Monday. T 'Min , PAGE TOUR THE JMILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus CfcACtouVH'f root It) TOuS TOOT JICC5- MOT VrflitM fth '.rA60CO H '-?zS THin; in Mf L " tZI I' pE-BOLC IN MY it ALL -ivyOuLeM TOO ti'ORE TO i.YOUXOME. CAJT EVMY STAND ON? 1HI 1 n - ..ijifnr I 3 L lPOE"a' ON'I'LL II I .. HK TO .ir hRC. AWHILE.! . I I - 1 i mmm IVfore jroa o oat intothcdamp chilly air dip a Peps tablet fa your month tarrj a f also iB jirrwct TbTaaothv in tike I'epi for hipping rold U l ImmI. wlMiM o W4 tovf k. sad- r--tini braKMriasina Him-Uf tfcM mbi4mii iVn r Ik for WINTER COM&COLDS nnr MOVING? NEW ICE PJLANT ; ; Sport Chat J MAY BE .BUILT! HOCKEY CHAMPS Daily N.evs Classified Ads. If Ah a result of i heir bad de SO, feat al I lie bunds ol (lie SI. 8 CENTS,PER WORD IN ADVANCJE. AdrlMimnt JTsiken fnr Uit hn.OOt Andrew's Society in lhe Trail Call Us Up Plans for Addition at Cold Stor Vancouver Ladies' Team Beat Shield last hjlliurd tournumeiil FOR RENT WANTED MUSIC. age .Have Gone East. Calgary on Saturday week, the of Klltalld are - F.xperienecd men give satis-, The Canadian Fih ami Cold at Banff. now pretty finhly eslahlishcd in UNDKIt new: ujanagement. SI. IHtl SKKFLI'KH warn- position, 1'IANO SCHOOL faction in household re- i Storage Company, operaling lhe the ceiluj position in the standing Louis ItnuiiK. Mrs. i'. Vnlpy, when she can have small girl JLeschelliky Method. All ar, limvuls. largesj fish cold storage plan! f:.I.(i.HY, Keli. 0. Thi' Vnn aud the distance between manageress. Hales )3,5(i per With her, Town or Country. Inkeir nnl sjMi lnl ailr rn On 1pm Tup general carlage on the roast, have completed couver Amazons won tlie women's lliem and the Veliraiis. tlie next week and tip. Also furnished Mrs. i:. Iiiiieron, laellin. II. wio iirgiunrrs. lerms workgi'ven direful attention. hockey championship of Allteiiu ' If. , moderate. plans for an nilililinual ire lank lowest Irani, seems alillle too housekeeping rooms. C. We promise prompt delivery y ami Hrillsii t'oliiinhia when they lonj; to he overeonir ill tills lale " CIIAS. r: HA LAO NO, ipahlc of making .10 Inns of ice Fiirnl5heIf' TO MINT- I.nti4 ! WA.N'THI Marine ; ilefealeil tfi' Calsrary llepents jiy engine, ty. Hand Itlock. of nil final order given to us. slu'e in he, schedule. As far corner !ttlti n4 a iiay. I lie present planl makes keeping' sliili. Apply I If) Olh el 2 to k horsepower, giuul n score of two to one in the last ;n tlit 4ei,dersliii in the league is Fulfttit. Phone lllue 61. it funs; a ilay which Is used hy Avenue Hast 4jC I'hone IlllVe condition. Full Ktvih'ilar and frame of me iiniur carnival on concerm-il, tlie Wandereres, 20 lie company for its own plant 217. If. prie IV O. Ii.iv 190. HAIRDRE8SINQ. Sat unlay. Mis phoelie Senkler fh PAGIFIG GARTAG E ami is also sold lo lhe fisher. points behind the Trail, still Olfy. ni Umfe? fti'Mf Mnnagenie: ! nieij .ninl Hie older fish ilealers was unalite (o