FAGE TWO =o LONDON * (GJTINI « AND BEST PUREST This advertisement is not pubdlistd of! Control Board or by the Government f Rritish Colnmbia displayea oy the Lique Ne ee ee er THE DAILY NEWS, PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ‘ Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dailv News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES | City delivery, by mai) or carrier. vearly period, paid in advance 5.0% | For jesser periods. paid in advanc: per week > 19! By mail to all parts of Northerr. and Centra) British Columbia. | paid in advance for yearly period 3.0' By mail to all other parts of British Columbia. the British Em- pire and Unitea States, paid in advance. per year 000000... $6.00 | Gy mun Wall other countries, per YORr 2c occ ccc cen 9.00 | ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising. per insertion, per WOTd oon... cee ce cceeceeeee eee, = OD iocal readers, per insertion, Der ime cy. i cecsd cc peas neigs csensaee 25 | Legal notices. each insertion, per agate line ; Gti see seedes 15 Transiet display advertising, per inch. per insertion —.... 1.40 | Contract rates on application. | Advertising and Ciremlation Yelephone 98 a — 3 DAILY EDITION’ a irs Tuesday, November 1, 1932] LESS SUN, . REVENUE LESS RAIN INCREASE During the month of October this Customs and Excise Collections For! year a total of 12.85 inches of rain was recorded in Prince Rupert a Octeber Show Advance But compared with 134 inches ‘in the Total For Year is Down Same month iast year. Sunshin:« fo: this October amounted to 44.9 hour Customs and excise revenue at as against 51.5 hours in October last | +} port of Prince Rupert for the 3 month of October this year amoun- So far this year precipita ed to riy : 2 © reache » tote! Prince Rupert has reached a total $16.376.27 in th tion in : 912,202.2 as compared with same month last} of 90.83 inches in comparison with 2a 9 , 5 ir. Revenue for the year 1932 to 80.64 inches in the first ten months : . . . te has reached a total of $114,-| of 1931. Sunshine so far this year i in ain de eee il 47.18 as against $121,422.59 in the has totalled 646.5 hours as com- ‘ ; first ten months of last year pared with 745.3 hours in the cor- ~ st re responding period of last year ; aa Fr ing is the official eathe: s ° summa! for October this yea a ] ut Arriva $ announced by R,G. Emmerson of Digby Island, Dominion meteorok vist American Hichest barometer readine at sea H land, 24,000, 79¢ and 3c, Pa- level. 39.35 on October 1 ric j Lowect harnometer readir gp at sea Pacifi 28.000. Be and 3¢ Royal | level]. 29.232 on Octoher 15 Sea Bird, 15,000, 6.8c and 3c. Stor-| Moximum temperature, 67 on age October 3 and 4 Atlantic, 37.000, 7.9¢ and 3c, Atlin Minimum temr ature. 34 on Or- Tahoma, 10.000, 7.9¢ and 3c. Atlin tober 22 sentinel. 16,000, 6.6c and 3c. Stor- Mean n ire, 482 Total precinitatior 285 incl F erity, 19,000, 74c and 3c Total sunsh 49 hours Storace — HEADACHE Here’s Quick Relief A lot of things can cause a headache or other pain, but there is one thing tat will always give you relief! Just take a tablet or two of Aspirin. Your suffering ceases. Relief comes instantly, regardless of what may have been making your head throb with pain. Aspirin is harmless —cannot depress the heart. So there’s no use waiting for a headache to “wear off.” It is useless to endure pain of any kind when you can get Aspirin. It is a blessing to women who suffer regular systemic pain; to men who must work on, in spite of eye-strain, fatigue or neuralgia. ASPIRIN TRADE-MARK REG. IN CANADA THE DAILY NEWS als Something in the nature of a bark olf the old block. is Rinty Ju- nior, who is looked upon to main‘ain the reputation of hi: * _ Zs ee prede- cessor, thé late lamented Rin-Tin-Tin, ODDEELLOWS Seal Cove Wins LEAD CRIB ° Defeated Sea! Ceve By Score of 17 io 10 Last Night—Emopress and For Lacrosse Play’ As a result of the volunteer labo f local enthusiasts for the spor the Exhibiti Hall now practi- cally in readi for the nlaying of indoor box next Monday » which will open wit h senior and intermediate leagues in The necessary boardins nd netting has been put up and it prom te be a very tahle venue for the eport which ey ten will en. ioy a wide measure of popularity PLAYING BILLIARDS The postponed Junior Billiard} Leatue game of William Stuart, (Cold Storave) vs. Pete Pritchard | (Les Canodiens) is bein nlaved | this afternoon SOUTH Winter Sailings From Prinee Rupert for Ocean Falls, Powell River and Vancouver, Thursdays, 10.00 p-m, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS From Prince Rupert for Vancouver, calling at Queen Charlotte Island Ports. Fort- nightly service. Particulars on request. TRAIN SERVICE Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednes- days, Fridays at 9.30 a.m, for Edmonton, Winnipeg and points East. Passports arranged for Old Country sailings, For information call or write ; agent, or H. McEWEN, D.F. & P.A. Prince Rupert. B.C V-100R-82 CANADIAN NATIONAL oneration. ; ver Norway i Whist Fixture j you what is wrong We can