ober 31, 1932 va DALE NEWS 3 | = “ ia : !: ye . e : . & 1 Retail sphien di current here at pre- ASS] fie ds riggs nae “=~ | sent are as follows: Taxi 35—Ernie “arge t!, Moose Hallowe’en dance tonight.: Marr’s Messenger Service. Phone| Vegetables Novelties. Admission 25c. 290. tf | Potatoes, 13 to 15 4b6. ................ $ 2b! , wehbe day Open Grate Miss Chrissie McLeod, who ha — | | SBOK, $1.50 tO oeccccccscecsnesnsonne 198 FOR SALE BOARD AND ROOM been visiting with friends in Van Hyde Transier-4Ail coais are in| Brick-lined Heaters from $14.50.| Vegetable Marrow, Ib. oo... 05 : nie Heaters couver and elsewhere in the south,/ ary shed. See adv. forprices. $1.00 | Exeeptionally good value. Gordon's | Beets, bunch E esse ee 05 | FOR SALE—Mink, Quebec. Labra- | ROOM and board in private fam- aes returned to the city on the Car-,per ton lower than any other com-|Hardware, McBride St. Phone 311.| Parsley, bunch J uu. 07| dor, young or adult: $20 per pair. | | ily. Phone Green 938. 156 of the fire. Don’t Gena last evening pany in town tt | tf} Pumpkins, Ib. ... 05| F, Hoppe, Lochdale, B.C. tf. | ——— ‘ou bought some - - /Turnips, 8 Ibs. So ae I ee them at Kaien The fire department had a eal! A tention, Oddfellows and Rebe-}| J. T. Harvey recurned to the city! Garrots, 8 lbs. oe es DANCING nov at 10 o'clock last kahs! Odafellows please be at meei-j}on Saturday .evening’s train from|Green Peppers, lb. Ries FOR RENT nay ce. hae spicsh a chimney { ’ h ing tomorrow night (Tuesday) at-8ja brief trip to Smithers on legal} qyity LAP DANCING taught by Miss El- X nich a chimney fire at the hoi ein Medea cet A 3 Peete he fenye esa Ib. - 05) -—_____-—________-. ---— - —-~- eanor Tite. Phone 20. ti | adies of George Andersor 436 Kiehth |" yekahs at 9 p.m. Good} ousiness | Sweet Potatoes, 3 Ibs. 25;fQOR RENT—Modern fiat, Rang 4 « t ow time assured disidecce : 1 er 7% aaeeinmetamaenal West. No damage was dont ware Field Tomatoes, |b. 5c. to sac” Block. Ap 1 Max Heilbroner. :’¢? q STD . Cloth Dryers, ideal vi om _A meeting of "the cata Scheid ee a 10| —— mee CHIROPRACTIC ner ais Gom-” -w..A. Ory of Vanes der |purie Sven, Incans appeate [sateen ell yenrany Out lager meee pe”. ay| heme, two ured modern | $1.25 the city at ihe week-enc in the’ tty police court wheats a en P \Green Onions, °3bunches ........ 10 = ee a ee xed Coal Hod and course of .a trip north un officia' | sharoes of d dineaniie pron eae Y: Hubbard Squash, Ib. . O8)PoOR RENT- 4-room houeke close in,| free Year Graduate Chiropractic : ; , arges oi runkenness anc | ! duties and sailed last evening or | each remanded until: tomorrow Celéry, head lafge --- 5] “phone Green 402 of call 329 Fitth Modern Ray Treatments Given $1.00 the Cardena for Anyox and St Paar : ah aa Golden Bantam Corn, doz, ...... 40] Aye. West. tf Ae Crock art, whence he is expected | C. L, Barker, assistant resident DON’ T GAMBLE | Garlic, imported; per Ib. «......... 