THE DAILY. NEWS Plan TBftEB inc for omo twelve years and SECTION HAND they bad always been good frieudi. Camme bad written In him from Vancouver and lie had Supreme Brand GOING FISHING IS SENTENCED obtained work -for him oh the section al Sealon, After Camme bad been working for n while be No need to spoil TO 18 MONTHS did not seem satisfied and was FRESH COFFEE FRESH alwayn Irying to show the jiris-oirer ROASTED ROASTED your day's outing how In do (he work'. Muslano Carmello Was Found Threat Is Made by using makeshift Guilty of Intent.Assault With tin March i." he had lold Ihe 'Hie value of coffee as u beverage lies Inrot'iuaiil lo do .some work in its and flavor. strcnglh primarily contrivances which he had objected lo and a M(jHianu (Jnnin'llii. section flight altercation bad ' taken 'Supreme" Brand (Jreen colTee. will keep indefinitely.! but to pack your hand of Sealon, was sentenced In place In the Italian language. is Fresh uch Is not the case after it has ben eighteen months jmprisoiifenl 'Ihe prisoner was standing .some roasled. catch. mi New Westminster 'nciijlunliarv Roasted when Camme leu feel I hi 'justice away lioasting; brings out the llavor and aroma. iiioi'iiiiijr, hy, came up and gripped him by Unarm We have just bought .Morrison becomes stale because of loss of following a verdict For Your Idling him that be would Cullee a supply of good, strong bmujrhl in (a!' iiIkIiI )iy the Dainty cul It ids up uml put linn Hi a these aromatic; principles. serviceable wicher baskets at a bargain price and are in turn offer-inglhem jury ftuilly nl of the assault Supreme willi'Assize Indjiit -In nl Silk Blouses bag and throw him in Ihe river. Tastes as Good as We are roasting and packing for current.' Ihe morning I to the public at less than cata- en fp j do v'ii'M 'Uh liodily hand. Tim For your daintiest blouses, got"On up and made Sunday up my mind to it Smells' reiiulremenl.i only, realiiiilf that, essentially, yi'JI t0 'tDr eas(- look Hie lime of the colTee must ire fresh runsjrd to logue prices. Our prices while they last tip the pretty things you do not iuil, .taking up Iny elolhesi and courl all aftpmolin perfectly sails factory. yesterday Oar stock at these prices are limited. First come gets the pick. foiilii'iucil well inlo (he evenihfr.uml wish to trust to a washing pulling Ihein in a stillense," continued prim accused "Camme, the whs Sold In 1-pound cartons only airtight DON'T DELAYGET YOURS NOW! The jury empaiinclled after a with ordinary soap, use working around Ihe place Jind line hill had lieen Jii-imijIiI. in Lux. The thin, white, cooking dinner. He called hi A lo comprised .lame lla'pipfou (fore. silky Lux flakes, specially Ihe meal and. I asked him why he nVin , .loseph , Lindsay. Iionald manufactured by our own was so cninky,.. as be bad been STEWART & M0BLEY, LTD. llrowu. II. 'Caiid irk, (iciirire M. exclusive instantly looking at m( like a nake."' Uascy. II. Kuilherjr, W. Sloan, process The informant, ri'tiiarkcd "You Coffee Importers and Roasters (ieorpe Smilli, Victor Jla.'po-llerl, dissolve into a bubbling know what I told you yesterday PRINCE RUPERT A .Nicholson, Hubert Krs-kn.e lather as harmless to fine and I mean it." and lien .Self. fabrics as pure water itself. Al Ibis moment he ilruck Ihe In oul lining the evidence for prisoner with a knife. Accused It a silk can tr vKrd in clr.r (lie crown V. -K. Fisher said vaster alone, it is aafein delicate Ihcu wn) outside and gol (he Ilia! on .Male 1 1 2"t last, Hit; two Lui auda. axe ami wenl back In the kilehen. men, Mnsiaoo Carmcllo, Hie accused, Luz ts unrimlUd or H ashing fine Camme was standing in the .and Musjano Camme, tin' articles and is sold only in doorway willi Ihe knife in bis Lumber & Lath Concentration SALE! liiforiuiuil. had allt-rea-lion a s-lisht sealed packages dtlsl-pm 1 right hand, jnd ,ias be slcppcd iihoul their 'work vun I In towards him .ln accused si ruck section at Sealon.. n Ihe next LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED al him Willi Ihe axe hilling him and murium.' Ihe jirisoner prepared Toronto -6 on the lefl arm. Camme I lien Shiplap-Boards lo leave I lie camp and packed up turned round to go inside the Rexall Hair Tonic Ins clothes, while Ihe informant LUX kilehen and prisoner struck him Dimension W'-nt ahmii his daily work. The aga,in 'tin (be hack of I( head, $1.00, and Emulsified iuformani havin? made lunrlt "'Afterwards arcu.