Monday. Milt TWO afciii TOT DATGT JT1TWB " Va t-t, The Daily News COUNTY COURT AIRPLANE HERE pni.NCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publhhed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince FOR SEPTEMBER FOR EXHIBITION Riiperl Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. I II. F. PULLEX. Managing Editor. jCataa Started Thla Morning with Haiation" Rsacncd City Yat-tarda i I Selling Down of Date by y Afternoon Making First SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Judge Young. Fllhl from Interior. City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 Dales for the hearmas of the Uy mail to nil part.- or the British Enjpire and the United Stales.. r.c mi me eplenilXT t.onn'v The all metal PL hyrtMfnftn llaielton. behHiiin to the Hail-ny in advance, per year ttf.oo Court list are bcinc el today by To all other runntries, in advance per year $7.5 Hi Honor JiMtae r MrM. Yotina. Invearnseim ronpbtyees lito!iil and .eiMion. rthled Mitne of Hie rase are U Im- pro-eee4rt ito Prraee karhnr tmen y-entay TELEPHONE OS WUli today. The oases afternnoa al f:l& 'ebrk. are: the first ainlHe t" nwke a Transient Display Advertising f l.tO per Inch per inerliw Kliaebeta ThoHipaan y. John ftllrhl fmm Hie nlral Interior Transient Advertising on Front Pace t'i.SC er inch Wicks, claim ..r f.r of ltrillli Ontiimhia In Ihe ea. Loral Reader, per insertion 2te per line honed anil ltriii; W illiame. ihe earrfeil n penirers Mrs Uassilled Advertising, per insertion 2c per wwr' MttOS-n ft lionsalcs for the C K. ialr. Miss IUfl nn- Legal Notices, each inertion tfic per agate Hsu plaintiff and defendant in nec- ninKlMtn an.1 leioeae M. IWme Contract Rates on Application. MHI. au, was tfanted h .Ma)nr n. A. ft. V. ft. IPine v. V. M. Da. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. ThoisH, tlie-e petsaai thM uf flit for rnm- toe, Vancouver Lhetop tbe al phnaes nf IhM rmlsstow WMiam. Manon X DAILY EDITION Monday. .epl. It, l!t. laxnle of travel in this eonnlry. otale for i We plaintiff ami The Hatellnn's fllittit an nn- for the defend- Archie Ikinaahy Exhibition Will fHt 4Hllile of tbe f-aet lm Be Worth While. ant. an hln a Dm bank al In. Itanicl Larsra et al vs. Otto I. This year the outside district are Inking miH-e in I ere I than Schmidt ?.! 7 for damaae ami ham ' earn nww usiinl in the Exhibition. A number of tlistrict'rxhildi we lie me? urrel thmuyh (Jefen1anl the sirffae of Ihe water ami !hown and in a good ninny lines, there i increased interest being ii..boat betna? aiiMired against lati la lb rr-t f ih. way to; token in Hie anniinl event. If the people from outside the city plainlitrs in a Inrrn: Vllttans, e- HHpert lite nvarhine nre doing this, what nlnnit the home people? In order lo hov Maas,Ni ft (tonaftle for the left ilaien . cIc.1hU tiinej that tbe efforts or the visitors have not been in vrfin. Hie least we flainliff aat Palmare ft Kulln stiwrtlr after ta 'ckwl. pa"ll can do it to help it all we can. for Ihe defendant. ver 'Perraer atwnrt an Inntr ami ami oxer While a few will go lo the Exhibition a a matter of ditty, House F. Overland A O.. vs. quarter later wn oeUici KsHirtM at If most people wilf do m herane they like to ec the progTes that hVH MeKvoy. ?!. far mer-rliaitdi'e H i" is being made, they enjoy looking at the flowers, the vegetables. nli and delivered Had M til heea nessarv tobacco the m.Milh ..f (tie The best fine cut eosne at isa I Le pictures, the handicraft work and all the other wllreclnMi e Palntore ft Fallon for Ihe plain, Skeeita River she wonhl b.i-' , well as listening to the music. tiff and defendant In person heen here when experte.1. a f the market on Pat more ft Full on vs. John .f minutes after t? o'clock Many Make The Week An McMillan. M7 for amfes.ioital fnirnls alow if the way from Hal Outstanding Event. services. e mi to Prince Unpen i.-i a I We suggest that every resident male this week 4he out Kenny llro. v. V. J. Martin. watrh out far the machine and standing event of the year. Let olher engagements be tml off Terrace. n.nw tar eosnmiss. she was ofset- isl clearly at rn and centre all our attention on the one thing. We are Ndd that itn nn sale of la ad: Archie of these. II was the fir-i i mi. Packages 1ST there is to be omethiug different there every evening. It is the iHinajrhy for Ihe planttiA and thai Terra e eple had -een an , place lo visit, the place lo meet people, (he place to have a cup Palnvire ft Fulton for defendant. airplane pass over ineir lown. Small Tins 25- of lea or a bit of late upper. H. Kilhreath vs. Richard Struck Air Pock la. Once a year we have these fairs and most of them have been Lowrie, f t'sk. damaavs ia a Miccessi Judging from what we hear from the entries that Me eta? ilawn a Ira; A. The passenaer an tbe ntaeb-e IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY Of CANADA UMlTIO have been made it seems as If this year would be the banner fnmaahy for the ntaintiff and leM f having struck a few Pal ft Fslton for the air skrfa on the way iVewn year, especially if the weather is reasonably good. more ,de. fendant. ' whieh raue the machine to Financial Policy ' Samui-i H. l-althe v. Henry drop iik an elevaW riihliuK Of Government. Weismiller. 