fA.: f , .- PAOK TWO TT!H DA1CT 1TOVB Wf lntljr,. July 12. The Daily News NEW OFFICERS lllllilllllllllIHlllll m III 111 II II II I I lllil pniNCR nui'RnT - nijiTisii Columbia it x .it i iii Milium ii imi nu ii inn ii ii.iii ii ii nu mm inn linn it it it mm mini ii. i Publhhed F.yery Afternoon, except Sunday, the. I'rlnce T.L. COUNCIL Huprrt Itnily New. Limited, Third Avenue. It. F. PULLRN, Managing Rditor. (election In Most Cases Pindee Moss Schtms stn-dorsad SUBSCRIPTION RATES! feed Stork City Delivery, by mall nr carrier, per month'. . '. . . .y. $1.0(1 InvlUd. By mail to nil parts'of (lie Hrllisdi Kmpire and theUnlted State, Ibe regular monthly nieetinu in advance, per year ffl.00 of the Trade and Labor Oiunrll To all other tuuntries, in advanre, $7.n0 per year took place last evening ill Ilie Ganwnlers' Hall, .fame Hlack, TELEPHONE tl vice-president, was in the chair nnd there wa a pood attendance transient Display Advertilng $1.10 per Inch per Insertion of delegate. transient Advertising- nu Front Patfe f 2.M0 per Ihcti I'Jeclion of officer for I hp en-ulng lneal Header. per insertion. ................... .25c per line term liiok place and re nil lllassltled Advertising, per Insertion. ............. .2c per word sulted a follow: , Legal Notice, each lnertion 15c per agate lino President, McDonald. Contract Hale, on Application. Vice President, .lame Hlack. AH advertising fhonld ihe in The llaily New Odlce on day pre Secretary-Treasurer, T. Ho ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Mac Kay. . Slnltticinn. I.en IWhursl. Member of Audit fturM of Circulations. II Some coiiunlltee are yet lo, DAILY EDITION sitv Wednesday.. July IS, litJJ. he appointe.l.Continuation - Schools. Yz John linder-Mo of .Xnyot. BUjXl ifiHE LBlljlN: World It Better wa present lo address the roun- II I j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 cil on the proposed system of Spite Of Pessimists. correlated continuation school In spile of what pessimists say, the world i improving. pnr for northern J I. i.. After onto ;irialei to in- on I -uniiriU'it .stfHHHIHHHHIiHlliflllHHHH " .k people are no longer hanged for stealing bread, neither do men discussion the proposition wa iteroiinl. I (1 fIJ I fil-f "lllltll- " II have their e.ars cut off for minor offense. Iuane Mople are endorei, I ho suggestion being The Milmater-general lotil !-( made that the present southern .trllament that a five year pr.i- rnch nt chained and put in cage nor burned, neither are the very boundary limit l change,! from gram ha.I been deeite usn. involving PROGRESSIVES STAND clever. ery beautiful, or Ihe uncanny looked iiHn as wilrhe. and the fi.lrd to the 62nd level, thus Ihe rxpendilure of I3.V-noo.urtn. burned unlocked. In Ihese day of enlightenment men are no taking In Hie lown Of Ocean FOR ECONOMY WHILE inprionfil hecAiir Ihey cannot pay their debt, neither are the l ulls and Xwanson Hay. II wa FARMERS WOULD SPEND FLAT iMiintr.l out that these two (own Rupert rich glorified because of their riches etrept by ft few. would h liehiml such a move The Man in the Moon Men, women and children are not held a slave today, in for Ocean Fall had already had j WINMI'KO. July I? Winnl spite of all the loose talk about "wage slaves" and their horrible SAYSh. llixlil schools anil Ilia Pacific iiieg Piogresslvrs and t'piled Kar condition. Women are no. longer slave to. men unles they wish Mills had always shown them to be so. They hae equal right in mot repect aim! the few selves o le In support of edu IF Ihey were to mie Ihe eol 'oioe together following Hie .'Ire FISH Brand! inequalities will be removed soon. cational projects. At Swanson of printing, lluian money would lions if Ihey both adhere lo Ihe Hay and Surf Inlet there were cost more in produce than ft llcie whirh Ihey are preaching Today n man bold what religious view he wihe. or may already splendid technical libr wtiubl felrb on ihe markel. t ibe eleelor." XV. II. TrueuiAi'. he may go through life without any religion. No one interfere aries, These lown would thus K.t' aid at a Liberal catiiiaiitn with him. He i not even told that if he doe not adhere to rer lie brouulit incloser relation IK a man goes travelling in meeting. now available from ths lain form be will be burned in a fire of brimstone. He doe no Aith Prince Iliipert from busi Hussla he ia lo takr along a Xlr. Truenfah Aerel Ihe b al local retail ness, social ami altdelic stand trunk and A few- valise to carry Priniressivis. were prearhimr .