punr. two THE DAILY 3CWB Friday. April 5ft. v ? In concrete" a I have said, it Is The Daily News IU h CM i DISCOURSE a good maleriat It is practically for mail a mir-farintr. hew nHQD BankoiitBothwithIt" pm.vcf: iiupert - Bnmsir Columbia material and is being exlenshely - "If I open a Stvings Published Every Afternoon, exeepl Jnnilny, the The Prinre LMitr Clift I ON ROADS ti-u-d in the I'nilcd Stales and! ?1.00, It will look so foolJhJt0! .lUtnert 1ily News .Limited, Thin! Avenue; has hei-ii nse. ipiili- largely in wait until 1 hare $50 or $100." Thai the province' of llrilisli Columbia. 'Is what Is kecplnir thousands If. P. PULLE.V, Mnnnfring Rditor. Delivered by City Engineer Be I have travelled ever many miles sons poor. ' of ttr Kelbiri It more wonderful than tht fore Rotary Club Yesterday of miirri'te paving in Washing-Ion The Union Bank Js the BanJc of SUBSCRIPTION RATES J human aim. It brfallies itiroiiRti tinr Afternoon. myself. There are nlsn sev People. We welcome the City Delivery, by mail or carrier, jer month $1.00j whole month w1 cV.i iitrong porn.it iatptovn If it lhe- rnhn lT eral giM examples of Aphall. Account whether you open your it Sain With It By mail In all parts bl" Ihe Brilish Empire and Ihe Uniled Hlales bodily hrttih. I'. .1. Whit faker, riiy negineer". lloweer. so far no actual tests' or ?100. ' In advance, per year ......Jfi.nO; Those who know mort ibout the eorrf-plef deliveriMj ait. inleresling di-eourse"' have been made tl- to Ihe rela-j siruriure of the skin appreciate lhe ' their hislnry or a-plialt as Cupti of boohlet "Ont Dollar To all other countries, in advance, per year i.?7.!0 t talen in deciding what on roads, live properties W'leHir-Itnl is care be that Mfesl.mid purest and best drwio-rto aiid eonslriiclion at lhe Ilofary against eonerele. There are also sSn teaumL TELEPHONE 98 applV -"" sk---1 d'ea"- ' Club InnfheiWi yesirnlay. afier oiiie..def-el- In aphall surrae-iti? OF BANK Much cienli6c Jhouitht and uperi-raent noon. Jlr. Whit laker wa tin on a -heavy grade when il UNION CANADA search lor in the an ''ranient Display Advertising. . 1.10 per inch per Insertion ideal natural was eipended healing subsJance.but it V siteaker nf the day and hi excel ha- lendgnex lo run and rut. IVansicnt Advertising on Front Pige $2.80 per inch actually been found at last, in Nature's lent manner in handling a rather "One other surface that bas Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Local neaders. per insertion. 25c per line own storehouse of meJiciual herbs.has there dry .subject was .pirecialei. and also bi-en largely, used, but Is Manager Classified "c word Never in the world's history li.-lened lo with pleasure by all not iii great raor, i woiid Advertising, per insertion per been another preparation like zam-bus. Legal Notice, each insertion Ifie per agale lino Amongst other virtues, it possesses that IhosH-Jtsseiiilileil. block-a two years before I rare quality of actually growir-g new In opening .Mr. Whillaker isime beee I put d-iwn a stretch Ocnlract Urines on Anplientinnj skin in Nature's own way.