'Ml; William. herself again, qnherlng ami half a day ir to. Maaaoti ft Uoniale for ties ptckin? m her flight araia. Nothing but business is lo influence (he Otlawn PiovernrMrnt in connection with its exjierrdftiires, according In nunc of the lainllff and Patianre ft Full Major TIimiiiihm demonstrated A MAN who works is usually his .kill as a nftst. Mrs. Kenly ministers. The Financial Post of Toronto discussing the mai for defendant. a breadwinner Bit.! a wman It rt. Sarseut vs. Raltea and Mr. Itenteliad wa.le ftiahls ler, says: when she work is a silk tockinv What Is ! Fui4mi bef.irr ia Ihc Niaetitwe bw u was Patmore ft l.ants. "If the Hon. Dr. King, minister of public works. bewpoke the otiry earner. ifor plaintiff and W. K. Fistter Mis Uwnntniibani's first aeriaL sincere working policy of the present government, when be told rnje. the the.Tonifli Harbor Commission at last fur jefendaaL Pulling It 0c. guel yj luHfliesjn The tlaieftan has lieets en. via, MtddM.AVe.l. aatal Rax contemplated u We drtve for this week. Ihat'hether the expenditure brought t-fore raaetl ty tfte Nitrtheen It. ('.. Aa !ta iiAaVrof Ust April niTdepartment were for new work or those already 41a r(r I a ricwtlHral lnduIHal Asm-eiation We drive for lhat. Chiropractic! when iWeasian! Va fined Inon an.j they would have fo pas one lel the lest a to whether the in make flights In connection We wonder what hy Maciotrair S. II. would fe justified In a business way by return then the men with litis week' F.xhnVi. We're drKinir at. felkwa for a!n7 a ayent tnr A friend drop m a I (Ottawa with. Ifreir hands on the national purse string are going flu- purchase ! IhiuoT; A 'ion. Thesd will fw iiMtle every In have the support of taxpayer generally whatever their And says: "Yea. lu.. lav of the fair al et hours, lite xinjct: Tr ih'' i'nn. Pal Wa ve KOi to raise U given to wlasua, art . Chiropractic a ncma a political leaning. It i one thing, however, to enunciate a pol try V f ,V..n f,.r ;, f.-riJaill. fir.t havtmr tieew sinHle to at this kind and another to enforce it in the face of a strong tote lake place tmlay. Tbe hanie hefty tiear."lotiah; philosophy of a natural thlmj. Tha nrattitc tf polar of political influences lending the other way. Rut in the meantime I.en Itelt. ft rest,lett t of the lei hs give Premier King and hi associate credit for sinrere CARPENTERS company owning the ntaebtne. .iay Are stantnjf be. "you now know. Chiropractic consists of tha adjustment, wiU intentions. ( returned front llaielton on KaU In or tha movable of the tplro! polar tegmenta snw. the hands, "We believe that Canadians can take credit for I icing good mjtii Irani and will he taxpayers at least a taxpayers go. The business and financial OPPOSE CIJT1-"re for the week. They're They're nceditur neclliiir he:sock column to normal position for tha purpose of relieving communities, large property owners, salary earners and investor with incomes understand the burdens which the war has entailed We've irntta raise the Impinged nerve to that tht lift f4 upon the rou nl ry. and are prepared to carry' them with Vota on Saturday Night MssulUd Hm Mas ki tbe A lolta rock. the to tha tlttut eH grim determination. If the wage earner and the farmer do not 28 Agalnat Reduction and 3 j AUea A polar bear can flow over narv Ha cot to thrive understand and appreciate this and are inclined to kick against In Favor. I SAYSt. Just siyr It there thut restore the abnormal to normal. the pricks it is not. we believe, that Ihey are unwilling to bear After stronit speeches had r.i And make 11 five" , their share. Nit because they have listened to socialist agitator hWn made ImiIIi for and against LOCAL taxpayer remind one who so well know how lo make political capital out of public ignorance ft he aeeeptanee of a reduction of some nf the Wit Iroul. They Kubserilie for he ailv New Are You fj and ever present discontent waste