-Hie stores. have lo believe that fiod i a devil who hate hi enemies. i" Jealous oint. ,:l money. ionoiny. till Iber had linked and vindictive, neither doe he have to believe that ftod sends Member Invited. " IheiiiseHes Itji with lh I nite. sicknea into the. world,pr that it i be who delights In killing off II was decided lo invite Fred NO one IH seo immey i l nriuer "who had include! pro.Hi. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. the young and innocent. He know now that sickness usually stork, M. P. lo address the next Hussla. It is rbesiier In Imiv it. a. r,,P l.ov eti.rn.titnre in PRINCE RUPERT come a a result of Mrs and i n disgrace rather than something meeing of the- council on July llliAlp i.lfilf.iritk Tlirr tii'a'ui over which lo gloat. " , i5lh on the. work of the IIASl II.M.I. jvlaners le long. iiHorislenry in their imlirie'. on sesjon especially a concern Hut who cares whether Ihey live the question of Ihe if A i not arrested for kissing hi wife Hiinday, man today on eil labor mailer Iteleiratr r not, onre they have l"rt day limior. Mr. Truenwn said. The neither is he put in the stock for breaking the Sabbath by whist, from Hie Ureal War Veteran ing the Jann, t'nileil Farmer were entirely op- ling or some such offense. In fact he may go fihing, play Association are atoAtn be ak Mie to the sale of miotic: linz ed to attend net! tiieeling. TJtl. vi-ij of, Ibe H. V min- EH. SHOCKLEY healthy game or otherwise enjoy life, so that Sunday i today an tiipior while Ihe Pnmressive. 1 If Ibe city council send ller this wejlL was unliiue in stnte.) they favored a referendum Cow Wharft Neit Imperial Oil Dek. even;pleasanler day than imy of Jhe other sis and be delight in tlantaa MIHei Bay. delesrate In the C.alfl-ary-'unem- inai iinjr inane no proinl on Ibe sale of liquor lo lie takAil -a Plooe-3a. r. it instead of looking on it a a scourge. ploymeiit conference netl month before June, l')U. I it urganii KaNKINtVMD Today life is better worth living than ever it wa before. it is to lie a-led to send a labor NF.XT.n ie) a girl what pretty eil byMicracyt he akei. Mf. Wm DIMINSION. flNISMINQ LUMBER,DOORS AND WIHB0WS. There is much sin, sickuts and premature death. There is hate, member of Hie eounc.il as !he eyes she has if one of them hap. Tnieman declareil Ibe XXinnipea TIMBERS, SHIHQLCS, LATH, foe: Agent deception And all sort of evil, but nothing like he evil that wa eily's representative. pens lo be glass. Progressives sliould lie standing lloUrtson'A llackett Haw Mills, Ltd. I seen one hundred either witli Ihe ConservHtive or J Fyfe Hmitb s llantwooit. years ago. IT does not lake much of a TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION Liberals a Ihe ilire i f (bi.se "Imstro" 3 ply Cottonwood Panelling. scahdal lo make the loeal ton. wtlh line Betting By Parl-Mutusl i-arties were more in Oarland Company. Ilootinj Paint. STRIKE VERY COSTLY goes wag cattily. tbe retrenchment ib ni.in led by And Its Logical Result. r.raig and t'.hipman. 'Hie spilr The Oak Hay Council has taken a strong stand against belling HIH you. heart said there was no place in the by the pari-miiluel system within its Imundaries. They hav Nearly Nln Million Dollars Spent (to you know? provincial field for Ihe progie. decided not lo allow it and a (he Victoria race track i situated in Flghtln? for 44 Hour Tbe latest seandal , slve inoveinrf.t and addd dial it GET BACK ON THE FARM within the municipality, it look a if there would be no horse Week. In Molten How? hiriibl te confined In the que. ISO Acres Vi mile from Morlcetown. frame house en race there for Hie fair. The coon cil doe not object to racing lion of economic in the fnWral two barns. Forty Acres Meadowtand, balanoo Poplar and but to the, belting which accompanies it. MAX' YOltk, July IS. It has (tl.lt I anie Tabby Spruce. SO Acre fenced. Snap foe either cash or terms. (Hilitical arena. The betting game is