february 0. t22' . . - r j a a a a a Brwi n a r 1 c n e-b r r , Mrs. 0. A. McNicholl will no! in FIFTEEN YEARS he at librae Tuenday. " Local and Personal . "The Regent" MANSLAUGHTER Mrs. V. I. Palmer will not re ceive lomorrow, Tuesday.. J Fur u Taxi, phono G7. tf I.. V. l.ann left cm (liUmorn- Judge at Edmonton Spoke Scathingly George Leek, Auctioneer. If iug's I id in for upriver on n lui- of Bootlegging and WRHjLEYS itieus. Irlp. 'Mil in n Mplciullif inslrumcul both from Moonshine. the utandpoinl of Trine llrprodurtjon 'JJ. (J. Undertakers Phone 41. tf V and KhMiiNTOX." lr. A. A. JJray of Ij-anc'in Feb. (,. Fifteen Mood Appearance. II f equipped with a Vui imprisonment was (In; Launch "Oh Baby." Blue E4S. ake liaa heen nppolittcd coroner uimerial tone Hsat for Ihe dixtrict. arm plas nil makes imposed on Oeorge Mc- . of !. mil, nn.l nlo n wooden lone Kiiiu.y n, Mil- supreme criminal Hayncrs, Undertakers. 1'liunc , J. J. Halriuh. (Talladinn N'alion- rJiHiniMT. Jivjng fiiMiivt 'un niursuay when lin wan 351,'. ; tf n instrument, il . Iravclliiig al frelaht agent, sailed 'Ollll.l . . . Kli.liy ,y jury (J)fi lu i iii. for keeping tlie reeonJ. 11 i 'IliHM'' of HIHIIf huiplilvr, tin Hash for Victory ilmids. Tims, thU moniiiitf for Ocean Fall h al u moderate price. Ve havn no charge nf murder prefelTt.i McUlymuiilc,. If on tin- Prince John. in ayln II I (ho .,i ,j. aiuiiii him having beep rediic- '.:. .list. . nilclv jii it e.l ilinniiKraili on (Id; market 'il l llir lesser offence by I In Mir 'iiMsit lor your money. .Mr. and Mr. Jiuncx II. Thoiop- jur..n. aflfr a deliberation of i:ily Marked , if on. .'in.I mi i(i I iff I on Ihi luuni. inly iiiih-imiI nlun fur the money. half mi In.nr. The jury made no ing train to vifl their old ii'i'iiiimi.M.iaii,,,! fOP lenleuey . Union Seuii!lni. "Clillliwiiclv home in Noa Hcolia. niiMili I hey had been advised by nailing for -SlW-arl J'uejtday. 30, Only $110.00 ;"JMonth Mr. Jui ire'Simmon in summing Mi I.aura Tinjiley of Maet iit Ihe evidence Dial (bey lillgfil II. V. franklin, of Ihuellon, wenl foulli lhf. riiuruing 1411 Hie make any suggcsJious th,.y wish-I. arrivel ill IjittvCily al I he wirek- Prince John to lake a ioiliyn Satisfies the sweet tooth,arfd on Ihe teaching staff al Ocean The n.vii-d displayed no fcel- . Fall. ; aids appetite and digestion. n M'iiDlovrr whi the Jury J. (iallall nrri-d in Hie city : I'i'.ii-lii in their crdlij againM fnnii Mart on the Wince John V. S. Feallierouhaii1i. Can Cleanses mouth and teeth. ''un ,ii maintained the same on KiitiiroVy lilorniiiz. adian National resident engineer. .viii ..i.,tili..w attitude wlnn Mr. returned oii,lat niglil Irain A great boon to smokers, "-i Simmons illllMSed the I. l.oiTiizen urrited ill the from a Irip over' hi ection of relieving hot, dry mouth. i i.