4 Hi i I When you want a THE NEW TAXIQQ YOKOHAMA CAFE HOME BAKERY Phone J J PRINCE RUPERT Try The our Best'service Phone of Everything.Black SO Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol, XIII, NO IM. PIIINCR IlUPEflT, I'M DAY, APIUL ,28, 1022. HtiHt' 'Circulation 1604 trit Sal 42. PRICE FIVE GENTS Proposition up to Russian Delegates POST OFFICE GOING FROM FEDERAL BLOCK TO BLACK BUILDING Genoa Conference Will Not CHANGE IN-DRY Condition of Booth School Not ESTIMATES ARE LAW as bad as First Expected, Cox NOWINHOUSE Offer Loan Russia But to Now Announces School Board C. Gets $264,240 and Yukon $16,000 on Indian Main May Substitute Consortium "After having looked more carefully inlo Ibc details, 1 find tenance Account. Ai Recommended by Qrand Jury Ihur things ure rather bellee llian I bad ul first expel led," de .1 In Report at. Juneau clared ,V. A. Cox, (be Vancouver consulting arebileel in presenting! oTTAV prll 8 of r ,IC-i:AL' April :h. Aboliiiou bis final report on Uic llooUi Memorial .School building lo the '.r.t "in 't!J' liri i i i,'"i ,.Im t ni.i (iC.NOA, April l'laiis for Iliisjuu's reconstruction aru INSANE MAN WITH of tip- oust oT prohibition en- school board last night at u meeting called before Mr. Cox sailed an,j il5ooo for Yukon I..!ri rr rill.'lllv llcll'flllilll'll lltlllll lllll.'IV llV Mil! (iclKKl Mill ferCllCt! for the where and ' on ac-fitreemeiil' fiillcrr Jft Alaska and s'ojith plans; specification estimates as lu cost t.OUI)i' ,',f n,iia:i " sub-commission on Russian Affairs and indications arc lluit.Aj GUN AND DYNAMITE the slalionihcr 'instead of f.is .of repairing and the lime required lo execute the work will be ,,.,.,,..i' n... n.. ,.r maintenance..,....,.. definite proposition will be laid lofore Die Uclcgalon rrom Husslaj ",oU,v drawn "1 cannot much DDCtlTC IMTA UrtllCC in Hie International up. go further now until the plans are i, ii.i. tit t.. ....i.u- by Hut end of Ihe week willi (lie suggestion llial IliCjproposal DKLARO 111 1U llUUjL : Ii..uJr.Iiuy w-alcrs lo prevent the made but things will probably pan out heifer than I at first i,ujMjI1BS i.. iiriiisli .Cniutnliia be cither uccepted or rejected without furllicr discussion. ; , - - , Uvu-Hcf Jioiio'r fjixn Canada I liouffil. While niv rir-jl report have also nlie Ilouse. It is reported that no loan will be offered lo .Soviet ntissjai ANWR KIt, April 28. -Arm.!i,,';0l1,ad '..y' (u Orand slant!. I lb ink 1 li.il Die trouble aimilue pruperly. passed but it is suggested llial an iiilcrii'ulionul consortium may be'j''u with a rifle and Ihrce licks ;jury ".v ' may lie . overcome by rjn ful i i Anxious About Basement Supplemenlary estimates for 9,638,032 have been tabled rl,rmiil hii Hint llnsin's t ft:iili llirmittli. i-imitiinnlimw firms niiil t'f iJyiliUllItl' H.llid CIlNllenlSI Proliihilion unfcireejnenl asenl" work and attention to plans. Trustee .1. C. McLennan said by Hon. V. S. minister of individuals, may be allied with the various countries represented. I a t night invaded he house of of Alaska are-'.sTrely crillci.ed "The plnn will be mnde as be was anxinu that fl e as-luickly finance. The Fielding, Hem This plan would be in conlemplation of the economic colonization '1'dward llraps. (In. hem mcr-of in the jury's, reportsor burning as possible and Ihe up- cerlalned if Hie foundation was was 1,000,00.0 largest for single Iliissia. I powered and arrested, Clements' cabins In which Hifiior was proximate cost nf rep'airiuy and all riahl. Would it carry Ihe pensions. . . . I said he had come lo H"1 liiiu'se found. the length of lime reiuired will 'prcsenl slniin? .Mr. Cox said y 4 4- 4 4 i 4 4 4 4- 4 lonkliiy for a man nanied llcii- h . ascertained. As Ihe affair II would carry Ihe present who lie said' had; de- lir. Hfeeeker of rcrraee ari PANTRY.BOY QUARTERMASTER Iderson tifiw sHiid it 1s not des- !sloreys but he did not Ihink it : ' him and Ids family, in the cily last ni: lit'A PARR'S SILVER URN frauded ' riyed on perale-as Iho venerai publieMm- would be safe willi more. He WINNER TODAY 1000 J.CIements I apparently Itisaije. fraitu agines: " The idea thai tmc life yarding- Ihe foundation at the KILLED LADY ONCHELOHSIN GUINEAS NEWMARKET ' .... 