WHEN YOU WANT A t 5 Wl THE NEW TAXI i 99 main KOHAMA in Phone a nurry CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HOME DAKF.RY ALL. NEW CARS Phone 636 - - - - Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ii XIII ' PltlNUi; IU PKUT, II. U. MuMiAV, JU V U, 1022. tstsrssf t CirtulslMM 1004 Itrtst tslss Ml. PIUCK rTVK PKNTS WiWlJtfi dERWELL SPEAK NCOURAGINGLY 0 A I Ml 1M DITMXTlMf1 10 llEI I AT DATU CVTTMA Aim MA AC DIlTHO P..n lo Minhter of Agriculture a Engines and Cars await Grain ush Prince Will Says Rupert On Both Rivers at Get Fair Deal in Future III till aVIT'lgl' l 100 Miikrir- lll'l UII .ll. per Itfl.l1 III ..4 tit Ma2ggg' "II Vf eetn (hill llirrr miisl hate been .onie great nii-tkn ...M.i ami lielween NO ami 00 k .. . nut ruli,ill huh ii rrpanl U Ihe nrglert of the Prince IIiimtI terminal." derlareil . I In Via-, -.illlloii ft-hing il Hii- ill t in I w.i- heller iM-i Inn. V. IL .Motherwell, minister of agririiltnre of the federal K I'llll lllil Mul all) dm? o I.ir lln- --,!-.hi Mp mi ii Minuet in an aililrc ut Ihe liincheoii in the SL llegii Cafe .Sat-ir)ii. ',. - ha lii'i'ii recorded hi u few I. - .nut .ippt'.ir.m - tn omler the auMret of Ihe Board of Trade, C II. Orme ' i mlf-r n( Ihr eMon are vrr gixi. ire-nliiig. Mr. Mollienell Miiil he nuiei led the old board of fi kre ratrb on the Skeena I- mm h mire. I I ilj. ml being friendly to Ihe ll.T.I'.. bill it would be n Miurre of grali-i ..thing iu iniM h U-ooger. The pink mi id. ,, H .it nut that llie new Ixi.inl with a new rhuirnian would have an -inuig Arid mi Hiii were ''might al I In- week nut l.i vi -ingle to Ihe interest of Ihe road only. Thai nuut be (heir in.. fum it t rtiliM ... i.li.y ml a fair ileal wan all tli i llif raWM-fi-. bad (iili' of I'rtiwe ll(iMrt wanled, MR. MOTHERWELL BIG ORE FIND iiudniahl ins Hut it- f.'ll ni ivIh.K l .nrt Mi . Miitli.'i-w. H iiakl he wan at. , i In i it. .fipil iir. at ample riu for i i 1 1 t ImimI -larle.l i VISITS TERRACE Mrt in 'In I'arifir wliaril BIG MISSOURI .. I ..ii lb Owe, lim I i.aiiailn llir railway a tli ' l.i-l i un-riy ul tin untry ml it wax I d Ine0) only few Leave Thl Morning on Ford tin ku (rnim-lir duty In dr. High Orad Arjntlte Struck al nil., Mil tin kiiyfi ar Speeder; U Entertained Locally lii ila farilitii- and make U Bear Rlvtr Proparly, Near ' ' .i ahaui Mm.'I ay. Stewart. .. IM-Blnni". I - HMilf ft it Hii' niiniatrr had txeiij . i tin !' in I'l.i.ni.TMti V. N. Motherwell. b., V'LaLBBlBBaBBaMiBBS IruiiiriJ U the J.re-nltHit of tlie A ulrike of dull grade ancen. tl bavt l! ki in lor rlly iih'i- Satur luard of Trade, II. OrMHj, Fred lile iler.(cnlil ore, nimilar to -ffWBaaBiaBWlBBBBBBBBBB i ui. M.i'.. i . aiieii n to niaie , .rrmirr. itrnf. left lbi afternoon ai l .' :ii wan unex- lt i.emlh i far Tesyrare in a Fotel railway V . .m ..f Ho reimiremeiit of the ,Medly made on the nurrare al . .-I lit mill .' i-ar ana wW bae lister ( look ily. Tliis be dhl elearly and ,he lll MIouri mine. Hlewarl. (In- aMie Mill IU iey. He weleotneil Mr.'la.l week A II. TrilM nf .er lh ftelsj there ami meet In-j-f 111. II I 1111 tl.I'M' amity mi llw Irani wfeeM il mm JolherwWl a lb firl niliiif ler'Kerore. wlm. with shook-fate, has Lliie iwel iioverniiu'iil to imi bonded lln orwuerly arrived lbregb bMsiaht It ia an hImI war H'i ItW river eer . Uie.eity, White there waa not fi,,,, Hirwart last- iMlLpil hi' MucQ-isiariaiiUure. h- tlev lotuirdi-' waf irtSitt,. '. ll'iISmuxJi. i On ralurtay after llir luHrbeoti W 000 RS MrMlhrel went te w lb le tii inily ll wa the rotmly town ,n who have ern Ihe new oje ' f a