play. have xi chance hill it is a very FOl IlKNT-rooms -.Misiern House, . UFA IIAnilFfl SHOP AND PATHS in tin city. slim one and I heir piup inlo the and bath. I'hone Itluv WAXTI'D- oencrnl -se'rvnnl. Apply 228 Slilli Ptree( Limited The proposed new planl. plans AMATEUR BOXING IN first position before the series 710. Mrs. J. C. Mclennan. Ilor-deit fl. M. HILDA Y Plmno ;ilu : Phone 93 f which are now befnn lhe ptoses is very uijkely. The" Slfct. 2J CLEVELAND RESULTS SI. Andrew's last week worked TO'LITI' Apart men is aio! house ilireclors in the cast, will eosl .Vlverlli In the Dslly ?ti-w F. W. Ilarf. If FOR SALS in the stamliu? but ss25,Ont). I' is hailly needed here up a-tftlle TWO CANADIANS LEFT are still loup behind the for ca cry summer. during the a way WK are offering Hie following busy season then is an ice Wanderers for second place. On ST. ANDREW'S MADE eii3rtii,:- horlage al this port. Cl.irVKI.AXn. I"ii. f.. Kijihl (lie whole, the teams are now so t 13-15 iieaty duly lluf well spread out thai (here is CLEAN SWEEP SERIES Metropole Hall ill of ii-n fioxers survived lhe falo 50(l.0i lillle possihilily of ranks being NOTICI TO COXTSACTOSI. WILLIAM MANSON semi-final roun'd of lhe inlerna-lioiial I Irt-ti.p. Palmer 350.fVfl rtnnr ronroows. WITH SONS ENGLAND amateur lio.xiu loiirua-Inenl changed al all. Tonight ITie t 8-b.p. Palmer for rent lo lodges or similar 30(1.00 1tttW ill he nr. o i i '-. I'rnil and the Ureal War Veter TREASURER' OF B. C. and seven out of I i liouls K-h.p. Clay . ,i75.oii Ihr risKlftrUI i'uMr V.. I t organizations. ans are sclieiluleil to meet. the lrt. n. ' tie "' "f '! ended in knockmils. Anions the The St. Andrew's made a clean I 3-li.p. Olympic M -I Trttnuty. Illl. ..r in 'CONSERVATIVE ASSN. winner's were Willie Cilihanl of taller team has been playing in sweep of the hilliard tournament t J-ti. (legal 200.0(1 ixs) r -Hirw irm i-mi., o io OFFICE SPACE drfllrrM nmiArtr I b Toronto in the ins pound class much better form just lately with the Sons of Kugland In (lis 1 0-h.p. Fairbanks 1 Horrn. M4 I IMA Mtrrw 38 by 21. healed, suitable for ; than the first of the al season professional William .Manson, formerly uf and KreiMie jloyle of Toronto in last game on 'Satunlay when fl. cycle 80.00 h .rrirsl hy IM Offxrtsiriit ' ' for rent. man, lhe 125' ctiiss. and it is quite possible flint they ri rftw HMprM. run il I'rincH Rupert, was. chosen treas jxinnd Andrews defeated "MansVll liy I 8(l-3Hpere sjjifjige ballery .- ind fntnts nf lW n tw H reduce lhe jandinp4of the - Agents for urer of the ltritish 4VIumbia The finaU are to le fought may a Score of 200 to 132. I lie total and dynanin 5.0. We also (I Norwegian American Line nexl Kridav t)i?hl. league leaders a few points. for lhe series lbOV bf Ik Itltlnrl r!w: rt (Vinscrvalive Assocjaion al a standing: SI. An hav Tin ns.drtnunt of other bww nunl Is tmotsiiM I" v v Swedish American Line meeting held in Vancouver, last There are six more: tournaments drew's 1200; Soils of Kogliltid. iiynaifioes and "piagneloes nl, ! Ixiik -rlvsn van a rtulK-, : In it lo , be played :before he grand antdi msds ptiitld U II sb. ox .Scandinavian American week. The complete "list of of WANDERERS LEADING HOI. As a re.nil of this Tourna pricts. 