mm worm -THE DAILY NEWS "Friday. June 19?? BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus CLOSING OUT rToEAfct it M'f trre I i THAT't) Ml I MERCY! mv aim I 1 i think, ill ) COME. rOW PICK THCH - j tbf coL-LV 1 eeeAu;E ,wTl I i. vrno.m c- . . I I rSFSVC J I SALE I A I rJ I l-IIWL. I I - 1 1 APTER TOO LOOK.ME 1 CAM'T even hit J -p LSVJT AwlJ S CAN T TOSt THCtE TOO MUCH We nre closing out the RIN) AON THAT J frN. ,.l r Itnyal Shoe Store, and every HOOK SrlCOTlN pair of shoos must be sold. ' T' II & rV c- ALLcnf All our White Canvas Shoes, -rr!?5r with leather or rubber oles, In high or low heels, nil sites in (he lot, From S1.C0 per pair. Any pair of the fa m our "REuaL" Choes or men. Values to 15.00, for $3.75 Men's Goodoar Welt Shoes in Mack or brown calf, From ,$5.95. Men's Solid Leather Working Shoes, $4.75. Children's Shoes and Slippers from $1.25. J) l2J M l rtuf SivKr ! 7 Royal Shoe Store Third Ave. TRIAL TOOK PLACE FOR RENT BEFORE MAGISTRATE Daily News Classified Ads. TO furnished IIKXT- l or home.July fi an r DURING EARLY HOURS miMlcrn. Central Wal-.n 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lees than OOo p!y. Unx 133. Iraily Xcw iff, Be Prepared! I rUirtTHMU-IUMiiMiMmitttr. itOOO1 Clean JlN from (I ',o One of Guests In City Arrested ......i. i-i i. . .. . . Dfr MTBtMX Slaai line1 aaijea. ' isnrriiirn s Ileal ' by Men In Blue and haled I I WANTED lOITRHt-Erii pii! laurtiat,til. i . 1'loneer Itooms. 107 trj Am- K Fire Risk is always Before Court. I roit Itil tar aatji mUt 'r: L.RECEfTIOM AT PRINCE iWANTKIl Men and women lo FOIt HUNT Two with you Vihle, .most of the people of IUU ill uri I. J. W. Heed, lir.iiid Fork: X. K, RUPERT CLUB FOR ALL only learn method the llarber in Ihe Trade world by Dial Ihe al large from room. . :,i Hytrin of Vancouver. 50c It AH Jlm. slorr. Atqdy Walla, . . We Wrlto Fire Insurance lrininiHuiirt wore sleeping- I hi - VISITING LADIES will save you time and money of Every Kind morning the mill of justice were Iturns l.nke is Ihe gathering and fit you for a poilllon IIIIIKI" rMiiii house f. i Let us quote you grinding, mini wa in session, worth while. We guarantee Third Avenue. A.i- of point a great number of In-luiiis nnd a visitor Ik I lio oily .was Very be lo two hundred I steady employment at good View BURKS fnmi all points of I ho Hotel. LAKE ladle attended Agents for tried for a serious offense hut the reception ar-j wages. rite now for b'aull- i Norwegian American Line happily was acquitted. compass,orifer anil feasting and fun ranged by the wites of the local i fill Illustrated catalogue. Moler '"0,;'t rH,,n nioden, ..i are Ihe of Ihe day. Swedish American Line Last nighl there was a ban Archbishop Ilu Yeruei has Mason, for Hie i-iior lo ihe llarber College, 3ud Main St, rent Apply Smiiri A M;, Scandinavian American quet nnd after the banquet there been : visitor lo Hums Lake, cily yesterday afternoon. Th Vancouver. It. C, )n Thursilay nfghl the Union IT.AT frtr Ilenl in Bem- A; would room were deoraled Line. was what the churches recently mid in ml.Ill ion lo hold, nicely wilh rail an "after meeting." After ing service. gave n leclure on iChurch was Ihe scene of a pre) flower and Ihe club dining room ItKI.IAHI.R agent wanted for Ilu. menl. M. M. Stephen-- if Oliver Typewriters the after meeting there wan an Wednesday nighl, hi subject be. ly wedcling when Miss Mnry and sillingrotim rvre bolh ii pert District. The Sovereign Cary Safes other little session nnd 'till (he ing "Psychology." He4lon anil V. I'allerson, both for Ihe occaifni. Life Anursnee