TkOn TRAM Senior baseball tonight. K. O'a Local and Personal vs. Kme. ... Look here! wliu! comliiir. Man PLAYER'S Renoul Kirnar fry, tnn-r and mnei. U. 0. Undertakers. 1'bona 41. tf oian. ir ti.imu... i..,i. Hsyners. Undertake. Pboue i imihiii injiir wa a pasen 351. tf Iter on llir Vrn lluirt fast NAVY CUT mgiu for MMoria. MseU long.felt need In both horn and office. I'iiiiio llunerl Kllilbllion Hen. It cleans "inner 2 to 10. tf l'id Nah the Terrace eurvey. CIGARETTES In on. operation, polishes tnd renewing, brightening and or, reinrnnl -errum a trin to bringing out the grain In the wood, leaving a highly glossed :iiiie llarttatt 1'mra. 1'er Hlrwart on the Prince Ituperl last .urfaeVlhal may be rubbed when dry with a tllk handkerchief i"tm 5c. Ullr Market. tf night. without staining. ranter imny arrived on lh Pull atock f 3-ply Cotton- Doe not adhere, duo to the non oily after effect I'riiM-B Jtupert from tUrwrt Ia.t wood Veneer le now being car ried by Albert A McCaffery, Ltd., ror linoleum, all hard wood surfacea, linoleum, automobiles, mono iii or 66. if phonographs, pianos, etc. Cut Flowers and I'ot Plants: iar.-i amwrlHient In town, lirtw Oeoran I Horie, 0f the Hank haul and Kaon. if of Montreal utaff. nailed last $1.00 55c 30c nialit oh (he Prime Rupert ff fflnt our windows ffr Mtra o4 a holiday trip with. !! Pint iit 'Hi alu hi Men's hm,I Yimni Guaranteed and recommended by M' ti - suit. Making room for Atez U'allatc, Hleaiiithlp In- m-w fall goodi. Ilrj-ant Com pMor ror (he Itrillsli Gorpfi I; pany. Mil. lot I ion, relumed south on Mi 7a I aV m Vmce Hupeft a( night. A Hi4iinc mHIh, tle IInh eJfwlk&JrosMd iiiimiiit man, ate hie ton, Archie n. O. loe, of the Sunur!. ''" ha f rtMH Klmi-art tannery iiMifaiieinent, aile lat f 'i u. mivnr UN lite 1'rinee Ittt night on the Prine llupert fef 1 h la-1 nlgltL Ocean I alia, Mirwte l .Yauiu. W Hunting ,tb well known V. Murdneli:. an Pete Donnelly I'lMi.'.-l milling nmi of tflrw eHar?ed wtlli Inloxkatlon. ap - irtrone) my utt prared In polleu court thl morn. Ho- I'l in,-,- liMhort lat night en- ing and were reiiianded until to Fresh "'ii'- i- VaRoouir. morrow. Mr. 4. It. (Itfline. MrMordir Have you pi Heiner' Fall .iiriiii.-iii.. who ban own U Millinery? If titl, walk aroumJ inn r.i wrk in Van. I ney have a wimderful dila) FLAT -..ii..r. rluraml hotti on tbr or mnai NeaiilUUI bale, all tm- Rupert i; ia.t aatarbl. onably pried. 1 95 I0for20t S I.hii nrlaml, rliar;ml with In. Cliarle lUUauo, I,. V. Pat m at urn. faltat ft, put in aa more. II. I.. Campbell ami Sydney Jfo in packsAts of 20 FISH Brand Hieaiaiir In ItN" pulire rottrt Hunter left early mderdat 4ndm tins of 50 k 100 Ho- g and hi bail of f M morning to otl a week flli w f'.rfrilcd. inir al Uke Klitoda. lite trip I Ielnp nal on the la tier's boat, "Superb Qualify Mr- I'rrd SrhulU and Mi O , now available from the MoIi-iii auiK-ared in Ikm unite lUn Kean. the well known nil si iiMiminy rnarprd wilh proapeelor, who nan been foi local retail stores. riiiiiiiiia a tliordTly hur. Ikwy Ihree ntofitA In a Keteliikan ''" ri-niamwel until Unnorrim IhwmIUiI reenvertnir from liiforiiiatioii w laid by J. V broken lintb, arffltnl In the city W. 1. Vance, city treasurer. Canadian fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Kl.y. 4. on afternoon.tkf I'rlwoe Alteo Saturday i hall back afler at hi hi office holiday in the which city SPECIAL! SPECIAL! lit.