3 fori-e feed lubricnlors. ViM'irr uf ft:hUf H'Mlt tor ' -w '. Line. ficers for the .year was: final ou February 27 when lhe ment lhe Sons, lake another blsf I 5-h.p. Ilevefse Oenr. l i-i nrr rt-pt. nt tli K-o-v-- "-k MI If ! tfl h" tmirtxm rM i Oliver Typewriters President, Charles Jones. PKINCE RUPERT CLUB Trajl and anderej-s,' leaders drop in the cellar standing. I lo-li'.p. 'itrversi' fSAar. ihi to ratrr Inn risilrai run VihI runners-ti resctlvely, UM lo ft tit It ttt) fall' la s; B Cary Safes Vice Presidents, Alderman W. meet. landing to date; l..(-h.p, Iteverse Hear. ml nsnnrim tr II. Owen, Captain A. X. Itoykin, . INTERCLUB BILLIARDS PI. Pis. AV. 20' anchors from 25 Miunds to MHIr in rrrtU4.mni -t tar leisf FIRE INSURANCE rx-Alderman T. II. Kirk. Trail. '7 808 1, 1155 00 pound'. New and utcd pro. x t. rjumi'TMt - treasurer, William .Manson. Five jranes ..f lhe fourth l.ill-llie With all f-uir trophies in the Wiiuder'eVs .... 8 9029 1 129 pellers, boats and engines for IMOrKl I t Secretary, X. Ii?ly Fislier. jiard touruameni lie(ween basketball leagues inv defintcly SI. Andrew's H82 I 1 103 various purpose's. Northern Dybhavn & Hanson Kxeculive n. S. Pyke, W. O. : Prince iluperi and Wanderers allocated for the 1922 season, Klks '. ... 859 1 1071 Kxchange. Phone fill). If ihere will be lutlhing of out . an rii. i : r.. i (I. W V. A. 7023 1003 Scott, It. I. Mail land. J. .McLennan. i.iuus wrn- oaeu on .aiuruay Third Avenue standing nature in Die three lal FOrt FAIIv 32-fl. (roller. 9-fl. 0-he.tmt S. O. K 959 77 05 F. V. Welsh, Ceor?e A. ev'enin? and the latter team is Prince Rupert, B. ,C. Stephens,. A. I.. McLennan, X. ahead by a total of lil to 775. nighls' prograiiis of the Ilasket-ball fi li.p. Vivian engine. TIMSKN SACK . S. Hoss, Mrs. Ilorrobin, Mrs The sixth jrame between W. J. Association al Agricultural I Ion I fully equipped and in BILLIARD STANDINGS rlr1i inArfr Oltl h tf - Hall. The Klks and Sons of 0-h.p. in. beam. Vivian engine, !avis. Oeurpe IJhaffee, S. David-' Xelson (Wanderers' and A. T. Wlal.lrr ttt I awl. al Virtt'U i Canada, of the Senior League. cash. Apply T. SolL 'Cus. ii m a iiw lint 4t utt-'- flroderick (Prince is i son. Ituperl to lis luirrluw- u( I.K-MW i lie played lonislil. till haVelwo more meetings- Following is the list of in- barf." Om- Hay. ' fry 4 m i'mi' Friday and next Tuesday nights dividual mt Haluin frsn att at-a -m o far this aiuruay nigni s score were averages- SALIt--Dressing trfble. Win irm wf Mixes lui Hs . FISH ARRIVALS I'Oll SILVERSIDES follows: land Ihese wjll, of course, e in. season j the Trail Club C,,. lit.irKI. us (cresting