THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, March U. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus j 1 m 1 u POOR OLD OUCM CtSiTMm.V II BACE UOr, II I I 1 UPCLO BOY 1 - j ... I know ivovy TOO J HACbOCR 1 fHt C.CV k I HrH FtCL-yoo f L-JL wire been oot jrn tbtnU U'bT nc. UOrAT KNOW WHAT TO OO iwm nlMiCLF! c ' MOVING? If SO, Call Us Up Experienced men Rive sali. faclion )ii household removals. ,frf- 3 nzt t iwt-i. riATuwc tfwvicr. ii.;. iSi jr - Order for general cnrlntre work given careful attention. We rortiir. prompt dplivery FOOTBALL RESULTS of all order givpn to tt-. ) Chat FOUR TEAMS OUT i Sport SIX DAY BICYCLE - SCOTTISH CUP 3" Daily News Classified Ads. Motherwell, I : Morion, ?. RACE JUST ENDING Johnny O'l.eary. Hip fortner PACIFIC CARTAGE Ilamilfon. ft: Aberdeen. 0. Hanger. I: SI. Mirren. I. Canadian libr wciplii champion 2 CEJTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than Koc Xi:V YOIIK. Mar. II. iMixer, who was shot and killed Jupfrj of South, 0; ParMrk. I. Limited Four teams dropied f in Seal He yesterday morniii? English League First Division. BOARD. WANTED Phone 93 I If ix-day bicycle race was well known lo many box-injr Al"ii Villa, I; lliruiinaliam, I. today, (paving nine siir-titurs Itrndfortl Cily, -Everlon, I. fan4 in this cily, for ilwas IM1AIIH Inlander, .in Second iltin.rAlll.K Bfrenl wanted I for lltu fur I Ik- final day. Itiirntry. fi: Oldham A.. I. in Uip Mflntyre Hall in this rjly Avenue. Phone 137. tfi perl District. The So ivenixn At H o'clock this inorn-uirr Clir-lnfji,- 1: Wesihrnui Albion, in ItilA that O'l.eary " tho FOR RENT Life Assurance Company. Head Ute tin Itrocco-Deltuyler Canadian title to "Itiu?h 'Char, office. Winnipeg, Mail. Write Hall anil Crenda - McNaniaru Liverpool. 2; lllarkhorn Hovers, lie" Hums. In Hie same ypar,ie FOrt rtFNT Three room hmi-e; (Bias. A. Pyrin, prince Ceore. Metropole combinations maintained 0. also had ail exhibition match at furniture for' sale. Also some manafrer for .Vorlliern llritish rnomcr. or Kninsu r inijnii Hie one-lap lead they hail Manchester IL, 2 Arsenal, 0. an l.aCles snmker wilh a man chickens. Phone Ilsl .'I'M. Cnll .(iiiimlua. ItlRlsT lllltMU irphTii for rpnt to lodges or similar held fur llif rest ff I In " nameil Mr Kav. Following his ' FXAWVATION ,T mv'im 220 Fourth Avenue IvisL Mid.lleshorn, 5; 1 1 in I l r- fi'1 I, 5U j , x p v CTF II N J firm wnnls 111 II nu: -,'.sfliif defeal A5.STT t'oni N.'t organizations, ttcck. by Hurns. O'l.eary went sf li lo the Kas Oil ItllNT Two fjirnNliP.1 trood asrent. Kxclusjve territory, ObJtcU an.I made his head lDe rtimlnaiuM,. .m r.. Newcastle P., 2; Holton, 1. Min- OFFICE SPACE ipiarlers in lluffalo, merlins rooms. Can do lisbt hne lioiul staple line carried of IIHIiif nrrsrni a.j .,,i Preston ,., I ; Manchester Uijy. rniitullIM In qualirv for fnmro I ill-1- 38 ly 21. heated, suitable for such men as Johnnie Diindep. keeuns. Phone lied 2.i!l. (f by every store.