PA 01 BtX TUB DAILY NRWB TlHday, Noell,,i- FOR SALE. Pin the Letter Box (System Run DoWIl 5 Roomed Cottage, Section e. Ha living room, dining room, kilrhrn, p-mlry, lw bedroom, ami balli. All iBloodOutof Order on one floor. Prire $150.00. Terms of $500.00 rash, MEDICAL QUESTION AND LAW liftlonif spreml over llirre years at Now rented at j f23.00 monlli. . Kditor, Iaily New: 6 Room House, Section 6. Hall, living room, dining the Meihenl Aftwoclatlon i' 1-e.iflr tieemie urn Jon). ImiI room and kilihen firt floor. Hire bedroom ami balli ec-ond Mnm.-.l fur III.. i.o.ll....i In tain.-!, snow eiarlli MI their traaM floor. llasrmrnL Price $2,000.00 cah. Now rcnlcd Chimp,,,,-,,,,-, re pla. e,l by ,e. " " DOMINION OF CANADA .....r ........ - ...... i i... ii... i.i nl $35.00 month. n.... k , n,, , ,,,. , (n , H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. ieal Ael. in March tfjl. The up it ..i.ieat ami pm the int , VICTORY LOAN BONDS Rentals. Real Estate. Insurance. ehiropinrliiin applied for n hill t"pr ! lo enable theill lo Im- avaiitilled Im-- I i,rp.e iim,, i. tHrthiaf hi MATURING lit DECEMBER. 1922- fore a hoard, romp il of Hii ii ""' muM ") LAND ACT. own member. Mm- m.iiieai nun milnnnrf ntnnn niTTrnc SWE.VV LASD MSTBItt MSTRICT Of "'Mir thin ami a ri.nflrrt rn- Dunuutrv dluuu oiiilao THE BANK OF MONTREAL, under authority of the Minister of Finance. Ot'lKS CIIAIlMITTr.. Midi, whii-h i-exiilU-d In lh-(linrlitliiieiil is prepared to redeem the above bonds in full at maturity, without charge, Ihe tin I II relH- Till Nolle ihit e. tin it .tola eh. Nr awl Red Mountain Harbor.Inr and ocrui-atlon Parklnr Cnjr.tanners.lid, Intend,or !a1eo in referred to rrUirillK h"H.. ptarlflta Hie M..l m4 Mm a at any of its Branches in Canada. rhiropntrlnr and other to ia Hie eaur at-alrai. foltow-mt for teriniaioii to The prompt of lply rtearrlbed land: -Commenrinr n a an exit iiiiiuil ion nliracltr to Mr. II. Pimtf. Purl Hier. om . mHle-; For the convenience of owners of the bonds, the Dank of Montreal will accept the recovery PM plinird t boii I I rhaina north of the lied Mountain ulians from nnrtb e,t iwwf of Lot loei. OC.1.; Ihe .Metlicrtl Cmim-il hrforr tM-inx "M tytttm a nan atuara a4 M) Mand bonds at any time prior to December 1 and will make payment in each car thence 7 rhaina north to low water mark: oii of ore. aa4 I Mifferra a ireil aWI the low level of 45c to Monday's Ihenra aaier mark;! chain,thenre north-ea,terlr rhaina aouth alonr to htrt)liw wrmillel Tin In HiiieiidiiM'iit irell- in the iro-lmc. frm pa Mm M My bea4 bi rmhle im feel on December 1st, as the owner may desire, cither by issuing a cheque or by plat ins clone of 09c ha vlrtually "ry natseraM. A frtewd NM M Me lr par. water mark; tnrnca It rhalnt southerly tially fulfilled the prediction aliHir hih water mark to post, contaiolnr laees Ihe M.