n I I WHEN YOU WANT A THE NEW TM1 mail YOKOHAMA 99 in Phew a hurry CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HOME nAKF.RY ALU NEW CAKS , Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper vol, Mil o, I'ltlNCK III I'KHT II.C FIUDAY HKPTKMHKH 22, 1022. rt4f c.m.uu.. i.rss. s. PRICK KIVK OKfiTt WAR SmiAllON IS LITTLE CHANGED TODAY TURKS SEIZE NEW POSITION ON THE DARDANELLES AND GET ADVANTAGE Turks Demand Right of Way to NCW ZEALAND IS : FORD FACTORY Turkish Forces Seize SPOKEN BY WIRELESS Thrace Across Dardanelles but VlcToitfA.E3TEVAN K.-i,r.STATION AGAIN WORKING Important Points that Aided ty ai umiual c.im-bn.alion On Hundred Thousand Man Return of atmopherii-.-..million to Position After Were Held French British Refuse: Holding Chanak: uif.-le IttlliMI Mic F.atevau today 'Week's Holiday. by leike ftaratonaa. New SATISFACTORY COAL PRICE .aland, a ilhdancc of, CONSTANTINOPLE, 8epL 22. The Turkish Nationalist COXHTANTIMH'LK. -H'pl. M.--Humid Hey, re presenting BANK MANAGER 0..VMI mile forces have seized the town of Exlne on the Asiatic side of the Auto Factories Put In Essential lUt TtirMh Uovernnienl, viited (enteral Harrington. Itrih-li F.tcvan i on Ihe Dardanelles and are threatening Kum Kalesl, an Important key oiiiinandrr in Hiief. eying that Tori) only uk the nine -til lit-ri urcrtkMi f the List for Coal Distribution. position to the southern side of the straits. The Kemalists are i.ghi us given Orei-e u rn Ike neutral -trail. TAKES OWN LIFE: ! roan I f Vancouver now here opposed. (Iriirral llarnnglim rr jlnd thai an) move to atlvum-e on (lie l-land. IiKTIUUT. Ki t. v'J. U. i.ry The Nationalist move, in the opinion of naval expert here, Kuril' iiultflrial Irikr l, ail would c taken a a declaration of war. a;iaiiit will enable the Turks to prevent free Ingress to the Dardanelles wliai lir Irrninl fxr.ir cual Oeneral Harrington aid Ihr trouble might I avoided if Q. Hamilton of Bluesky Shoots iuicr ami iliorriniiiiatiiin in to the British Atlantic fleet unit which are now on thslr way If mul H irate guarantee that the Turk would lay where Himself Accounts All ! ditritHilion, ciidril at inuj-iiuht from Malta. The important positions involved were, up to today, I the French and Italians, and from them the Turk occupied by nre now MHlil after a peace conference a held, Correct. FISH ARRIVALS ARE whrn Ihr artrir wvrr command the entrance to the strait. atirij could not cm- (hi guar- ' j i cnK'iird and I no.(Mill nirn in can ! HEAVIER AND PRICE i , men. HlCttiK ItlVFH. S-. -Word K.rO. rninloy aaain .lailrd ..,....-,..,, urh ami IImIuii iimeial The French plead that Imp r. lia reaelied 'are Hiwr "f thei DOWN A FEW CENTS work. The idanta w-r eled JUPltAU UhMl AWU ORGANIZE FOR ij regret that Hi.-ir gov- i..n of Chanak -Hi Id a4ae(r the fiMdiHK of III" ilea.I lelv in a down Ut aluruay. mU ' no jv . ii'ai f.tr Turk and vtv the Bwrlftr imie ftM near the Iwwn of F. .! - I Ihr ordr for rroiM-nniy eame POWER RATES SET i-ation in IIh d.t.-u-.. of the mi lue Torfcmh i ov pfntuwl great. Ha aittn hraneti manager of ttee Kih arrival lday wrrr Ihr frinn Kdrl Ford, who had juft BIG CAMPAIGN .i.'irde Uul t i.i t-! .