w ibm xutji THH DAIL-T 2IEW0 Mon.l t. SETTLERS MAY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu, I AkM THE IN-,lrK A Z7 I wtuu-roo CO OOwn And I CUT TIES FOR THlt lt coin TO TEACHER THAT MR tjTEP i MIM OOT X, TriB BC TeHHOUI JIC iENT POf RKHT i -5 1M- tR' wOriDCR MOW 1 RAILWAY USE ,rHCt) MERC - I OUtiT ' U'czT tENT MIM IM TMC Mh Member for Skeena Points Out V -,( J Method by Which Winter Employment May be 8e-cured Frrd Stork. M.P. for 8kern,i, draw attention In llir advertisement Minninfr (n these column calling for lender for lie rolling o I lie vnalian Natioal Hallway.' Ilids are railed for l,lon,i.o.i tie. to be rut lhi winter lietwvcn Uoil Junction anil Fn.Uko, and firtrt.ono between F.ndako and Terrace. In view of the grep.t - t number of settler who have had!ALL PRINCE RUPERT JOINED basket. mor crop this year it is frit that ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON Thn.e on lh,kMdairnrm were an opportunity will thus be. presented TO WELCOME GOVERNOR Hi hvcelleney Lord llyng. Her American Express them to recover in a monetary GENERAL. i Excellency Lady llyftg. Lady Ho. Daily News Classified Ads. way ami alo recr-lve winter rowan Mayor Heheier. Mr. S. ciindoyment. Settlers ran make 'Continued from Page I). 'P. MrMordie, .Mrs. A. T. Parkin. a CENTS PEK WOKD IN ADVANCE. No Advrtlnt Tisfcsm for Lmm than RO Money Orders independent bids. Ihe minimum Judge Mrll. Young, lit. ev. dclaralion of he late war and Issued being for 5.I00 ties. Tenders close M , () M , v App on on September 16. arted UH.n with a promptitude j 4wnn u A ,, ,v f, f WANTED BOARD. Norway, Sweden that ronfounded oiirnemies.and,,,a(.k,r (iovernitr who .-...ig ralulalej the 4 ,,,v. w ,, mmj WAMTKIk- I. from lUIAHIk- or owners Inlander, 630 L near Second Denmark atnnlhed friend. The member iheiu our and wihrd fiilh- at Lowett VAiXnstn AW j UyMtnxR. Hays C.oe t'.irele or other hli Avenue. I'lione 137. tf Dominion, the show.! ... ... beyond FISH ARRIVALS seas t,M.Uri ... ... Current Rate, uf creek Slle oraliMt anil ed the world that self-jrovern- Just before hc lime scheduled . i i . ..... i.i.i a.niim. president of the (treat War rash price. xpdy llox It AUCTION SALE. ..-.., ...... n-. for pH-tttttsj out. the iritv. Veteran." ss,etall,B. O. A. Daily .News office. foil Agents fsr LARGER AGAIN he unity of hinpir. I ha first nnrU. lttiti.ttt n, u ,u,r ernor retnnml t.. the steamer. AH:HnN loiiigtit ai n p.m. in Neeweglan Amerlsta Mth enth.Mam was n..i nlained g,,,,. r rn rM(., nf Ile thanked the mayor for Ihe WANTKD To r.-nl fiirn.he.l. ir Hale.rH.in H.'.x ilurd Ave.! Swedish Amerlcsn Um throiiBh four and a half tryinrl,,,,. inn of Tra ,.:fM.., x sptendhl rerepli..n I hat had I twee nile .o bungalow. iu it four noe. of Roil.efiolil ffrrt'l.. leu. ' Scandinavian AmsHu Dm Twenty Schooner Marketed 240,-000 year, and bore fruit In Innum. Wu,, 3 Mllf,,(MM,Wt Hv.i. reonJed lilm and In parly au.1 Mmhii. Ileferenee. Ileply ll raciii.