WHEN YOU WANT A TAXI mtirn YOKOHAMA THE NEW 99 in a hurry Phone CAFE HOME BAKERY PRINCE RUPERT ALL NEW CARS 636 Phone - - - - Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper VOL Mil Ml 140. Clrcvlalton 1MJ trt SSO. PIIICK FTVK CENTS PIILNCK MLI'KHT, H. d, FIUDAY. JUNK 1!3, 1022. Vttltrur'a ' " fe Great Destruction By Big Cyclone ASSASSINATION FOLLOWED BY NUMBER OF ARRESTS IN LONDON A Terrific Cyclone Sweeps GREAT MASONIC FRE8T NOW FLYING I England is Stirred by SPOKANE TO SEATTLE Prairies and Storm Strikes BANQUET. HELD!:i I. iPOIuNF;Prest, the. June aviator 23.who C. the Assassination of !Lodas of District No. 11 Were is riiu? from Ilurralo lo Hosts to Visiting Delegates Ala-ka and Siberia, left Whole of Eastern Country to Annual Convention. Seatle.here this liforning for i Field Marshal Wilson Almul ISO MSsonie brrtliren. .'00 tisltors for llie annual j-oiii-uitiuiciliou SASKATOON, June 23. Emergency wires strung east of MFW WFSTM1IWTFR ft mid i'50 members ..r . LONIiON, June 23. Police investigating llie assassination here carried word this morning of a terrific cyclone that swept llie four loilae.. in Jiislrict No. of Field Marshal Wilson have come inlo possession of docunieuti eastern Saskatchewan and Manitoba last nlghL CHOSEN NEXT MASONIC II. were presenl at the sreal BOOTH SCHOOL Jielosin u conspiracy lo lake the lives of a number of prominent The storm started at Bredenbury, Saskatchewan, and swept liauiiie j,ul on u I In- Auditorium persons and conduct a campaign of outrages. east to Dauphin, Manitoba. From there it moved south to Mln- lUlllItlUNIlAIIUlN UIl last niglit 'by Tsimiisean Fifteen men and one woman were arrested in raids throughout nedosa ancf thence to the U.S. boundary. There the wind doubled . l.odae. prince !nuirtL- Tver London last night in connection with the assassination. The REPORTS WILL Lord announced in the House oacK 10 Winnipeg ana lurnea soum again toward Minneapolis. Arthur Brooksbank Is Appointed l.iMiue. Prince It njn-rt. Oiniiiri-a (Jlfuncellor of Commons (his morning that two had been arrested for actual commission icicgrapn ano leiepnone wires were snappea in two, crops District Deputr for 1923 I.il2e. Smilhers; nu Kniwli, men of were levelled and buildings raied to the ground, according to' Annual Communication l.ode. Aiiyox, fti honor of Hie BE SUBMITTED the crime, lie stated that uulli had been soldiers. One was em- I ployed for some Ihne as uiglil I - -r meagre details received here. v j closes. delejjales froin various lodges j OTTAWA, June 23. A severe wind storm sweeping east' in Hie snulhern portion of llril-ili w-alclniiau in (ioveinmeni offi- CREERY GRAND in the from nenora aitinci an wires out or rex Whitehall, obfaiuiiur yesteraay put leiegrapn ,r annual communication of Coliiinbia. The affair was commission west of Fort William. It blew a box car from tho n. Masonic Oraml LmUe of n. an out O.iiidiu? success and one Jfffers and Whlttaker Complete, post, there because of his war track at Lydlatt, forty miles east of Winnipeg. ,' -c,.k Examination, and Meeting of record. ;;. ,j j this afier- of keen interest and enjoyment School Board Called For Ilolli James. O'llrieu and James LODGE MASTER received here Indicate and Meagre reports lightning heavy n,,,,,, v,n, n. .,dcctinn r ,w In all Masons. Coiuuieuriii? hail caused great damage. ,W ciminter a Ihr convention ni( V o'clock, jit was a boo I I Tonight Connolly