Iae,djr, July 4, 19 THE DAILY NEWS WIRELESS REPORT Local and Personal S a.m. BRUNSWICK- iJlflllY IH..M Clmiily, ealm. IS Ii.ir.meter nilt- mm ra U. O. Undertaker. I'hone 41. tf S0. ea niolli; 6 a.in.. .im.WcI "Stratford Model" a, Pnti. i . Ktia NlmK liawyet -' Hayners, Undertake, phone IikIiI ii'Tllilxxjiiil. An artistic piece of furniture 361 tf lll.AI TIIIIH I'OI.NT 4lloii.lv and the Supreme aim; Iiarvlneier, 30.-.'rt; liK-r. WRIGLEYS lid- Lull i.mlatil. 7:15. n. ci. i:. HHiie. 5J; Pfn tiiuolli. Musical Instrument. v. rutin. ! HII.I. IIAHHOIl Over.a-t.' Has double Ultona all-reconl 4- j rc.-s.ii iiorthwe.l w ind; haroiiiel-1 Three dottn eaae fnr II U'r leiiiH.tai(rr. 50; n-n reproducer and all uuaniiilwHi. oil, Alaflet. tf ; iii'ideratr, 8 ii.hi, Hiiok.- -leani i wood oval amplifier. I'liiire Hurrt Off Kisg Inland I'him- ai the Auditorium. Utllholllhl. j Reduced to $400 iiir..), j, o. YiaJbir we I Noon. 1 55 IHiUlY ISI.AXh taomly. Model No. J07 reduced to a. iiorlliwe-. winl; l.arometer, :tlt.-l $165.00 r 'Hit- wlnilffw for prices In .'9; teiiirrallte, &9; ea fliHM-th ur i.io.intr Otti gala. Itoyal Htm. ItKAH THKP I'ttlNT ouiy;i Model No. 112 reduced to 'allii; liaronieter. an..'7; temper. $260.00 r.ah for Victory llundi. Thoa aiure. W; -h ninoolli. U"dueday--KiMHtiaa l.laad. McClynnnl U Ill I.I. HAIIItOll - - iverea.t. Terms arranged to suit "I -' -W pro., .NAIlllin il(.i fre.h north we.t wind; baminet- customer. I'll..in- Mark m. lieoiy Mi.'ll"llill. ..f mi. er, 30..W; tein.eralure, 8H; ea M-k, Ul l'lv.'ll Ml the . ily 011 aj tiMiiJerale. , fi.ii)TNMn. All Mr tiMff niMhi (rain. mM, are on mlr at Cost rie - THE PRACTICAL WAITER. nyai Kline: Stare, tf We aiill tmvm a few pair of A rertain llarbr county man 4. White Oifunlt and I'.iimi.. left wa in Tope k a .ev era I year aif". 1 l- name f Frank i. Hire al (l.rw ier pair. Hoyal HIm an.1 wtien dinner wa. erve. at This f Any.. baa been added I.. Ihe Mora. we of (lie hotel, roa.linir mm new Xi. " VO,&r,,l v i.-t "f h. :. idii umrr. were mi the menu. He i e. candy-coated William f'.. (vrk-. the Te Iremely finnl of corn in lhi alyle , Will iie..n, Walaon rai-e ateretant, rvarhed the eity 11 ml be rderei .oiih. Hie corn gum delights "iniiiiiniratr wltfi eotjain, Orecr laat MflH a IX I la refiateml ill wa Hne. He aave the eoloreil young and old. AW ," Parker, m South Haafinv Ihe Hotel t'rinrr ltu(..-i-t. waiter an ovler for mmiic more r n Avenue, Huston, Mate. f TU wn Very qnirkly diM.wsl It "melts in - Mr. and Mr. J. Pindar.Mo. or and tb waer "realed." your Columbia ( reatber.tonhatMrh. l. S and family, arrived m the rity Tbia hapfa'nail fle limea be fare mouth" and the gum in the H ilitiiiial enjiineer, and A today from o .-nroiile to Ihe hungry Minn wa aati.fbNl center remains to aid digestion, j nj-i. ..i.Unt. I. f an lat Vancouver and Yntti ia. A he eoiiiidrtrd hi. dinner with himM . train for Wiajalawg o Ja ! of water be wa a, eace brighten teeth and soothe mouth ieNiri menial buiae.. Word baa fenen n-elve.l by with all the World, and, tuminx and throat. Records - -4. Ikaiala iUh rmm bi father lo the water, he remarked: "Whni . Auaer, aiiaBj aawtnavr Fred !tort, m. I". that he and do you llim-k of that kind of a f the jtna.liafi NolMwl Hail, Mr, flora and family eipeel to dinner?" There are the other WRIGLEY way. left .mi la.t nlsfM'a train arrive home oa Tfturday even. The wader trriiined and re. friends to choose from. too: -r-T f..r uinietf and TurtNilo on tn. Hiarked: "Well, uh, l.r.o, thi. 25c. 50c. iepartmrntaJ baialnaa. yeah 1. Ihe liiirbe.i .n,-.