v Aorc TWO T1TR DAILY NFTW3 'r.A-, The Daily News v "FRUIT-HIVES" FISHERMAN ON Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News SAVED JER LIFE OMANEY LOST Printing .and Intitihi ripr (Jnmpany, Third Avenue". PLAYER'S II, IV I'MI.KRN, Managing Editor. Loult Jacobsen Left Boat In Dory This Fruit Medicine Always Near Yaautat But UpteL SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Gives Relief City Delivery, Ity mail or carrier, per month. ........... 1.10 Louis Jacobsen, fisherman on Hy mnil In all parts of Ihe British Empire nml Hip United Slates, 917 DoniorSr., MaTrftAL. Ihe halihuler Onianey. Capt. .bdm NAVY CUT in advanced V rt.nn Johnson, was lost on (lie nfler- per your I snffrred trrriWy with ItytprfuU. To nil id her rniiiilrics, in advance, per year. .J. .$7.30 I hid it for year and all llin mrli-tine nmn of Saturday. January 1 1, ilo and no trace of him has been CIGARETTES J.' tooV did not inn any poo.1. TELEPHONE 98 1 rpiJ kjmettiinf ah ml "Fruit-a-titet" found since,-. ays the Ketrhikail triig good for oil Slomark Chronicle of recent date.. The Transient Display Advertising ?I.10 per inch per insertion and iKiordfii of Digtition, o I tried Onianey arriCd from Ihe sea Transient Advertising on Front P.ltfe 2.0 per inch thfiD. fisheries., this morning hriuxtiig Ihe news' of the bieideiil. AntrfmUhinca trr boxM, Iwa Local Headers, per insertion : 2"c per lino Classified Advertising, per Jnserfinu 2c per wnnl ntlrHy relisted of tti lrsrer! aad Jnrobcn left the Ouinney, ril health irlorisl; ami whirh was anchored ahoiil Iwo my prnf was Legal Notices, each in-orlioii .,,...,l3e again line per I tip wriiing to trll yon that 1 One and one-half mile from YakTf. floiilrarl Hales oh Appiicalfoh. lif to'Truil-a-litrV lal i Yakutal May, in n dory at All advcrtiing should l in The Daily N'cws OITlee on day preceding my lounl M1W. AVTOI.VKTTK HOUCHKIl. 2 o'clock in thfl;hflrrnoon. puMicHiiih.Member 'All ndverlisiiig received subject In approval. SOo a box, 6 for$2.:it), trial lie2.V. for a fioinl about (wo miles from TTilTiu k of Audit Bureau of Circulation!. . the intending lo liuntf At dnalp.rs or sent ponlpaid lif schooner, , Fruit UM I.iuiile.1, U1U. for several hnuri. Al H o'clock DAILY EDITION Miimlny. February C, 1022. ill he evening he had liol re-nirned and fearing for his safety More Daylight SUITCASES Hie crew hove anchor and set out to search for Hie man. About In the Evenings. TRUNKS half an hour later Ihey found Tlii"! Daily New? lias been aked lo again draw attention to Ihe dory boiloui side up floalins the desirability of falling in lint- with Vancouver and other cities CLUB BAGS a lillle way from the shore, and by mioplbig daylight saving. An exlra hour or dayligjil in tin beached II. finding the ii.irs. gun. Stock and oilier nrlicles (hat had been occasions when il Large on hand.; CMMiing N worlli a great, deal. On the priiier In Ihe boat missing. Price low came- into force in Prince Huperl many of the younger people very Never Reached Shore. went iii the Sail Lake lo hathi;' every evening. La.-l year it was J. F. MAGUIRE Enlisting Hie services of crews not convenient to do that because there Was so lilile time. The of ojher boats nearby, Ihe shore Next the Printe Kupeft Hotel Mack (lie get Itosy Iteforc dusk nml it becomes rather-Cool. This was searched for miles nn either side of Ihe point for which is only 4ne of many reasons why il is desirable lo have, daylight Jacnhsen wa bound. Mrmherl Of Most like to the water in the eveningv and saving. people go on the crew are cerlain he never the extra hour is. .much appreciated. (lames are played in the I The Man in the Moob reached Ihe shore because Ihere evenings and an hour of daylight is .worth a lot in a baseball or SAYS- was snow several incfie-i deep ; right down lo the beach, and fnojliall maleh. no footprint olher than those Al this time of year we are all more or less tied in. The days MONEY sometimes Ijitks but made by Hie searchers were are short and we do not