- fire ilraMrlnif mi had a rail f PRINCE RUPERT were peut in the city. di ..ju .111 aniuruay arirrnonn We ha Jut rerHed eevera Hli.-r Hi-nrr car of famntt elove coal in launch. Itoetna inir Bargains Suey. charged by the lloyal J H mi lli rtHM-Uey wharf. Thr W e are filling ntilern In rotation Lrflliadiail Mounted Police wilh . 1.gin.- bai-afiruiK caused irrevpeHlve of 'ipjanllly. NVi having drug unlawfully in hi -ii 10 ianiii put inrrp wne no recwmnteMi yow sttektnx up pobjtt. Ki found guilty by Toilet SOAP Imiiavi. mew. Cnnnnvi (Wial Go.,-1.Id Magielrate Mrtayinonl in the po. Phone 7, Sit ait.l 650. I Iiee court thi UHirnlng and wa Il.r Imperial Oil do.' lankr enteneed to eix month at Okal. . riiM-fied li.r- .bortly from Sam Maey. of IIm iiiuiimmI la Prln Farm. 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ( wilb a rnrrnl carjm telephone laff, Me. loniahl to clear at I. S. PRINCE QEORQE AND PRINCE NUPERT will il l Thure-- Mvoliiir, iHstilUlf, ral oU and for KUJiiKieMon whee he etpeel lr. S. S. Oterhout. of Vancouver, o4. Vunday I- o i Midnight for Swanson Bay, I11i.11.uli iiv oil for Um loral In meet Mr. Maoey who ha superintendent of Meth. Ocean Talla, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. lank Tk vl left Ivno been vUUmg ine the eari-prniy oiJIl Church miioii, who ar. 2 for 25c. I Anyoi JnrJ. II p in l tr Stewart, Saturday, 8 p.m. Saluniay iiIksiI. in Scotland. Mr. Maey rived mi Salurilay from the e- U on ki aunual lodlday. outh, leave on tiHiislil train I. S. PRINCE JOHN Northrrn and Southern J. J. n point fUfeiiih. dmtrirt freight for Toronto where he will attend! Queifh Charlotte Islands, ly I Kh and 21h. June luth and d'M r the : . H. and Ineneetor I'Ue lrinie. I lea I rice ha re the tieneral r.oiiferi-nce of the ORMES LIMITED Hib anj i'Jnu A-.u.t 01 li and mil, tpt. 2nd, I6li A. lw Aaiam. of the lloyal Can. -uined her wbcilule afler her church. Ir. Otcrhout i ar ::J 3tk adia) .Mnrd I i w recent aec Weill a 11 J leaw Van eompanied by hi wife. 3rd Ave. and Gth St. P.O. Box 16S0 Jj Train Service aiuoap IM inkiM Mie eouver on Wednesday itlght. ar Passenger Dally Eicept Sunday, 6.45 p.m. Inp In Sirwerl w the Princr rivniK in Prince ItupeH on Sal HOTEL ARRIVALS Phones 82, 200 and 134 ) t fiuillirr. i'riiie Oenrti. l-dinootoii. and Winnipeg, HuM-rl al llii- wrrk-md. uruay mnrnuijr. Mie wttl a?ain THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES r - i d I i niiti'iiiiit for all points in Kaslern Canada - leave on Saturday at p.m. fur I rwti-J Mat". Mr. and Mr, li. H. SI ! Vancouver and