I v June ?3, 1052, TUB DAILY NRWfl UlntKrUA ) Sport Chat RANCH ALASKA Hip r.lU nn, sun of f,nnata al Iho xrlinU Arrr.iH.IU I i riicoi nut.t NOW for SATURDAY ..... niv Now Mb AGO Anl uu.un.U In m Senior HiMPi.ail Leaguo fixluro. .i. m rAiin Vaan flA V m w m Msflr ecnml mi..iinf of )m ,. I'.lriiry, wlin tx reported ". II will lie n imiiin foP ,8v made ii- fortune during ond place standing in I lie M-hed-'. ,iin years Ihal lie Iiim bi'vn .whichever c,im-i. iurofiil iii 'he fnx liuluoiry on' laklfi llml position. If ll.o Vit. and the Great Shower of , inriil iiiul in n glh n I-Vui-ka, Win limy will (r,, u .fiCrt slaiidmB linn Marled now and the Sdim ui drop lo .'(; .iiis'li on '.tnrliiiin lland ri'prPi, It ulH lie S.ln. r.nn )v,!lirirr Mrnit IIMir lli.rky nn.l KIU ..'(.in. Ju.Ishiu- from ll.o n which Iip oxperU In iil . '"'''Ho of I lie supporters of , tall l0 pairs of futon ho'M""r lnm each would seem In WONDER BARGAINS jHOil llllllMf. "' " eincn. From Ii illsinler- a Iki aireiidy lioeti eom- -if.i. iionmu Mrtmlpolftl H oU . , n II"' Iituldinir i ml Mr. as if I Im game will !. a Hikp :,.-y i taking "H Willi him on- anl vMnry may go lo cilhor , inrjH-nliTK In Imll.l a with iiorlinim error more ihAn lnniso ami lak ritnrtt nrtual l.allinir ln-lntr a doci'ivc ,?ai iiiik i.i have ImproviMiKMit.thing In shape lie !iin-ior.w.irkinn liiiili inln mmH miHl m-c mid-spasnn(, The Values will be so generous, so evident, that the people -of the entire city will make their Men's Wear j c.l.l.loary commenced fuH form. Purchases Saturday at Martin O'Reilly s Big , ill- SI rail Uland four i-rii44 I Ii,. tit ifirJt i Ml If Imrl tt III , 3 a;..) willi Iimi iairi of fiixe ninn- I lie ilay Ih.Yi hnrfnu fir I a lin Don foxe iherc nmV H-caiin- a prnfi'4orrh npnrl. 4 t it s on tin llirce small WIITI- II.IVO nlippoi inlxhiy , . Islands In Infer li-nxvl H-w unimMr wiin km-w iin fur v vrmiH'nt. All of Knark of lamliiio- n Imii nro .. lie' Mm" fines oxrpjil .15 nilfr with on jiilnrh. oi( Jlrrh : '.irk foxes. TIiop emi. l llf.4iiiin,ii, wan oiu- of ihi.- I : oair nf nl.l .iiic. WHicii lii ihriii Ii wu limp I.. ( ik I hi year loin I . iIHIvit ii K.O. In- i..ok jrrial pri.li TIip Silver foi riilrc in noinjr I lie irlrk willi hiic hi.1W I till II I III- llllli- tf ami poi-jn-i mi. ii n puiirli in rorrnU niul ar fwl nun hi' mmlil ifll in a num.I in . h il milk with iv4t twii-i- inlvftn" wh"ii hr w..nl. finixh hii I'M IWO UllHltll. "iioinril. Jim. iimi- wn nUo a Larg Increate. no pnnrli fiirlilor ami whon ho I I" Kl Hip Im'xI rr- pnl a man ilnwn lie ili.im w ii i In' Mix foxnn i to up l.of.iro Iho r..unl (,f (.. Dal . 1 il ,i'ii-iil i.ui In f.-.