gel as much sunshine ifs we should like. the conversation is no very intellectual. found during Hie (wo days spent In the siniyner we ran make up for it Ity putting the clocks ' hunting for, the man. Ilesides. Superb 2ualihj forward ah hourm! thus giving an.hour extra of sunshine in the IliC dory showed no scratches or finest Workmanship 'I'll Eft E Is said lo he a society olher evidences of having been evenings; in other words wc can adopt daylight saving. of whose the beach. mollo men is, ''Lip on Greatest Value that have puffed a cigarette Near the point where Jacobsen City Manager shall never Inuch litine," And was to have hrgun hunting there in ihe World Is Under Trial. yel leu to one Ihey will all break i a lagoon at Ihe entrance of IJlevefaiid has adopted lhcjdaii of appointing a city manager Ifioil vows. , which Ihe tide ehhs and 'flows to have charge of all its business, Jhc mayor and council to he a al Ihe rale of Iwenly-five miles 10 for 189 Jltzd i it tins MARY, has a failed calf and hour, according lo Howe rather than administrative hody. " legislative an 20 559 ofJO&fOO And when the 'people spy it familiar with the place. . f'rr-nounced. Under the new plan the mayor becomes merely the titular II gives llienl all a hearty lauU eddy resulls, and il is and ceremonial head of the city, elected not-by the. people but by Ho MaryVon a diet. though! that Ihe itory was. upset Ihe. cily coiiiuif. The business chief At the city will he the rity hy this eddy. Xo other reason manager, alsp chosen hy the council, in ilia words of the charter , ECONOMY l one of Ihe Thing can be given by Ihe crew for; we all preach hut outy Ihe wise his disappearance, as Jacobsen "I sawhirn." "What did he do?" amendment, ".solely on the basis of his executive and adniiuislra asked he filled praelipe. was an experienced fisherman Johnny. "Why tive qualifications'." .When, appointed he iieed not be a resident mm- and thoroughly familiar wilh out stockings, wilh candy, put a of the city or state. And to guard further against appointment KOMEfLNE'wants In tnow why dories. lot of toys on Ihe Christmas ree for political consideration; jHcCparle r, provides that no member Ihe Man . in Hie Moon Is always He Is survived by . brother. H. and then lie jumped in bed with talking iihoul (he frirts. J rf 'answer Jacobsen, id llie .tialihuter Flora Ma." GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY of'lhe.eily council can Ite chosen as manager. The manager is I would remark I hat I do Margaret, appointed for no definite term, and is removable at the, pleasure iusl as my neighbor il.i. "HARRIET AND THE S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p.m. Wednesday f ofthe coijncil. He thus becomes their administrative .servant WILL BUILD TRAILS Anynxf Midnight Thursday fv Swanson Day, Ocean 1 alls, rharged with the. non-political management of the city's bilincs THE ordinary man may think PIPER' AT WESTHOLME Powell lllver, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. arnl with ciJiiiuieiisurale lo his a girl an anycl until she turns S. S. PRINCE JOHN For all p..nits on Xnrlherr, id power jresjMiusibility. him down enhl. Then he dis Fish Creek and Neighboring Districts Southern (Jueen Charlotte Islands January 30, February 13 ' rovers that he never really liked Near Hyder to Be Curious Story of Mixed Loves Is ami 27, For Stewart February 2 and 16." Need of Change ' 4 Opened. Shown Tonight In Picture. her. Train Service. It is curious of mixed Pascr"rr MONDAY, WLDNE8DAY and SATURDAY at 11 15 Agitation for city manager government in Ucvclaud has been n -ory mj.mi: nor KETOHIKAN. Feti. (1.