WMENIYOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI 99 W& mdln YOKOHAMA in a hurry CAFE Phone PRINCE RUPERT HOME DAKKIIY ALU NEW CAMS Phone - - - - 636 Northern find Central BritUh Columbia' Newspaper -t XIII N PIIINCK lit I'F.IIT. II. C WKIiSKHHAY, JULY 12, IW22 THtlfMf'l ClrUt)M 1IM Slrttt ! 111. PRICK HVK C.KNT8 Canadian Premier Is At Washington RUSSIANS LEAVE HAGUE CONFERENCE AND WILL NOT RESUME Mackenzie King at Washington IMMENSE LOSS THE MINISTERS Opposition to Free State Will Discuss Tariff and Other FOREST FIRES AT ALICE ARM Weakening Cork Only in benous Ireland Danger with , Slrty W!I lion Feet of Green Timber Request for Road to Naas Pub Matters Affecting Two Countries Valued at $2,000,000 lie Work Inspected Wade lll.'Ill.lN. July 12. Tlie lrrrgular ohimIhui weakening Dettroired. Oeti Camples I anil Ihr miri-eo. of the Frre Slle triMiji i iiirrrMung daily with niiitiimal freh liatrhei of rrpiibliraii" fulling inln Hie liand oi WMiiMFII, 12. July -More AMCK AIIM. July 12. Allnr. (lie Frre Htafer. Oirk w III only likel)nourrr of erion Irunble. SIIV'iT"V July I. I'r-nm r Mm k-nir King ( --re than -nlv iHillMtH frel f green iiry.lintrral A. M. Man null. Him. Tlie train service between IhiMiii ami Watrrfonl hus been ImU (or a loiilereiirr which Im been .trr,uig-l nt EASING UP limber hIh.-.I a approtiiiMlely lir. V. II. Sutlirrlaml, miiiiler uf rr-etallllieil and the liiwn of Wexford wan regained by the i uoo.ihmi ha bt destroyed ,um- of the OmmIihii leader fur Ibe iIimuhi I i mi i ilHfWlt imblir vkorkN, llmi. Iv. I. Harrow. pree SUIers (odey. forr-t fire the pal .1 .if It IIIIHIIm I ill n--l I fll'llil.ll lllterot III HlC IWI) liy HtinNter f ni rvmllure. Fred Lfl.MiON. July 12. A llelfat ileulfli ay twelve women ON GERMANY iiiiiiiili. iHiriwg Ilie pal few 1 1 rowmlervHl robabt Ilia I I bene include the lrrl Mlork. M.l. fur hkrena, F. C. w-orkinir on farm near filentcagh raUe have lren roiinrripled -ek lielwerii IWrtf, a in I forty Hi jtrrnrr walerway project who'll ha lieen the ub-. , I lt"ii-ami aire of limber hat Wade. K.:.. aitent.iienefal for and tarried off by band of Itrpnblif-Hii troop working out of ..rr.'-Minlpri hetwatH llio iriiicmmrHie of Ihe Iwo fir I I.C. in UmmJmii. Oa.t. Ian Mar. (ieneagh aHr. Other women have fled to esraie ronrription. Reparations Commlseon Reduces been "Tl by KeiMlr. P. I'lillii. ehief Al irm-) Hay, north of Van. Monthly Repaatlons Install-ment MulKrer uf tin- imblie wvrku tie.' i i l'fi-l.iUMi will be li-nr.l. riinloni iiuclm), ro-..rirnieiil Payments. rNlir. I li' fire Jlroye five 4irimeNl, A. I.. Carrullirr. die. MUCH MONEY NAAS FISHERY and other mailer. mllliiii fi-fl if ta'tHfbiK fir and trirt -nirinerr. It. J. Hrwart, in. PARIi Jul I I " relieve i-iar. ieetur nf fartorie. ami IV. . Ibe Herman fiiiaiifial ituatioii. Tills i-a'n h brrn