-Oiml Onuiieil In the Kantark Hluaal Mtlera, ! bainr Sr amount to the owner's credit in the books of the Dank. 110 arrea more or leaa. N Iwfw It aa vera I hMM H M lo.lhin of jmiire, to iteriife y.e made in these t-olumn. LAMJAIU HSH10 ASD PACUSO a a COT. LTD. tar me rl. I kefH oa aaHl I IM We are advised by the Paled grpt. Hth. IStt. ilWptile lo liuli it i a party. Mkea Hifr. and ft I fee1 hie a dWfawai lloundary lied Mountain LAND ACT. he eouneil claim that it in a management of a secom) liientiirn of iiinlifi-atiiiii m tin-dersluoil, My tm-M4 aaa luuk M iM II Baa NOTICC OF INTiaTIOsj TO APPLY TO Mtllt SSm aa" lHm, which hi it im-it;.iii a-. hullion produelion record LtASS LAND. n it haiM'ii! In be n amounting to $3085 in seven In Prior Rupert Land DlitrlrL ftrrttrd- JuiJse of theoe. Now, if Dim i. n rur le atl II yr. a. B. ft. Im lre Btlil reprerrll. a ilireel pr Int DlMrlrt, Coatl Ranrr . H.C, arxl alt-tialt UMnaraenmil tavty fafr The T. MMMtw Ca.. usmhrl Ihe ownerhti aiHl n t i o'ay. This was at the rat" II milra earl trim Prtnr nanrrt. KimhI law. Ihe e..ili-. many of I O.T.P. brtdr of uernHienU and Ihe iiriain WESTHOLME THEATRE brlnt ImmrdiaUIr ran of nr. whom imli- aliout tlieir free in. of $505 and showed per day lit moaih of Bonryard Cmk oo north of la hy onmnitfal nilnorili--. rborr or fin-M niwr. litution. -Iioulil -how their a material improvement over Take oilrc that I. Pert Butlrr, or -lireeiulioii il. llHh Mfrttltlilf' iM'i'iina, wllh Owina to prvv HillrtK conUili..ti Tonight, Tuesday, 7 and 9 the preceding nine daj llaxport, B.C. rt-upattoa farmer. Intrndt of il hy ciiiiitratiilatinai o apply for prrinioioii to lra the frt-Kimint not Ihe erHo reeulla. It fuller) to ll llMovea the plain rilii n t only linl Iheir when the dally (cross output dearribed landt: Uflimmdol SIS imM-rtinit'iil carry. Ierauti the roei-tor of rearl Ihe unirertan frrt rt of a planted at the aoiith iiti---iU l3. poi nireienlalivi', o ralletl for it was eaM rorner or Lot SIT. Plann S. Coaat the imilegei lM.-rel were then of the tnlelltaent He of (lie hal- If will contrast this luttrtri B.C.. thence in eierly dtree-lion paatte. you too reel a km i O.T.P. By., thenre In At In force Ui rvriit it paan. lot, ami in lhi renpevt h- mn l-reltfafely output of (rold with the pres. a anniherly direction to tow water mark, the omit.- .'inn an nUM-ml. "Beware of Oreeks." Viola Dana auhhnl. hnl int quoted value of Jlound-ary thenre In an raderly dlrertloa ak-of low nienl lo lh- Art a intMMM re- by In- aier mark to a point directly aouih of the There in an old ailaire that eromMMie ami iwh-iuI eir-inlr eommetKement, Ihrne In northerly iiiirln8 dteoi.. nfter itiaanoain lie J Mountain harrp point of ' dlrertlon to point of rotnmrnre-ment, reailn: I lew tire of tke firtwka data ilk-tale. you will underaland our ad-vlee roolalnlnr S irrea more nr leai. a i-iiie, u flit- a renirn of their when Iheiy riiHie In-ariHK trift",' I J fl I.I.IVAN. to enter your order a, Mim BEnT or Bt'TLEB.Applicant. finiliiiiiH. a feature of tanitanl- and amply apple" to Maedh-al . today's market. Dated SepL fSlh. tlt. in-l lriLMl. Sjere sttWHlartli- nyov. I N eirtir utio HIS all M-ker afler alion eii.t in fact anal not In Full particulars concerning rperial rivMee. he (heir the pnipcrty furntahed ORDER YOUR name only. Thr tir aaiemlHtpnt elainm Ur lesi.lalion on the unwarranted "THERE ARE on request. aniH-. tn yi,- to ihe Mnltca! aumolion that their CHRISTMAS r.nuneil a b4f hn mnUer effort- are irtmtlel MtlHy by TiMaia sals a asst. nre m-ilher -lwtet hy the imhiiiI.