loaded againt the one who bets lo such cost the ?r,0lO nieiiihers of the Three kittens had Enquire THOS. McCLVMONT an extent that any man who goes to the races stand to love more International Typographical Union ihe never was married than Jialf his money. There is a ten per rent rakeoff for the SM.HOO.niui n maintain a Ko she mjist tie bad. PUBUCNOTICE. machine from each bet Suppose a man start out with $100. At strike of V,nod men since May, lii:i, until Ihe end of last month. Complaint have been received n A Our roien herring; belt Is conceded If Asberiuen the first race the machine get ten dollar leaving ninety for PMINT.i: HL'PF.Itr I terribly Total Assessment made againj that visiting the Metla. Dil I tq be the finest procurable al any Pacile Cosil someone lo bet next time. Hy the end of the sixth race, there i ncpleetrd. The l'-alern laier person members who working katla Indian village, in the ah. Port-and It Is "Fishy." Prlee, 130 ton. are per only fM.IS left and another bet give the machine more than are leiimg of I lie log rainfall In amount to V,!Vo0,uhi leaving of ihe native at Hie canneries, Ttis best of Insuring good quality trip U sence Ip'P wsy a half the money' thai was put in nt the beginning. A practically Ibe west and there is no sign still broken fences, lo tiave of hard froten too. frice, ;nn,ooo have en plenty our unevpeiukd. every man who follows the race hels more than six lime in one of this great centre til the list afternoon, it i plain lo see that half of the wagered money i Absorbed 'Hie strike is for a tl-hour of name of places affeetr.l. teral gardens, iorrteil away II per Ion. week against IH hour week . . fruit, etc. Our wll-equlpped store flihlnrf by tly machines every day the races are'operated. This a a flower plant Onfifo can supply "gair, in some offices and a 10 hour Vacation. Warning Is hereby given that fishermen's clothing, groceries ,nd pruUsluas in addition to the admission fees of those who go In wnlrh. On week in few other. The strike will follow any and hsrdwsre, a prosecutions No one likes lo Ire a killjoy or interfere with any legitimate !F.I'. they get off sport, but to allow a game to be operated by a public ody organized t still i-ontinijed but all the At Ihe station further epe)alinns of Ibis FISH of NEW ENGLAND Company working, and Ihe full rigor sioift are some a nature for the public benefit, which fleeces the public every day l'4irly Iburlsls union and law will be applied in such ' of over half Hie money put in, doe not look like n good policy. shop some a nonunion On vacation Ihe KsUhUan. Alaska Bcaneky V The Oak Hay council is a repreetitAlive Iftidy- of buine shop. "Later on Ihe eases. The rhiiin I made by Ihe em. CILXKLUS C PFJIIIY. and professional men and the residents of the municipality are Forty II meet plnyern thai they have won and Indian Agent. mostly well to do people who can afford to spend A few dollar And march rigid hack XVhen you buy adtertislng yon that I tie strike is non-effective. Prince 11 u perl, It. C July 5. 1033 on racing or any other form of sjiort, but because Ihey have business From Fraser Street. If buy CHIOJLATION, and See that Tbe printers also claim a vie. sense Ihey see that the system of betting a conducted under OU get It. If lory to' certain extent altboiiiili the piri mutiiel plan i simply) robbery and they refuse to allow many of a Jhe former union shops The newspaper with Ihe clr. aiMtsAL ot. EDSON COAL the people to be taken advantage of in that way. Ten Years roost r. are now run a open shops. Ago eolation Is tbe real advertising The Detroit News publishes some figure which re medium. CCATirrCATt OS tarSOVSMtNTS. COMPANY more conservative than those jujt given. They ay that at a recent In Pi'nc Kuport S) O T I 0 , Corner Snd Aso. and 7th St. meet there were 7,500 people present who took with them $H0.-000, BRITISH TELEPHONES rmirr Ai rraT ton msthict. i out of which they paid for Admission 22,500. and out of July, 12. 1912. Tik ih.Oi-V llul I, O. r. M.tiKkiun. ot HOhlii:i la lbs I melius-nittr AUttrtl tOuiBf lllm.Mtitkoa tlla el the balance of $07,000 they got back 'ft 1.800. therefore the afternoon' TO BE UNDERGROUND The city is having difficulties llw luurL Minltl M i' tinrtwr.bt Isndi intrud lor Vi t H'lHf llrrnrs la (,.r Wbrrt IIMUIrl.lKl4: 4a kllttull hlrrr. whirl cost the visitor about f 1K.000. a wilb Ihe Hank of .Montreal with ....m tim!