-, hot.-1 "After a. Mi liwen Mnrmi. dwuahter in hanaa don't you think you I'lie Trade, and Late (un. of Mr. and Mr. W. Ha.aeU Mnr-aan. coubf .ave money hy liurdin' at Any 10 inch Record Any 12 inch Ilecqrd eil na twen iirantml Ihe ue 1. leav'na for Toronto aeit a Irvery babn?" he .Wrufwll. Hill thaMala f..r ae.-k to spend the umnter wttli it. annual r. leftratli l In' beld her .u.irr Mra. Herbert C Ha. Frank lkrill arrive.I on I i ! n lkur hay. Suaawr I. be.ter. lipnt train from Telkwa and ORMES LIMITED . . i ri.erd at the lintel I'nuf. iSnnar J"-b Mi Analiran Wb.d llr. Iluert. I Kay aatitr vt Met- 3rd Ave- and Cth St. P.O. Box 1GS0 lakalla. mm ftnvd l ! In nie. TburaaMdJ July S. If rain. Phones&2, 200 and 134 liaw Aeal Perryk yrler4ay f.,r in me ptmi- win ie neia rut. NEW MAP SHOWS ALL MINES vaaraitey. II wa. allee.l that 'winn day. Ibaal l.-ae Keirb-iinr. IN STEWART DISTRICT THE PIONEER ORUQOIST3 TWO RFVALL STORES M.-Kay had Kealn hi wife at float lt:3A and 11:30 a.M. Ju.l 011 1 -up-to-date wall ttiap i.uiinHte uaaaery. nae t .Mt and :3n pjm . of Ihe Mining Ih.tri. t of St. wai I. i.. in-- aain t aim. - Il.r... and Hyder. Alaska, by Halby ; -4. Preabytrrian Sunday rhd Morkill, surveyor. ibowa ::' Ju.lve K. Mrll. Yaf leaves Parnie on Wedueky, July i. proiteftie and other data on Canadian National Railways I ni..ri.. Meuinv for Miilaor Roal leave The HaWfan a J:ti IWfcKHmhr'fcnd'Marniot'lliveM, it.-te he will hear oa Thurxiay a.ni. and at intervali iHereafter ami on Ihe Alaska aide. Copies li,- trial f Will Urn Julm.on. for Inaby. It u naaka It a real may be had from Mcllae Ilru.. Pince Rupert ni,l!,.ii Indian, eharav! wild ronrealioaal pi.-nby. IS I Ltd.. Prince lluert. IS I PACIFIC RAILWAY ii.-fl and iMwaainir jail. Johu.on GRAND .TRUNK lia el.'rlfl for .peeaj trial. Ye.ierday'. arrival at the DRYDOCK 1. 1. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT mil su.l Tburs- - Hotel I'riuee HuimtI included H. n ...aav ;.i I ...i- k M .lnikiiil f 't Swaneon Bay, I he reaairt f Ike fire . hief :. HwH. I'oronto. Frank laafe. 0t Fall, Powell Rlvar, Vancouiar, Victoria and Saatlla. (I Ihe muaSh of May wa- re. Yaneoatcr, J. W. (Jaillian. Tiaata aati isata. AND i loi .-.li..-uy. II i' y or Stewart, K.itui day, 8 p.tn. . iv .1 and filed kf Iter it .-.mjii. Prince llrorKe. and It. Alex .lle4 leader lll 1 Wrrtil Kv tt. H MHMlrr ..f i.nj. ii iruH nul liw row lirand I'ratria. it la.t nla-at. Iurtntr the nioiilh 11, iw. mm .jq ibr .7ia o.v i.r jm. i SHIPYARD I. I. PRINCE JOHN vl Noithrn an J Southern Ite- ) ' i-nt. Iberr had karn MinkaM of IJrear Stlt, lo i een alarm anal C-.3 Charlotte islands, t.Mfc and jJth. June Jtfc and Pbritip .MorriMiu aud tins. f.-, at SaUUk hew J ay (lie total tMae bad been ;&. hrk mm! ffMrr, liaalra ua aa am aal i Mill and .'.I.-1 ukuI Mb and ltfa. ejlt. Sttd. I6Ui Jack, nr.lhe.. arreatatl yr.lerdayl ! k. Mrr. Haarr t Cvatl iaUirl. I Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock uiM-otere by lii.uranre. Sal. law ' J rr ain m anvaea fur aria, and aerouata totalled afternoon by Kenceanl llailey and He,ranker a I .rf tHHber.Mrtirular. r Ike tfaer 1'utm Englneera, Machlnlsta, Bollarmakera, Blackamltha, Pattern Train Sertlce IIM.1t. Iknuinbtn tuUbl WeUintMi, Itr. rrl-.rl. tl . . ur IH.Irfc-1 tmter. makers. Founders, Woodworkars, Zto. Paenger Dally Bicept Sunday, C.4S p.m. apitrarrd in the polMa ci.urt tbie rrwer IWI-rrl. B.C. Electric and before Me. Tiaata aLi Acetylene Welding. inorninu Maciairale mm I i mil Mr.. I'nif e ..eorae, lidtuonlon. and Winnipeg, A fraw la.