- CM. Oliver &Co.Ltd TURKEY nor MiointNl py the gncrniiriit. teal for lite ttiie welfare, t'n- Ti ill! W neoeal k) NO VILLAINS" forliinately nurh canlins h) Mtaneter M I. I t ' and in aelual fart rttiroent ami la aM ifce f uf i ri ia 430434 'an- ny i too often Hallmt by Ihe tt tar aar.aaw . Iireare v iji Roger Building. NOW. rt-.oiiiilH In leu than one iiii..Ml, l l.tM.aiB,i . leaar fr. Sey. 3111 and 1348. Frssh Young Turkeys, I., i rent of l li- iiiiiUti.ii a vir-t i aad htle.m. a arv u,i The Medical Aoeiatio enJov ana r a raiea. n-. t Comedy, Snub Pollard in "Down and Out" VANCOUVER, B.C. straight from the farm. Mail riii hi In .Iii-kI. ho riiiihl what i virtually a iiioiiotMily if tu 't' er UI be alW.-J lor rr Admission 15c and 35c (JJ embers Vancouver Stock Cleaned, ready for the oven. ami lnuhl not treat the ik it una r naaaer the healina art, l Ihe artie time Exchange , i-ari-H'il. l lurlkrr prlHlr. Atkin's Meat Market amiuineH the rtjrlil lo refuse Hietlu eM" tkraurta. B '. lll.lrul l- r. 'I'Ik- iropt'l ann-iilnH'nl wa fraar awrt. a ... Hti attfiiifrt ninl wo wlil kae timl LAND CT. a wial brvi ml of iritfeae. Ihe; I In- i-lfeet at irtMlin? the irk naliira. of whieli reiiire llr Sk'Cftl LAVft T filTIUiT t avuin.ot I In- ilamter of roriK nil. iiinet iiil emphai that ean be, Tak Xv&m I! me. I be taarara r -h i. iil trentiiii-nt liema ailillinielei Modern - Riv-n .1. Thd MeUir.l Ael pro- ff.rtJT areat' aar7 lateaH." Christmas LAND acr. viib- no orolerlion for Ihe imblli' iS '"?Fi " " '"'". we forget" ip. i mu hni tgiwipi ana, ai Lest SktEV. tvri WTHi"T MUTWCT Of avaiixl the IHrniitMteiil healer, aval ptaaaaal abwai a rkaan aorta of tar Ol f II I HaUITIE. Take S.kU that e. Mr taarara rah- a aullM-lent priNtf euiutot l- al. aarth ( etM. t law mater matt. W. Laundry Im awt l-arkinr II. ut aa4ea dnr-tl to M-nre a rtmaarinm al.'lts awr Sam ma lee mark, OLD FOLKS AT HOME Hart.r m-ui-ailun aMiw-r. lltfWa . a .ImMm is mrh mate bMrk, a-t r..r lemmMa to leaat MM tMonatl evMenei. for the iefare the I M rmalma meat abw tur mtm Greeting ma oexribrii laiM. ijaaMaeaa poM- '"'' ' " Z'ZS pnel l-Uxled about rtuHt aarth af Ihe e aenerally ., rn.,.H.. ami nn. THIS Service .rlh ei naer f Lul STI. O r J.; Mieaja forluwHlr ean be hnrle.1 Into! t0IU nsMl.vo vo rCllvo XMASTIDE nrih s rbain. in tnm atw aaark: laaae ir, riwina me.terl) akiaw turn mater atari; jetermly lhrUi(h hl lark of iihlir.; naiwl tett. ma. ltt Ihenrr rbain. in hit mater mark: I bean W .n i- r j on In ik over .on l.irjf,- ami . We offer the following-rang-e l', rhaioa eierlr akair iler mark iteent anil rautlon. ami tlu-ra i land act. I'd line of Cards tu pu.1. r.aiiaiMiia- IS aatm aai ar le.i. "lt f ab.olutely no re,rw. Further, it l4.MBlToTl;,T,0CT of service to the pub. LA.vovav Mniva tii racsiva XMAS o:fts. rov. LTD. wmjlij be int-r.-linB lo have one T v4iee ibal iae lanrara rtb- lie: Paled gef. tilt, lilt. , , "if and Farkraa ltd.. f Ka4ea Ill Mild lei n ,i.-i.t i,n 111 .rrnriiiK u Soilultli I invle I lire poilll out M.