-AMIIUCLE dealt with Ihe hlslory of road; ir wiupblocks which cost sffiOO.i AH advertising should le in The Daily News Office on day preceding pr-FORKYOUR EYKS. and iiiad" reference lo 4iU Ihor ion. Tin- ienelralinn -or cren.; publication. All advertising received suhjecl to Approval.. Healine; thtt injured and diseased ouphfare- f i:artlui-re ami JUtuif le is not gixid in Douglas Jit National this herbal balm is a Canadian Railways Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. tissues miracle by that may precious ue penormeu uciui-s many of which of the bitter, were but in yelbtw pine we find it your cwn tyes Children remember slill in existence. The Unman very good. DAILY EDITION fcfo 'day. Aprff 2. ram buk br-t for its -grett power 10 mads had lieen const rucled all Smith Island Rock. seething and healing iheit hurts. wuls nver lhe kiniwn world in iii "You will find if yti Ionic, nt in the tieatnient of eczema, ringworm, Prince chronic sores, ukers arJ poisoned sores, lays of Hint nation's siiniprtifacy (be rock from Smith Island thai Rupert Lloyd George's lam buk powed A anfneptic and tissue-buildinft In Knlanil miiCnni 1-iia.l- liad il ili-itilfgi-nle very freely and Inoenultv to Fore... properties ensure success; lieeu liiiill i)er lhe old Human you will ii'iliri- tndholes in it. differences threatening the successful thousands have iambus With irrcrtmcilalile again, many con.lete release ....nth ' Our .Mayor and city roimeil have thank lor their alone 10 outcome tit-the. t't-oHomic conference, Premier Lloyd Oeorge has. front torturing piles. I'o'r u long (icrbid. lhe Itouiaii agreed for the p)-eent that il1 Shipyards ' ilemotiMr.-iieri his poliiicil ingenuity in mil a" and in action -ouee more .-ending Differing fundamentslly roads fell into a stale of disre will be atlvisalib- lo put snnie-Ihiiig rail liiuneil lo to ficnoa to pull (he all ordinary ointments. lam-buk Is for the Supreme come .-ilua-j from until the animal fats and mineral com-pounds pair and II was mil on il tf on 1 1 eel il. An lion there together again. While France, i haggling with Hns-in, free from It is highly refined and contains seventeenth, century , Dial Ihi' applicaMon ..sir ilipiid ainall toi Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock 'ami tf?rntansiiiil is iioMiug stnliliornly Inward a certain result,: no ingredient which the skin cannot liiesiiiiu nf road making was preserve il, mil il such time as Engineer, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmiths, Pattern thtnitile Vt?lhhntau, as leader of the Hnli-h delegates and prime readily absorb. A fiftT-cent box of dollars in doctors' again considered seriously -tit we ran pnl on a ieer top, makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. moving spirit for fiilrrnatimial peace, is endeavoring in every' Wfty bills"xam-liik It mar is a save unique you preparation with a Lngland ami France. In Ihe would be jiiobey well spent. We f ri-ible ti bring alioul agreement between the contending far--tjons. wonderfully wide range of usefulness. nineleenlli. 'century h system nf an eudeavorirut to build a ri;nl Electric and Acetylene Welding. Premier PtiinCairc, according lo yesterday's despatches. piltliuv in gi'ioil bases for Ihe so Ijal, lhe surface will be a- was averse lo having me ."niprenie i.'uinni go to iicinia ami j.-.iaits wa- iiistilnlfil in huvlaml. ed anri'lhat at tiny time a black Our plant is equipped 1(1 handle all kinds of whether not Ihe of France will suppod him in thai SUITCASES or government I Tlie MacAilam .sy-lem: after itnp can be put on. ' altitude yet remains to lie seen. The success of Lloyd fJeurge'. whom modern road .surfacing is "With regard lo our plank MARINE AND lalest plan .'.derendeiil on this. If the British Premier is sue-! TRUNKS Il.tllH'll,-J ...i.V. 1111 1'llli'ii 5.l.l.' I it.'