' it I . I M 1 IA llif K Uf .a I - Foolliall Tonlalif af 7 1.. . . O. C. Local and Personal New Books Presbyterian Clmnii will re- lii lieu Hun clay, Augiiit 0. fc-i'l Auul U for the Kike. --" -II. C. V. Brttt left -n (he train O. Undertaken. Phone 41. lnl nlalit nn a bu'ine.. iriu in The"Lest of the "BEST SELLERS" for 1922 Um eannerle?' Hooks you should read. 351.Haynera. Undertakera. I'hone tf Aire. V. UMi il.j fr Ven a letter to the editor fMltev on the IMnui.na Luuiee $2.00 each ee our windows for tirtri In ycetetday aflerntxm. our Glueing out Sale. Jloya! Slit "Box 10, Terrace, B.C. Wtore. i f Wm. MqlMftaffli. uf Vam-nuver. "31.7.22. Hy Mail, 10c extra wa tti armwl in tin illy on "Dear Mr. Editor! Fl.liei men. All mt rubber the IflMe Jolin tin- mornintr. "Although this Is the age of scientific wonders and fresh reports are l'"L ar imi ate al float Prte. dally published of new advances and larger conquests, yet I have had COME8 Myal HIkm) Hlafe. Mr. am .MH. H. K. Knl ami ir WINTER By Hutchenson. If auch a remarkable recovery thai I. make no further apology for asking you rliild of lltrtlley lt.iv OnEAT PRINCE SHAN are reg THE Oppenhelm. to publish this letter. at the Audit leOml at tli Prime MAKING GOOD IN BUSINESS R. W. B.bon. I inn ilit evenlne; ll.tl. Itupert "Last March I met with an accident which displaced my right hip SIMON CALLED PETER Robert Keable. Newell . frehetu. Annuel I HO S. bone. At first the pain was not severe and I treated It for sprain, but eventually discovered that the bone was out. By that time the pain had PLACES OF THE HEART- H. Q. Well. Mre. O. gljT and Mm. We become very troublesome, and on June 28 I travelled to Prlnca Rupert HIDDEN PLACES B. W. Sinclair. While kIIII he a fw pain of Hospital for treatment. I only spent four days In the hospital as the doctor Otford and PamtMi fl on flier PHHeeie LouIm- yenter TO THE LAST MAN Zane Grey. H li.ini told me that the bone could not now be replaced but he ordered rest and per pair. Ilnyal Hhoe iUy atlrilttf ure. if1 massage which he said should restore me. . 1 1 Mali Ar ' Ifiirri.. the wHI "However, these hopes were doomed to disappointment and I grew Mr. l: a. Wewd. al umM kiarrwn llaiellOn niiinn? man. re steadily worse until by July It was impossible to walk or stand. The least iiiiiihiI ye.tenlay from WetoH llvrtteil from .Mayo. V. T. the movement was likely to start the pain and sleep was only possible In rare eMnaeMvs.Jjd h.-f I dry iNVt a ewuftto mt Princeee l4HJtl yenterddy af snatches. In the 'meantime we had made enquiries for the address of a iii'Hiiii- iioiuieywir. leneaun. Chiropractor, and on July 13 received from a friend the address of Dr. Barton at Prince Rupert. Next day, Friday, we sent, a letter to Dr. Barton lumtmu rrlureetl W. H. l-VallieMtnhauh. I.an asking him to come as quickly as possible. He came on the Saturday ',lenljp afiriKNM fraHi adlan NallaevaT Hallway di.i..nal train arriving about 11 p.m., and Immediately crossed the river and made i ilif.-i ma He midnrr.1 fruHl en(rineer. Ml tw a Inp of in-.peitiiNi a careful examination. t law i. a Vanrouver. over the line ou la.t "He told me that the trouble was in the Sacro-lllac Articulation, In aiahi'a train. the so-called Immovable joint where the Innominate or hip bone Is attached SPECIAL! SPECIAL! n-- .l"lhwr, Mutrr ..f II. A. to the Sacrum. Dr. Barton then set to work to correct the condition, :iuilii-i. nht mininjt m H. H. ShewVi, who ha. 1mh-i and after about fifteen minutes told me to walk, and much to my iiir. r. ai-rimi inini vieuirla imi holidayiaa for the it few amazement I found I could do so. On Sunday momlng