PAGE 8IX THE .DAILY NEWS Monday, February , i j-,, G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public SPOOK STORY BULGARIA HAS WE ARE AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF 237 ' IS SPREADING DEBT BURDEN WESTHOLME THEATRE LOTS IN THIS PITY which comprise the Thorsch holdings. Tonight and Tomorrow 'J'hcro arc many very desirable double corners, both business anil residential, included inlhis property. The prjees Many People Try to Account for Falls to Pay and Allies Are Asked arc right mid easy terms can be made. The Kuiprcs Hotel Curious Manifestation In to Waive Payment for properly is included in (his offering, oh well as a fine double Nova Scotia. Reasonable Time. ANlfA corner on Third Avenue near the 1'nstoflice. Prices and terms will be given on application o our oflicc. HALIFAX. X. Feb. C. MiMA. Feb. C. llulguria Aomin? having bfen heard of H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Ihe flittering under p burden of debt son serpen, Mnet It wnn'ri'. Insurance Rental Raal EsUto anil unii'iimnies Miirit its iinun purled frozen in the t. Lawrence lliver below Montreal. cirrs soy will luke severnl pen STEWART Xova Keotla hu. been vastly In-leresled (rations to liiuidae. I'udvr tin LAND RtOISTRV ACT. in a tale if Hie per-furmaiice pence treaty Ihe smallest of tin Hie c37 Hh Applirallon .No. 11)01 of allezed belligerent tuitions Is reipiireil I' l AfcK "TH K Hut .has been tiiooT.H Special Lunch msile in nyiurr llulx rl application o. crew, of Prince eoiiuiis- from Caledonia Mills in Liver Pains PUV to Ihe Allins s,3sliuui.nnn in en. u. i... miner eiym ias sale ueeds ftunes gold . ifrnni llir i oIHh-Iim r tlie cuv of Prince. Anligonish County, X. g. Then' niil-n. bejrmr date the tit lb day of In ii u lllll.nine i9uiuieu 1 vuuey... ...lived it Paint under the slioulder Converted into Itiilgnrian fniues "naiti vmeiiiurr.narrl hi,.ur Iran,ti an of ami land sinrular and premises tnat farmer named. Alexander McDon blade tell of liver derangements. lev'us us Ihe current rule of ix- ' -ttiial." . miieri,I iiiir. ami.nore brine fiariiemariy In the City known of ald and his family. Ilul, rn. Other indication are sallow ehanue Ibis (iiiioiiiiIk to the stuf "Harriet and 40c mm IM rriiwil an llliriy-nlie 3) (nil renlly necordiiiR lo stories he complexion, indigestion, constipation, ireriiig total of Im,(KM).imiu.0(Mi iwrniy-lwn mi, nwri intriy-cirni lo Iwenly-seven J has told his neighbors, Itobin biliousness and bilious headaches. levu-i. If to this MHO is lidded (he . iui itiffrs ruriv-io lif country's external and internal jail In Seetinii ela-hl ii. H,r gji. (ioodffllow or some other spirits an- required l ewilitt the claliu nt developed lehl nf 111.(1011.1)0(1.01)11 letus. u habit of rldiiiK his Tlie quickest to the TUESDAY, FEB, 7, 1922 II- lax ( within si iliv. rnsii Ire-;rnte way arouse the ..f the -erniee ,,r this retiree (which Jiorses by .niclil. reluriiiiiff them liver to healthful action is by use lolal of lli:.llil(l.llllU.UIIII levus U Piper" Soup ulio-ried i ?u". ami n y.Mir u iviiui atlrnlKW ertic K railed jut as lo to the stable befon dawn in ot Lr. v.hase s Kidney-Liver fills. renehed. Xoiiiioally a HiilgHrlui Vermicelli Soup jSrrllMi amendments,3f. of and the to Land the Hem following it Art extracts wtih lather, while olher spooks Continued use wiil insure lasting li-Mt would be worth about IU Cold Slaw )Ihererrom: turned his cattle out of the relief, correct the whole digestive cents. Hi-ami rnieii-in drraull beiiirllled or a raveal before or the rertiflrate rrrltra-ot barns und drove lliein over the system and purify the blood. Noli'oly knows, even