-mtv r -tnimtli Hoyal Hank nl thai uoin!. Th- itratir.i fur uk ami lmre rn)ndrld a Iwo day conference Five Cents For Light In Summer ill keepm mI' I im llrilain will miiiiI out thai th oelo-. roiinier ami ni-inler f iiottrealite ilerrraiH- in willi roal iHagnale ami ltrriu and Six Cents In Winter, triumph of Muotnpka KmhwI prire. Mir liiiilirxt bidding UxUy no-til officlaU. Follow ing till. illnoi'l'- Ihe rm in-il ifohe nmtoreil Heat Cheaper Many Delegate Asked to At-l A If. Sepl Ill Maui li would aivr nirouraiM-iHra lo the ml niilMeiiialely to lll enlMate. Ue.ng t:i.Vr ami e. F.leven boat jMr. FimiI aiinouneeai that Ihe tend Public Meeting for u-aliy i' fii..-,l i willnliaw di-aff.--d Mohiu in the Itrtt Puieldr i eueneeled. low:marketed I7fl.nnn uml a fid. liovernment le.anl hail placed JI NF.AI. rV.l. -The ele. Nursese Horn Fund. aiil.niiiibili. iiiaiiiifaeliirev In Him Ki' fiMin i iiaiutk an.I h ili I ih.ih- and i-aiiMi eriHi aNMNMner Hryan. rt IIm r..Hiwmkiii l?lnii I.UII.U i : ai i... ... r trie lialrt ernd twer rate et by . ' )ll''.t iTfllltl l..,i-lli- li. lil.l. Mlerta l:i.inrial Mnto-e. tate - i ei aip uraiin v ...1 . . uy. iv..,i Htutn . . the rily rouiKil ami nroviUeil uy . uie uopuai noaru nieeuux . . . 4liAl hj i in Mfcrwuil .tf m I mI I ' - ' -I n. I II -,I If.'Itt.II U 111 I ..I..IUVI J i . . ... . t . I 1. a. , (tram from In.perm, Hanr,Mk,"fr-', ' ami .eAmanee ,,rir had leen b- " -viasika r.iecme liiaiii an.'T mini, e rn.in.ij, .iJ..r lO.onn paau.! at U.le and neJuined. iBuwe uajv. a,i. I4IW-U. ,i"yt5 ,jpU.'. - Predominates of ihe IVare lller' dlvUH.n lo ,v Hopefulness Itnd MaKaweUHr-SlMKl - pnmtrf - Anntber T!T7iJn men em. Slimmer Mtrvrlee: Liabl, 5 entieo"- euer. .im uumner oi I., n.utal vut, i mx. ..i...i i . for I lie flrl ItKi kin.wait tionr - rr"ii rnaiiiaiMn in iim had nonmitieil nlet hy h.w-i)g 9f-u u ai-rf.ir? iiianii and 1 renl Tor over that aimnjn.: city aLlujf them in vend dele. Slightly Over Fear Regard ir. iraeturer an, n.x direrlly under himelf and iltai nn niinei gale lo publk to be. a meeting Viking, o.immi Nund..at I.I.Je Ford are al.. tarting, work, .eonkicg servire. 5 rent, per kilo. wa heiiif held. a ii, r; llainter. Noun muml wall hour; hot wnter heater er railed at the city hall mi Friday the Near East Situation II il innterlol that Hanoi. of net week, September lo 29, to al Kl.fr and 7r Johanna, it.ono viee. ti fr kilowatt luoiith; elee-Irie Ion had vera "'leftig l"T 'er. PREMIER OFFERED diru 'dan fnr IMMjmU. al il.ie and H.ir,- V. healer ervire. S er kilo, a campaign al day. and that whrn 'the .ly with and F., eVmn lenind. at 10.Stand wall liionth txted on a minimum Ihe objeet uf raUing tiioney TO RESIGN BUT WAS I.OXIH1N. Sept. -View- on Ihe ik.ii e.tl i rii rillale wa i..iiii'i, a uienrR.., revolver Mr; Annie May, iunn pound i load of one und one.ei-.'lilli kilo. to ereet a new nurse home. I rru ioje and Irar with lighl linilen. in fuwtr of I In Iiih-, wa f.iun.l eluleheil in Ihe riuht al lo.l,- ami Hi-; and dolphin, REFUSED BY CABINET riioe writ I en to were two hand hand of the deeea 4. who ,"aJf -111 or III ImlniH-e. Nnllillig ll Iimim-iiii mi Ihr lanl SI in.noo ihkooJ. at 1 1 f and -fcr. Winter I.ialit. 6 rent inlze of Mion, live Order of h lira fuliiakr lli muiIiuii iiiaU-rmlly wir. allliongli il (itnliMue had aiai-enlly abot himeI to lUtnailiau Fib und lSwhl Slor-ae ier kilowatt hour for the fir, Ihe Kalern Star, three chapters i'iu ruoiiKli. The iinmrdial' xnl i tin Hililil' dial I f Ihroiiah I In- head. i. Curion's Peace Place with France too kilow-atl liowr. and 5 rent f Ihe I.O.I .IL, lh Klk. the T k lniulil Iriniii will alUrk Uir llnn.li iliHf along Ihf No Reason For Act. Muirueag. 