a ae ASK ABOUT OUR ; | Winter Service Specials > Tomorr ow’ § Tides | KAIEN MOTORS LTD. . : Chevrolet Sales & Service Sunday, October 30, 1932 Goodyear Tires — Willard Batteries BOG craters 0:41 a.m. 209 ft. Rayt 1% Brake Linings : 12:40 p.m. 23.1 ft. Phone vat, ‘ght Calls Black 379 q haat... ZUR 7:20am. 54 ft 20:01 p.m. 08 ft. _———— — ea Sica ieee ae Vol. ei Toma, tof ny ~~ CH PRO VINCIAL LEGISLA’ TURE EXPECTED TO HAVE 36 SEATS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER ——~ = a ee PRINCE RUPERT RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29; 29, 1932, President Hoover Is In Fighting Trim in Indianapolis Speech Chief Executive Takes Democrat Opponent to Task For Utterances on Economic Issues and Contrasts Policies—Is Given Mighty Reception By Thousands INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 29:—Taking his Democratic op-| ponent for the presidency to task for his utterances on| economic issues and contrasting the policies of the Repub-| lican and Democratic parties, President Herbert Hoover gave one of the major addresses of his campaign here last before a tremendously enthusiastic audience of rnt lip PACKER IS e.2 Recalling a War-Time Scene DESTROYED | Vancouver Vessel Di Diamond Victim’ of Fire Off Sechalt Friday— Members of Crew Rescued | a» , VANCOUVER. Oct. 29:—The 30- |foot fish packer Diamond of Van- | |couver was destroyed by fire off; Sechelt, up the from here, } The crew was taken off, afely by the tugboat Alert. coast yesterday STOCK ON | UP-GRADE Steady Advances Continued Yester- day on New York Market Sinan ee eee SES eee tee eoeeoeereeee% *Peteeeeoee eee? + THIRTY-SIX ¢ SEAT HOUSE IS EXPECTED + 7 « Oct. 29: Notwithstanding re- * ports that the coming ° Redistribution + Bill * woud provide for thirty * or thirty-two members * instead of forty-eight : + * + + ~ + © * VICTORIA, as at present, it was authoritatively stated at the Parliament Buil- dings yesterday that the bill would call for at least thirty-six seats if not more. *+e¢e¢¢0070044 | | many tousands who packed the t Field House of Butler Univer- | ee ene ot Genie, Audi’ dedeile 4 NEW YORK. Oct. 29:—The New| FLIES HERE . the very rafters. Mr. Hoover isserted the “aiid : ork stock market continued its wa orded the mightiest recep- ow upward climb yesterday. Indus- ' tior has received so far in the Turning his attention to the De-| ‘rials closed at an average of 63.09,| FROM ATLIN gn and his audience found|mocratic candidate, President Hoo 1 1 23-100: rails closed at 28.67, up | hin fine fighting fettie. He not) V°r chargec Gov Roosevelt | 93 _10¢ 1 tilities close | ' ve a,vigorous defnece of the, ¥ ith disseminatir elf-interested td aan j atdittiog Sipe af Sea ) D. M. Emery Arrives With actions and a convincing exposition | inexactitude throughout the! ‘The turnover for the day amoun-| cnctenae, Hiying ~ we of the accomplishments of his ad- | country. It ned incredible that|ieq to 713,139 shares, half of the| | ue ministration but carried. many; _ responsib! didate should | :5o4 being recorded @uring thedlast stinging rebukes into the camp of broadcast ic! violatior of the hour af erating , Pilot D. M. Bmery of Ottawa, fly- Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt andj ‘ruth as that in which he (Roose-} -" jing one of the five Eastman flying the Democratic party velt) had ted that he (Hoover). | boats, which were taken into the Declaring that the measures of |slthough he had it within his pow | | Atlin district last June by a De- ‘ ; is -cdlaail r to had made no mov uring troit prospecting syndicate, landed 