the llnlgitr Boiled Choice of Sauce nmn-.i. ii a m owner air, or ij I lie pernouv person so emitted served uuler with landscape, and occsionully Mr Wm. Darten. ' Hanover, theniselves, how tlris eolonl Special Mermaid Comedy, "Nonsense" Halibut, Egg note-. . . ,,) tbw rlainilnr. ihriMirli iranjeil Mie tails of his. heifers. OnC. writes: mo can be paid without w reeking Pot Roast Beef, Spaghetti ......r miller I hem.,,, aiHl all person cUinmir At the same time mysterjous the country and i-xliaustilig ils Admission, 15c und 35c una Dy virtue or any For 1 Mlfcred from lirer Boiled and Mashed Potatoes -mires',-leren inirnnieni s,mi ail firo iinjis hctrnn to infest" his rrookle. There wai a KarJ. beariof resoun-es. , rem m uw Stewed Turnips i-.".-. t,iikt i , ifii n-jnif lann ny under aesreni the house, and little fires appeared down feelinj in my bad which I could Instalments Not Paid. Chocolate Pudding imi of uruarirn tin Aft.irom shall selling-bo for up ever any ii all sorts of uncxpeclrd places. at ret tid of. Nmb om ativa4 aae I'uder Ihe Xeullly ugri-inenl Friday nnd Saturday next The World's Lnrgcit claim In ur In tniwi ,.r n- i.,ui ... ...i.. Aceordiii? to the In try Dr. Chaw's Xldey-Lieer Pillt. "" ni-nKtrar reports, fam the llulguriuns were lo pay their Picture, D W. Griffi n's Masterpiece, fT tul! rrrl'ler did .ao, al fouad Cieaa etcrlleaL i iniini iiiit um ut his at ily was kept busy putliiis out first instalment or the 1115(1.000.-IMMI The draeeoi in .hack dis imiirr r thf lanrt w told rr Ui " feeliny my "WAY DOWN EAST" Good Eats Cole Ami lifr.-i appliraidKi iu been nude fires, which fur some reason ap appeared aad I felt aauch bene lined indemnity in 1 HIP. lull up In lie aimii-uieiilioned i.rriiurair rir laiuH,llnrpallll Title ll pear lo have done no damage. teaeially. I have freal coofidK ia the present they have lapsed in In the .. . ri- aim wnerea on name inreaii.of nut. so me siory goes the mys Dr. Chajea kidaey-Liver rills, aad three instalments. ni nr the title It appear thai prior to the terious manifestation, finally always keep ihem a liaad for teaeral Ittilgtirinn govertimeul ollleinls nay iii iiriiuier. ipi uiie date on jwhirfi iih- tald land were MM for aol the of Mr. Mc- overdue on nerves say they can make the stale sol -vou ''re ,h eed mm Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Phone 86 P. O. Boi 7I r unalil and he boarded From the Farm """"i" Kiaieu below up the vent and pay nil its obligations if one pill a dose. lit. a box, all 1 1 hatl etteei louse nun moveii ins Tamily the will waive the indemnity rejrliraliun In powers poMuanre of dealers, or Edmanson. Dates & to the Table ,.iiri, appliraiion ami lue a Cerlinrale of iway. payments for a reusouultle JAMES HUNTER IVTa-,,jN- inn- in ine tiain iand In tin Co., Limited. Toronto. piaine of Hubert O. Crew unle.. rmi late Talk oT Countryside. period of lime. They insist they BOLKLEY VALLEY ll!,.:Cr,l.,,' "rr proceedmr to Ihe Autip-ouish Casket, in ils GENERAL BLaCKSMITHI G AND CaR BODY T..... : "r " ny. io the ild can make utile progress so loo or to prevent mnh icsl issue said: The ..... , propoea action tiiysterituis e... ... ... ns the rewirations commission BUILDER vm, fires at the home oN.Ale.r. urineii niiicii oi us can iiiy ap Iilleil Mp- at I Ik- Land Retlttry omce. Prlnee BEEF holds the indemnity demand over Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Rugglss Trucks a1d1m?