-ilnia llawkiiK. fii-nrt;.' Mrl":nl.i'n ami -- - 4 - - - - - - - fill kilul nilil in liiinilln Jai-k lllai'kl.urii wto olhor ainiiiif Hip nl.l Hmor who i- t i -1 u nilili- 4ii a -phmi an'.M iii''Ur Iiiiih'.laini'r aci'-iri'uiK I lit .ini-: Wliilo, a of lorril.l.'I'.liii'iiuo.wallop..nun' Charloy noaror WeVe picked the cream of all the ASTOUNDING BARGAINS throughout the store-Entire lo lioina a ono piuioli fininhor II!''Tin lin-lilli'M Kri'flltV Him! yi-ar t ho 7oinpi'y.I linn any whilo firzlifor.finihimr..f IimI.iv. Close-out of 220 PAIRS of MEN'S SHOES-175 SELECTED SUITS for MEN and Thousands minilipr from imuIii In ninny Il34 Mn Out lol.nf C.llll illl uiiiilly opIioiii'iiN rtviiiirPM in ono a or iwo or1o4 ronmU of of Dollars Worth of Men's Shirts, Underwear, Hose, etc. pmirlio in if iho Irloi. t.iMikinx hack ilnwn Iho n-rnnU of fUi. ' aw fur fiinil fi.r I l(lr liriifft (IV Vili. slnmii Mipri'mo tin- MIiit llllpro-: ! i marl llirli'in, pimiti Mr. OIary Ihr a Ilii' ..no punrh finilior. Savings of $10 and $15 oh Amazing Values in Men's j; fry nr.- iroiii, our." FALCONS BEAT BOY a ; iV wuh ciioiiirh fomt Men's Suits Shirts and Underwear Iji'i ilii'in two ela-4. SCOUTS BY 25 TO 8 i l knl ttni ri'ii- Jh. REGULAR $25.00 SUITS. There arc only 15 nits A liig grouping ftf ntl of our regular $2.00 MEN'S illi'il oalx, rjc4, mill-ail' Vincent al llii- inr' lint tliey nr- womlorful roimI values nl IhnL DRESS SHIRTS. All the newest .shirting material. . men I. nrnrAlinv. Meanher, Hefty Hitter Th flrl fifloen lurky one will get lliein al the Soft diiiilile ruffs; all sizes. for Wlnnlnn Poled Team, i Haw lialr nnl fnli' or . "ii Ilii'in iMTaxxioiially, Out Five Home Rum. RIP-ROARIN' $17.50 RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE .$1.45 i- in llii-rii li-ro:niii SALE PRICE TIia l'nli-aiiiM I rllnmi! flu Itovfi :ifi irk. Tin foi"4 i.fl.'n ralrli l. PmI, SonuU hi la-1 nlslil'n Juonilo,sl ii i , w - v VERY FINE DRESSY SHIRTS in the liesl m.ikes. i i - fully a foul anil l.i-.'Uiio hanohall amnio hy Iho c REGULAR $45.00 SUITS. This imc lot or Tweed nenutiful imported materials hi the newest eoloriugs and rlnlvo urnrr of ir In K. Tho anil Worsted Suits hi-p shown in nil (he wunleil 'nlnrs palterns; soft doulde euffs. Hegular 2.50. rninllnrKil foaluro of Iho ploy Many Breeders. and iirvr-l pallern-, new Spring Moilels fho niriliinit of fivo homi' 1 -i,,y id If 111 'I I'll il wan RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE $1.90 run hy Vlnroiil Monirlior. who no .nir- of lilii"' lot n RIP-ROARIN' Hum I'onlrilniloil to n Inro ill, Miii rail. TlM'y arr a $26.80 SALE PRICE, aror for Hip Falioii, V.. Yauor ai'i xani'ty I(Mm fliii-p MEN'S WORK SHIRTS of firay Near Finn lie). rafrhor, and K. liroon on.l V. 1 fl lllll I III' JJIlMTIIIHCIll Generous filters. Itegular $!.i0. "hH- rlil in nhnilAr c.ipari-Ho4 ' rliraiHT, Mini iriri'i for I lio .ooiili. Kkh Kai-miwama REGULAR $35.00 TWEED and WORSTED SUITS, " a pair. 'I'Iihv an- nil iimpiroil I ho vamo lo I In-alifiipfioii anil not for many days have surh values leen nffereil l RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $1.20 ' lie H I11 of of all. this liru'r. Hiiiwn ain'l (iii'y effects in llw new Spring ik'iirr iirii'i1 i "lilnliiiil Mnihls. AND NOW THEY GO ir foxi't as JinviliTK Ihan AT THE , A Hue Iiig lot or MEN'S HEAVY RIBBED, ALL ."II ami a tlirn l n BASEBALL RIP-ROARIN' $23.40 WOOL SHIRTS and DRAWERS, (o el ear at i it mi ri-a-uiK iIiiihihI fir SALE PRICE 'v i lio many ni'W fot AMERICAN LEAGUE. