought and Saying NAVY CUT to Be Visiting Speaker Qathtred at'Odd Tim SUBSCRIPTION RATES: at Banquet Tomorrow City Delivery, by mail of rarrier. per month $1.00 Night. By mail to all parts of Ihe llrituh Empire am) the United State, I Odeman ln Wl a hobby all CIGARETTES his own. He a roller lor lent In advance, ,f per year (6.00 ilencral ir Arthur Cwrrie.I A a-i a -. M.. To all other rounlries. in advance, per year .v , . . 7.60!j..esMenl r 4f Mrl.,1. I ,mee.y l'"'," " T" " L .Iltmnn.!. ml former roinniantrr-iii-chff, ,, J ' , TELEPHONE 9S of t immMma i-'"i'-- mien nm.w tt t Joting down aH Ihe odd l-iiree i in 'Cmnw. and V m ( Transient Display Advertising ft.40 per inch per Insertion Otshlng, prominent Montr! r Hnsent ayin he iwnrd an I lYansient Advertising o?i Pront Page, ............ SSfQ per Inch liquidator and lrulee... wilt Iw tlese ho labnlatei nrxl (ndeveil. Local Header, per insertion 2ftc. ner line Ihe Iiil lnr sneaker mi the fth One itay he wm eHe. on for an uiassuien Anveriiing. per inertion. . 2c per wont 'dinner which i lo he li'iidrre,! hy aildre. and he ,eleee. a few f Legal Notice, each insertion . . ?..trc per agate in!,nr r,, ant Hoard ,f Trade in the l.nulile.i lliiiut in to roller! fcn ami save them l Ihe Contract Rate me .Montreal an. on Atipliratinn. iioara ..r irniie All advertising should lie in The Daily New Ortlee on day pre- !'"'""l"" nnrt in the Onteal dlenee. !ueh an nthit1ah re-eertNMl ceding publication. All advertising receiveti subject to approval. H"M morrow evening:. K. did he get llMtltlaler re. tiihhons. acting chairman .of the wle a lairge miMrtVr of Ihetu ami Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Itoanl of Tratle entertainment ullibe llieiM m boo let fmi' commit lee. rereixett a telegram ami the ne of (hi tMklet ha DAILY EDITION Tt-KrMay. Seittcniher 19 from the Mini a lo lhi effeei run into hnmlred ol tlnnaml. lal Mailt. Mayor Nweter and Here are a few- f the hriahl Possible War Krwl Siork. M P mil ! ihr bical thfoia-hl a given at the llntar M.Ink y-4erday r Amevtenn oi- Situation Difficult. ul VVnVefWd: It i difficult In rotnment iw the war situation, especially TRADE ASSOCIATIONS You ean'l hn lUmrWteMee ami the later new often tfutnge th tmplexWi of affair. At the tle.eei with Profanity ami Vnl time rtf writing, however, il seem a if it would ! impoitde arMy. George Hounham Addced Rotary f cnsir.e ymtt doesn't rua to avoid a conflict. Club Yetttrday 'on In-tretlna hi hMine right. Ifobaldr It Should there fc war. of riHire (Saif.vlft will hear her part. Subject. wnhl fire yon if he dM. The Terrible Turk wimbl be unbearable if he should be vtctnrion When the ho yw nbal on lhi.ocentun. In the present fnlne, however, it t hardl The Kic ami !'i-liinni of jki think alHiMt mnllee. IHI hHn Tr4e Aoriation ihe wtiat Nt think, ami not wii to be Mippoel that Ouiwla will look on this a a war where site i erl of an aiWrf. givm y Tin llilnk he tbtnl. fighting for her exigence and where it will be necessary t rmi-script terdny at the Kotary t'.luh lunch, Vnnther giiHd thing abont tell. men. Sneh action should never be Inke-n cxeepl In defence mm hr fienrwe Nouaitam. oman. in Ibe truth ym dAn'l have of the country again! invader r posihle invader. At