wa- foili. Prince Rupert. ami family rctiiiiii'd Ia.t nlhl V. E. Walker. Naa lliver; ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME Tlioina I.ouden, V. A. Wallace, Yaiicouier aflrr haviuv itei llaHonl Ki.ber. Mn of Mr, Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines a lew ilaya In I hi rtt. Mr. SI and Mn. V. S. Fisher, who ctnii-plelcil lr. ami Mr. S. S. Oterhoul. t City Ticket Office, 521 Third Ave. Phone 2(0. iH-iii 1 maiiaifrr of lb Van hi agricultural Mudie. II., J. A. Mothrrwrll. K. V. "Supreme" .niiM-r branch of the I'naduin and ifradualed a ll.C at the IMeourt. It. I.. Ilrown and A. O. Brand f-1-1 1 and t'.olj Sl.tra- C. I of II. U. Iat eion Stewart, Vancouver; II. Maiillirop ha gone lo Alberta where lie ex. IhiHoa tile, . Lain 7 and A. In Hiiiili MMMillau and Will. peel lo iollow til Hue till the I Tingley, Victoria; Mr, (i. II CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY iuiii Sult-r. of Vaiuvuvpr, 4i fall. Sleven. Ureal Fall. Mtmlana; ..i. uf lhi Anirriraii MlmnR and Mrs. Hyrtie and Mr. Ilalpin. FRESH COFFEE FRESH B.C. Coast Services Milling Co.. I.Id.. rlurned Two barrel of beer were ei .New Jersey; Helen M. Kean. ROASTED ROASTED . i Mi l the I'riiii f lluprrt Lanl ed in a raid on the SI. Jauie Hrwoklyn, .N. V.; Mr. and Mr. iiihIiI aftrr baviuit prni a foli- Hotel Ia.t by Serjeant Me. V. O. Ilaleman, Poilland. Ore Sailings from Prince Rupert mabl in I be Slrwarl ilinlrtrl. (ilntchy. (icorve ' Jauio. I lie Will (iibben. WiuniiM-g: Mali Why Fresh Roasted? For proprietor, will hp Toy, Shanghai; Mr. I'.olin Han and charted Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau Skagway in Wkp itoa Ub- kM-at blri bio bit l..J ut triune aionlh' trry August 4, 7, 14, 1$, 25, and 28. Mi. and Mr. A. II. lrile were she police court with bavin;; Ii kin. Montreal; Mr. T. J. Marh rhwr la bulk (ltd tali-, pie t iiim ur tint tuoulta'. .upplyt For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle paM-na-ri from Slew art for uor unlawfully in hU po.e. and Fred Xah. Terrace; S. I. ad reka dil r . uiilil r mi liHWflultrly -k-Me tiiii-iitix -r on Hie I'riiire lluiwrt ion. Murphy am W. Hell. Prince Why tun IV iMiU-lu-r ll. hl turb qur.iluu but hy aiulil-ply August 2, 9, 12, 19, 23 and 30. 4rM Iwrr mhI Imi-uu i thry r IIm cirtilriM-? Ttut In ieorge; K. M. Jacque. Holon. iurr S. U-l 11111I1I. Mi liil.'. i Hie PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, r.lkl fur ih.im4 of buylnt Uxiu rh ri i lh Mine. The aburlrr ln a.1 of Ho- . ..lupaiiy which now Maf HaiiMHi. the well known Ma.; A. W. Neill. Albernl, W. East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp-belUrTjvar rrt) Ucd; lluw Hut rUM- brlrru lb fla-lIMHr and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. rolll ol .111)1 -( I i t.- the Dig timber man, i now- 101 hi way U. McOuarrie. New Welminler: Why tua ih km.i rnaii .lur or prurr.. turalkuord .a.I d Mi-uri mini- -ii winch a rich home afler a trip with hi fanr- A. Maekie and P. Hanen, city; liraaul m pwouiti d.lly la. liwy in nr ur lb niure xiuric- Agenoy for all Steamship Lines. -ii 1 a.