- c- lMs ,h y of "" Doii.ilil. Caledonia sMills liave Ik?. parel which only made il the PORK their heads like lhimottei' sword 1 Terms be oiranjied for purchaser ! II. F. Marl.EOD. ime the inlk or the countryside. more remorseful and revengeful. can MUTTON It KeiMMrar of Tllle. .. . . These The country's lolnl iHiNlamlioy cheap col Ion clothes now VM i. iruslworlliy wllliesses stale that VEAL KX,i:;il. PrtlKe llupert, R paper money nmoiinls to a.-.'.'ii).. First Avenue and Cow Bay ' ui't. .TiV?""? owner: AnniUR C. Ihe fires hnvt' broki-n out in lorn lo rags tire heing pu! to FRESH KILLED POULTRY I l'rme riRprrl. B. C reU-1 I heir present ami OOO.fiou eva. only one-third 1 Prince Rupert, B. C. !flt?i owned; FKA.US heir presence in a room so annoying tie Skeena River Farm Produce rjrr " which is eovereil by gold reserve. i ;VJt-. Jq-;..... iiKrrira rre. Crew, ,Prince mall that any human aaency of igniting fires. Nalural gas, VANDERHOOF CREAMERY ould be delected.'" A reprtv radium, animal magnetism, An eneouruging fenlun- in llul- BUTTER WATER NOTICE. entalive of the Halifax Herald chemicals, etc., lire entirely out garia's otherwise aiiureutlv UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. (STllliAliK.-TAkK uierview-ed several neighbor nf the question, in this case hoieles llnuncial und economic SAILINOS NORTHERN INTERIOR Idaird . llTll!K,p.ttul i th,.I.W..i:mi,i-wln- r.jji.addre., ho according to their tesli- particularly as these eouhf imi hy situulion i- the steady increue In Far Vatme. . ti -ji.--h 114. .iii. 1 an Turtilt fmr rrt Slaa;n. v- lov ' aim U- inn CO-OPERATIVE I jilii- iuram-I. of I... will;.iiimi apply for a hmix: for lony, saw iillle Flames II a re out any means set callle loose and her eXMirls. which for IWi'l wen-ill l alllnr al oreaim ami Vas- llarb- aiin.i- Jai. ;i I et 1 :t, i'.iii or Fall i.reek. whim arre Dows feet MMJthrtiy of water from the lop of a Tireless stove, change horses in their stalls. the proportion of :t to I'Vi to t;. it and allma-Apm ai t Sissirrvllk knmr aud Mm H xillnrs rrb Phone 81 land iAnyiii.drams Tbv Into.ira;i'Hbvrvalorv dam will be Inlet loratrd at from walls and ceilings, and even Sometime someone has placed In her imports. (23 Saass) Atswa JACK BAMMSLKT, Aaal rrsaf NaasrL 8. C ;il.Mi 4umi frei iip-trrini from presrnt Ihe window blinds. Phenomenon n very subordiuule position and 'With (he object of slimtdaliuu itaiu. Ttv-.raiurtty of Kir reMTvoir to be -rvitrd In about ii.ooil acre reel, and II thai after the appearance of is showing resentment." exporls and 'imports the govern The Store of Satisfaction" j-.vill niHMl mIxmii iuu tm itt land. The James Mcl.ettu of Inverness, ment is planning the establishment iwaier win be diverted front the dream at the magic flames wads of ab-4 a pouii anlimruiil under UhhIiIIihuI sorbenl rolton or calico were who is anxious to be helpful of nn international bunk. i-l.imiM-pi uppleiiK-iu.o. 319 i. a Tlie rialit limiite to lake aplied and for! usually found rouiewhere in the writes: "My grandfather fold mo compiMcd in part of foreign capi Stan'field's aier s iier iMMIIHinal LlretMa .o. vicinity. long iu'o, nbouKillic same thing tal, it ilh brunches or rcprcseiiln-lives run ixllire W44 xied on Ihe iimiiiimi 'Mi iim' tii oay or January, 9t. 'tlie fact thai McDonald lefl happening at hi home. Om throughout Ihe world. All A.urimil mpj or then-lo lhi. iKitire and and lite an-Water application Act, his Inline of many years in Ihe mocning he found his horse in efforf will be made lo interest lull." will l- Died In lite offire or Ibr middle of n very cold winter has Ihe stable sliakini with fear. Amerirun bankers in the institu and tvaier liemntrr ai I'rinri- llupert. Obler- lion In IIh- apf.lirjll.rti may be tiled ollli apparently gained credence and The animal's mam; ami tail tion. iim' saio wain iien,nirr or wild IIb had