For T A X I Fish Market mm mm RED COD PIIXETS Phone oj FRESH HERRING SPRING SALMON X CRABS, SHRIMPS 0ctServIcoantl PRINCE RUPERT SALT MACKEREL. (tr DeBt'.Cara'Jn the City Phone 67 1 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. XII I.. No. 50. PHINCfi ItL'I'EHT, II. C, WEDNESDAY, MAIU'.II 1, WVi'Z. l.r' Clreul.tlon 102. trt tl 4M. PRICE FIVE CENTS Forty Wall Street Firms Have Failed GIRL BANDIT IS TAKEN AFTER RUNNING FIGHT WITH POLICE Financial Crisis Still on MAY MEDIATE ULSTER BORDER DISPUTE. CITY WORK IS MANSON URGES B. C. CONTROL REORGANIZED in Money Market of East i IMPORT Changes In City Engineer's De-partment LIQUOR More than 40 Houses Fail Landrey Engineer Take Assistant Effect today Amendment to Law Expt4 mmmmmmm mtmwmmmmmmm During Coming Session 'z&mmKmmmmmm mfmfBmfmW 'vQmwBmmmmmmi I In line with action recently of Legislature NEW March 1. The of financial distress YORK, wave con-i LABOR CONTROVERSY HH passed by the city council a general tlnued to -pound against Wall Street brokers today. Walter ,?"x mSmW reorganization in the cily O'lTAWA, March I. Amendments Schmidt Company announced the suspension of business and BETWEEN PUBLISHERS engineer's department, is taking to Hie present' federal legislation , effect today. All the work is lo allow Ihe Provincial twelve more stockbrokers were indicted by the Supreme Court AND PRESSMEN ENDED jlndnj,' brought under Ihe direct (ioverninenl of Hellish Columbia ; grand Jury for irregularities exposed during investigations into ll 'mmmmstiit imlBmmW .supervision and, control of the lo control all importations of' charges of bucketshopping which followed the failure of a number New York. March I.- The controversy j engineer and the separate, office. liquor into the province is hoped of brokerage firms. j between the publishers oi Duiiunu inspector ami sanitary, for during the coming session More than forty brokerage houses have gone under since of newspapers and Ihe Press- inspector have been abolished. of parliament by the Jlritish Col incti's union over Hie arbitration In Ihe future Jin responsibility umbia delegation headed by Al-lornry-tienera'l t December. j award which the union men regarded for the Work formerly carried A. M, Majisort, TORONTO, March 1. R. B. Holden, stockbroker, made a volun-' as unfavorable was ended on by Ihese officials, will winch Is here placing Its views lury assignment hero today. I today by Ihe acceptance of the be token by the cily engineer. before the. tlovenmient. award by the men. HHk'. fsQtMmmmmmviF mm. There will tie some reductions in the general staff but. it will be OIL DRILLING KING OPPOSED in Ihe interest of efficiency inn SERIOUS RIOTING PRINCESS EXPRESSES economy. Several iiien who were BY TOMORROW ? IN MOSCOW- TODAY THANKS FOR GREETING wurkinr formerly straw foremen bosses will and be made there EAST KOOTENAY COPF.NHAOKN. March I. will b c one general foreman. A de-patch from Ilrl- OTTAWA, March I.- Mackenzie TiiU morning II. L, l.andrey, Boiler for Terrace Finished Here singfors report serious Kipg cabled Princess Mar formerly building-Inspeclor, was Hon. Charlis Stewart, ElvcUd by and Goes Forward by Freight noli lit-' in Moscow today Sl'eel iiiffSj and jfood wishes, from appointed assistant engineer by Acclamation In Quebeo This Afternoon. accompanied by bloodshed. ttiinud.