Saturday, October 29. 199 —- ——<—— oe FAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS so ret mem ens ee ere a — eT. ee re eee nace caer en teers i real battle and, if fans came out Sbith, Allen, Moxley THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dafly News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Saturday, October 29, 1932 President Hoover is in Fighting Tria in Indianapolis Speech late for him now to repudiate such a proposal which, if effected, wouid } a huve dire effects the coun- try’s financial stability. However, tampering with currency had be- come a perennial policy of the De- motrats. The President charged that Gov- upon ernor Roosevelt had not met fairly and squarely the question of pay- ment of the soldiers’ bonus. As for himself, the President declared*tha his attitude was well known. He fa vored a policy of building up the bonus fund steadily year by vear but he could not and would not consént to endangering the stabil ity of the country such as these by committing him- self to immediate cash payment of the bonuses. “But, as far as I am concerned, let me assure the veter- ans that, when they are paid, they will be paid in real American mo- | ney.” Meantime, his policy had al- ways been that of meeting the im- mediate needs of distressed veter- ans President Hoover disclaimed the administration’s responsibility for bad foreign loans which might have} been made. The fact was that the! bulk of these loans had been made in New York and could have been controlled by that state. He remin-! ded his hearers that he had con- sistently issued warnings against loans being made without adequate security. He had ever that all loans made by United States be properly secured loans for repro- ductivé purposes. Such loans would urged benefit the American people by making additional business and work The President dubbed as cious” the suggestion of Governor Roosevelt that the Supreme Court had béén politically controlled. He defended the sanctity and indenven- dene of the Supreme Court which he had evér sought to maintain In closing the President asked his audience if American people chose “to carry on along the lines of the traditions of with policies based on the foundations of our forefathers or be deluded by sinister revelations and veiled pro- mises?” He could surance of the road he follow atro- the the race at least. give as- intended to Great Receptien The arrival of Presidént and Mrs Hoover in Indianapolis was heral- ded by the most spectacular strect parade ever held in the history of the city. It was a remarkable recep- (Continued from Page 1; during times, ion which the chief executive was corded by thousands of wildly én- | husiastic supporters. The president | and Mrs. Hoover were dinner guests of Governor and Mrs. Harry G. Lés- e. Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth g among the guests. | that at least | had to be y from the meeting. Ra- were hastily in- address to the sireets utside. | Miss Dorothy Cunningham, Re-| publican national committeeman for Indiana, presided over the meet- ing which was opened with prayer by Rev. David France. Other speak- | ers were Governor Leslie and James | Watson, candidate for senator, | It was estimated thousand persons transmitters transmitter! Ned to carry the | vho were both heard briefly in in-| | troducing the President. i Due to the tremendous ovation! the President received, the meeting | was fifteen or twenty minutes late in getting under way Baptist Girls Are Organized Miss Phyllis Hamblin Elected Pre-| sident of Group Which Was i Formed Last Evening ' ' A class of girls, a branch of the Baptist Sunaay-school, met at the home of Mrs. P. H. Linzéy leader, recently and organized lub ch will meet every sec- ond and fourtk. Friday They elected officers as follows Presider Phvllis Hamblin Secrctary——Cissie Armstrong Treasurer—Ameranth ry Social Leader—Jean Sunberg Membership Leader Doro Blake Last evening they were enter- tained at the home of Mrs. J. Arm- ‘trong .a very pleasant evening be- z t in ponping corn, dipping ipples and plaving games. In the spice smelling contest Ameranth Bury captured first prize and Lin- da_ Field were served Mail Schedule the Fast— Monday, Wednesday and Tridazy 8:30 am second. Refreshments Fo from the East— Tuesday. Thursday day and Satur- 8 pm ¥ NEURALGIA The agonizing aches from neuralgia can be quieted in theygame way you would end a headache. Take some Aspirin. Take enough to bring complete relief. Genuine Aspirin can’t hurt anybody. Men and women with rheumatism will find the same wonderful comfort in these tablets. They aren't just for headaches or colds! Read the proven directions covering a dozen other uses; neuritis, sciatica; lumbago; muscular pains. Cold, damp days which penetrate to the very bones have lost their terror for those who carry Aspiriri! All druggists. ASPIRIN TRADE-MARK REG. IN CANADA = | Danese, 8 BASKETBALL WAS CLOSE Canadian National Wins Exciting Senior League Engagement By Score of 37 to 33 Other Games Cardinals Win Over Amazons Again —Warriors Defeat Tuxis in Intermediate Match Senior League—C. N. R. A., 37; Kaien Hardware, 33. Ladies’ League—Cardinals a7 Amazons, 15 Intermediate 33; Tuxis, 14. Junior League League—Watrriors, Meteors, 15; Ja- Kaien nost to Hardware tried their ut- seng the Canadian Na- tional Recreation Association dé6wn o defeat im ‘ast night’s Senior “eague hoop tussle but it was all 'in vain, the railway boys emerging victors hy a score of 37 to 33. Right from the whistle it was a/ see speed, they certainly got it the @nd Of the first half, the deadlock, 20-20. In to ;Score Was at a 2h se os 0 BAZAAR-DANCE. ‘kes Canadiens fis arms eer” LASTEVENING ead Billiard In outpiayed the light Japanese team the second half the fans surely got 15-8. ——- | xitement plus. With thé Kaiens Meteors—Canturbane 10), Ar- : - Lief Kr , Only Two Games Played Last Ni. ding by éight points, the C. N.\ney, Tobey, Morgan (3), Allen (2),| Successful Affair Held by Lien SEG "he Opening Fislor me ‘eh oe TE ge et ee Se CLT Tt ickson Ladies’ Club in Metro- y s wr League pul on a great last minute spurt | Palmer. all With i75 Persons Fixture, Cold Storage vhich gave them the victory nese—Kishimoto (2), Obata pole Hall With i¢. Losing Both ai s J . , .