7 a ween Rad, Seen oupives Sag canes a = a collanse ,. a lhere at 5 o'clock last night from : a Pong ; wes a ¢ the fall of ot 94 a aia os i ' I | Atlin via Juneau, having on board a e country trom destruc- : ne i I 9 re! I Ll i net ye sident Ho cat lepr on. “The front pages of ev IS VOTED The scars of war have not yet faded from Flanders fields. Here rae ea or wor that the most import j vspa pe rt€ ind f . is a recent photograph from the Vimy-Arras section showing how and eda + i pag ( the campaign was to over- | laily pro ul tah Of Herriot’s Disarmament Policies Are! the German trenches are being preserved for tourist traffic pert pret can eo roteyarsndh a present economic cr ul . “ Favored 7 f — Chamber : . = ‘the nicteienen Aitetietie tor taait hated the ople their jobs a o \ I My ) eputies | ; diate oe business of | 0! cK mark P : t| oe | ee ee : ter tenis stiinn tate ir | recalle uM ype for the| paRTS Oct. 29:—After a long ilot Emery hopped off today for y bak to norma ae . | Pants, O a Anyox where he is understood to are already driving the |C0-opt Gov Roo m lebate on Fr disarmament pol- | sins ded ax tit Sine ee AS we i i f ey ytner § icy, the Chan a of Deputies this} | wl a ato erry eet nt te Guanes Dewees Se) REDS BUS) | ARBEOREEE governo p t A norning voted contiaence in TO ARREST istance the evoivi reme- | mier Eduoard Herriot’s government | — —_—_— or Bs * - ee _— The vote was 430 to 20 | Riot Staged in Parliament as King | Roland Starkes of Newfoundland MOTORSHIP MAN AGAIN ae wn voP oe ia . . “é Boris Reads Address to Legslature Pluced Under Ar- | as ae pil Val Assembly rest on Fraud Charges then he violated his own promis: ancouver or Wheat . IS LEAKING iieealias declared Mr. Hoover. The fs Sp | SOFIA, Bulgaria, Oct. 29:— ST. JOHN'S, Nfid., Oct. 29:—Ro- mower 7" : VANCOUVER, Oct. 29 Ww neat | Fighting broke out in the Bulgar- land Stark Opposition member of | Geo. Soljpnovich to Face Charge| country, natior ale, mune | was quoted 44%c. on the local) j. Pariiament yesterday when the Legislature for White Bay, was | Prince of Wales Sends to Ketchi- Heer After Compieting Term ee Lemge today | King Boris, on entering the |arrested yesterday on 17 charges of kan For Assistance—Salvage In Penitentiary ae Sey os House to read an address, was |fraud in connection with distribu- Tug Dispatched - r 7 dt 4 : eeks on the issue of the agri-| sreeted by an anti-monarchistic | tion of relief to the unemployed a warrant for his arrest havi t , rr oping. oes sa? we = | demonstration staged by Com- | It is alleged that Starkes fraud-| KETCHIKAN, Oct. 29 The mo- t sued at the instance of the j woul herwise ve h ultur —_ He que ween en ‘inaiatiie lulently signed dole receipts during | torship Prince of Wales sent a mes- yolice here. George Sochon ind ade Mu ! be erity : i Ss eckaa ulead After the demonstrators had /a period of several months. jsage yesterday that it was leakinp ° Who is at present serving a ne Poe : ‘ : oo : ' re 3. yg been removed, followed by Com- coremcenanaeioasspagtates loff Foggy Bay, south of here. The if two years’ imprisonment at the 2 ne ey py wore r a i alata munist members of the assembly, salvage tug Akutan was ordered Westminster Penitentiary ! ; aes a ail % a Dem aa penta rm the King proceeded with his ad- Final Deta ils of De hetie cae py olny give her ry in the southern part of the ™ . + saliiaaiaale Ss. assistance cessary. vince, ae Stas fw custody Not Responsi rle “2 i ees : a a -_— - . C Fi ed o after completion of that term) — pjcejaimi he suggestion of hi + wal i ah +: tad akin A , ampaign Ix YF