huite astrieiHtural eoiitry. eilllioUlr II and j srpshsrk aal vbifyariL liif - tol . v . . mm '.mni"i ' are very over ."ii Terraee eal be would show believe that a strike worth while) HALIBUT JULY;: Snlnrrhi rfiiin Mr. he imni-ler the irreal field there U--ti made. for arllvity. He had already i I'ro-i.erlina and develoiuiieHt aal Mr. MuitiiTli. mi-MiHtawwH. i aw n aueHLHHi ol llii unilller work hi Ihe His Miurl larteol Mt Mi- r.uiMiiiiii-Iiimn i lie need nf the rity and din. fortnight aao. To reeevl nii.i iggir mirRiify at Willi 4a frit-nil- n tin- lam. ' '"1 bill he rued to do with the wiwk it wn necesianr cnan TeUIUd 195,000 Lb. il im Uk- prri.ii ..( Mr. ami Mr -am. lo drain a small lake and a dilrh . I. Var.-. al 4ilcli Mm Railway Situation wa UeiHg rut through the ur- 'mo U hallliul Vawrv'a brnthrr, Mr ltill"ii- "l ii. i. In ii'tcartl to Ihe railway nMua-II faee rork to get to II. iSloirtly ill h mli LrliaUH Aiiynv kai al" a unal. SuiuU Slutk ianl the Mr. creel aHer trrnehliia ntarled.the ulrike fi ill.' t-.'l fiiMitlil if Mi.- .ail all inl'il .'Uiin h ami i"i'leiii ..r annual defiritii whi of rieh ore wa made and it up llii...iah ttn. t it,.. MM.iiiiiiK il.. i. a ii.ii. .lining en moderation. A new wan followed for 300 feel and iiioiilh "I Juiy n.iii' Miinii'ti'i ami ariaifininl- ! .uhtay liuard wa beiiik formeal erorut 1 1 feel in tme plaee. i..iind. i jr -alia-'allrnd t. Tkr iltiim iailjr ml they wuiitil aireriate the Some very rich samples have i ' rm tilt- um f nli. iiM'tl I'lili'iiaini'il l' M lai t that Hi" li T.P. neetbin bad been taken off h and Mr. Trite nlilmn on ihr bank ami Mr- Murk at tlu n li.iui' iu lie be-1 l ail" of any oil the eull bad noiiie of lhee wilh him last data ln taviirajilf ..iirw rrtptriUoBj I pon DMnamtatU scale fer Ike . unemployment situation last Winter, and st the liiieul. I'ri nee lttiiHrt wa IH0 uulil. Preliminary aay have I of Uu- ha mirkttwird meTtmtnt ef Wtitera Canada's 1122 . same time accomplish some nseful purpose. The mien iM'.ir the Orient than any been made and the ore will un 'I I knii'lM irsln crop htr beta made by tka Caoadita Management conceived the idea ef putting Into the J-"1 1 liter 'il and had one of the dergo further examination. II NitlonU lUUwiyt. Hnndxedi ef flaat leceraeUrts maximum ef efficiency all ef the bad-order equipment ;: MAKE CHANGE and tens ef thatandi ef frtlfht cars have beea I en western lints, mil staffs ef men were set i inert h id ui Ai Ihe world. If is of huh value but definite : ai.-Mi t uii- t Um- pat tkronch the Railway's sheps at Winnlpef and to work In the two grt shops and yards, and all. .iven h.tlf rhanre to inereae figure have I tot yet been se ' a lullifa. made fit and ready for the creatett traction effort I Ing locomotives and freight cars headed U for he Iratrie he wa natlfied Ho cured. ioimw iiii4. IN HOLIDAY ef the year and ef many yetrs. j treatment. into The ltu Missouri, located lefieil would lie turned i on This mobilisation ef has equipment been In I The locomotives ready to move tti crop have I'.nl .'i.lHlu (.ofjaitla at pretrets since the betlnnlac ef the year, with the aa average length ef $ feet. Some conception I rufit. Trade wa uliiflmn front Carade Greek, a tributary uf Jitdanna. M.MM result thst Canadian NstlonU KaUwsys are now ef the enormous power represented In these Iron he Mlautii- l Ihe Paeifie. tard the Salmon Hiver, I IH mile .' ami fl . t'laUrr. Action to b Takan With a Vlw lo fitly prepared, wiltlnc, id evea eater to get steeds msy be gleaned from the statement ef fact iii- Utere w-u hiiMN thrmiuli from