Heh iter for 'f fce Retail McrriianU' lo remenUiee what you . Greatest Value in (he time every man should be eWH.elled Id help defend the cintry orlation of Canada. He UM Many manufacturing eoneern sreale pmfit come from by. " r " " m" '" I'nvnegr. in a ,.ni,, i,mBiM .d f iilr rinluet. HlHplnyee. ynnr hy-prn. iiriiin country earn wili il mny privilege and the duty of aim. au.t hieet and chariiie tori i ynur idle Ohp Wtuit pr defending the country pi. with rl 'and unireateid thai huin- and fit are yon getting out nf it profiionat men had nMittbonn If you dave an thing In ay Position' Of Canada I to ociHy which had nmn a) it. and with a few wiied as ' JUO-tI.75 Is Much Discussed rapidly rHonied. tilde. Tint i what Abraham rri ... ... Mr. H'Htaham iiBVlc,t that if l.ineHn i ne poMiHin oi iMia imwy i ,eing mueh dteued. Of did. and the rtd nll huaiiica rail.-.) fur any alleniion rmeidier ami rejwat what he cm,Iir',hfre are many wlm condemn the Government for not all Ml ! Ihe dl-'rihulillB tiiiu. aid. once announcing that we are ready to fight. On the other hand nere.r lo Midy the The ysnmg telinw wbn ha a mere are jm-i a many, if not morp, who look more calmly at the I,, ,e rnffe and iliMihHMt hreai,fal situation and agree with the action taken by Ihe Dominnm jmnUv neeflu nf the ."nplr. If there diwn town, an anocltair lunch. .......l ..1 i. . ., .. . ... "i "i -ii -won ami eal a deliealeendinncrout ,rrilu-, WHrn ,,., omriM-auy urmami Midmi- !w.rV 4enaii4. od it ion of the whole eae to the league of Nation. The difrienlty the invent method of .tutrihn. tr f the iaMr eveoni.hagA wtien nine he tltnea get mil liooie of Ten Years Ago Canadian National Railways wiin Mien tjelay i tbat in the menntime the enemy i entrench-r"T ',,ng ,im ' en ha inarrfnl. nam fool girl In P'ne Ruprt tllK himself. The I ire.cut i-i.ili,ii nm.l I.. . 'he-n wilhotil .tandard either he SI-J III itffl herane, wa a goiMl daneer. ol, il would ffm, ainLllritaiti i being left lo do It alone without nrM(ei,nal Mr. ttoiisham or elhieal.aUo udd ( Ihe Yn re ndt itn"e, fr wr ptmr 22. 112. Prince Rupert even the help of her former allie, and without a single man detail Merrhant Aoeiatinn f nntil yon put n a mle. Their Itnyal lligliue.e.. ibe from Ihe Dominion!'. Jever hear or a fellow; worktna Duke am) Due be.. ..f i.nuaugbl Oanada which wa organiie for the iiro.e of reviving Ihe a mnH salary crushing am Prim-e. Pain. ia and siafl DRYDOCK Right To Search tatiiaiiU "f tin' .li-till.ut in jr iHttan heart and IxMng ue. for will arrive in llir rity i..(M..r. I rear li of prom He? row on Hie Prince.. Alice un an On The High Seas. lllJallK'. When a man is ehaing the al. official The eily i mak AND The I'nited Stale m claiming Ihe right lo en h HritMi w uoghtr dollar he forget there i ing every tcearatbn o aeerd other veel Hearing her cita.t lo find out if they are rum run RECEPTION GIVEN r. !. ami when he I ehaing I hem a royal wcbMMiie. SHIPYARD tiers that intend to Kind their cargoes illegally on the United BYMRS.MUNRO FOR women lie furzet there i a devil I Stale roaL Ai St. Andrew Kpico,! Church this evening. Ilev. . K 1 Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ten floating Dry 0ci NEW MANAGER'S WIFE In IKI2 the United