er ae bgp jd bat rH see ft PAGE FOUR CLOSING OUT Owing, to Miss Miller returning to her home in the east, the Cut Rate Shoe Store will be definitely closed down in a fortnight. The whole stock of Men’s, La- dies’, Boys’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes and Rubber Footwear will be sold regardless of cost, loss or profit. ASTOUNDING BARGAINS Meer Hh seins 9295 Men’s Dress Boots and Ox- fords in Calf Leathers; Reg. $4.50 $2.95 Selling at Ladies’ Patent and Kid Straps Reg. $3.50 $1.9 Selling at Ladies’ Patent and Kid Straps, Pumps & Ties Reg. $4.50, Selling $2.45 Boys’ School Boots Black Calf Uppers, Leather or Panco $1 95 Soles; sizes 2 to 5;-reg. $3.25; Selling at ag Shipment of Women’s and Misses’ } High Gum Boots Just arrived from the Factory. These are selling at 25°. less than elsewhere in town a) SHOP EARLY FOR GENUINE BARGAINS ~— at— CUT RATE SHOE STORE BAPCO FLOOR ENAMELS Made to walk on. Easy to apply. It is suitable for all interior decorating where a high gloss is desired, and dries in four hours, IN NINE ATTRACTIVE COLORS Which may be diversified by the Dapl-Art Process. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. MacKenzie’s Furniture Kiddy Crib Blankets—Regular 90c SURED MONG, GUNNER 5 ia ini ae che gains ae. 0-9. 6 inh a0¢ Kapok—Guaranteed pure SalePrice, per pound ............... ye 60c IP Pe WO so b0'5 03k St eee $1.00 Cushion Forms—Kapok filling, all sizes y Reg. up to $1.30; Sale Price, any size ..... 65¢ BOO COMITOP CRE, TD SOOO 8 Sic kc ce vee eweys $2.00 Furniture, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Beds, Springs and Mattresses. Everything for the home. 327 Third Avenue Phone 775 WATERFRONT WHIFFS THE DAILY NEWS Boat to Return—Halibut Landings to make a rush at a boat, the ery year on the Queen Charlotte Islands. They are even declared to be driving salmon and flatfish off the bar. Capt. Don Yelf of Vancouver, who has been buying salmon at Langara Island all summer, took out the last load of the season recently from Skidegate aboard his packer B. and Y. Quite a few splendid co- hoes are still reported to be run- ning in Skidegate Inlet. Following the closing of fishing 'on October 22 in the area of the \Pacific Coast between Willapa Bar land Cape Spencer, where the most lof the Canadian vessels operate, the | White Hope, Capt. Pete Thompson, 'was the last vessel of the Prince | Rupert halibut fleet to return to | port from its final trip of the sea- json. The White Hope came in to- \day with 5,000 pounds. | with black od before coming in. With a number of the large Am- erican schooners fishing in the western area right up to the clos- jing date of November 1, it is anti- cipated that November 7 will have |seen the final halibut catch of the season landed at Prince Rupert |While it is expected that the most of the Seattle halibut boats will lrun right through to: their home |port in Puget Sound with their fi- }nal catches, there may be the odd one landing at Prince Rupert if prices are right No more clearances for halibut fishing are being granted by the customs at Prince Rupert. National Fish Week was duly ob- |servéd in Prince Rupert by both the | service clubs of the city. Norman L | Freeman, Prince Rupert. represen- | tative of the International Fisheries Cen, gave the Gyro Club an interesting address Tuesday on the | work of the Commission in connec- {tion with the Pacific halibut fish- ery. Col. J. W. Nicholls, comptroller of the Canadian Fish & Cold Stor- jage Co,, on Thursday gave a fish- eriles address before the Rotary ;Club which proved equally interest- jing. | The salmon pack for the Pacific coast up to October 15 this year is |officially placed at a total of 1,- }015,575 cases as compared with | 663,667 cases at a similar date last year, The packs of all species but | Sockeye and steelheads are showing jan increase this year. Production is up over last year in all areas with |the exception of Rivers Inlet Back Northern B. C. Payrolls Keep the Home Boys Working—Insist on Bulkley Valley Coal For those who wish to economize try a portion of Bulkley Valley slack with your furnace coal “TILLIE THE \ Hotel deslgady 4. The pack per species this year | TOILER” | Sharks in Skidegate Inlet-—White Hope Last Boat | n leaping high in the air as if to land in the boat. Sharks are said to be getting more plentiful and more dangerous ev-® Ki jand last year is shown as follows: Large sharks, believed to be man-eaters, some of them| being over thirty feet in length, have been chasing sal- mon trollers off Skidegate Bar recenty, according to word received at Prince Rupert. The huge brutes are said 1932 1931 Cases Cases Sockeye 275,318 282,848 | Springs 72,546 26,207 | Steelheads 1,059 1,217} ‘Bluebacks 27,649 25,214! Cohoes 152,542 71,430 Pinks é 215,339 201,461 Chums 271,122 55,290 | Per areas the pack this year and llast: ‘Fraser River 193,181 110,266 Naas River,, 79,052 14,674 Skeena River 223,322 173,543 71,634 26,362 264,629 6,851 150,544 76,517 13,915 * 126,934 6,187 141,631 |Rivers Inlet |Smith’s Inlet Central Area |Q. C. Islands | District No. 3 Bearing evidence of a very rough trip, the well known local six-man halibut boat Lysekil, with