,ll(,ju!n.v, March I, 1022, THE fcAfiit EWs page rrvx LIBRARY DONATIONS MACK SENNETt SIk Jk. A. OLD CHUM The following books presented REEL SUPER-COMEDY ftiljii tfrttrm nniiiTji wmiiiii to Ihe Prince llupcrt Library liljiUil Assficialiou are acknowledged hy The opening scenes or Mack !. V, Wilkinson, vvho Is collecting Sennelt's six-reel slipcri-ronieily Ihe volumes at Orine's irn louigiil "A Small Town Idol," In umii?i cvr Canada's Favorite Sloro: he shown at the WesJ Imlme to-Ihal W. T. Haynes. nlghl are sel in kind of a r fianl.on t to.' town w lie re Ihe railroad track Pipe Tobacco Mr tA 'The i:plnits or llrigadier ami a slraggling stream provide Oerranl. Ihe vunhurtit inliahilanls Willi The llonsier Volunleer. Iheir iinly ideas nf inollnn. Sllngaree. lien Turpin.is the hern; Jimmy Tnc Tobacco Max. Finl.iyson is Ihe vllliau; rharm-inw SfeL s tin5 Henry nf Navarre. Phyllis Haver Is the country iS I.nve.'Ammig the Huins, maid and shares hoi-nine hnnors iinlii. with Marie Prevost. who I seen packer The A'inlaud Cliiimpions. in laler episodes when Ihe plni 'I'lie Unifiers. shifts In a clly wherein 'I'urpin, Sallhaven. unjilslly accused al home, takes refuse and liecnmAs 't he 't'reasure. 'I'rain. associated Ilial Ihe I'adre is a sport, cull Vssnelat Inn are In he cnnjrralu ' The I'.tploits if:l'.lalne. wilh the piquant Marie 111 n MENS NIGHT -produc. Itiifr his explanatory synopsis nf laled upon' mii excellent a irn- Will Thou Torchy. thrilling molinn picture ! lion of whicli she Is Ihe feminine each scene on the program (a Hiain, parlicularly when il is Merrilie Ikawes." ; hriuhl idea, hy (he way) to recaiieii inni ilraiiialtzalinii was Curly. principal and he is the piiissanl, PLEASES ANYOX hern in chaps. minimum ami willi a Inuch nf done hy (lie actors themselves A Sealed Verdict. On Ihe fame or this film Hen j humor which was truly llihern from the novrls- nf Oickens and Torchy. , returns in triumph to his vil lan ai limes. i)n u npain, par- that the scenes were nol laken Trying Out Torchy. v lJuicy Fru it,Peppermint and lage homo. Hut things have cltal by Parent-Teachers' Asso son, hul next lime pel cast fnr from dramatic versions. The J.nst I'archment. ciation Was Unusually part yourself; Weller, Sr.. for . The Four i-'inucrs. moved rapidly there during his fJlm's) Spearmint certainly make Interesting. inslatice, itt .Mr. .MiKawher. Kveu the dresses ami slaire Mr. Justice IlalTles. absence. The lovelv maid is wfi&a three delightful flavors to ihmi tti be condemned In matri , props were supplied hy (he iiinU The Cow Puucher. IRIOUS SCENES ACTED And Ihe nexl lime a ringer hers and cnmmitlees ami were 'I'he Drums nf War. mony wilh the wicked villlan and mpsjT I cnoose rrom. scandal, tremendous i of conse comes Ihroiish the curlain and nn mean production. The Wreck nf the flrosvenorl tickles ' quence has lirnKen onl in the And the new KIPS the your ear, lake niir advice, The I.osl Ilespalch. ' lormentus" villiage church. Charley Murray, Gives Racy Account and hile It. or Big Event Given at the PROGRAMME Torchy, I'rivale Secretary. Ihe rnhs.lablet is hardly able to rj? f cahdy-coated peppermint Smelter Town. The scene from .Nicholas Nick Anyox Medley Oirhestra."