PAGE DC TBI DAILY 51WR Friday, June 23, l9- 1 I -L-J - Need of Work Efficiency G. H. Arnold, Notary Public and Co-operation to Bring MA CDONALD FIRE INSURANCE Back to Nation Is carefully wrllen by us In tellabls companies. We are permanently Prosperity engaged In the business and,our records are acour-ately .sHHF 1 kept so Wist when your policy expires you wll be npllfled ST. ANMIKW'S N.H. Work, efficiency and co-operation1 In sufficient time to Keep your property protected. We solicit are necosary to bring lack prosperity Iti Cdtiuda. arctmlitifT to your business. V. .N. Filier, president of the Canadian Manufacturers' Associa- i H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. lion in an address nt (lie annual meeting of the organization now) ida ref t Insurance. Rentals. in session here. es I'rtHlurers such n Hie farmers nud ourselves; the dislrilm I tors, such as wholesalers and retailers; Ihc financial orgnuiza j lions, the transportation companies, in fad, all groups who are All that hear about you factors in Hie nation's business have pitted through very trying' experiences during the last tvvuis ; TIMBER SALE X 4064. Hartt years. basic production is recmertmr. Seilrd tendere ln rrrrtwd b Ih has been de : Mlul.-lrr There a grrat unemployment is decreasing. of Linda, it Viilurli. not littr Ihm iHion on thr si Mb diy or July. Iftl. crease in trade: first, in foreign price- are slabiliiiiiH and demand; for tli purrlww or LIi-mijh 4ffl, In rut dio.oon M. IrtX ut prure. dr inI trade, owing to international is revivitiK. llrmlork. tlluatrd on tlm klldiUa ftlvrr. poverty, increases in the tariffs Serious Problems. Ilanan t. t:oat District. Shoes To iti irars sill be allowed tor re of other countries, the paralysis Canada has still many serious moval luriU-f of uniber.(arliriilaM of the Chief forei-ter. of Ittissia. and Die wars mid political problems to fare but the energy io for m Vir;ori. B.r. or IMJtrlcl rorrHcr. disturbances ill Europe and ability that sol veil problems i riom ftu(irrt. o.i. tlicir rood loois. perfect fit, and Asia; second, in domestic in the past should find the 'solu Ions tndurance. ts fully veri-fid TIMBER SALE X 4123 trade, ewiiifr to a reaction from tion for lho.e of the present and by Hip genuine fiatisfar--tlon Sealed lelidera will lie rerelrerf hr the the above raue. and in addition future; but nil twtmidiaus, forset- you receive when you Itian I'mini-i noon forrrter.on the Prince ItVlb day nuperu of June.not !.later to local conditions peculiar timr domestic tlif Terences, should 20for35f wear llicin. ror I lie purrliae or Llrenre X4UJ near to this country. first ascertain the national it- i-oi it j. iiMHiroere uinl. c.H. I, to rat The price i low for shoes " m.o... ieri vi naiMia, tirmiorK iwi Uniikniilris, tineiiiployinent. uatioii. and then unite in pro Also Packed Tins 50 i:edar. in of Why ? ot this high quality- tine (I i ear vflll lie Hurd for re-lieival and divponleul followed as a matter viding for it. Work is the pan Pay More of timber. of course. acea ror most of our ills, physical further partlrulan of the Chief rtwrt-ler. $12 50 per pair Viro.rH. or I lie lUMritl loreater.' Thi! nuffrrilieT wan partly cum- or mental, and we have now prlnee r.aprrt. B.C. llaralivtt. Kvcrytliins got out of reached a eriod in our history DOCTOR GETS SIXTY rap durinsr the vvtir. Farmers when all classes must reiliie this became neoustomed to bis, prices as never before In ord'.T to hold MILLION ROUBLES A KIRKPATRICK for their prudui'U, inanufaclurv our own in the worlds struggle WESTHOLME THEATRE to tratle rinvviui; to tlicm ahead, when competition will Ik.. MONTH ON RED SHIP i "The Store of Satisfaction TIMBER SALE X 391 3 without effort, workmen to hiph come keener. Tonfcht and Tomorrow ..IT.W "l tie rereoed br tlm wuppit ami the dislributius trads this end we must develop ' of jnil- at Victoria nut later . III 1.1.. June I he t..iv ( luan noon on tbe zntn day of-July. It, lb easy. sales. llll properity!effiriencj in all our walks of life A Cosmopolitan Production wi h n.e iiut hiiivhiu i.r ....- lit, m the officers on (lie Soviet Slcum-er larjrply imaginary. It was a to a much greater degree rut reel of dir. sprure. HaUfwa Karl .Mutv which re.i. in il ?rS MVtiB Jil ,n'"r Verily. People handled mat, urier proviilin? for our port i iil! Willi it citii' "f MARION DAVIES EDSON COAL .t 4iitrirt. 