were arraisned today in WINNIPEG, June 23. Manitoba was visited this morning r,iy flir ms:i, o'clock Uiis iiiorninz when it court and charged wili the' murder. A special meeting of the A great crowd assembled Hon. A. M. Manson and by a storm which attained at Portage la Prairie cyclonic propor- Anlmr Hrookbank w.is actions emled and a bounteous rcslixe Mayor and caused damage which Is estimated in hundreds of pointed ditrirl deputy fur Dis-thousands hoard ami program of sood School Hoard, lo which the city and the accused were taken to Tisdall Among Officers of . of d6llars. It Is also feared that there has been con- tn, i ,. u. speeelie was enjoyed to the full., council has been invited, is tailed Hie court under strung guard, Masonic Craft. tldsrable loss of life. The storm struck Brandon at 2 o'clock,! n,,. visitor nrr t shown C. II. Orme. ijislrirl ib'iiuly si and for loniiihl to receive the reports- The assassination has stirred Portage la Prairie at three and Winnipeg at four. There are no about the nly this .ilicrnooii ami maler of Oislrirt No. II. re-sided id A. Ml Jeirers. Kdmuiiloii build-! Knuland (o Hie depths. is At their regular session j-rs-lerday Whittaker.'said inu expert, hihI II. other mcinbers of Parlia- reports from Brandon as all,wires are down. j there wilt also be muni- social ami J. !reer. i,l Tsiuiiseau afternoon llie Masoiiic A report from Portage la Prairie tells that the city is at the proceeding nu lb Uamer Linlae. J. II, MtiMullili, Tjee. J. piovincial soyertimeiil archilect,'ment liavr; bee nlhreatene.J,iAVil. (rau'd Lmlge elected orficers.'for mercy of the elements. The grain elevator was destroyed, the prince Charlotte .Tlieeanier Ion th rmidititiu ttfj'the illootliUoii, refeive.1 thii iitoning (etlers, HieJf rtiiniii? vphryii. riillnttrf.v . Cockshult Plw. Co. plant was blown dawn and the PresbyterlaaJjiYijXi.nti, I..,.I M.. ' W Ii i 1 1'.L l..,.l. The - I J. -W". - Anglican and Methodist churches were wrecked. Hotels andf,,.,...Ht,.,.' leaving here at I J imislers. asjrd. (.ovemment dlandf,;1;;" - buildings In all parts of the city are as If dynamited and giant' ,ork. city ihne lomghl. The program opened willi Ho completed yesterday ami were to- i Yard are considering:, the advls Oepuly orand Master, Mayor ilav in the bands of the plaeeii trees have been uprooted everywhere. I liusins ability of anniuz the police con of "(iij Save the Kins:' C. K. Tisdall of Vancouver. secretary of the school board. stables willi; automatic revolvers it is reared mat me ton or oeaa is large ana mat mens win ncjtp niSl PIPIl and "J'lie Star Spuiizlrd Haulier.' Senior (irand Warden, Stephen also be many Injured when a check-up is possible. Particularly N llfl p Ki rl.H The loa o "the Oraml Lodae ltl understood that, wtiile defects OLTILI.V. June '-'3.--;eneral Jones of Victoria. UVillU UlJ 1 lUkl are reported, the condition Iufry. rhier of staff of llie jOwen will Ik. I.I.IH wllUnoa mnA farm Mlfmnt miffer. r Hrilisli. Columbia" Junior was pro-poseil Orand Warden, Hon. A. or the liiiililins is not so serious Irish Iteupblican Army, empliat liy Iliomas Mi-Clymonl and i M. Manson. !, as hail been uiainlaiueil liy A v- irallv- denic Hint Hie assnssiiia- ARRIVALS SELL repoudei o by W. S. Terry, of Orand Treasurer, Harry Wat the. Vancouver architect. tlox. WAGES CUT ON Victoria. Orand Master. tiou of Field Marshal Wilson was son of Vancouver. llie Work