although I hey will not billiard competition: rtialrs. brass le. carpels, dining Thrt- i t-ar (till I W. .1. Ilcmmin? (Wanderers). mmHil ( iKhlM-r Thousand Pounds.Sold have the same al trad ion as if Oames Total ver. room suite. MrCtary range, inrtlwr pariitsilara f it ' Sixty-five 200; J. II. MrMulIin Itu-perj), (Prihce . . tn. VOtorta. i !!'' etc. All best grade BROS. healers, anything decisive was fit he set- This Morning Higher.Prices. 156. Harbour T) .... 7 1100 200 .Second .Street Med in them. - The trophy winners furniture. Apply Piiillpotl-KviH Hlylho (T; 7 I (00 200 A. A. lesson, 192; J. W. Scott, ' WATIH NOTICS". Siity-five thousand pounds of 200. for tlie year are as follows: Shakespeare (T) 3 000 200 fi tUt. .1 OlvrIM M U. Dealers in halibut was markeled' at the Kisji Slejiheiis, 200; CJapl. Croves, Junior League, McMordie Cup Howe. (Wj 2 100 200 AUCTION SALE. notlr IK.I $tn 4. arnn t-" Mxehanpe this'rnorjiinp, the price 180 Tiny 'Tim,s. W. Data's ii n (P.).. 2 393 197 d.lro. la rw ..inKsv, . ' tot a lirrnm In laa atvt 14 Jt WALLPAPERS , paid heintr considerably hislier P Tinker. 200; T. If. Johnson, Indies League, lleii'oii Cup Slwkley (W ...7 1303 i!IS .t:criOX SALF-On Wednesday. r srnstd nt airr tun nf Bet' '' hirh arsl -tra! nt nnriitfa.irrl; PAINTS than al tlie end of t lie week. t2S. LAJHcors. Ii. Drown CP)-... 7 1358 191 HHi February al 2:30 p.m. at linrsiii nittr isnii niM nim fm aa l-'ollowinjr is the list of today's It. II Shockley. 200: .1. IlulKcr, Intermediate league, (iroltn Davie (K. 770 191 house corner of Tenth Avenue t-t tlm iiotmii alr hnr.ill ls mrii v WINDOW GLASS arrivals and sales; r,8. l'il Culls. F. Stephens W 1 5 10 193 and ll.icon Sirei-i of lhe following: imiiii il snl ahrsil M ft alt" 1 lleliance, 8000 pounds, and Senior League Oilhuly Cup Self 1V.) 772 193 llrnss bet I. dining riHim atr tsi Lot ill. Ilanr a. ! ': ' FRAMED Ixl -m 111 Ur usnl fur f-i.'f t" :'" and UNFRAMED Aujnisla, 15,000 ioiinds, sold lo Klks. J. Drown (8A) 70 1 191 table, chairs, bureuu. Monarch hr Utvl (IvmtiImI a. Lot III " CHET NEFF BEATEN li. McKvoy il'.t 1519 190 range, healer, sofii, lliioleiim, Uksi Ul.tru-t. kt-ia Hirer I'l-li ' 3 PICTURES lhe Canadian Fish and ('old Sin. litis hour t pa.lnt no thp I 1 rase Co. at 13.i'c and 7c. Senior Itasketboll League scoring Pillsbury (C) .. 1332 190 etc. l'hilloll-Kvlll t:i.. Aiie- w I lii da. sal January. Itll WINSOR & NEWTON'S Valid. 1000 pounds, and Alii. Ruled Out In Fifteenth Round records to date are as follows: Waugh (Ti 918 190 tioiieers, Teleplione 018. 31. pu A return"sr llirrriM tt Hit iwtlic ami l atKl lit an Wt an With Lee Morrlssey Result c. c. Clemepison (C). Judge (T) 1310 t 88 Illl." lll Ii BtWI to I h ART SUPPLIES 12,000 po'unds, sold In the pai'iile BOARD. Var lrnir al l-rlw lntfn. F Fisheries al 1 3.3c and 7c. of Foul. 170; W. O. Anderson (POO), 9; scntt I 1 99 187 oiij-riMsi. lit ar4li-itHio ma: 1 ft. ,.L4 RNMlP a I.t. SPECIALISTS In SIGN and Florence, "18.000 pounds; Kin- 0. M. niylhc -(SK.), 13; A. A. Xelson W) I 190 187 TIIH new dining room at the lsnlltl-r t,t WHrt HIM f1 Al.OOXES, Calif., Feb. C. -Lee Fson fK., '.. J. STnilli 'K), , mtitnu ' 12; H , Itoberge Hi) ... 