1 - ' is being';ijikci U bis hands base of I lie auditorium, ,like the ALLEGED HEAD OF ROBBER GANG. whetr lie eriierslieibuildiug may rest oT Hie building, it rested on GUILTY THEFT:: , i.S'l'AV.MAHKI'Ti April 2. - 1 .i be disneu.sed' whjrfw'rhe dillleul-!lhe natural . fooling or the Murderer of Lady Alice Whyte Is 1 lie (Jne Thousani iuin-eas ties can be rixt-Jsifll .tlglil and; ground. In ; some phjees lliis. Given Death Sentence race run here lodaj' you nave va-uuMUip; wiiicii, eun w.asveiy goiu, in olliers very In London. was won by It. V. ..I'arr'ji lie put In. sirape wUh-. le.si irpuv.bad. 'cj;ije iiroiier way would be Wlsby Pleads Guilty to $2000 Silver Urn. Sir Kdwufti ble than inane pe"ijile 'UftUii liavt stepped the foundation LONDON, AprH 28.- lleniy Theft Committed Two Years llultiiu's Soubiiquet was A uc next nine yoirec me. j down, lie uiU nol, however, say Jacob!, a 111 year tild pantry boy, Ago. I xiM'onil and Marshall Will jmilialily lie aide, li. iiiiikelne bulldbt wnuld slide. bus been found guilty of Ihe .... I Field's Oulden (ioru, third,. you feel belter- I w ill sjiow ou J ieply5ng .lit,'l nislee Me,Meekiuf Wir3i:adyiiSWJiyte; t 1 il't'l.MI 4 :t -tki .41....M f whal .can be ."ditie arid lyG'TrMVI widow t.f;'SlPK.JwitWtrjletW' I.rmaster Wisliy, vT Uic Viibml4. v Mv-ia,,ridden .by Aivhi, . deeide ,tn' llie-eourse rh- tak ty r-.nsedey .strengthening; -Homo nier charrmah :of' the- London Mcuiuxr !lielnl.in, jdeadeil guilty bald, was unplaced. -w-:!',- SSHBir- . j .MMSiiiiHSHmkW.'aiifM.u.A III I en. II might biiweJI tO'nl oCflieiii had delleeted. II had county coiinfcil, and ha.s .been in the pullce court this iiiiuniiiK Helling on Silver Urn rtMi,;'j,.C,,c.l.i befohfian eniuhv,js not been -liis puiose lo cxnui- sentenced lo death. The. murder lu a rhai-V "f I li rt or J.'.OO'J from was len lo one against, ' .slatlt-d.-'1 ' "rW . ' Hue every j.mit lu Ha- whole look place oil March 1,1. tin' fteniui'r while the vessel as Soubriijuel too to ?, and Ready foe,Fa II - fHiililiiiY. Iefeels had been nil her reRUlar (rip froni Prince (iuldeii Corn,. 7 ,bi 1. ( jur. io-x. saiii iirwiiuni miner, tiuimi in pitny pnrlj, iilid might It u i it lo Vaoetitiver nearly two . , leave Hie ouesliiMiifflpw , longlief e.vpcclcil in., olliers.. When VANCOUVER BROKER 4 4 4 4 4 year uko. lie lias been remaud-ed 4 4 )ii. woiiiu ianc to execute '.iiif re-uiie worn or repairs, watj going fur nenleliee. Hi arrest was pairs untn he reluAeSl In nboulu ,1 wiihJJie easy dr rxan'iiu'e HAS BEEN ARRESTED rfr.Tti-il In t nitwit )iy the lloyal MASONS HAD GREAT1 three week's tiiue-ne.had every Mlher suspeeTeTj 'places but be Cunailian .Mounted Police. AND liopt'. Iiowjjvi;!', llial. it would be.tlid 1,",T,J!',1h'lll'?t,l'i,"MVn !'4'-,'"r ryus S. P. Easton Charged With In- TO ANYOX About two years ago Ihe.braneh TRIP n:adv. l!t$4$Z(ifo' the ;iime the defects vo?ifllibliflJiig(f()'- duolng Man to Invest Money oT Hi'- lliiyal Hank at l'rinee i. SPLENDID RECEPTION fait eMftJ6flii etuii nieuced. He I i-avors tnquirnr T' 1 In Bond Company pci'l sent a registered parcel in wouii tiof like lo say definitely, "My mind is in a male rtv i . : i Hie mailx whieli conlaineil who however, at this time. gurding the bjiildiug," said Dr VANUOL'VtiH,; April 28.