Dr. Barton returned Bargains in hr Prim-e Iteonre xelraU) weefcii m the QMeen r.harlnlle I and completed the adjustment, the whole work being carried out land, refurneil Imnie mi the so rapidly and easily that It was over before I had time to realize It had Ibm iii litMMior ha lMHn In Priare Juiin today. actually commenced. Toilet SOAP "After Dr. Barton left I carefully obeyed instruction as to massage, North i jm-imtIihmI. f Vaax-iHi-ter nun. I. i. i-antlim n- lnvii exercises, etc., with the retult that by July 19th, Just three days after the l.laiwf eMl for AlWrt A "teriea .re meat rm Hie ruiiniifr adjustment, I was able to walk about quite freely, naturally and absolutely Metiatfery. rear i.f Ike Wjern CariNda lr- free from pain. Then Dr. Barton came again on July 23 and ho was able 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps rlffatioa AaaoeiMflim. Tlie an to declare me quite restored. H. Andrew' ljmtie AaiHmry nual rii eat leaf held at "Naturally, from my point of view, the work and the speed with to clear at ill PNirrtaia ibr UaMes In ih Mentirloa. which It was carried out seems nothing short of marvellous. One needs Club rMna I'riaWy at M (iVhw-k. lo have faced the possibility of a crippled condition becoming permanent 2 for 25c. All ateartmra UrtMreL Mnar. re. A part- af elSut ii)..le. ar to really appreciate the Joy of such a recovery. I have asked permission free awn l. IMI rived froai aiuer m tli. lo publish this letter because I feel it is the duty of those who have benefited Priare lenr?e ye-imUy afii-r by Chiropractic treatment to acknowledge the fact as publicly as possible Mr.. WM. M Hilar mm! dahl-r nimn. They al Mr. and .Mr. Just at present. Owing to the unreasonable persecution of Chiropractors ORMES LIMITED returned vraterday aflrfn.Mni Iieaaeivii. Mr. ihI Mm. F.tan there Is a danger that the help which has restored us may be rendered iae rnarw inrr after bav Ml. F.an and lAree .mall chil- unattainable to others, and I for one would not willingly doom another Crd Ave and Cth St. P.O. Hox 1G80 in im'NI a tfw weefce vtoitina drrn. to the pain I have so narrowly escaped. m Puint um, "May I appeal through the columns of your paper for the sympathetic Phonci 82, 200 and 134 "is, nuaiire.1 taa). "I .aiiaiim support of all fair minded people for those who are at present being persecuted Mi Haael l.udtialp. f V ellinaioii riNtl tea landeil Hih ten for practicing such a science of healing. Apparently the .only THl PIONEER DRUOOISTS TWO REXALL STORES h..Mial talf aike) la-i it Hir wharf. We are aiiiu present acknowledgment the Dominion makes of these men and women, ihUI fi.r UU- t aVtitcr il al li..u- Auy.a pru4 jut who are undeniably advancing the health of so many people, Is Imprisonment .!. with Mi. I. Fraer, l.irin- lore. Pkone Uf r 50 1 f and fine. l kw .laff frirea. AUWet., Mcjiflt 114. r ry tf "All roads that lead to health are goodi Physics, Surgery, Manipulation or Suggestion. In h'.n.ir ot arinaina Imniii e-W. Ii.y i;u.. t bailie, will a en W. AnderwiB) uf liaelt " TIs life of which our nerves are scant, leriaiweii ity m. . eeri w i.aear. arnyed in town irn the Prim " ' TIs life, more life, for which we pant, AunlMiy. Frariay eejin al H lieorjte fnHM VaiieeHer n h " More life and fuller that we want.' GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY rl.H'k mi law rluli rtiuMtf. All way boate. Mr. AHiIei.mi "Most human experience will endorse the poet's opinion, then why iiifiiitM-i . mmi friend, are iaU4. rerenl ly apHtiuted a aietnlie set up a barrier across any one of the avenues that lead to the hope of I.I. PRINCE GEOROE AND PRINCE