-t. dr'..er. warj-l Lias. Pounds at Lower Prices eralde way. and above all In the 1n, f RB t efire.e(t lle hop,, iliat. e Itox It. Daily .News liffitw. IW nde, wah .land, ehair Fd-ison Canadian Corps whirl, it 8.fiwiw an,, n time hefope long, he might re. phoswigeaptt, ree.od. !. I Oliver TypewHUes on Exchange This Morning SllllHin.. my privilege to rommand fr ;.., VieJe. ir.u. ..f k. turn to pay n cond and more WANTKD -Woman for hotel seoa lefc. Aiielw.m-er Cary Ssfee it true 'Vtrodnl M(t ) Prinev huMrt. work. Apply II.del Ofilmk PIRC tNSURANCI The week-end brounht in a hi a itoy front for l. C. FOR RENT li-t of fih for sale at the llali-I Happy Memory. Tb g.nerfl, M,,;f'wf lowed The guhrraalonal parly 1 mow FOR SALE nt Kvri.ange this morning, "Th perio.1 is a very happy biiany f Ihe eUlrnns availing b it. way to Vklorto, which PAHT IMil'SF. lo rent, rnnii.hed Dybhavn & Hanson it lime city will be roa-be lojviy for a SftlendM !.) with natural lui.e. twenty schooners nrarketintr 210.-:0 menu ry to nie, wa I ;n,eniehf of Ihe pprhiiftly o al Jap Intel. Pon-aer .ian. full strain and three day vKait. The relura llast toefii, Thlnl Avenne Sev. Third Avenue pound at lower prire than of anxiety, but greeting- irsnnally Lord and an,) I'fione Wm S4m, (Ic-n .'to if were prevailing las-t week, the more lasting than Iho.e impress, ady Ilylig and Lady Margaret twill te niadr by way of Ihe Canadian orxl Street, J.ooo. Kasy term Prince Rupert, S, e. ion. are (tip friendhips when llorowan. Nathmal Hallway and Two view ll SetlHi I. 60 ILAT for Hent in Hesner Aprt- ii.erage being between the 9 and toe mark. I first heard of my apoinlment Fulbiwing Ibis the. paily. was Japr Park. Ihe kair. menls. M. M. Stephen. If to think of meeting roiura.les Lot 3. Illoefc 30. See. I with 3 Arrivals and sales today were my again taken (tn rliarg by the TOWINQ AND FREIQHTINQ i . follows: again, this lime in their home, mayor ami econe io irie uoyal PIONEER TAILOR OF roomed hoiis. 91 fert (root. From the Farm Tahoma, 2i,fno pHinl. at t.e and among their people. I hoped ih C.k's plant where I bey age. IHggar Place. ll.fNMt. Tug "Hanaeo," Cow Bay to the Table ).! f! Pair of Jrrk, to,Mrt that you would reejproeal e my were shown Ihe proee. of pre. PRINCE RUPERT DIED 30.10 It. p. Sterling Marin Frfi- SALVAOK WilUK feelings, and I am happy to gine. Kxiirrlenee. .lnrs and diving say paring halriHtt for shipment pound". t t0.3r and ftr: Ingred II.. 15.000 pounds, at 9.5e and fir. that I lielieve that my hopes have he Halern market from II. RECENTLY IN VANCOUVER' annch Triton. M.I0 Sterling. Out fits. BulkleyValley been fulfilled. 1600. or l4HMtrti F4iha.ia.til BRANNEN'S Aiores. 15,00(1 pound at 8.9r and lings of the ehivniir in t It "II is a year and but a few refrtgerahr ear. Particular in- The d ! lluffalo. AiilfuMaHne. (900. Phone Dior 711 and 6s? BEEP fit-: Jm Itaker, T.ooo Miunils, at .lb .ii-re.l lael lhnr- days since I tande, in Canada, 'Three roomed house and two P.O. Ilox Anil Prinre ltueri. III. eret wa. shown by Ihe .lis. Me. PORK ( 'l 0e nnd or: II. and II.. lt.ooo day i is Wein.tein, age ami from (Jiiei.ee at August l ! lots. Section 2. 