Janunrr 87. 102? ,jay THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRFJJ CATARRH BLADDER of lh Local and Personal Ask Yourself! bsWYtTCTjW Q2M9sl lAWmAI ih.'i mi sh Lxsr ntmi Ur For u Tui I, idioni! C7, If JttMitnfrfmnlrfttM George Leek, Auctioneer, If Wliui iiiii"t'noii wi" u,y l'Uc make on tlic receiver? Will fl LATE EDWARD PARSONS 1). C. Undertakers. Phone 41. If , trulili- or otherwise V.tur friend, may overlookbTd n "ur selection iif HliiliuiM-ry, ImjI remember lliut others WAS BURIED TODAY Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 648. iuiir no uh iiiU'-li by the stiilhmcry us by the liiiiKuage Funeral from B. 0. Undertakirs Huyncrs, Undertakers, l'liunc ne. H l'i .!. 11,1 fitly the bust, ' to Falrvlcw Cemetery, Rev. 351. If Canon Q. A. Rlx Officiating. Cut J'lowers, Uulli. City Mar y r.aj-iy ii' lM'k "II assortment llmi will appeal In Hie most ket. If - ( ,r "I"1 '' lri ull Milliin llii- reach at all. Tin' rum-enl or Ihe laic Kdwurd fiadli for Victory Uonds. Tln. Parson. wlii iih-i wlili a Iniirie McClyiimnl. If 50c to $3.50 box dcaih hi Porclnv Nhmil tnl Saturday , per n. Im-M this uflrriiMou nt lliihki-llnitl 'I'uuifc-lil. tUliiiiition ;'.:iO fn.ni In- . ft, lmierlakcrs' Hall at 7. 'Iliirc vauxen. It Wo solicit your Inspection. Parlors. Ilev. Ciiilolt A. Hit "ffirlHf IHK. There H tnrffC I. .MrOrfpof urrivi-d on In! tfiilhcrimt oT friend riH1 1 1 1 ? tin night J i-ald fimii Terrace. ili-ffii-fd who wa wTdely ktmwn -' At in ihc i-iniimunlly. IiiIitiihmiI Tliri- will no parade of llir hi I airvlcw Cemetery, imd lluyV Naat AfHuixh' IliU vtu- I In- pallbearers wen: Ow;n Mur-ru. inS. Kite Slum, 111 hcwliurx), Hurry liilherl, William Mclod, Wi' ilu -xitprlk slide rciiairiiig iiml William Sim. while ymi Watt III McArthur'v v 1 SSKfM I Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada jj 1 I' ln al I rilniln were received Sliue Slur. 23, iii mi Mrs. Sims, Mrs. Markih ONTREAL CANADA W i"h. Mi. mid Mrs. II. I). ItobUi- U'e only handle irinie ulcer I t -'n. .1. Cody. Mr. Mcl-inMen. Mr. heef. SatiSfacllim .-li;inilieei. M and Mi. Malcolm Mr I,cod, Mr, (Kty Markel. , If RUPERT BRAND iimj Mis. I.cn Drwhursl, Mr. hih! . . . . Mrs. o. I.. Murray and Mr. andk Uhnrle l.eClej-C. (he hairdie Mi. Ii. Mi-I.co.1 mid family rer, called IiihI nlplil for the mjuIIi on the I'rlneo litiperl. Kippers and Bloaters WIRELESS REPORT tt hrp hwidqiiarlfrM fur Iaiv pern IiiioIm niaile lo ymir mciiH-tin 8 a. m. MiArllitir MIiimi Slnrn The M llt l.i. IIAItnnil -Cloudy; Vialm, Kriff for Sale at barometer SV.CiU; temperature. I'limie lllark 70(1 for free dem :f: ea smooth. -' n.m. spolw (IClraliOll 'l Hie lleeve.x lieiinni ALL RETAIL STORES r.Hiiiii-un in Milliank Sound Cleaner. lUi-ier lo ue than a o7 Tohccos IS iiortlilNiiuid. hroom. tf ' The Most Tasty Breakfast Food IF.AI TUHK I'iM.VI -Calm: ' bnroiiielcr S!.T ; lenieraturc, Ju! rrwjved lar;; hiinenl Obtainable ?7 ; a smooth. of I.erkie Shoes (lied SlilelO for v or Pipe DHiHY ISI.AXU l.itfn S. K. lMeyi' ami youtli". McArllmr rwtiKi: iiTniTBiinr :ik; sea Shoe Slow. Si Smoked Daily by III!"'III. . Noon. lloiil UVllllenx AlUlliiirv Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Ill I.I. IIAItllOlt nuti-; calm. will hold a Ytlleiiliiie Tea at Ihc barometer 2U.27: Icmein1nrc, Nnrfie."' Ilonifl on,TueMlay, I'ehru-ury PRINCE RUPERT :i7 ; sea smooth. IO:Si a. hi. l,t, rnmi 3 lo f. poke (".utiiimiui truviutt SnrC lu- . Ict. niirlhlMnind. W. iX. Sparte and Joiin HF..VD TUCK I'lHVrOi-ar; Sparkrn, of Tiwar-. reached I he ralni; liarollteler, S9.V1; temper. ell taxi litgrlit kihI re rrsi ADJOURNED COURT aisire. .17; cn im.h. 1tnJ nl he llolel I'rinee tn IHtillY ISLAM ltHn.niWr , BECAUSE OF COLD; Stocktaking Comes in 2 Months. :'U.;ii; li'iii'ralurf, J7; iea pert. , Lumber & Lath rtiiMMtt Ii. Jt. C OimiiinwJiam. of Port r.w YOiUv.jaD. ri .,Cma- I:IhsIii, and ti. CII.I.. of I'o'rt Tiai The Supreme .onrl UntH that time we will offer FULLER'S SPECIALS Tjlwanl. wpr nrriaN frvm Hi atljoiiriied the idher day Iweause Shiplap-Boards and Skwiia Ither on l;i-l nilitV a junr jrot roid feet. train. ! It was durinv the recent cold Specials in Several Lines Senal Oeamrry llnller. 