-iii-f upon him. eilysMl nlgliUaud it n-intered lh railway. , Indictment of Liquor Traffic. at Hie Hold I'rliic- Hiimt Combines pleasure and That tin- whole circiimtaiiee Allnd Fracei", formerly of llii connected with Hip death of Pal 'l"h lteevi Vaeiium (Ileaner eily hut now of Swanxon Hay. benefit. Ihiylc ami the trial of the oc- co1n only- $10.00 - and nnlhliia reached the city on Ihe Venluii- . . RUPERT BRAND . . niHi'il fur hi murder was a ter. U upfrnie. Mione Dlaek 700. If la n in lii ami I re?ilered al Don't miss the joy of the nble indictment against iht II lh Hnlvl Prince Itupert. new HIPS the candy-coated licit traffic in liquor a fcarried .1. Iv.Oiinlieliii. I lie well known "ii i,y Koine ,folc nt the pre. fur dealfr, left on thi mornln?f W. Piniiell, econd ejeward on peppermint tid bit! Kippers and Bloaters nt linn- wan' Jin opinion rx-.r-iM-i (rain fur Hum Lake and Hazel llo" leamer Prince (Jeorse, nailed hy lii 1orlhip in pa-niit Ion. ioday a chief 011 the Princ Chew it after every meal. i-iiIim on I In- irl iiir. ... . Jolin. M. ilam.ay, the regular rin-if w i trrenl d-nl Im naid Mr. and .Mr.. (Irani .M;iImh1. of Steward, 1 alore "on sick leave. lo -iiitcri.1 Umi Hnr had hm-u Stewart, w . ou Hi hound pa . ' for Sale at u di iiiil.cn otry whirh had been inirrr) ' on Ihe I'rim-e John Ihi ' TerraVe on, Ij.l., j one of ALL RETAIL STORES iihIiiIki'.I in tiy ilh the iIihm-.tovJ IIHMf hi ff. the new coniianh- onranized and (In- arrax-d l.ul thai in if . and iucorioraed in llriti.li l-Itimhia. The Most Breakfast If from un pioiil .,f ri'w of A 1'ao nrrie,l on lal The capital i lun.000 Tasty Food nnd Ihe head office in Vancou law or morality wn not if ff- nialif train frm Kraser Ijike Obtainable i'ii'iif jilotificMtioii fr tu- af and i rei.-ilcrel at the Hut rl ver. ro-t-d Ui tak- tin lif of nn.it lirr I'rinee Itupert. Jim mil- of mini. 1I'IJ-iiik ami moon- Stephen, pur.cr Smoked liini' liquor ram- in for I lie Ur. H. II. Hle-ker. of 'I'errare. the Prince Albert, and ix other Daily by iMoliMiinali.ui of hi lord reached the rily l.y lal nilifx member of the crew of that -hi n having a sn-al dial l. irain and i rejrilered at the teamer mailed on Ihi momin?' 5? Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ii'iiiiiiaui't-i with the fiVKi'i-MliiMi onrrotiniliiiK of th the Hotel i'rinee llilpert. couver.boat to pcud holidays ill au- ffj00 PRINCE RUPERT !!. Imi tlii. lo r.niidjreil. wa lyal Ornler Mooe Whll o justification for llir- iulumly I(rive sutl Danrf. Metropole Hall S.oiie of the Welshmen of Un tin- ar u-il .Tp-tini-il iimiii the WwliMilay. FHirnary 8, al 8:."o. ci!)- met ni Saliirday evening and d a-l in huryin.' him in a Wlholuie Orehrtra. 31 decided lo have a celebration on SI. David" lay. which i March iiianiir oip eiiil- if-rflrHcloj? audi inhumanity in tin- prrriir' Invpeelor A. Jv. Aelainl. of the I. A iakcr will bp imparled Lumber & Lath Of his wife or family or aljHoyiil (nuadiaii Mnuul'sl I'olirf for the -ofcawiou. Comes in 2 Months. .. . Stocktaking rat nf liaMiii.- di'iii- il with thrlr IrWiiriiml lat ni-lil on Iliu Von kuottlcdKe. lure from Ocean Fall; . Patldy Itoyle and J, 11. I.lriitg- tone, charged .wtiii a.auii a a Shiplap-Boards and Until that time we will ofler BOYLE IS LEADER Klewnrf arrival in Ihe rily re!!!! of a fight on Fullon Street on lhVlriiire Jolui IliN morning on Friday afternoon, were bolh Dimension Specials in Several Lines rlti..i i.- H."-Mlllo nn.l .Mr remanded on appearing in the i:iiMi.TUX. Fe.. fl. .-Hon. . K. Yiing and dnuliler. Itolire court thi moriiin?. Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Coer John It. Iiovh'. atlorny-fttiirn f the (irovince in the JlWaH (.l.)rrllU-t .Wii.t drie jifid Ihe Mellakalla Silver Hand CHOCOLATES French f..erniiieii. ww- Heeled lender il.uee 'lewja. to: 7, K. of I', held a concert lal nilil in Ihe Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding r nie l.ilHTal ootiooilion in tliel IJnll al HIO. Jo.hJ prlre. ealx VeiJiolme 'no-nlre. A .tdendid Anrl new levlflnlure ul n rMirerviwej,ii, .imie. Ailuii-' hoi 3lle, 31 program wa remlereil iml, on and Finish of (tjHiilioii memher. Tlie I - a.conn I of Ihe iurlemency ot the Ivory STATIONERY ciiireivoee wa extremely hnr-l Alex. A. Counoil. of llatellon. weal her, I here wa not a tcry SPRUCE LATH uioniou willi only two meuil-r. iwlm i I.. M reliirniii? officer al lare number in attendance. . atio'iil mill tin- ilee i ion WHflliie lliniiieca hy-elfcHou. rejicheil Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices made on Hie firi halol. Mr. the city on lat nijrhfii train. Judire Youi;r, ireidenl of tin These will le sold at cost to clear. Iliiyle IM-Iiig niii'eefiil inerl l.aua.lian l.lub tin moriiinu wir- lion. i.. H. .Mil. Ii. ll. former pro- i:. t:. pi-rry. Indian Aenl for ef Sir Phillip iihbs inxilmg PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. mi. ml lreurer, wh wa Ihe Skeena ltier .litlrtrl. i a Mel- him to addre. Ihe Canuilian ORMES LIMITED o'her nominee. Mr. Mitchell til lakatln l.nlay iieidin ovrr a t'lub here. The noled war cor- Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 once propnueil IJnil Hie eli-ct(on I rej.uliir meeting; of the nalive rc.opuudrul i making a lour of !n made tiiiaiiioioii jhi, llii-tlouiuil. the country and will be at F.d- The Piorcg The Rexall Store r Druggists vac done i-nlliiMlulirally. 'I ( moulon on Wednesday. J. (" llaiiiiiMiimii, .of l'orlaui ' ' NOTARY THEO LTD. CARD OF THANKS. la I'rairie, airive.l on Salur ANNOUNCEMENTS COLLART, PUBLIC Mr. I'ill .ar.-y and family I day tnorniliji from Alaska ami wih lo ihank Hi. n.many friend jweiit oiilh llii morntiiir on the TWO FINE LOTS on 5th Avenue W. SI. Valentine' Hall February ifor the xyuipalhy exended ill Iheirl lrinci Joliu Canadian National $1300.00 terms ' Railways late liercaxeuii'iil. I I i by U.W.V.A. on easy .Social find muiri)l eveiiiiitf for llo.iiital Women Auxiliary Rentals Real Estate General Insurance BIRTH. SI. Andrew' .Sorfely 'member ilver Tea Friday. 1 7th. Nurses" Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O. Box 66 A .laiiylili'r wa born lo Mr.land friend under llie ,nupire Home. Prince Rupert and Mr. A. S. I.i wi. -.Mu FifUiof the Unlie' Atixilian'. Mouduv Knilil of Columbus Annual ti- el on Sunday. I Feb. ftlh. 8::tn n.ui. 3d I la 1 , February Phone 15 ' Peter Black, Agent Main Office, Central Hotel v FULLER'S SPECIALS Skeena-'lliver arrival by Ial Shipyards ulirht' I mill include,! It. W Prince Coal liriMikricli! l.fjt 40c Sinclair, of Inverne I'jinu. ry Over Twelve Rupert Company ri- iho-oii. upccini Jvc , Mr. Ueorae tirnv nn.l l.x. lusi.! IteprcseulatUes. Operating Q, T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock i-acirie .Milk. Kr cae $5.50 ,aii-'hter. of Suiiiivide LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON. PEMBINA PEERLESS and Engineers, Pattern (.arnaiion aim m. utiarie. 