1' P.RFish Market TAXI 00 Fresh Smoked Shell Phone qJJ qJ Fish FUh Fish Prime Meats and nest Service and PRINCE RUPERT Poultry Ileal Cure in the City Phone 671 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol XIII NO PHINCr" Mll'KMT. 11. a, .MONDAY. FKMlUAKY 0, 1022. SslurSsp's Clrcuislwft I.S3S. Strtst MIm . PRICE FIVE CENTS Opposition to Manson is Not Likely DISTRICT ENGINEER SPEAKS FAVORABLY OF PROPOSED RAILWAY IRISH WOMEN HIS MONKEYLIKE ACTIONS ATTRACT SCIENCE. Manson Gets Support From REPUBLICANS All Parties in the District; Telkwa Coal Fields Will Represent Omineca win support constitution as Proclaimed In 1918 at Next Easy One to Build Election. ' tWniEMH. IVb. . Iloii. A. .M. Manson held a meelliiff here on .Saturday night with Dev. James Evan.t presiding, There DtDI.IN. Feb. 6. Six hundred were ohoul ViXt people present, a"d on being a.kcd if it was their The promised luiinili railway Inn- from Telkwu Co lap the wotiirii ijtfralx from women's Sinn J'in organization called (desire Mr. Manson should go lo represent them al Ottawa instead -'I or I hi' l'rinre Itiiorl Coullleld Limited in llic Moricc remaining In fight Ihe by-election in together by Countr Markiewlcz. jof they were unanimously V ll y woiihl be a very iiiile railway to build," said V. S. adopted a resolution of allegiance ' favor of his going. i -louliiiugli. ililrirl engineer of the Canadian Naiional to (he republic as proclaimed in i Mr. Manson addressed Ihem and explained Die situation. He when interviewed yesterday liy Tlie Daily New on I lie lUlfi and railed on all Irish told Ihem why he had accepted office and I hut it wax mi opportunity Mi l-Yiilhcrslouhangli wu over Ihe ground of the jiro-il can women candidate lo support ul the only next republi elec for belter crvirc. He also mentioned the futility of Mr. a icur-ipo la.I summer, and at that lime prepared tion. ' Dowser trying to run a candidate -one phut, drawing und estimates which were netil to iFIINFRAI OF IATF I there in opposition io hlm. I Truiik la die Ituilwoy otllre nl Viiiiiicg. , n.aril to ,iis vMl tu ou I Mr. Featherslunhaugh staled HERRING ARE PATRICK CAREY WAS !,awa h- that he would that then would be a g-od deal feBHbL iitt ! aassV RIG DELEGATION of niouiilaiii work on the road HELD ON SUNDAYS"'''" net. NOW RUNNING "" The day was spent at Hazellon Inn llial Hie grade were pood. ''' The funeral of the late Pat-(",,u. '""; P"or io yhu- II ir railway would be about 3? OFF TO OTTAWA mill- lomc and would follow Ihe 'irk Carey look place from the inp suiimcrs. anu ne reported hav, Telkwa Itiver oulhwel to the Cold Storage Boat Brought In 25 Catholic Church on Sunday ing been promised support from Tons Yesterday.' people of all parties. oioriiin. Itev. Fattier Mrtiralh !uli fork branching off there Word has been received hem Will Leave on Wednesday to Urge and I lira following it south. II 'ifficialiusr. There was a large Ilrrrinu are iihw running ii thai C. I.. Cullin or Seattle and al tendance of friends of the defeased Claims of Northern British would go up the ouriiniil uf the lare i.houls in Ihe uei hborliood Victoria ts en -route here as the Columbia. South Fork lo Iowscn lake. to pay (heir 'last respects of Porrlirr Island. Al Caolaiu's personal emissary of Mr. Dowser. and Ihe caskei covered with where there i already a lown- was Oive Ihe N. M. i It. Kish Cak The people here will resent T iV'K'itali'O) f ii'in th dis-Ollawu 'ile. and then cross the Morice many floral offerings. have a herrinar pound where Ihey the Interference from outside will leave here Oil lller watershed to