Company. Huad; BOARD. FIRE INSURANCE hoy on Hie palatial sleniuer of Hum lakc, were uniled in The commitlee in charge en-slsled office. Wlnnipetr Man Wrlle noAHD-lnlander, 8(o Se Prince Charlotte did not feel Mesdaine Schjchlerup, Cal- nialriiuony jiy Die Itev. J. H. of Mr.. McMiillen, Mr. Chas. A. I'yne Prince Ceorge Ay,nu(! ,,,,,' nr It Dybhavn & Hanson that I bey bad ."el I led nil I he varl and Keefe look advantage of MacCrimuion. lo Ihe evening a On'er, Mrs. Conway and Mr manager for Northern llrltish problems of life. They were Ihe visit of Ihe Archbishop and dance was held in Omineea Hall Oriue ami there were a number Columbia, SUMMER RESORTS. Third Avenue anxious Id complete Hie day. baptismal ceremonies were performed in honor of Ihe couple, and Ihe of other ladie astling. FOR SAUE I'rlnce Rupert, B. C. There was a member of the in the Anglica ixdiurch. al tendance nllesjcd i their .Mr. I.arsen and Mrs. Jarvi HIM. FAHM, Terra. .' A party, who, II was suspected, Mrs. Schjeblerup afterward rave poputarily, nnd Die well wishes Mcl.eHl sang several songs and FOIt SAI.K I. roomed house, two dallon for suiiuiii '' had been committing the awful an informal tea. of their friend. Hverynne bad Mr. Crewe' dancing class gave lots and ali In garden. loo. Term moderate K crime of "taking a drink." . ilu a most enjoyable time. ait exhibition of fancy dance. half rah or IS00 all cash. hut If deal re.), Ap r I' had been carefnHy shadowed by On Tuesday night, Francois - The nffair wa. very enjoyable. 7 roomed house wilh additional fear, and Fcmi. ii the ship police and at an hour ake wa the scene of-a meeting "WIggs" O-Xeill of Smilhers Ihe rapacious club riMims 5 mom apartment, on cernenl THE QUEER'S HOTEL Trollers ! when all others were sleeping. of friend and admirers of Con is wilh and Hum Lake 1 en being especially siiiialde for such plies, bath, le excellent .con MlSMtt lliey senl special officer ill bins stable Carr and Mis Margaret joying its first properly run. an event. dilinn and good location $J, Open July I. f" to arrest the criminal and bring Pollock at the home of Mrs dueled moving picture. Friday 000 on ens payments. SMirlnien and II"' MINIMAL ACT. . . . him before the court. aine., 1 ine occasion iiemg a night a very creditable program roKM r. I room house, lot In garden. Fihlng. booting. I . a I Is 'Arraigned. shower for the prospective whs iown.. and a malinee and ctRTiricATt or iMpnovtMtNTS. ciiicken Mouse, etc.. near King Picnic We give you On Ihe magistrate taking Ihe bride.' There was a splendid at shrrtv pn Saturday completed Ihe "SILVF.R IIOHliE NOTICE.o. 1" Slid -ftlLVrjl l.dwanl School, loo, term. Rooms from $1. MiaIi from SOc. bench and Ihe suspected criminal tendance, from Hums Lake and lour. lioiiiit hi:tioa" Mineral clilmt. iltu. Iil 3, block 30, section I, wilh Prltatt Suite. Service ta In th nut Hirer Mlninj Dirlika of being nrraigned, a dispute arose us far a Chislalla, and ' many Ul'r Dllrlr. 91 ft. frontage on Hlggar J. C. 1. DUNN, Proprietor. All jour little drders receive a lo whether the liquid he wa and vtiried were Ihe beautiful The mailer rff a creamery at wr Hiraim: on kiihuii mtrr. Hare and Uiree roomed liotiae TAkF. .MiTICC Hut Lri V. Pilmr.n. closest sworn lo have taken wa really gift presented,' attesting lo the Francois', l.nke 'is1 slill in abev. Trm .Vlnrr Crrtiriral o. 4ltf t C. It 1000 cash. TAXI the attention. Ihe rank poison it was. staled lo popularity of Ihe bride and ance, nnd nl headway seem In iimii for a .F. Miner. Fm Miurr lr. Lots 31 and 35, Work 