40 apie : : Phone for Appointment hi ; : . /T q . ont vi Ge and 75¢ turn Ff. ere southbound tomorro\ nanager of the Pacific’ Mills, came | WITH THAT COUGH [Sows Cabbage. each, 12 to... +8 vas ha eevee "ow renal | Green 241 and 549 Cast Tron’Fry Pans ¥". Oswald made an inspection. o/ | north on the present: voyage of the | With Buckley’s Mixture jeateage, local, green eel oe Brrnii ;| Open Evenings 6 Exchange Bik. we. 1 She the Prince Rvuvert ¢ Hospi. |Cardena to Bella Bella after a trip You Take No Chances | Outdoor Cucumbers, each OT etrymont gf : ioe are ) a ‘1 on ; | nob b F \to Vancoudver. From Bella Bella | Tested and proved in 70 | Head Letiuce, head, 8¢ to 10 | MODERN House Trsnalindali 4 Poapemne Saturday ihe proceeded Ocean Falls by Woodsmen | ee out of eyery 100 homes in Canada. Even the first sip will tell you that here is the remedy you have been look. ing for all your life for coughs and colds. Egg Plant, lb. \ Spinach, PIANO TUNING ’ 49° available for rent November Ist lb. : 10 | —Official Administre tor. tf Flour PIANOS Tuned $3. 00. Walker’s Mu- close in,; | good buy, 6-lI : } ‘ . i ro Be si , 2 hs 7 ; , nar | The County Court case of Joho For Quick Relief demand Plour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.55 | a pares House, ¢ Store tf see tae ativing “Build B. C. Payrolis” |Dool vs. J.B. Agar fiom. Terrace Pastry Flour,10 Ibs. ..... .45 to .60| With furnace, brealtfast nook and) I - eer iieet vs we rane lin which the plaintiff was suing | UCKL Aust. Pastry flour, 10 Ibs. .......... 40 | fixtures. Rent reasonable. Phone! ‘ ae iges. Very special eh 5 \defendant for $206, has been set MIXTURE Eggs } iAP ta ai DAIRIES 95¢ Good oe ~ |tled out of court, J. T. Harvey was} ! 2 Fe Acts lhe « lash & Alberta Seconds, *doz. 20 | ! Bucking Saw yunsel for plaintiff and W. O. Fui- eee 3.C. Fresh’ Extras, doz. . 45 | FOUND All Oo 5-foot. 54-foot, 6-foot Milk |Dycirte jton for defendant "| B.C. Fresh First, doz. 37 7| % cea 7.00; $8.00; $9.00 i Pee lt | ° Local, new laid, doz. oe scene ~ eR a Buck Saw We Is )) Bringing nort! fair-sized list a : c e Butter | FOUND— ‘Ladies’ Kid Glove, 7th Milk ream a en en OF Goes i \sver/ || of passengers, Union steamer Car- ie Fancy cartoned, Ie ..........-:.:--» 34! Street near Post ‘Office.’ Daily | ’ ee ' a Li K dena, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived] ea, the gast - No. 1 Cveamery, 3 lbs. 2) : SHIPMENTS a | n port at 5:40 last evening fror Last— i $9.45 Further eee ne at ee om! Moriday, Wednesday and Yriday Honey ae evene vom “~~ | Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Products ae le 0/2 ee he south ai alled at 8 p.in. for | *e:30 alm Extracted Honey, per jar 20c to .30| HAIRDRESSER | ra ene TGa-tx | _iabx Adam ®.'tadqtdenicn, cies aghonee ane al secemn eae ™ |eom> Honey 25, BSE VALENTIN DAIRY Ms | hes 2.40 a oe wee 1.@ points whence she ¥ eturn her ahs 1 ; oom m Batterie very fine letter commending | tome morni Tuesday. “Thursday and Satur- Chane . | HURRY—100 Permanent Waves at | Phone 657 rs; es ivit British Cx | day 8 p.m,| Ontario solids, new Ib. an MOT: $3 50 Neison’s B r yP ‘ tf) 2 for 25¢ i na | Se <5 ' uP ; ‘or Vancouver— {Ontario iature, Ib. 30 | 99-00! Nelson's Seawy REE. cake ab aaa , Cana-| ruyesd Stilton, Ib. 35 ‘For FRESH LOCAL MILK ay day | Stilton f Cid ! Canad { nywher¢ else lian De ce I ; lens uesday 12:30 Pim | SUERON DL one ceencnennneneeentnranennnene y or Oh © Sh, i teal call Ahenbe decay | coursday 9 p.m | Edam, Ib. 2 asledesthiy 4 g u way A wt B. ( nd add If nie? 7 re Friday 11 p.m | Roquefort, 1b. ; ; a TRANSFERS | Phone Red 608 or 953 i 50 were'“Or th " : ‘4{ October 3, 12 and 24 {Gorgonzéla, Ib. So alles = perenne potter &9 ()f) tai , re shal Sys lags * es, There W 1~SURO | ie Vacant pt cena Cameron’s Transfer— Cordwood, | DOMINION DAIRY a Ailk no one | cro j ! was | at. Sirew nac , Kindling, | ‘ t Runnin Ball would need urging to gered: furnished by i mber I tha Sunday p.m White, 100 Ibs. 5.60 Soe aeeiiie ee eee | ee ene oy ares Roller Skates at ize home industry League and _ refreshment were | precuenday 9: 30 Ban. Tempe, 100 Ws. = _ $2.75 “Tt goes further, too.” she! brought by) 1e ladies vemey 9 pan. Lard > Knives say ta ae ober 8, 20 and 29 a.M.