1300 180 inlander is now open, noam HuiMiita. Mrioria. mounl, 1000 poumls, and W. and SHOW CARD WRITING Idaho data allr in tlrst iriftraiv -nnlir Murrissey of Fulls, Idaho, 30; L. L. Lane (S00 niuL :. F., 2000 pounds, sold to the Itoyal Kinghorii (SA . I 183 lets by the week or month. I'hone hi a lcal ne"!-!-- , ' Saturday ni;iht won from Chef DIckensen F.; , 20: IL Mejuies, Jams A. Hh'tW !' Maedonabl (SA). 1171 18t 137. If ' Fish Co. al I2.5e and 5c. ati. n Xeff of Seat lie in the rifleenOi 7li rial .( Ih or.i iMitllt Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 ISOC, 20; II. Sliakesiieare (SO Allen (SA) 1 109 181 nol ira U laiiiiary fl. I l round of Ihclr ballle here for C'., 10: II. Frizzed, (SOC), 10; II Ill'iiimlngs (W. 1105 I8 BOARD AND ROOMS xniHirn i:.ut r " i; tiir WIRELESS REPORT the AmcricHU-vMcxirau border II. Scoll (SO0),K; W. Illylhe C. Dalagno ( li) . 18 tiuiriMi ;oi.i vbm lltlmt,, llOOM and Hoard for hree lay-pound championalUPi t'C"1' and V.. Macintosh W.) ami IL MrtMordie (Wi 1151 181 gen-Ilernen iMsinir.T 8 a.m. fisht was won oh n fowl, Nff Stuart !SO0j, ft; V. II. Martin Iloheltsoil !AK. IU9 181 at .o per monlli.' Apply tvl mil Carl Ion Ileslnurant. If. uvAZt.rr TORK'Si ItL'I.I. HAIllIil Cfoudy. liahl persjsJinjr in usihif hi Jcnee, I" a:., I. .. . , Hill (S) 1 1.10 i'kh I'M'i. ri r 1 southeast wind: baromeier, 29.-52: kick .Murrissey after lieJiaaTieejii . Andrews (SA) ... 0 " 1072 '7 LOST inn'....sine "oii.t' mi li.HT SELL temperature, 10; sea s.nuiolh. repeatedly warneil lo desist. Ladies' League rMiss 8. Cill- Mcllmoyle VF.) 895 170 .l STOVES. 4:13 a.m. spoke F.fjypl Maru, deione i.ML,, 18; Miss A. Kelly- liooper (W .... 535 178 LOST Hunch of keys Friday ivtu.n. iVA.rr. IIS IioiiiiiI for i i rays nartior, one LEAGUE HOCKEY. M 38; Mis ,L. Parker (.Mi, Silden (Ti 1003 177 evening. Finder rewarded upon rum1 thousiinif miles from' Hull liar 'National League .17; Mrs. X. Mobley (T), 25; Mis. WaUfield (K) .... 531 177 re I urn to Daily News office. 32 i ralnl mi: Miir MIOII.Y VK AM 'A'" 1,1 bor: 5 a.m spoke l.rnpress of Ottawa-, 111: Hamilton, 0 V. Shoekley ?.l, 21; Mrs. K Ooodrirk (O; .... I 209 173 POULTRY. mi' imirr it.. Hi Ualtlial' ' " Asia, 8 p. in. posiiion J12:00 X., Toronto, 3; Montreal, I. Sherman (Ti, 19; Miss M. Ora-haui Dijiiolioe (F.) .... 517 172 Atlmlraliv ItlMrtrl f afi'na.'tn lrillli ( "', , simu uVbs-k in Ihr ;, Fred Stork's Hardware t2'.i:.J9 W. (ML), 10; Miss P. Trc. May (O) .: 1190 171 I'JII.f:, pnre hriNl, wfific Leghorn tlar nt LUriurr. Il, f " '1 ',SI ?M), 1 1; Mrs. T. Moloney 'roosjers from gooif laying iirliiin at Ilia Vara of 'aif"- mayne (freen () Second Avenue ,;D 'JMK ,J:(MNT Clear; CONNECTED WITH- 1,193 I7fl Vard Mmlleil al lt '""".'',! ) PHONE B1ACK 114 culm; baromeier, 29.90; teuiper-ature, Ci, t:t: Miss It. Moloney (C) 12; W,D. Smith (SA A 170 strain for sale. Phone lllue Vlltrouvrr, l. lhe liCflo.IMP J ; ' . ti, 2ji; sea smooth. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Miss A. Ilorvlck (O). 7; Mrs. F. Wearmuiilh (S) 1,185 IC9 335. .32 in.t)M.i..i Admiralty lo lit mad i.nlr ami dail f w - DIOIIY ISLAND Overcast; Voune and Miss L, (loss (Ct, King (X) v. 133.1 (07 BOATS FOR HIRE lll.iaui.-tlx iiarilrulara nf Hi lnP "J" Illl Hxhl soulheasl wind; barometer. The Canadian National Hail-ways 0; Mis A. Stephens (.ML), fit Warrior (fl) .... 1 151 101 re a ri.lli 21Uft: femperalure, 37; wa have connected up their Miss (J. Johnstone TO, ; Miss fr. .West (0) .... 1143 103 C0MLW D0W4VLauncli "Nar- Ollinal ttiiilir.IllllliWr:Ital and Jaia.I'nrt ft K'' , , v, . . . LEE moqlh. telegraph service at Fraser Lake M. Harvey (ML), 1 ; Miss I.. Tinker (S) '.. 1113 159 f iieiniing.1 1. i nin! not 1 asKintr yon I. It IV. ITInr HtHrrl. H, ' M. T. Noon. with the Indian Indnsjrial school Fisher ML;,nd Miss. M. Slins I'leniiiiir ((11 .115 158 for'a'Job. I mil offering you IHII.L . IIAHIKHl Snowiiiff, so that messages from outside :; I A riilversides (ftj 8 1227 153 a service 'at reduned prices. Hraitil Innh II iwtr lrl.ail: l 41 tlilti-In-pitt: fw Ladies' & Gentlemen's litfhl southeast wind; barometer, can be delivered lo Dial lustllii. ' m. J 'I i . I05 115 Phone llnrk 400. fl Irnlh. -.'f 2952; lemiiernture, 39; sea mod. (Ion. Fred JoudiyiLlh jocal optician! Parr . (O) I 138 .138 1h hiahr.l nr am ttitl is TAILQR erate. - t y j had bis alli-iitlon drawn al Morgan HP.v-. 271 MISCELLANEOUS. IHP , ll 1-rrinlMlnn In tw fld Fit Guaranteed DRAD TftHK POINT CJear n, II. Mnlier. Liiiior Coulrol Christmas limefii (iie'ilfpHirahl 'l' Kllverjjt.b's) 3 400 FISIIiat.MKNr IlI'MF.MHKnil Our J.i,ln,l Insn Uwi MaiXtill al hi calm; baromeier, 29.00; temper Iloaril auditor, is in the city having cuiiilllioil it.,. III Hie -ryrsinov Tl "I..i .. TJiomjisoii 4((1) .. I 'KJ5 lor, machine nml blacksmith shop it iiATui rrnirr ih iitnia.itili'aiiitni-r day if Jui jp ature, 33; sea smooth. arrived last night from little girl In ilie city and has La Casse (0) .... 1 101 '101 Is open. We do new and repair' Illl. opposite P, C. iiomiiT sMiiit. Third Avenue, i.t.miiir. DIOHV ISLAND Cloudy, Ilslit Prince .(lertjgp:. Ilefore returninf: now lieen successful ill com Kas'son '(K) I 09 09 work In.all lilies. Sails, r ! f"r tti Phone Red 13 sou'llieii'st 'wind; Jjarpmeer, 29 In Vlrloria Mr. Mailer will aUo plrtely leiiieilyjiig lhe COllldaml faction guaranteed, Nogues A Tli I artrtrM in nfnr for arrllr i.f i.f"H.-Irt f..ffoutar 4 2,4; .temperalure,J Siea.sinootli villi Stewart and Anyox, free of charge. - Subscribe for the Daily Newt. ParcnLCo.i New M asset. , . niiniii, auiyftoreri rtalWini. t) t 1 t n