3, Sec, urirti .io. 4uf f I c. ind D. W. Cameron. We handle only the best be. To make sure, Ihp bottle groom to be. fiav lwen ifiade. At a meeting Free Minvr Cenirmta o. IQtti c. In- 2, Mew lots on Allln Atenue. Fhonc C93 of everything but If you was passed around, and after it of fanner fnun this district. lo ieno.aifly iur In aa itw llinini rrom irw Kernrorr aie irrer,tor a A perfect homesite, t50. half 'Call Oeorge II -Five. rturns Lake lacks held at Hoo Flats, PaHing. some CeMlflrii of ImproTrmrnti. for Ihe pr-ps passenger T' ' want .something we haven't bad made the round several n doctor. of obtaining a Crown Orant of lbs cash. One lot-on lleaeli Place Ni-' got tell us, and we will get limes it was solemnly declared Steps are being taken by Ihe three week ago, a committee alxiT rllms for 325, a beauty. Lots CH mid Prompt Day and aikI further tale notice that action. Cilizens -Association, and the was appointed, and Ihe aim of 09. block 13. section Stand: Boston Drill, Third Annua it for that the contents were dimply under Mcilun IS. nium b commenced lr-ror S. JH.1, you. water. secretary has gotten into communication- Ihe farmer Will be to have a Improrrnirniii.latnance or aurh ortiricale of terms or 750 eaih. M. M, CLOTHES CLEANED Sentence was riven and Ihe wilh ""yEevefafiro-pective creamery established at Hum iiatmi tni Kin nay nr Mir. vn. liTf. Slephens. Our Motto prisoner, in view 'of the hein- doctors, and it is earnestly Irfike. LCWIS W. HATMOfiE. and pressed by ia'' K'U.m A Square Deal hoped thai will atlenil i FOIt SAI.K Furniture of three . . Always ousness of Ihe offense of providing siicee. MINERAL ACT. pressing pr. s-Huits water when it should have the efforts of Ilie association. TIDES AT NOON FORM F. riMirned lioiifce., eomplele, ev-erylhinK calletj for and ! ' The tremendous district adjac. ciRTiriCATC or tMeeovtwiNTS. Includeil. For 1100. been something stronger, was Phone 649 Inverness Camp nonet. you walk in and t walk out. enl lo the town, from Habljie to . obliged to solemnly repeal: "For ."SILVFR IIORDI." and "SILVFR IIORnr LINO, The Tailor Dundas. what we have received may the Chislatla, is absolutely without We wnnder over lonHy beaches Itlrrr n. f" Miiwral inin IHrulnn Uatmi, of situate Caatler in the Dlitrirl.Maat I Also gramophone and fifty re. Lord make u truly thankful." medical attention, 'and it for Where shell like thought are nre u-ii,- -on kiuault Hirer. cord. 10.00. Apply 103 ORIENTAL QOODS TAkF. MlTICE that Lerrta W. fatninr Park Avenue. The handcuffs were then locked tunate Ural as yet there, -have vainly slrewrt rree Mlrvr! Ornrime So. 41114 C, at I Ihe court adjourned, been no serious results.. Anil soon .Hi'e lime rif dreaminr ar'ni ior A. iiarnmm. Free Miner's cer- . . . Japanese Kimona. " irry, away, lincaie no. 47 :. A. F. Miner, lr iM.n.M room sinie, iiinicij IMS and after another bottle of water reaches Mineri Cerunrale .Jio 40fSC, anO D. W. i. j,, ,,r ,intno. Hambon Furniture, ilm.ii.icniv ,.USE . . had been passed around the ,s Ihe resull Of Ihe culmina rite highest lid al nHin. i.mmrnn,l.t. r lnt.n.l rree Miner i.ruriraie, ""'"... i I riiuirs,.t.-I... i.ll none" uiih I 1 iiuiiei,... . on ll.-tskels, Children llmi''- withdrew. tion of a vcndetlaIaiiie "Scolty" lwre.f, to ai'Mjr to the Minim Recorder Toys. Ftc specialor for a Crrtire-eie cf Imnmrrinenta. for1 sale at Ihe salesrooms of Hogg of Foresldale appeared before in then we Wnfch Ihe endless Ine iHirnose f.f obtalnlnr a Crown Oram of i . ..i .....i u I.OWKST MUCKS Shamrock I.ysler Mulvany. 