'more nioney. that is, received houV wulils. v will have a koim Three 3 yrarj mill be allowed for limber, is vcrv large. The j reiiKital .if iniiUer iinore anil Slient more. I he) are surplus to sell in the world's further pario-uiara of the .:hief r.m nmv gradually receiving lens and market. lor gels lill.oiMl.OlHl rolibtrs a in a Seven Uci Fout.un, Ulollth iind the loeioliers I lie; COMPANY I"niire llu-rt. B.i '. spending and the relative If all eo.opvntlc in support of Corner 2nd Ave. and 7Ui St. positions of most individuals are the rislit Mlicies, conditions will crew flashed fifty million rouble' nolc- as ii common thing Of Enchantment" litlle rhansetl. rapidly impnive; if there is di- ! In eompariioit with other na-Uions avreemenl or the scleetruu of rourse (ins immense ituioiinl , UtiiaU is in a fairly satisfactory wrung policies, improvement will money hail lillle purivliasiuv Best Coal Dr. Geo. L Barton 1 power and is coioionn only lie qieakin?. biiiiic--Misi(ion. i$ Generally steadily, rcie worse.and conditions will become eailse I hp priltllllg presses llllM- Two Reel Comedy Hriluh Canadiau News (Palmer) though vrry lnwiy. impniviu. Pay Off Debt ifceii luriiitig It nil as fa si us I Admission, 35- and 15c at (he international Ihe liovernmeHi wanted it. I situation seem The natimiul debt of Canada The naloou walls of this bol. Chiropractor to lie clarifying, money i easier, has iucreseJ from three hun- surduw lurks have tieen redili'iil. shevit sliio are covered with Lowest Prices dn-d and thirty.six millions in of llnlliev lt leadeis. ixirlraits Federal Block tyli to two billion four luiudred and twenty-seven millions at the Officers and men Uresseil lilike Phone 660. Let Us Advise You present lime. Provisions inut but Hie pay of the officers i Order Now! Phone 58 that of much higher than be made not only to pay the interest Lumber & Lath 'with a lifetime's experience men. on this debt but also to re m all branches of the duce it. How is this to is done? Hi tiding. Trader. Mitliserttie fn- Ihe ObIIv Npws Taxation will raise ruouxh money Brickwork, to pay rurrent expenditures, in- Shiplap-Boards and SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY cliidins interest, but no form of CATARRH Stonework, taxation Of our present wealth Dimension can be practtcalfy api'lu-d ,to re- I Doz. TAFETTA DRESSES Concrete, etc. iluce the principal. That can 011- of the Stomach Thoroughly Air Irlnl and Hlnreil tmlr rnr Plans and Specifications l be diminished by developing FOR EIGHT YEARS free to all our clients. the national resources of t lie 'All the latest styles. Shades Ilrown and Navy. seizes 30 and country. Tlie farms, the mines th rivif i.f tlilt IfHlll ll ttf fff Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding 38. AT THE CLEARANCE PlIICE OF William Watts & Co. Hie forests, the fisheries and the tiMutllua of fiiw in iim (ksiKrh blrb factories, if trade is wisely stim- tnttntrt ti Dul is rry f(Tlnnllr and each Builders and Contractors Vlrlird ut) Thrrf U Im I ruiublltir of jFinish $15.00 ulalnil, will provide the wealth P.O. Hox 823. Phone 482. ttw! tMimrl ami dltrbairt) of ( tbftf-frrsn, which will pay off this debt. In tmt lh llwr II r.KoUnl rflrhinf, Worth double Office: 1017 3rd Ave. SPRUCE LATH oilier word. Hie earning power tiflu tr fr(xiiitly vonltrd. Titers I t Jobbing Work of all Kinds. of Canada must be vastly iu- barniHr Ilo In lb tt'sntrb. lb (pistils I Manufactured In Prince rtupert and selling at Lowt Prim 'creased li 0rkl. tt) tutirus cm I'd. Ibo bITits 6 Black Canton Crepe Dresses !should be and directed all national to that policies end, th iMd, nollrrrr nriolipiuvn tssruuii It r'nrtlly fil. iKOoyi,pntnl liwt d From the Farm 1 In the determination of these prrtMxl iik! rrr)iiiljr mliertbl. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. to the Table jpolicirs the following will lie the Tbe Mini men tib iiurrub lurr. .Size 38. AT 'IT Mi CLEARANCE PIIICE OF I'diief factors, government, raw II b.4. tisrk b tills wtUrb It SO nrrlfry Is prvhfilc lb nun rnifnl of tlx tmwrlt. Sesl Cove, Prince Rupert Telepnoni 3(1 each (material, power supply, finance, iixl hm tlui Miff rrtt Into lbs bkoxl $25.00 BulkleyValley labor, transportation and markets. bidljr dttonlrnsl cisidllloo of lbs tlointih, llfr tn1 ll lll turvl follow. Meg. from 1..00 and $15.00. BEEF liovcrumeiil will have two krrp yiiur tltrr irtl iud Jou will tlsijt tnty I'f't iKtlth. GET BACK ON 1 HE FARM functions, active and passive. The PORK Mm. Arnrt Otllanl. htrt Minn. It