RUPERT will sail I tiure-i. 181 f I be I lame i:Niralioii Iluartl higher efficiency? Religious toleration seems so essentially Just and ' K.r.ilay ' I.' .., MdiiuM t Swaneon Bay, and waa .nulh to atlewd the reasonable that in these days it Is hard to understand why our forefathers 0can Fade, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. I In- ii i. of Iter Pnnre iHrap ioa wbkrb ba. iul conrluded. had lo strive and suffer so to win IL Yet our own generation are acting Anyoi "IniiJay. II " Stewart, Saturday. S p.m. nel wtek will e Iter teWNh Viy. in a manner even more narrow-minded than the persecutors of old, for aye .Hire Uie veaerl eaaee oeil Ibe Klk. Haii lUy c'iiiinil If. religious theories cannot be demonstrated as these results from Chiropractic I.I. PRINCE JOHN I-i ail ..inl. N.-Mhern and Southern from Aewira.lle. waere " wa had a full Mieelma lal niiclii at treatment can. 9utn Charlotte lelande, M.y I.Hh and r r l It. Jun HUh ami IhiiII. t enter the mm.I enrM, whiea arraanenteHl wen- iier "This is the age of specialists and it can hardly be expected of any H". ant .'.nil. Angu.l 4lli ant! It Hi, Sej.1. 2nd, ISUi III.- iiffH-er. and rrrw are pre fxetrd la di'lail for the paradi one man that he should crowd the knowledge of every branch of the iiarinv ! I'eleltrale lae iweawow wruaraae ami tlanrw nest ! science and art of healing Into one human brain. Let the doctors show Train Service funnily. neUy. Oa Saturday af) -iii.k.i that the public good is their first concern and if they are still too prejudiced Paaaenger Dally Eicept Sunday, 8.4S p.m. Ibe work uf erect i n if booth. aiil to welcome other certified healers Into their own exclusive circles Kmi'lier. prime tleorge, MiuoiiUmi. and Vlnni(, KKIQHTS OF COLUMBUS PIC laud Ml I he Arroioli Einund let them al least cease a persecution which threatens eventually to destroy - ifi ' . tiuiiet'iKni fur all point in fcttern Canada NIC. I he anaul K. of C. Iktelurt will cwmnience. the public's trust In themselves but which cannot cause mora than a temporary c i arj Hiaii .i-im- will Imi krui at tHffay it check to Chiropractic. May be I speak with'feeling, but wheeas ILL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME .ukI mi KuH4ay, Auouet A. 'lite W. II. Ittfbln.on. U. X. It I was lame, now I can walk. vmiioii. I'iMiimiltee. are al work phidosraidier retunied ye.ter-Lty Agency for all Ocean Sleamehlp Llnet "I would like to add that this letter Is absolutely unsolicited, and i ml are ierliMikuiff notbiitK fur from Orean Kail and went City Ticket Office, 52S Third Ave. Phone 260. In should further evidence be required for the facts slated, there are many v i fun and eaJtryHtenl. lUMte on Aliyos lat nlalit lie who would bear witness to them. ,iIoiik and briaa; Iter ehildrea fur will tee bark Umiuht and will s willingly a yiHHl lime, i M-keta ei.ww, cniu MMilh. (1. K. Morton. Pal In "Yours sincerely, Inn free. Kurlber aaiMMtaae MMivie UMli. joined him ye.li-r (Signed) "GLADYS TOOMBS." ini-iil later. If lenlay himI will aeeuttiiutiiy Inn CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Mr. mid Mr, (iemae WiMwIlaad for the ret of the Iriu. Inttrltd by Dr. Cto. L Barton, Chiropractor, Wallact Blocl, Prince Rupert, C B.C. Coast Service! .luiiiej on I be PriiKfea ltulae Itert MauUtmii .taainboat m tr.ierday aflernnn from a Irtft .ertor, retwrneil ye.lrnUy af . , . i the Vukoa. Ihiy were jr lernoon on the I'rui. in'4ri a Meueiia aiiu i.ueii from a triji on deiiarimi'iiial Sailings from PrinccRupert aiiionu uiher ila. imw.iw auu lU.liie. o h Uku. Mr Fr Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Ma. Ill I be Ull-r Ure e. .Ma nth mo and rhildrwH uiiim-J Augutt 4, 7, 14, 11, 25, and 2S. Iiei ially ItMet. tin- In" iiji and froHl Viilortu n the Pun.. poe Vnuvrp Victoria and Seattle-August there I. a great li'il ! iiilliinic ieorye yelerU)- tw Join linn 2, 9, 12, 19, 23 and 30. ariiMl) . Mr. imnIIhihI aw Itetl I'ltey will niieiiil a few iU Ihm Mujor unit Mi S I..111! I. PRINCESS BEATRICE for Buledale, Swaneon Bay, ihii.iii and if mi- It. Tile. before returuiiut miuIIi. full. Who Wi'l ,. Ill il I'! 