- -As soon i. m. For Sio thcrs. prinue Oeorg . Ilmonton and V. girts are half as n under way for several years. The city had been in a civic slump, the loves and breaking of conventions dlreci clothes as snow has melted sufficiently, eg. making connection for all points I f asle a and the administration at city hall had been progressively growing pretty ais Jlio Ihey wear proKaly some lime in thai is shown loniyhl at Hie YVcsl-holine Canada and United Slates. worse. The present mayor was up for re-election and was SOME clothes not June, Hie Forest Service will begin 'Thealre. , Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. opposed by candidates' of other parties and factions. The degrad hundredth are on work nn four miles of pack Small town life palled on Harriet City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 2C0 iug character of the campaign disgusted it great many nlcrs and girl don phrl I as pretty. as ltii frail and twelve miles of fool Field. She longed for opportunity Ihey cover. convinced them that drastic means were necessary lo restore trail in Ihe Texas Oreek district to visit the great bustling, decent government to Cleveland. The election on the cilv man THERE are great near Hyder. This trail will be hustling metropolis of New York ager plan afforded the welcome relief by presenting a chance lo arievoui a ; many oT value lo prospectors wtsljjng and finally came. She was attracted sills in this world, but reform the whole situation. Cleveland' civic spirit again being found out is the worst of. lo reach Ihe country between the io the famous lloheiuitiu CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY asserted itself as in the days of Tom Johnson-, and she sLigcd a all. Judging by resulls. Ehikarnin and.Texas creek which quarter. Oreenwicli Village, and civic couieliack which should give political rings in other cities is impossible to resell from Hie soon became nil ardent devotee of B.C. Coast Services cause for anxiety. ' Ohichamin on account Ihe glao free ami ultra-modern thoughl POLISH is all right hut not ier In Ihe divide between the and the other yuhjccls which Hie on Hie nose Ideal System of headwaters of he two rivers. villager mother In an attempt to Sailings from Prince Rupert Conducting Business. Two lo four miles of addition he "dilrercnl." She receives Ihe , Cleveland has substituted the new hut wonderfully simple al pack trail will be joined In amorous advances of lloyal lilon- Foe Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway ideal of a city whose business details are,managed by full time, Ten Years Ago the Irail ml in last year in I lie dlu a handsome young man lead- January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27. competent men, Indued in 'the speciallies and details of a big I In Prince Rupert Fish Oreek district, nbl Mr. lug a life or culllvnleil Indoleucr , Clirie. Flali Creek is prnhahly nl Ihe expense of a rich mini. Hi' city's business. "Tby intend lo avail themselves of men who For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle makcupublic service a profession and not an opporliiuilv for February, 0, 1912. the most promising of (he pros easily convinced her that conven January 7, 21; February 4, 18. and pects of the American side, nr. tion was a usless rode followed political manoeuvring gam," says a writer in telling of the Ihe cily council last change. "They will restrict the politically elected officials night dording lo ore taken out, which blindly by Ihe unenlightened and, to Agency for all Steamship Lines. agreed lo grant a site for sin i.n.u.. . ,., . agreeing to his of their functions, the proposal a free namely, determination proper of policy anil armory and . drill hall lo Earl Full Information from general oversight over the administration. Sfi longer will Ihey . as that mined at (he premier on love marriage, went through lh undertake the impossible task of selecting by popular vole reys nines. mere was a the olher side of Ihe line empty ceremony Willi lijm. Won-din'ft W. C. ORCHARD, Oeneral Agent executive talent trained for the specialized conduct of (he details deputation Ibis effect at making,the council a rcriupsl meet in UnukValtey. former contract wife, known Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Jl venue, Prince Rupert, B. 0. of rt city's business. We have long since ceased lo select school ing. 