7nm )Mnitd at Likely to Be Forwarded j,.. -... uf i,ai umouiit: rookini. lidie of Ihe Hoyal I'urple, the lunUnrllr. MurUtdia Krnial. In Turk NaUmali-l Innlrr. i for'I the rami.art."'I aign lald any Mr.rean Mac-hoMald, 1 1.ii- and Me, lo llnj AlHn Fieli. Today erv ire, ; 3.1 rent per kimwutt Kulghl of I'ythla. the Pythian fi-rring with tin- Angom raUnl in Smjrna und tin1 rfotilt uf of the lUhoon-Ion rle. hour: but water beater ervire. iler. the Oddfellow, ll.-t.ek-. J iI-ralnMi i w illed here a eagerly a Hie mlrine of Ihe of fire manager of the llvyal I tank, Alaku, 65.000 ioind. at I.OMxiX, Sept. i.- It i ru. S.50 kt kilowatt iiMuti; Hretrie ah. Son of Ftnglaud, Oausli- ter and Maid of Knglaud. tt. I'uri diriiKii. when aked ahuvt the t rajfedy. Il.ie and ?r. In Hie l'aririe Fib. limreti ilia I i.ioyu neurge oiiemi ie3ter TVir. 3.1 mil per ndrew- Sieiely, Hoyal Orange r AIIIH. rVl. 22 Ihr Keent-lil erie. , hi reianaiiou to the rabinrt at,LilowaU hour. Mr. llamNlu wst about 33 !.odge, the Mooe. the fi. W. V. a ni-l today thM-id""! lhal in irv. in.. we-k-eii.i ronierenee ai une- Molur eniee rale rued arfl oM atu wa limrrietl .me year POLICE "Valhalla, the lied Uro So. Ui rrfuaal of ihr HriU'li ! CROW guer but that Uie rrigiiatlou roii.lnnt Ihronalioul lh year ami iw Ife ba been nl year ago. NO OFFICIAL NEWS eiely ami the Knights of Colum- frer fnoo wa rerued. thre eenl kUownll hour Withdraw Ihrir llltioky for Iwo yer and a Brr: per bu. I atiuk on Ihr Ai.ifir ih "f MAN KILLED hair ami Ihe wife weal U. there REGARDING DUTY ON l.oij ouriou i i ......threaleiiea ii In...la re.i. I f,. mtnr rnled. at . 25 horse- II wa derideil lo advertise the lU tlanrllr. ihr t ifrt f , ! with him." iiii. ii iii pear.- jn y w no i.,wer r under, ami S rnt in will I ricli lifirrnniriii h itnwb '1 At the lime f th nbootiua CANADIAN HALIBUT France wa not unlield and it I Vee of thai rating. The treH meeting and every effort lie made to have a repreeiltalhe Unit Million' plan will Iwlva-fh pi-.'td liahlins erv-H-e remain uiu nil irriiOlig war iwo of Mr. Hamilloa iter gathering that occasion. Emll Plcarello, of Coleman, Alia., on lh HriUh. be foi wanl.'d in I 'day nrgo. rhauaed rfoui, the old rale. 73 lurks nml Is Charged With Murder of were layiiiK with her. Hamilton t'o I" eleven ..'.'lock tin- tnorn - uati ii. rent for 4U wall lana.. l for Mir raol iln,itioii tot-mrd ha been an employee of Ihebng nrar Officer Police Searching no information had beoi re- ALASKA HERRING RUN a iTiir more kmrfiil nl leat bank about eleven year. lie feeived by lor a I fi-li buyer roll imi.watt aii. S for SCO-wall in tlir iewoiiil "f eerin rKH.MF.. ! --' llllll I'i- wa for lour or rive year v.t- flrnuilg llir igiiiug or 'be Tarii. THOMAS GIYES CASH lamp. The iiiiniimini imtntbly LETS UP FOR A WEEK d unity upon it" n -iinrHn ran'I to. a i-oimiiein ritlten f MNi. and I know him i...u-ally. Hill by tlic iy-e.idenl pr Ihe l ulled rate ii-ifi-d i 73 relit, thr i?ay "f tin- conf nri liwlwet lUlll'HMIH. AllMTia. aid loikiy So fnr a I k"ow. there Stale,. , AWARD IN LIBEL TO am,e a wa in effret prior tv I il I'urton and l'"iii' i hate none lo the huuee of i notluiiK wrmig with hi ar. II i um!ertoot Dial Ihe new CHARITABLE PURPOSES Augul I. The run or liering around IM-Iiiilnnu r.,""'--lilinon 'rfnlall' Sleithen liWMm. of nut thai hould have ratrd tariff iiirliiit-s.ii tvvu rent duty oi Prince W 0 tram Sound and Sawmill In route in from '.on-mlnioi'lr Id.