TBALL brought to Prince Rupert to/,,,onent that the general wo ecter for favoring a high agri- AUTO AS N ae OLD COUNTR 00 trial on @ charge of shopbreak- | rash had ber Ts tural tariff isked the Presi- Governor Roosevelt in Conference | = connection with the enter Preside: wi I ient amid laughter | PROPOSA! S At New York Yesterday With ENGLISH LEAGUE—FIRST Jabour Bros’ store here OD | haq pee by hi President Hoover declared that he Lak Leaders of Democratic DIVISION 15, 1931, when a quantity OF) tion not remedy the aome believed in a strictly limited immi Party | Arsenal 8, Leicester City 2 ' was taken as well as an 11 ic situation u United Stat tion policy although he would Completion of Trans-Oanada High- ie Birmingham 1, Middlesbrough 4 empi mage to gain entry to the but also to t in helping the) >... making it possible for the re-| Way and Independent Highway : ; . Blackburn Rovers 3, Sheffield world situation. A ese things the}, ive f those already here to owt Commissions Are Asked NEW YORK, Oct. 29—Governor United 0 .e issuance of the warrant) Governor of New York chose t Se eel aia Franklin D. Ro ssevelt, Democratic Blackpool 4, Chelsea 0. 7 piri has — nore. Vastly difl vt 1ad = F Sincerity Questioned wean’ ’ a eneee 7. a ' - ee ao Derby C. 2, Hudaersfield Town 3 Pr gy: 8 made by the city pou the accomplishme! f the admin-| wne president questioned Gover-! °! the Trans-Canada Highway 4 Htates, V Es Everton 1, Portsmouth 1 ‘Olowing the rors istration in contrast to the Demo nor Roosevelt's sincerity when he the end of 193 id appointment of |leaders of the Democratis party Leeds United 2, Wolverhampton ee oe en cence cratic program which had been one|...4+ apout the country declaring! ®" independ lighways Commis- | here yest . lay ae fiual —- WwW 0 iF | of destructive tactics. The country! i141 he would do, if elected, to re- | S1on for each province were urged}tails for the concluding ten days | Manchester City 1, Liverpool 1 ag es ’ Dance would have been on the road to re duce expenditures of the govern- at the annual convention of the/|of the campaign Sheffield W 2, Newcastle U 0 covery eight months sooner had the! 4a) departments, The Demo-| Western divisi of the Canadian Ses tes en Sunderland 7, Bollon W 4 Is Enjoyable putting into effect of Republic 1M | oratic party although in control of Automobile AS ciation in session ‘ West Bromwich A 3, Aston Villa acts not had to be delayed until af Congres had advocated no such here yesterda American Flyer 1 ' ter the adjournment of the Demo- policy there, ‘But if I am given al i * i ‘ n —- Fifty Couples in Attendance Al cratic~controlled Congress mandate, I, will be able to offer Th We th r Loses His Life SCOTTISH LEAGUR—FIRST Happy Affair Last Night in “In spite of obstacles however,” | real economies,” declared Mr. Hoo- | e a e DIVISION Aerie Hall declared Mr. Hoover, “the admini-| vet rerninding his hearers that he} —~- | Aberdeen 2, Hamilton A 1. A very so was held | stration by its decisive actions hasihad been the first to move along Prince Rupe! Overcast, Hight Donald Duke Killea While Trans- Ayr United 3, Cowes nbeath 2. ery, Sere wears wee OO been able to carry the nation safe- | this line southeast win barometer, 30.24 porting Supplies For Boliva | Clyde 6, Queen Park 2, - the Eagles’ Lodge last night in cago : believe we have! Mr. Hoover pointed out that) temperature, 44, sea smooth Military Forces Dundee 4, Airdrienonians 2 belig See ro a ye acini rvational accomplishments | Governor Roosevelt at no tans oe | Dead Tree P iat Part cloudy, | ae nie Mia connie pyc ned lent music Ww “' art bad a Ck. ar-|of which the American people are/jing the campaign had disavowed light southea , wind; barometer | LA Pas Bo ivia, : - pe os a iene - . le Balan: a6 Pie & Fitzgerald | proud. Th credit and stability ofthe two billion dollar “greenback 30.08; temperature, 46; light chop Duke, former Unies ates rey : - ee . Was e i at ae roe monies.