thr MarlMetaM. Itevel'loke drusvil, FROM LIQUOR PACK IS LARGE PRESIDENT'S PRESTSAFE tbr iviai't i'li 'iiimhii-iii ha wur-l rMTH-iirel fwr nMNjr 'ieit SHmUy nixlit and unUiy frmii I In- flrr vlMMnl ill derided tli rettre the lllneiHlly years litMrttlns in Alice Arm. The party, iii1alliM-nl hr from lieriiiany Hie ..! tli-l ru l. i-ame lii-re in line with the Km. Tctal Prcflts for Six Months almost at Many Fith Taken as PROCLAMATION AT DAWSON .v.Hf I hi- iUnani firri from JA.OOO O n I.MMKI.nn! irittornl' inrfiry of ureiim Uii Over Million and a Half In Whole of Last Season. . ar- .mi ! Inn iihi'I of llinn old mark. Thr nrtl iii-ii I evNMilry al flr.t ham! and iiiixdi' Dollars. i ilyr nn Saturday. an- iitnli'i I'.iitnil. Itrotlt i ! II. Fi Kericin. M.UA.i i Tbr Nnam Fmherie are doing Drees Maintain Interstate Young Airman Known Here Time titinslon. fr hi lntervHl and enerjiy in VICTORIA, July 12 Municipalities ' wiiinWf nlly well thi year. Sev-'-ral TrtnspoHatlon In Connection j Otlllng Nearer to Siberia I'Aftl. Jill I.'. lifMiiaii r. RIVERS INLET makiHii fMinibte the iil nf Ik', will receive as i f the tanneries have already With Rtrifca. Objective. i.i filial! I'l ubiiiitiiil I iiarty here. direct revenue from their rauitht about a many Ibr iiiarl.'M- iiMiiiiIi..ii lr. SutlirlaHl bih! the idli-! share of the liquor control 'ooekeyr already a Ihey neeured v a-mi..uiX. Ji l. aatl-1 DAWSON CITY. July 12. fnntMl mturntUia- I ha I a STRIKE IS OFF i-ml- ii f lb- iiublvr l-irt li-tit profits for the last sU 'duriug the whole neamn la.t ITwl Jo t'fmhij Clarence O, Preet, the at wr-ll a olKer iHetiAiern f the months at the approximate year. Al prernl Utey jre aver- i ilfirlHa wlti Itir law-. Nevada avlalo, has reached . lutrty wvre tHttfniewe! by a riin- rate of $1.50 per capita of aaiux about fuflj to the boat. ... I I.. AM ' Dawson, completing the tirti rrtwalmlrf r n i mm nmm luilUw nf Um. AliriArutlilUiv the population. The total Ylirfi.r iooHji fkr)eaiud are -oceessftit fllnht from th win i.kjuti MiVu Satrkfactory VUemenw average laTKT Pi-r.l..-ir ..M-ialun rfMalive In the run. profits to data are $1,772,-791 llirreinre wnriu a greai aeai I a u-H-lamai iili ooast it this oily. He will tbr ii'rfr al a m-. il mrrliiig Fish Catch Last Night Was trurtNiii nf a road rwHiieelinii of which after $173,009 more I ban Ihr poorer grades of f 9 to Boat. .iiiiirrtimi W'h Hi.' leave for Nome In few days tb. ffrin"n lln- .aa Valley with Abe Ann. has been allotted to a re Ill Mllll-l ..ii' to take off for Siberia. The lir. blithe Hand w iwili inter serve fund, one half will be tp Willing ' flyer was at While Horse on CASUALTY LIST im:K.. l.l July I?. TIm-Wi.hi'i anil rMiilrl In rij In an distributed to the municipalities. Saturday havlnn flown successfully iih-ii liikr al llltrr In- MINERS RIOT i in i ii ..i ! i I i iiKHMrr al an eartjr oaie in ' over the White IRISH FIGHTING'iUtSKT vrr the nmte nr nHlte). IF tltr Pass from Skagway. 