"rrn;. April Ham paor pur THR DAILY NEWS 8. nr, SALT LAKES WALK IT! t.W-erk r RH I EXCELSIORS BEAT CATARRH VNE OF THE GREAT A EE I Jo Ut' UUU (Jill is a more IS MUCH BETTER ef the I ELKS DECISIVELY 1 J nbuiulanl supply of money available for building loans. BLADDER WESTHOLME THEATRE " What more public-spirited use can you find for your savings 5K lauh JUNIOR BILLIARDS Tonight and Tomorrow Provincial Government Renews F.srh Cansn1e' uin' than assisting some young married couple lo acquire llie beart name U , Lower Portion of It Skirting home they so greatly jiccd? Is your money not more usefully Lagoon All. the Way. The K.cel.lors defealed the employed, liotli to you and Uic borrower, when invested in gilt-edged Klks by a lolal score of 8?0 lo WALLACE niorlgages at 8 per cent, than in the savings bank at 3 per AN'lii'h (lie work now being done DIVORCE CASES 08 in the Junior Ililliard I.ca by ln government on irue fixture whleh was completed cent.? And we will make sure of the security for ydu. lU-nvlneial llie'trail between the lai'idiiifr and last nlirlil. the Hall Lakes aerois.s 1 lie harbor Judgment Reserved In Porter vs. I lie liullvlutial seoren were asi H. G. HELGERSON, LIMITED roiiiplcled, lite boardwalk will Porter Geddes vs. Geddes follows: REID l.il t (he la?oon, all Hoi way in, Tomorrow. II. Aslori.t (Klks), ISrjj W. praelically at a level prade. More Stephen (I'.xselsiors), 150. Ihau half of the walk Is lieiiiK re. In the t'orler vs. Purler divorce C. Smith, .50. W. Ilainilli.il. mill I iii year aim lue near fee easg jtirltfiiienl was reserxetl by IU8. IN .Mr. .Iiik;c .Morrison in the (I. Shaw, 5H; II. I'rUzrll. If.0. Hon or II joininrr up lo Hie new Sup. Hartt TIMBER SALE X3954. pari at the upper end built lax renin (Jourl here Ibis morning .V. I'rinfe'le, 100; I). (ltalatu. "The Charm School" year, i. iieinjr repiaeeil now, 1'.. 1-islter, of OiiKliton A yl5. .Minister Sralru or lender Lainl.s will al b Welorla rrrflvcd not liy lal?tlir Hand raibs are bein? put up at all l-'ishi-r, appeared for Uic pell I.. Astoria. 150; I.. Wilson. 117 than noun un lite Itli day or May. Hit points of elevation anil at these lloner hful 1.. V. t'nltiiiire. of II. Smith, 71 ; (I. .Mitchell, 150. BaawnaBawaw kMNVM fur SlMt'O llM" Jiurrliase feet of Miruec.of I.teener Hemlock,X.1VM, on.ooo tl rut places f 1 1 1- plunks are also lu be I'almon Fiillon, Jor the res .The league slamliii to dale: HALL ROOM COMEDY B.C. GAZETTE iiiH-ai reel or i.riur rues aim Aii.vun lineal pomJeiil.: I'l. I'ts Av Shoes feet of Cislar I'oIm?, on an area siiusieif put down. The plan- is jroiiiK lo 15c and near SKeena i.rossiiig', u. T. I . Hallway, be imtch improve)! iliilccil. ' The seeoinl ilivree stiil. (Jim Maple Leafs 8 i'i8'.M sr.ri Admission, 35c Casslar IHsirlel. b's. will be SI. Andrews' 8 001.0 8ai Two (. years will lie allowed for The plank being- used in (lie vs. (icililes, prnhaldy r removal or tin.tier. beard tomorrow morning before Kxeelsior 8 0370 821 Further particulars of the Chief Kiiresler. work this year has been taken Once worn, will so fully win Memria. 