-iii-n. roads lliat ' is a grea prohb-m. cessful in pulling the conference together, and he seems (o lie CLUB BAGS" Small sii'd roc.ks were put I'be trouble seems to le here COMMERCIAL j'tftc one who is working nv-l energetically lo litis end. he will in and lioiiiid inlo a-ma-s. Tlie that it is not from actual wear WORK have achieved the grealesl feat of his already brilUmt political idea of rolling and crushing or and tear thai you are losing but. PHONES 43 AND 385 career and will fi.nr erenlc-i1 himself one of the greatest diplomats Large Stock on hand. Hie rock formed a sort of keystone, is the actual rolling of the i ver known. Prices very low. and lic .-.tones were broken materials. A ureal -deal of thai '. ' more or Irs-, into wedge shape tiiighl have ln-en uw'if if in the , Little Crime - J. F. MAGUIRE with a certain ainminl of mater first ilace Something bad been, In Prince Rupert. , j ial lo tiold 1 fiern in 'place. lone in Ihi4 of preserving Next the Prince Rupert Hotel way The lightness of-the docket nt Ihe Supreme Court assizes; Then necei-sily for pulling in Ihe lumber with creosote. It j' "here this spring lestifiej.ia.JJj(i.good condition of Prince Rupert! harder surface uro-e. Orautte Ihe alternating .wet and dry a Dr. E. S. TAIT dislricl from, a Jaw and nnler? lnpdpninl. The condition is com- scls and cobblestones were used, weather That causes Jungus to mon throughout the province Unilljpoks vrJI for the general lis- a ' and .in .tJid Old. ej. etreyls jn. .. cipliue and behavior or lhe Width '!numliia in Ihesej .TLp Mn "jL. Mnn t many t'.ountry had colijilesl'ones on' uenerai III Appearance. I sLreuitoiis times: limes of financial deprfiloninndtuiiejuplnymeiilj ) Dental Surgecfn Ihem today. !rariilp --els and WilhtTturil. Jo the general' - when crime is apt lo hecome more rife than at any other lime, ml paving bricTis were use.1 elen-; improvement of your streets, 11 i- a condition thai Prince Ituperl may t'ongrallilarT"llsdirn. M a sively. However after considerable ifipears lo me that the absence; - . i.nis cuy particularly seems in mauuain a good rej-ord in this! A MAX i novr-r fni it,nil i. tint of is drawback In the' experience they were icee.s a respect and it is very sehloni that there are any crimes committC(),j,siat ts o, pioan wh.-ji he hn-.es generally though usefu) for lhe eneral g I looks of Jbe slxerls. " felgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 686 note. All criminal cases that haye heen serious cuoiiih, his bonis. , , put-pose and il became necessary Iliat mailer I took Up with out rlii ri n rr"1 hii pajjt yeitr.to eome before IfieStipreme.nourt sessiofiivii! ' .11 then 1o form some -ofli-r sur worthy Mayor and Uie crmnc i..;i.L..!..... tjioUeveO.'origin.'ited in the city. It is lo he if'.., . . : A3?:iMX'i liofyftlhM Oreek inasonry wa-mate1 face on account of the noise and and we have- decided to spetn f co'yditiiii j continue. Jf 1 I niufli like llml of ioi.(y", we unsanitary' condition of Ihe road. srim money (his year in' trying Si t Swimming Season W-i l! We wo.rulrilJt .,' -i Introduction of Asphalt. to beaillify lhei parks and streets DONT TELL US YOUR SIZE, ASK US TO "FIT" YOU i Will Soon Be Mere. i - . - - ';. Asphalt was then Introduced.; There are many .places on the The swimranig season will soon he herefggnm Vptl Ihe 4 ii..V in a- London shop The firslasphall was put down streets where trees can be pliint. "INVICTUS" "The Best Good Shoe" i Lakes will lie drawing lhe usii.il siimmaf-sVxj"11 "", read, on lhe occasion n pnn in London in (be Tottenham ed, Hy using g i,liek if dynam ; once more. The provincial government "Jtist cifinnlcling soiju' ces.s .Mary s wedding: . Court flnad. H was heated in (He and filling up-lhe hle Willi Oom" hi nhil fieiylbs lvo new lals . splendid improvements lo the lioaril-wiilk M.