-!..... ih. rr r.u.nsl In. ml dftrriljd siul Misrtl Uim1: TSkt NOTP K Ikd Un W. r-tistor. Best Coal Nine Million Pounds to Be Spent trgard to the sale of homl. The i.nnmieiirlBi SI s ! olsMMl UiriM-t (trsl rrea Miaer't lor A r(rtifM Miarr, rr Miners il4t,lr-llflrsl it of tut bieal of London financial orilivrol Corner III; o. 1011 C- simI U. W. Csraaroa. By Qotecomsol In Making fn! a nutib S rtisln'. K Hi: rsiUtTrsi Miuer ,1a. I0ir. j Iri-s f. u The Price of Tea, I Change. firm has offered lo purchase tbe rliilu Ihritr It soulk jiil sa bl rhsliui ruiuiniM'riurni,Ikrbre txjiu Usl, .1117 dM Iroai the dsu ti.r.of, remainder of Ibe rity's treasury i.roint (Ismii sis f rrs. U lr M I Imi Mlaial herardrr fr of lor irnri'-i luipraniMaia, ih our certificates for Ihe completion ,.rll "'V'",,,,,,. rsMut el otuMuat s trva Orsnl ot im I.OXIXI.N. July J. The Jlrlt. bo rUims. V. SS.1SON, o. Lowest Prices iti Post Office department I of Hie hydro.elerlric system lo sad lurtiwr Uk anlVs iliai SMIna, due to. under-production sad the amount or .17l.oon ai UH ni rrar t.in iustaict aaSsr Snli SI. a sill Imi nmtmtrmrri be-lor planning , ! Iul Ihe telephone rancr I lie l.miiasv of lurs trllflrw ef largely Increased consumption percent, an offer which the Hank lii.iir.ni.nu, wire underground so far as po T.k. iwlr lhl 1. fl. T. MlHrfc). el Has risen to the highest level In slide. Wilh this end in view of Montreal has shown no disposition sssnKh,llw MIBIlr a.i:.. rswiier,or iinaa muoil ror to in.iy iirrur.kit iIlo iois itin ItWIS air or W rSTMOrir.f. o, lilt Order Now! Phone 58 rears. To maintain "SALADA" a sum.'of afiproiimalely nine lo accept. lo... prwiieri..... ilia lor folloaliic rosl desrribeil l nd nslurtl Uul: SMMCASi. SOT. Quality in our popular Brown million Vi.un.l ba been apro iiniiiieiirliif al ImisI plialMl tl Ilia roosi r. Two launches sank at Ihe normwral rornrr l tl lli lliem-f Label Blend we have been forced xiulD til rlisllii) lltenra .t rlulu. MATiricATi oe isieaoviiitMTS. waterfront last night on account Ilienr iw.rlll a rtiams; llwiira wl M SSTISI. to advance the price to 65c per of Ihe eltremely low tide. rluins to pulnl (it oaniiitireiiient. C.m ..-surra wohm- 104 -stLvra tioanr SUITCASES promt 4 srres. M. $ Mineral i.Ulaii, iiiuiu Nothing Provokes aMafMore la llw nisi pound. However, prices of They were Ibe fish boat, Fish Iwid A.rll HM. i,,u,,M. Alter Mlalas DUIaMi l l.tailer Plltrirl. TRUNKS Maid, ('.apt. George Tarlberl, and , vv. .tXso.V, tn. WUra nonet;lurat.4i tuai J lii kllliull w tllrr than to fome home front Blue, Red Gold Labels UNCHANGED I the Nomlas. The captain and pmrr nrriHT Hn MSTHICT. Trsa Miner's Cerltnril Ho. 4ltK.ruawra, work and find his meal nt and are u fur A. tiloB, trr i.i.Thirr lit- ro4T Mioar'i Car ready. Hy trading wilts CLUB BAGS crew if i he former b"iit nan a t.ll L.n,. oi i il. r. Moiukkia. tl lilMsle . 4SC. A. r. Miner, Irss n arrow- escupH iroiii drowning .irti, sc.. rufSr. imxmi spoir i niuert t erunriia na. 4l c, toe D, W you not only save money en . Ciiri, rrea, MinrM Canmrait Na,i in Hieti sleep and saved metr in fc. .,,,jviiu.it t, mini m( m m s.iur.i isttic. lateMS. sutr Citi irara l us oala your purchases, but you Largs Stock on hand. live with difficulty, all I heir ssi or ibe fulloi asrral lsrUi Isr Wl, Ciiin-au Is ai.KiV tv k Mlalnc hrcerdrr them delivered In ample t .:: V. i loiuiueiwluf si yu 4ui.d si lk ft lrararinMM. sr Pric very low. ef feels being destroyed Ihe rlU norisweii roruer of 11 iwnr lo prepare your meals'. "SALADA" ( s rlwUisi IMn (Mill Ilia ibua rlaJBla. (Win; Msld Is lo he raised and re- Ilienr wil t Hislas llieara auria Jb4 rurther uk aours tlul itOi. IMiono us Trial Order J. F. MAGUIRE paired across Ihe harbor. ilnllis, mli mi naultviM-eMieai, UMu MrlKMi II. uaiil U foumteureit p7 Market rliHi tlMHil irr. Isr iaa Itaatara l surk (iriouiis ufl. The PeopJe's Neat Ntit ike frince Kupart lloUl UMfratettiealt. i. "ICTrtSI. PA1I0 11.11 Ulu flit r- .!.. AO. IMI The uy council demand thst .1