(), Knjilish Snnjrs" 'I'he House of Mammon. tuell the rinlnus depnrlmenl or J 1 mim. i nUn a nrent treat for The flu by Henri of Kishgur. Ihe citizens, and.. Turpin is, hy .J ' 1 Iehy was where Fanny Sipieers Teniiaily Scene from Nicholas Sister Carrie. a nf strange accidents, V sweet tooth. .YOX, 11.(1., Feb, -"Happy sequence your ay ciilerlains .N'iclinlas With Ihe fix Nicklehy- Fanny Srpieers. Mrs. The Speculations nf John Sleele nearly lynched--not for hjs ael-iiig. lliey Dial ran hear their ile-I'liiiii.M rd inicnliun of cailivalins him, F. Ilice; Tilhy I'rice, Miss II. The Two Van llevels. liul for his glibness with from the Wrigley fac-tories iinil ran them In pu hul Ihe gallant swain, over a Champion; Maid. Miss A. Ilallen- Souls in Khaki. mlinqV yet oninNI ami hy Jiini" or cards, hecoVics cnamnr. line; Nicholas Nicklehy, Mr. '. Ureal Heart Cillan. ' his (run. Or cnuvse cverylliipg where practice has reaches Hie sea of Iraliquilily irolli We lielievtvmir friend eil, inslead. or his Mariner Tilhv Ilice; Mr. llrndie. Mr. X. Ilaillon. Sliafceniieare The Court of SI. Simon. like Ihe slraggling stream, and SgPC made perfection. I wnulil have I'rice, with disastrous resulls. ifiiifr "Three Fishers," Mrs. The Heir to the Throne. "finis." is rade-inul witii wed. a ml little- lo-mend Iinil lie been j Ml-s. I'. Itlce as "Fanny" was the S. Herein. The Manager or Ihe II. A. dug bells celehrating the mnsl in a jent in llK' lialil headed fussy, simpering, early-Viclorian Scene fronl Our .Mutual Friend The Mayor's Wife. nnvel aiid picluresque story that mi Friday nialil iL'llhj when miss In perfection who was outmanoeuvred, l.izxe Hexham. Miss II. (ior- s The lliirgiindia'n. Maek-Sennell has yet given lo Aiiyuv I'arrnl Tearher As hut nol outclassed, ilon: Charles llexliiim. Miss .1. 1'oes Justice. be or. I screen. ihII'iii their hicki'n- He liy a very successful Tilhy f.Miss Mniratt; CalTer Hexham, Mr. W. Powers of liarkness. hi the llecrealloii i:iianiiion) . The small pari that Itnherlson. ' Kinsiiien. N. Ilaillon had In play as Ihe Sniif,' "Hie Handolero," Mr, ZZ'frwRIGLEYSagn' l.ove in the Purple. iVlial an adaptable room that linilish "llrndie," Iryinff to appear . 1.a m 1 1. Packed .V'W a danee hall now ,a penleel, was well done, and Sketeli of Life of Diekensi- The l.nsl Link; ric houe! While nn Friday a very jiroper and dignified Nic- Itev. .1. (iilisnn. Itnse nf lllenheim. ?-n iinon il.eir unite the. at- Imlas was enacted hy Frank Hire, Cornel Solo "I.nsi Chord," Mr My Swnril fnr I.'nfayette. jiliere nf a real I heal re, ad- whom we secretly suspect was C. Auckland. Fncnre; "SunsJilne Count 1 1 il il n i IciT. . . piiovi.nci: or iiAitisii roi.t'Miuv. ins drop, fiiol-iialiis. 