of th"i Itepliblicail SURVEYS FOR NEW "Sister Oraml Lodses" was 'irand Secretary, Dr. ItWolf CONCENTRATOR TO BE Telst of 161,600 Pounds Mar proposed by K. A. Wakeriebl. and FAILED TO PREVENT army. . Smith, New Westminster. RAILROADS IN BUILT AT ANYOX keled al Eichengo This A. McC. Creery. Vancouver. W. J. iiUtm, June '.'3. I lie vole in Tyler. J. II. Hughes of Van- SPREAD OF FIRE IS favor of Michael Collin was morning. Ilowser, Victoria, and 11. II. Wal-son. eouver. j IN VOX. II. :.. June Vancouver, replied. more than 15,000 or three times FINED TEN DOLLARS survey are now lieing One hundred and silly-one I he timsl to "Hie Province of surricjenl to elect liim. made Tor n new rii-n-I HiououihI I'litind- of liatibul wa Hrilisli Cnluiiiliia." projiosed by Situation In Ireland, MAMMOTH RADIO ration plant to be built iold al the Kih Kxrlinnse llii Itev. Ir. II. It. Orant, wjis responded NF.ISON. June .3. Convicted 1 1 Kl.FAST, June S3. The situation STATION AUSTRALIA Notice Given Federated Trades of J mi Smeller Hill. The new liinrtiius. There wai alo 3.tKHI to by Hon. A, M. Mail-son, of wilfully nealeclins lo prevent here is one of great anx Proposed Action SUUo Is I'MjM-i-lilralnr will be in pound of yaliuon ,iud Hie ('..-Hindi. both speakers making stir-rinir the spread of fire on his road;iety ovviu? to the high slate of SuoQCslrd, i-ni proximity In the in l'i-li nuil (Juld Storuse (hi.'s addresses. clearing operation, (ieorjre Ant-1 feeling over the assassination of Will Be Able to Communicate . present "lie iiml will materially trnwler. tleirse K. Foster, is in "Visitin? Ilrellircn," proposed kosqi yesterday was fined ten Field Marshal Wilson in Lon 12,000 Miles Station Hie Increase (he effi-cieney with 75,110(1 iiounils or rtatfisli. by Veu. -Archdeacon (. A. Itix. dollars, and costs. don. Special precautious, were In Canada. MONTHI.AL. June of Hie plant. The sales at Hie Kxcliangf IH. Ilev. Itishop A. U. NePencier taken in the disturbed area but r hdi-raled trade, on Canadian ii were us follow ii: and -Maytir C K. Ilsdall, of Van URGE EXHIBIT AT llie military and the police were MELHOLllNK, June S3. The i .uini.i. . nave ri-i-eiwii nume "i (444t(44tt4t forced lo fire on the mobs sev Vuinee. .55.IIU0. sold lu Hie couver, rcspomiius-. preliminary work of establishing II Wage rill rMtHHIH from fivej eral limes. Casualties the following I'aliHdiou Fish und.Cvid Storage There were solos by J. K. WESTMINSTER FAIR by the mammoth Australian Radio I., nine reitl an hour middle of Hie forenoon numbered ..,.nv n,pn rinr Mavey and S. K. Cauiibell, W. Co.. at ?.re and 3c. ........ .station for direct eoiiumniiealion- Hie line of I he I nilc.l tlpAN I UA DUOIl riltC ..........f..., 'i-i. I.HIirlny. Hi.lllin pounds, mid Vauifhau Iiavlcs nrcompanyiu. .......V..I- V..I.,..., ....... ,n ...r n'Hllluru. imunnj iin) witli Creal Hritain' has begun. IIWHI'll. brollierhtJ NOW WELL IN HAND F.liiblein, 7.O0I' iiouuds, sold to and Arthur's Orcliestra' providol . w i.. r..i i.. iiniiilir-i ,,, iii.t r i,i..,ri I I j...vivinii- The uli--laliiiii -for overseas Local railwav fnmii Hie lloiilli l i-lii-rli's Viuadiau inslrirmeiital selections during ii.. ..ii.i ,i i.... i.:.iiv"nw-!"'1'1' ' "ml"r protection traffic will be about three times eliainte -lniily iiuiai' nny Hie ireeiil wane pHiil aii'l tin- All Dangnr Now Thought to Bo Ihi., ul !.".! and the course of Hie proceeding. office this