been plaited in a much sini- i.Mnptrnllrr or Water llltiil. I'arllamrnl Ihe Halifax Herald has reeeiveiM iiiiiioiiiv. urinria. witnin tu rlv djva hundreds of Idlers offering ex- nar manner to mat wlnrli was There mar. De sooiettiinir - atli-r llM- ni-41 aptearanre of I hi nollre In Watson's loeal new Miaper. Tl- dali or the llrl hilaualions of IJie alleged phe described as happening al Anli-gouish. Joe the eUaairleri enliimn iiiiiifjii'Hi ir thin noilrr in February Itrt. (iriindfalher always nomena as weird as Ihe slnrieV Till: UltWUY l il.H.Il.TKtl mimm;, from Caledonia Mills themselves. claimed it was ii witch who was ervice -MKl.TI.Mi UMIThli. Aipllranl.AMI l-OWLIl COJIfA.NV. responsible. lie lohl me how CONSTIPATION Underwear Ily wilHani Vounr. A rein. Witchcraft. it could be slopped, lull I havi-forgollen 1 Per Wadi- I.. Wruiere. One lady writes: "II is noth now. If you wouhl BAD HEADACHES I LAND ACT. ing mure or less Ulan witchcraft. like the informal ion, however. I at Nollca of Intention to Apply to Laata Land. I'he uiiluials in the' barn prove could wrile lo my. grandfather FAINT, DIZZY SPELLS This wide nwnkc store Is constanllv In Kkeena Land lnlrirl. Itrrordmir ln-Irlrt for IL ur I'ruire HiiiktI, II. I.'., and iluat In this lo lie the case. I I hough I Reduced Prices. khnli ai We.Inlet. M-ouud burnt fruui entrance on this thing was done away, lull I Little Demons. Constipation Is one at the rununonest i seeking out new ways of giving you a Take notire that Edxar llamUl Crawford, that it is reviving." Home of (he srinleiils of (ho Up of mankind, and one ion often allownt service that is al! the word implies a-runalion loxirrr. inleivN to aim It for to ro unUxikrd after, uulil tottta serlsjl l'nnielon Pi leae Hie rollnwlnir dewrlbetl -Ainilher correspondent signing mystery have offered explanations limlr: I'jMiiiiretiiliiT al a hi planletl In X. '.. Morse, Halifax, writes: thai are tit any rale highly rotuplirallisi sell lu. At .1 considerable wc have tlie eroml hizlit from tin entratiree of A free uaotksi of tlie bowels dally expense, J. A. KirkDatriok -Mile Oleiiic of kbnu i" rlulii-Itrlrt. tlienre eaft, tlienre rtuln 0 "My Idea of tlie mysterious fires creditable to (hrir powers of sIsmiM be the role of err)Mie. then there' tltfmt rsr. StkeBT,iK Tmn.Let engaged the services of Dr. Scholl's 'luin- ii'.riii. tlienre in rhaliM west and al Caledonia Mills, is that n dis imagination. Om suggests that will In- no runtiiatlou, slrk or bilious m preeeai.a oari "intaminr 40 aere- ni'ire or leu. turbed spirit is causing Ihein. the fire tunic rwrilcrs have Con-coeled rprlla. duilnen. bearlburn. coaled t'Kiroe, an. Foot Expert, who will be here on KiHiAii HMioi.n ciiAwruiio. Applicant. fvul ureaih. stoma rh. vur floatlor Iialril Ixi-ernber U. tf 91. fills spirit when in mortal body a th-cp dark ftlol to in-crease specks j before llm eyes, Jaundlre, water brash, elc Monday nlnl 'I'uesilev, Feb. I 1 n.i may have during ils life suffer fire insurance irate by keep I he bowels properly resulatcd by it. nil day from t o ih. ed indignities by being placed in promoting a deuioiiolugy, Ine uk of ANo W'silnesday. I'. such a dependent and humble full of little demons not ciuipeif MILBURN'S Fehrnury LAXA-LIVIR PILLS ritfO p.m. to I 111 position thai il could not resent with fire extinguishers. i Another Dr.Sckod'a A alee. p. auo )isj will enjoy the best of health. them openly hut could brood over expresses the opinion that Mrs. Sri nk Will-e-y. II. IL t. Belmont. SerM.laura.IARk feffpont. Stlievt TJils expert will work with our tcj. tia' SAUSAGE (hem daily. liciug in such a Ihe new minister -of