PAGE FOUR ,THK DAILY NEWS V.noa.ny, m, , , u,( - m v. BRINGING UP FATHER ; 5 ' By George McMan,, Ia-SIS'T i vCll HERQ5 iN the COLLf THIti I 5 MORtl OH! bO "YOU rEb-5R-HERE It) THE BEOS MflY VUKL-O have too ) ' HKE. A VAlTlN" ROOM fOU I'3 "YOU OR OCR . er.EH AUU THE. J ARE' THAN A R.FSTAUR.AMT 1. timp o y L EACKC- -X Sr X ' mmm II . . r r s r $nncc eorge TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with Privitt Batt EUROPliAN PLAN I WINNUT THOMPSON.HAN-O. Din, L (c)l a Int c rrTi SCSVIM. Inc. MOVING? frond lliliifr. An Alberla farmi i-sliippi'd DRUG TRAFFIC five ear loads of nail I in.',1)1111 I'pimsylvania.on 'Hip load. I(c TIip npiied man Daily News Classified Ads. IS DISCUSSED wild IhiiihIiI llieiu paid $7.0(1(1. If so. TIipip wax sri,n0tl mil tiT Unit for The.Safest and Best 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE, No Advertisement Taken for Lets than 60e transportation pbarpps, duty. ptr. ramwy Medicine Call Us Up Trades and Labor Council Will Vp waul a markPl al our own BOARD. WANTED BOATS AsK Amendment of Criminal diinrs. FOR HIRE JCxpcripnccd men Rive satisfaction Law In This Regard. "A tionip marked lo (Canada Ts IIOAII.ll- -Inlander, H.(f Second W.VNTFIl-- Tn make arranpe. COMINTi down Lannd, Va: in household removals. ; pood Iliinp, bill wIipii you Avenue. Phone I .'17. If - loepls with shippers of llsh of belhnnp"- I an. not n-ki,,.',,, consider thai we raise suiricienl nil kiiidsfor market al Saskatoon. for a Job, I am Orders for pen era I rarlape.' WANTS DAYLIGHT SAYING cereals for SO.iloo.niin peoplp, I lie BOATS FOR SALE .Sask. AifplJ Mid-"st a nervier nt re,f.rp,.pfforin? n work piven cnrpful nil en I inn. home m.ii-kei iies not coiinl Tor .MHiiner winter season is WIIH.V in neeil of boats, enpinps, Fish Co., Siisknloon, Sask. r(l Pbonn lll.iek A00. ..,r.H We promise. H'ciritit delivery Reduction of Civic Wages Dis uiiicli willi us. Wlial is iiiore alioiil rone and there lias been anchors, compasses, iiiapuelos, of Jill Coal orders piven to us. cussed at Length and Opposition natural that t tut I we' should wan! no allempl made ilurinp that earhurpllors. propellors, etc. WAXTKH Piano, Hpcpiid-baud, MUSIC. Is Recorded. lo Irade Willi our neiplilmrs to lime lo revive the popular old - I'linne tllapji . Ml jro to the .orlhiirn lvvrlianpe PIAXO SCIHiOl, Hip south?" sport, indoor baseball. There lMinne r.iO. If FOR SALS I.eichPllzky Melhoil, At a well attended meetinp of Was coiisiderabe talk of it last All -trail, pacific Inken cartag E nnd Hip Trades and Labor Council spriup and it looked Tor a while BOATS FOR HIRE. Vl.FASI'IlK launch "Itita" for lo bepinners.special anon In-ld last nipht steps were, taken COMOX AVENUE us if somelhinp miplil be done I.At'XCII XaibeHion!' " We sell 'sale; ;7 ft. lonp,, iiulioiioliile moilerale Termfi Limited hill lie mallPr has Iippii dnrmaul I In secure Hip rn-opernlion of VO-h.p. eiitriiie.1 Jusl ,op, oyer-lillilled; CIIAS. P. Service. Phone Itlnck 100, tf ItAI.AfiXO. Phono 93 nliipc organizations in an cITort all winter and there lias been IJ.