ASK ABOUT OUR Winter Service Specials KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet Sales & Service Goodyear Tires — Willard Batteries Raybestos Brake Linings Phone 52; Night Calls Black 379 The Daily Netvs NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER yol, XXIII, No, 254, = — a_i — . - ae mmr eae eer er ane ay PRINCE RUPERT, B. BC, , WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1932 arlidinent Bibs Risere Was Object of Mass Attack By Jobless Last Night sporadic Outbreaks on Victoria Embankment, Pall Mall, The Strand, Trafalgar Square and Whitehall — “Hun- ger Marchers” Returning to Homes | | , LONDON, Nov. 2:—The precincts of historic Parlia-| lent Square were in the hands of the police today after a| iass attack last night by thousands of jobless. The disor- ers began at dusk last evening in the heart of the capital | ind quiet was not completely restored until nearly mid- ght. Seores suffered minor injuries. For the most part the demonstra- |tions of the hunger marchers were ’ FCEIVER ~~ yradic and again it was mis- evous London youths who gave h 4 polles the most trouble. The Pei FOR ROAD: ice won in a series of battles that “aged along Victoria Embankment.. Pall Mall, the Strand Trafalgar | pplication of St. Louis and San| Square and Whitehall. During the; Francisco Railway Co. Granted lrioting a number of automobiles By Court Yesterday were destroyed or seriously dama- | ——- ged Some motors were set afire ST Loum Nov 2:—-Receivership} when their tanks were ignited with | is granted by a local court yester- | torches ly to the St. Louis and San Fran-/ po 0 Railway Co, J, M. Kearns, pre- | ¢p6;, f the company, was appoin- started | ‘Lhirty a charabang | mtingent “hunger marchers” trek back home men climbed a for Brighton e 7 were ASTRRIGN | |veas'eccvheces today aboard ind other { preparing to depart e| “| GETS SNOW : * ONE-POUND BABY GIRL »|' + IS EXPECTED TO LIVE | + q astern Part of State Covered With : White Blanket—Severe Gales # CLEVELAND, Ohio, Nov. 2 + Oft Coast # Seven days old and weighing * # only one pound, six and three- # SEATTLE, is Snow fell * quarter ounces, 1 baby girl, +| ut Eastern Washington # born in a lo al hospit a, is ex- #} terday, In Snoqualmie and Ste # pected by v ree ) tive *| Passes through the Cascade * ane Stow up +0 pe . an » +) ns the fall reached a depth : i + a , a 7 aa > t or more and interfered | ' , eo re ee itomobile traffic. Chinook|* 8!ven phaok dit with a medl- : vas closed altogether to traffic : cine aroppel So While the interior of the stat e250 00666e600% ‘ving its snow, a severe gait : t on the coast. On the north | zen Washington the wind at Vancouver Men on Big Game Hunting Trip in District rremier Herriot | | 4 ya: }ousiness mv consisting of George | On Goodwill Trip _ ls Harrison, F. G. Brynildsen, W 1 velocity of 52 miles while mouth of the Columbia} i velocity of 64 miles was r¢ There were continued warnings last night | of prominent Vancouver Hods« r. D. Trapp, P. D. Gordon To Madrid, S ain ind C Harley came north from | |V uncouver to Butedale on the pr sent voyage of th teamer Prince with Thomas A Charlotte MADRID, kien Nov. 2:—Premier | Rupert in compan) douard Herriot of France, in a | Kelley well known Queen latement to newspaper correspon- |Island logging operator, on whose Pents here yesterday, expressed re-| service boat Nora Jane they will entment that his visit to Madrid|make a big game hunting trip Into hould be ascribed to any other pur-|the Gardne! Canal district. Jarvis} Pose than in the interests of inter -|H. McLeod, collector of customs, | tional goodwill, “You have my | will sail this afternoon on the Prin-| ord of honor that that is the only|cess Norah for Butedale where he ’ Herriot declared. | will join the party etiatiatillarmmdisianen i sascnssen seguneeliane me °*eteeeee ae °° YOUTH WHO TOOK VUrpose TWELVE-MILE LIMIT *| FOR CANADIAN SHIPS * | Frank Gomez As from */$50, with option of two months’ im- + | prisonment, by Magistrate McCly #| mont in city police court yesterday Canadian-owned vessels, ex- #| afternoon for having taken a car vends 12 miles off shore from *# on Monday night wasn permis- low lide, ‘This is the effect of a #/sion of the owner, S. E. F arker. An} Proclamation which has just # 5. with seven days’ Op- been issued. * * + _ aged 19, was fined | OTTAWA, Nov, 2: . day, Canada’s maritime jur- ‘Sciction, so far as it affects ? additional $ tion, was imposed for opers ating a motorvehicle without a driver's Il- leence, Gomez Is servlus the time ttt eeeoeeeee if yremost young men, being assistant} ithe