Taxi 35--Ernie “arge t? p* Anglican Young PAnple’s As Open Grate, sn g Mec At Hoc Weanesacy at 8:30 pin. 253 Heaters G. E. Gulick, local manager of y of the fire. Don’t Swift Canadian. Co turned. t the Basketball tonight Anditorium, 7.! Hyde Transier-—All coals are’ ih dry shed. See adv. for prices. $1.00 | per ton lower than any other com-|East at 8 p.m., was reported ‘this {7 have acted pany in town, ti | houeht some city.on the Gardena this morn- John Meilor of Stewart is paying ¢ after al Fi] he y f +» . + + ; ee them at Kaien !8 after making the round trip toia brief + ) the city, having ar- on Anyox and Stewart on b riy i rom the north on bf he Ca morning L di Jack McColl of Anyo son ¢ 5 aaies Mr. ana Mrs, George P. McColl of Father E. M. Leray, OMI.. afte: cloth Drvers. idea} Port Simpson, arrived in the city {having spent the past month at drying. com- 2% the Cardena this morning from. Anyox, retur1 to his charge at h hooks the smeler town Siewa on 1 steamer Cardena $1.25 ve 1.2: ; Big DS. Cameron, fisheries inspector ed Coal Hod and ‘ ; ; ior tne centrai area with head-| J. C. Brady, district engineer foi $1.00 quaters at Swanson Bay, sailed thi | he prcevincial department of pub- Maar afternoon on the Cardena for Van-| ic work turned to the city on rocks uver where he will spend the|the Cardena this morning from a 600 and T5e wir ‘er | brief trip to Port Simps ffi ad 7 Ww) | brief trip to impson on offi- Cast Tron Frv Pans til cit] duties T5e and 85e The Canadian Legion reque : m‘mber nd re ed mei W dsmen rate t : ‘4 Cathedral, on Her BACKAC ES WY OOUS! Sunday, Nov, 6 im H rood buy. 6-lb. Membran Dai rvice, Meet ” “q have ce Sledze hammer. Legion clubroor at 10:30 a.m i GONE! ht for driving — , a : ohn nde n + | Very special at— John A. Anderson id sup i . pie BBe (eNdent for AU sii wi eran d = an — relief wit . Ruekinge Saws—~ “©91 at ~Anyox, traveiled Fruit-a-tives wo . mc} Gwn ¢ th foot. 54-foot, 6-foot — u ys “Your splendid a S209. $9.90 Cardena yesterday to pay a brief ad "Win remedy acted like a S710; $8,093 $9.90 visit to stewart on official duties. “““* eysem’ feast ee 7" ” _ system, I can't be- : Buck Saws gin to tell what I suffered from beckaches dea ‘i sical to kidney derangement. When I would bend $5.25 The Elks’ mewrhership campaign down it seemed i couldn't straighten up s 7 . again. I was «x ually awakened at night it which has been under way for the Some the same cau izzy, sick headaches ; ne 4 o an a wes stomac ad ae fe eri “ ©9 45 past three weeks and which has wretched "Now thats to your sees Bitted Axe been very wecessful comes to a we tives' fam enjoying tit e190: S250: $2.75 close with the initiation Wednes-| Fruit-a-tives . . . all drug stores } ° ' - ne e . ht B cial day night by P. A. Miquelon, grand “ ouananalh 9 f oe, lodge organizer Mr. Miquelor , : ( . ry neh Or col leaves Sunday next for Anyox + eee ¥ peer - ’ h nce Rupe Gy Club in Oh Kid ! where he will pay an official visi C : : ee * ° * ee’ lade the Bg { took the he Elk lodge 3 ut 5: for oi a b Presi- Football si - 7 William, Cru hank w n the . ise y Clark, of this city stu ; gO an Nta i K { cl ; y q 1 Mone . dent from Port ‘Simpson General , b ‘ ur g a r Cate ; F ao m Hospital, had the :distinction of . roller Skates at 4} ae Cae 2 ob ove graduating fourth in the. province . ' : ; ; : : enn C hargeo $2.75 in the .recen Registered Nurses a tg Knives examinatior nestit of which with nken uid Waiter Co- ~. = aa ,, | rey and Purdie Steves, charged with 1de to 75¢ were announced a few days 42 ac to in . Mi Clark pa i the. examina- ‘ 1 ; } nd Value Shop o! wit { t-class honor o! : 7 ae = i ' E F 53a 4 te ,{court before Magistrate McClymont > TARR over ty percent. A student of) | ‘ SARDWARE fr fe one mnie tee ybody Does tor ed the province a , " : Mi {. Loga er of Chief Engin I , the steamer ar ; ive here at * e the end of tl week by train af ‘ ) Country 7 Anyox and mst Eee stewart Cardena yesterday a INI ul was h morning aboard e stean ugh to her t V N Unemployed Work- ley \ ) it n i moved it me I from the Canadian o © j Labor D League Hall on Sec- md Avenue to the basement of the 178 Ryo ) RB k at the corner of © I Ay I Sixth Street the meeting will be A meeting of rE we Y th ‘ity INTEREST TO WOMEN— we are repeating, for a limited time en ' . , » the r of a British-made, 13 aluminum cooking spoon for the return bein w Sunday nigi.t in Cube Red Wrappers. OXO Limited, St. Peter Street, Montreal eM H t} view to pro- sear ; leportations while rdered by the } yr es * eFish which made Prince Rupert Famous ‘Rupert Brand” SMOKED BLACK COD — Prepared Daily By anadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CANADIAN PACIFIC ver PRINCESS ‘NORAH- -Oct. 12. 