-ee ijli'ill. Apply Itnx Hand Itlnck, corner Six HOUSE BURNED praclicully no meiiliou of it y lo iimpiiil euslnins reputations so I l)a,i..News Oue no Fullon. Plume lilnr praclico to accomplish this suc fd: While basketball has piven ils that Hip ilillicillly of "poppy pro. and cessfully. I he first board to bo i-'iiti sm i- s;..ii.i ....l- .i,,. share, pond share in Iiicls" entPrinp Canada will Iip a loo, water notici. increased and In anipiid the Spectacular Blazn Early This the oropraiu of Hip past few manuracltireil has been puh-has- r,.,. ,,iiir by -.''feet 0 in wide' mouths. I here could have also p.I by Hen Self, and is displayed Ms ,. mk nm, ,,.'' vt,cIJZW criminal laws for Started from , Jo so as providp Morning Metrocele Hall llip been room for Hie other panic in ll.c windows of-lhe Prince ltu A , Slier-rlan. ' Sevenlli "' M. s.'I r , . r. KtVn of aliens doporlalion con- Overheated Heater nerl C tirar Stores. S r. Se r iaa h no.,n. : ni are r viclpd of romplicily in Hip lrur and it would have proved really .ll.ltM Inrair nf Oflu rr Irrt Ml intereslinp. there will also orilei'fil Iwo inlilll .iiuil audi ;iil or lain rrc k, h:h it. I'erliaps for rpnt to lodges or similar pvil, and jail senlences for those The larpe two storey dwTllinp larper modi ls nf tliis liiuiip for FOIt SALF Weber niiino'in oik lntl aftn Inio oirrta: - be .something diiinp "lie fori VM0, 1(w nra.. mm i tie org-'anizalions, not deportable. The addicl slunild housH. at 1)30 Coniox Avenue Vns iinolber winter around summer ise. with pinim stool; almosl new. iil io t-H uiirpani : 3 t4: lip repnrded as a -irk man and as romplelely deslroyed by a fire comes ln. 1lir. rapaclly "f tin i tr Plinne lied .)U5. ft I ' and in Hie niPiinlime, il would be rrrnnl i alt.Mil iMiiin a iM OFFICE SPACE noli receive medical attention. wbicli s larlPd at 7.30 Hii.s, ninrn-inp , MII flunl atxmi jr i iy well lo in mind. Outdoor GROTTO WINNERS ' waiT n III 1m illvrrtil fi rn 1 POR RENT 'ira 38 hy 2 4, healed, suitable Tor Dayliphl .sav inp was ciithnsias. anil was not oul until afler . p,Jft, unhnnici ,n.Tr m baseball players and fans should " professional for rent. lically endorsed. J o'clock. ' Tlie place .was o?ned r7T7 " o. :i:iis. tim i i man, pet a pood wilder substitute for JUNIOR BILLIARDS Kill llr.XI - I'tll e.rooni fronl ! I' aiiHh-iiHnl a nthl il. u w The proposed reduction of by Malt. Vidpck and lliprp is un Agents for their favorite iiaslinip in the in Mille: rurnilurp for sab', every.;J,7i' Vwr.iir?','"rV - 5 paid In civic employees derstood to be a small amount wnpes was LAST NIGHT'S GAME ' Norwegian American Line door game. Hi in ir iheliiile.l. nlsn si.uinir luii.h-f"""' '" l' J ' n - disptisspil at sump Icnpth. The of insurance-. II was occupied - .. . , :. ropy 01 tul iioilre ami r . Swedish American Line cliilli ' I'lifinn ifinii 1 f .111 iiiir.iianf in.hM an.Y t t. -v if Scandinavian American secretary was instructed hy 1.. H. Hamilton who was living The final -baseball panics of The (irolto junior billiard team Hull Third Avpiiup. lt. Will W IIIfHI in i; ' w - '..j LI no. - in ii.lira l.e. v j UMclbrgutir i I. Iheve himself. An overhealed Hie season mulct Hie auspices nf defeated Hie Heavers la-i uipiil by S.IWalrr lions lo llrvnlir iIjp ari'li"at"!!1""I'm. iJ; 1 t-f U ' j. .' '' '. ,i .