PAUK TWO T7TT! DATT7T HHWB .Ms4, A, i . . . -- The Daily News SPECIAL SPEAKERS TELLS ABOUT 'more ree. than W hen IMW.tit iri wnl.r stations j You Need . etJ ! have h....n etnWtshsl, ft Is METHODIST CHURCH pni.NCB HUPKHT . untTlSI! COLUMBIA Publiiher) Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince BOY SCOUTS I and ice led sn.n.(MHI lhal between word in.nwi.nou;per annum a Rctrcshlng, Harmless drink thirty Rev. Peter Kslly, of Nanalmo, at he deal! with. The new Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. can Hot Summer Days. (doming Service, and Dr. S. j station will he near Mourn. n H. P. PULLKN. Managing Editor. CsUrhout In lha Evening H. Rota, Sutherland, Provincial Ihe olllwesleni hwndary of Commissioner, Active In the Lincolnshire. There were several special fea The oriirlnal -heHe for Ihe SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Work City Delivery, by mall or carrier, per month $t.0ri' tures (n connection with the service), Imperial Wireless laln pro-QOVCRnlOR'S SALAD nt the Methodist Church' St liy mall to nil parts of the Itntish Kmpire and the United State, INTEREST for a eapilal Mriewlitwrf yesterday. ..,f ti.jtriiMMMi. wllh annual, in advanee, $(J,00 per year In the ftev. Pete.- To all other countries in advance er year $7.Bl morning, QmiL Iuhiii r Mi,.mtnt Due-I eharn am.Mini Ilia ts tlti.OOO. TELEPHONE 08 Kelly, of Nanaimo, preached and Ing Past Fw Months In This The new lali"H l-ig Hilieii Mis Isabel Haddock, the new missionary he efbler-ahly 1 will Hierful. transient Display Advertising l.40 per Inch per insertion for this city, was Intro Province rn..rr more expensive than lite Tea, 1 1 ICED' Is an Ideal Bcvcr Z Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch who i duced by Mis llMdson. contemplated, hut I wish to iinl out." Mf4 it. lalion first Local Header, insertion S5e line per per for the Rest. Ms leavimr shortly the other hand, the ohiissioii Ho Sutherland, eoni- m provincial Classified Advertising, insertion 2c I won per per aking that Haddock sxtfcr briefly deffrineiii of Ihr slalom, al .ir Legal Notice, e'aeb insertion Inc. agate line miioner of trie ly chI move, per with Ihe congregation carry on Hn Kmia and suei. Siuvapore. ment to a Dally News representative, Audit of Member Bureau of Circulation. her as they had dune wild Miss "that the ssftttt moveo)! Kasi frtea iwvisl mince the DAILY EDtTION nfm Monday. August 21, I'jJt. Hudson.V. nihhen. or Innlpeg. gave is nd a military movement. The lite tidal origilMl i-xpeaxlMstee eslinsale invtilv of I If .vim is tn ieve(ap the hoy ihvsi. Lumber It ri Interesting fa Ik to Ihe boys and eally and mentally so that he veil .MMi.hlyre IH:tftn was in be & Lath Great Reception Hi lets t Sunday School in Ihe be preiiaresl to d hi best always home liy Ihe tiitp-rwil toivern-tenl. To Governor-General. afternoon. Mr-Ciibben is siier 'who were also In defray nnd to help other every wsy Itaroii Hyng and tady Hyng were given a splendid reception intendcnt of a large Sunday IMtssible and in this way to mak f.' fton of ih. annual charges. Shiplap-Boards and on Saturday by the eople of Prince Hiipert. The weather ws thnol In Winning. the wurbl I"tier fine, the people were in good spirits and everything went off without At the evening service. Dr. M We i,nt tiirfUira in uniform in IIAZELTON a hitch. Hefore leaving, it is understood, the (lovernor ex !. Oslerhonl. suierinlcndenl of I..... 1-aaI. i I.... i.. kh n..,ftl...... Dimension !,!.-! inKII "'" ' pressed appreciation of the welcome given the party and also of in.issHvns front Vancouver, ftretvclf- and tidy and t Htlll ihsclpluie. I JM. Mm,.r . returned fmm the interesting time he whs given while here. fd both in English aiidvrinip- brotherhood.! Thuroughly An Dried and Siured I er and comradeship pm,,-.