ee -Smith 3), Stiles (6 3), Nakamoto (2), Suehiro, Kan- Present Kelsey (8), Patmore 3 Johnson 4¥4 an ’ a ; unce of the} Only two of the five 16), Nelson --—- ——~ T NNUA) OBSE re seat yy (thé opening Junisr Billiay We hell (2), c LEAGUE STANDINGS Lief Erickson Ladies’ Club Was Nel ar were, played c Kaiens Mitche ross (10) 02 > & ae . . } 3 -re aye if hell (2 ro: 10), . t nicht in “he Metropole Halk +4 : ‘ Irvine (13), Scott (2), Tobey (2), Senior League * fn be a very enjoyable Les Canadiens going into t f a s'and proved to be a vely ehjvydue : Unger (6) ee Faun aibibt 178 persons in at- over Cold Storage as a r« Other G are . . , T sroceecings, which @ aggregate score of 400 - epias N. R.A ee gemage OE yy B M. Simpson, Individual scores were as The girls’ game was the best so Kaien Hardware 0 ; owe = ee sa } mdineting o; John May (Cold Storag far this seas ardinals winni tie? were featured by the conducting 0} far this eason, Cardi winnine Ladies’ League wie ca we » bagaar articles Frank Aldridge (‘Les Ca: a hard-fought tussle from Amazons Cardinals 3 Q 6 CrawmeEs 10 aaa segroor 200 7-15 : ‘ “he tickets were crawn by ladie ’ et AA 15, Amazons oe ae ee sdtenae and the winners , Prame Vaccher, 141; W. ©. Hut. Cardinals—Lowe (6), Stone (2), Comets 0 2 gi the aude or. We son, 200 t. Gile ; ‘ rvine (5) : of major prizes were oe r Rivett, Gilchrist (4), Irvine (5 Intermediate League Sofa Pillow, Ole Valderhoug, No. The three postponed games ay Brochu. Warriors 2 1: ge Som ey "tg be played tonight Amazons—Boddie (2). Ritchie (2). 'Tuxis l 2 2 %, Cloth. Nelé Luth. No. 14 ro “ Gilemcies ee : 7 oie en Cloth, Nels Luth. 1 ! |Harvey (2), Morris Tite (5), Merchants l 1 2 Pillo A. Sund, No. 1 Government must be p: . e liiowcases, # eund, - Gurvich. Junior League Centrepiece and Runner, Biorg but at the same time it feteors 2 0 4 i ane munner i ; ; : The Intermediate MS WAS A| pover : ; » Tuth, No. 20 human Franklin D, Ro oné-sided affair all the way, W od ee : i " Pillowcases, Mrs. H. Erickson, N« riors defeating Tuxis 33-14 aS ie 0 - ; $3 dancing was «njoyed unt Warriors—Winghan 14), Gillis} ~* * Buffet Set. I. Fenness, No, 4 with music by 8S. Wikdal Ml So 5 bed 7 E — ——_— ; nte y (2), Hickey, Comadina Forbes There were numerous other Luth. Refreshments w: + . : . c t rit rs Ww | (10), Fitzoatrick For quick retarns Try a Wanr smaller drawings from booths with Mrs.-A. W Tuxis—Morrison (8), Nakamoto,! \dvertisement The bazaar opened at 8 p.m! and other ladies in’ charge sailierera — $e The Upward Trend of Public Confidence ONEY rates are a barometer of conditions. Lower interest rates and consequent rising bond prices indicate confidence. This upward trend of confidence has been evident in the important financial centres of the world. Investors have recognized the encouraging world-wide tendency toward lower interest issues. is taking place. Plan Now to Buy the New Dominion of Canada Bonds On Monday, October 31st, there will be offered to the Cana- dian public an issue cent, bonds, 1932. They will be offered at a discount which will provide an income yield in line with present interest rates. This issue will offer Canadians an opportunity to obtain the soundest investment for their savings and, at the same time, to render an important national service. As an investor and as a citizen--- for your individual benefit a and for national advantage--- plan now to buy the new Domin- | ion of Canada bonds when they are offered on Monday, This preliminary advertisement is published by the DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE to enable Canadian investors to make arrangements to participate in this offering, There is cause for satisfaction in the fact that bonds of the Dominion of Canada rates by subscribing heavily to recent public are sharing in the improvement that of $80,000,000 Dominion of Canada 4 per 4