| the nation have been maintained.” | currency proposal which had been Triple Island--€ loudy, light east-| flyer, was killea in a crash while . - _ - bog . ‘ Dancing oe ee or ve % 40! ‘The President charged Governor made by his (Roosevelt's) running-|erly wind; sea smooth transporting supplies for the Boli- | t a rren 3, © Lk h ore with a “most startling/mate, Speaker Garner It was too} Langara Island+Cloudy, moder-|vian military forces, i) was an- Third Lanark 4, East Stirling p.m Roosevelt until 2 a.m. James Brown at the door pre ided attitude during the } switch” of ‘ past| Continued on Page Twa ) late southwest wind; light ‘swell ‘nounced yesterday 8 ‘shire 1. ” EXECUTIVE PANS ROOSEVELT PARTY WAS ENJOYABLE Annual! Affair By Hill Sixty Chap- ter Held Last Night is De- lightful as Usual Under th: general convenership of Mrs. H. L. Landry, the annual Hallowe'en bridge party and dance of Hill Sixty Chapter, Imperial Or- der, Daughters of the Empire, was held last night in a picturesque seasonal setting at the I. O. D. E. dall. The affair, as usual, proved one of the most delightful events of the fall season in Prince Rupert. There were thirteen tables of bridge with Mrs. Ernest Anderson in charge. The prize winners were: ladies’ first, Mrs. W. P. Armour; consolation, Mrs. Arthur Brooks- bank; men’s first, H. A. Breen; con- solation, Alex McNeill. After cards, delicious refresh-' ments were served with Mrs. Lawrie Lambly, Mrs. G. W. Abbott and Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby in charge. The winner of a raffle, which was conducted with Mrs. Robert Davie in charge, was D. Scott, with No. 223. Following cards, dancing was en- joyed with Mrs. J. 8. Black’s Or- chestra providing the music. Responsible for the attractive Hallowe'en decorations were Mrs. J. H. Macey and Mrs. Foster Willan. H. A. Breen presided at the door. OLD MAN MISSING Provincial Police Investigating Dis- appearance From Georgetown of Napoleon Labelle ing the reported disappearance from Georgetown, where he for- merly worked for the Big Bay Lum- ber Co. and where he had lived since the company moved its mill trom there, of Napoleon Labelle, aged French-Canadian pensioner, who, according to reports, has not veen seen for some three weeks. Labelle was over seventy years of IS DEAD IN "WASHINGTON | WASHINGTON, DC,, Oct. 29:— |The death occurred yesterday of i Dr. Stanley Marshall Rinehart, no- ted tuberculosis expert and husband of Mary Roberts Rinehart, the fa- mous American novelist and play- wright. Dr, Rinehart succumbed | following a lengthy illness and his | wife and children were at his bed- sde when the end came. He and Mrs. Rinehart were married on Ap- © {ri 21, 1896, —— e**#+e7e2020000408464684 * ALBERTA FARMERS 7 INSIST ON BONUS @ esinonpsi . CALGARY, Oct, 29:—Refus- @ ing to withdraw any requests @ for a bonus on this year's @ wheat production, the execu- @ tive of the United Farmers of # Alberta last night sent a tele- @ gram to Premier Bennett sug- @ gesting that the bonus be paid @ and that an issue of Dominion @ notes be floated to meet the @ cost. + '¢ RT aa |e ret eeeeeeeeee Seeeeeeeee eer eer Provincial police are investigat- * age and lived in a cabin at George- *