'nev wearing corsets. nf. Ynur Smile.. , Terrnce. roiicsr iiiiam:ii. The American Prisoner. riKPAIIT.MK.X'T OF I.ASPS. Inn?. While wi sal ami wal Vinllii Solo "Ahsent." Mr. .1 'I the hall filled lo capacity, In the scene from "Our Mutual O'Connor. Sophy nf Kravoiila. KXVMIXATION roil TIIK POSITION III' The Hidille of the ASSISTANT' KOIU:ST ItAM'.KIl. united upon Ihe iippi-npi'Iale. Friend," Ihe flre-linht vision of Manlalini Scene from Nicholas Sands. - nf 7idvrrliin;r a certain l.l..ie llevhain as she .and the Nicklehy Mrs. Manlalini, Mr The King's Mirror. . Tliek exainlnaluKik Object.are foC the nurposi ml of Kcolelt -whiskey-and hoy Charlie sit ponderinjr oveV II. Selfe: Mr. Manlalini. Mr. .1 The Paradise Coal ltoal. of llllihir preiiilit vaMlieleK uo,l to enaliltt i-4inillUles to qualify Ttor ruiiire vaenneiei I four powder In rhise prfix- the Itraier wns the oiirslnndihir W. Ksidiii: llalph Nicklehy, Mi Tbo Collage in (he Chine. ain iiiereaM- in ruir.it . lyl And, apropn of nnlliin feature, and Mis-, (inrilun is In II. C. McKin'vhl. The Marriage of Kslher. Ass!..ifii AaalaUnt I urc ferMt lunirers ftanatra.are . einnloved 3 particular, liniiM il mil he he contrratiilaicd upon her Violin selection "Ahsent," J A Maker ot" History. ilnrliilf Hie lire eeaiiin r.U.V lo SepteniVr InrluiilVHi or eacu enr aiul lh U iierlial Is RUPERT BRAND Miss-inner. le a penal nlTence lit display : portrayal or a nohle eharacler. O Cnnnnr. l-.ncnre "I Inve you The e.Aifiiiieu uricre ioi.sioie-.iiv worn on improvements, . . . . ely pnxloral scene on .tich ; .May. we whisper lo "Charlie" truly." ' T he Cold Wolf. nrli as trails, e'lc. lieappolm- uifiii in HI.-IUC earn jt-ar a" lonir ,a rails, if nil) before 4 he eyes nf pen Dial she made a delifilil fill liny, .Madman Scene from Pickwick The finlden Centipede. rartory service Is irlien. Priilnotlon lo Hie wild live amid"! fore! nf Madman, Mr. H. Yard, A Crime nn Canvas. . pi'i-maiieni lalT Is iiiailn by merit aud ev-iniiiiiallln f f a w il limit sentiment, and perhaps aners as occasion..ofn-rs. The Mlarv H Kippers and Bloaters id trees . IhiTsTi Hie hack of ihe hall Son "The. Soup.' ha I lleaclu The Counter Stroke. inn per month the.nrxi year and fltil lr iiKiiiiii ine secoiHi year aim tltn me a never saw the lij-'lilly rolled my Heart:" Furore "When Other Iii Deadly I'eril. iMrd .veur. Travelllnir expenses are also f'Oh lookce! lie's pollen hi 'iiven tresses, lint old cynic in l.ips." Tin Main Chance. paid. Quallncatlont fse Candidal!. Hirotiph I he curtain!" the nrclie.slra stalls arc liah(e lo Ilumhle Scene from -Oliver A ilerelict Kmpirc. Camliilaies mnsl he lirln-n miOIick resi Sier dent In Hrllli.li Columbia for al iiat a yotintfer, as a sportive, notice such Ihliips if you turn Twisl Mrs. Cnrnez, Mrs. S. ller Illsing Fortune, vi-ar. or aiHHl ehuractee. Kmui iiliVsleul cnii-one forJ3ile"at liminer, having heen lhrnl your hack in the auuience. rin; W'nrkhnnse Iiimnle, Mrs. W The Helpers. dilloil and wilt) wrioort 'e.erleiice. i ney Minimi one experience in lire rurni-Inar; ALL RETAIL STORES Rui I he ilressinj; room In make Kudlainl; Mr. Ilumhle, Mr. I'auip. Dead Men Tell No Tales. possess ihe ability in eriraiiKe work Trii nthirs. cut erl n lheil llolierlsnn as f!atrcr llexhiim lin. Comprehensive Standard Die noil bumlle nun, unn lime VimnTedire or the l oresl Act. nielf and Ihe risins enera- mnde a rather pnlilo hlac'kuard Snn--lliirlesiiue of lirinkins. tlonnry. The evanilualloiH. ale bai'liv written. The Most Tasty Breakfast Food partlv oral and are j ilelanel lo ,lc-l the n ilirntlgh" a hnli! in the land- hul what he lacked In rnuphness Mr. .1. V. Kstdln. Somewhere