- rn iiieial nolk'e, and bl him lo take hi own life. lUmadiaii lialiXul uuiiurled into GAINED HEARING Hay look a derided elump aaat II rrioi mI linn dead when lie aiiwered Uie A rouiplete uiexligatOMi i the I'liiled Statr but there i no I.IINIMI.V Sent. ii. The ti lor one week about ix. days ago. " Littt 'l urkioli lrMi'- hi- On-lit kniM-k IMi Miello i now a ruatllve Iteinu maile by the roroiter and offinal new- in to it. 000 damage awarded lo lit. WHEN UP IN AIR according to Captain Mciiregor of uf iiiiii an ultimatum t with tin- irovinewl iMiliee of pot ire, and bank of final will regard Hon. J. II. Thoma. M. 1'.. Parliamentary the Admiral Kvan. in jHrt early ir attire ilrmanding Uif evaeun-)ll both .rvinee. Ihe Hoyal lUia-arfiwn alo runduel an audit of Ihe (neral Swcrelary of tlii morning, and hardly any fbli t.llll.AliO, Sept. ii. Uy Can il i'lirarr Mounleil I'olne and lite bonk of Ihe braueh. QUEEN MARIE OF the National I lium of Hailway. were caught during that jeriod.. adian Pre Fifteen thnuaand Monlana Stale t'oln-e w a telling men. in hi libel aeliou agalut .- ay the Juneau KnJplre. Tim r RUMANIA ECONOMIZES feet in the air A. S. UarrU, for him. womanIed riots the National laNtr Pre, I.lm. up herring camierie were Idle., and AMERICAN YICTIM OF LawMiii reeenlly inlerpenlel iHt il.-d. f Salfonl. for charging fonner soldier, inmnnuneed hope. eeveral were about to cloe when nunninJole driven by lieerllo Itl'tniAHKST. Sepl. S3. Oueen him in Ihe weekly journal, the Iely deaf by army and other the run darted againt ald Cap. CONFIDENCE TRICK on inleiidina lo earetl it fur Barefoot Lady Was to Fore In Marie of Houitiarua lia deridixl Communi!. wttli t-reacheiy toi lenialiU. rrtcitiiied hi hearing tain McGregor. Iniuor at the iiroviiMMal hwimi Raiding Bakeries. to put ofr her loiig.eonlemplaled Ihe miiier during the eoat lrlke llefnrr. the airplane flight tic Around Kixliak Nhuid Ui! her. The er-Mil arv net wee ii Miehel. II. I'.. ami trip lo the I nil.'d Slate. The in April lUil. I being gtvrn to wa tiualde to hear the ticking of i-inv run i keeping ut I" eplen. I.OMMi.Y Kept. .' Coleman. Ihe v..uuler raeel I.ISIiOY Sep I. iv Ihe re. chief n-Hnoo i lluiuauia' aeule charily by Mr. Ihoma. " I want n wolcb held to hi ear. When he did hape. Al Kinliak and tbre BurrrnKfiil "li''1 ' "'" "f week hi ear lurk toward It. C. mw rent bread riol in tin- rily. Ihe financial Miilion. "Wr are very In law tinply and olely In vin rame down he had regained about uther island point an nverago of llfltliMiee link willnii Kcoiland a uni firiiur and SnMmllUC Ihe prolol of the people ugain! the IMMir. ay Ihe (Jnren, "and It dietile my honor,'' tie uid in an 70 per rent nf hi lourlng and too barrel a day are being paeSu a been iriuoled hy hoi in the wrist. Young lul riu in the priee of Ihi would not be rixhl tiv ak the iuterview re-enlly. "I had not wa able to mover by telephone id. n J, Ihr uliin lhi Imie heina with hi inother. lie alo aid Vmi'lieail red. iiiuiiuuinI lo set ourk to eoiiiio.Mlity. troilueed a .ee. liovernment to meet to expense the lightel liilention or InrlilU. Owing to (be lump around M Nalhaii Horn .an MnUel. however, nml Uild hi In i-iilni' fniur. A tall. g.Mid-l'xik-lug of ucli a long journey. I am Hon to benefit inyelf financial. lhat wlien he tarted up be iHiiibl Prince Willium Sound, the Admiral Mior, lH)iuv at the lluf.