- Only small (ImI Mi rna'-M in .irr professional man, for rent. REPAIRS MADE I. Shcrrield V., ; Catdiff Cily, 2. l'reddie Welsh, Ilonky Kansas I I'llMSlll.D room lo rent. Suil- capital 312. viiceessary. Write Hot A4lani AatlaUnl IihtkI Forit iun,.ruaairi.. ,i. . and Johnny Kilbane. who have Vancouver, II. fit dunnr uk- irrt i,in M i. ,.,.r Agents for To'llPiiham, I; Siindprlanil, 0. able for- lady or (.'entlenian since made, hl names for I hern' rfa.trt l-rr k,..i,.- i,. WA.VTFD Two v ,-k Second Division, Phone lllue .'.ID. .VJ or three roomed Norwegian American Lino FAIR BUILDING proifii-., irh a. lias. , ,.,,, Swedish American Line llarnsley. I; Clapton firipnl. (I selves in the boxing frame furnished suite or small furn Ine-ni r.i....-l ....ilia-, farn...,.jr i ., ,. , , . O'l.eary was hImiuI ,27 year, of PHKMISFS occupied by Wanderers ished Jiurifralow. II... ' fm-ii. i n-ill ..,, Scandinavian American llri-lnl Cily, I; Fiilliam, 0. Apply nn ! imuniii nurr i mjv. i,v y ., ,,,4 ,. aire. Club for rent, April flfsl Daily News Office. f.. lamliuliiii " owa.lon .iiipi .. tii. ,,jti Line. Hur', Nolls I; County, fl. j ll p-r IISjfllH lh lir-r ,.,r- h ! mi Agricultural Association, Protests M. M. Stephens. Coventry City, 0; Slokc, I. 'Oliver Typewriters Manner In Which Hall Was .Milliards is enjoyinz a srood MODFHN house wonted lo rent ilrtl -r. 1rwiim .-r-"- a;.- , Safes )prhy Counly, 2; I.poIs IJ., 0. I- Hi Itl-.N I'-- Three room house. hy re, in sidle SK1. Cary Used During the Winter. measure of, pojmlarity in the parly. Apply QuaJIdcatlont for Cdldto. I.picpslcr Cily. 0; Hull Cily. I. I own rfif SmitfTi-rs this winter. At 220 Seventh Avenue Fast. 3J I. Daily Xews Office, 01 uamiiMai4 riiMftf Itf linden - 1 rr .iilf illpliain I-'., It; Blackpool, lii in Hrnioi i .iiiiniliu f r at FIRE INSURANCE 'Itier-p was a nieelAnfr of thp Fair Hie P.mprcss m it roiim a lively MODFHN Aparlmeiil rent, WANTKD Tr, or ma i rnaraii-i. ; i, .., i , 0. lo five . rent, or ix illllnn aJxl with ihk. h.pi Association last I In compHilion is frnin? on and ex-tit evcniriri, prin lri vale, 1; Itollicrhatii, 0. Phone mack tSI. If roomed house. Modern. Phone Tttey slsmlit luvr -i.. t ,-, fj,, cipal burines tipinvllip as.ins- in w frames are provided every inr; ssss U Wlily i i .rtn. i. i Dybhavn & Hanson Soulh Sliipld , 0; Tin Wcilups. Mine 200. If ahi Itarslh- iiMn, ami in ',.,: of ai-roiinU in connection wilh ntelil. The frreal majority of lh FOI'lt roomed 1huc for rehl. 'M Hie 1'onsii l. rpfpnl pxlpii.ivp niail day, 0.. men in town re iiarlicinnlinfr in M. Stephens. ,i9 WANTKD to Tti ftaininall4i ar ; ::.;. rppair.H at buy Cooksl Third Avenue Wfxlhaui I'., 2; Cly- lal l'alacp. nvr. partly nnt int arr de-iri i i- i i Uip Atrriciillural Hall. Hip witrk Hie popular frame and. the baud Phone (ireeu 330. t'.l camjlilale's arulitv alona- l. n j . . I Prince Rupert, B. C. 0. MISCELLANEOUS. Ml UHnii imwIv 4y mwii l loiif iia- tuailo a prpal ami i.Ip.i- Wolvprliamplon Itratlf'inl, trapping so far lias proven so fiHrifiirr. nliiranmi anil accurate that the various FOR SALS jsri to vrrim-atinn njr ill. ,n t r..).'.'