4.1 for wastes; the atiyVe rUirn. I '"Kf) , .iiiruoiir-rr. ni.i F. K. AKASE And further lake notice that action,! Third Avenue. A 7 ENCHANTMENT TONIGHT assault on M. O. Slieh and wa Tide rhylhniic w'ilh Ihe ebb and ufidtr rertlon II, mutl tm cnmitirncrd be- : l. O. Ho 01 Tel KU Hi fined iflO.OO and eosls or given flow; ' liiinrnvrnienla. Mill SAI.h I lirilillire of four Third Avenue BACON AT THE WESTHOLME the alternative or thirty days, The salt ' ime remembrance IHTMI Ibia jeih U:wi9 day of May.ATMORE.AD. lift. roomed flat. Co 50o. Will lasle . ., .. sell for :iftft. Or would rent WATCH AND CLOCK REPalM HAM Story of Modern Flapper Is to be O. II. Hamre has hi mill in Of bilter rue we know. IS) THI COLUMBIA SUeRCMC IN PMOBATI court C BRITISH lo suitable tenant. Phone lllun BUTTER operation, and Hum Lake will III llu alaiirr of llw AdniuilntraUon Act 273. No. J CIhpii lluilding. F.xpert watch, clock ai-J Seen at Local Theatre aiMi in iim saner ur lli t.alale of chronomeler mak "r soon have an ample supply of Hill dearer nre the lonely places vtiiiiaui nnrr .varLaunnn. TAkll MITK.K Hut .l. .f l-'flll SU P. lei '- s Ilv lain 11 Kty conN hemlock Watch and Jewellery EGGS lumber. Increased building activity And predict; the bloom of June, One of Ihe best picture deal --Jl 1.... ll-l. .1, AUIIIIII-f I f IMMI HI , .J . , ,1 - ... will result. Tim' time and liite may leave lie- above ealalr ere aramni in 'Mra.j I unit urijjir, ciil llllf, per .specially. LARD ing with pay and irresponsible some (race HIMa Orar. Ill ijlarriire street. Victoria,1 rorrl or 15 f.o.b. . 81m. Jap Mail orders promptly " d. modern youth err screened, is lo A I.I. ITIISOt hatlnil arnxinlt aralnal Intel, I'orcher Island. If GEO. QIBB he presented at the Westhnlmo Corporal Hall of lie n. X. ,W. On llii' Iw.ifllics low al noon. tlx- etlaie are reiiiml ti M-ml the sanwi 71 In tlie undcirhn hln Ihlrlr dan Opp, Post Office (I' O, It t M.I'., I a visitor in town, and II. W. rr'in h rial FOIl HAM: tine rlfleen and The Empire's Standard. Theatre tonight. This i "F.n. lirreof, foot ' L1 will stay during Ihe continuance AI L FFHsois rmlnr monies lulh aai.l Prince Ilup . chantmenl," a Westholme picture e.iaie are herrhy reculre.l to nay ine one sixteen fool cedar rowboal; P. BURNS C0..LTD. starring Marion Davie. It is a of Hie Pollalcli. Mr. and .Mr. Duncan who Camp. Wi IHTMi lo 11m-at mul-Mlmel Ilie city of I'rlncr In also bell tent. Phone lllue CYCLE REPAIRS. story of a modern girl "flapper" bell, of Vancouver, came ll- I'rovlnr of lirillMi Columbia, I til. 3JH. M7 who believes in Among the week's visitor lo here wilh I lie Masonic convention, ruin nay or June, a.ii. uri. all makes rtia having a good nil.lit oiiVT (Kteriitnil. Cycles of time and has it. Her parents Hums lake were Adjt. y. Kerr, have been visiting wilh .Mr. Vielorla. rl.C. FOIt HAI.C Two cow; freidi and baby carriages rc lir-J cannot understand her, but she of ihe Salvation .Vrmyr'O."A; nnd Mrs. licit Morgan, lUOli IS) TMC SURRCMC COURT OF BRITISH milker. W. Situs, Jap Inlet, Oycls Aocsssoris. Carlson of F.ndako, S. A. H. in Porcher Island. II Wh en in Terrace understands Ihem In one wird Third Avenue Wesl. Mr. Camp. rnoaiATd J. QAWTHORN Crabb, of I.ellihrhlge; I, S. bell, who brother of Mrs. In the Mailer '' old fashioned. They are not quite i a of the Adininlitrailon Arl FOIt SAI.K Piano. American Ha removed to rear of PHn on mi aiaurr ol llw Ulal of A. F.. nieh- of Vancouver: Harper Morgan. Van. stop at so slow n slip Imagines, for nuckilt a prominent TlL'l......Iraiinss..........iiTli-fc'linneau