finance, Out., writ.: "I luie been troubled with srrcre Manon'aTee"crampini al rractipedist and sucit to you, after t .im posiliuu it is natural lo ussuuie casting about" for new sources rwiillpation for searty two yean. I bad thrnutH iIm ball mi Dial chea( eollod garments of revenue, wants lo. know Just bad bradaenef. faint and dluy spells, and IMS ining your feet, the quickest and molt economical would bloat terribly. I was nearly dts-rouraired of having foot efficiency how much taxable, credulity (here way for I bad tried so many tlilors is in the province. that rare uie'i relief. My aiotber rot in iBsi sell of .i'v" JUST ARRIVED Anyone can a pair with Flavor. In Ihe hope of solving the a.vis! or Mflbum'a Lata-l.Der puis and you a 60 SACKS mystery a member of Ihe reporting told um to (ire llieio a fair trial. After I Whether they arc jmt the shoes requn staff of (he Herald selected bad tskro one vial I fell much better ami ISrchoO'irSMlaa for your fect, whether dicy arc stylish ai a, continued Ibelr ue. Now I bare no faint Raducer. Rtlieve. liy drawing lots 'lias gone to. An-tigonish and dluy spells and am ralolnr nicely. I bnwijoa. Rot. at the same time, comfortable, Involve the Wholesome and Economical Sandspit with orders to live two would not be without UUburn's Laia-Liver bsrfes anlaf ocSorafcMTi itaaaat aad question of service. Pllb) for Ihe world." weeks in Ihe deserted house, and Food Product interview any spooks that may Price, tic a vial al all dealers, or mailed If you suffer from any foot ailments,from a tlnr corn to to nmt dlrert on receipt of prtee. by The T. Mil-bum relief appear. If he duesul' find a aggravated CIm of flat foot,you arc aure.ln fintf inimetliata to.. Limited, Toronto, Oat. and correction by takUiK advantaneof lhisorr'rtun' LITTLE permanent PIG SAUSAGE, lb 35c per way of exorcising the fire spooks ity. .Delay only auravaics foot troubles. Make tt s rvini to GOOSE LIVER SAUSAGE, per lb 35c Potatoes he will be fired. take advantage of this opportunity. TOMATO SAUSAGE, per lb 30c Foot Examination Fret WEINER SAUSAGE, per lb 30c many settlers from A'ef necessary to ttmort kou BEEF SAUSAGE, per lb 25c 100-lb. Saoks the united States LIVER SAUSAGE, per lb 25c SWEDISH SAUSAGE, per lb. i. ...,- 25c $3.00 wi.vmpku. ie). with a BLOOD SAUSAGE, lb. 25c per tola! cash capital of .l,?H0,00ii. BOLOGNA, per lb . 25o twelve thousand and eighty Toiled Special Prices In B-sack lots HEAD CHEESE, per lb .. 25c fitates settlers entered wesl-ern Cunada lust year. This, uo-nordiug Made Fresh Each Day WATCH THIS SPACE FOR to the report of Thomas WEEK-END SPECIALS fiellry, commissioner of immigration, under rigid eiinilai onulilioii- , ,,,. ow a.iagt' kitchen. is n decrease of approximately Would iippreciule We buy American Currency, o per rent, from W'c curry lurgo slocks of ihnwing yun Juiw is niudc. Bnuug Highest prices paid for ly.'O. In addition ji cash, effect cleuit screuiit'd Lump and .Men, woinvii uml childt'eii or all uges an: corili.-"' Order from your Butcher or direct from us Money Orders, Bills or Silver VMlueiJJfat t)H:,070 weie Kggisiited Coal. Its u,,i, vitcd to the free d.eiiionslrnlioii on llie ttlnrt uaf Phones 211-212 fmporled by -ihe new settler. costs less less smoke. "v Don't delay If you huvti uny fool trouble ul ull The decline utlribiited 'largely Y-Ai'll like il. exiert u chance o examine your feel P. Burns & Co. Ltd. Rupert Table Supply Co. bor lo funning,the t'ouditiousj.uud ueuerarpoor the restriction the condition stringent of la of Consumers Goal Co. Lid. FAMILY SHOE STORE Phones 211-212 Phone 7 liuanciai situation. Third Avenue J. Lome MaoLaren, Manager