|Pure, Ib. 15¢ to’ 17\| WHY LOOK AT SHABBY & AU : 1ONEER L5e to 75e¢ . - A. Scott of Premier, atter having] p ne and Anyox~ White Figs, Ib. ........ 1249 | DIRTY WALLS? P if M lk pent the past few weeks in V an-| ee 7 p.m | Prunes, 30-40; Ib. 14|] We paperhang a room for List your goods with us—Prines 2nd Value Shon aciric I Anuver. = passenger aboard. the at geste 3 P.m.| Prunes, 40-50, 1b i «=. 10 |} $5.00 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 Rupert's leading Auctioneer. , , “100% B.C. Owned and Controlled” | Gardena last evening aaa] rom Stewart and Anyox— Prunes, 60-70, 3 lbs 25 and up. Call, Red 802 HARDWARE PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD eth Mr Boot was the ‘ahiverati Geeta 11:30 a.m | Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. ral J. P. MOLLER G. M. HUNT rybody Does mn 5 : ! tly |p oe 2 Pe |» ; . 3rd Ave Phone Red 637 ' : - ‘ p ‘ from | er Naas River and Port Simpson— | a * t Sunday 7 pm ahhh 2. : oe anedh : a oan vieaenid Shatin 1s live *| rom Naas River and Port Simpson, Raw at i - ween e a _— uveS.! Tuesday 11°30 am | iver Oi PRINTING A ° 9 * ; |For Alaska— 14,000 Units Vitamin A OFFICE SUPPLIES king — Cratt Wrappi — No Sleep, No Rest, | Ocfober’8, 20 and 29 a.m. | 7,000 Units Vitamin D “as oad ae oa Li —" ail ental . ‘ ; 1 ) and General Fu | al ECnZie $ unl ure Stomach Gas Is Cause |*om aah ia er Rose, Cowan & Latta List your goods with me Bene A. an “tin endian O¢tober 3,12 and 24 : Phone Black 623 Free Deli ‘ : ; : bn. iy Mr 1. Cloud say For years I| p.m ne Blac 23 Fr elivery | Phone 234 bo f had a bad stomach and gas. Was ———__—__—_— - — | |! pn ae LL _ | GEO, J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 bh Blankets—Revular 90¢ nervous and could not sleep. Adiler- | ae : Blanket Regular 9X bbe ika rid me of all s me h trouble} For quick returns Try a Want; f ce, each Ra now Tuisep fine” Orme’n, LAd, | abvertionmant ERAS Guaranteed pure 6Oe eS SSE per pound NOTICE T till | > ip 4 NOTICE TO PAINTERS I sa for $1.00 s JONES Porms—Kapok filling, all sizes @ 5g | Announcements |, sete Tencers marked “Paint” to $1.30:-Sal Price, any slzé pews be received by the Secretary | Sena “ fy is 7 enn | "Jup to Noon of Friday, November'| re! up Tro ~ i ! we'en Dance. Oct. 31.] 4; for Kalsomining. and Painting | ami eat Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Beds, Springs and Norway Bazaar, Novembe the Hospital. All information at tatiresses . e for the hom maciy eed: ee iSecretary’s office 959? . ao eee or eeek ainlis 4, Oddl A ri | ' . Give the Old Folks the best possible i d Avent ’ Phone (iv } ‘© M k Christmas present by going to see them marae: cance aR EE EEE { Nov be 9 ar et this year. Enjoy the thrill of doing your —_ Oddfello ial RONCH iTiS i ; ; k b Christmas shopping in London, Glasgow a 'Round Steak, 2 lbs ; ie Ae i fade lla is ladies sub she theeasade ‘. of ws Se 50e¢ or Paris. Low ocean rates still in foree. : 1 ae SOX1 mpress. Arena, we chest thoroughly with— oe oe a is \ day. Nov. 9 Bagshaw vs. Gurvich ‘ cK KS | Sirloin“Steak, 