-i. i ')' ".r'.nro.n .fi;plicd F. J, Wliillakcr, cily engineer. Constituency. . :v Tim trouble uruM! from ''Wii'riVibfijiluiikMiraiid c'lilla. die. will carry, out,- under .the new tin' boiler fur lliiv Terrace"-oil a railway slrike which is lies q.lOdTwl'llTrjirtUrfdr Vim status, practically the sunn duties rKrtNltC"'Mai T-iionr'Dr.. li.iiiiuiiil ill-ill ha Iiim-ii Jinislieil in progress in I lie Soviet w.ishi'sv whii'li have been ii jrrai of building and plumbing inspection John KiiUjf, minister of public ;i ml Koch forward to, the interior rupital. pleasure receixed tins happ Ihal he did before. W. works in the Mackenziu King government, t.iwn Oil afternoon by freight day..' The lirltisti faovornnicnt la cormJderiiiK the possibility of toHallnc II. Martin, formerly sanitary Inspector, is being opjioscd In Kast Iraln. Iminediiilcly mi its arrival 1 . f th rvleii of (!w. Jan Christian Smuts, Premier of the Union of is out and this work Kootenay by Thomas H. Hroiid-son, it Ierrnre K will be unloaded ami ARMED BANDITS GET SouOi Africa, ai arbitrator In the UJBter boundary dispute, should circumstances will be done between the engineer independent, a locomotivr laKi'ii In lln scene of opiTal iim? as Gen. Smuts warrant took Ihe employment of such a mediator. Inasmuch and his assistant. W, II, fireman. Cranbrook fUmserva- part in the task of bridging gome of the perilous ami will ii in place mi as lo rum. SUFFRAGE BILL BIG HAUL CHICAGO aituatlona during the Irish peace negotiations, It Is assumed he isculd and. Ihe three sewer live.s arc not opposing Dr. King-. nee arltiul nil drilling loiiui''- b willing to serve again; inetif are also let out, mil tney The election takes place on llW IIUll'IIIIIK. I.. .lessen, of Ihe will .probably b'" re-engaged in a March If. Hole Hiiis. ilianiiiml ali-ill (iiillll. IS DEFEATED CIIICAliO. March t. Four new slalus. Malcolm Mcl.eod OTTAWA, March t. Hon. turned on today's train to Tit-' ai'iiied bandils held up a liroker's Girl Bandit Raids Store lias lieen put in charge of slores tlliarles Htcwait, minuter of the ntrii'e here and escaped will1 arc. laplilln .lames Anderson, of and eoulpmeiil bill the general interior in the Federal (lovern- ' Oil TlMTIICI' Oils I.ilUllcil, tin1 $75,000 worth of diamonds afle foreman has not yet been .ap inent, was ycslcrday elected by op- and in Japanese Diet Turns Down Pro having ltoiiml and yaj-'t'cd two Engages Running aliutt company. iJ'nl not arrive pointed. acclam.ntion for Argcntcuil, Quo. posal lo Give Evcrycne men and a woman. Ton district is being divided ' -uiii Victoria as was expected. a Vote. Gun Five into for mainten-a Fight: Robbed Ihree divisions VANCOUVER HOCKEY anei ml repair of streets and FIELDING AT TOKIO, l-eli. :'H. Tint iiiiiver-al side ami a system of patrol ,-alks IN. Y. PRESSMEN suffrage bill iiit"oifui'ei into TEAM IS BEATEN BY HYilACl'Si:, X. Y., March I. MjHIc U.ilcs, 22 years of ngr, is btiug adopted. One workman I lie Diet by. the opposition was de- will lie in chafgi' of each division WASHINGTON a girl Iiautlil armed with a rille and iicconipained liy an urnied fealed by a vole of Jii:i to 117. CALGARY AMATEURS lief work will be carried OUT ON STRIKE I lie llnal debate was iml attended man, raided a store here today and engaged in a running gun llglil cm I under working straw bosses. by the promised ilemoiisl rat ions. CAI.OAIIY. March I. The willi Hie police, which ended in Ihe anesl of the girl and die At Ihe present time there are Said to be There to Negotiate of the Commercial a snowstorm accompanied by a Fbnr-cx hockey team won the scape of her companion. about