inorniiitf with Fred as . powerful as any r.uropcuu gi'iti'rnl i- IIihI ii Averted. June, I'J,(Mill liouilds, sold In Oeorise IHchmoud and the staff Holieri:!', local director of the NINETEEN COACH station today, tt will take twit "iini"ii trikej the lloolh I'inlierllM 'iiiadiau of Hie St. Ileitis Cafe were in fair, and asked that attention be years before the central ami Will follow rlifiilVKWelll f Uiri ami charge or Hie catering: which vva to exhibition iiuH TRAIN ARRIVED feeder , ui. I ANYOX. II. T... June I he Vm. at U.tir t;5r. drawn the the stations are completed. As iliif sitoiif. II.dill! liouilds, or a hish slniidanl. lYsiruhilily -or local people en- normal performance the chief ll uuili'i'! I Ihe ri'ilui'lioil bnli fire whli'li binke out oil i- old to Hie llontli Fislierie.s Uau-ailiauHo. The bamiuel commiltee com leriuc an exhibit there. The difficulty LAST EVENING lalion will be able to spe.aC nrierniMiu i ft ill Imill-illK tllllJIVl til IH-Unllilllolll. TueKiliiy HIV at I'.Ho nud 1.5c. prised .1. ft. Sleen (cliairman i, was that the dale was coincident direct over IS.000 miles for the lull belns held ill now incomFtax I'liiilrnl by t Hit rire'Nplilerx, mnl 1 1. G. I'., 5!1.000 pounds, sold Howard White. C. C. Perry. Jack villi llie local fair. Two locomotives and 19 express, greater part of any working day; front lu the lloyal Fish Co., al 10c llariisley, It. Hlaiice, F.. II. Mor .Mr. Nelson said there was no baggage and 'asse:iter Hereivius and sending slnx has I ruled fiir ll mi inali'ria pre duiiiiii'. So and 5e. timer, It. W. Cameron, W. II. way we could (ret publicity like coaches comprised the make-up lions to correspond will be bull amendments by iloiiiy fiercely ' wax Hit1 wind blowing Mayflower, noii pounds, sold Tobey, T. II. Johnson and ll. K. plariiiK an exhibit al the big an of No. 3 C.N.II. passenger train in Canada during the same es mr. fielding al Hie lime oT Hie onlbleak I lint to Hie .Sinclair Fisheries al 10.Ho Ilenson. nual event. which pulled in from the F.ast an riuil The plant fur the main lend Sc. station will be imported from-Knglaiid, when ilu file leaolied Hie I'ow. hour late last evening. The train Alii. 1 1,000 pounds, sold to brought in, besides the ordinary but the plant for tho a.l W.ltl-r Mauiue II wan ,vve,.l OTTAWA. June M.-llmi. the flames uiiiu the Sinclair Fisheries at 10.3c Militia Called out by Governor boat train equipmeut, the special feeder stations will be manu .. il. ,..i i I I..II in Hi-mud 5c. in Australia, for ......r .... ... ii... r ii... I..,M.l and cars of the Shriners excursionists factured one Hie Houm' of Cuiiitmiua ehti'i'i;i ruilll owl'. uir ii I n ii"-.S t" Kobe,-, 3,110(1 pounds, - sold to which had been brought ach of (he (states afleinoiin iimeudiii(t I tin lurmne lliii. wiiU'ii III till'wn time,inn lull"i rii liVMIIp' the Allia'l'islierles al HU'C and of Illinois Following Murder of from' Seattle, the Shriners them llie combined cost of sit Tux Ai t In lurmup exeiubtion ll'- 5c. selves now being on the wuy up.these stations, will be about 15,- for earli rlnl.l fnnu to fliOu. to Ihi"heat xeliieily n hi Hie thai liiteuxily neitHihor-uT Plop. 3,(M0 pounds of red sal 44 Strike Breakers at Herrin the coast lo join their train here 000,000. Iho main station will M'iiiiii iri'Hi'nl troviiionn in rr-Kiitil the mon, sohi in noyai risn i.o. ai loulorrovv morning. The lateness consist of a transmitter