. in? rtiansp in Hip appparaVipp. of 0. w.nn iti-.WAiii) if i fail lo frrow rrrmrnrr it firm 11. Hip placp and infludeo Uip latins'Third Division Northern Section matches have heen closely con hair. Orienlal Hair Itool Hair FOIt SALE Tii or risbhoat, Htm lis-is-rary (i.alllli in . Th Eiamlnatlani. of a llnp lanci- llitor, rhaiiiPil in. Acorniiifrlnn, t; Uarllcpool, I. tested wilh narrow margins of ;rower. World's Orealesl iCxI2.rrl, 32 X A .S. engine. lb ijiminallns i 1 I- tt i.v For your next safety for the winners. (inocj Hair f!rower. Cr.'iws hair plar and on n dairs n;r- i-inK-nillnr I. Urh Hip linin?" up' of (hp wall-. IipIow Crim.-diy' Town, a; XpIsou, I-. on $2,000.00. raii.ll.uif 'li t: Hip paHpriP niul tlif fafinsr of Hip Halifax Ti1i, .1; Durham C, prizes are huntr up by the man. bald heads. It must not be TiifT 37.lflxl 32 ILP. X. A S IUtrlit lirtrr nf hi- !- Shoe Rena ir Job allprip.t. nfremeut. The second round is put where hair i nol wauled. entrine. 52,00O.0O. rkllon Inr Itw form fssir arxl f IN-for r.,u 11.1 "..' l-K.I i' rprriiUiion was Tiinlfil at thp in progress Ibis week. Al the Cure dandruff and all scalp Thirty fool freiieral liinlilisr In hlrh II ill 1 V lloclidalp, 0; Harrow, 1. purpose boat, lion funiK liilt. In ' J- 1" .'"! mptinp to lln!lki LoiIsp lnni Slalfybridtfp 2;.l.iucilii Cily Kennedy billiard parlor a contest troubles. $1.75 per jar 5 ILP. Vale, dyii.-tmo, storage xit anil mallrtl in tr Im-i 1 1 -mt try thp is afso be in 2- waed in the shape Asfpnls wanted. Prof. Si. S lln lo raili hlio it .-at 03 - M r huildin? mi May 34 for a hip 0. fieri ric lifrlil, (8no.OO Itit- ramimliiiii. J. C. EMERTON carnival nod tlanrp whipli i o ho Stockport C. 2: Choslprfipld, I. of a weekly, competition wilh Crossp, lirt l.ofrnn Ave., Win. ins 57 fl. r.O 11. P. Fairbanks Plare. Ial. 1 Si i 1 !''( Champion Shoe Repair Shop put on for Hip purpnp of raiin? WaNall-WrPXham, nol playpd. prizes for the players matins Hid nippfr, Man. semi.diesel -enttme. Power V'an-ver M.rrhll' i fi hifrhesl break. karnlmps Urrn 1 k.inv-1 Ernad Block, Third Avenue fund- for Hip p.-laWi.-linicnl of a 'i?anboro - larin;rlon, not AUCTION-SALE. windlass. Auxiliaries. rin" iiunrt Vao-ti I- '' H i;' ' xumrnpr ciunp for IViv Scout.i sind played. I.ofrsers 2t.x00 stern wtieel f mllti'r Marrh ' I' '""r-'i f" I'Mnre inrt .vall I "Repairs while you wait" Oirf fiiiidp. Soiithport, fl; Ashinjrlon, 0. l'he Junior billiard handicap MTriON SAI.h-At No. I Hearh scow. 10 ILP. steam boiler and .l-nn Man-h .'- tournament at the Prince Itnrtert cilfunn Vap'H V t' spvi-ral TPinarkx if wpi-p Southern Section. Aparlntenls on Wpiliipsday. winch witli house 20(. May WlllUnia iJtkf Man-h W i made at Hip m'c(in in In .Hip HxPlPr Cily, 2; Norwich Cily. ( Pool lloom is now well under irlh March. 2:30 p.m. consist-Infr be ued a-r camp and donkey. carp llial hail Iippii taken of the (iillin?ham, 3; Drislol It.. 2. way. I lie rirst round is rmislied of: Tables, chairs, carpel, I7&0. Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 hall hy Hip KaxkpUiall Ansoriatlon I.ulon Town, I ; Ahprdare, 2. and some of the players have ad. shot pun, bureau, bed, hall ILP. Fairbanks , ype slat ion. W. Longwill, Blue 270 vaiiced lo the second ami third ilnriii? Hip winlpr. II wax lalid Merlhyr Town, I; Clmrlloii A.. 