-MlliKiWim tjil lanlt . I (. lA-lf lii-ale Hie Marriage of kefllles and laid on (lie surfffce soil trees, can be. rilauled, i ll BOND STREET and LIBERTY. ; iug trj.tlie lake which will make fhcwalk,?ie ((C mortj, heaiilyrtliiaii (IM"f i,f.i"cess. .Sausage am with hot tampering irons. Tinmen would have looked, very much' ,v ,.?11-80-' Wo stand bohtnd every pair. herore. The idea this year has Irecn jo'-gel Jhejvork allowed under Slash wiljr.jce Cream, I'.id. 4i engaged in tlie work wore pleasanler if Secpnd Avenue had Hpecial nrrerinff 'see lnille- window (Irey ubuck ? st np lhe usual 500 approprialirinJGffpleteil lifVforTvlhe swimmers l.e- Vle-s Vui,. JiOl.li." bjankel fin (heir feel to protect been laid with a ,boulevard, in lhe Haby Louis hhel at $7.86. A ho In hlnck nnd TPin lo use Ihe trad. When thrxntTirpn,oyflriWir the first inu- Sonic celehralliiii, alrighl them from lhe heat. Speakfn centre ' plated with shrubs. I'rpwtj kill sathe. price. , inej win g(M a pieasnuv.siirpnse for Ike-place is much improved. generally, ,il was absolutely es "The idea, or the city is Jo FAMILY SHOE STORE will THAT nasiy lri,h. lioulif'e Jm sential if .41 good surface was establish, a nursery at Ibo -eeui Tltjfin(iniriff3'Iiib its I .sfwjirli.-Sj.llrng auniial meeting Third Avenue. (Operating Foot Comfort Service Deptv iwnen iffiTips will tin .!....It I 'rn.s ,r., t.. ,i.. .... .. r even reaclie.l Halifax. Murphy wsnied to ge.,a'gooi base, .lust elery and plant Hie trees in (lie . flifficulty Jras been that when-"- ".t this meeliuir 1 1 -.iiiii..vnirnllil in iur i.ni,-pnsi n...m(i lieal Ilegan in tliv rnayorally what llie base was. composed of Kirk-. As lo whejher they will same hnndfol of interesledlxirsons lupnoii mil conleKl. lid not malice very much as be planted on the streets later irt It Is lo be boeil that.when iTie meeting i called this that long -as it was proli-cted from Die a mailer lor Ihe council to do year ItKA!) the weekly tellers by ride upon." uinr wiii un a niucn larger and much more representative al-teridanAe. weather. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE ' lloitfiles l. I reeirian. Local Conditions. In oideM.rsAie overlapping and make the work of lhe riOTlCE club t nave u him! inirni ciav. also roMp.faIi.evUfi llfal of lhe provincial governmeul il has ai.i). (ii.oiuii-: Kintn ieii ii been fUK'Uii-'HWi'i Anderson, Ihe provincial government oiifidciilially dial one i,f lhe gai-iiage and ashes for liase mat Dissolution of Partnership DENTIST 'I'be Take nnli-ce that Torn Carnfl' e.rial. local rock forms ..n cvuiooi., ,;, a m.,nPr. r Ul(1 executive of Ihe club city's new brides came Inio Hie an Visit his Offloe Rooms 7 and 8 Smith I Ins mwtiw njighfwell be adopted for Mr. Anderson, o,l.i,l,; l.o-oii. Die oilier d:iv :nul n&kei exccidingly god base but, is no and John fleorgei formerly carrying Block or his (.rf.cial tl use for ji wearing surface. It on the business as "The Ho4. or phone for an appointment. t .ipacty, is a local l,al i.wner and would in e'verv fiu two nieces of leak and 67S way be a valiiablcr member of the executive. pint of gravy, tleorge referred can Je used as. a base if Ion Oriir have dissolved partner Phone her io (he eily engineer. wealing surrace s jiul nn top of hip. All persons having ae Offlce hours: 9-12, 1 to 6 and 7' to 1& ii. With a rock that does rml counts against ,Ihe said Huston evenintfs. ANNUAL REPORT OF !!,!!"'