1 wile nirl ritle he wemld COMPENSATION BOARD I.H.I niaJ i-atrfc al th mh-Soldlers IN ENGLAND Ut rrrHHMWiitJ the rnit and 65 Civil- bni-r Ikaii lu hH .rrtMrr Nineteen ni-r wa l JOHNSON TALKS CANADIAN CHEESE I nir I inn of the mad. YISITING HERE TODAY lans Killed In Fighting Hi.- ra- r-iilly. Hi avraRf Trip Up Kltsault About Dublin. xt -ah Hie txat anil a- POISONS ENGLISH! Pie Mobile wwrke iarty "wern Constagles and Spectators Are Ihr Inulrt bnal iinl SIS. Tbe Going to Stewart, Premier and OF FISHERIES larlirularly interelel in the Injured In Disorders at South Ill MAS. Jnl ii- I he nffi-rwl iir.... i i - for III- ii-ll few day Anyoi Also South on Sunday Shields. ad. trail and bridse ami they Mysterious Epidemic of Poisoning rw.ually lil ! vNililary rem -r jjimhI. virwrd what wvirk had lieeu done at Dover Is Investigated Ihr rrrwilt fJjhllii III ....r. ill in the vicinity of the Inwn after, SOUTH SHIKMiS, Fjist, July 11 Underslande amendment IV "4lir- killed H. rhairuMii of the IHjMiii 8. Wynn. -In- CAPT. MACKENZIE ward niakins a hand ear trip up Ii. A riot in murveel hmi with Defeated by Senate Rivers oHi. Jnh I.' Riiilii ami III wmiiiilrtl Ike rivilMM Workmen U'MiiienatMHl Itnar!. I.. t....ll V'uJIV Hie nimer' strike resulted In Inlet Strike I JimUlltlT il anil .'HI wounded. ADDRESSES YETS .... . , Ui Ihr lirr Hrwllll 111 Il. n5 kllli Lain- I'Wrmri i -, Injury being done lo several 'Ihr mleriiiM mh-iiiik ennleni. jiarlicntarly Intere.tcl in natural " Vly"" " II. eoixlabte and a number of "UmilliK of tire ive. itm B-jri .(Ulrirt, a a a . a. I'ulloo, utenogruplier. arrived IRISH REPUBLIC Says Qovernment Has Been Doing reiMine. wei.l up o me r.r-i upectalor. Thirteen rioter i. ri.hrrttis wellrt t.v ,,,. ..ff-rr of Vancouver the l'riocr v i.i( tl IroiH on arretted after free for all a Great Deal For Them ixa Mine, it beiits the only ojier-uliuu were a sialrn Itriialr i thai ,, ttlH mnrty re PROCLAIMED CORK Lately Compliments inr clove at band. He nn-i (erar thiit niitrnins. fight in which bet lie and utouee - ' - i.jiJ .iiflrrrd. liii liualion h" Local Branch liiinir an efficient collector of Thry are hrarinjr eae in Ibe were throw freely. Tlie crowd ua an" '"Inn i'' - "f thr.r tin aflernuoM and will ai. -rrilll city thai lillirl) Irteii Hie miner front m I.iiMMl.Y J i i I? A ruuinr uinrri Ingical nani'le repreevi-latiM- lo prevent aid I II JnhMMin. ralrn I Jiiiailiiiii lier.r ni . MJ..A. U'liubt for Anyux where they alao Ian Mai'Kruiie. work. had Hi- In-li ll-nililie hail hee-n ilil of the iliilru t. He talel going to ' f Ihr mlil etorailr Ihr ill-ll l' I brief ad-.rr have buiue. Hiey will take a rhril III , i,h uiiiiril al l ink wa aciMlai Inr Vancouver. He a llial a t"i