Capt. Al Woie in command, arrived in port yesterday and sold a catch of 15,- 000 pounds. So rough were the ele- ments which the Lysekil encoun- tered that she lost most of her gear as well as lifeboats. Pilothouse win- dows were stove in and there was other damage. Fortunately, there were no serious casualties although some of the members of the crew had narrow escapes. With landings to and including yesterday, it be- comes evident that the halibut accounted for up season will run about one million ,0unds lower than the volume fot 1931 which, considering the difficul ties of the year, is not such a poor showing. Up to yesterday, landings at Prince Rupert for the present eason amounted to a tot 286,350 pounds as con 15,316,940 pounds up to 20nding date last year. Canadian landings had reached a total of 4.- 137,250 pounds as against 5,558,300 pounds last America! landings for this year, standing at 10,149,100 pounds, were showing increase over last year’s 9,758,640 ounds at in 1930 During tl jay most of the halibut landed Prince Rupert was shipped fresh to the eastern markets that prices were at factory level. During the week total of 322,500 pounds was landed f which 257,500 pounds wa American boats and 65,000 pounds from Canadian. the week for Canadian fish was 6.7 ind 3c which the Capella was paid for 10,000 pounds and the low 4c and 2c received by the Lysekil and Toodie for catches of 15,000 and 8,- 000 pounds respectively. For Ameri- 1 with parea with a corres year whut week ending yeste! from LEY Se WRAPPERS— Write for PREMIUM GIFT CATALOGUE _ Enthusiastic Beginners a a — _ eatch at Prince Rupert for the 1932} ul of 14,-| j e€ corresponding date! } with the result | a fairly satis- | The top price of || Central 4 ae I. Anderson, C.N.R.; D. Nelson, | — = WTF TEY =: city. | tient MAC To Have | H'S Foor. BALL. “team H t | Central Ltd MEET Over | 0 e ° AT My j HOUSE Covenient to business district, ee homelike, beautiful harbor | BusaLes views. ere | iL Hat Rates reasonable. Spacious |) sample rooms. FIRST CLASS CAFE Open at All Hours Special monthly rate for Rooms. and Meals Hotel Central Ltd. ee First Avenue & Seventh Street |) a, King Feat Gee, BUT You RE Lucky [65% ive THE THERE MUST BE | RASH Ne Foot - A& DOZEN YOUNG MEN DOWN STAIRS “THEY SAID MAC “TOLD ‘eM TO MEET SIMPKINS WASHING BALL TEAM, MUMBY sp Ancient Work Saturday, October ee; Friday & Saturdg TWO SHOWS ~— and 9) Feature Starts aj 7:45 & 45 : ‘ ™~ \ Vile ‘Tatpanon ADMISSION — 45, , SATURDAY MATINg : 5h Feature Starts 3. Steg ahh ae ‘THE DEPRESSION IS OVER — LAUGH ar Buster Keaton and Jimmy Duran in “SPEAK EASILY” With Gorgeous Thelma Todd and a Flock of Lovel, The Frozen-Faced Comedian and “Schnozzle” : Show Girk in a great Ugh fey Musical—RUTHETTING in “A Mail Bride” ; FOX Np Travel—“Bali, the Isle of Paradise” Cartoon—“ Admission Free i eb] MONDAY and TUESDAY—“70,000 WITNESSES” ee) it Yes, perhaps your kids could do better, but this huge figure was fashioned by Indians of Califor- Never discovered over the desert nia long planes flew ago +ill vill Steamship Sailings for Yancouve:— Tuesday—ss, Carderia ....1:30 p.m. Thurs.—ss Prince Rupert, 10 p.m Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m Ss. Catala midnight in fish the high price of the week was 9.3c and 4c paid the Friendly yr 6300 pounds and the low 5 and 3c received by the Charlotte Estabilshed 1849 LAMB’S RUM AGED, BLENDED AND MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS & Eat, drink; and be merry! No need te ft “sunk” ext day. Take a laxative dose of Pl “Lamb’s Fine Old Navy” Milk of Magnesia when you go to be: PHILLIPS = ii ¢ MAGwe, | i yr? Ng For raouste® 5 PROOF OVERPROOF Old and Good! Ask the British Navy! breakfast orange. It rids stomach and bowels of d lingering poisons No headac he N I ea Na Liquor Veadors or i vernment Li- pee ee even a coated tongue. Get the ge Phiap 1 Mail Order De- sour svomae” ' rictot 1, B.C neantomnen Milk of Magnesia; substitutes are not the same. “eat nause? - ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Phillips’ Mill M a This advertisement is aot pub- “ = Tablets are now on sale at drug stor . me lished « lisplaye by th Mace in Canada Each tiny tablet is the equivalent of teaspoond Li roy. OE Sewers c .™ of genuine Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia 4iquor Control Board or by the Government of British British Columbia The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous ee “Rupert Brand” SMOKED ~ BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Good Clothes Do Make You Great Order Your Next New Suit From LING The Tailor Second Ave.—Opp. Post Office Phone — 649 WIDE RANGE OF FINE QUALITY WOOLLENS TO CHOOSE FROM We use best trimmings; high class workmanship; perfect . fit guaranteed. — — Do you read the classified advertisements? —By Westover. icanctanahasiien Siiibaiiiiai — a crN te ‘ - A yu . Goov } ae ee ¥ oe at ~~~ MA {Don T VM Ag Lit TLE EVENING 4 CARE SAX HOw sages Goopo : | Rey LATS . BUT | GENTLE~l\e 22. | RAH RB boon | OANCER PANY \lste THE BOYS MEN - @w RAH el V Act TRAIT’) ARE IN A = hee ee RAH DANCE? TO HiM_ WHERE'S / a ae nee. | MUDDLE Gon Tie a? SP\ q one) Over2 THE PLAYS