1100 rash. Ital. inguihed giiet in this husi. StUTTON hulMtn. Mrs. lora l-oiin.N, at tor and fir; Daiy, 3.. vears. CLOTHES CLEANED Prince Hiitert I have like renL today been anee lino pound., at 9.tr and Cr: Swing. ne.s and many question werwVeintin. Mr Weinslein was VEAL .ooo Mtuntl. at 9r and Oc. to the met with a kindnes that make ake and answered. Aid. JoliuUn e.lrty tshlent of Prince Hupert loue. and lot on easy tetui. and pressed by Islesl 8TF.A H FRESH KILLED POULTtt me feel that all tho.e years of Dybhaviv, of Jh lloyal fxgging maehlnery, boat, ru. Skeena River Farm Preeva I unntun ri'i and Cold Siinn miuiagr u i oh emioe here from the ruM.t. pressing prores. Co. I.td. r fighting were worth while. I Fish C; proVe,.n xerfeffieMat eiy"riHinlry. He poruluetetl a glne. etc. Huits.rallrd for and delivered, VANDERH00F CRIAMtKl believe that we realized then the M. M. STHPIIKNS. U'aba.h. 1 0.000 pounds, at 9r ewurl, tailoring l.uines in the eily Phone MS BUTTER spirit of true fellowship. The Phone in. tf. nd ir; Star. 15,000 pound, nt Along the Waterfront. known as 'The American Tail. LINO. The Tailor magnificent work of the Corps NORTHERN INTERIOR !i.3r and fir; Cape Spencer. I7.00.) The iwirty then boarded the r." Ile h been In failing FOIt SAI.F-Piano, mahogany tho outcome of united ORIENTAL GOODS was a imiinds, at b.te and fir, to the perial train whirli wa walling health for home months. finish. - Apply No. I. Levin CO-OPERATIVE Canada, thoe victories were and vDiled Ihe Ctinadian Nation, 'lloval Fih Co. Apartment or Limey (Irn. IJapane.e Kinionas, (iH-kery. 1 achieved by no single unit hut at Dry I Hick ami Ihe tnadian Phone SI Teddy 13.000 pounds, at 9.1r If. llatntMMi FuruiUire. Ornauieat.! eery. KILLED LOGGER LAST by a united nation. And that Is I'i.h and Cold Storage Co.' nnd fir; Kranr, 8,000 pounds, at llaskels. Children' floniper. what we must try and retain a plant. NFAVLY buill fourteen fMit row-li.mt 9.5o and fir; lose Spit. 11,000 WEEK HYDER, ALASKA Toy Fie. a working faith in these diffl At the dry dork. J. II. Pills- for sale; filled for kicker pounds, at 10.2c and Cr; Marpuer. LDWI-T PHICFJt. cull and I" inplring years of bury, manager, acted a guide. T. M. Drweg, Seal Cove. TERRACE MOTORS P. K. AKASK ile, 1,000 pound, at 9.2c and fie, reconstruction. The extent of The HYDF.n. Aug. 21. Frank plant was in.p.Tled general. P. . Ilox 61 Hed M Tel. to the Pacific Fisheries. B.C. this Dominion, the diversity of ly and Ihe steamer Canadian Wis., a well known AU.kA log. Terrace, Lenore, 18,000 pounds, at 9"r PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Third Avenue j its local condition and interet kill.. Farmer, on Ihe pontoon, of. wr. wa I here tal week by Hid fir; Ringleader, ll.ooo .eeni lo tend lo disintergrate the fere,J a good opportunity f se-. the falliug of a Ires. Wi and WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. p'tund. at 9.V and fir; H. Lip. lies that united Monday. Augui .'I. TAXI us so effectually ing repairs lieing