I THE DAILY JTKWO The Daily News VISITORS AT '1 Published pniNGB Every nUPERT Afternoon,- BRITISH except Sunday,COLUMBIA Iho Prince ROTARY CLUB Walk Downstairs Special Valued Hupert Haily New?,. Limited, Tly'rd Avenue. II, F. PULLRN, Managing Rditor. Number of Places Represented at and Luncheon Yesterday. For Friday and Saturday Only SUBSCRIPTION RATET3: City Delivery. Iy mail or carrier, per riloiiih.1. . .. $1.00 Whenever I leiiie Victoria By mail lo ail parts of the British EmpifeT aiifil the United SMtM, I'm as blue a -can be. Save Money Qinonams, prints ana psccsim, tn irtpe. i.i K nml I'loraL in advance, per year - - : $0.00 There' no other city ibmiiii. IIck. :i5c per yard SPECIAL 4 yds. for SI.0T 9 To all other countries, in advance, per year, i $7.r0j .Mean o inueli lo me. I.unit I.' yard enrh Mistomer. lilh. loiw I mi Victoria TELEPHONE S3 Ami my afternoon Ira welcome Pastry Flour in bulk, in lb. 6 Only, Ladles' Sweaters in all Wool ami Trtcolette, Ihh.1i Come over you'll be f..r 50c. wool collar aiid ruffs. Holor While. Willie and 1 tin, k Transient Display Advertising f 1.40'per inch per insertion LUX In the capital of II. and inn ami White. Slie an and 3M. Hen. sk.ihi. Transient Advertising on Front Page. i. ... . . . . .2.80 per Inch Oh. Victoria, what! whnl! SPECIAL $4.5 Local Readers, per insertion .. 25e per line That was Ibe refrain of llie Two-Minute Oat Food, Classified Advertising, per insertion .2c per wont even memiier of the Victoria '. piickaifc for 25c. ITc lino Ilotary C.Uilr who alletnle, ibe Terry Cloth of evlra uo)h ipinllty, reverUie, in ihe sit agate Li gal Notices, each insertion." iwr For All Fine Fabrics Rates ' Itotary Hbib luncheon here yes-' late-i ieitni. Itesr. l.5o p.-r yard. SPECIAL $1.10 yard Contract on Application. Pacific Milk, 0 llh for $1.00 All advertising should he in The Daily News Ofllce on day pre-ceding tenlay afternoon. They s'ana the; limit lit tins; have something publication. All advertising received Subject to approval If you sour after I'role llaywanl of This will be the last week at Ladles' Bungalow Aprons in Hue quality Cutton. Uor. hitil especially nice dnty iheir club brooplil mei lrs j Plain, and Cheeks. IW.I.J. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. thi price. stripe r"nnry that you do not feel like fnon I lie rnpilul. SPECIAL to clear, 5c each. with the regular There weit. Ilolnry represenla- i DAILY EDITION siH Friday. June 23. 1922. sending live at the pal her log from Van-I Evaporated Prunes, 2 lb. for washing, you can easily Suit Cases and Club Bags io clear at lets than col pric .oiiver. Victoria, liliiutnlon. Na-1 35c, lb. for $1.00. and quickly cleanse it with , See pricr in nr sitth St. wlmlon. First Fruits Of What iiaimh. Kamtoop anl Hull. I'.mr- ''' Lux. The thin.-white.satinlike lailp. The (alt loentioneil May Be Done Here. flakes of Lux are made was Will .Ibhnson, brother fj Del Monte Spinach, Men's Work Qtovss in a phm heavy ipinlltj' Mulekiii, rhain The busy lime ye..hye been, having of Into, in entertaining exclusive Prelient Tom Johnon of the ui'W pac k. 25c tin. faolener. Heir. ;rc. SPECIAL 50o per pair. by our own process, visitors i j.ist''a,Ji;nieMir what inabe done lo bring business dissolve local club. He Tnme fnou the and readily this way when we. have the UiirnigbpT.operalioii of the raihvny. lather, only KnplUh elilb thai ba. . far! Llbby's Catsup, for 55c. Men's Shois. A heavy leather boot, military style, lint f ,ei into a rich,bubbling Iieen represenleti liinelotm low l.mieiie. Iten. s&.oo. .... SPECIAL $3.50 The klu-in"rs,Jhe. Roia and the tourists vho al a per pair. as harmless to fine fabrics , , , in Prince flttpc'B. I - are beginning tf ase llif'd(lnX,Pfi!fll in a hiall way bringing ARRIVING SATURDAY .