-ed went in to Thoroughly ir Dried and Stored Under Cover $1.00 lu ealled Hit; aeetiseil in. --vt .lohuson and, telling him Ihal Coconut Oil (famine. (In- iuforiuanl, sal ('amine had struck him with o down lo howl of and Kiln Dried Flooring. Ceiling. Siding both for a soup his arm which he paid Cammi) knife, and proceeded up Ihe Shampoo eommeneeil lo eal: Ihe prisoner had inllicleil willi a knife. 1'rls. (rack Inwards .Morieelown with wenl ulilsiile reluriiin; willi an oner afterward 'w'enl up Ihe his. grip, lie I brew the axe into and Finish for this week. ax willi which he struck the iuformani (rack. After Johnson'had finished Ihe snow at the side of the track. on. Ihe'hack of the head. a cup of lea, thinking Hint I'rjsoncr said lie was so blind SPRUCE LATH The accused ef Camme perhaps, .fouiclhiiiK was wronfr, wjth ravre be did no know ORMES LIMITED lyihsr on Ihe lloor and, taking hi he wejil into: Ihe kilehen add whether he had killed Camme or Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices urip with him, proeeedi'd lite up fouud I lam me hlecding from Hu nul. Phones 200 and 134 I rack toward Morieelown Ihrow- arm and the head. 'I'lie Judge asked prisoner why 82, infr Ihe axe into the snow al Ihe Doctor's Evidence he did not go to '.".tiihnsiin and PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS tVT.w"b "EXflt-l STORES side of I lie I rack..&-i4iui? ('.. If. llankir.son, of Smilhers, get help rr erjji aT Informant's. Evidence upon leslirymg. said Ihal he was ler him with.kjiire Jo whirh Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telsphons 381 MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. I'he infoi-maul, on jfoinjr inlo enlled lo Sealon oil March J0. Ihe nrisonei'':Tepllei Im was loo Ihe wilucs Jns, aid thai lie vks exciled. 'HrtV 'el'o'sernile evi-tleuce. and upon arrival round Ihe informant tin Italian by hirili ami had . ' - u lyiii' on a col -in a i'. linnvn"Ihe prisoner for som(. ten nleeilinif condiliou sulfering l S. McCill, eonusel for lln yut i'tui'Ilaly mid this rminlry from slnck and loss of blond, lie ueieuc.e ami vx . r.. I'lneri crown Ds : iin; March i'fi'.-Musiano, who wa EFTVO exiuined -him liurrieilly ami found prosecnlor. then ; addressed Ihe -. BRAND foreman of Ihe Sealon jsi iiti Hull hi- had two major wounds. jury pleading (lieir' respiycliv SEE We have received RUPERT lold It S lit lo el car oul n tllteh, . . eases. . One vas tin,(In' It-ft. side of-the Our FresH which -he, the informant, consid- " heail f'-lsslng Judoe's Address IfHtillgll' Ihe scalp I'cil was not necessary as h ' The judge, in addressing the Spring Stock of and through the ouler (aide of and Bloaters had iiioiv important work to do. the skujl. At lha( (line (he jury said. Iliat the prisoner Kippers lie lohl lie iireuseil ami this I so . wound.s were not hleediug a coiini ne lounu giiiiiy no nnye Garden and Field Seeds slnrlvil mviuc words, in llalian great deal, although considerable couuls; firs I with allemptei t'hiV ss'h 'about lunch lime. How inunler, second with l'nleul lo do hlood was tihoul (he lloor. Hav FERTILIZER Concentrated (Fertab's Fertilizer) iiiv aecuseii ami a man evvr. lie, ing pill dressing mi Ihe head grevioiis hodily harm, 'if ltd HilHl formal ejat named .Mhnrtn. a lirol her work wound (he doelbc (licit examined with uulawrul wiuiiiding.i;-',nn Fresh'stock of PRATT'S BABY CHICK FOOD and iimiii, nlrs'al filiwu lo lunch lo- crown was not ohliged lo eslal his ui;lii. An iiicisi'tl