actually made a oartHer ba.l Mb .bong oiue Mtt. lfi.000 iiunds. at 9.5c and in Ihe war, but I am confident to one of the government's own lodging here for seteral month High t.' .IO p.m. 19.6 feet. Kiperl watch, clock and 'e, o the Booth Fisheries Car-ndian Low 6:1 a.m.. Ji feel. chronometer maker. thai we shall overcome these carriers. Ird I'rog ex pre.e I for Ihe Hyder Lumber Co. De. Co. difficulties. woiulpr that such a plant wa eed wa ?!1 yniis of age. The tM:it p.m.. 5.0 feet. Walch and Jewellery Repair Service Agne 11.. 3,000 pounds, at 9.24! Canada's Destiny, no given juore use. v nUiain lia. been shipped In Tueday. Aiigul 22 poMalty. and 6c; W. T.. 17,000 pound. it Canada, endowed with won. A particularly line display had Ketchikan fi..ii. which place they High 0:31 a.m.. .n fe Mall orders promptly eieeuled P.Id ard fir. to the Atlin Fisheries derful resources and peopled been prepared at Ihe Canadian will t- .i.i .... for burial in Ihe 13:12 p.m.. in.M feel. GEO. QIBB Express and Bagitf with a rare who have proved Fi.li and Odd Storage Co. plant .lead in in'- ( ruler home. Shel. Low - i;liil ami., 1.1 feet. Df.p Post Offiee p O. Ii.it 71. Transfer. JAP FISHERMENAND Ihe strength of their ideals at by Manager T. II. Johnson e. ton. 19:1? p.lii.. I. (rl. Prince Hupert. II One Prlre to All. the cost of personal gain, has a Iectally for the oceasion. Wednesday, AoguU S3 TAXI Let make rrm CANNERY HANDS ARE destiny to achieve. The war may It..arils had- been laid down GOMPERS'CRITICISM High I :l" a.m.. 22.7 feet. u your have Ihe lime of de, 13:33 21.7 feet. tlons al postponed throughout the fish shed ami p.m. Phone 693 NOW RETURNING SOUTH velopiiient, but I believe that 11 the snioke house lo walk on. Low 7:11 a.m., I.n feel. (Call (ie.uge Hi- Lakelse HoUSprings NeUt. will have made a people more Ihe party went nil through the Will Oppose Qlvlng Labor Board 20:02 p.m.. 3.1 feel. Five passcng.'i Touring f ir The salmon canning season romplement than ever for future plant, features of the display Power to Enforce Its De Prompt Day and Night Service now being near its rlose, the re prosperity. 11 will be then that which wa lined up alongide clslons. Persistent advertising I absolutely Stand: Boston Orlll Third Avenue turn south of Japanese fishermen terminal rjlies, joirh as Prince the walk being a huge shark. neeearv to iicee. Yon Mid cannery hands is rouimene. lluert, where laud and sea tremendous hatil.ut and many WASH LM ill IS. Aug. 21. Sam CANADIAN NATIONAL gAILWAVS. BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR. Let Us Advise lit. Last night 250 Japs, who routes meet, will rom to their varieties of salmon, halibut and uel (iomiier.. president of the fed wcsTian unii. Phone Black StS. with a lifetime- ni1 Lave spent the sumoker in the full iiuportanre and your present eol in their various tajct and ernlior. of M.r said President Tits. Ilalrdresslng, Shampooing. Hen. euce In all branch of tl various tanneries of Ihe district, labors will be seen In their true manners of