24. Nov. 2 ‘ancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m, via Ocean r f hikan, Wrangell Juneau, Skagway PRINCESS NORAH 8, 20, 29 For Information call or COATES, Generar Agent write i I Prince Rupert, BL, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers. leave .Prinée ‘Rupert for, Vancouver ‘. CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. ’ Waypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thursday a.m » VENTURE EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. ™ ‘g Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx ‘Ings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anvox, ie River points, Sunday, 8 p.™ and tickets at formation regarding all sal! Phone 5Ae © RUPERT AGENCY: Setond A tenne. Phone 5 Stewart and Naas VRING ONE of Canada’s fine ra the ‘Continental Limite Fare-and-a-third Round Trips to Eastern Canada Tickets on sale December 1st to January ¢th. Return Limit... three months. Stopover Privileges. Low Fares to Atlantic seaboard on all tickets to Europe... Effective November 20th. For information call or write looal agent or H. Mckweh, D, FP. and P. A. Prince Rupert, B.C, CANADIAN NATIONAL , Announcements Martr’s Messenger Service. Phone | 290. tf Tonight’s train, due from the! morning to be on time. Brick-lined Heaters from $14.50 Exceptionally good value,.Gordon’s Hardware, McBride St. Phone 311 ti The fire department had a call at 8 o'clock last evening to th ~orner of Seventh Avenue and F'ul on Street, a false alarm havin: deen turned in. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A Z. Dickson, returned to port at 3:30 this morning from Anyox Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 11 o’clock for Cassia Cannery in the Skeena Slough to load 1,000 cases of salmon, returnine here to sail-at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and. waypoints Tt = Bh C. N. R: Trains for the East— Mondays, Wednesday and Fri days ‘ ‘ s-seecues00 BIN from the East— Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days 8 p.m FINED AT BURNS LAKE Paul Dupuis of Southbank has been fined $10, with option of seven jays’ imprisonment, by Stipendiary Magistrate R. W. MacGowan of Burns Lake for having a snare set during the close season. ! a Vie Sons of Norway.Bazaar, November 4, Oddfellows’ Hall, Rebekah Concert November 9 Uddfellow’s Hall Boxing, Empress Arena, Wediiés day, Nov. 9, Bagshaw vs. Gurvich Eagles’ Dance, November-11..Aa- mission, Gents. 50c, Ladies 25c Oddfellow’s Dance November 18 Anglican Church Bazaar, Novem- ber 22 Jcessful in © TRAPPERS _ AND BUYERS As you know I have been doine biiriness here in Prince Runert with you people for twenty vears. Durine that time I think I have proven that fairly and squarely with you all. I am in a position today to pay more for your furs than any one else as a result of ‘a contract I was suc- closing recently with eastern manufacturers. Now, gentlemen, you also know that you do not have to wait for your}. money when Goldbloom but that you will get it “vromptly by wire Send your furs to me and be as- sured of receiving the same fair snd courteous treatment I have al- ways accorded you. You can receive no better treatment, WILLIAM GOLDBLOOM DANCE WAS SUCCESSFUL Highly Enjoyable Hallowe’en Affair Staged By. Moose Lodge Last Night One of the biggest dances held so far this season was the Moose Hal- lowe'en dance last night in the Moose Hall, about 275 persons being resent at the affair which was 4 “omplete success in addition to be- ng most enjoyable to all Dancing was in progress from 9:30 p.m. until 2 am. with music by Mrs. J. 8. Black’s Orchestra. Bal- 'oons, confetti and streamers were distributed and lent much to the ‘nerriment. Gillis Royer was a gen- al master of ceremonies. Buffet refreshments were served The committee in charge consis- ted of Charles Lemon. B. J. Bacon Cecil; Morrison, Andrew McDonald Sam Haudenschild and A. O. Franks Jack Wyatt presided at-the door. RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter Elks’ Bridge and Whist Novem- ber 23 Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 24. Daily Specials here is your chance for a first of the month order 25¢ } Corned Beef / 2 tins Lea & Perrin's Sauce large bottle Alberta Rose Flour 59c rs $1.20 “lareaipectige ae "reat wound, 2 OBE | hed Almond Paste— 23 o-lb, pke j Cc } MUSSALLEM’S | Economy Store | 1's | . . Rawleigh’s Norwegian Cod Liver Oil 14,000 Units Vitamin A. 7,000 Units Vitamin D. 3 bottles, $2.00 Phone Black 623 Free Very. . Miss D. Hogati TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 dealing with| Ne you strong the winter ph | These are danger days. Cold east winds, chills and ills, threaten | young and old alike. .. SCOTT’S EMULSION strengthens and aids | sustains the whole body, : A spoonful at night rebuilds wasted tissues, and restores vitality while you sleep. A spoonful in the morning gives you warm and vigour to face the hardest winter day. Ask your druggist | for the genuine SCOTT'S EMULSION, experiment with substitutes when you can make sure of results by taking genuine SCOTT'S EMULSION of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Rich in Vitamins A and D For 60 years the trusted remedy for:—.... » 28 v3 BRONCHITIS ANAEMIA ‘SUREROR Wr CT EEE Bei teat Le aed (tO Oe Oe we ee ee eee eee COUGHS rT | COLDS INFLUENZA RICKETS . «+... : 5 is . i : orant ve | Sales Agents: Harold F. Ritchig & Go. Lady 10-48 MeCouh St | | - 4 : e ae - ! i . ¢ 8 ; & ,? ® a ee ; “aa ;Classined Ads; ~ @ ; ee eae | ¢ wort tug oe : FOR SALE BOARD AND ROOM FOR SALE—cheap, Four-door Se-|ROOM and board in private fam- ® 8 ' dan Apply 34 Taxi. tf| ily. Phone Green 938: “156 He |PFOR SALE—Mink, Quebec. Labra- dor, young or adult- $20 per pair. | F’. Hoppe, Lochdale, BC. tf. | <<< — |TAP DANCING taught by Miss El- ° eanor Tite:-Phone 20. ti DANCING FORRENT TIVE-ROOM turnished modern wo unfurnished. Phone CHIROPRACTIC “ house. T W. C, Aspinall ' Green 698 | - . " - | 7OR RENT—4-room house. close in, "hree Year Graduate Chiropractic Phone Green 402 or call 329 Fifth Modern Ray Treatments Given Ave. West tf meen ee ae . Phone for Appointment TORE for Rent. ‘Third. Averme Green 241 an€ 548 idjoining Wrathall low rental McClymont ty pen Evenings 6 Exchange Blk. MODERN House Dunsmuir Street McRAE BROS., LTD. JONES Family Meat Market Round Stedk, 2 lbs 10 lbs. Potatoes Sirloin Steak, 2 4 Ibs. Onion Pork Steak, 2 ibs 4 lbs. McIntosh Apples Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs 3 lbs..McIntosh Apples Lain Lamb Chops, 2 6 Ibs. Turnips Leg of Lamb per lb Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs 5 Ibs. Turnips Leg of Pork 4 lbs. Veal Steak, 2 lbs 1 tin Peas Stewing Veal, 4 Ibs 2.1bs. Onions, 2 Ibs. Carrots Lamb: Stew, 4 lbs 1 tin Peas Loin Pork Chops, 2 Ibs 2 lbs. McIntosh Apples 50c 957 — Phone — 957 50c 50c 50¢ 50¢ 50¢ ibs Ibs 7ac 60c 50¢ 50c Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Is offering a special price in PERMANENT WAVES $4.00 and $5.00 We ice ee phan: feminine hygiene. Call for your booklet, Phone — 655 20c 50c. available for rent November 1s! PIANO TUNING Official Administrator tf ‘ SS ie cal ULLY Modern Ho ‘ ‘io ;, PIANOS Tuned $3.00. Walker's Mus h furnace, breakfast nook ar Store tf es. Ret le. Ph "= Red 720 t DAIRIES FOUND All] Our— Kid Glove, 7 “gireet near" Post omni, aly, Milk and Cream SHIPMENTS Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Products VALENTIN DAIRY ; HAIRDRESSER |HURRY—100 Permanent Waves at Phone 657 cm $3.50, Nelson's Beauty Parlor, (tf) | 7" ! ‘ Fer FRESH LOCAL MILK ‘ TRANSFERS aren Ae : Phone Red 608 or 953 : Cameron’s Transfer— Cordwood v9 ; ; 3 ‘irewood, Furnacewood, Kindling DOMINION DAIRY 3 Poles, Piling 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 . || WHY LOOK AT SHABBY & AUCTIONEER DIRTY WALLS? We paperhang a room for List your goods with us—Prince ij $5.00 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 Rupert’s leading Auctioneer, and up. Call, Red 802. G. M. HUNT | J. P. MOLLER aes PRINTING |The AUCTIONEER \ OFFICE SUPPLIES Packing — Crating — Wrapping . ARES 7 and General Furnitare Repairs Rose, Cowan & Latta List yout aineh aaa \ Phone 234 _.|GEO, J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 } Back Northern B. C. Payrolls Keep the Home Boys Working—Insist on Bulkley Valley For those who wish to economize try a portion of Bulkley Valley slack with your furnace coal A} Mea ¢ x fh Nie Sat NN IT a 44