wimnd a- SPRATT'S DOG BISCUITS ALL RETAIL STORES selher Hint'''ila.v1'' ami Cninmi boul 7 inches in length e.xlend- llsh a motive for rrinTe, Ihe most Ihou.uhl Hie mal !il "had ended. I from lite lefl siil,. ,.,f (J,,, atrocious rriiuV.' Iiaviug lieen Mail orders promptly attended to TJie Most Tasty Breakfast Food On returning In "llic'i .sfctinn h-ri ariuiu an ohliiue direelitui eommilled Vvlllioul any inollve Prince Feed Co lion ill the eveouiff Ihe pri sljn- forward from Ihe exlernal lo Ihe whatever. ' 'I'he prisoner had Rupert Obtainable did uol sjietik In liiin. said thai informant had struck internal surface. I his w.iumll P.O. Box 333 Phone SS In Hie inorulll lie ni up inn was very deep. . lie also found him with a knife, and ihal he lid Ame Sunday chores arounil burns on Hie man's uroin'canseil had a chance lo hack oul and Sjiiokcdibaily by Ihe house, He uolieeil Musiano finui Ihe ell'ccls of hot soup, and gel away bill instead of Inking packing his f-'rip. l:pou heinp IhoiiHljlthu In sitting that course he had relurned w'ilh man; was iskeil here lie- was Koinw, told a an axe and struck Camme twice mrfBBBBaBIBBBBBBHaBBBBBBBaBBBBH Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. pos.jou when struck fi-mii him that he was (hroiih this. fact. leaving him on Ihe floor and no 'T.II- 'll-IIK ffT-I . k v i'iii-iii-iaii-iii--i-i.f-i af 111 at-I a -1 1 111 HI 1 Il PRINCE RUPERT with Hie joh. , Al limeli Mine h Ueorge .MeKenzie, section fore. knowing whether he was ijead or aaKjaaaaKaaaaaaaaaaaamaaiaaBavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBABai alh'd Hie prisoner lo his din man at alive. The law was Ihal. when .norieelown, was nex eal. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ner ami comuieuceil lo eal In 'ed u a wilnes.-. ,, ;iid lie a man was,assaulted, as (he prisoner wn meal coniisliiiir of niacar was rattier surjiriscd o Ihe said he was, il was Jiis S. S. PRINCE GEORGE will sail Wednesday 11 p.m. for ui xoup. While eaiiii- Musiam lii-isoner Coniimr nil Ihe track see duty lo retreat but it cornered Anyox. Thursday at 1 p.m. Tor Swuiison Hay, Ol-ean i'alls, on ame in from heliiml him ami Sunday inorniiig' with his irriu. lie could turn on his. assailant I'owell ltiver, Vancouver, Victoria and tieattle, truck him on llic.lnyul with ai mil went lo ineej him. Mc- and even kill bint if he consider. S. S. PRINCE JOHN Kor all poins 4Ni'lbeni ami DENTISTRY ie ami his' memory slarled h asked what was I lie mailer ed his lire iii danger. , Southern Queen Charlotte Islands, .May i.U andi.7. o loose. . thai he was walking the 'I'he jury , ret iretl al li.i'5 to Train Service. liuii't neglect your led n. Ono decayed or inissiliK lot till Axo Produced track on Sunday inornini.-'. consii.ler llicir venlicl ami after WEDNESDAY MONDAY, and SATURDAY til Passenger An axe was produced iij eour an absence of an hour returned. lowers your vitality. cense.l liad said Dial things. 11:15 nan. Fur Smilliers, Prince Georgu, Hdniu,ut6n find (.amme riTn-niziiiK Ihe aXi the foreman staling thai a verdict used in Ihe coal shed al tin were gelling bad al Sealon. ini.l of guilty of Injury with intent Winnipeg, tnakiug direct connection fur Ull jiOiuts in BAYNE Hull he and Hauime hail been DR. Canada and L nilcil Stales, seeliou hinjse for li.ri.'akiiu- coal. fighting and lie had struck him hud been reached, llastet ii Rooms 4, 5, 6, Holgerson Block Phone 109 I Hon bcinir etiufrtiuleil with u on Hie head w Ih an nxe. M... Seulence was passed Ibis Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. kilehen Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenus Phono 160 knife 'hy Mie ei'ovvi morning. City Olllco Hours: Mornings. U-12; Ariernoous, Kenxie asked him if In had killed counsel, (amine said Unit il. was KveniiiKS, 7-9, him In which Ihe accused replied the kitchen knife. He denied he dii no) know. .VlcKeime The man who doesn't find ad ever liaviiiK used Ihe knife, on then lold him Ihal il was a serious vertising profitably in bis busi accused. Haiuiue said thai In busjiiess ness usually finds business unprofitable. and Ihal he had did not have any words with tin CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central better gel a ibu'lnr and Ihe police prisoner al all on the Suuda to PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or nlflht. uiorniii).'