B . Third 1C0 Acres mile from Morlcetown. Frame houts " active Include BENT'S siu i I ON function will rlts:- "I 1x4 bm tretl lutftrrr for - - - VEAL iiiamtainiiiK safely Tor life and flrht yrtrt. frotn rtlirrb of tb iltmufh, two barns. Forty Acres Meadowland, balance Poplar and Avenue FRESH KILLED POULTRY properly, tin) administration of I lrl wiml to rillrd ttttrrb rrmedl! Spruce. GO Acres fenced. Snap for either cash or Urmi. Ubul rrllrr until frlrnd (doted tat Enquire THOS. McCLYMONT Skeena River Farm Produce justice. Ihe economical conduct Ut try MiltMinri IitsLirrr rim. wblrb VANDERHOOF CREAMERY of the country's affairs, the eu-couiHk'eiiient I did, itxl ftsir vlalt cmiptrtrly rrllttrd BUTTER of productive, enterprise ins. Tbtt tit yrirs no, ind I bi and the stimulation of hacl iki rrluro of try old troubla." Just Arrived! Shipment of Fletcher s Famous NORTHERN INTERIOR trade. rrlc. tlr t nut it ill rtnlTt, or Bulled diirtl on rwfipt of prtre by lbs T. Mil Injurious Restrictions burn Co., fjmltrd. Torooto. OoL CO-OPERATIVE The passive function will cmi--i-t NEW ARRIVALS Ayrshire Roll Bacon Phone 81 chiefly in U judicious abstill-eni'c from harmful activity. The Pearneal Back Bacon unsettled condition of public opinion durinif recent years ha of Boneless Hams, Side Bacon Millinery ! lime produced Lexishitures from Parliament,and the numerous the FLETCIIEJl S HAMS and IIACONS have that dMim;t favr boards, commissions and TO EUROPE which Old Country peoplu have been deprived of in this municipal councils a vast network Canton CrePg country. of laws, regulations and restrictions, MIKE RESERVATIONS NOW! Phone Us A Trial Order. many of which are Wv deliver to any part of the city. 25 cent either worthless or injurious. i QUCSCO-CHtetOURO-SOUTHAMPTON. per There is a foolish economy HAMSUSO which defers expendi-j July 11,Aug. S Sp. 8 Impriii sf frtnet PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET necessary July ZS Auf. 2Z Sap. IS CmprMt of Scotltnd toii and thus increases the nl-tmialc Phone Blue 719. reduction cost. The country doe! MOflTaEAL-SOUTHAMrTON-ANTWCHP' DRESSES July SAu. 2Au.0 Mlnntdou not want this 1ml it does retpjire July IS Auf. IS Sp. 13 Mallu a rational and rigid economy in Stp. S scoiiin expenditures. There has jieen MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL I illicit thinking in millions of Juki 30 July 21 Aug. IS MnUlm "DEMERS" Wis r t ! mi iiir Itujn i I Kati.nljy .i -hnim' Follow the Crowd! iliillars during tin: past few July 14 Aug.11 Sap. s Montron nt1 vein-. Canada should also go July2i;Aug. IS Sap.IS Vlcterlin suiiiniery, uut of tin- oi'iliiim y (al i-ui-. inaili' "' 1 Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 slowly in regard to social legls. MONTREAL TO OLASOOW iiiutiTiaU fur tli i si-amiii. "IIikIi Cnnlity (ianl"n latino which, is being coiisluutly July HJuly 29 Aug. IS Malagami thu limit popular.kIiuuVs." urged by people who not July IS Aug. 12 Stp. S Tunltitn are us a :: to Fuller's General Store :: rule large lax payers. They propose, July 22 Aug.1S Cralcn ScolUn Wi! will tin kiM'iily intci'i'ili'tl in haviiiR '"; but others pay. A certain Hirni, 1,J HAYS COVE AVENUE PACIFIC CARTAO E degree of progress in social conditions QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL Emprttt ( India Wo uro now moved and doing1 a tremendous bumnebs. Is commendable -iiid necessary, July IS Aug.IS Stp. 12 Empraaa Britain IN THE YOU WILL HAVE AN IDEA FROM THE SAMPLES but this must not HARDWARE, DRUGS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, SHOES AND Limited run MONTREAL-SOUTHAMPTON-OLASOOW STATIONERY Reduced to a Minimum. ahead of Ho earning power of tax '"'r 3 Scptltn WINDOWS. Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables of the Highest flradu. Phone 93 payers and thus lead to the confiscation QUEBEO-CHERBOURO-SOUTHAMPTON Fuller's Bulk Tea, 2 lbs. for 95c. of savings, a course Aug. 3 Sip. 1 Empraaa tf Indi Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. for Furniture, Piano and which must end in financial dls. $1,00. MONTREAL TO NAPLES. OENOA Ltd. Car Delivery to All Parts of City. Safe Moving aster. ''r 1 Cutrti Jabour Bros., Phone 45 Phone 45 Coal Santl General and Cartage'Gravel The newspaper with the circulation Apply POPSTER.U Agtntt Otntnl titrywbirt.Agant, O.P.R. (latlcn,J. J. Cor. 3rd and 7th, Phone I the real advertising "n"'"i itiapntnt armour 2630 medium. CANADIAN PACIPIO RAILWAY Traffic Agant.