40c, . . snap thai hit Xcw York. During Dimension lr.H.Uield mid i;.: l.. 45c. He al the Soiih and .MaiJ of cold weather the Supreme I lour! I rell Coffer. H III. for $1.00 Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover FntlaiMl WJiil Urive and K.inee room is always one of the coldest CHOCOLATES i.ifnm r W hist, 25c. French ioniplit nl Iho K. P. Hall at W:Cf0. sMds in Jlie city. One of the ! :itril u-'n SihIk.4, lin, 65c , kmiI lime asumj. AdmitiiHi members of the jury' complained and Mai-'ii' llakiua lwhr. S r. 50 cenlt. thai his feet were 'almost Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding j95c. -r. frozen." Judpc Foril immediately Ivory ! Amerleail I'.-'ffe. 55c Peter Judye, rTiarpet) wih uiljouriied Ihe case in hand until and Finish STATIONERY j Wi-d.iiiia 1lreakfail. 55c. ilrunkennew. neurel in Hie either the wealhei- man or thf Hosier' Synii, 25c. poller riuirl I hi hhmIs)p ami was furnaee had rclenied. "I've sIimwI SPRUCE LATH I'anfie Milk, a fw day only. reinniiiieii until lomorrow. lie is Ibis Ihin for fifteen years and These will be sold at cost to clear. M-r caM, $5.25. , out on bail. will not stand it any longer." he Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices llrfw.kfield llull-r. 45c. said. "Jurors services I'rfirn. In ltn. 3 for 50c. perform Two in I i"llh, 12'ic (Tr? Salmon, laiindian .N'a- of a noteworthy character. They PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. ORHES LIMITED licNml Hallway rleelrienl inspee- SIe.H 1'enelle. JMT till. 25c. oiiylil not to be forced to em m- !or. returned l.i! nf?!1 to Van- irer their lies comim; here l'nre Olive flil, gal.. $5.50. eotiwr nfler bavins' lnvn in Ihe Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 The P ionecr Druggists The RcxmII Store No. I. .lap Hire. 3 lbs. for 25a north on an official eiit. l'.iiiiref lUtroa, Ih. 25c. . , I'.. It. Twlinini sailed last j I'm lei ier. 5c. iiishl for Swanson Hay on Ihe Mi.s Margaret Morgan, n PKnce lluperl. From Ihe milt II. C. r reh I aK". 50c Krsidnate nurse of Hie IoojiI hos-pilaL Olllsrio CheeM-, er III. 25c I own Mr. Fabrum will tro to Uur reuulur IVu. 2 lb. for raeheil the ly Iat niplii .Men Hay returning from (here Cakes Iced Order. 95c. from Surf Intel aci-oiiipuiiyinu to hi hraihiuarter.s in 'Vaneou- to her yrandmollier who has pone e ii isi t ,. Knin ftiffi, l., 55c into (lie hospital for treatment. vcr. lle jdans lo make a I rip north three nionlhs. AniHMir'ti UaH. Sfircial. 37,'c every GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Individual Mince Pies, Pumpkin Pies, Eto. Captain liroves of the Paeifie BENEFIT DANCE. Specialists In Birthday and Wedding Cakes NOTICE. StPViMlorin ami u itarlv of S. S, PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p.m. Wednesday for OUR PASTRY IS UNEXCELLED Anyone having ai'nmnlK II ImiKslioivmeii went mii Ih on Ihi Auyox. Midnight Thursday for Swanson Hay, Ocean Falls, 'Hie Women's of Auxiliary a!2ailll the ruvellers i.luh l.ld.. the Powell lliver, Vancouver, Victoria and Seallle. Prince la lluperf nit'lil "The Home of. Domestic Bread" In will kindly ireeii I hem llilllied- O. II. V. will i;he a benelil dunce