-. HdviMii'Hptiint.ifpTi''aeMoii tui(l healer is believed lif have been tin'' Prince., lluperl Haskelbalt a score of 8'.12 to 735. the lallcr t il l IIi;.Vr Slx.riiiiio ink., w Mi 'iw "" vi'T 11-nr.w ciinptrtillrr if Walfr luni Oliver Typewriters dPlailinp rpasons fur micIi olijpf. Hip cause Association have been arrauaed I pain bpin-r successful in only nm sun parlor; well furnished lliillilinrv Vlrtnria. WIII...I nr- Cary Safes tion. Mr. H Am it)mi repnrled Hint, be arn-r tlw TIM aeiaraie f 1 --' to take place, al Hip Kxhibilion panic. I Iip imliMilual scores every modern cnneiieii.-e a liimM iwwpaiT Th ft I ti TIip coiislriipiion of Imililinps had lefl tin' place as usual aliout Hall tomorrow nipht. The pre; we're as follows: Phone Hluck 288. If piililiralloii or llil. null ' . in. FIRE INSURANCE for wliitp nipri willi OriPiilnl lahor i.Id lo. pn to work. On account senlaliorl of the MeMordie, llenl Hud llatrie ((irollq), 15(1; J. in.TIIK OIUM1V rilNsOl.llivr1 of Hie house hemp damp due lo ' TO 'It MX T Four room furnislied SMKI.TIM1 AMI l-nwi.ll was pondoiuiipd as bpinp opposed sou. ( !rot to .and (iilhiily cups In Davidson (lleaxerss 132. LI VII ri ll. Vp'iliraiil, Dybhavn & Hanson In Hip IipsI jnlprpsls of Hip ritu burst water pipes lie had been Hie respcclive winninp clubs-wili Jack llynd, 15(1; i. S. JIHI, li?i. apart menl. cheafi. ,tpply Can lly William V in zpns in ppiipral arid orpani.pii leavinp Hip healer iir ,lbe ball also take place durinp the pvpii- Joe lleaslcy, lad; P. McOowau adiun Sle.'im Laundry. If. vr Wa(' Third Avenue lulior in particular. pomp and had done so this inp. TliPie will be four panics: Dirt. ' FOU III5XT Furnishe.l bedrimm in tiii: mrsTV 11 iiioruiup. At 7.3(1 lie Ii card Hip iirrriiT. noi.iii:v at r.ii'- Prince Rupert, B, C. Considerably roiilinp busines tJolts luieriiiediales vs. F.Iks ( rpo Hill, I M; T. Ilalver- with board for peulleman was dispospd of and it was de place was hurninp bill when lie Seniors; Ciunets vs. Canucks; sou, lau. Phone Hlack 217. .VI tlplm-pn r. n. nvvvsox .r:tTi rided In bold -a mass nipplinp of relumed Hie house was in lilies' Intermediate All Star, Hill lleaslcy. 150; It. McDon union iiipiiibers Haines and Ibe fire department and Junior FOU HKXT Two rnmns and Antl if nexl Sunday Hoys' vs. Intermediates. ald, I3H. I.I F. woxc. r.ioni.K rnii 1 I aflprnoon. was mi the joh. .Nnihinp was The teams for Hie ladies lialh. Apply 881 SiiniiuiT Avenue; t;l.Xi lilf.k. am ' .t I Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 II. Illackball, I5P; II. F.. Hud VIINO SVMi i:omi'vx W. Lon(?will, Blue 270 saved from Hie blaze, which was ante will 'he as .follows: son, Sli. evenings. f CIIHI'AAY. -. Day Phone S J a speciacuiar one ami coulil lie A team--.Miss P. Tremiiyne, PI. Pis. Av. INFLUENZA SHOWS TO HKXT Three room modern ecu from .distant parts of Ih.e r TAlif; .XOTirR Dial a e Miss J.. Parker, Miss V. Shock- Maple Leafs 3 myj hh STEEN & LONGWILL i city. flat, near Catholic church. F. fiiiiTrt anil siinniKne SIGNS OF ABATING Jey (captain., Mrs. M. Sherman Fxcelsinr . . ' liV.18 Hit) .W. Karl. ' ' lit tM abiit rniiinv . k. . tf. The fire dcparliucnP had - I i ITi l.inmetl for Urn nun .r tl rfl Sheet Metal Work and Mrs. T. .Maloney. Spares: (irotlo . . . 3 2308 7811 ami ai ;-. i vibl ami ili llviriil cully in pet I hip water to Ibo Miss Sims mnili- out llu 1111I1II1 all in IjnOWN OF ANYOX M. and Mrs. D. )pr-rlnplou. SI; Andrew's 3 2337 771 Fyt ItKXI'- Minl"rn house, ft Agent for McClary Furncaea scenp and it look some lime lo llii miry i.r nrh PI.H11I 1 k m Mrlpnrs' colors. F.Iks rooms and bath. Phone llluo siimiiimi In a niii'- 1 2- I t7( 735 ,.