tSnld Creek The tiallbearers were Martin are suoolyinx live bull to the and ejecially from ft man who it i where the Je. Itnieilly M. 1. McCaffcry, Geo. V .... day morning, pro-, properties. makes Ms home iu fisherioen who v that "a)xYe-terday a foreign Frtzzeli. MrKin- J. Seoll. Honald ltepreentinir Ihe board 'Ilie heat irt grade would possibly Slor'afe lhv' Jld boat country. f Ihe north are Jloii. A. be two percent nrar Ihe ooii and J. A. hlrkpalriek. rrwlrlia briiuifht in hr first . roiitllu- rod unlet heavier grades Floral tributes were received OmiMrea U -hi of upper eale.h yf ton and alsajoad- rrom Mr. and Mn. E. C. La DDTTICU TAV T . JefTeraun of Telkwu, were urd lo lighten Ilie Coti- rd.lfoions piKlonolher .ni'in rrare.-Mrc and Mrsr W."Hart.DlH lljflM U F i'rluetuU sc- - i- IT m ajf f mat.'.'& boa I and Ihifs'also werelirou?hl --.wT-'-' Mr. and Jack Darnley. Mr.! I'here would Im difficult en. -Mrs. nod Dure wfl! be with lot lo the eidd storage plant. The and Mrs. W. Shrubsall. Mr. and' uineerini; features abrut the i i. Dawson nml M. Me. alllioush flslilnt: loal V. tl. Lord lefl this Tbls ten-year-old youth resemble aa ape'ia action andln Instinct. Mrs. At. P. Mrlhirrery. Mr. and MAKERS HIT ;,- .ruling Hie creditor building of the road at moriiinsr for Hie herrinsr fishln? He was born of fanman parents on the Island of Hawaii. The unfortunate Dry Dork A the upper end near Ihe fields boy ha? the mannerisms and methods of a monkey. When not Mrs. A. Clapperloii, Mr. and Mrs. Ituperl in lare mountain lo be and it Is etpeflrd'a larjre ealch holding some cne etse's band ie boy forward with both feet much t. McOrlhy, Mr. and Mrs. D. Co,t and Fred Stork, there a will be made. Several oilier boats like a fro. He doe not like u itinil, but Uops downward and reu (iletinie. Mr. and Mrs. D. Suther German Trade Puts Many Factories All Ihrsr skirled whieh would neeessilale - tht If oot watched he tears Out of Business In (to- district. are eosa-red in Ihe herrine fish- upon hishjnd -..! inee. t.pia wsy land. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hihiilrhr Imrkini: some lalrly Heavy nn.i-ina. off bin tlotbe- a-.etV.i .if . in Is neither heman nor apelike, Britain. i aid in m bail i.ul nil for Of the entire 30 mile thre erles purno-,..j for he b - !' :' r the Geor t whieh he lowers his Mr. ami Mrs. II. M. Da?Velf."Mr. I the lllriri. I rel eichl No herrlllK are etlred a llli- mouit: tau 1'i.k-cr StJte. A.'tr.y ctflctils stactonrn u the jsl.inir and Mrs. O. L.- Mifrray. Mr. and ;- ' Vaiidrrhoiif Hit would he bill seven or (Hirt. I are ii.w -..b .. . ic i..:.a.:- oey ' it otcinr shi-' a tide .lew Mrs. A. II. Ilailey and family, LONDON, Feb. 0. A serious 3 uf mile uf heavy work, three miles of j- ae l ..:&rJUA caiioboiu alltut-oa complaint is being made to the i will join Ihr rest Yesterday Cuol. llorvicK was ute teu-eai-oj ji - Mis II. A. Smith, Mrs. N. Mob-lev. ; In Ihe centre and four or five al efreet that German post-war In- interior. herrins lo all who i jrivlna away Miss Norah Kenny. Mrs. (1. Ihe iiper end. The rest would rompetitiiui is pulling of eauie for them. Martin. Mrs. A. V. Fisher, Mrs. out f lie fairly, rasy contrurlion. NEW POPE IS IIRISH CONFER of business Dritish toy inanufae- ' J. (iriffith, Mr. and Mrs. A. LOWER WAGES Rich Copper Claims. lurer.s. There were 300 plants William MINERS' STRIKE IN Dimiiar. Silversides Drua.,' Ileside.s the opening Up of Ihe Hayner. John Harris. Miss. making toys in Dritain in 1919 eoal fields, Mr. l'eulhersloiihaufc-h FROM MILAN WITH BRITISH and Hi closed down and many SOUTH AFRICA