--j, 1. lliis had been stolen from (he The parly tr local Atasnns Trustee 1.. W. Putmore asked Kergin. "We were guided right i;aon. managing direclor tif Ihe slop's strung room which had made the I rip to Anyot on Wed ir there was anything further labour by Nr. I'oi,ler w lioni .Metropolitan llond Investment Co He-re been entered. nesday to inslilute a bulge o say in regard to Hie base- we believed competent, lo handle has been" arrested and charged At Hie time of Hie llic'fl, Wisby returned home yesterday lie-urge afternoon at a nienl concrete walls. Mr. Cox, (he job. Now the building is willi inducing a man to invest win iiiarlei-Uias1er I i t il I lit? . . .on ....Hie Prince i I : I....I rep ueu inai i n speei I iftii ions ,mill i. we liavo liiinilreils nr var moneys in it bond company. Thu o epicK. i uev repot i iiminn Jcalled for' an unusual itieisms. Speaking frank charge1 was biid'by .loslula Huch-anan, 4- i 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 mill he has fieen eni-phiyed off anil mi in that capacity a s,l lid tri ilh u great re , for llial elas uf struelure ly. I Teel skeptical 'abiuil Inking or VaneoiTVcrf since. ception at Anyox. A hampiel wus While U might be all right for anybody's opinion us final, I held on Hie steamer eilnestlay smaller buildings, basement feel ib.e matter must be invest iiilil whieli lasted well into the walls of IliaL kind for a public galer lliuntimlily and a public INCENDIARY FIRE JURY DISAGREES IN ".i.i siiia' hours.' building of llial size were all enquiry, its has been suggested, Seseral of those nho bad oriv'Tl out ! of order. The surfaces undertaken. The matter must IN ALBERTA MINE MURDER TRIAL HELD inally planned. . . on makiiii.'. the i trip 1 1... seemed F airly hanl but he did get tlie fullest possible ventilation VANCOUVER COURT were unaine to ifci uwav ui t' not know about lie Inside of the and the blame should be Tipple and I'owepSPIant of Callle ast minute. Among those who concrete. The inetliod wa rather placed where H belongs. If- Mine, Drumhetler, Was did go. however, were (J. II. urine. Mrs. Ethel Goodwin, divorced wife of Abe Attei, rorwer ramer- unusual and did not constitute $liO,00( will be required to make Destroyed. LasU Night YANCOl Vi:il, April !. The . U. MeMulliu. O. A. Woodland, weight champion, has been arrested ia rhlUdelpnla. chareea wltn D-lag the ordinary rubble walls. repairs, we certainly must huvo Jury ilUimreetl yesterday in the Joe (ireer, Waller tune, ticorse the leader in thefts of furs said to astregats $3,000,000. The usual method was to layupluu iMvesligalion. I take the CAI.OAHYj April 28. A fire trial of Won Saiur, chart'ed willi fiibb, II any IH"'11. v- ' 'oHfson, Ihe wall sloue by stone but in slinid Dial we should get the whieli the.'.liiuiiagemeul claims tlie murder or Wins Uhmig In a John Mcllae, II. T. Willetl, W. this ease forms had been put up rullesi possible ventilation of the was incendiary deslroyed (lie-tipple 'luarrel at Cuuilii'rland last Nov Ilellh. U 1. Kemp, Fred Hale, Definite Advice as, to and the material- whs probably matter." and power pfant of the. Callle ember. Tlie defence entered a Corporal T. ilriee, John l))1)liavn. put in mure or less carelessly. .Mr. Mel.ennau said he thought Mine at D'rumlieller last night. I1 en of self defence. C. C. I'crry. C Unwin, C. C. Mills. .Mr. Palmprc said ho knew h (he majority or the public, of Damugo to, he extent or $15,000 Smith. Jack llarnsley, II. Ilou- forms had .been put up gradually 1'rlnce Hupert would like an enquiry. is eslimatf'd. of Post-office FISH ARRIVALS. ertsou, 'J. A. MeMchull ai d Dr. tl. Moving and the work had been done . West carefully. After havting made a few Hnal MACKENZIE Mr. Cux said it was not. the re-marks, Mr. Cox, .Mayor Hoeb-esler CAPTAIN List Today Marketed at Exchange Received from Minister manner but the method that he. niul - City Fngfiieer Whlt-laker IN EAST IS APPOINTED PILOT CHILDREN Totalled 174,000 Pounds. crljli'lzed. It vas not usual in letl the chamber and the END GOING BORDEN public .building, of Ibis s".zc, board proceeded with other business. FOR MERCHANT MARINE Tlieift was sold at Die Fish F.x-ehuiiifc The Worst Parts. today 1 7 t,000 pound of SCHOOL WILL RIDE That the post-office and fedvral 'offices are lo be moved In answer o a question by Following (he regular session fish. The arrivals were: Forsler from (lie Federal Ulock on Third Avenue til. Third Street to the Trustee Thomas Mc.Meekln, Mr. of Did board Mr. Cox's report It is said on goud authority in 30,000 pounds, sold to Cana. Tlie school board is In call fir Black Hiiildiug on .Second Avenue at Seventh Street is definitely Cox said h" had found the soulh. was discussed in private. No local shipping circles thut (.apt. dinn Fish & Cold Storage at U.C lei.dels rrom automobile .bus in'dicaleil bv lelegrums which have been exchanged between M. west corner and (lie front of decisions were reached or resolutions Duncan .Mackenzie, formerly skip, and le. riim for Hie transporting to M. Slepbens, secretury of the Northern H. (J. Development Co., the assembly hall the Av,"'Ml passed. per of the Grand Trunk Pacific I'anuma, Ul.uuu pound; Son H-nt'l, school, in the mornings of all children owner of Ihe Federal Ulock, and Hon. .1. U. King, Minister or purls ot tip Imlldiiig yllhough steamer Prince Iluper.t, has beeu lU.UOO pounds sold to the Fast ,if Iluys Creek and Ihose Public Works ut OItawa. ' other walls were about as bad. appointed pilot Jor Hie Cunadian I'uciflc Fisheries at 8.:je and le. and under the Second Header Thu telegrams read as follows: IJ was an absolute fuel that tin IRREGULARS GIVE tiveriunent Morchanl JManue in l.lliguln, 17,000 pounds; Selma elusses or cast of Mellrhlo Street who The .Minister or I'ublic; Works, ; inorlar in these walls could b- BUILDINGS AT Vancouver district. For Hie past 0,01(0 pound,' sold lo Canadian iillcndii.g the Ilordon ' 'Ollawu, Opt. scraped out in liquid form. UP few .months Captain Mackenzie Fish i Cold Storage at 0.5c. and Street,,,e now school. The children will ' Ueus'o of'Post Office uiid other Government Offices in Federal Dr. Kergin said he always fell MULLINGAR TOWN lias' been in command of the ie. at and west tr Conrad Ulock, Prince lluperl, expires June first nefcl. Is it your that the first ""ol' ,luJ Ut'en n"' Coastwise Shipping Go.'s ore carrier be picked up .Vorniu l.ooo pounds; Orient Superintendent Campbell wMi to negotiate for a new lease? Wire reply. best, Mr, Cox said that mjglit Anyox, He Is tine of the veteran !I5,000' pounds ami .Ipo ; Ilakcr Street, given Instruction tfsPIlTUKHN UlUTiHir COI.UMIUA DliVKr.OP.NIKN'P CO.,Ud., be ,so bul it h ad been impossible DI. HI.IN, April 28. The Irish skippers of the Pacific Coast. 0,000- pound, sold to Sinclair has been ' ' From wliut irregular troops who Hie number uf C"H-.Ireiv ; (Stgned) M. M. HTK1MIENB,1 Secretary. to see all through. llepubllciiu Fisheries at 8.5c ami Jc. to asccrtuin ho .'convinced that occupied the Mulliiigar publiu ; to bo brought Minister's Reply., . he saw was who will have !. . FORMER PRESIDENT Itiuglcader, i,o()0 pounds. Yio-lu, At, M, Stephens, Secretary, i ,: ''?.' ' the building was poorly built. buildings yesterday vacated tliem J.ooo pound, Kaien 7,000 '"'The Perhaps' that was due lo the again lust evening following an mailer was brought up by Xortherii H. tk Development t'.o., -T". :x OF FRANCE IS DEAD pounds, , c. F. 0,000 pounds H. . " ' materials and certainly the wea-tlier ultimatum from (ieneral Mc-Keown, night's meet-lug. Prince llupeit, . last Vv and Alliance 7,000 pounds sold Dr. Kergin at and M(-Meeklu , ilo'plyiug .telegram nineteenth. It has beeiij.decided tuj bud been against It. The of the regulur forces, (hut to Hoot It Fisheries and Trustees Patnmre your bud surrender. 28. Paul Des-chunel, at'lO.te. the dea FederuUlluildiiig to Ulnek premises,'corner Second sand was absolutely und they must vaeato or PAHISj April firsl opposed mjive oecujmuts ie. at lined in The foivbs motored lu former President of decided to lake Avenue and Sevcutb Street, Princo Rupert. should jiol b o mortar, (regular but It was finally (Signtd J. II, KINO.- concrete or brick for it did not j.Mulllr.gac und took possession. France, died this ufteruooii. Subscribe for the Daily owa. llu at'lion urc-t"u