7 & > 4 a Re =a = % Frag “ et rah. at ; af av’ PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT Publishea H Ever Daily y Afternoon News Except Sunday, by Limited. Third’ Avenue F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor - BRITISH COLUMBIA Prince Rupert SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.0 For lesser periods. paid in advance per week bv By mail] to all parts of Northerr and Centra) British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period Diinedescabs 3.0 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- pire and Unitea States, paid in advance, per year $6 Ui By mail to all other countries, per year 9 Uf | ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising. per insertion, per word ( Local readers. per insertion, per line 25 Lega! notices, each insertion. per agate line is Transiet display advertising, per inch. per tnsertion 14 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone ...98 Editor and Reporters’ Telephone ..86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION eS: M er 31, 19 UNITED STATES ELECTION One week from tomorrow the United States ele ctions will take place. Cn that day the people of the republic y choose a president who will take office next spring . The ey will also choose governors of states, judges and dozens of |Houston began other officials. It is a momentous occasion for the can people and very interesting for other apuutithd tOlnesiey in. the : Hien @ehool the role of watch- | had reals may mean a great deal to us. glad when the election watch. Happily ers. Yet the All will be nas a dad e! acts to a certain extent high tariff ma lower tariffs. dustries. PROTECTION V The Daily N principles and , in Canada we are acting is over States President isiness in the on Canada. Governor upon bi n while toosevelt S. FREE TRAD has been charged with »f ews espousing the cause « always and that Hoover is a ac it as it re- is advocating hese policies directly affect ( ‘anadian in- E deserting its protect ion. The charge > is of course quite baseless. We believe in free trade as the on ily we believe the olished and fo next. It t sen ‘ 7 The United vountries in t} ; 2 J nut s is hursi? possible our tariff walls so that we may be in a position tiate for lower tariffs ay . % , . th } hor years we have been asking for the ab« two cents duty on halibut with no results: \ nothing to offer in return for the concession. W sent high tariffs we can negotiate for lower ta our ne ‘jh 0} sible akes ti ne word. deal f these views we 1: polic “y fi + th e nations of time will come when tariff wal rgotten but not e to bring states ik in abo 1t i the +1 . nese one { + ; Protection siness people Most is based 0 | try With a on tne Bu themselves. are ress or , bound to act Reciprocity is now a possibility, the world ; veners: iS PCuCi« To ma neigh defensi and » ab- | “77 1 Sy yy 422 4 t+ Li] ; n selfish ber holding ive and raise to neg ition of the Ve have had With our vre- } riffs with especially in view of the position we hold in the British Empire since the O “writ } tlaV We! need inter? the | atic fire. ALI 1.S. with s party §s! altogeth a conference. have done It became necessary this but we cannot liv and we Gan now talk ome hope of success, espec li ully suecessful there ynai trade ould be next or) Ci jane meet fire fire. We turkey with if the Demo- which t e on week, COMI Manutfa ir OHEMIC A tira THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & -urers Of ELEPHANT TADANAC 5) »ANY OF CANADA, TRAIL-—-BRITISH COLUMBIA wnd PERTILIZERS Retiner aa ELECTROLYTIC LELTING LIMITED AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATI LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH Mace to W al interion ae and dries in four hours. IN NINE ATTRACTIVE COLORS Which may be diversified by the Dapl-Art Process. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. on, PAPCO FLOOR ENAMELS Easy to apply. It is suitable for all vhere a high gloss is desired, HIGH WINS | | iN SOCCER) ; | Borden Street Schoo! is Beaten by 1D > Ameri-} 4 to Nii Score THE DAILY NEWS Monday, Octobs Dominion of Canada 4% Loan — 1932 adio Broadcast of National Character and Interest i : B footb | @c né eguia | Lea an Saturda High ! SPEAKERS 4 lennanl 4 sais nil j | Rt, Hon. R. B. Bennett, ° . ° . - os 7 Prime Mipéster of the Dominion of Canad s iS an unique op ortunity iH Sche ’ ed and Postuk lion. EB. N. Rhodes, Thi i bP ” es ae ; Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canad . ss ty Campbel } lion, dames D_ Stewart, to hear the Prime Minister iPRo + he € é 2¢eKer | : i Prime: Minister, Province of Prince Edward Island i ee ' j j Col. The Hon. G. 8S. Harrington, ae » oe 4 - oy Ded Prime Minister, Province of Nova Scotia and Minister of Finance of Can- 1 a: , © ge oes } I lion. Charles D. Richards, i - . nai Prime Minister, Province of New Brunswick . . | { } the lion. L.A. Tascherean, ada and the premiers of all | a Prime Minister, Province of Quebec ifr H Burns and § | Hon, Geo. 8. Henry, : Carri oie . bring ft : ie : | Time. . .°8:30 p.m. Central Time. 7:30 p.m. Mountain Time. . . 