- Ilarbw. oreiiWll Caaiier. Imen-la Printed In our own office. Economy Laundry Service-Damp LAID ACT. iia.l .. ! ' pnb in leaae the reW See Our Wonderful Selection or rurina me ear-. a Hoe- anLr Wash; Soft Finish, m, UMi tdauwriai al a Phone for Sample Book. Skit MVP IMSTHH T tMSTHICT Of lor ill I hi rovlre hail ofteretl p lir meal "Diamonds' In the Latest Settings. Rough Dry, Dry Cleaning, VI Kf.y i rURJ.OTTK. , , . . , Vakaa ewnl. nrabaaa I.Urxl; tbear avria "We Ilef I Preaslng and Dyeing, Rug Takr Soiir ikat me. liar I aarara riek-la v.i w...niHi iranruirn rimrieii a rw a turn maier H.ara. taemee meal Uiiiipctiliitii." an4 rarkmr "T IM.. f .Vailen i.. i tarn imm ainna wm maier mar a; inare h Willi Ordor aHy for Foreign r.-ao of hi em li t.mi li.i-. r'n-r . and Carpet Cleaning, and Harbor. le-.-ypaiHiii amirr, " - aaaMB a nwaa to at mater imarki irwaee i-nr. i. i jj,-l I.I. Malls fit the Regular Laundry Service. arfl f..i r lenmol-e to leaae Ibe rollom Sued inejiatlli' in Ihe ietlMI. ' ehaiaa abiat aurh maler mark to Three llc.n 1 1 1 h I I ii.un.ii. H i.r- in our in.i- In.iw i Hif deiM rttird i i.muiiTaia- ai a boat. ewlaau laa arrae awn or leaf. poet planted atxHit t raaina aorta af le t ration wf justice tin.- to ilefee. L-kVOAHA rillivu vxti rki:kl0 Rose, Cowan &Latta We can surely serve you. llM-me e-irtn ea,t B-.rth rlnter a l-ol u.173.lorn O.CJ.:mater thetirv luark; tnr .law i-on.lilule a in j,ied Uft. Hit. ltf.UT '"Tt" Itiewe lia rhaMte -rlberl)r aavat ktw Max uie aim eeiie-t liainir aerioiiaiy Heilbroner catlt When may we maler aurk. tlwaane anata I raaaM ta Wra .. . ... . .... - . I laa- aee Limited aaler mark laewre lau raaia aaaia- 'on I lie inialltaenr) ami aiHIIty ol IkFLVA LAM OlatMli T MMhlLT Of mr.irrl) al-4if bllti mater luark lo pott. oi IfV I.HlHIOTTt Prince Rupert, B.C. In naalntaifl tlee Steam Canadian Laundry a tn-ople. ee4u .vVe Take t i.fc- i:uDtiniiir i-i' a re ..r leaa. I lul me. the aorira Jeweller. Third Avenus. Phone 234. LAM.AHA IMIM. Ali '-MIMO liul lor eelf.reervlion. laa aad rarklav ? Ltd. of a-tea Phone S. r LTD. llartwr. oeriaiUua cawiera. Inleiel. b baled S-pl ilia, tstt Not ProUctlon a4jr far trermaaalna lo ktv lb fulktm owribea lamia: .unmewriMa' ai a The i-luini that leeeuuae rtlie pu.j ptantetl aUul tae rttama Kortb ! metlieal man i eertifieil i auffi. af lb auru ea.l earner bf b,l lata, u i I " iiwelb a t lam malee itmark PWE-IWVEWTORY SALE. lent aeeuruni-e of rotertion I llieaar laa raataa auelk ralerl)i aauaa bim maler Mark; IheaHea aualb ( rkalaa; tbeore fi-llim While anliH-atloli baa a rhaiaa aawib me.ierle aluor kirft HYDE DENTISTRY it., a.huiitan.-- il i not Ihe only "'""f PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE NOV. 15th, 1922. 100 ONLY,- in i-oiinertMMi with lb- Lvvuaha iiiiivo jjo ijktyit -Hi i-oflll tr,-alliHnt of the H-k; tialed HeM. Ilia. It TRANSFER nor la wiiuioiii an attribute of no . LANO ACT. Live iluraleil only, bait U oftell lurk. NOTICaf 0 aaoaICT INTtNTlOa LAND.TO ALV TO EXPRESS AND BAQQAOE. Dr.J.Maguirc HIU HI eillii ati-d liermma. 