11. i;.. or I'isiriri rurener, I'rmri from (he eastern ramp at Hie fJov- .Mr. Ousliee .Morrison leaesfor firolto 8 0255 782 Empress Theatre TOsNATDff"D liuiwrt, B. r. I'rinee (leorae. Heavers 8 COOi 751 your confidence that you will crniiieiil wharf which was rcccnllv Clks 8 0781 72.1 accept the next pair without Nolle of Inlantlon LAND to AddI ACT. lo Least Land lorn down. This plank is In pi.o( further introduction or recommendation, In I'rinep lliiix-rl l.aml IHslNct. Ilecuril enmlilion ami (he walk is vi BASEBALL Jack tiiar IHsirict or i:nat Hititre ". ami sUiial. Pickford as obi friends In vieinity or I'orl Kslnl"ii. H. :. solid. .New- lumber is lifinir imcil MANY ATHLETES IN lake nollii that wr. .Inllns Ji.liii.tini ami Cor I In: hainl rails. whose dependability and waller .Menu, or I'orl r.ssinirtuii. II. 'Yesterday's Scoros. PHILADELPHIA TODAY orruatloli fishermen. Ihtrnil ,, apply for I lie Ion will soon be firi-diei! IN worlli permission lo lease the rullowliiir ileseribw American League. arc fully proven. Ismls- 1!i.fiiiiirii(ltiif ml a ihi.( iiluiiln.1 ) Iii'lore (raffle over it commences Ui.ullieaM corner or lot 49, lianire 6. t:oa.sl for Ibe . :iiieaf;o, t; Cleveland, G; (billed seasnii. PIIII.ALLLPIIIA, April ;'8. 'The Man who had itisirirt. uience iiortncal i cnutt.s to low niiitli. Everything' water mark. Il.ci.re suiitli s (holm akin- SI. I.iiiiis-lii'troil. rain. One of the Kl'ealest armies .of low water mark, thenee west 3 rlialns t GENERAL STORE BUSINESS FOR SALE. lilth water mark, tlienre Z rlialns almit Philadelphia, .'I; Va-hiuKtpn, D. athleles that ever participated in liljrli water mark In point or erniiiiieiieeineii TK.MlF.I.S will Iih recelti.il l.v il, ,,.l..r alhletie event in America is Comedy and Serial, "Son of Tarzan" KIRKPATRICK and culitalnlnir 3 lj aeres, inure or lean, irni'il for Hie mirrliase i,f in,. i,n.i..L. ' in. Jt'l.ll.S JOIIso., a mmir coiicmii ireseniiv carried on liy National League. iralhered here today from the Admission, 15c and 35c W'ALTtlt MKMI. Jim ski-ena Hirer Co-operative Association, The Store of Satisfaction Applicant. oMiicu, ai lerraee, if. c. llrooklyn, i; Id.stun, .li United Slates and Cnnada. There Iiateil February . tnj .snj.00 Tlw .iiierchanrtise and rtuisls Invcitiorv or I j.ll,..-aoinniit.ii to Ciiieiimati, 8; PilfsburV. 5. tie loot-it than 2,uoo of llicin rep. NOTICE. urnl-lllllIM .6S.7J. r,n-prlj. T..l.u... .N'ew York, to: Philadelphia, lesenlini; 338 .schools and eol. lc, t.Sta.f. Ilarilwam l i sn it....w Hie I.N Issue 11IK of MATTKII a fresh or eerilllraie an applleatlon of title Tor to ml Slhie 7SS.30; The whole nirt Is St. Louis, 4; ChiciiKo, 0. lege.' Eighty-six events are list pris!i fli,(l rvrellenl n.nHlto.n Tim i..M . i.ot to, mork II, Section 5, City or I'niicc illtlnirs ami furiilslilmrs ed on a two day pioKinni. amount to ?l.55,-.. Coast i Unpen. Map 3, League. The rem r,r slore Is' airliner km.iui. Wc cordially invite and .IOHI.L i iii'reu,v kivi'ii u.si ll is iji.y .sl year's lumber Sacra 1 J.ds" "Support Homo Production and Keep Your Money in you Inlenllon to Issue arier the expiration of amounted lo 810.000. meiito, ; Angely, .'1. 1 vuur friends lo our one hereor,moiitli a fresh from lerillleale the llrst or title pulillrallon to the 'lelalled lie unices ImenK.rles of IIOIIIF k ran SMM.I..ls Insperled Fed--nil at Salt Lake. 1; San Fraiicist'oi 7. INDIAN INSPECTOR the District." ahnve meiitioiiert property lu the Hume of Piiil'lluir, friiice nnperl. II. c. and Verniin 1 i : Portland, G. OR J. rlliiu lloailley, nhlrli et-rtlllrale of from London WTU'lll riirtlier nnildiinr,nrlieiilaA Vancouver,f-n l.II ,..C. Oakland 10; Seattle. 