-ell f. fattier who i aid to have driven woman, bare foot ed.il re ed in trying lo et a good example uf I" not hear the motor, but llial at Kvan only bad I'Oil barrel llulel Mr. Il.nii liivaine of fonthwitli lo Coleiiuui and killttl white with u curlei handker- frugality and economy. have Judgment rr the tS.000 wa ceilaiu height it wu uddenly c.f berring mbourd instead of I.. 'luaiiiled wilh lw men, one and the nolireiiian. rhief around her head und ear. cancelled Ihe order,for my eor wiven in February lat. but Mr. audible. 000. which to former averag'i honi mi, a an Aineiiean rying u blaek flag on a -t n rr. iniatiou gown. My dauuhler TlHima did not receive the Tlii fliaht wa held a a tel pack, would have been ready f6r 'tf oilier a an Irfhman, and " ted the crowd vb,njll wu raiding and are wearing lat year' aiuuiint until Augul I. A great for rurlng the deaf by altitude hipineut. a llaniiialeuil lea.lmi ' JACK WOLFE GETS bakerie'. fin waved her banner, rlollie. and We are avlllg every porlhiti nf the money, Mr. Thoin. fliehU. l'livrian. .aid if Unrrl ilui'ed o part wilh 1105 in bank DECISION cheered Hie Siwlal revolu. Himy. Hence I mill give Up u Mild, would go to rharitie In t-ould tin U iil.OOH feet be would TOlUJES Hole, unit a number vl Aineri- JUDGES' lion. uihI rliorUNj the people to Ihe idea of gulng lo (he l ulled hi own eouluency, iH-rby, Ibo be able to heur perfectly. ULTIMATUM an iliilUr l.uliwinu that he OYER JOE LYNCH revolt. Slate. Hoyal 0erbyhire Infirmary and LIKELY BE ISSUED a merelv khouluu hi eon the FAMOUS SINQER DIES. The polu-e rloed ill on her Ihe poor children .durina Hilenre in a man who hud been he ald. II BIRTHS. would benefit, KN VOltK. Hepl. dark ami she wu iHn upprced. wilder ft a laimt fnrlune. Wolfe, of Cleveland, wa given but her pluee wa immedialely A on wa Inirii In Mr. Mr wu hi intention alo lo eid a - LONDON.. Sepl. Sir CO.NSTA.VHNOPI.l-; Sep. ilr Iliu Iwo men nneerned deellon over Joe lakes by auolher wild-eyed ugi- A. Meelito. of Seal ISove, at the ubiautiul doiialion to Ibo HalUJ Cbarle Sa III ley, for a decade 'o allied diplomatle circle it known In Hie imlire. and Ictb the li.jud-e'miutamwelgbl rlmiiiploo tal.M- wlio had no Ir.uilil.- m (iem-ral lloiital on Sepl. 31. way ni. ii Orphanage, and per probalily the bel known and ' rewirted that Turklib .Sa. l.vn. httvu been ieiially u.iu-'looughoul .tl the wul'ld ill fifteen round Itiadiug Hi'1 iioler. Tin- nt-opl There wa born al Hie tirin ban, lo otliri eliaritle ao utftst poinilai' inger un 'he ionall! are on the point iut Ihr year, Unman lUf ton in the world' uf I.IiIhiii nanl iwllilfta for their al llopilal on September ii eialed with railwayiuen. Kngllth eoneerl and oiKruli ulng au ultimatum to the t'tlWilliiiunei of the virion to bout lai not Involve,i in the liread on that day. The lakr- Mr. and Mr. Oeorge (litonel lage died yeterday in hi 87th Mile demanding the evacuation l"'ofule lm jirevenleil the till.' wu. , . .uffr -I 'i.r I..-- r i i , - ,ii. Advertise hi the Daily News v e ir . ' Th. i-. in in li.ai:. 'illllli Ul'til'll