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE 90c flnrlinK up llir will mv York. ': llo4lon. rt. BLUE SERGE SUITS. Hero's where you are offered a Ki-rnt many on Hi" Olovolaiiil. fl: hlrafrn, X extraordinary value, fiunr.inteed nil WOOL, 1MM- 1 for iln iinxl ynr or HI. l.oni. Jplroil, .1. OO IlYK, .Hid great value al Iho Cream Colored, Spring Needle, Elaslje Ttihlied NATIONAL new low pru-e of 0r.00. COMBINATIONS. Hegular f'2.00. rli- IiIup fot kin of miiiIIi-1n-ka A. RIP-ROARIN' $26.80 (.hicnjrn, A; I'iltMniri;. nr llio nl In Now York, SALE PRICE limoklyn, :i; -'. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $1.60 w irid,'" Mr. Clonry iWlnrw, IUikIoii. 1; I'liilailolpliin, 7. Miii- nti'l In COAST LEAGUE 20 OZ.BLUE SERGE SUITS, llegular $rn.0l) seller, inr i'oor Lo Antop. 1: Sail l.ako, 5. ami llii-v are guaranleed VI HK ALL VOOL and IX-DKiO "RED LABEL" SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Heavy "- ami iiiKkiii-mj oi in' piirllanil. : Vi-rnon. 7. DYK. AIo Iioauliiil PATTERNS and COLORINGS rili lied and guaranleed all wool. Sfln !"rnnoiro. 18; Sanminonl" IN I IMPORTED.TWEEDS and WORSTEDS. Handsome -'alilo . S. fiiiiiron. nf 5. Tailored MndeK and every suit deludes slylo ami RIP-ROARIN'.SALE PRICE .. $1.45 Son I tli. I; Oakland, fd. i niirial pnlloo, arrivoil lal .it. . i ...tn INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE ' mini ,-iiit ,riu anil win r. m.t f.ii lint ii:ik ILIli!' i.II llo.'lii'ti'i . 5: Ni'wark, RIP-ROARIN $38.40 V nniT loilay. CnnMlalili' Toi'onlo. 5; llalliinnro, 0. SALE PRICE SAMK IN COMHIXATIONS $2.90 . M: ll.'a.lliu. n is lo lio s.tnlinnoil on llnilal .lorsoy Oily, 5. ,; : i p ftio -iiimmor. Syiun.-M. Men's Hose Men's Hats REGULAR 50c FINE BLACK CASHMERE REGULAR $4.00 FINE FELT HATS, in he Fresh HOSE. Donlili! Sole. Ijxlra Special Value. new Spring shapes and popular colors. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE Astounding Bargains RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $2.90 avM-m-ammi ra'..ir--m-- -- l 3 pairs for $1.00 "BORSALINO" HATS The mol popular FLAT MEN'S HEAVY WORK SOCKS. All wool. in selling hat on the market and certainly the licit Rupert RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE value. Our entire slock in the season's newest 5 pairs for $1.00 styles and wauled colors. Itegular 'H7.S0. Men's RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $5.90 HEAVY BLACK COTTON and NEAR LISLE Hose, Hats, etc. Brand HOSE. UouMe Sole. Special Values. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S FISH RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE CAPS in nil colors and the latest shapes, tegular $2.(j0. 5 pairs for $1.00 RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE ,$1.65 now available from the local retail stores. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. MARTIN O'REILLY PRINCE RUPERT