0; (seventeen COMING NEXT WEEK Fresh Killed Spring itllle nuroljereil l dated 7341-1.the 3rd .March. Itli, and I.' tallied on applfrallon. inniiiKs. j Bulkley Valley I II. F. MaeLFon. i.iiern win ne received up to and In 1 Iieirlstrar of.Titles. ludliifr I May. I0?J. VAXCOI Vi;il, April 28.. II. H.l . Land lleulstry fimre. GhOIKiE lioiiin. r..A.. sV Meats and Poultry I Prince llupcrt. II. C. frlnce Aulliorlxed Trustee. claims Indian school inspeclur. : Opening Ht (lav of March. Ifi. liuiMTt. II. C.. 18th April. IB??. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES is leaving here on Mondav niirlif 1 I I'ltl.N'CE lll'I'EIIT LAND DISTIIICT D1S I'lll.VCE liri'KIIT LA Ml lilSTlilfTr.ia .' for Prince Iluperl and the Skecna Terrace Potatoes and Turnips j TltlCT OF COAST, flAXOE 5. TIUCT OF COAST. IIA.GK 5. i Kiiday. April 28. lliver tin an inspection, trio. ! ! Take notice that I. P. M. Monckton. of Tabi ........nitli.'A ll.,,.,.. ,, i i ..ifiin-hlOIIS.I. Ilili 1:11 a.m., 21.2 feel. Sale Terrace( B. C. oci'iipalion land nurveyor. Terrace. 11. r... oci-upalion land snrvKti.r 11:21 11.111'., I'.i.ri feel. Vanderhoof Creamery 'intend to apply for a license lo prospect hi lend to apply r..r a license to tirospce't 1 for coal, natural RHf and peirnleum on the rorroal.riiiifiMiiit.natural it,......!....,iras I...-.,..and peiroleoni on ...Hie. . Uiw 8:0!), a.iri., ;i.:i feet. EDMONTON MEN ARE i "The Better Butter" iioiiowin? oe.Tiuen lanni: ai tommencina; In our new premises In la l"nt-IBUl"o" tulle west of the norih-tlHULrrTfner post planted one mile west i.r the northwest '.0:12 v.,n., 0.5 feel. Frlzzell Block. or lnt-4iift, thence north 80 corner of Lor lies. 'thence north 80 Saliirday, April 20. NQT EAGER TO TAKE ! lllalniJUnT"eat 80 clntlns. thence south chains, thence, west 80 ytialns. thence sotilli We have arranged for your .80 chains, llienee wrst 80 eualns to point 8 cjialns, ihencr.east 8o clailns to point Ilifrh-- 1:11 a.iu., 21.2 feel. INTERIOR CO-OPERATIVE ' ....... of coiinnenceiiu'lil. ronriilnina; (lip acres. Of.. ri.TDineneeinenl.. . iniJilmmAlii WORK ON THE ((OjpERN u. n.,(7 convenient viewing the Located January j. ivrr. - . Locatod Jauujiri fB!!!!. I 1:30 p.m., 18.0 reel. FARMSjU cream of the new Spring e M MOr.kTQV. Low 8:12 a.m., 3.1 reel. Frlknell Block (Fulton Street Entrance) Phon II Modes developed in the most IciiiNCE nnpFiiT Land ',-instKiCT iiiS Pltl.NCE ni.PFIlT 1.A.M1 MSTIIICT HIS- 20: 10 p.m.. 7.0 feet. I.DMU.VIO.V. April 27., . Dlllil i TiucT of coast, fusel: Till CHe?i)lSU:o AST iumiv r. favored of the Season's I Take notice that I, Kathleen M'meknm, . Tae noll.-e timj , l.avemler Mouekton. Wai.leil to charier, two a-jsiillne linnls iu io vuu joii on runii arelT Fabrics. ;Victoria, B, c... married woman. Intemt to f Hrrr.iee. R. 'r, married woman. Intend rililn nil In ih reel III .lellKttl. Must l.e orferiiti,' at the jatveninient lal iuiIl v for a license to prospect foirvoat, II-apply Tor It llcrnH- to proiiei l for r.oal, irwiil sea limits Willi rellal.ln elilfliies ami iM-inilrtini and natural kas on the AnUjiW-ln .elroleuur.aii'l natural iras on Hie rolloulnir u:tve arei,iiiiiHHlallou Jnr ri.ur ineii. lxi- utireau lie re, lint liter? are few dvscrilK'd lands; CoiniiiencliiA- at,.pol leerllieil , lands: Couimeiieluv at a post puilineiil t.i supply niel. Inbllealli.it mis acceplins this BENT'S Iplaiilrd 13 chains south ,nf th suuUiw'nsV pliuiled IS i-halns soulli of the southwest and crew. Term i.r eharter. iit..ruliiiately . ? 