Oi-ean Falls where they will as S. S. PRINCE JOHN For all points on Northern and in Ihe Hall Wednesday, jititely ! .lamec N. K tllu", lriiir Melnl.vrc on THE LACASSE BAKERY Hlipeil, II.C. sist the loading of paper and February I. ut tc.'lo p.m Southern Ouei'ii Charlotle Islands January 30, February 13 pulp on a traiis-Paejfiee freight and 27. Fur Stewart. February 2 and 1G. Ladies Phone 160 717 Third Aenu P. O. Box 413 Haled. January ia, tlS?. er. 50c, t:entleiiien l. 20 JAMSS N. KILI.AS Train Service. Adveillse In the Daily News. Passenger MONDAY, WbONESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:16 lr. and Mrs, Joseph F. Ma-miirc t. m. For SmUliiTs. Prince Ucorsre. Kdinonton and V.'bo...-tctr. (Jive the preference when you .sailed last nluhl on Hie making -direct connection for all points i Eastern D A IT Our froen herring bait is conceded by fishermen buy lo the merchant who advertise Prinr .lluperl. ..Mls Muriel Canada and t ntted Slates. A. lo be the lineal procurable at any Pacific Coast in the daily newspapers and I low en, who has been dental Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. ''ui t and It Is "i'Uhy." Price. 130 per ton. buy advertised nonn nurse in 'Jr. M;i-iiIit s offiee A Certain Man City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260 ICF ,M'1 Ma "f uu"r'nr f001 iuali(y trip is . for some lime, accompanied - to huve plunly of uur hard frozen ice. Price, lliem. She will remain in the in This Town per Lti. : ANNOUNCEMENTS south. Ouffitc ur well-eUlppcd ire can supply Asliing sear, : fluderiiieii's cludiiug. groceries and provisions Cirl Ciudes ChajilSr. I.O.O.K Mtti-celiu (ioirand lias pur-ehasci.tthe Needs Watching! u'id hai-Jwure. Annual Children' I'anry Ilress halNnval bl'k known CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Jlall, Friday, January' 27. as iolei park, on Sixth Avenue He may be your father, your NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Mast' in section 7, from the brother, or your son. Who B.C. Coast Services Ketchikan, Alaska Branch IMn'i forjiel. Ormiite Social tlrund Trunk Paeifie llailway and soever ho may be, we will and Daueu. February and. iulciid. lo slurl Kardcjis there "watch" him for a very low A biiiKlliig iiermii for K0 resi- prico this week al our watch Sailings from Prince Rupert I.O.U.i:. Midwinter Carnival, denee on Ihe properly. The sale. DENTISTRY February 3. block lias 0U fool jToutaire on See some prices in the window. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Sixlti' Avenue. ,sk for any oilier January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27. Kinglits of Columbus Annual kind of watch. """I neglect your leelli. On- ileeayed or utisaimr looth llaneo, February 2.'. CARD OF THANKS. For Vancouver, Victoria and, Seattle-January lowers your vitality. John Bulger, 7, 21; February 4, 18. I Do l tuffor Mrs. W. CiiiiiiuiiiK' delre lo tnoUirr day wiU DR. BAYNE PILES Inc.llonUf.or ltolrnd.hlrml. convey her (neere I hunks In her The Jeweller Agency for all Steamship Lines. lii( r 1 1 . Mo many friends for I heir kind ex Full Information from "ooms 4, 6, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 urileal exr. pressious of syniputhy futH'Ued in HDD I GIFTS THAT LAST; W. O. ORCHARD, Qeneral Agent ""Ice Hours: Morning, V-I2. Afleinnoiih, l:J(i-0:30; Dr. ChM' Ointment will rMIT you al one her recent beivtivemeiit. tui sSurd UiUnt bfot (no. boi ll Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnoe Rupert, B. 0. IXenluifK, 7-C itairrt, ur E-lninoii, hll it Co., IJn.ltod, 337 iluvtfiise Avenue,, lliook. lufuiita. KjuihJ Hoi trr It you luvnUoa lull rp' o4 oaclot a tiuip t rr ti. lyu. N. Y.