lie....Muaay,.... ... . . Pinko. Phone lied Til t. 1 17 llupert Music Wore anls, of Kummerland: I., eouvi painting contractor w-i ,iw am uar u( when the father decides to take June, Iilcr. of Adunnliirauoii In Third Avsnus - her in hand he doe so thoroughly. hip anoin ruin wrrc iraiileu lu Joint II, F.MTK Cafe for sale, furnished Tourist Hotel UrMullrn, Official How the girl, F.thel, reacts to liufx-rt,, rrliice complete. Phone 173. tf HYDE TRANSFER Ihe regimen and what happen to jftfc sBurtenof Proof is oiTVbu the ALL eatale rERsOKfl ire rruuireil liarlna-lo rruuma ami iiu aalnl..m. Best Rooms and Dining Koom Ihe father's carefully laid plans. 4 lo trie under-Mimed within ihlrlr daya LOST Phone S80 Service in the North compoe (he high spot of the all rihso. oini inoniea io ibe 1 LOST Illinois of keys, belwcen Baggage and Epr Koomi from $1 00 up My. If you lose a receipt for a cash pay. lahl elai are Iwrrby r-inirr tu i.,. uw and Meala from 35c ante lo Ihe uiHler.iaiiei) furlliMllli. I'osl Office nnd Heventh Ave up II. is (he best picture in which mentlt is not the other man's job to HJTIII al tlw mi) of rnnre Imparl line lias I. Finder please leave Coal and Wood. F. DUUORD, Prop. prove that the account Is unpaid. In I he I'rnvlnre of lihil.h Columlila HUa Agents llupert and Dlslr'H "r Miss Davie has been seen for a ibiii oay w uiin m.ii. ivay. at Daily News Office. Heward. long Km- ami it has an absorb. It is up to you to prove payment, JOII.1 iTInce II. MCMl'I.I.F.V,llunyrl. n.C. Globe Airless Tubes. iiiEl.v interesting slory. Most often it cannot be done. In IN THI SUPRtMC COURT OF BRITISH FOUND Second Avenue - paying bills by cheque, protection is FOUND Key ring, belonging lo EAUTY CULTURE PARLOR B. II. Seaview Iloskins, government assured. In ll Miller of the Adnilnlairatlon Arl a mason. Apply Dally New agenl at Sinilhers, is visiting in iHi iii mi. f.atale nf Harry I.. nerriW Office. Phons niack 625. Interview one of our branch Warren. Ihe elly, managers ... TAkfc MlTICL' thai on ilu. ail. h.. IIfn' & Transfer and arrange to open acheckirg account June, tilt. Altera cf AdmlnlMrailon In SALE OF TIMSIR., Ilalrdresslng. ShamPOOiiiiT Storage InalnK. Marcel Waving, Manrur Jtev. 1". llodson, who ha been ,r 7Mulie, Vm,?i., "AdinV.'t'r'i.or. Tf:111 HIS foe the imrrhaae of tha In. .... .'. . ... w .Iment lere.t of J. 0. leClalre In I'rvylncial ,n. i nr anil Mli in Company Anglican minister at lliuellon aii. . . . Phone 777. for trie miair are Z.!i!lY. r'0,"'l,ialnl...... i..,.Tlii.lxr... Llcrnaea,. . .Noa.. . . v,HI tea... to.... !,...... 4D0VS wrainao.i -in. some lime, passed through UNION BANK OF CANADA lttMt J.i.i... V'" T ", suu ai.o iiiuirr lAim luia Furniture Crating a Speciality Ihe city last night enroiile loj tiu ihm rt.ii hV,Zt "'" diyi.w .!.iJrtfUIn tdli lti,nii.lurlii.lve.urUUtt situate liilnbli.on Lyall Third Ave. wcean rails to winch point be Sri hi?J ..'a.0 '"'-IHsl liy the iin.lerlneU up lu pie. FURNITURE CRATING Ili iw nKNiIH?irt.J". pay I nil (lay of uly, III, I he lnrhe.l or Express Delivery has been transferred, Mr. Prince Branch A, i 1. I'M ''7. "'"''r 31 Hod-son Ruperl T. Broderick, Manager ntini '"""l1"1 "erenarlly icrep(,d, ",y eiperlenced men, oho '' of0Rrt,?.'K " furlhrr Mrtlrulan lo tin apply F. BROCHU, Proprietor. wait accompanied by his in l-rovinc'I it'. r'''""'I'll Mil" iMiilerHmml, l I Mil day June a iinnmnv a iwiht II II HFMMIN'iS family 4011 'II. MT.'Mri.t.F.Y llerrlrer, r n flwilllnj, Crinn' 4i Mlclfay, rrincs nupen, s.c 4U i'aririo Uuildini, Vincouvir, S.C 1 l.ale IliiiUon Hay