- ""or. i. .vin.ao. AI.I men are created ruitial disiplegrate wilh the weather, fJrill are hereby notified to send Sunday Appointments Lady AsMnlant LOCAL ROTARY CLUBl- yV TlX luil snnie of. I hem soon get oser' one thai will support a great same 1o lhe Host on Orjll fnrlb. it. amount if strain without fracture With. L . ,,- ,N-. j'- .Munro" ami Dr. A. II. you must add sometliiug of a v Tom CAnnrr, Vote of r,ny," ,in'' "n, '"'"'Ire.l j,,..'- THE SPENDTHRIFT, cmentimr nature lo ii -for ImihI ,.lf)HN m.oiici:. DAJT Our frozen herring bait In conceded by fishermen d. c. S'jrK.irr, .1,, . Jalde Oner' upon .a lime ing. The rock 'you leave Hsht I'rince Itu-rl, il, April 15. to be the lineal procurable at any Pacific Coast tlrlnn Work Our no Uiankml . n,w p?esi,l(.l, iere wan ,u; ilyed-iiul he-wool here is lhe best rock in lhe district 122. ni Port and it Is "Fiahy." J-rice, 130 pcr'ton. First Year sP(.,eiary .,n l.-lialf mnvie fan who leflised In dl but is not a good maleriat T,,fi ''C8t i of Rood" trip . - ' ,(f Hi'' iiieuiliers rot' his ICF wny -nsuHii(r a quality ; tuilji-. ulge lo his .'. friends anil for wearing surface. II ae- a ' con- ' to have plenty of hard ice. I'rjce, frozen ; I big effort.-, which had Jiccn our nnnii.il i-...i..( ,.r n... n.. . .. ... oniric qiiaiiilHiiccs "Jj'm perxonhl news oris a large tierrenlagc -nf 4 per ton. ' - "l- in cci.ll c.l an. . SALE ny vole .',,, (if ii iiiiiiiKiii-vjie Knew ahpul llir piarl., a quanlily of hornblende; Special ' 0u1, ai- ine jlliankjc was Outfit- AV----e1,-PP,d store can supply flshiiiK Kear, uiuveti, .seeiilliled and slars of tin-.; Junclieoii screen, ''Aesop's larpe oiianliiy of mica but yesterday liy re icarrled unanirnniisly. ' wul, flsberrnen'a cluthin, ,groceries and provisions Mini J' allies. little felspar, mid,,Uie laller, is and hardware. eiled in give if binding value. "The city council have recent Hosiery NEW ENGLAND FISH Company ly, discussed whal wil be Ihe Ketchikan, Alaska Branch n UH f yw y om ii iCs suiTacn to. put i on our streets and I Ihlhk we have come all this week lo Ihe concluition that an asphalt 10 per cent. Discount surface will be the besl. WbWti er it is maiie py ttie ejly. or Drawing Winner, Miss made by a firm coining into Ihe W. Dyer, No. 7. To Men! ily and put il down by -eniHrael Unemployed remains In be settled after il has Ibeen Ihiwh which is Hie Jch! to "DEMERS" o. In my opinion an asphall The flrnnby Co. wiwhes to announce that there Is nlruly surface herr is far preferable o Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 eonerete surface. Ihe advant SURPLUS OF LABOR IN ANYOX' age of asphalt' i thai II is more less elastfi and will give III uikI Ihererore advise you In save your money nmf nflt 1,1 great measure lo ineualities. waUe, it on boat fares to Anyox. First Claw is also very easy lo fe.palr. a ioriioii of au aanhair road Ik had il can Jie surface heatiui, cul Electrical : Work out and replaced.' Concrete and Asphalt. and AccetAories THEO COLLART. LTD. - Z2S2 "With concrete this does not Automobile apply and il is practically Impossible Repair Seven-room house for sale, ebimi in, jiaj, anrj sower c"'-jieclinn. and to repair concrete. Now Parti $4000 terms. Bargain, adays when concrete surface dlslnlegral,. and show ians oT H.PATTINSON Bsntals Real Estate General Insurance wear they are always cut, mil and! First Avenuo Phona Bluo 09 Westholmo Theatre Blook OTB6Tt linen wiin aspnait. Wllb reanl P.