Slrwart and about six te the business of aaulutf grain. If alt the engines that assuming them to be equal to the Mikado, nil-, tiiid Premier. It I at ITS'' .; mile from Use of VanriHiver 7.SMM.OO0 Ihe imii Ramadylno Prnt Condition ready for serrice were placed end te end. they capable ef drawing 4,$W tons; the hauling cspactty ' ..uml, ai HKf and would stretch out for a distance ef more than tea ef these locomotives would be 12i.520.JJJ bushels boobeN ol urain and thin year il one of Ihe older propertle. In " I MliajMH tlll ft4 lakmii m' miles; while If all the cars prepared since the first ef wheat if alt the engines were hauling capacity a sperleil Ibat SS.Hm.or the Stewart di-lriel ami was lo LiM-al mfr-lianl art ef the yesr for the movement of grain were placed trains at the same time. In ether words, the biisliela would that Ofj cated by (he l.imleborx brothers. bo way. tiiHi wrth a iir I" tiaiiiK end te end, they would stretch out approximately motive power prepared by the Canadian National t inn. IM.INMi ihiiiimU at rlwiiBr iiMttw In Ik kly hair 150 miles. for moving the crop, is equsl to the task of taullng that amsiunl la-I year 3.Juti.niHl II wa originally bondeil by Urn : Viltan- i'. 1 1.mom ilMilHlay. It la .llgartMl ilial ii The hiitory ef the preparation starts with the about one third ef the total crop of Alberta, Saskatchewan buobelr. went to Ihe Orient. PrUieit MarKeiuie & Ma mi inlerel but U ill- ami ii..M', t in itftiliuii vrr -imifil Mukiiiv Im desire ea the part ef the Management to ease the and Manitoba at once. 1'irjtert I i'i:ii- ueaier Ilia Oiteul ilbiwed to ilrop. More recently that Vaneouter and all grain il hat again been attraeliux al. tfer 'Imm. it iiuumI Im' u-i!,I' II IMMI y..ll.. at tfl' l M-urt llir iiM-ilii ! an "iil' i bied lhi wviy h.tvui' to iis leuliuu. I ll-li ril I'mimI. H.0IMI ial over tire government line, it til- Allln Ki-lirriir at Ui ihiuhi-iI by Hit Miiiui "- . ml raulHiunly. iii a auoe. buei that the bulner SUNK lea-omible SALMON TNIMrwl tuakuia llir i'Imhv l' i Minneapolis Man Here to i'-.--liki', roiinervatie iianuer 'Mould come thin way 7,000 lbl Hu ll uin.UIil MarrliaHU i of In.oiio ixMinil-. ul tfr wilh no method auutekilifct ex llrieny. ai4 Mr. Stork, what fruit rnlilfH III rdlit"! aiMt Oo Down With Oaaboat Emproaa I'luilulioii or pronsoliou, hut or-l.'ukniK I- uiMi-iii. .3,0110 hiiikI. nrtt Develop a Summer Resort wan wanted here wan a train iHiiliul Im iiiaiki-li il until ! no osiporluiiity that will at Ketchikan BnU Im ; FUlti iy. 7.04MI M f il-!' elevator, eoal bunkers and a- lay. V't t ltfi-- an1 a iiako tho deairaUe as ft i.t ij, bt (,, M. iu. (iroHrty .einbly wharf. The raoii for it--. in (nun thai ulti riiiii t at Rainbow Lake Mile 21 ii'Mirt or a lunuuei-cial .iupoi I be ifl-vators ami t?ie bunker v Kirit:illK.X. July 31. The fU1i.iMi fruit wwilil aitMnil. Tbt in.ii. Kii'ld will be pruMiied ami aasboat Fenfire collided with i I I noil iiiHiml ami waSiaiBSawaBSHiSBBisaSBWss alreidv made elear. In regard to jiml urn alnrt of llM ran, winar iiiHrued a raintNy a miorl 'he Vega off Angle Point near I ' 0110 uiniiulii. tin iiirrt'lianta aiifwr rnrraiMn4i IIve)oHii'i(l ul II iinliuw l.akr A ,ille. 21 iilili i-nnt of I'rim-e uoeii Ihe ilevelooiuent warrant. lh aeiiibly ilock. there were. Hold Uland and sank iu forty y -lnn. l.unudiull l.n. Ul ii ..i u i ,.,ii, id I,... I, iil.ti.uL. m.i. I,i II... Hull. ,r 30 tu 10 aw iiiiH I'outiliUotle lo ii-..