town ! . _Epworth League ithe Finlayson Island Cemetery. |Mr. and Mrs. J. H | Mrs. Kate Dudoward | and Mrs. Beynon, Miss L! M. Deacon, | Prince Rupert Mrs. Agnes Brentzen, Mrs. J. Brent-| Jately in command of the Nelson division and at present | considerable ;communication | 1 | 'present in command of the Prince | | George division CAR IS PU NISHED | {street tor his favorite candidate a SENATOR IS RECOVERING | George W. Norris or Nebraska to Continue Campaign in Support of Governor Roosevelt SPRINGFIELD, Ohio, Nov. 2:— \" nator George W. Norris of Ne- lex aska, who has been confined to a |rospital here since last month suf- fering from a coid and throat infec tion, was sufficiently recovered to be interviewed by newspapermen. The 71-year old senator expects to be able to leave soon for Chicago where he will give an address in continuation of his campaign in upport of Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic candidate for president of the United States. Stein Sankey Of Pt. Simpson Dies on Skeena PORT SIMPSON, Nov. 2:—The death of Stephen Sankey on the} Skeena River recently was a very | jsad blow to the community of Port Simpson, Deceased was*one of the the United Church He was prominent in the building} yf many of the public buildings in | chief of which were the! Hall, Y. P. E. A} Hall, band. stand and the Salvation | Army Hall. Besides his parents, deceased chief steward in Heck, the girls get all the years for some protection tilkative barbers come the ladies with this device—it’s for beauty however breaks agains Men have been waiting for ana along shop sanitation, Prince Rupert—-Overcast, easterly wind; barometer, temperature, 46; sea smooth. The Weather light 29.42; OBSERVES | j Library to Be Closed Friday of Next Week—Regular Meeting Last Night At the suggestion of the librarian, the library board, at its meeting last night, decided to keep the library open Thursday afternoon prior to Armistice Day next week. Miss Cruikshank said she thought this should be done in the public inter- est. There was a differente of opin- ion among members of the board but the majority decided in favor of eaves:four brothers. He was 46 vet a old re iny floral offerings semt! P | P lj Di I ‘the funer: il which showed the} rovincia 0 ice iVISIONS ssteem in which deceased was held | The service was conducted by the Rev. V. Sansum at the United} | | Joined With Head Office Here; Church and interment was made in who sent flowers Mrs. Harry Ryan Moraes, Mr. and Among those were: Mr, and Announcement was et hae headquarters here that Division ee with head office a The Chief ana) rince George, and Division “D,” with head office a , United Chureh, Mr | Prince Rupert, are being combined with headquarters it t and that Inspector Forbes Cruickshank, Mrs. R. Dudoward, Mis Stewards of the made today from provincial police keeping open. The library will be closed all day Friday of next week, that being Remembrance Day. Victor Basso-Bert reported that the treatment given the roof of the ibrary building under his direction had been a complete success as no Cruickshank Taking Command rain now came through. The cost of the work in all was approximately $10. The librarian was instructed to tras a small list of periodicals from Fraser Stationers and the secretary t} witt communicate with the city lj reading room committee suggesting that several of the periodicals mighi be passed on to them when no lon Inn on Cowichan Lak Wiped Out By Flames—Narrow Escape For Two Persons R “reide vestigation work Riverside as a criminolo-| Considerable Damage Done Yester- | deal in criminal day By Wind on Long Island fand, in his capac and New Jersey Coast gist, has had to do with the solving TS palin jof many famous cases. He is no Sa i NEW YORK, Nov. 2:—Long Island | stranger in Prin Rupert, having} yICTORIA, Nov. 2:—Riversid ind New Jersey coasts were visited been here at numerous occasions IN|tyyn a summer duties MeNeill, who nspector here for the loss mths since the Mr tor John Macdon- continue in com- Rupert district the past on specia Staff Sergeant acting nd of Cowichan Lake, troyed by fire y being placed at $16,000. Norman Thomas, wife of th sterday which did Trees were} telephone and telegraph has been and traffic and; the past few generally inter- | transfer of Inspec fered with. ’ jald to Nelson, will mand of the Prin ;it is understood. No announcement, ihas been made as to the disposi- ition of Inspector William Spiller, at by a heavy gale ye was. de- damage. prooted, poles blown down proprietor, tant, room windows, at ifeet, to the ground attire to