from 7 a day Ih IC.iO. a wiuxle ami fight a good deal but "But while there is evident every determination lo meet ni'-etiriir of the local Carpenter' not until after Ihey liavr swal -the obligations of war. there is a very strong feeling that tbe burden I un.ii look .a vote by ballot on low eil the hail. The fight I of should not lie increased by extravagance and inefficient i lie que.lion last Saturday uigUt little avail. now that there Is an opportunity In reduce the ros of government. whicli resulleil 3 in favor of a Tiaata aat.1 xsist. The railways are an example. Still more drastic reorganization jre.JuHi.iii and Jit attain! The I AM a conscientious objector. ela lnwr win t ihm4 br i Dr. Geo. L Barton here is needed to reduce the deficit. Expendilnre- in quevlion lias Iwen un.ler dicn I prefer wruiiiK to real work aot Itiaa Mmllr na ol Lutitt lb 1 at 1 !Vietaru.d.? of Spi...r.M Ulr other departments give the impression that Ihey would be ion hv tlx- rnioii for several ohjeet strenuously In doing any Itlf. tr IW Mirrfeae rf Uresrt IIM. ceptible to material reductions if they were pruned by reorfun-iiation. w.'. k having been brnufrhl amsitl thing else. tm Mies rut Wift tt.tu .f Tvs.tiertrr NIHit I ska Slain a are c I Palmer, a wn done in the printing department. 'by Ihe proposal of Mitchell ft Mim Vsikaial aily. ana 4hsMii I l tl R4 Mil MM oria iaT L4 ST 660 'A member of the government has declared lhat expenditure I'uirle to rut ciireller' wages AM. our total eoal trouble, hat . Ct' Is Ml iH.irvl Wallace Block PhSne ! public works will be on the basjw of sound business with from $7 lo (A.tfl. This re.hic- are settled except one. That BM'SSl To of(fi tiifcW(Mil Ut k altoSfal fnr r ' financial return a the lest. The people will look to Hie govern was t' have taken effect trouble i rinding the rath la larther WinrU.raruevtsr II... urn of iMOrlri rh i hlf farrMrf.rorss-Or. ment to live up to Dial poliev.M In m rnmg pay for a ton. rriwe itM. e MAIIY had a lillle bear That at.- jiji at! the chicken. Anil when the lillle bruin came Ihey rarkled lite Ihe dieken. Tiaacn slc xaiti. ANNOUNCEMENT! SraM I'lWr. will ts recrlted ty Um FALL FAIR Miauier f Ian l VieVirl. nwt Uur .M". iiecessary thing tor a UM t III C 1st Sir bf Hrptrtulitt. siiives.ful Ua.ler i lo have f HswbM-k aisl 14 rut 4a,a ki rir. pleuiy ..f faithful followers. Ce4r. bo m ares tm the fail Mde of thwih asaliark Arw, aar I. lal Ltu-I ll irul. SALE WIIH.K the die one ill yrar will La allawed far ra Mrs. R. Goldbloom cordially invites the Ladies of kwmi yountr. ! rf luubrr the old fellows once were good. FiirlWr Mrnealirs ct Iha Ctiiff rnrss Prince Rupert to inspect a big Stock of the latest ir. iviwii, a.i:. r MMrirt orir. styles in FALL and WINTER Ml'KT me tomorrow night in Tiaata sate ism. midway ui Hie fair. 11 Sl4 leaSVra will b reralitC by Um Starts Monday. Sept. Mtooier of laiwU U Vlriurtt nul lvr WKIIi: all off lo Ihe fair Itiau iummi uu tba flit dsy t4 rrmttt, exception1 Itft. tut Mm uirrtuM if UriK X 4114, To celebrate the Fair Waeli we ere offering Coats, Suits and Dresses The sport ami. fun lo share In all As Ilrmlurk Bud atlisia. on la are sllusleit Bargalnt tectlont of our ttore. long we've dollar ua a in I Hit Lake, LlWrtila (Juaatl, bmi I, Udiea' Hints fmm JIM our jeans. U44 l iimi puiriet. Ihera II) year wilt I tlluw4 fur r Ladies' Oats which has just been received from New We will take an. airplane flight. nxrtil i,l luiiiMr. from afoio Paris, York, Viit midway late al tilvhl. lurlkwr loilirular i.f Iha Cblff fr Indies' llnincoata fnnn is'bo tr, vtriurU. ha: . or Im.iiki rrur. Chicago and Montreal Anil ien. inirj eash areordlny rrinre wui-ri, n '. Children'H llainroata fmm JT,, lo our nieuna,' Udifa Hkirla front (.;!,rtZ Note.It is advisable to call early and make a , SUITCASES lollies' llres.ea fmm 7.50 to U- t ITII K.HS besides I hose who go Uidies' Hweaters fmm . selection while this splendid stock is complete lo sea aei "Half sea over'' occasionally. TRUNKS liildren's Hweoler. Hoya or flirl, $1.75 o CORSETS I'50 .f CLUB BAGS ttslimere ne from f WOMKX imitate men1 vlrea Ladiea' liloomera X PJre or !, and they woijd also Imitate the Children's llionniera 3 P1" fop ' Mrs. R. GOLDBLOOM Large Stock on hand. virtue if there were any. See Our Windows for Valuta. Prices very ow. Phone 558 Third Avenue Phone 558 li iiiBiuy TIHisK ui who nf theli erllirise neighbor the J. F. MAGUIRE Tki.j H. a S. WALLACE CO., LTD.rn" ant -ii- ul.J try having a flap- Nttt tha Prlnca Kupart HvUl I niru HTIIIUI. pei f '(it'll- own lo control fori