fit your gla as reasonab) as il ou went to the big city We are qualified to zg you this service as provec by having passed the government exams and receiving the necessary diploma. You will find our services reasonable and conscientious ov "7 7 |, JOHN SULGER: “JEWELLERS THE SYORE WITH THE CLOCK Musketeers Second Seal Cove defeated Sons of. Nor way by a score of § to 4 in a reeent Meaty ¥ ne ary Ahi Oddfellows, by defeating Seal bestponed = Fraternal ¥ aes Cove 17 to 10 Jast evening, went into +e2eue fixture. The Jeading stand exclusive possession of first place’ *7® to date is as follow | . . Ww > in the Prince Rupert Cribbage) - : W L. | |Learue ov the Empres ind Mus- Canadian Legion 15 3 ] ag r the Empress anc Mus Ce 7 7 keteers who won 16 to 11 over Eagles Emopres: + 4 a? nd Grotto respectively. Last night’s | SW'!t's ] , | ~ague score we , follows St. Andrev 8 j | Tic} Canadian Legion 14. Moose 13 P Seal Cove af v 7 FeO au | i ol yd dfellow 10 oe} 4m pre 10, Bagit | Emp : = ~ nent He cf Grotto 11, N reteel 6 - _ . Swift's 16. Elks 1 Musk rs f 12 ao} ‘nye 2 9 ce} The Standing Seal: Cov ° 12 ee ee | G Pts. A Oddfellow 3 48 16 , . tal Empress 3 47 15.7 i a» d)\ Musketeers 3 47 15.7 :% Swiit’s 3 44 14.7 '4 i Moose 2 40 13.3/4 Canadian Legior } 38 12713 = Seal Cove 3 36 2 Grotto 36 12 f Y u 0 Faoles 36 9 | Eagle 12 I oll Mave Uver- Flks “is ee ’ ' E hi Hi i i] worked Your Eyes xhibition "at | . i We-can test your eyes by }j Now rm Pas “ness } modern methods and tell | - 4u% <3 Swe | ‘ To for Elect Re , Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks tal capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers Steel and Wood Vessels fron and Brass Casting ric and Acetylene Welding | 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and Mining Machinery hauled paired and Over ——— ee - Se ee Ow a RE ere Fe Tuesday November 1° 4 Annette’s Month -End Sale WINTER COATS and DRESSES FUR TRIMMED COATS Reduced to $24.50 to $17.50 A wide selection of the most successful styles of the season. Every coat is luxuriously fur trimmed with huge collars, and sleeve trims in new designs. Colors are black, burgundy, brown and green, in sizes for misses and women, COATS & DRESSES NEW FALL DRESSES GROUPED To Sell at $5.00, $8.06, $16.69 Three groups of afternoon, street and busins dresses, presenting some of the smartest styles o the season. Ruff and sheer crepes, ali new wea, feature new autumn shades of green, brown, navy wine and black. High necklines, elaborate sleey capes and detachable collars add to the wid: shouldered effect demanded by the juniors, misses and women—l4 to 20 UNTRIMMED AUTUMN AND WIN- TER COATS OFFER Exceptional Value at $12.00 Splendid qua!ity untrimmed coats, smartly styled from winter weight fleck and novelty tweeds, polo cloth and navy chinchilla. Excellent coats for school, street and business wear, featuring popular pole and tailored styles, in colors of brown, navy, green and grey. Lined and inter- lined. Sizes 14 to 20, 34 to 42. 34 to 46, HATS! . HATS! HATS! FUR FELTS—They’re new, they're smart; the pic ked styles of the fall season. Sailors turbans, dip brims, matron styles. In all the wanted shades new mod Sizes for re © $i. INDIVIDUAL HAND-MADE MODELS—Little new and chic hats are making dates for smart aft with the new romantic frocks, Featured in finest quality velvet, soleil and fur felt $3 Qs You will certainly be thrilled when you see them at this pr ed Shoes and Bedroom Slippers 5 to 8 $1.95 BEDROOM eee — $1.49 Black, pink, blue a) SALE STARTS 9 am. WED., NOV. 2. 9% SPECIALS Yee SHOES—Odd lines: size To. clea Pullover Sweaters %5e | Pantees, 2 py Me Purses 95¢ | Slins O5¢ Fabrice Gloves 95¢ | Nivhtoowy OH Hi se, 2 pr. for 95¢ Rec > 9 ON Sheets, each Met oe ee af Pillow Slips, pr. 95¢ Lace Brassiers, ea. J Dish Towels, 4 for 95c | Knitted Hats and Scarves Ide Touse Dresses 95¢ | Blouses hess om 12 Felt Hats $5¢ | Comfy (Sanitary Napkins) 3 for 95c THRI#TINESS is a state of mind that is nearly as valuable an asset as a bank account... . For thriftiness can always vet a bank account of its own. And it’s easy to tell thrifty people from the way in which they read the newspapers — just as you ean usually spot the other kind. The great majority of men and women never put a newspaper down until they have read the important news which is directed to them through advertisements. The modern woman, especially, finds the advertisements in- dispensible. She.spends more than fiye-sixths of the family in- eome.And the prosperity, happiness and health of her household frequently depend, on her reading of the advertisements and on the wisdom with which she chooses everything she buvs. The advertisements bring vou comple te information about ac- cepted products and new ones. Through them vou ean compare yales ... discover ways and meats for greater household effic- lency and enjoyment ... and make sure that every dollar : d 5 spent will bring its full return. ' Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you, ob ee AA SS SS era se aeeneeenensneceemnaemnmnesomones