window' tli-lJay of the tn return from Van- In the hM al i treat War to launch from the nrller buwn ,! ti ial iiiiiiiiiiiu nrwepajwrr inin-iaU of be pi'ioinre wan TAR AND FEATHERS iiiiiruiav 'The mat- toHMtrrow niaht atnl go lo Stewart h-av. lofKe MONTAGU ALLEN CASE i i ni-1 lli lfa-l il il- linrn Tin -l-raii- Axineiatlnn I- uiad- in the IK House at t ii iiMtina the aaaMf wild Inr Hie bil-rmr lal iiibIiI. and Prenttrr. further work awnlt- mil i'iifir inv I.ondi'ii li- i aM.-iinoi Ihr (ainadiail BEFORE GRAND JURY iii'' an- II wrrr about J& frenelit ami mg llieui ttiere. On Sunday they Strikers Carr? Man to Woods I uarterlaaJ il Hi- V. V.. lii'iiiuiiK. tirvvident, Wav in will be bii k bare asain returnin and Treat Him Rough at IflirrMSfll will till tv TWO SHIPS ;hr Ii ii. AVIATOR PREST lo Vancouver: on Ibe sUMUWir Bloomlngton. II ha- lirrli Ih. their fuh IhnMSfh IITT Vt V Jil I -' Iid. MarKnuie deolaretl lint I'ruwe lluiert. in IhumL' thi'lilnl In ilbliil I In' rar of iA Ihr ial four iminlh the bov. Hl.OO.MINliToN. III.. July I.'. iiMtn said Ihr ih-nute Mr Mnnlaiiu Allen, fnmier .rri-Vnl rnmeiit liad dmir more for the FLED SKAGAAY BIRTHS. A aianktoj mob aiiri a irike Hivera lldrt fmlternii'i. .if Ihr Men hanU lkMk. ! a aiie of the retiimrd nrn ibun breaker named Inetaon .look hiui -'itlrd by Hie ua-n jjrand J' ' - .line the end nl Ihr ar. no A i.n was born to Mr. and In the w mhJ and, tarred aud ii lite same ternm iii.iiniriiiriil iinuev UmMUt ly the Northland and Willamette Lost urKnl a.oueralia for the welfare Plans to Visit Most Alaska Towns Mm II. I.. linH4ll, Fifth Ave, real breed him. He had truck i' i- neUiim 30r for Hepaiiinelil nf Juatiee. Their Way In Straits of of the aonorialioii and eoiu-llilMjMittl Enroue Nome and Siberia. Kal al the (leneral Hospital but later returiir.l in work. He Hie July II i a nephew of the president of .iilil y rniiHMIiy Juan Da Fuca. the bM-al blalieh (Hi EXPLOSION IN GERMANY. II.. I - .Mr. and Mr. Win. Ibe Chicaico aud Alloii lload. in 1 uben fnnu r am) te u I he won il wu ihiiniT uiul Hie Word wan received loday "it' aear. Tlie flh- !.KATTI.r:. Julv Ii' l.nelM iNARtter iH wIimjIi it wj keejijun Juneau thai Aviator I're.l liaa Adaui -'ii i'oi'l Kdward. a dauuh-ler. ' (! IS and iui wliiali il ItKHI.I.V July 1 2. Thirty per- thi tindi. 'lliurtday lat in .ii ill- iirn-rul llmpilal . . ... I i their wny in heavy fw whieh tolii'tber. He IioimmI left there mi ' tierii iiulle iiHlaWal MHt wei-r Bllveu "r IIW"i- hung nver Ihr Klmtl Juan tie l inn woubj fWiUmur. hi aeroplane and had lauded July i -' ammuiiMiusi up- SPEAKS HIGHLY OF ' wt lln- irent ottib- an npl n of r'ura. the IraMiem norllilami i&.lriihbHil J. II- Klly alo al Skagway a Utile later. He 1 market. tdiei. al I'.uihawii. and WOAnaielle went abnrr thta tHike. wa I ii tend tun lo lo. at While MURDER CHARGE