- Hunerl ! lake charge of When the (iovernornd Lady Hyng come again we hope they rean. The latter tongti was lliey pel marie e cry week, points i,h- lM. ltmr eon-trwlMKi here. will lie able to sjml a llllle-inorer time Jiere. They should not used briefly on account .?tti Iieing given for the coodillsHi of Dried listen to those who tell them there is nalhing to see here awl inumher nf v isiting native who the uniform aMl being pensserlyl h. S. Sarg-nt wilt rfprrseni Kiln Flooring, Ceiling, Siding that two three hours will he sufficient were nre.ent at the service. Ilev. or time to spend here Ires.e,! and clean I the Hatelt.m HtuUI at the an- and Finish Peter Kelly sanir and Mis Had Fjirh Hiy I ettcfuiravesl to howlmiat aeetln of the II. C ll- I Steel Smelter And t-oek was a train introduced. initiative and ! evidvv new an4'pilal Asocialion which will Im This District.'' In Ihe evening alter the service. SPRUCE LATH novel thing lp hi patrol. F--heW al New W'eslMiiieler lo vt ,.' The, tiestiini of the establishment of a steel smelter and C. . I.urn. Chinese missionary sentially Ihe work i deaKfoev'week. Mr Sargeirt ha already Iron works in this district is one that should not Ne allowed (h eroni Vancouver, who i spendimr with a view to keeping the body,rone stilh lo attest, the ien-and Manufaslurad In Prlnoa Buparl and sailing al Loi Prio, go ly default, it seems to ns. There is at present n proposal to a short time annum the Clime mind working tn ummi and -ervalivr rouveulion. erect a snieJter somewhere in the province, with emphasis on of this city, addressed a gather lieSfectH a AS near pnaslMe. Vancouver If it is true that hate the ing of Chinese in their nativ PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Inland. we ore here and W e leaeli them what right and i. W'. Swvllhy let I on Wedios. that'the coal' is situated close to the re body, where could there tonaue at Ihe parsonage. rotlsrieites is and leate II lo tb if ky lo imih over the Ti'b rfiat.h al Prince Tslsabsns be a lietler place for the smeller than close to Prince HiierL Cove, Rupart Ml (iroiuise to enrry ot tlielr sef nines. trail lo Allln whrr he intend There is a fine site selected at Porxtie Harbor and to convey PRINCE GEORGE They are on their honor In hsrale for a while. ine ore in mi the mines. to mat site would.lie an easy. matter.... all Ihe time. There are no don't tl t 1. at ' i irrriii uir worn hi nonilg me coal ai linppee Hiver is The laying of the cornerstone in Ihe liisiritelton but every!bin there will he a meeting of miner way. vv e on noi Know wnai respits are iieing obtained or of the new Presbyterian Church is taught by precept. W'e tnelil northern II. C. fur hsiyers in the whether the work is far enough advanced to insure a good supply here look plaei- lasl Friday eve. the risht and leave it lo them ! IHtlllieca Hotel on W'e,oedy Li or ciiKing coal. At any rate there i good caking coal on the lav Nntihern II. Fur alng. Member nf the OarilMio carry it out along I bo line." rgoaire Back to Pre-War lemwa mver ami wis could lie utilized. While (he mine are Presbytery whirh met in the Qovarnoe Chief Scout Hiynrs' Asuoclallon. not developed and are not yet in n position to supply this coal, the city tai week were in charse of Mr. Snlherland went In lo av Shoes owner of the measure assures us that they can get (Hit plenty the ceremonies. tlial (lovernor Hyng wna Ihe chief I h,. Hatelton Tennis club Prices in of coal directly, they have a railway to the mine. seovit. The baron had himself or-ganiieil finals were played last week. , .Kf forts of Prince Rupert may not he successful in landing Prince flerve tasvk Ihe thinl ytVlrsMipa in Rusex rmin-ly. Miss .oute Waltie won ihej the steel works in face of the greater influence to the south, but gante nf Ihe Uarney Mp base He ww one of the most in Indies' ! from Mr. n.r. at any rate a good effort might he made. . ball series from Yaaslerhmif by teresting anl (devising men and on; W . Wattle Ihe snen s singles EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED, a score or s l : lal week, in wa a Me to inti-ee-el Ihe hoys. Me from J a me Tnrnlmll and the My Closing Out Sale