'iVe mirror, and small mirrors, ary enfrine. Wilh immp two Phone 5 Day rounds. results of the blankets, books, cabinet White hundred tha7, tiotwillistandinp Hip plforU ft. pounds pressure STEEN 5 LONGWILL I hat had licpn made hy lat year's Milwall, 3; Itea.lhiK. fl. fames in the first round were sewinfr machine, pictures, loots freared up. f2.VI.U0 . fai hoard to itimm-p proppr carp Newport C, (I; llriplil in and II as follows: i-.merson heal an crockery, etc. PhilpolLKviti Pile Driver and 10 ILP. dnnkev Sheet Metal Works nf Hip lniililint-v'il had Itccn left in A., I. lliur; fi. Mitchell heal I.. Aslnri; A Co Auctioneers. fit entrine, 2100 lb. hammer. l.-250.00. II. Maedonald beat C. Harkcr; S. Agent for McClary Fumcaes nhaiiipful comlition. IiipITpcIKp Plymouth A., 3; Walfonl, 0. rnnxixrr rOHKKT or TjniTt-it 8BH.coi.cvm. Howe beat J. Ileasley; .1. Ilyinl ftin'i'l-itii by Uiosc In whom Hip Piirlsmoulli, I; Nnrihariiplon - ILP. fiuaranlee marine entrine. HFI'.IIT.VKT or I Mi .. . ,. Sanitary and beat T. Halverson; W. Ileasley ANNOUNCEMENTS f F-XWIXTIONf fOH Tin: I -I''"'' ' 350.00. carp IiimI lippn Iff) and Hip indisw t. Heating Engineers beat II. Sniilh: II. Frizell heal 10111.1 ni-- of Soutliend I'., 0; Southampton i5 falhnnis .1-$ (neb fesled an cfiriiinalP iip kpys hy Hip cliil. Ctb Street and Fraoer Street (i. S. Hill: I.. Wilson heal Cl. St. Andrew's Sale of Work and chor chain. I TIm-so rarulnalMif.- an- fr lr fT'," said 0. l.r ami !' nat.n IrPil llllim wpi-p to Jip Hip cnusp. vaanrv Prince Rupert - t - B. C. Swansea Town, I; Queenspark Hill; S. Supa beat D. fSraham; Home Cooklnpr. April 5, St. Andrew's Oilier Jioals and engines. nat l.i qiiallrr Tr runir a ai " I.. Anderson beal Ci. Shaw; W. imrtt'f lit i-tarr. nt., 0. Hall. M, M. STKIMIKXS. - ,Frott Itafivort. ,,, SHIPBUILDING MEN Iiiubie. heal M. Chenoski; Karl w Forest naOkir' r.- i-mi'l' .., .Swindon llranlfoi-d. Town, " . I. llallblay beat K. Hudson; W. The Ladies of the Iloyal Purple WK are Offeriiitr an exceplional- var.11 J Prkl The rllsic.alrr j Tin an I' r-1 , NORTH Ilauiillon beal J. Ilond; .1. David-sou ly flue line of second hand and UO.ud is-r itnnliin llw n-ua . AREjGOING Sale of Fancy Work and Scottish League First Division I 10 Oil a inoulll IlM) third veai M. T. LEE Falkirk, (I;, Albion, I. beat S. Hunter; II. Marrie Home Cooklnsr Tuesday, April II. rebuilt enjfincs, dynamoes and aiorartorr wrtlrr-K tlv.-n iin' ini'''"" fiutk are i4UiM-ii l Hie '":"!. ., . JSlackhall iK-at W. Duncan; A. ao forth. The prices nre Jow t, Princess .Mary, Which Called Airdrie, 2; Ayr Foiled, I. Un-rr ro otirsirlntilprs ri.i i ' ; - ; Here Last Had heal Flmer Smith. The Ladies' Aid of I lie Prenby. and on some of these terms liUlirr iv,nl.iV Ilanif' " . Evening; Big Ladies' & Gentlemen's Celtic, I; Kilnfaruock, il. (injury ror itv; IWltr iiradi 1" ' ' :( List of Passengers. Ilearls. 