preparation. Ijirge Harding ha h.I.UI lo the diffl Tsnoia roa nalng. Marcel Waving, Mancur. Duilding Trad ailed on Ihe prinre Rupert for value. bios of fre.hly caught halibut eullleit of the tfeenl indiMlrihl sUd uiwW 4MreM-t In I untter ing, Fee and Sculp TrealmenL Vancouver and Victoria, "Ladies and r.enlleioen, on be caused wonder a did Ihe com sihuilion in In message and had m t iwim i ibu rrwe um.i ii Abave Wrathsll's, Brickwork, halt of I.ady Ityng and myself ptetenesM of Ihe freezing system. rho.en an unrorlunale lime fo.'.u'riurk utulM-r. Huasi.!.sslua-ar.liir 4,Mo.-Mi 11 Hauar U l ex.uea Tblrd Ave. Stonework, STILL" I thank you once again for your i. de!ivep-. M. Iw Hu.n.ra.lurrO fr... i.M.lvr rat t FAIR BOARD !. uru4irr. lft. a i.t May. Itt. sn4 kiud welcome and can assure you At O. W. V. A. Home. Ih.iimm'i . .aid hi orgamralloii Hrrr4 brl"b lw.ru.ljrr ll. Isff. aul rMiYg aurrnT i.snoisTairr,hs.vuk Concrete, etc. Msthict srin.i--r. join, iff a. mi i aiuwnan st or cost I, NEGOTIATING WITH that we shall carry away happy Four ears bore" the v ire-regal would oppn-.' legislation empow-vrinv Ismal l.lnr- wl .f sntoteiA and rM .1 i' " niem.irles that we shall he most ih- irlbur. Lu s-rur.Uur oUi It mltrtittrm,- Ttk iw.llr Ihsi I, O. r Muartba, ! Plan and Hpc parly and e.vorts from Seal Cov L.Im.i bwnril lo enforce SaM .: , n, raitrkwr, inirud lu l iaa iutri Vwmt tat, t ih,Ii lu fre to all tiur 1 lie n. YIEW HAYING PLANE anxious to renew." ts ileri. Ik Mi.l.l.r f Un.b fur llrnr through Ihe city on a hurriei H.i.- l.twis.. ta tm dwlirrl 141 . a.ua.ao h pru.rt for r.Ml Ml tnd Ml.rsl I. O. D. E. Presentation. drive. While Ladv llynv and Vaissuii I lift iMirrn rtniri or ilw luUuvin 4.rr.li4 i(r.l William Watts & Co. ami Winiui. I Mrs. H. p. MeMordie. recent of iuu.uuu ii ar drliml 4i l"a.aliaa iM.HIiai omnirurlni ei.i it ..f jutl l... LUutr4.... ti Lb The Fair Hoard is still Z unknown assailants iiego-llating Sf-STTS" si ,...... . - the munripal rhater. Inierial " r., rHiw inrnrv mnmn m& PMIn. Bulldsrs and Contretor with Ihe Hallway Km. sihI VVMiiiipr, etrhhlina low In'Ownr . rlitln. Ihrara mi Order Daughters of the Umpire, Orrai War Veterans' ?3, Phone ployees' Investment and Industrial nuarler. SHOT AT BROTHERS; ...... ... . ,. 1M, Ibis WW W mw M ln I 1 1 .IT.. deliverer) Ihe welruu lo I.ady lie inspected Ihe prevent build v.iesuil Unr in iuim-usu. 04 April IIM, Ittf. Office: 101 3rd Ave having As.oeialion the Jiydrupla.ie with a lllton'view to Ilyug and little Miss Audrey ing and wa shown the site of ONE OF THEM IS DEAD iMIJni l...al lu IMirm Im 'jlltwMl W. ut WinMi nil I'ftlu.ltui In'j " 11 n W.'