CLASSIFIED COLUMN im said (he Hibrria the foraier near rm the aeneral iie-rlm llirie for Ihr night and finoi in epei lrd In murmur, Hi- following from an i i 1 1 1 a Hie (iriee itowH K. I. Ilurkley ailriiine and the lattar oti lavt muht. Cant. Mavheuila hud a Ihrrr lo iauoit. Kairiiank. ' MiMiibl fur ea liners arrive herr Ihr ln F.uanline veniim and nr b-Miiirniw he Smith Inland Neither are believed conference Willi the local evecu. Valdea, Hubby. St. Muhael and AGAINST SIKH krlf.ail-ilier peak for it- i iriMitt ul RHHuner mi In be .Uinai''l In atty live. .Nome. will ihiIIi lot ro "IK"' ,,M From Nome he plan to fly I5 Tallow Street. lint. .. . , July II, l3. Hie big Hlramer. urro llering ea to e-iiirria aim VALERA IN DUBLIN. MISSING COOK AT rrlnrn He then I lalklng of Boy Was Found By Jury To Have! Thf llly New: headiiiii for Point Harrijw. He Been Strangled to Death lbtcUed l.lraxr find Conference Breaks MILNE'S LANDING ''hiiliu cheque for iu pay. about 65 an ' ' AfT. KaHMinn Russian i making July t,- HAS BEEN FOUND I...S1M ass Ilia llsaUT IllatlltAB Milt 1 11 VANlIOl VKU. July IS. inrtil of your ae.iuul for who u uv lu Hubliii of Being m- -A charge of murdur ha beeji t;iuifll ad)rtiemeut 1 n-iiuWiiem offiwy Down Without Hope FISH ARRIVALS. plucel aaiul Terluhin Singh, a run iu your papar receul- I lodtiy u ileaUli Wandering In Woods Suffering iu Sikh. 3 year of age. connec ly. M!'I I undursiuoU the Resumed: Guarantees in way from Starvation and Loss of Hulibiit ale al the rlu,rtt. tion with the death of Hie fifteen The reull oblalned aulhoiuiaa have Memory. follow: ear eld compatriot, wlio body thei-efioiii ware uuile be- chauue today went a l hia MitrrfurlHB with with iirilta-'IIIK Vir.roUIA, July 13. Andrew Senator, JiI.imki pound at 111.3 wa fujind under a anlewulk. The ywMd my expectation II.Mil h. Julv 1'.' The .onlci. u. c any TtMiuiiovou, oook al M lino's Land- and St', and Adeline, SMiu miuiu coroner' Jury . fouud he wa whleb piik for Uia pult- "INCE QEORQE CHIEF. t,v. uf Soviet llu here Jouii'"' , " " Lcwlw wkl in V roiivtrueliou canu of the 13.5... and 5e, to'lUnadian Fjh HlranSbJI to death. ptjwer of youf valdablg .o.r l furthrr m.r ;krl .tMM ,he Uauadimi Nulluiial Hallway, who ailU ,i..i tVU di........OIIHB, I..VV a paper. '"in July It. Kara UN iMttUg Mini lurio.' " , ...All.g IHutniSOS III was tiiUninir for a week, has been iiipiki, i3,oou iKiuini. l lauvgj WRECK IN SPAIN. . Vre J.falilifUlly.II. KW'APIL. detee. lueeiaue were iittK u" .. .... . tfuaraiitei. winch it found wttuderlnit iu the wood and 5 He aud Aiuii- May, syoo COIlliNNA, flwlC Jtlly liV-liain la eergeaitl , "I t ban t tarvlit and ufferiny from lot pouur al I l.5o and Hf1 lu the eollUkiQ ratiulted III 33 kit print airier! r'iln rb'!l. my i.illi'i! ei'd 30 wounded. "'-U chief of polk" l if in-nn'iy ,ind loan would bt