1 Thousand Watches Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, YELLOWHEAD COALS Woodworkers, Etc per cae 7. r-. Irrv liiliner nn.l Mr makers, Founders, I'.j.JI.. C...... .1.1.. . .tel.. t Electric V.i I ti.l.U. i i...i,.l 0.1. C9 1C .,JIHini 1 of Slewart. were a 11 Repaired. ANOTHER REDUCTION and Acetylene Welding. 'I'l"" i".. v.uv ,,a ii:iksiMl?ir 1,'oliltr onlli on Laundry Blareh, ikg 25o n,,. .rinw' .lolin which called Our repair book show 'that "ur plant Is equipped ' handle nil kinds of f.mpie Marmalailc SOo i,i inornim:. lliei- nr.. we haw- had that number of IX Our Henl ,rt()c Tea. ? Jb for 000 bound for Seatlb customers' watches in for MARINE AND Sjiecial Creiiiunry Huller ... too repair. Ilrookfield and I.. C. 1. .. 19Q I Tliii-fm.,1 i i,liloii ,,f l.li.ot 'ei make our charges just I reh Coffee, 3 lb, for $1.00 Ladysmith-Wellington COMMERCIAL WORK play illustrated and about a ax low lis we can. Cream of Wheat 25c dozen olher book- have Jul been We have facilities for undertaking PHONES 43 AND 385 ClirUlie'. Soda, I in 65c added to die public- library al most any kind of a .Manic liakliiK Powder, '! V 95o Kelchikuu. according lo the In). " job, from Using breaks in z- llouer'Syrup. 2' 25o el iue In Hniv.' of the ICelch rings, eyeglasses, pens, elc. Ton Prices Corn, big llu. a for 50c ikau Chronicle. Atnka Keleliikau to Ihe most delicate time-1 MSaSBBMSMMSJMSSISHSKSBfSJsnSSBSSMMKSSSSJMH; Two in I, polish 120 i about half the ! of Prince On Dock Delivered No. I Jap Mice, 3 lb, for 25o pieces. , Mine Screened lluierl Lump, fcl9 7C We also manufacture cuu Cnip li's Cticoa, 'a lb 25c 0 $14.25 Dr. H. C. fresh F.Bg 50u most any kind of jewellery tn bulk v pl.l Jos. MAGUIRE Oulai'io Cheese, per III. 25c W. Howard, of Viclofja, and you need in n hurry. Double Hand Screened CjlO 7C V. I houiiou, of Ottawa, l.i $16.00 l lllliri' Coffee, i s 55c minion goMriuiii'iil wlroless men, TRY US Lump, in sacks ylO. I D Dentist made the round Irm lu, Slewart John The Ladysmilh-Wellinulon Collieries during Ihu lust llfly . . . . Do no I iuffrr Bulger, have been continuously uiiiiliig and lin estub 4-oul auotli.r d with ul Ho' week-end and ou.'the way years is Paying n visit to Vancouver nnd wilt return on PI I FS Itotal or ok.J'rotfuJ.filwsl-Ini, iiiaile iffl between (he steamer The Jeweller lislicd reputation for' producing THE BEST COAL fur all Ins ril.l. Ho and (be I lit;by Island slullon, Mr. heuting purpose whether for household Use or stcuni February 15 to his H BHBBl VSF illon Ufl0l nuulrnt CKT- Howard is remaining ii Hie city pluuU). Tin) ijualily of 'this splendid coal remains Dr.CbM.'. OlDUnenl will r.ll.T.jrou l onr. and Mr. Thompson relumed GIFTS THAT LAST j unsurpassed. Office, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block od nfford luting IxurSt M. a boi. .II , WE GUARANTEE FULL WEIGHT d.alrri, ur CiIiiiwiiii, Hl. Co., IJailtl, kouIIi hi the Pnuce John (hi Toronto, fUiiil. lioi Itrm II Jfou lii.ullou tLla t rf'r ui .nclo.te.tump u pt hU(.