11 .t wv.- Eat Bella Bella. Ocean Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp-aell, f iln rity. at May". IWUli are - tit Victoria airi.-, ii ill.- iil E. H. SHOCKLEY River at 1 ilmn wi'll. II. yesterday l..'lak.- uo tlnn ano- Vancouver, every Saturday p.m. Jnlintou. uf Anyux. wa- Planing Mills: Cow Bay. Wharf: Neil Imperial Oil Dock. del here. Agency for all Steamship Llna. lM.eui(r bound north iMi.iiiit They are wi-n ma Phonet 333. Full inf"i inaiion from IhroUiili Ibe cily .in the I'ruwe the hearty congratulation f eorsje yentenlay. Mr. Jidin.ton many frinnu. FIR DIMENSION, FINISHING LUMBER, PLANKINO AND W. C. ORCHARD, Oanaral Agent, rner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnca Rupart, B, O. Buy Big Bens Jut rvi urn iny frum the muI Agent TIMBERS,for: SHINOLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS. iiiU.ioii of alleudiiitf the ftiHeral Mr. a ltd Mr. J. A. Swaii.in. of lit mi, .Si.rt llamillon of Any 01, tMtreHl of Mi Swan- ftobertson & llacketts Saw Mills. Ltd. JoluitloM, who died lut week ill eon, uf the micmI uohImI staff. J Kyfe Smith s Hardwood. at Bulgers Purtlaa.1. 11 ie y..11112 man a Mere a 11 10 11 7 the Mi..eiiK'i' jim.k, "Lamatco" 3 ply Cottonwood Panelling. returned uffiaer and fulled lo ill? through the oily on I lie CJarland Company, Flooring Paint. The Big Little Jewellery Store. recover from IhJui ta .utalHed PrJnee George yealer.lay Itouud Ni n l aiiuiJiutl. irii'e I5.U0. uere. north from Yhbcouwi. Silo Solution hli'i'iHiii'ter, at !:UHI. IiihuI Miiininu. ai ?.(KI. Twinly.twu liieinlM'r vf the K. It. Outiutwi, of the Itoyal Jiik Ol.anliin. uiihiiou. -NUrlli II. (L Itevhneiii.turned out Hank Muff. Alice Arm. naa.ed Htlgtrton Block, Prict Ruptrt. Pkont 6$ dial, ul ' '. fur inarlere U.I mxlit In ire. through the pity ye.lenlay THE "HOARD" SILO. Are the kiiiih' i -liable make imrulion for the fnrmlii of the northbound ufler having ieiit ' 'A 3lo n Every Farm." u ltig Hen ituard of honor for lliirtm llynif. holidays in Vain mt. S. II. Dr. E. S. TAIT (loveriior Oeneral. when he ar-riye Ilurner. of t It.- tm-ul ihuii.-Ii win. il No hv"i N Hll.iiln.fi rlf.udjutiiili. e liuaiaiit''1'tlli'ili. leidli' on hie offi. 1.1I Uil in , ha been i-elieving him ul Alice Dental Surgeon "yone cn tract a HOARD SILO In hl apart tlma. fortnlaiu. There wa a uml Arm. will be back ulii.rily alau(uv)ii or tin- lit A II I mar (he Hoop Silo are John Bulger, nwrl jHiratle at I he (ioyeruiiienl Office Hours, 9. a.m. to'9 p.m. 'ilituiiifil in Hi"" rnlatogue. wharf. IteiiliiiMiUl Kereant Ma- Too ' M( Sunday by Appointment W i ittj fur iHlali'gui' uinl Price. Tha Jawaiier jor y . m. iii'.iwn iieiuv in lCZEMA rlp.rUn.Bl-I M IM. full charge. Scleral him men were tv't Lot. irenUd (mm attending. A iM fur K.irm. w4 Ml. lint. JHE BRACKHAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. Uou. r.lt. .1 MM B4 (Tkdlfr faw teMk4iK I"-1 'I- I lie in of .lit kl U. .kin. IUMN. Hoi It. J " : - r-rv ... Prince B.C. Phone 350. Hurou II)ua, ler. will he full p.wr IWi ua bliiiaM.l mm . luup In U iur rvSriS Subscribe Rupert for The mitfunu luradi . yt j 1 yl.r at fcau' Daily News'