3: Clydebank, o: lerian Church will hold a llazaar can be arrantreil. I i h.p. beay tannnaimn inaj uni an nci TAILOR Third Lanark, It Dundee, I. TRAIL SHIELD April 12. duly While; 1.1-17- llurfalo; al MilieiM-iit Qualification!ranfi roc Caadldat'f-' v- 'n"11' , TIip Canadian Pari Mf sleainer Second Division Scottish. : 10 h.p. Palmer; H h.p. Cray: rjinillilalrs mini live lif HrilHH - ' ' Fit Guaranteed PnuPess Mary, which called here ItaUijrale. 2; Fast Fire, 3. The score in Hie last Trail Tho Klks' Annual Faster No 11 h.p. Ferro; 10 h.-t. Fay nrul innro In Ihiin li.lmoliK,fi.rlj for) Ml "'",...,',,,t last civMiiii?- liouiiil for Skairtvay,' Clackmannan, o; SI. Johnstone Shield hilliard tournament lie. city Hall in the Auditorium Friday, llowen; t' 'li.p. Fairbanks; fi h. and Willi winsH t-)srn-ii"' ..,, Third Avenue, opposite P. O. i. Calle Perferlion; 2 4i h.p. TI-jr M1011I1I lie raliiliiar " - bad H bin lint of passengers on' 0. lwf,rn the Sons itf Kuvlnnd and April 21. - Ural sl.t nf Milklrilf. Iliiils; , F.vinruiie Phone Red 138 bnavd fur mil Hi.tii points. Ainiiny Diunfernliiip, t: Armadale, u. Hie Trail Club was 1200 to"T7.ri oullioard; t h.p. vrviiiK aiul pnn-i ii'"i . , t'l.f-1'! A.l. llu llir.ulu.. m.T 'llu. jlbeiii were a.nuiiiber of sliiplniibl. Forfar, I ; llonpss, 0. -Kiii?spark, rti'fral; ,1 h.p. Fpito; ,10 h.p. and I'"1"' lakinfr into aecoupl Hie final FORT WILLIAM TO ktiilily Ut '.ik !".,, erx who are poinfr to While 3; oliiislone, 0, Sh;debaker; :f ti.p. Fairbanks IIH- rIHll, " tlr Jlorse inline which was forfeited by ........ .....1 n.i .... ilMlaned l Ii. 1' to work in Ibe Lorhpelly, 0; Arbi'iialh, 0, Sliiliouary; t2 h.p. Sludehaker Miir- sliipard, where a Tjnu Sllversides o Jack Snden. ENTER CONTEST FOR SI nl binary 12 h.p. il salrniiu madr ii "I'l"""",. ; n-verse a new river Imat and barges are Slenlioue Mllir, . Duiiden lb. The standing of Ibe clubs for iaM-rliiii-r, Mliicaliuii aim """ ".', B-.! Mothers! hriim built for llu Slewarl lliver 0. . . Ibe season was llrtls as folbi'As: ALLWHOCKEY CUP trear; 2 h. p. reverse n-I In vrniiratiuii u riven ay ii 1.. rrinrtKsl""""v-vKtmim -i, run lo Mayo. This boat is lieinn Vale of l.even, 0; Cowilenbi'alli, VI. Pis. Av. KJ'ar; one 2Vi'2 ccnlrlf- vll)i tin" ii-Tcsiiary ai"l"1'",,',;',i ,rtn MiliT jfial pump; 25x0 Ys Salmon TIM- a nr.vp". ;- ,, ,vt 0. . lillilt for the While Pass Com. Trail 10 I IC22 11(52 WI.VNIP.FO, The i ,- Bring the children pany. It is understooil I hat flnpl. F-asf Slii-lin. I; St. Hei'iiars!, n. llanderers in I 1338 ll.1t William hockev team rpialillcil o I roller, 4 h.p, fur sale fir charier. siiiithi-r on March iuh. rnr fui'';. ii-ntf- to the Ilari iiiplon, of Stikine Itiver fame, PAIUS. March II. The French St. Andrews . .. 10 11002 1100 meet Medina Victorias in the dim. .10.x H) workhoal, 20 li.p. rriinv'ly to lh Pi"iri'l.....tvvrl. ,is also to buibl a bout at White and Hrilisli armies played lo n Flks jo I0KH1 1 0K inalion xeries for Hie Allan Cup, heavy luly entrine. Will sell Civil a..