2 los 50c Ocean Rates One Way Return D 4 ibs.Onion Cabin from $104. $192. i ] mbe1 Aq- Touris om 89 157. Back Northern B. C. Payrolls pngles' Dance, November 11, Ad Vit one. lport'teak, 2 eOe Fess fom y en 0 Ladies 25c toe) >» mn ; ee LL itor. darn eZ 4 tbs.sMcIntosh, Apples Nearly a century of sea-experience is back Keep the Home Boys Working—Iinsist on November 18 Bulkley Valley Coal }-"°<°"" ’ those who wish to economize try a portion of Bulkley Valley slack with your furnace coal PNR IRIAN SEROTONIN Novem- Novem Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 24 | Prince Rupert AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Tota! capacity 20,000 tons he Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled eet ee ieee oh cet gemstone tiatieet ‘ sdablenis Lad nahh DOSE OMe heel WAAR AS Sridhar a ’ | Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs 50¢ of the famous Cunard-Anchor-Donaldson -_—- 3 tbs. McIntosh Apples service, accommodation and comfort. : Loin Lamb Chops 2 Ibs 50¢ Weekly sailings throughout the Fall © ° 3 lbs Lip | Dail S eC S oa a ; wh . 20 LAST SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL : nh a iov Plymouth or | Ually Opechays |. e ters AS AURANIS Bheeeeth Beers degen ; - ; , 5 3 Nov. 26 TO gow, Belfast, Live Shoulder Lamb, 5 Ibs 75¢ Ney 5 At SONIA Piymouth, ilavié, Loction i This is the time lay in y 5 Ibs: Turnips t ae nian " \Lee of Pork | FIRST SAILINGS FROM HALIFAX } , 4 ibs 60c Se 3 seen A eens Havre, penaee . xc. 10 LETITIA B fast, Liverpool, Glasgow 2@ > > | Veal Steak, 2 Ibs Book vhrough your #*From Saint John on Dec, 9 Remo Potatoes $1. 35 Cc Aaciati Anan anna’ A-1, per’ sk 1 tin Peas can serve you better, py | | Stewing' Veal, 4 Ibs 50 or CUNARD LINE, § Onions ‘ ‘ + Carrote c 622 Hastings Street per sk. $2. 75 2 Ibs. Onions ace Carrots Weat, ceemaun tat) 8 ib thas it? |) Lamb Stew, 4 lbs 50¢ ibaeniantils —_ S. 22 c ™”, | | ZSC {| tin Peas | ANCHOR-DONALDSON for {Loin Pork Chops, 2 lbs 50¢ 6c Cabbage 25¢ 2 Ibs. McIntosh Apples : 2 aes & ani 10° Ibs | : ee 100-Ib. $2 95 957 — Phone — 957 ‘3 | erate rn CANADIAN PACIFIC 1 Fresh Cauliflower 20 To Vancouver PRINCESS NORAH--Oct. 12.24. Nov. 2. good heads Cc ramos To Vancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m, via Ocean fa? Falls and Way Ports. | paetace—aupd heads 20C | | To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway PRINCESS NORAH-- 4 for Oct. 8, 20, 29 For Information call or write— y : ’ ’ . |] orn on the Cob 25¢ | Met Lady fleauty Shegee W. L. COATES, General Agent . Prince Rupert, Bc. | , s a ial price i ! - per doz =) | Is offering a special p n | ———— —- | (Last of Season) | PERMANENT WAVES ; OORT A OE EET A TT AL UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED $4.00 and $5.00 Steamers leave Prinve Rupert for Vancouver: | pent . T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. | Eco Se Why not look your best? Via» Waypoints, } arriving Vancouver, Thursday a.m. MQM = We are giving free advice on T.S.S. EE ee a ae aan | 18 — Phones — 360 feminine hygiene. Call for Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas es your booklet. River points, Sunday, 8 p.m. ; Further information regarding all satlings and ‘tickets at — | $17 and $19 Third Avenue Phone — 655 VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue. Phone 568, ' een Redon dobens — <5 mee ne me eee tee vo Mn — ee ee per. a oe as