-lure on t'.hn.lian k ,i Jinri roinir ii ii tr all point in liaalern tUnada Silence will be delivered in the Uyntont rhiirised witji liaviny eWd Inelrr. H te reraltad by lh Intuor in ptMniioii, Adjourn T ler of I aal al V Iriurla aul Urr Our plant la equipped to handle all kinds of it Jl lnU.i alc. Kni.re. Tbealre. laur.aUy. laaa a i lb rata iUy r 1 mly. It. mrnt in eaeii raw ntade uidil to. IOT Ihe parrba.. ..f Lie.act X ltd. tu ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARO TIM Inly S. al M: p.m. hy In-. Wal-I011 ral i.aaa.aea fret or Me. Cprare. Pal HuldNird, t:. t. II.. Member nntrrww. ".Hi awl Hetulork, tluaied ua the t il Marine and Commercial Work Agency for all Octan SUamahlp Llnaa - Irm ..f ait lav. Lllrnlie Bay. H..(r j. r Ihe tMMird of lrfH-lurebiM uf l. Hulri. I City Ticket Olflca, MS Third Ae. Phona 269. Hon, T. I I'altuMo reteiitly Three .j. rar will be altuvej fur PHONES 43 AND 3SS I lie Mother Cfttuvh. thr Fimt rMHukal Umtm-i made a H-eefiil fllKhl over the lurtber rlH-nlar t Uw i:aM-r .h. Inn fh of t'.hri.l Seienll.t in forest Irt, Vi.l.w. B '. . ur lH.ltrl t'(4Ttr. of Vaneomer lfand area i...lon. Mb. I& ITiwe Huurrl, p i rfltd I...-. (Hrtt.iUlld ahNtK wilb ia thi aueaiMi court r britkh ihe ehief fore,ler and idher coiunaia ia eaoaaTC CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ialioii The of aitlieatlon H"V Herbert for natural Hat'Mi. with a view to .eruriutf firl la tar uw Matter ni ine of Hatter Mm Aduuat.lr.Moa ar ll t-a la la A-t I hand informal ion in reaurd l M IIHaw Hrrw. MarLaitMa i B. & K. Poultry Mash Aiia-rb-au. iialcliery beler at Tkl. Mini.: thai ua ta mm dat t B.C. Coast Services Ihe i-oiidttl.ii of Ihe limber, the Vial. 111. Ij-llen or tdiulblrali.ui n l.aL.-Ur, and Ali Okna.ora Ihr abutr vl.ie err iraami tu Nr. man, bartM-r of frinrr H11-h-i. i.reiei-ce of ln.- and amount Hilda Ura. lit Uarrm-a etml, Vwrlutia, meant of o.en land. The trip wa 1-11. were li.-ard and approved VU. riavivs ha.1st arruaau araiiMt from PrinceRupert tirely ui-r.-ful. Ihr ealalr are rrairrd to tend the mom Sailings by ludae Younic yr.leraVay. The . to Ihr uwter.i.nrd vithla thirty dia a, rr.au Ihr dan hrre.r. HHinWLJLB For Ketchikan, Wrangell Juneau and Skagway lilieal iono will yo to Ottawa Minnie Johiiou. Ujtlrve jrirl. VI.L rm-o- oainr a.Mdea to Ih aal.l More Eggs JULY 7, 14, 17, 24 and 28. for flual apprvital. male.are brrruv required lo Ute JUNE 12, 19, 2. 3, wa aaalelK-ed to u nutnlh-. at w inr uuovr-.irird roriaaun. UVTIII al thr I il or rrlBre HrnvH In For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle okalla hy Indian .;cnl Perry tar IT..MU.. of Vrili-di i .duoihw, Ibi. JUNE 17. 24. JUUY 1, S, 12, 19. 