I ltd men engaged in relief Reciprocity but It Is Newspapers Held Up Smaller rold wae interfering with the firsl of a two same series to MILWAI KKK, Wis., March I. Five men robbed YVilliani work. 70 at Acropolis Hill, DO Denied. Motropollo plans. decide Ihe amaleur champiunsliip al 1'ark Avenue, 50 me being Ornisby, payroll clerk of the Palmolive uf Papers Are Printed. of Weslern (Canada, ib'Teatin' tfoap Cuinpany, $111,000 slarled al the Itoolh Memorial OTTAWA, March I,. While a Vancouver Towers by a scum of ihis rnoriiing jiisl as lie was leaving a laxicab al (he plant. The School grounds and there are despatch from Ottawa says Hon. LLOYD GEORGE MAY MAY VOIIK. March 1. Tuion three In Iwo, jandils escaped in an aiilomoliile. small gan;,s at Taylor Hired and W. S. I'iclding, minister or fiu-ance, pulling pressmen voled In (to on RESIGN DECLARES Ninth Avcnuii West. arrived there, it is understood d Ue against tin1 wage urbilra-Ikiii with the intention of discussing FIRE. QUARTER MILLION ACCIDENTAL DEATH decision rITeclivo loilay ami LONDON NEWSPAPER NO PREMIER AS possible reciprocal .tariff ull morning papers in New York I.OS AN(ii:i.i:s. March I. Fire VISCOUNT HARCOURT PEASANT RIOT laws, olficiul circles here say . ' Ihe lo Ihe cabinet did not discuss such w i' li-rt without ability of LONDON, Miirch I. The resignation orlixiiiuliiiu' from the explosion YET IN CHINA i-ult- tlit'lr presses when the business a possibility and Fielding lias middle o r the night arrived. Musi of l.loyd ficorgo is an oil slove destroyi'd a Death Was Hastened Through OUTSIDE ROME gone to the United State? only to establishment in Hollywood, en. forccasletl Ihe Daily Tele-, Taklnn Over Dose of ir them got out smaller papers by look over the financial 'Situation, v illi Hie t itl of volunteer workers. graph beeausc Ihe Premier is tailinif a loss of 225,UOU. President Is Politically Isolated Bromide. Blcps for die revival of tho supposed to be dissatisfied Willi and Unable to Persuade One Man Killed and About Twenty reciprocity pact with Ihe United Ihe sinii.orl he is gelling from DANNY FRUSH WINS. Anyone to Act. I.ONltOX, March J. The coroner Are Injured, One Probably Stales, along the Hue, if not to COUNTERFEITERS Parliament. s jury returned a verdict of Hie same extent, as. tho agreement YOUN'IS'l'OWX, O.. March I. I'FKI.V, March 1. The Chinese accidental dealh in connection Mortally, of 1UII, are rather expected AT WORK IN NEW BIRTH Danny Flush, Cleveland feather-weifihl, (iuvcinmcnt is not functioning with the dealh of lb.; late Viscount to be foreshudowed in tho Teh. A of ' IIO.Mi:, 28. There wis born lit Ihe (ienernl won a lechnlciil knockout llarcoiirl, whose death score session. because the cabinet is Without a budget at tho coming YORK RECENTLY ospilul on l'Vluunry 28, lo Mr. over J lick I.oadman of l.oekport, head and Ihe treasury is empty. was hastened while suffering persons were injured, one mortally, Reciprocity In natural products Me- . Y in Ihe fourth round of a 12-round from disease when peasants outside Hume and Mrs. Samuel (irierscn, The sutfccsllon to make loans is pulmonary through lias never been ubandoucd by tho NEW YOIIK, March I. Five Mtirdie Aparluieiils, a dauhler. limit. meeting with stronjr opposition taking a overdose of bromide. attacked villiage because public buildings Hie authorities in their Liberal parly and its desirability men weru arrested and a press from Ihe president, who is politically was affirmed as late as last see. failed to transfer certain lands In I'H- counterfeiting :'0 bill was isolated and unable lo TIMBER MEN GOING si on In u resolution submitted tli A detachment of M'izrd today lit .the hearl of the Provisional Government persuade anybody to accept the fin. troops to the bouse. Moreover, il figures has been seul lo the scene of the business district. The author premiership. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS conspicuously in tho platform ities report that the metropolis disorder. At lJologna ono indn of the Progressive parly has lieen Hooded willi eouiiter- Has Reached Agreement wus killed. and uppears to cut considerable T, A. Kelly, Captain A. L. Dass "'11 notes during the past few LIBERAL EXECUTIVE figure in tho west, especially uays. and S. D. Brooks, Powell VANCOUVER ISLAND since the Fordncy bill came with Army Republican MEETS ON MARCH 10 River, Arrive In the into operation. NATURAL RESOURCES City Today. PIONEER DIES AGED )i:,X. March I. It was announced l this morning's Officer Wishes to Retire and Will Thomas A. Kelly, the well-known 72 AT EDINBURGH WIFE OF MINISTER Have to Be Replaced.. PRAIRIE PROVINCES .......linir i.l' Ihe Hail llii caun Uiut iiiTiuiKOinenls for the iiiolcclion logging operalur uf (ho H Uueen Hharlollo Islands, accompanied OF AGRICULTURE DIES of Irish interests had lieen nimle helweeu the rovisioual govern- OTTAWA. Feb. SH. The members y Cap!. A. I,, Dass and VICTORIA, Mar. 1.- The death Deal Proposed for Returning incnl iiiul Hu' li'i'l' i,,,lulu'a" "i"'"y 11 u nniiy will occupy una of Hie national Liberal S. It. Hrooks, of Hid I'oweil river occurred ul his homo in I'diu. Them Mrs. E. D, Barrow Passes Away In Lieu of Present safeguard mililury ''sls evnciialetl hy Hit Hrilisli anil il lius Iicimi exeeutiui will meet here on March mi IK arrived loday from Iho burgh, Scotland, of K. H, McKay, After Several Years Illness. Subsidy. dial Hie lroois will not iuloiTcre with Ihe eleulions. The 10, the Hist lime since Iho elcc-Hon, soiilh ami are crossing Hecate surveyor.gencral Tor U, (I. from agrecil One question before I lie Hum-' 1 HU t 101). He ono of the uii of die election Straits this afternoon lo u was VICroniA, Mar. I,- -After is die issue anil hy Hie resull OTTAWA, March 1.--Premier Anglo-lrifli liTiily coininillee, it is understood; will shewn, Ihe scene of Air. Kelly's pioneers of the province and was illness of several yours Mrs. Milli-ceul '"'itf has wrilten the Hutu all fuclions will nhiilo. bo tho choosing of u new general logging operations. There is also active in building iho town, of Kinlly Harrow, wife uf Hon. I'rutrlu provinces offering to re HKM''AS'r, March I. UoinnuuiUuiil (leuerul McKcown ul die. secretary to replaeo Andrew Hay-don, a parly of eight loggers going Duncan. He fore leaving fur Henl. I!. 1). Hurrow, minister of agri ""ic uiu nauiral resources or li took the. Alhlonu mililury who has indicated his wish laud In iU?0 he resided Vancouver head or 500 men of the republican army over across. on culture in the Provincial Oovenu i-uunees'tll waive lo lliu llielr control ir III ey barracks today in the inline oT the provisional yuverniuenl. jto retire now Ihut tho victory for Mrs. Hrookg uecumpuuio her Island for 45 years, Ho was uient, died hero yesterday. Inter, subsidies now win.- 'h' r.u-iiuiMlie whieli h fi'Ujfljt Jia been won liu- band on 'he (rip 72 yours of uge inent will laku place Friday. I'.va hi Mifi pi'.iviQces. n1,,1). H. :!