SEEMS jf.arlson. W. Carrian and 11. ON RAILWAYS slates that there are oilier pos. I Astoria. others are oeratjiig oa a limited ? sillhiiie rir such n line us i NOW TO BE WEAKENING srulr. The number of employees proposed. There are rich rop-.rr Cardinal Achilla Raltl to Boundary and Other Matters Before have been reduced from 45.000 English and Welsh Companies rlnims ami oilier minerals 6. The soli- Take Name of Plus XI. Lloyd George and the STEWART HAS HAD lo 5.00U aud an effort is being LONDON. Feb. Applying to Waqes Board in the eounlry. There Is not Irish Leaders. made by the manufacturers to striking miner., in l.n-ilv of the NUMBER OF OFFERS foe Change, ouieli from a farming l unljnTiil have ROME, Feb. 6. Cardinal secure the imposition of an extra although (here are jtihhI pasture South Africa apsirs lo Achilla Rattl, Archbishop of LONDON, Feb. fi. Neiii.iialinns duly of 3 J'j per cent ad valorem. result oT Hie arllon oi t.' 'N I ii i X, ,-h. i.-.F.uglih and land. The season 1 very short hrokrti a n in repiidlaliu Milan was this morning proclaimed ou the Irish sit nation arising from OTTAWA, Feb. 0.- Hon. Chas. iiiMlrmtes .nlway coMUKinles are however. the Ihe Pope in succession Ihe boumlarie.4 ipiesliou ami another I Slewnrt. will make a definite und uskillh' lenders - i" lln- Nalioilul waves The eoal fields in queslion are llielr South African I'remier lo to Benedict. He has taken j mill I in- (lie Any to-Irish statement as. to the riding in WILL DISCUSS n i I'diii'lioii in wage about 3500 feel above sea level I!iiIIhI lo ronsider the name of Plus XI, treaty an? belli;; resumed lialay at which he will stand within a few-days. -f working hours of and IB3U ,feel above Telkwa so receive n depulaliou ofan arbitraliou The new Pope was not Lloyd Oeorge resiJence, when He has had offers from li;;i.. " It Is epeerd Hie averase arade of the 30 the boaril.iiiiii'iiiilnienl l'n-mler Siiuils has eoii-seilled. among those expected to be Michael Collins nml Arthur (irir Dritish Columbia, Alberta, On UNEMPLOYMENT w0 accept a moderate miles or railway line would be Afterwards a mob im- chosen, (Jill met Ihe i'remier and other tario and Quebec. less than one percent. There iiiKOiird the member of the LONDON, Feb. C. Car, llritiah representatives. would he no adverse jrrude rt-eepl moderate eilminltlee in their office dlnal Rattl when elected re- t ZBYSZKO TO MEET Premier Oliver to Take Matter' Ihe celved 38 votes In the con-v distance near h'irl NEW PREMIER a until they promised that they CHRISTIAN DE WET Up with Ottawa GovemmenL end. clave of the sacred college, CRADDOCK TONIGHT upper would not visit the premier. It is Kenerally understood thai says a despatch from Rome. DIES SOUTH AFRICA VICTOIUA, Feb. C- The whole, situation lo strike 't he appears the eosl or building the promised areordim: IN TITLE MATCH problem or unemployment in crisis, be viilklut: to a FORMS CABINET railway would he in the neighborhood lo Johtttineshun. despatches to DEATHS M.OF.MF1XTF.IN. Feb. 0. (ien-erat Dritish Columbia wilt be. taken of 1.250.000. 