22 and 29. H. II. Ikbinalon. eoulrarlor ye.terday, having been found taia da of June, A Ii lt This is a balanced Laying Food. f-'i Hie djalheiy of i.h'L U the lili-t.V t.HAV tlteriitm , . . PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, eity frotM Saillh Inland, ia to be auilty of vawranry. Tbi i , Victoria. B.C. Each sack has attached a tag giving; the ingredients East Bella Balla, Ocean Falls, Namu, Altrl Bay, Camp-ball Minnie' fourlli roavirtiou. she paid anal taternat bia (S.uwtl and guaranteed analysis. River and Vancouver. eery Saturday at 1 p.m. haviim already ei-ved two term bond but hi reuat Ibat half Agency for ail Steamship Llnaa. f ilia boa da b returned baa not al .....kalla and liavintr. been....out Exceptional i. . ... .. .... jv..w u .-.o. .ie 00 t.iiru THE .. BRACKHAN-KER .- been M-eetMHt l. Ihe rity eoun. MILLING CO., LTD. conviction. She wa nrrei.-, at Oanaral Agent, W. O. ORCHARD, H laat nlebl adopted report Diamond Corner of 4lh Straat and 3rd Atnua, Prince Rupart, B. C. ..( the Ihmrd of Worka and I be Port Euinatoii hy Ikmiiiiiiou P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 lon.ltble Walkinou. i-itv ...iiritor io tnia errari. - V WORKINQ FOREMAN WANTED Ring Value UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED A hdt. r from . V, U. Il'ie, An eastern factory bus Ma. reiula: Ifce Ihe SAILINQS of Applk-atkMi w ill ba received up jul rent ua a aumple riiia Vanour, iicean FalU :md (wan...11 Hay. Tuesday 5 p.m. liiiauiial aaMlame fiU of IhaJ I be rUy to S p.m. Friday. July 7 fur at a lurguiu pru-e tu liven E. H. SHOCKLEY JwVanaou.ar, Alert Hay and Porl llanly. Saturday p.m. eiuinril in ii'piii' lMi.it ion of woikina wreniun on up trade. ayo, Aliro Arm. Port Simpaon and Wala lUnd, Sunday t-. ii donated ny vartnM plant I tooth Memorial Sclnad. Apdi Seven mra white Pttnlng Mills: Cow Bay. Wharf! Nit Imperial Oil Dock. in the di.ti 1. 1 I" Hm" 'IrHiai Phone I 3S3. . "ltght rani, mu.t yive iU-jlificulion. inon.M (not chip) art in the 'f l.intae i-.mventioii to lie hebl in FIR DIMENSION. FINISHING. PLANKINO AND Htti "!ar Cannarlaa. Friday a.m. and .late remuneration evp,-i l.Hl. Idlest Tiffany cluster style LUMBER, Winnipeg -..iiiiieii.in(t Aunuatj W. l. Yam-e. with fancy wliite gold art. TIMBERS, SHINQLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS. IS i-e.-.-iv.-ii la.t mam an.i 1ST tMM'retai-y. tinif. Agent for: r.-ferrel o III.- tiiiiilice .'OOliiul. Has the appearance of a Hob.-in.hi & UiR-ketts Saw Mill. Ltd. lee for u.-IVmi 111 ine nmw NOTICE, J. Fylf Smith a Hardwood. mule .tone of coral ue D1ENTISTRY! if ill.- ..in.-iili- n it i proponed ' l.aiuat. 1 Jii.t .-ome and look at o 3 py iuUonwuod l'unelliiia-. ,, ( 1 rn ti.-i fialUr- 'lake not lee that Hie We.leru ,.ni .hi 11 1-'1 n Tha Prlca la only $65.00. Gai la'id i-ompany. Hoofing- l'uint M . Hi,- I.N .ll i "lllli'l til llrok.-raife, Frank tiu.lav Modern X-RAY Service llen-Miu. nitinaaer, ia no loiiuar John Bulger, Ya ar. oa Ihe fiacai atren' f ,e t:iinkoii .iptrlswai. rCZEMA la i wh.a (HI ami Miihii- i;.. l.id.. )v ia Tha Jawallar GET BACK ON THE FARM DR. BAYNE ftua'i'iviav jnol auHioi u..,! to -ell any aturk for Kaiama and ha la Iirita. 1C0 Acrea 't mile from Morlcetown. Frame house and Lanl II Jt.ra l l r? af 'lie i'oniiiiny. Ol FTS THA JJVST two barns. "T,? H.loaraon Block ,n',v310, Ih. Ul. luaipl.jK.4 Pf. A F. 1IU1LN'!?, Forty Acrea Meadowland, balance Poplar and lLcailoura: Murnlnga, -t. Aflarnnnna, ltM'a Ot.uu.ol . Spruce. 80 Acrea fenced. Snap for either cash or terms. li.--idi-ni i 1 ml 1 .Mml-u r,e aiid aad H.i tp la VV- 1 1 1 1 n awl EvenlnM. C: , ail d.lmti er tan..., a.wa a Ckv t i 'i I5d Enquire THOS. McCLYMONT aal-l Tune"