Is an yopnar, and yau cartaot tffH Buckley Bay To Ihe series 1'riftee lienrge nw visited eaeti troop one a month. iuikmI ih'uhle wa won by Mr,; to pass up tha bargains I am now offering, Operate In October. victories VaMt"rlnif Ihe Governor had told hint that Anderson and W. Waltie orr I- -saoo.. has two and Tto-vr are touiiit fosi nntf I nc. d li F. 1 Buckley says that he expects the first schooner to ar hi one feiHhition while tn Can Mrs I.title and F. Montgomery. rive at the mill on Maetl Inlet in October and that the mill wHI ada was to build Mi the boy scout ee. ti.ifi W'nlc :hr -''' commence rutting in that month. Also lie expecJ to put his first W, J. Pitman has rrlurned movement. I.. Jr.sen. distract manager for ' logging '-utfiinrito I1iiwoTmU about the same. time. There has frm a lHr of ihe rVtrllHMi csiun. Ihe liead nf the provtoeUI Dnyfe lro., Ihe SHkane dia-nMml M. McArthur, The. Shoe Mai lieen a,flood deal to do in,org.irimng-the new ronrern and incor try. etnineil was HrigHen. Odlitot of drlHing company. pacif poration papers have only jul lieen secured. The mill i heing VaneMiver. In each district they llin.iinli Hip nty last nigli' ( Hart Black, Third Avenua. t- tnoroiigniy overhauled and improved And just as soon as every, The leal Itebekahs' I.jnI?c were now foeminK eiluen . committees lln- Prlnci- ltiirfri enroiil.. from n.;.... ... ii. ......i ...:n -.X.i. , - sifW.irf lo VancoiiV'f'r mole i- rnuj uir v dl will t if III lilt"llf r. eleeled officer a follow: past to advise anil help Hi - There i at present a large miantily of lumber at Buckley Bay. Noble 1 1 rand. Mrs. McNeill. Noble coiuniissionvr. and the commis This will have to he removed in order to nke mom for further rtrand, Mrs. W'ieland: Vice llrand sioners were appointed on the ail operations. The Buckley Mill is expected to he one of the industries Mr, tlardiner; Recorling Sec vice of this local committee. that will help solve the unemployment ipieellon in Ihe north. retary, Mr. Nehring: Financial Nov Training Secretaryr Mrs. W'aTTfn: Trea Mr. Sutherland said thai df inr Little Provision urer. Mrs, Whilmnre; Warden. the ten months of hi offlo- a-provinclal For Newspapermen. Mr. Allan. iryturlor. Mrs. .Mi rointnissionei he bait There i probably no city in the Kmpire that makes so little bod; Chaplain. Mrs. Calloui. organiirl ;h new triHips and re these Fads provision for the press a does Prince Rupert. If there is a pub riruniie.1 twelve. In Vanconvt r Study lie meeting, no one seem to remember that Ihe public wish to wliere there were 150 the number read a report of the meeting. Such a thing as a press table, except wii now I. too and there womd in .the city hall, is unknown. At the 'reception to Ihe Governor Ten Years Ago be many nxre if hey could sc. on Saturday it was for the necessary press representatives to In Hl'ncs Kupart ure sroutliiaster. They now go around and pick up the report at second hand, as absolutely had Itodney Wood, who bad beii no provision was' made for them in the general arrangements. 'ml ltd a I the scoot bea.bpiuilei 1. The Bituminous Mines in the United State have been shut Jowr F.ven for concerts and other entertainments and good August 21, 1812. games, re-IKirts in F.naland and who wn touring since April. are expected but the men who have to do the work are sel President K. J. Chandierlin. of lUinada and taking classes fo dom supplied-with ticket", From this Ihe Exhibition Association Ihe llrand Trunk Pacific llailway scoutmaster. Thirty were Inking 2. Great Britain Ls now sending lare nhipmenta of coal t the United mut be excepted as the.y have already supplied the press wiih and hi parly arrived from Van this course i Vancouver oevl States. their passes for the coming fair and have acted similarly in previous eouver on the Prince Oeorae today month and lhee would be nlilii 3. Heretofore the United States of coal to years. Also there are a few other exceptions to the general to iiay their first official i to tram oilier seoutiuasfcr-. supplied large quantities rule. visil In the city. The parly in- Canada. This winter Canada's mines will be incapable of supplying .I 4 t . J....I I . I. I. I Mr. Sutherland i on In w.