Stales declared war again! Hritam be-cau.e Iht Man ifl Ihe Moen lot. nreliemUry of ji. Paul! tnglneer. Machinist, Boilermaker, Blacksmiths, Fttuea Itritain claimed the right lo search American veel in time iL-ilhedral, Uimlan. will preach makers founder. Woodworker, EM. of war to discover if 1here On Hundred Quasi at were decried HritMi eameu Anyoi SAYSe. There is no urirelion that the Iireent Aniiriaii rluim v ,11 Social Event on Wednesday II. S. Clement . M. I. return. Electric and Acetylenr Welding. lead to international comilicaliim for any dipule of that kiml j ANYO.X. Se.l. 2J. Mr. II. 8. IF y..u wi,h I., get a reiiula e io.y froni a lri nto ihe' rn iw eiueu i.y an tribunal. It i. however, an interesting Monroe, wife of general manager n ii'iii .ior a i. ue orooliel tell" I lie interior as far as llairlion. j Our plant la equipped to handle all kind ef oiliialHin and one that may lend to ill feeling if not there . fare-fully l-nrfde ntertained on Veinelay after. likely In he run. Work handled. Marine and Commercial MHin in honor f Mr. Iiwrere II hierable ram in Prince lliipert While we strongly sympalhlie with the United Slate in her tin winter. effort iii. wife of the new aitanl PHONES 43 AND JI8 to vrevcHt illegal ini.rtalion of liquor there are genernl general manager. teeding Dr. principle which are much more important than that of probiln-Uon Itancroft. IIIKHK i. no need nf a brad. Tiaesa ftai.1 inn. and one of the Ibr right of nation lo the high ea.llng sUinin . ea. 'Itie guel nu.nlerel alxiul in Prince rtiipert. Jl.led TmW. m ill k - Nothing i likelier to lead to oiy MlM.Irr tJ I.M. V,. ... fiitMre war than a loo.e .1 .m l. nf interrelation humlrad and toe ttainty tea table ay Jink. .MUyou have .. iHleruational Iaw-. I IM WblieC SHlllelhlnir . vtiirh wal centerel e.. with pretty M ml HUM nr and ivk M, DENTISTRY! Stop Upholding cHmne. ww in-i.inti over to Mr. fientilly a, ji glH,, arouml Ihe MM4 er lielaeea Villa Ml Law I1""' WM,n nd Mr. Iartiyd. town quicker than a fire through rj.i i.m iM.irxi Breakers. a leu acre dry lahiHg. T t ill be IVHe4 fo, rr The i niled Sl.le i hiking an in.erna.ional law it, ler vV."';:'" mL .Twnt nl ranker ut iwer MfliraUr. nf tb. ,-t,t r... Modern X-RAY Service lAfnlnri'.. nalinn. 1..., ii.i. - ,. ... . . . . I 1" oi- rtniiiir weiin? iiiciiiiwi lo wtHii Chaiiii Hon. an Mr lliiele. AS a hint to local oeiely i.eo. KIl . .i . . i"" i.w, at the hreakuig of the law jnl beeaun of ! pie wlm t ' some u are thirsty.; -ii.J nur I- iiilrmlinif lo wa only a few monlb. ag, cmpamllvHy. when a large iJISn,. Ib7rehe. go south to live, it m.iy be men. DR. BAYNE lion of the penHe of Hriti.l, tidnmbia was railing II, for . j ,urii,7 1.2 Ilonefl that when flier reaeh Room 4, 5, 4, Hlgron Block tniideratioii law ami .lecUnnp tlw.t il would put the bootlegger ' Ihe ouisble' Kiev will give un Oflice Hour: Mornings. 9.12; Afternoons, J0 I 30 ouioi iMisines and would mean (be setllemejil of the li.jnorpro Tin- regular meeliug .if Hie riding ih a ear .ul thenceforth Tin(N LC . Kvenlngs. 