- -,', fathoms of water. Willi her went iiiijwrt, lor mil door iHirta of all kind, Nuw tluil tnilMr i HiM't It MiuuaitMi-. owner of a huge Iruil of land there. inimtMliistely. HH'ludiiiic stoir. lia-eball. teunU, Prinoe llupert and if there wa a cargo of 7.000 salmon bound wharf llie.e mills would hii nil a . - - . .M i Miiiilril nut thai ii""' ' (hue anew r i uk li"' ('K'Uo u frequently usked t 1'emtnm wlm Uri.iuM', is-ieket. He., and a bast U to Ihe floating cannery here, lh i"ki m lirnii i v I our Iu takf r?ry wiW lime vitttd Hi' alle on fiehiug lru, a lo (he urMin behind fur airpiansM and hiim ilum lutubwr by tin route. Miu would crew of two were rescued. il. ul the rt)iiiita wliiiti hue been under vu)fur a devobiii tonnage for the aier. mean "f iiniirux as ini.iiseineut Mr. Puller will remain at I'rlnoo haul marine, provide employ, BACK INTERIOR FROM rar IMtKl. f lliiHrt ami In the ieiuily for lion I flirt with Satan's daughter. I for lluui-a ml of people alV CANDIDATE Mr. Iliilb-i' urnxed in Prime IUipvrt Halnnlay front MiHoeai' aeveral mouth, bill Mr. lorbe nen Miss Chief. FIRST ohi, Ui plan uIkIiiioii of lh boat Und. along the sake, into bt e fir Ihe railway. - i.vf iin m wranw.ww" will return to Mmiii'alKilii u naiwll Dry Dock Using 1d Mania lunnn a! Llhapal FROM INTERIOR FOR aUlliilivr sspiii .i. eiiuiiiierlim iluta. ami mateflii' There ulo the drydock miIhIimhuii. di- Iha Ituperl lilin l auiung Min- was for tin- f1"1 whi -h bo NOTICE urey Candidal . i.. .. ...li .....I l,...,l for aUertiitist. The government bud tdiip and it POPULARITY CONTEST WnliHI of lalier lailim " H,u- raii"ii mm rum iih'ii. eaiue, ba- lieen nliliiiue.l. 'this mul 0Yrul of "lioin liae wus niilv uiitural that llioso ships perl) into mail trur'i furuie, ulrwuly re. will im luile the takinit of a laro An examination for Linen, 'MA. ... A doek at their own plint July at. Ilun hwlllkT red lauda In the valley, sbliUld till- jiial rrlui II'mI frollt Mi., lii-rlnulf All.'il. nf Hum other iHitWoveuieiil- Induatrlal Oovolopment number of pieturea of the valley ilierx were shlpa that ovruted ed Sealers will be held by luku la tliii firmt I'Mllilnlut'" OOIII started IW v.eek. ami iU environs. to tin Forest Hraii' h al Ocean then wvnt uiul ill Hit ami ' -ii tu 4'.nmbriMik north . . "iiiimnied by, Industrial ilei luiMiieivi of the IM li' nj ni tu-i'tiiiii mWil vk-itli tli iiwt- inutMl 4 aa&aaaila III lillll'll Hie iiilfrioi-luilullui'ltV Tor tin'l'lllUt.Kulr Wtiller Mr. Ituller T Kui he i ( MniiiuaMolio. v alley la also iiu liuteii in Ilia plan, EXCHANGE, overhaul.Vfvtarkt for the Thoe winter ships nd should to and FalU at at I'riine V .' in. on Ituperl August at 7,tl iiieluding UIouiiimI Of water -eteral IT". !"'' u hum he ha- in Hi" SterlliiH, CI'1' a.m. mi Auuusl It and 1?. 1 J"!!" Tu)lur, tli I.ll- Sim lia Ikmiii iiwnloatiHl ly 111 real to furiii-li ''leclrk litfliu u.ake tlinr hedtuartee-a bore and inn. a hee a-i'"iii'"'l ju..' I ihi.hI Klato,-. '.'H. For further particulars apply irHUilal.'. Aalln. ulu of DurtM IjiU. verhaul her. This should be Mr. Mulitvn l 'P- . ili l..t.mi iil ""I luhei tia- uiul iowvr wln-ueter iMIuUfcl. i -tale, i II..11,1 Koswr, sMmi.', Forest Hranrli, Third " "lll tu IV.ult I heir home poll and the employ. ltl wrk iu aU!1 Mi Uul- tiacU liie been laktju to wui Prlnee H.il. in Avenue. Hupert. cay- jii.ijiii rticwgiiliii Hint ,Ti gal oo. with aiaaiir.H.aUli' i... I...I A.ltilMrl i.eiiitl...... In limes of speeU Ihr IWMHsr live here, lloth the drydock ' ii - hit fixing tii iuijilt' ,i'uik' U litti'Jr Ilia li I" ,.i ler'iu-'il litis uuriiia i uti-i.1' -il'l nit rt II', H l'i 'J' ' ! 'i M i-ai. ful' '.i l'-t !. tf.-r iCulllillU J mi putfe 51 , al. lil-. t