13,000 with the Federal Government, the ttciilrul News. Die says Hint Christian De L commander NF.W YOIIK, Feb. C. Stanislous up meet, in-chier or the Doer Zbvszko. world's heavyweight I'remier Oliver Informed a dele-gnlion Enrico amidsl wild eheeriiiK a huge of lUly de Nicola to Form Asked New by Government. King INDIAN MOB KILLS ink" of mine .strikers yesterday FROM THE FLU force in the wa: or 18U9, died on wrestling champion,Karl will(.ruddock.defend aud the from lower Yaucuuvcr,mainland Victoria municipalities passed a resolullon reiiuestinu Friduy, aseirCS. his title against ENTIRE GARRISON Ihe members oT pjirliament now the former ehumpiou, tonight. Saturday. They informed had him ihut unemployment I"'MI lid. 0. The lask of in l'retoria lo nroelaim n provi Epidemic In England and Wales DUKE OF LEINSTER Z.byszko is nearly Drty Var or reached its, most acute lage. I tVttAV Puis fl 1 lllull 11 f sional uovernmeut and declare u Seems to Be on Wane. age and Craddoek is nearly twenty it u new ruliiuel has been tlflVMflV V W. Tho premier Intimated that his. ' 'iffrn-ij p Kurico de two "thousand tnUian all"nallst repulilic. DIED ON SUNDAY years younger. would leave for Ottawa early this " ni-esidoiil of Ihe chamber volunteer and villaeiH attacked LONDON. Feb. . 't here have week. 'limine by the Kln(r- 'oolieu. officer. at I'.haurl....on $1000 REWARD been 13,000 deal lis wince t;hris. FDINDLHOllT" Fell. 0.- The PALMER QUITS X u has ai i epled the tack. l ebruary i. me enure...II... ih. mas from influenza iu Knyluiid Duke or Leinstei, the premier STORK TO OTTAWA conslsllutr of officer, watch and Wle. The epidemic now peer of Ireland, died here on ALBERTA man and eitiiu armeu iionce, Government Offers This Large appears to be on Ihe wane. Sunday, aged 35 years. STORE WILL NOT were killed. They had been will Sum for Capture of Murderer, LIQUOR Local Member of Parliament Left JOIN B. C. IN DEMAND as reinforcement 'the news fop Capital This Morning comes in a uospaieii to me Indian VANOOUVKIt, Feb. fl. The A MEETING OF THE PROPERTY AND To Visit Vanderhoof. P. I. Pulmer, who ha been LOWER FREIGHT RATES oTfice from the llritiah Provincial lioverninent offer $t,-OdO coiiiniilonfr at t:rakpur. reward for Ihe capture of BUSINESS OWNERS liquor vendor here since t (.he Fred Slork, M.l left on lhs vi ii nieeliiiu mile.I l,v Ihe Hon lldwuid OICKt?. who I alleifed to in Section I and S. from Sixlh Street west, will be held lit the local store was tirsl established, morning's train for Ottawa l""i'ie DIES. hae murdered hi wife here Dining Itooui of the Central Hotel has resigned hi "position, ,the where, he Will take up immediate- '' Siullh, formerly of this JOE FORTES be effective an in with ' ifsigiiation to ly matters connection his. ' und wounded llic mrinbeis of the lioiiril-t Tuesday youuir Tomorrow, Tuesday, at 8.30 p.ml, relieved, Mr. soon as he can be the Yukon Telegraph service. n " wife uncle. . . Joo and his aged 0. a '.lr I'iOi sou iiii'l.'li of (ialuary and Iniouloii lo dieu the t,ueluin of Ihe opening of Seveutli Sireet ami laitner, it I understood. I going route eat he will slop at Vanderhoof "fiiM'.i 0 Jo(n uritigi, (jolumhla Fortes, for more than a quarlev of roadway to. connect it with Ihe new JVaril Hi In .1. i ... .. . .. .. ... . .., i..mi-,o'a ....life. CONFERENCE ADJOURNS. Ihu couslruciion u ttt u better position. The appointment lo confer with the ( u oi mo lauer tor (ir a ceuiurj... luiiv.-u.v H..I. .ii...-i uiii- Ueeutt Dock and Ittillway Slution, Several well-known resident of a successor, which or Trade at that plnl. Me will 'v,"l f'l'inhl rules. Al the same WASHINGTON. Feb. 0. The will speak. No ilnunciul uaalotunee is reuuired. All will Del made al Victoria: will not be back until ufler the sei''' i tlmy expresned theiiiselveu unlay. He a a nollve of U't conference udjourned today those interested are Invited to allmid punctually. probably be announced in the ion of the House of CommtHis Uh ''" nyiiiputhelie to the euuo ludle and came here rrom i.iv ju arms t befi.'it if"! urn future. 'whieh opent early Ju .Marcli- Hiool In 1B5'