ill lied Cap. rnilidaie'J abllily uhuif the Jilxtve line. 4 The while Fanny SUeers he made up in delivery. i mI Save Ihe K'incr. The Itond Huilders. e.pel'leiH-e,VII ekileiiicnis i-Oiicalli.il iiimie mill by applicants lltne.is are as sub-Jeit to Obtainable isei Mrs. Manlaliiil for Passers Ily. lo verification by Ihe eainlnlnif board. i-rererence is mm in returned soniii-rs ills and pnwiler and Ihe "I.'pon my life and soul, Oh Hut why stop al only one The Seventh Noon. , with Ihe neressniT OUalilleilOons, (man "greased" in 'Ihe "side Damn il," we helleve that the show? .Many mnre licsides nur- A illind Lead. Ihe examination Tna Etamlnatiena.'will. Iih belli at the Smoked Daily by irds nf Mi'linlas Nicklehy. Miiiitnlini scene from .Nicholas self cnuld slaiid Ihe inii;nmi re Snow Fpnn the Desert. puces ami on Ihe italc.Juimed JjeloW. ra Nii'klehy was TIM': sci'ne of Ihe penled. However Ihere is a The 'INvius or Suffering Creek. u-iteniiihT isiriri lorener ea in una or le -rlionld liH ilislrici ami rir v lo appll Mu Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. promptly on lime the venin?, unless we allow Ipe whisper Dial this society of play (ireen Francy. eallnn ronus and for Kiniiiiuoloir rik-ar.l tux the hour or the niiinnwiloii and Ihe struck inln a Madman's siililnquy as a scene ers is lo she a Shakespearian Front Lines. nuiniinir in wnien u will u lieu, m.oiicu PRINCE RUPERT iliui lion roi fns -tmijl.t. In, carli c-e. Im IlllrO lilid frmn then tin In nn, and then as Mr. Oilisnn performance souie lime somi and The Medal or Honor. out and milleit In the District r'nrei-ter In nf the ivritinsr"n per- would say "if either nf these there in Ihe fmnl row efijnyiuj. In liefiance nf Ihe King. me lime evamiimniiii,lo read) lutil at leSt two ilsy berore fimuire I here was unl a vucunt was Ihe lies! it was boih nf the reproduced works of a Jiro- Jleld for Orders. Vpply to III. tlier shade will he -sealed Dickens Place. Pule. trlcj loreneral B"inont. had llirni." Ilarely they play- The West Wind. Vaiieoutir March f I Vancouver tie as. har then Itev. Mr. tiandylhs "friendly crilicism wilh Web of Slee). fcamlisiprt Marrti li kllllooi I'rtiH-t" iiiik-iT MlllTll l Prince liufieH ilisnri was on the platform In I. W. Fcplin's "Manlnlini" was your. The Further Advenhires" Of Mairh i Prince lioirt rapacity of lleeiler and was not tlii' work of an amaleiir and TOIIMKNII'S. Jimmie Dale. Aeton fli-orce Mareli Mairh il til I'rlnee Oeorire.MTsiin Canadian National Railways 'ily oul lining the first Hick- his foppish Kiillnnlry was. en- Shorty McCahe Looks 'ein Over Clinton Mnn-li if it, Wllllains Lake . Wlllliims Lake .March nil Williams Lake huifai .scene from .Nicholas tircly refreshim The man who cannot Use ad. The j'nurlh Walch. O it. tnr.., jickloliy. verlisinsr In hi lmlness has no rietHMV.vnnlrter or l aiuK ' business to he in business, nn.l Tin' Lnsing (ianie, y (You mid have practiced The Pawns Cniinl, Prince Ainl we would say risht here Willi that monocle, Ihoii'rh, .1. generally isn't. The Dntihle Four. Rupert W.I) The Heller Man. AS A MATTER OF FACT Affiiln in I).i Yaitl's polirayal DON'T NEGLECT The The 'Day lied Saint.nf Temptation, ShiDvard of thn Madman from "Pickwick 5 The In- The idea that eheirticnU are Wasp. iirinus, merely because they are we fotiml a finished performance. BRONCHITIS The Cash Inlrigue. piMivixcK .or HHirlsii con'jiniv. fuiiKsr tiuA):u, Mr. ard s amateur days were "''inli-al, Is erroneous. and should The Oiiiliernn Touch. liKl'AHTVlK.'i'l' -or r.V.Mis. Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock aji-d we moons VV'ii live on .clienHcals. The nlr many pot h e surprised if his professional TUe principal lyiiiptmn (it rironcliltll Is The Westerners. PJtAMIATnS nflt 11 Iff- POSITION Ol Engineers, MachlnUts, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern " hicallie is a mixture of nxy- h-Ulniilii'r. a rou ir n which i ury, Harm ana nacKinr, r.l-Kl or Fiht. .XiiKH. makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ones wern only Just jrri.lniunlert Willi rui'lil vtliM'tlng-, ami I The Valiants nf Virginia. nilroiren and certain inert Objtct. It was a most impressive ri-clliiic of UtliiiioHii tlirmiKli th rln-t. Tlll.!. ..TMIIlillMlll.il MCW flrt tile flll'IHIS4 Electric and "sen, as Is also the waler wi inoiinlnirut'i delivered to flier In I rilKlni: or plilerm, oupwlally Hubert Kimberley. fit Iflllnir a vacancy and in enable raiii(l- Acetylene Welding. I'llik of bed. The Mystery of the Oreen (tales lo uuitliri for future vacancies and a chemical cornnniiud In tlm' nioniliiif rmr rlslnir fruin lncreaes In .lair. yilrnyeii and nxyt-'en. perfection. TliU pliWirin t at first or a UrM color, Heart. raraat Ranaira. . , ., Our plant is equipped to handle all kind of but J llio trouhle proreBsc It Nicomca rorerl Itanirers are employed the full lake mos( everything in the 'i'he Amaleiir Cracksman. year. Ihe salary Is a Is4.no per iihmiiIi "I'lck-vvlck" The Ilumhle scene frmn jr a jfllowlsli or greenish rolnr ana li The Cow Puncher, 41,1 Held evpciire. Ibis Is Increased to MARINE AND l"i'll, however, there are. eood was very aiiiusliifr and si.iiif llinc micakiil Willi blood. 1 10.on per month the serond year and ' ad bad chemical, as well as pond made In Slover al Yiile. Stsii.iiu a month ihe third year provided Ilerrin well acted. Mrs. an I sviilsrarlort- service Is riven and sultliieut Iiad liiundrics. adiiilrahln Mrs, Come, her ac-ccni DR. WOOD'S PINE fcVRUP Ily Hlnvv and Kiss. mails are obtained In llin etainlnallnii; also COMMERCIAL WORK Ihe NORWAY The Old Man in Ihe Corner, inere are opportunities ror piniiioih.n 10 finiid cliemicals are Ihose lending an extra touch rr you will mid remedy Hist win niinu-lulu hither ihviiiious. iiamnrs who Pali to " fat drink ami hrealhe Ihe "atmosphere" to Ihe scene, W. th wcnkciied bniiirlilal oriraiis, anli-dim 't he Cherry lliband. qualify for Ihe liirlier irradeS lit their to first PHONES 43 AND 385 etantlnalioii may hate au iKiriiinlty do "l T. use in Ihe laundry In I'ainplin also was a snlemn, the liinitmiiiatlnn. anollifi tlm Irrl-talfd The Hush Track. sit at Hib'iiieiil raurer ejaJoliulloua. parU, loosfn llio plilcrn nd mu-com, Quallflcatlona tor CandKal. I'nder Hie Hod Hnhe. I'P us clean. Thrt liarinrul vacuous and pompons Ilumhle. and Iwlp nature to easily dlalodire Camliilales nml lie Hllloli .ubjeiis nol are