1 lie Is piteeo marhuli I,laud Land Mairli-I I lay and Night I'hone i80 Ladysmith- r.i ..i.... .. i.. ... recwrorr Dl.lrlcl ar akeeoa. a I . and . Rooma 7 and S Smith Heck. uau aa lb m-.t cuaal of i rity n er ready U rad hi. lh.. ,. Office Houras lo f. Best Coal i d M -ulliuuil allalHluenl. a Vkturta, a.r.. necupaiioa aiiorr. inienda. Phone S7S Lady AsklstsnL a awli fbr enMli.i Ui pmeri ibe Fowl unt of hie llllelliaenee Mild U- deM-nbed UBda fur r.l. rem. 1 ImiI uliwli-l In iem and Natural Oa, l a vMien Wellington (leriority. HM Unu wulo f lbVrtiili ! Wood Wood a iroerll' Ulililieil teL la llelUlily meat n-mrr of timber Lirear or I ean- "a- Uiewe me.I to rhalua. Stove Length, revealeil a a fttUe alarm. II l the are .hiii, io rbain, Ibtiw ea.l ( Spilt. Bulk on Dock $12.75 Sacked on Dock . . . $13.75 Per lb. admjtleil thai are many ,,t,ZZJZ?i,$u?' """" W iaiioliMf of HaM tuH.tieul nrofi. tlaled Auaual 1Mb. iae ! 119 2nd Ave. Weet. Gutta Percha Bulk Delivered $14.25 Sacked Delivered . $16.00 Llva Weight IIAhHY MiMk.VV. eioii who are rauahle ami ruuliou. Kama i.r AbtiiiraaL Phone SS0. Automobile Tires and Tubes 'r lal.le. ei and are fiilill.-d o etery i-onaiil- eralioii for tin- part they rforin .ti, i 30c in rrlivviuK huuaaii inlaery. There It.KM Edson Coal Co. YellowheadLump 'are aleo many vthu elaitu and are Ladies' and Gents' I'l H - inol lai-kina in I lie aiperieitee llu', Tailor. - do not kill nor tlrea At laat we are able tu up-ply Pacific Cartage, Ltd .ill Hie lreallllllt bf ilteWlee, i-h:r-nirart--r- Bulk on Dock $11.00 Sacked Dock . . $11.75 on Hi. - ut lli- ah.'VP irii-e. our M. T. LEE set reaiilU ami Willi Phone 93. Built Delivered $12.50 Sacked Delivered $14.00 I li ,. Ii.wl aii- .ii.i-il clue" the auk; it i- reatill that rounl. P.O. Do 7T Pkaa Red 11 . .l-i I.. .L un ni our ! An oliiiari liy likiiiht be ilefiuetl Famous , IM-Iore - l.n klukilU. 'u an iiietiluliwu wherein the Yellowhead Egg Rupert Table Supply jepeeiul ami maaquerailing intereata i-oulrol,avurn ly u Iheir repreeen-lalmn members emi-'tane EDSON COAL To the Housewife- Phones 211-212. r politii-al .arlie, ami wliert-viM-ational Bulk on Dock $ 0.75 Sacked on Dock $10.25 intereata take prere. In any quantity by the ton Bulk Delivered $11.25 Sacked Delivered $12.50 .ilenee or all lalhrT eonaidera- or carload, Get your orders You Want Qood Results When Cooklna. tilllle. in early to avoid the ruih, Banaflt af FaW Phone 58. USE CADOMIN ft FOOTHILLS I I.i-nilli"ii I largely a iiii'e- Office of Prince Rupert Feed lion of influentM. the tendency of Co., Cor. Second Ave. and Prince Rupert Coal Coi COAL vilm li ia in lo..tiler peualite that the the feu.ulmlt-pe.iph uail-j Seventh SL Maple Leaf Flour PETER BLACK, AgenL II. at t: al min' d in Alberta. tally inriiieiitial elaaeim, niy be Clean I it Lie AhIi, More Heat. !bti-filled Thar i. however, pi FURNITURE Sola Agent for LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON A YELLOW-HEAD YOU'LL LIKE IT. 'remedy in .lilhl. Tliare ia u , iiil yjiii (Junking will o!wj- ic A MARrtCD CUCC189. jiiiosement eastiHlry virtu, I H.H.Hemm,ncs COALS. in Hilt Phones 7 and 311. "ONCE U8ED ALWAYS USED." Iba-ky .ally estendiiu fremi H Phone 15. Main Office! Central Hotel. Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Mountain. t the Otrth boundary. K lata lludaon'e Bay Co M A tiuarantee Willi Kvery Hm k Ihe flWL.if vvhidh were f-lt !HIVI3U QeaV ORDER "MAPLE LEAF FLOUR" from your Qrocsr TODAY in U.i' 'h laat irrovtliriul 'di-. -