& Mil.om''..ii.)m. Jobbing Work of all lafc here at the lime f Ihe fair a. UZ'2 e new ieruianrnt one. prei- SS..SSV Mii.ll.4, lu sihI Imy llrUrMl Vlrtwi... CaiMilisn - wj , (1,,.rmc(. ul W. K. Denning, on behalf Wamaul lltir ut untwrii Anuria. i.ithm:t or i'.ait KA.xIt i, an attraction. A representative sr. catiikhinfj. Aug. ?i. ' iMbU IA SwI fllt.wf.w (w. I M IAI.ln pert roses in their native Ihe TERRACE woven f Ihe Association, welcome,) of Ihe company is expected here Adam Soli.mi wa shot l death VaiMMtal l.ln-a JirlmM-n Hnl !', Taks iwillr Ihal I, O. t MiMKkin ( iMiiriUrfi (imI ftttm Ma.mi. iSaanirh, U t, ranrlwr, IdImhI la aislt lu shortly to confer with Ihe exhibition on the verandah of hi home at I.IU.I.IM..I in li JaIiikhI ... Caiw Ik Mlmilar uf la.dt Utt Ik-mw MHQ ,... nrkf tit l A ni.R iri.rr. rm -.w v. ...r ..Mil on . directors. hwrotd Mem here and his broth. . aai.r ..ir.Mwl aJMI m.f i er is in tlie hospital badly .uu.hvu in m il.ltrre4 n Ctnail.an latfi.iunri.f al t-l ,aflt.4 at AX av Itl-MtR bksss relief I bust, .tw..l I ..I wllMI lUtkii mnA lurltoiMl rornar .l lot tifa- ih-nV- POPUUWTYCONfEST MffsrsM Irsa Bay.rifir wounded. The brothers were Irrrara. iiurili $ rl.aina asy ronver.iiiu tt.rfe iiuktioun' '-r lwia"ami trlflrll..iia ran 1 fr? "'nai llwtH-a .! a FIvS Acres Oood S-H n" s4 Siaaiir Attkai. Ts a4 Wlieil ,j,,llMN) M ttrm ,,f Um rwnrrcl Tla ',.", . "''. ummurnur, tttit . ,,! REPORT WEDNESDAY t triad Ik (ml l arsi men sioioieii nnii. follow ug an ' ti v in..i suissi. T i-v7""",-'" '. -.ana - tine in" . .. i April ,r,, . chiih, J. n, ra.llu, l.iairirt n Arrstt, I'ra.na rulilll I:' Hh lis etue titrtau AsssaakArVVa iiraumewt. fired upon llie two Wiw.ti-s. Van. - C. Liil.ria, I'ltrrl... o v moicto!. S .r. w, StNS.m, .t ilaaw.1 ....I t 1 I"1"-1 (kal t ttxpsratsrs. Ots't f JwmiWi men. riw a.a Haul esratd but V.,."7i. -own The triple count period In the alt satll lkM util flu "V M, V aSW mhu mi hotly on their trait. o.Hilw.l by tum tilav (j-utuuir. '.".'Jr?. '"'' MT I.Ain SSOO cash, 3 i.MTHi. T or aVjJr V' Fair Association' popularity j v u4-ir !. iinaiii.i-' ta man a.nan iiimt .... . n.-A 1 ..at tM Tak ltk illa ), llrtPJsftVaaTnV nt rea B4 contest ended on Saturday night llllHsilt kalkld aa4 U W - TSBsWIkfL W I AW Newanaoer -.Iv-HUh. reaehe .T,r - I'lelee ta.l l-..-...rll, 7""Jl'Z. ur La J.n,,!',, . !.,!,.! t 1 1,. a at-a-aviiiaMi 1: - Ma fur nnd return, are expected from list. Ctt tiZ-HlH, k Ik a 00 1 tHrotigtwttit lh esimmuiiily'. ora-s-w-nu win - mad u.ru..an u-.,J., fSSTJ'TiL, Fntmprovi'it Price outside points by tomorrow. J, , ,..u . , .'spi-triri tm -iil -J. K l-aikln, KMipi. f" Illllctrili,a4fsisisr-Atlka.a -r" iiio-i win. wain 10 iMjy lu rrnau iim tiruOuraal In aaiwll qua. E,h.il Wssi- 11 iim eo. F. Venn hies, exhibition jjiuuuger . . . . .. , .... .111.. 1.. ....1.1 Mil.ra fnsu llSr iwq tV S!?.'?' ?Lh rfl sr Bai.rtr III lar tfsskU uui wmi tnuig you nitvo 10 si-ii. J,, ' ...!i Ahf?' -c.ts.n.r rvf.Af P. Intimates Dial a report on Ihe if.?!! riiairi" ", KhNNKY KKII.i. ys. SsU kj s4 Srslllo ir)ksr. ivwtpaper uiveriing, wnu ai w- n. .muT, i.1!'. imm ,,. a standing of Ihe nandidale will g-varsnleed . Ueltlon, I a lie-I c.iiuS'a.i uJui HauTiv.. rrl.li. aitarr' uwutauBI. iUmi ntllUlU - 7"-" ifw,,rk likely be made on Wednesday. Scld by 0RMES LIMITED. Ctlllty in mii.terrt builnaa. Hi loibntu Uisai.4 April lire, iitt iReal Estate A Insurant ilermw, auiuii Ilk, 1111. t.W,a I TERRACE B.C.