- lif as pure water itself. Sneaker of Day. j men's Solid Leather Work Boots, bnml maiV tu-g. H on buinrs and are adeMiifjBltyiinv'ir. It i the firt fruit The .opeokcr of Hie il.iy w,-u ! . SPECIAL S6.75 what may be done in. llie"'nVit';itih';fltnul future a-- a reult of' Lax is'aupreme for kjng fine Ttiioua '.Mcniymout who iokei Preserving nniled effort. - . . (old in of Ihe ileinise of Ihe o Ihm.-'it. It ! enly firmeaU. ftlsn's Overalls io n kmk heavy finality th-olm, paul iir Eventually Prince Rupert. vill;bi'mofe, (hail a .shipping porlj tiled pulirl-dal-proo(l i-lulc aiol the increasing tiro, Strawberries tlooble ewo. color black, itejt. SPECIAL $1.00 pair. It will be a tourist report. People' rtime here. for (lie fine perily of the Hillary Club every-, where. He poke of Iho Pli'-nc n for lowest market trout fishing anil the scenic trip. When there are short exenr-sionsMo LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED sujriri--liim Men's Fine Litis Hose, reinforce! !, in ste. ! I"..I..r aiul t ,- Ibal Vaocouxer shoiibl lake prii-r. Wark (filial, to Hie Exrtl River, the Khye.x River and Toronto ta away Prince ltiierr ilryO'-tck. j Hlark lieu. JO,- SPECIAL 3 prs. for 51.00 other points uch as the holprlngs on the Skecna we shall begin ayinz lhat il wn at preent New Potatoes lo realize one of our ambitions. We shall become a radiating .iwneil by Hie (oxernmenl ami il I centre for pleasure seekers in the north. wa only natural the (iovernmeoi i n-'W hi . 2 lb. for 25c. j SUITCASES ship lioiib come here to ilm-k. ' Universal Trading Co. Must Have Still j Prince llilerl inlemleil to keep 4 Better Co-operation. j TRUNKS her own ilock. i Rupert Table Supply Co. M. P. Mcliiffery: "If Hie ilork Yesterday Major Langley of Victoria was in the city. While CLUB BAGS ifiMN anywhere it houM ? lo'i Phones 211-212. Fhone 376 iit the East he decided to take jrftpnYto Rupert on the way home. Victoria." (laughter The official at two of thejbigjceitrejs In Hie H.it, did not know Large Stock on hand. .Mr. McClyiiioiil went on lo ay i how to route him here anil oriri suggested he had better go bi Price low. lhat this was Hie logical site! very for a smelter, which would n-onl lhbavn "Suiveynr'' ami Swan, Vancouver and lake the slearmjr'jii the coast. lie insisted on " coming direct and then w'as directed in such a way that he arrived J. F. MAGUIRE the ore romiii7 from Stewart son's and other coa! points ami alo on the prairies on the one1'day of-Hie week, when there was Next the Prince Rupert Hotel fi.im Iho Interior. The -cial NOTICE TO MARINERS F 99 no train to Prince RuperL St the man at the oilier end had alvanta?c of the place houh!i "Supreme carefully figured nut the trip for him. It seemed that he had be recoanixe.1. In the p'al, ow-j The rorn-ct oitlon of the lining R not yet received the latest itim'cj lable and. was. routing, on the to lobbying, money had Im-ii charted rock in lilumlen Harbor. E old schedule. -""j?-' . V. The Man in the Moon diverted to place's where expend)- .0 V'"" Charlotte Uland. is i.?Hrt Brand Fresh Roasted I lure were not warranted. In 'M'i o.i oevree ?o miuuie S Local railway officials, are,anxious to (race down these SAYS: J the end Ir.nle would follow Ihe 1 le?ree SO minutes K. niair. lapses in order lo make sure that this section of the line is lakeri line of leal rcn-lance and 'from northern extrmily of Ihe H COFFEE care of. The difficulty is lhal Ho man likes lo have to be an informant WHAT I don't like aKoifflhi Prince Ilupert wool,I et her -orth rrot lland. Ibe rock against railway officials and the tendency is to try to .i.iimic- vin is inai (i an nav whare. .'tlrie -J feet a'ml lie aboiit 50 feet A Blend of Coffee thai has no superior. mnke'him out a falsifier if-he does so. It js not up to the travelling to get up in tin- morning as us Vancouver's Greetings. from shore. R THE RIOHT BODY, ual. Frank Horde, ' of Ihe An oncliarled rwrk ha been manager public to look afteiV tljfe railway employees but is part of Vancouver Province. hroiiuht looml nnrtheat of I.eila Mand, THE RIGHT FLAVOR the work of railroad management" Thev seem to have been so KVrjS" If (he alarm chirk goe Kreetins from Vancouver Club. f""nbial Pas-ape, Seaforlli llhan-Wilh O THE RIOHT TANQ well trained in the East in. givmg.lV,lc? nuperl'the go by lhat it on a busj hc of ,hity wuk the Holary pirit so uitirh balitiule X. 52 dearer. 