-.'l 'cnilliH- ' Bex Barber Shop ilorso for service on Slrwarl drav. at socrer today. The si-ore o. w. v. a. in ofiif) bar, The. frame was played last nifrhL or charier at a low price for n 1 nier. ,ir. i.reen. wtio is in Jwas one all. S. O. F. 0 03.15 031 rhrt - William Inst In llrandnn Hie season. Oilier boats anil Tin: t-nriiKMK roi HT or HIUTI jclmnse of Hip yard al While by a score of two to one last nihl oilier liarttaips. Northern lix- f.oLi:.HilV Til.. ...ivi.iX i- Sixth St. Phone Blue 78 rhantre. If If T'": VTTM. BATH jllorse anil was here while the but won Hie tirsl frame of. the A, i,ii 1 not..-M4infli'm i 1 n r 1 t.r-j-fiso til-' lllr I I,; Vpr."... L.I auxiliary cruisers Oliaulo series Wednesday by eiftj rA.VIiA, 1 ii- and to i:i.l'l'i: Cnfe Tor furnished KTaTI'tTS lir ..'....til -l Orbila wprp uiiderjfoiiifr In (hree, jriviiif; llieiu a lead in nil of sTile, AMKMUMI AflTS, T Tllti.V.V "11 - -lll repairs comiilele. Vlmim 17.1. tf . ki.i-.i;tio. oc a Mtvinrii 1K II he local iloqk, was aboard Hip Very Old Highland nine to lite. uoitii: of oi.vwos 01 'Wrict no: n:ruitu. Li,r.r;iisVrl(V,,v deaiupr. BOATS FOR HIRE. The best in town Otber LAND ACT. itr:i; or nitniMit '''' ; hii proiuinehl ppnple soinuj WHISKY Nolle of Inltnllon lo Apply to Lint Land .AIJNCH NarbetbouK"-Phone -Wi( sell s A in t ITCTIOt WAS lioll'f north were: III ITHice lmin l.ami (.islrirl. Iinnnl-Inr SIXTH PAY or iKf:rlo;ii. ml,, vi, lOsirlet til :i.l ntiivi :,, aim ,nnt Service. Hlack 100. If rnillot i.f Marlili 11 itriio, ' , v i l.eo Simmons, colleclor of cijs. III Hrlnllj iJ -orl i. i: ll" While Supplied to the P. & 0. Steamship Line Ink iwll.v thai ., Julius Ji,htiK.n inii fliiiiii-riiti. lii-sixHi.lPiils. Pr'" 111 loins for Strand Horse, who has Wlisr Mcii.l, -r fori I MUSIC. ..Hili,ii, i. (; I i.lli duy nf Janiiao. icii- beon ill. for over 40 years; to His Majesty's is-niNHImi ll.hiriiiili, Inn-nil r.if rnnlli.ii Ki lf.e ilw rnll.iu'iiir ib-M-rirwd M111111 n'liHiiy iim ''''v,,,,;'ii,m i fiefirfie F. Jobnstorje, of ibe. Transports; to exclusive Clubs laniN- r:i,iiuii)-iirnir (I h, iljnin PIANO SCHOOL. mrr. havlnir Iwflf autti'ulf'''! , tin- IKlondT.e many nullH-il rnrr-r ut ai i.',, luiiin. o r..i LeschPllzky Melhod. All t?rade( Lis iii-titlr.n liKrulii. Iijr au r" rhawinfr .Machine Co.. and Officers' Messes all world. MOrlrl. iiK-nrr li..Hhpl rliairm In .iw UniHirahir t'j.nrt. ., the Cafe over taken and .special allenlion T,-iwjon, lrr iiurk, lh.-iir souto f, rlmiiu aluuir Till la to llvi' l" .Vi l air ma id. hni :i rlutm ,, floflrio 10 V- Kiilmtlliil'-d c' 'T 15 Years Matured. to lieKinuerA. Terms ,,,,1111 Martin Conway, Slapway, mer-rharit. Ask for Catto's hlt v.wr mark, iUmiw i riialn Ion it lli r.icui aud sirad or Ino !.,,iin hlyli naiir mark lo point moderatn. nt i,f rfmiiiiii.iam fi'lirllly. may wilt All White Help. W 1 ' sSliBH To fUue it riovinsurxT Uurun Btoifj rimialninv S Vi erw. fiior ir ' 0IIA8. I'. JlALAflNO. lo Hi" 'i.i r.iiinl. ,.. 71H .fudfte Wlcieihstn of Junenii. JI'I U:k jiiHm,.v tuTl'ti it Vrim tmt'i t. ti. r WALTIJl Mr:Ml, Hand 'Iflncli, ornnr SI1II1 and day or .Main.. io. rnn. Captain Dniggt of White hoie. A,'"'"-""'' ,IAr, tut rr,iuur it. tt. Fulton. Phone lllue CI.1 II Pepuiy liiiiriii Hfi'"r