(, Sanitary and lay Hie strinp of hose from Hip H team Miss M. (irabaui. 710, rirrul.nlnir In lt f llv .if f ' . Heating AN VOX, Feb. 28, TIip inllu- nearest hydrant al Hip cast pud Heavers 3 2031) fjrtu Ihrw HiM-rlhin. al iiili" " 0 Engineer Miss A. Slpplipns, Miss S. Cal- and I Iir- isiailnK nt ; ' ... w ena ppideiiiic- in Anyox is now of Coiiiox Avpiiup 'to Hip house, LOST nalil siiriiniiiiis ami If , . - 6tb Street and Fraser Street lerone (captain), Miss (i. .lohn- ' soiupwbat abaliiup. II tias laid is which blocks distant. AUSTRALIA m Iwo " ' AFTER was II. ' Prince Rupert - B. C. sloiip and Miss II. Moloney. al Trinec lliiperi. nnppr upon oiiiip a larpp seciion Tliii-e was a bip crowd of excited , LOST WhilQ Spitz dop. Finder Ihi iriHsi ami iinirliMl Spares: Miss M. Harvey and Miss ami Siiiiiiihum nx'ii ' ' of ip town, but foilunntply lias spectators. I.. Fisher. .Maple Leafs' colors. DAVIS CUP FROM please pbonn (101. Vim re ri-ouinsi i" rmr - . po clainiPd any ic iin. thanks .The house adjoining is within ten 1jv fnni llw u-'' occu Hoys' Junior vs. .Men's Inler- MISCELLANEOUS. Inorrtlon er till h ill''" a "rl h lo the care and allenlion at Hip pied hy Miss lllaucbe llarte and liiediate . THE UNITED STATES oniri- r llil t'miri I" , n teams; II. ' ami r ITlm e lliirl, ;i dnclors. m ir ins- stall" and I'olv. ilsnafejy was threalelied owiup lo Hoys: M. Iiudenlcli. V. Ker-pin, FISIIKHMHXI llCMIiMllFHll Our I'liu r mirli ilinpiiln lint "1" ( nm I LEE lecbnic llrsl aid class, wIiosp blaze. XKW YOItl7 Sbirch I. Aiis- manoil avain.l vim il I" ' proximity The spc- (ts otjhe .1. Kelly, C. Itlylht. (captain) mai lilun ainPldaeksinilh shop' i.ron-i-.l in Mci'iulim. . . vice rpouisilionpd Iralia has filed a cliallenpe for l'Hiir linrpn nne1; were as Hip llredepaitliipnt, hownver, averted and YV. I.ambie. Spares: II. Friz-zidl is open. We do new ami re-pair IMTKIi at f lilillla fin t I I iil li in itii io.I Hip Davis Cup emblematic of Hip Iila, this mil il.n 4. il1'' lire danppr." Miss llnrle ' Lidies' & Gentlemen's upnre. and W. Cavalier, Tiny Tims' work in all lines. Sails-faction 11. ;,,.: Shnlent Joe .Mcduire was placed lied the elforls of Ibe liremen world's team championship willi colors. p 1 a ran I red. Xopues A To CHIN (fir Than jr.-K TAILOR in charpp of Hip llrsl aid work at in Hip unusual dilllcullies of the Men: T. Moloney, 11, Mue-ilouabl, Hip l. tilled Stales T is As. Parent Co.. Now- Masset. tlie smeller durinjr Hip sickness of silualioii lo Hip extent of sendinp K. NV. Itlythe soeialioi'i. This is the sixth NOTICE. Fit Guaranteed First Aid AllPiiilnui Sayers. and Hie sum of s:l5 to. Hie lire hall in i captain? and Sinljh,F. .Morrison. cliallenpe received, others hemp I:.'PI;IIII;XC:D Dressmaker. Mrs. tiiit oTirr mm rt-r !'' rt'S! Hip Jlritisb IsIps, India, Francp, Mnmleiiebl, rear 225 Ninth Avenue nf tins ni.lire fur "Z, hivf Sludeiil Frpd firaliam is ibn'mi recognition of their bard work. Spares: W. C. Oliver and S ' lint Si.rlnil l.liiiil.l v. II. ; tt ( Third Avenue, opposite P. O. duly al Hip iiiIiip nwinsf lo Hie Ilezzelt ' Italy and Czechn.Slavukia. West. 52 iiaiin rn;iui'ii ii -7- . Jones. Kuipllls of (!ol-iimlius Ilnlilinir