and re. to riiiiiineieinl trnveller' h I Tor only it Tew iinuiieiil. I.le. of the train was caused on account ceiver terminal jio miles apart, i'.ieusei4 iiml iuiioMiit a lax "'I The fire virlnily'"'y oT Hie r,,r Air CINCINNATI, June S3. Ilisoitlers at llerrin, Illinois, coul of the heavy pull and the tho latter including SI tower AiuericaiiN wnrkiiiK In t'.ii inula wlulu wliieli in Hie fnnn Ni. S ORANGEMEN WILL GO mines have resulted in the killing of 11 persons up to dale, in unusual number of calls which each 800 feet high spread over-a run similar lu Hint inined on -nn-adlallN Line made at the canneries la$i mile. t" Hi nihil'. II cluding two union coal workers, it is announced from the headquarters vyere square wolkillK ill til" I'liiU'd power ileeiiu'd houe adiable In !iut TO SIMPSON AGAIN of Hie United Mine Workers. evening. The wireless rales will bo onf States. wun to avoid Women urged on liy tlio mob lliis morning broke a truce third less than the present cabuV down Hie litiilin the air r premure the pjpo and possible Steamer Cholohsln Is to be Char- uml ultucki'd the mine guards in thejr camp. Unarmed .men were CATTLE EMBARGO rales lo Kurope. SECOND DEATH IN' injury to Hi riiflileis. The tored For July 12 for An-nual slim anil manhandled, Knives being used to despatch the wounded. eieiiluy afli'inooii fanni'd Plcnlo The crowd was al bay last night ready to shoot any who POSITION STATED.GERMANY VOTES MONEY WILSON SHOOTING wind uutliursl iipprouehed. The besieged crowd included a number of women Hie fire into a (rmli FOR RUSSIAN FAMINE wliirh wa promptly con I ml led The annual niciiiu of Hie Loyal who proved more bloodthirsty the Iroons if necessary. LONDON. Juno S3. Lloyd Policeman Succumbs to Wounds and itliould Hii'ie I o further Orange l.odK" 1II asain bo hold than the men HF.ItlllN, June S3. The state Heorge answering questions regarding Rocolvod Noar British Sol-dlor wind storiiM for a lew day ull at Port Simpson this J cur and The mine officials were reluc ment that 11 persons were killed tlucultle embargo on IIF.IILIN, June 23. The Prussian daiiK''' w'" 1,0 Nl'rl,tl Hie steamer Chclolisiu is to be tant to call out the militia and in in Hie mine war is interpreted importations from Canada reminded diet has voted a million Yosterday chartered In tuke llie cxcurslon- the meantime hoped to get the here as official confirmation that the House of Commons marks for the Russian famine GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP. isU oer from here on July It. situation in hand. every one "of the besieged strikebreakers that the fmbargo was based on relief. LONDON. June 83. A policeman SANHWICII. Juno --'3. Waller one day ahead of the anniversary The Oovernor of the slate has wns either shot to death legislation and could be lifted niuiicil Mmi'hIi. who m near Ainerleuu proie clonal, of tho Jlalllo of Iho Hoync. le- ordered troops mobilized and has or seriously wounded in (he at- only through more legislation. Mrs. D. Archie sailed lust night, HtiKi'ii. 1 leld Mul'itliuU lUuil when lit) yehlenlay won Hie Kntjlish I'l"'" cislou to this end was reached nl ordered the sheriffs lo arrest the i lack by union mine workers on on Hie I'riiu-B Oeorge for VaiL was uasiiuili'd jfsterday. died gulf .'liaiiipioiifiliip. but nltslil lodfc iiiecttnc (murderers with the backing of non-union men yesterday. Advertise hi the Daily News cuuver. later from wounds.