7-V. "'ri"' " ef ureu wiai ami now tijey wih (o gu further and li".ital lake a eaw." ... thiuril lal nighl was Se.led TetaW. will l m.., k. they wink at the law-ltreaking which is going on. The Atloninv -Oeiiera) MlW.IM irf Lihtii ai Vlrl.1. ,u. I... liuily atlendeil. tie on the people In lop upholding: the law breaker i-i::a D. i.. Mt Wirt. chairman:pre.enl HIO'lTI.SIiejpeyiile utt , Ih, I ban HI'.fur n.41 IIm im purrk lit ifih uf d kleenw,.t .i.j..X lilt' and to play Ihe game. He will get a readv response from mol laugtit ai Uiifff7auiily altar and Alilennail McNeill. Ilev. V. K. Mleia ua an r ! ttm I tM ht Bunt Ul. ii i oi ine ininir couiliicleil de- .1 1 . Mi Jarv i Mrl.e.Nl and Ibe kirk an, look Ihe shorter Irsseols Lt n.4, ...m,liM ,ml oi p A IX ur f'01" herrinjf bait m conceded by flthrn r Ul, H iiiii hiiii iii iinirr. Ml D'lf' Ml caleelii.iu alruiff wilh llteir ,r. Ta it .r mih 1 L tlliea Iikl iM.irlri f.,r r Otl 1 t be the Knest procurabl at any I'mibo tosit ridge but t.Nlay Ihey yes wlial luuitl t'srlher t luuLr. Port- and it a 'FUhy." Prke. 130 pr Ion. iwrlirutart of Uw Chief rre do Ihey ii i f pC The beet way of Insuring a good quality trip llJL to have plenty of our hard frin . '''" REMARKABLE CASE TieiBsa mi a est. It per ton. Sesled TelMlera am t. mi.i ... .... it fife "r e.equlpied store can supply flshln if'' OF SLEEP WALKING Vim.ier uf Umi ti Viei.!!, w.i uir Oi UII11S nshermen' clothing, groceries nd provlfloi" I Sit, f lh rvrrlk- nf lieenre If It. and hardware. t ml I. I I.IH feel r ti. (Ml St.ise I If, rme tiuj Spree.' Tie! I.O.MKlN He(, ii. An e. Mlutl un an area l.i.m u.l. i NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Iraordiiiai-y rae if sleep.walk- an le, aiwih hre ul ir.ur.j. Han S, - laiHl lioirfi ing i reimrled from Kleei. Lin III ( vear .ill im .il..-.., KeUhlkan, Alaska Branc colnshire, a Norfolk man was aal of uaOier. ycling ihroiigh (he country, and arrmng at llolbeak close upon notary midiiiglii. wa. unable lo find uu i asst. THEO COLLART, LTD. PUBUC II the" WBMTri r4 IMhl lodging. IMael nir III. I.i.vil u,Jf'. V?w! al Viei.u'" hy lit e, he lav ilnwn CI- '1.1 ??.!? ti i ul, W are now Agent foe th New York Llf Insurane Cofep"f-Th tf, purrha. al Umw' ' .llilll.ll.l If l.u lie r)Ii.i.e and "S1 lfsre and rme Tlea. ail moil liberal and strongest company on the "BBJHTTaCANADAfeE&rAJUkl Ik 1 II ,!' rf. ".?. r.l uf Bun ,M to went 1k .,.,, Lave, traitn lake mi.. . '.V Asset, 9SS,32,13t.0. Lt us how you how On awakening he roubl not of rw I ska. haiiM . Ciwal taixl tt money. ' III" find Iii. luaehine. He aroused iwa It) rear t iH,ra4 tut I the village couslable UMrtal i Phone Blue 49. Weatholm Theatr Block. P.O. and learn, . i V" -I l-Hlef tore e.l bal he had walked lo Fleel. - uf Intlrlrt lorr.ltr. Cflnrs HiH1. ,C I wo mile away, in hi sleen. The bicycle wa. arr fOUB4j Tn an tm aviNut eaaeisia. UNION OF B.C., LIMITED ( . wlf ,e TMMlera lll he rerHe4 Ibe STEAMSHIP COMPANY i...i CVrS h VoadaY ioiii leii ii i lllllIMaeil. ll. S ma on lb. ilia SAILINGS W. ''''f"llnii aiui furm sf ttiuto For Tuslsf P KXCHANOC. U ai tlx i.ff. t,m c.nw Ti" Vancouver, n-en Call and tiwunson Hay, t'niied Per Vancouver. Alert Hay and Port Hrdy. mitunlay ' 1,1 . 6lltM Male, par. ttJZZZ ' 'saiar Per An voi, Alice Arm. port Bunpun and Wales ',,i,n ' flerlllig . t.t ) . order of riir ruorii, midnight Ib'iig K ig, 87 S t i wiurfuia 'ii fuiur Par Na Rlr Canneries, Friday