6:30 p.m. Pacific Time ways it : ja an lace the ball neatl anya «truly to hi ae | forwards. Campbell broke through History says Micheiangelo di and struck the crossbar with a 3 his best work while fla trong shot and from the rebound on ‘his ba Dean Cotwell tor _ oe vial sreaaimamninitetoaiss Shrubsall seer second go2i-for! the ligaments Of his leg whil i Hig! nice run by Burns and’ going mural in» Los Angele Cold Storage S series of attacks 1as be hauled about in the Borden forwards but Rit Bos’n’s chai Le ¢ WwW ; chie was strong and safe and An- i Ca ing oO e921! e : little to do. Half-time arrivec L Di N i in Packer Is : "ith ich leadine vf nil ” p s i . November 9 Asi ackers VS i wi High leading by 2 il : ong istance |Les Canadiens Suffer Two Reverses mils) Canta: Canale tbkas en iki November 1-—Grotto \ While the first: half was evenly | and Drop Behind in Janior re 2 re 0 Lites A * Cométs vs. Amazor t lich dt etter o | inti , Andrews; Sons of Norway vs. Grot- 4» Ee Vo. saan ed. Hie better of Ron Staged By Billiard League Fixture cy cadet adh sta Musketeers Merchants Japanes ‘ } 0; Swif s. Empress; Musketee “ ee ; Scout . V8. 14 O20 PF J Ne were . . ais " invamriher 1} od akave wa Novembe nther ng? _ ‘High School Boys» With one game outstanding and November 10—Fish Packe vs * Pa : nn tie ab oath : hor wift fardinal Con W bal ye played tonight, Cold Storage Grotto; Canadi Swif ermeaneti cr Belt sees ee ee eee) 8 a lai e ’ r Sao) rel Rove Met b1 Shrubs Anotl dist : leading Les Canadiens by an ag- Sons of Norway; 0. O. F.; Seal -4erch OvSTS 8 . . ae Another iong cistal track run . ‘ . . > fror it Irvi ad “hint Ae: ~*~ tk ,|gregate score of 701 to 663 in the Cove vs. Musketeer St. Andrews November 8—Par iT 8 1D 4 ir | was staged by boys of King Edward ; : . : 1 sever for Bor mi : ; first match of the Junior’ Billiard vs. Empress A 1azon Care : Olt) High Sche A routs ee mile " ; . t : < ‘ le itre bu A . League season November 17—Fish vs. vs. W ” yuts Vv , ‘ n tne rection oO: 3S Cove Was . . ; 1 ee D } E wer . 1 Games at the week-end were as St. Andrew Can n Vv Novemb l Gre o 4 au ere t nose “ . » —T R, : ar : ; . : follows Grotto: Swift v I. O. O. ¥F.; Sar A.: Co vs. AMax & Lu “1 OU to t tim » . 2 : G ) we ; William Stone ‘Cold Storage’, of Norwa' Musketeer Seal Cove Me h : Javanese . re commended f ir perior- . hot Ss b mn , . 200: Frank Kenny ‘(Les Canadiens), vs. Empress November 1 Pa } ' e oe nce. Ronald Alls Phil Fde : ¢ s' : F : a , 153 November 24—Fis Packs to; Cardinals vs. ¢ : . rn “ ’ ’ Y , i 12 , " 4A. Zadaroski 200; W. Stracha: Swii Canadian Le 8 I Merchar Re ’ ) 0c " : 109 Norw St. A ews | Musk Nov I f compl in iene ee aS tee pr : ' ; : The Teams Ronrée- th very ane ; aati I § } game is betwee ee! S Cove IO. O. F 2A Ama i ‘ yu -A ¥. Currie Rit yae s on. the heé ; William Stuart 1 Pete Pritchard rot E W J Ec D Mu he mz ack oO") ‘ F The main bod runners co! Bla ) D.A Rorde r ie \ 7 2 . ec — ; : th eediaite it’ to “roll ” with C B ON bie “ask ah Cece saa s easy to “roll your own S ¢ HW x f v ‘ A Wh Ph B. Mur 1 T — Sn ‘ Ste t W T < ‘ Ww ‘ Kell et hee Re} + — ow & Jasper Hard Coal EG G—Per EL ee Pere MINEHEAD LUMP—Per Ton ..... 12.50 JASPER LUMP—Per Ton ..... Dry Cedar and Jackpine For Sale ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED $11.50 12.50 HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 ie Touring States CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE Octover 31 Canadian Legidi Moose Seal Cove vs. 1.0.0.F Empress vs. Eagle Grotto vs. Musketeers Swift vs. Elk November 7 Canadian I Eagles 5 Cor vs. Gr ; Empre vs. Elk Moose vs. Swif I. 0. O-*. vs. Musketeers November 14 Canadian Legion vs.°I. O. O. F seal Cove y¥ Eagles. G tte Vv ¢ Biks Empress vs. Swift Mor Musketeers No pal of John Bull is Vithalbai Patel, ex-may of Bombay, In- dia, who is touring United States tting a load off his chest. Here we see him arriving at New York RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE BROS., LTD. lf You Have Over- worked Your Eyes Ww modern me can test your eyes by and tell tnods j you what wrong ; We. car our glasses as reason as if you ' went W the big city We are qualified to give you this service as proved by having passed the government exams and receiving the mecessary i diploma. You will find } our services reasonable and conscientious. | JOHN FJ ULGER: JEWELLERS STHE STORE WITH THE CLOCK OGDEN’S FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO FREE Chantecler cigarette papers with every package Rolls a finer cigarette—rolls a more enjoyable cigarette—and rolls it Your pipe knows ‘I his ( hoice ‘ Virginia has always sold on its more easily. fine cut Ogden’s Cut Plug merits. hr ee oe a RR Se Cs THRIITINESS is a state of mind that is nearly as valuable an asset as a bs xe account.... For thriftiness ¢an aiw ays get a bank account of its own. And it’s easy to tell thrifty people from the way in which they read the newspapers — jast as you can usually: spot the other kind. The great majority of men and,women never put a new spaper down until they’have read the important news which is directed to them through advertisements, The modern woman, especially, finds the advertisements in- dispensible. She spends more than five-sixths of the family in- come.And the prosperity, happiness and health of her household frequently depend on her reading of the advertisements and on the wisdom with which she ¢ hooses everything she buys. > ‘The advertisements bring you complete information about ac- cepted products and new ones. Through them you can compare values .. . discover ways and means for greater household effic- iency and enjoyment . . . and make sure that every dollar spent will bring its full return.