-ty t The members of the press cannot be expected to have to pay niirj.of the lmdon i-iMiiiii-r,board of director:riiainiian W'innieg wtire be will viit Ikt-fore the demand for not only will they have our own markets, to for entry to events and work while there. It is not expected of them nHvwhere In the world. At most places, (tie value of a good W'. P. II j ut on. general patnger be lues reluming 'lo Victoria, where attend to but the States will be calling on them heavily. rejiort of the proceedings is appreciated, but here it 1 different. Sgent; Cjpl. C. II. Nicholson, I. In view of theue'facts there is bound to be a coal shortage this winter If a ticket is handed to the pros it is considered that a great manager of steamships; Mr. Iiewey, Mr. Kinsclla, Mr. Donaldson. IMMENSE WIRELESS privilege has been extended them. Mr. Deer and V. Smiiher. Reporter get very tired of attending events. It is no pleasure STATION FOR Tonight they will dine with Ihe ENGLAND Be Wise! for them to attend a dinner or any other similar affair where they have to work. In no other profession are representatives expected mayor. to nay their way when they are working. People sometimes Will Ba Capable of Developing come to the Daily News office trying to sell tickets but we There was a meeting of the 240 Kilowatts; One of Largest Oversea Club last night to discuss always refuse. The reason is evident In World. the question of an address Stock Your Coal Now of welcome to be presented to the LONDON. Aug. 51. Important Duke of (lovernor Counanghl, modification, have M-en made (leneral. on hl forthcoming vl. in the sehi-ine for linking Hie 3T by it ami Mr. In Ilnvell,hear a a visiting short address organizer. Mother Country in one amT coiilimmiis the I'mion-overseas We have arranged for the delivery of 3000 Tons of ehain nf wireless eoiiiinunica-lion. Kor Miine lime lo roiue (In aeeount of the laet that it Ihe chain will lack several nf i' will be loo cpriiive, it Is feared smaller links, lliese beuiK Mil- thai live deer not be Nanaimo- a may Suez COAL Above Imitators Canal, Singapore, Honu put in Acropolis park. Aid II. Kong and Cast Africa. No other liunJrr irun h lha Douglas announce to this ef. Instead of proceeding by geographical hit mi t utterly run tuiuui .il --.I I.- feci. step f about .'OHO eil frsia Sur...m tJai.iiui. . il..i miles each C ILL. I. " to Australia, Hoiith 17 Buwiiai nt Kaoiul bi pumtl Sualilki I When you buy advertising you It all ar tosp, wiih dgl(,..l,, l,.rtft,n ll ibuy ClltCUI.ATION. and see thai Africa and India, the Imperial The Best Coal the Market Ik aiiot conuMicsl ftoap you kvy, get It. if Oovernnynt proposes lo establish on Today you tRVEK BHOIIIKHS LIMITED. . TOHONTO direct communication. For ONT. this purpose a great new wireless Get your coal now before the wjnter rush cornes on. We have our own teami station will be built in tin SUITCASES and can deliver now to your advantage. country capable nf developing TRUNKS 210 kilowatts of hlffli frequency aaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaMaaaBaaaMaBBaaaM NOTARY power, or t wire tbe iiuanlity THEO COLLART, LTD. - - PUBLIC CLUB BAGS fonti-iiiplaieil when the rhi-uif Phone 116 and 564 iwas in its infancy. Tin- n.-w Wo are now AganU for the New York Life Insurance Company. . station win of Ihe ,e one lam Tha most liberal and strongest company on the continent. Large Stock on hand. est in the world. Ui Assets, $952,(32,1 3S.S0. Let us show you how to save your Prices very low. With the five stations in .M, Albert & McCaffery, money. eratioii r.nglunil, I'.gypt. India J. F. MAGUIRE I foiilh AfiK'tt oiul Aushalia n I Phone Blue 69. Westholms Theatre Block. p.0. Box C. Nsit th I'rioe Kupart Hotel i stuti'd Mini a srrvii'i' will tn-ImaintaineJ apablo of handling