CwuiiiHii.v t-liniK'M- . .....uri " Phone Red 138 illness of r. Pallprsnn. II. J. Miss Mn rial Siuaby was anions c olors. llTr II nils 11 in tliiidv. Hie llrsl aid inslm. Im-. bus the passenpers froiil Scallle to ! WIIIIA-IS. ,. r.eZVlM. been kept pencrally busy anions (teean F'lUs on the I'l'ince Ituperl A new panic of skill is beipp lint Siirlnt' Ho? sick doin! yeoman sersiep in this !rip. Miss Smahy lias licen 'uanufarliired in Prince, lluperl, iplieviiia IUp -Iraiu Ibrown unon Nisiliup ju Hip soiilli. by II. II. lleminiiipH, Hr.i 'third IN PROBATE. TORK'S Id. WliPlan. SM'iiue. Hie oripiualor oT llu iv Tin- Ri eiiLMK col HT 'F IIIIITI' s idea. Tip' basis of Hie panic is .1.1 e vim .-...iTKIF.' SELL I, m.ii. r f Tl: 'rerV Hie obi rashioucd skillle alley, Al"!' Mltul lis I.I . TOVES. WOULD TRADE WITH Tin' new Hwiicliblck skillle board l iUo.l liVVAIlii tllt-aMll.CI KVH AM ' THE UNITED STATES is an euliiyly new iiuiNvaliou in f 111 H""" lable raini-s, and makes a fine pi of furniture. Tlie board, A.H. I"? nf r.linl'i. ' Fred Stork's Hardware Man Who Defeated Hon. Arthur which measures I ft inches, wide imel nlul.lriitfir I'arsnns.f in;'"".''"'".U t-sIJi' Z J 1 ,l"uVr iuri Melgnen Opposed to Fiscal by ihrce feci Hiree Incbcs loijp, 1 ." !'f Second Avenue Barrier. is made nf polished oak, and n i lllril, Ki me nil r partir "r f PHONE U1ACK 114 Hie skiHIcs, of ivhich Ihcrc arc in Vllllll. A.l."."' "'"' ,,ir,.il in. e Ii'i"ii .... TftUO.STO, March I.- "Somo- nine, are placed on a baie preen inn.Mini nr llwir Ulilip Impressed me on (be cloth, pitch, Hie skillle ball hc-inp Willi. way down from the west was Hip niieruied on the rip hi baud nTi:n im mil i''.,f 1 v'.f""- The best in town natural physical barrier that side of Hie pihdi by a Iripacr. exists between eastern and west, IJKAUTV OF THE SKIN The I ripper upon beinif pressed ern Canada," staled Harry Leader, U tU oturl of every wutuao. and released starts Hip ball rall-iup the iiiuu who defeated Hon. iiuil k obulnii Llo y Uw )IM. u )ti ClutM lOlunii.tii. rimvlov. Uii kln 0, down an elevaled prooved Strand Aribur .Mciifhcri at I'oiluue l.a lirltatiOD rmwliuKP and ml rortuew of lliu klu, switcliiiack. I liu same tripxer al. TIMBER SIE x teivuuk diuaiicur, ra I'rairie, who Is here. He con. VS? Sk".1 '!'". .iuooIi anil vtlvnj. so reuluiiup a uiuvinp puidinp Ki.alml letulera will 'is lainl '"Z. All k-..lBr. I: ltva or linniifijii dc t.. itinued: Liniilnl, I'lmmio tinmplu frw if yna cliiile, which Hip operator or Mli.Ul. r uf Lamia .1 V ifl"" ." ,ttt '1 "It fpcius In me thai the harrier niton Uiia lUMiu mi Ilia u.l li.V nr Tj.iiif I ,1 Cafe player must point at Hie skillies llu. purrluisH f. I t''" ' ).Tur Uotwiwri the Kast an! lh while Hie ball is in action on Hie my l.f.llli.OIKI reel nr i-i'i "; ,,,,,,1111 .fl am) lliilsam, finni '. West menu (hat we slmuliHradp switchback. The objeel of the it tAi.MiMl.M, .xmlti Aim "i fw ,wug , fi All White Help. more with Hip linilMrj Stales in idaycr is to knock down the nine . Mack Scnuctt pme VI Small Tow-fildol" ""tlilY.V (3 nil tc natural products. If wo bad re. IHiiM-C- cm tsl skillle halls in Ihree Iries. and I'Ciiiiyvat C)( . ... .tu. i ciprocul rclalion, it would be u H luKes coudidcvablu .skill and Htarring lolght at lr.I ie Wesllinltno Tlieatre. ITiut'a llutirrl, U