10 A PERFECT QUALITY. is difficult for them lo change their methods immediately. Sim en (In- IbclR people he for in evidence here he felt no iloobl "linute ami I second ami I.onir- A quality that produces such a delicious aroma ilar stories fo that told by Major Langley are constantly coming breakfast. about the future of Prince Hn- I2 degree. 50 minute 3 S that only the taste of "SUPREME" can satisfy IL ilrie second. Thi nok 7 feel. pert. They all Ibe to hand but the informants do not care lo complain officially. appreciated T Sold only In 1 lb. airtight cartons. WHK.N one ba lo chooso be hopitalily shown them here. j i-iumk nrrr.nT i.n ohthut When a man is seeking information he does not lake the name I wen liar's, give me a cheerful Krhie llaywanl of Victoria1 mstmh.t or it iu.v.k i. of the informant and often he could not even describe the E man liar every lime. hroiizht reelinsrs from the can- Tkr nuorr uui I. n. r. vixn-ku.n, i.f the who information sold him the ticket.thai All he knows i that he failed lo secure Hal ami aid he hail been lnick u Hunlrli..Miouirr a.i:. ruirher,of iji.intrnal rr ut a iUnr K D Stewart fi Mobley Ltd or be it was given wmilg. i in-: iiifrK-uiiy about thi by Ihe comniuiiily spirit evidenc- 'Su.Xl ItLATli "til?1 Prince lupert, B.C. Railway Officials ' changeable, weather is lhal the ed in Prince Ilupert, even llmler cumnwonnr t ii puutni at iiw May Be visitor. do noj. have a eiiaure In omewhal advere copdllion. lurili rtiM; ilmurr nt nil rtun.-With Changed. see u4 in our straw hats. Mich n nirit in iuence, I hear Klltl rluwi; llrltrr .-,t u It is understood that immediately after the session changes 1- ttltlm w t rwi.uirni-MHrnl. : , be oroibeied .1 nrfnt fiilnru f,.r tnOir about (10 arr. will be made uLlIiC management of the Canadian National Railways. I.rall A-n rrt. iSft... TIIKIIK is difference Hie a between place. 1 11 uositox When such a change takes place most Prince Rupert old timer v, n-ujriji SPECIALS SPECIALS an and no early .el Itolarian Shaw of .Nanaiiuo people will bfifh'opeful W. P. Ilin'ton is given Jhal executive an der. An old toner Is one who" hroiiKlit xreelings from Ho- coal 'Wil;, ''T,l,'roVUr,BVsrV,,,ilr position.. -.lie Is n friend tuf (his city and be knows our needs. carhe here before Ihe lowrisite cny. nver there they tiad forty Tar nuiire uui 1. 0. r. u.Hirau.n. t Always-'fie bas'shown iiimself keen fo look after our interests so Odd Lot Mrn'a Shoes; all welled soles. Any pair nl . . . $5.95 was member inciirprap. .An early set. ami they met every m!,, 'STTJTZ. "."ELS far as it was possible for bim to do so. He is a (Irnilil Trunk Odil Lot Ijulies Shoe. Her Is one who pay hi, bill weeK 10 sinsr, talk anil eat. ' inp.ri n.r roai (41 ana luiural ny pair at $1.95 Pacific man and would like lo see the fi.T.P. a success. His appointment wilhoiil. being asked a -seroni nK with Old Land. umiJiwiw-mr al imi ,iidii ai iiw Call and See Them. would much to this mean port. IH.rlhwrn n.nirr if M lliwr Will lit; lime. Inliiikiui tn.,,1 tThere is no intimation in this that Mr. Ilinlon would not llllll, r.ng- ...Mill u rlum. Oixu. . & .I..!,,.. "INVICTUS" SHOES STILL GOINQ STRONQ. laml, who arrived Wednesday "leiw rM-ih no riiain: iimim-i- u do justice to any naj of'lhe road over which he had jurisdiction. TIlK 11101 uncertain thing in eveninsr nd i spending n few trimr hid arr. He is a practical railroail man and as such would not be a iiii-Iv FAMILY SHOE STORE ",,r" ih- world ii the "ure