'The A full reconnaissance nf Ihe as the "Tam-O'Shanler tiirl," witnessed members Freil were Uiiufc lllver Valley will be made (lie "wedding" her Jlrsl superiiltendentx by and popular vole, yet our school system is Riork, Caplaiu Parlihg'toil, J. If. democratic 'Cleveland to hy the; Forest Service during k'fiowlcdfc'o of Ihe fact that her means apply identical principles In the Illldilch and Oeorge V. Tile. II whole of her Ihe year from Ihe standpoint of tove iiuair wiiu jnonnin was range public alfairs." Is understood thai Hie Depart Cleveland i much Ihe fiiidfng a rpule Into flic Interior ended, largest city which has adopted manager ment of Militia and Defence DENTISTRY country and lo look into the Harriet, arriving at Illondin's government. Akron is the next largest, followed byi Dayton, plans the spending fff 75,000 Orand limber resource of.the region. "A sludio home, finds a package from Hapid and Nashville. Approximately 200 cities arid towns for this purpose in the city. party will be sent clear to the her sister containing ajetter with Don't neglect yniir teeth, One decayed or missing tooth iiirougnoiii me imuen ?mies nave my (ir.W managers. in? il having the The headwaters of the river," .Mr, Hie details of tier marriage and lowers your vitality. thoroughgoing system by charier law hd given it hospital hoard has asked If.... r m la. a ... I i.. up. f, m "t. . a . A miiiih Hani, una win rripnm mi explaining that the lilacs enclosed lo assisf in (he building of Ihe are from (be bower in which Hie DR.BAYNE tallied." A frail info thai region lield. The ceremony wns sweel, DA IT Our frozen herring bait is conceded by fishermen deferred new wing.for The the rnalfer lime being.has been would open it up lo prospectors refreshing lilacs, symbolical or Rooms 4, 6, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 " to be the finest procurable at any Pacific Coast and miners who would use Ket. the pure, good things in life com O'lTlce Hours: Mornings, 0-12; Afternoons, 1:30.5:30; Port and it is "Fishy." Price, $30 per ton. The Prince Huperf Club chikun as an out filling centre; pared with the wild and free loUis Evenings, 7.P. ICE 11,6 "!Sl way of ,n,,uri"8 a &ood quality trip Is ien ihe following' officers eec last because of its being Ihe largest blossoms which Illoudln had to huve plenty of our hdid frozen Ice. price, nisht: President, A. J. Morris, (own near Ihe I'nuk placed in her hair moves Harriet K per toil. Vnrk oil n trail along the vice president, J. II, to a realization or her error. Outfit 0ur W'"-'1U'PI,'1 "tore Can supply fishing gear, secretary-treasure, II.MpMiillln;P. Wilson liver' wI also start diirliiK Ihe Illondin, entering (he room al this and hardware.iisucrinen h clothing, groceries and provisions ; Directors, Frank MobleV. I'. summer lime, and finding her in tears, Is Nanaimo-Wellington f0 A I H. Long, A. E. Mc.Masler, D, A. SAW CLAUS. at n loss to know how to pacify NEW ENGLAND FISH McKlmion, A. A. Ilroderiek, O. It, SANTA her. This sweet and Innocent girl AT REDUCED PRICES jJ Company Xaden and A, Oarss-. Two lillle brothers, decided to has been disillusioned. Ills advances LASTS LONQER MORE HEAT BETTER SERVICE -. . Ketchikan, Alaska Branch Investigate this Santa Claus only terrify lier and Dually Walcli your monthly hill and you must admit STRUCK BY TRAIN. business and Ore Christmas eve She faints. Just as lilniojln finishes NANA IMO WELLINGTON Is the Best. Cheapest and MONTH KAL, Feb. UMrs o6k turns standing guard. Fili putting her to bed his aunt Helen Travis, 35 years fit age, ally Johnny who had been do. arrives on the scene, with n policeman ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Advertiie in "The Daily News" was struck by a Irali ort fhe Ing was awakened by -Tommy and the Tntn.O'Khanle t Oit-,1. Orand Trunk Mountain filre! greatly- exrlel. In a stage All orls of nneer things happen Phones 116 and 664 Th that Paper gets Quick Results crossltif. whisper he luformcd Johnny, a flor that.