'work, which tuns iirner of Lot 1037, thence nortlrjo h,1liis". miner oi wn 7U37. tnence siiuin so ciuiius. Ihlic tiiviiIIm, Temlei t irlviliir (llllienslolis I i'OIII ?J.i j IJ10 pop TllOIltll n lid I thence west 80 chaliisr'thetiecf (BUrt;i'-l!0 Ihence east 80. rlialns, thence iiiirlli 80 i.r lm.il ami oilier mil irtlriilar. Iiielml. Ii ..... ... . Frlzzell Block, Third Avenue chains, thence cast 80 .j'halns Pnlnt $ dialns, llnloie west 80 chains, to imint or Ii.lf mien MT illiWn. ii.nsl be In the uitiin "" u, uini timuiais OI llie Ue coiiiiiiciiccmciit. and ronlainlnir nr acres eomruolieruicilt. -ronlHlUllllr CIO nrres niri in mi- lupin-, .or in rinerii's, in nee im- partnicnl - Ihry will be forced more or less. .KATIII.KE.V MiiNCk foV. or Inf. LAVK.MiEn MfiCKTi'. IM'ii. not inter than noun, Saturday the say . p. M." ' Moncklooif Agent, P. ..M. MolieklOII, Aa-ent. C 111 or May. to bring in labor from nulsfibtl - v point if the local men do not lake these jobs. ' " , i.. - ' TRU-TRODd Furl her eompllcatlltn.-t .are expected, from due lo he th,coasl,advent who of are laborers mm TRAIN B Specials fic4ft e Month End! being routeltllri'eWih' to' Calgary via I fie CJkMWfi Northern. Thesn V'Vll -j(i-frvr through Kifmou-lon Combination -Special Wjlir3n3'rttMir lbs.of No. i .lapan ah'i'n is ery likely that, a " Ulco al 35e wtvwill sell 1 'on fiaekase oT Seeded llaisins Men's Department Dry Coods Dept. number will $op off Jiere instead rortie ror , 15o of proceeding In their destination. Root Vegetable Speclal'Comblnatlon Tour lbs. of best quality If fhis happen, fl Is ap- Turnips anil fonir lbs. tvf Carrots for 25c MEN'S FINE CAPS PRINTS AND GINGHAMS iiareui inai uiu men wild arc Canned Fruit Combination- I only tin Apricots, ts; 1 only tin out or work In lihl and dark shades. In a large assort meiil of here will be in a .Sliced I'eacbes, Is; 1 only tin Crabapdcs,.2 1 only tin like condition lis; Laleisl. styles with iiubrcak.-able colors in plain ainf fancy at a later date. I'linies, L' tjs. special, four tins for $1.00 peaks and leather sweat cheeks. lleUar per yard There ar(. si ill l.njij mkmi on baipls. Sizes 0 lo 7 :15c. Kperial the wailing list, despite Uu; ract Valencia Shelled Almonds, Hd Moult: Pork and lleans, Ilegular y.TjU. that between Sand Go are being per.lb. 60c small . .3 for 25c SPECIAL, 4 Yards sent Hie out lo farms daily, while cMd Ill-oken shelled Walnuts, per Delieiu llrand I'olleil Meals situation Usomewhal reiev Jb. ...vi , 60c 3 for 25c $1.95 'd by I lie biliiding operations in Clciiiii'd Currants in bulk, lielieia Situdwieli Spread, for $1.00 the eily and al country points, per jji. 20c per tin 20c No, I Small While lleans, New Slock Caiined Shrimps, PRINCE GEORGE MEN'S HEAVY BLACK ' . - 3 lbs. for 25c per tin 25c LADIES' PRINT OVERALL DENIM PANT OVERALLS Say and Tapioca lioininion llrand YeKclahlo APflONS , 3 lbs. for 25o Soups. . , . , .3 tins for 25c Kxlra well made, with live In stripes and fancy checks, City Constable llince lefl last night (lie on Prince (ieorge for I.i'iiiiii,.''Oiaiiyeliin Citron I.owney's llreakfasl Cocoa, pockets. Ilegular Kxlra sizes 30 to ii. Ileg. 151.33. Okulla wIh prison W. II. l.tlbliee I'Vel, mixed, pee h. . . .40c per lb., 45c; 3 lbs for $1.25 SPECIAL, SPECIAL, and John Main lu his custody. Christie's , Arrowrtfols; per Toilet Paper Hulls 5 for 25c The former was recently senten