thin lay with hi brother, the man-: ,J"5i 7V,m;tiu to any of the petty prejudices of which Prince has Rupert been (The Store of Pleasant Service.) your friend waul you lo buy. ajrer of the cold storage oliinl.! . w som. Am-nl. a vielim. All we want here is a fair deal and that is what we certainly have not had in the past. brought srreeliugji from Hull. He muncf m run l.vxn mstiuct. saiil Holary clubs were makintr! r.kT.'Jluci I i&t 1." r.""Ailn. i progress in Knglaml ami thi !: ,..,.;-: "',r,rr' an.ijr u, Ten I Years Ago would mean another link P"ri for nal and na'tura D A I'T Our froxen herring bait la conceded by fishermen In Pr'nce Rupert strenpthening the lie or the ). tiLZZuT uT'SZi .Zl'ltf W to be the tlnest procurable at any Pacific Coast minioo. will, the old l.an.1. Il ;?tr'""it Port and It Is "Fishy," Price, 130 per ton. June 23, 1912. was seven year since he visited '"ire urn mi rhainn; o-iir north no IiT Te bel way f Insurln n (food ijuallty trip Is Hie hoMiiilal boanl has deciilr.1 Prince Hupert ml in that lime "ph. i IT "Xl,.,r."'n'n,'n, a to have plenty of our hard froxen Ice. Price. (t rail fur IciiiIits at once for he aw great imprfivemenls. He LuraiPfi April rit,j. r. MorTo: It per ton. lie ei-eelMti of the new wjnx lo hail a grouch, however, and lhal W nii, An-nl. Olitflt t)ur I ti I iifrS store can supply fishliiK trear, lie iireenl buililitiir. 'liin nro wa a having no observation flhermen'e clolhliiK, Krocerles ami provisions m.r-r r w -m Iviucial sroveinrieiit lias n.ivanceil car on the train between jasper LATEST MODELS and hardware. ,K).0(io. the boaril has l.000 .in ami thi city. IN NEW SUMMER ENGLAND .nanu and Mf i lly- eoilijrjl is lit H K. Campbell enlerlnlneil the FISH Company iii ajeu ror a ranl. hib wilh solos anil there were Ketchikan, Alaska Branch number of chorose. Hats and Caps 1. Moriarlly, a laborer on Iho AN IMPORTANT PRODUCT OF CANADA (tenhiy the railway,afternoon met while hi ijeath ballatln ve RIP ON THE WATER at moderate prices. Helgtrson Block, Prince Rupert. Phone 686 'nif-K at Mile H. The funeral IN LOCAL LAUNCHES will lake place (his afternoon. STEVE Bread isthe Hrvesf food KING Dr. E. S. TAIT on earth- fhe one food Oarilain I'. H, ,aiiiers, form Visitors Entertained by Run Out Third Avenue th&r everybody eaMhaf erly kltiier of the xleainer to Metlakatla Passage Yester- , Dental Surgeon, J'rince Is IJeorjro, comtnpf rhilh everybody M$M that arly next week to lake ujt his The Best Restuarant Office Hours, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. agrees with everybody. new italic as marine iijciin. Yesleday aflemon the Masonb t'-niient al Diaby Isiaml. iturs were itiven n run out on You want something de-licioiiH Sunday by Appointment Bread nde in the the harbor lo Metlakatla Parage. ui)l reasonable thesa home with Royal yeaof Skeena Illver arrivals In the I'be trip wa a sopiewlial short siimnier days. We aro out to cily on last nlsll'g (rain Jn-fluijeil oiie owing lo the desire of Ihe satisfy the mot faslfdiotis. Okzb tastes better, keens J. a, Ifonna'n, filailon, .1. ladie in get back to the lea at Call In, UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF LIMITED B.C., fresh longer, and b more r. Mranir, Ruuneyshle;. Mr. ami Ih e Prince Itunert Club. Hie. Mrs. V. A. AdaillSOn ami W. Kill, boat lullnir the viailnr noli The Boston 8AILIN03 nourishing than ary other- dler. Port Kdwnnl; T. A. Samli. were Oeorge Hryanfn "llarla,"-Ilaysporl: Grill Tor Vancouver, Ocean fulls land riwansml Hay, Tuesday 5 p.mt For Vancouver, Alert Hay and Port llanly, Rntjinlay ConnJablH li.'llr. V. T. Ke.i 1 p.m. gin's "(logoom,' Oihsiui, pint :sslnglon, and Ales, Mrbasn "Loin M." Mitchell Third Aye, For Anyox, AliCe Arm, Port Simpson and Wales Island, Pundajr Open Day and Night. midnight, llanry Wulf. Hrnllh lslniil. Jt Curries Honnie Mac, John For Naas River Csnnsrlsi, 1'rlday b.ui.