. lie ri'mjiiiizeij Hi e Which said Ihal the prisoner niisonee seemed ioji-e..l B.C. Coast Services There will always be some one to take them. lU'lsoner in (he im.v as I lie man rather excited hut not iinduK- mi. Prince Rupert Coal Company whir I'eler click.loiinsou,him. a fellow .work produced McKenzie in recogni.ed cnjirt as i Ihe h,. and axe New Goods Saiings from Prince Rupert man oVcllie Sealnn ..serlion illr-iiiR Exclusive Ladysmith-Welllngton, Pembina, his son litiil found in Ihe snow For Ketchlkaj, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Representatives in Ihe next room In Daiiimi) Ihal day on Ihe side of I lie April 21, May 1, 12, 22; June 2. V, Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. And r.armidlo, was next put ori track. Just Arrived For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle , the wilni'ss sl6ml. . .ri'iliiiou said Doclor llaukinso'n and Con April 25, May 5, 16, 26; June 6. Hull he ciuild hear Vv''' li tuff Yellowhead Coal ame Kelly or Miuiiiers went W'u are now unpacking our S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, (hat Wfiil on In the kilehen but on Hp .Sunday morning- in iiues. iiowu lo l he scene of Hie fight .New Spring Slock of Silverware, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp-bell i On Dock Delivered lion he had never heard -anything on a speeiler. Oil Class, China and River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m.1; Constable LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.50 uiiUiward li a ii K-ti i n . or any high Conslahle Kelly Jewelry. Agency for all Steamship, Lines. LUMP, Sacked 11.75 14 00 wnrdsj and did not know of any-thiliK Kelly, upon heln Our customers will get the Full information from ipiesnoneii, sain tnai tin ar- MINE RUN, Bulk only . 9.75 1125 haviiiK happened unlil Ihe W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, 50 resieii lie accused upon arrival Pencil L ur all (lie latest re Corner of 4th Street and 3rd NUT, Sold In Carloads only 8 prisoner came in to him and and had obtained Hm which Avenus, Prince Rupert, B. C. Analysis Fixed Carbon, 4t.2 per cciil; volatile mailer, !W.i Miowctl liiiu Niune knife cuts on he ii'Cognlzcil In courL ae lh. said ductioiiM in price. percent; "ush, U.O per cent; inoistuiiv J. ier cfiil'i sulphur, Ihal he saw the knlfo produced John (Ml) jier cent; U. T. U. air dried, ll.ilM), Do another not day tuller with in conrl lying on Ihe table lit Bulger, UNION STEAMSHP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED This jtj .u liitth Orado llitiiininous Stenmini,' Coal, ospeeially PILES ltoliiiiK,nr l'rotrud-Ing blued-lug, Ihe Senlou scelion litiusTy and The Jeweller SAILINGS suitable for lllyh J'ressuro Jloilers and Furnaees. The lump l'llea. No sent fur it when he, .heard that For Vancouver, Ocean Falls and ijwiinsou Hay, Tuesday, 8 is u very Superior Ktovo Coal. Let us send you a trial load of urKlOal iion opor- the accused hiul liee'it attacked For Vancouver, Alert Hay and Hurt Hardy, Saturday p.m, ' THAT Wins Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your Dr.and Ctmaa's afford laitlug Ointment beueflt.will reliere ki. you a boii at once all with a knife -sJ 'GIFTS LAST, For Anyox, Alice Ann, Port Ciinpson and Wales IslaiuL Sunday ' heating stcvo. dealera, ur CUinanaon, ltatei (i Co., IJmHed, Accused on beingijiqt on the midnight. - ' Tortuilo. SaiiihIb Hoi free II vou mention Uila WT-TTr-'i , niniirn piper au4 f oclo tio itauip U luy(Ktsir. sland, JttiU li'j Uud flkn6wu Cain- for Naas fllver Csnnerlea, Friday a.iu.