- wa rci.-nliv nidde. lly to Sweden anl other Hunp. II. IHrkie, Ituncan.: Mr. Hob. ihi iib lit prudiK-i Full information from , can eouHtrie. I hey nailed u! ert Wulff, .North Pacific Can W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent, wek from (Kdheiiburg and will nery'; Mr. and Mr. John Otnes, Ground, Roasted and Packed at the Warehouse of Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. 0. oon laml in America attain. Petersburg; Mr. and Mr. .1. Yin- STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. Mr. Ilaunon will "top at Ottawa ins and Mr. and Mr. W. It. Some 11 hi wny aero (he continent. lirunt. London: Mr. and Mr. Coffee Importers and Roasters PRINCE RUPERT. K. McOuarrie, Minneapoli: B&K. Pastry Flour Cut Glass f jaifie lb 1,.Allin ie,Ki.licric.nn-al manager Ltd.. Mr.Arthur A. T.I.. Mearn.M. Uulance.Wycombe,Imluth:Pa. Mr. Iea und Mix I. Scolt, ma. I.. S. Whitlaker. I. I. McDonald. Iron of the Chilliwaek hospital. and tl. I. H. Turner. Mtewarl; Htlgtrson Block, Prince Rupert. Phone 686 Nu t much Uf any) better Hli-bard Nelou, Hum Park. Cat. Uler of Mr. This is I.e, returned to than a good ijuullt) of did the eity on the Prince Alice Central. Dr. E. S. TAIT prevnird article. afternoon (I. !'.. Warning. Smithei-; J. Sutunlay after having jl a elianp of iHMiree uixt II. Young. J. H. Pollard. ?. J. pent a rcw day at Kelehikan Dental it I.k.U II. Ikouglas and J. M. o.piille, city; Surgeon Your and Our Utiing witli Mr. ami Mr. II. C. Out (Hit lila iMir4iliM like Nuiian. Mr. and Mr. I.. A. Hull apd Insurance a diuuioinl und hue tli family, Sa.katoon: Mr. Juno) Office Ilourt, 9. a.m. to 9p.m. Guarantee welihl of iron. I.. 8. Whillaker. who ha been With row, Fiml Cabin: Mr. and Sunday by Appointment .,Hk oxer "in "'M picceii. Mrs. Crowe. Stewart: M Ma..ey y manager of the Hank of Montreal Price from $3.00 to $10.00. X It al Stewart for a few year. 1 being Iraiurei-ied and arrived of Quality Goods John Bulger, from the north lal uiglii to EMORRHOIDS UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED You The Jawaller take up duliee temporarily in the H SAILINGS have) You the) llest In "11 & K" Ilia Ileet. got hjuld looul bruurh. K. NV. Marvtilelto lx Itchlsc not sulltr iulls.ssoth.r or rrotniill.c d.r U& Par Vanoouvar, Ocean Falls and Hwanaon Kay, Tuesday 5 p.m. ha gone to Stewart o act tern, fiL. a ll.morrbolUs. N For Vancouver, Alert Day aud 1'ort Hardy. Saturday p.m. JHE- BRACKM AN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. porarily a manager there. II. T. Uinlm.nt urflcal operation will r.llcv 1-l Bnoa Chiua's and For Anyoi, Alice Arm, Port Simpson and Wale Island, Sunday Cio.b). U Vaui uefk will be the .Kurd Iwllur b.n.ll. tuo boai sU midnight. J Bo 745. Prince Rupert U.C. Phone 350. (WsUra, or Kdmanonn. ltL a Oi.. mm uiauae wart, 1 LUutfou; Torual. a.uii (rM. For Nats Rlter Cannerlet, Friday ...