Ihe pnlsnunus yaseu tlio iimrlild ari'iiiuulallun, A Oeiillenian or London. nvr than forly live years or a He, resident In Hritisli Columbia ror at b-si-l one yeari t"i cnnipmifids we are all la-hliai' All the iniiflcul numliers ,wefe Mr. Jolin II, lloot, 40' Maple Avenue, Tile Secret of the l.eagiie. of kooiI rtiararicr, irood physical rondllloii wit hi vnlojed, Ihe oormd solo, Hamilton, (int., writes: "1 n troubled Lord Lovcland Disenvers ami Willi wiiihis evperienre, the , o A Tr. Our frozen herring bait Is cdnceded by fishermen nhirh . . ...i.i. ,t ......1.1.. ....I - ..nn.t lia Allfrll.. They should be rmnillir with prae- W'c Would mil I lilnl. nf nwlllL- "Tin. Lost Chord" by (Hllll hj Ul lllll IIIIIS Bllll IIOl irij " to America. lirai Mile,or miryiiii:, iiiiiurr cruinik-, ur I ;0 j,e (,o finrst procurable at any Pacific Coast il U o lonir i was bet-lnulnr fet tdvlllk- Slid roifoi firmi-riK I si.mss a I'll li Itil'Iu.In l i !...in-iiin-j i in tnii..n was fclVilrred with silch sjdendld afraid bf oilier development!, I tried all 'I'he Princesn Passes, knovtledire or the lurett . Art: and have f'ort--and It is "Fishy." I'rice, 30 per ton. remedies wlllioul relief. MoTt-ague. abtutv to erirniiKti work and tiaiulle men, The best of Insuring u good rjuality trip is 'Ulli'S, Vhv mil Din. ..nn i.liillilnir technic Ilia I il will 1"' reinem-Jiercd kind or coo Ml Ihe etainlnatliHis are iwiclly written. i7 way l'1!' snniA l..l..lli,.....i ..:.i for -a Ion wliila. I was advlned by a friend to try Dr. nod's J'risoner. partly oml, nd are deslanisl Hi tert the - to have plenty of our hard froxen Ice. I'rice, .nil' Mirtill. riiiniui i !! hy many Woud'a Norway I'lue Syrup, so I tot a rainlidalu's ablliVV nl"it tb above lines.' While $1 Ion. '?n' ""'I send (,ein lo Ihe laundry boiile, and It couvlnced me to believe that Ih Itaimeul, All iitaii-nients made i.y arpncaiits as to per ""'r IIiIm chemical nrincinle is We won Id like to say nico I bud at last volteo tbo rlvbt invdlclne, The Corner House. evsTleuce,in velillcU,Hi i-iliicaiii.il by and tlio eiaitllilil(itnnsi Hird sub-Jcc OllfFits 0ur w'"e'l'ill',,j "lore can supply flshing gear, :'T"Mlliiv. and ulmrii milv the tilings ahout iill who look part I utcd i-evernl bpitleS and mi practically A Sliidy in Scarlet. rrercreiice is imen in reniciieu .oioiem fishermen's rlothhitr, groceries and provisions well. I buve recoiumeiided It to Oltiers ttith Ihe neressary HiallUrall'SU. und hardware. A Lost Lender. r,''f''l chemicals are. in:ed? nit Mm editor's Jdue pencil Is followed," TIm almilt e.xanilnalifiiis will lakft rbu-e hlniT. and (rood results I I'rluce liopeit on Vanii IClti and ni The Log (load, SrVCa Id a ruthless sword. lie sure and ret "I'r. Wood's" wben riiiiitiiers on .variu nin. tor runner Put NEW ENGLAND FISH Company CANADIAN you ik or ill rlre, lit aud C0 t botilei innwe aptdy in tua iirinrt nrm-r, STEAM LAUNDRY Tim vii r Inn Px.rclillVfl rnm. put up only by Tlm T Mllburn Co., I.lmtled, Prosperous advrilislnp incans 'rllice lliiiierl. VV. II, MaelNVcS. Ketchikan, Alaska Branch I'hone n, (ndvtw mitlecs of thO Pnronl-lachcra' Toronto, Oat. regular continuoua advertlslnif. CHII Strvlco CoiiuaUflonf r,