paekat-'e .20c 11 for 50c 95c 85c ced to six inon His fur liaviii Manaru Tails Pure SI raw-berry llroiims, i-sritii.', each 75c drugs in possesshin, anil lb,, lal Jam, I. pails Ibis l.eiiiiilis, per dozen. ... .35c each. ter to six months for breaking week only ,75c Oranges, do. 40c'and 50o Common sense couptrd with per MEN'S BLACK ALL-WOOL into and entering Mrs. I'rizzell's Kood design main this ahoe a RIBBED SOCKS LADIES' FINE MERCERIZED store. hygirnic nrceasity (or(rowing FANCY BISCUITS All lines of sweet biscuits which are regular LISLE HOSE fret, while the ttjrleii delight With reinforced heel and loe. to children. 50c sellers wiy go on sale this week at 40o lb.. All our Provincial Consluble I'midec .Made in Kngluuil, Sizes U lo Iteinforced and biscuits are kept in airtishl tins; and wc guarantee The heel toe, in and llaker arrived from Masselt. quality. Here are a few of the lines on sale: McCormick's; II. Ilegular 1.00. black and brown only. Sizes ijueen Charlotte Islands, last Ilieh HiHler, Ocam Tea, Primrose, Apple lUossoms, Smyrna, SPECIAL, H'ii to K). Ilegular 75c. night with .Mark Spcnee, un Indian Cofoajijlt AlulbfW, Ilillir Nuts, Lemon Creams; Telfer's Colonial SPECIAL, in custody. If hud i,eeii 'Sandwich, Pals;' Thin Arrowroot, Afternoon Tea, 55c reporled to the provincial aulb-oritiese lijgcEtivc, Cream Sandwich, 40c thai Sjience had boeoino . i very violent, and he is now ju . 1 MEAT DEPARTMENT MEN'S CHAMBRAY AND a pair. llie city Jail awaiting e.xaiuiiia. Wo have been handling Shoes no' for lllleen ami Iluy your Ircsh Meals Kraut made Special this years DRILL WORK SHIRTS lion as to sanity by the medical lipd J'ish hero and j.ret one of week only, t lb. of Weiners health olllcer. In our history huve wo seen such uu attractive ulun us theist iffur Ctireii Picnic and i lb, oT Kraut for. , ,40o Collar attached. In blue, LADIES' FINE HEATHER-RIBBED abovij llrown Oxford Classic Tor children. We slocked t'1" Hams al prices ranging from Hound Steak, lb. , 25c kliaki and dark stripes. Sizes CASHMERE HOSE. NOTICE. I i Vj to 17 Ilegular $1,75. Kull fashioned and seamless. , nneo Ibis spring. 0fe to i. Here. i.tt dish Hump lloast,, per lb,.,.18c We, the undersigned, wish to THEY SOLD LIKE HOT CAKESI u-urtliy of a kin?, Weiners T-Hono Steak, per lb. , . ,35c SPECIAL, Ilegular 1.00. announce to the public that the ""' and Sauer Jv'raut. In a few duys w were cleaned out and wo had to We have Ilib Itoasl Heef, lb. .... .20o SPECIAL, partnership of Jaine llreutlen now in stock (he finest Sauer I tuned 'ami Holled, lb. , , ,30c 95c and Albert & McCaffury Ltd., factory for a ,repeat order. Wu Iiund ii full line al presf"!' 75c known (he 3-7 Vj, S3.25 1-IJI, $4.25 Arriving as llreaden Transfer 1 Wednesday Boat Head Lettuce,. I'resh Tuinuloes, each Caulillower. Oreen Onions, Parsley, lladislies, CucunibcrB, Conipany Is dissolved this 3sl 8.10, S3.60 1-2, $4.50 Celery, Hhubaib, Spinach, New Cabbage, Sweet epuds, dily of April IU32,und that all Wo hau also the saiuo style lu J.litck leather, in all si"' sit TJorida Grapo Fruit, etc. accouuls payable to the llreaden ehcaper than the brown. Transfer Company will now bo Universal Trading Co. paid only lo Albert & McCuffery Rupert Table Supply Co. Lid.JAM KS IlllKADKN. JABOUR BROS., LTD. Phones 211 and 212 Phone 376 ALUKHT & MeCAI'i'Kliy, Ltd. Prince Hujiert, H .0, April j, Phone 645 Corner Third and Seven" m tf. 101 , LJ HI"