escape the a height of 1 DISORDERS flames, \e@#@¢# ett ee eee ee © years, * * PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCESS INGRID TO ANNOUNCE BETROTHAL It was only two. or three | General Election Attended By Wide- ‘ago that “F” Division was created spread Rioting Yesterday— | The whole northern and central in- |* Two Men Dead terior country will come under p Prince Rupert headquarters again! # ; : ee + . lv the ; i# STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Nov. | HAVANA, Cuba, Nov. 2:—The #8 was previously sa le 2:—The engagement of Prin- general election for House of Re- SL. a ingrid of Swede d | present ative seats yesterday was ] t W wpe Ingrid o » eae = lattended by widespread rioting) n erlor eather he Prince George Of Sngiane wi | * ba formally announced on No- *# vember 11, Armistice Day, it i was stated in official quarters Raining, calm, 32. te here last night. Light snow, 32, |* Snowing, calm, 27 |#* #*##** @@#@¢@@ | throughout the city, One man was | reported killed while numerous per- sons were injured. Another man dropped dead from heart failure in) the excitement of cheering in the Terrace—Rain, calm; ture, 40 Hazelton Smithers Burns Lake tempera- | resort at the east lene terday morning, and Harry Kiroup, assis- were forced to leap from bed- H in their night Ladies’ Aid of the Epworth! on sick leave. will arrive here nexti ger required by the library. gue, Mrs. Maud Ross and sSon|week from he south to assume ‘ The library was open 21 days dur i other command of the reorganized divi- RESORT 1S ing October, according to the report | sion of the librarian, and, during tha’ ‘Atlantic Coast Inspector Cruickshank “is one of time, 6,812 books were loaned, an the best known aryl most experien- DESTROYED average Of 324.3 per day. Of these G le: ‘ed provincial police officers in | 4660 were fiction, 160 duplicate pay, Has Heavy a e British ‘ol mbia. During his police 1269 juvenile and 723 non-fiction jcareer, he ha calized a good During the month 47 new readers registered and 36 withdrew their cards leaving a list of 3660 readers jin all Books received during the month included 35 by gift and four by pur- chase while 20 were withdrawn from shelves. The total number of volumes now is 8,456. George Wilkinson presided and ithere were also present Thomas Black, secretary, Frank Dibb, Harry Breen, . F. Pullen and the e e e Basso-Bert, 2 | librarian. STOCK IN DECLINE 4 od + + */| Trading Light in Securities at New, | York—New All-Time Low +| Price For Wheat + ‘cinipuataiuaes *| NEW YORK, Nov. 2:—The stock */and bond market went into a de-|# + + + + ” and utility issues were off. At Chicago wheat descended to another all-time low, rallying slightly, however, before tie close, ARMISTICE past unless PRICE: FIVE CENTS LOND RIOTING IS UNDER CONTROL Single Men In Cities — To Be Transferred to Camps In Short Time : ederal Government to Pay Forty Cents a Day For Their Keep—Province to Pay Administration and Trans- portation—No Change in Married Men Plan VICTORIA, Nov. 2:—-Known officially as the adminis- trative board for relief of homeless single men in urban centres, the new provincial relief board got down to busi- ness yesterday. Apparently satisfied with assurances from Ottawa that federal funds will be forthcoming as required, he board set plans in motion for an early transfer of the M% nen to camps. ‘cards are being utilized as a basis jwith facility for new registrations New registration throughout provincial labor offices. Other relief categories such as married men and single men with dependents will be treated as in the federal alteration is made in this connection, it was stated. The Dominion government will bear the cost of providing for single homeless men’ from urban centres up to forty cents per day per man. Administration costs, including transportation, will be borne by the provincial government. PASSING OF CHINAMAN Ah Joy, 76, Had Lived at Hazelton For Half a Century HAZELTON, Nov. 2:—Ah Joy, Chinaman, a pioneer of this dis- trict, in his seventy-sixth year, was seized with a severe heart attack while carrying a heavy iron bar on his shoulder and fell in the street. He was carried to a nearby laundry where a few minutes later he passed away. The death occurred Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock. Dr. H. C. Wrinch and Constable A. S. Wellens were immediately summoned and arrived with haste but life was ex- tinct Ah Joy had been in this district ibout fifty years and was one of the first placer miners to go from lazelton into Manson Creek in earch of gold. He was a first-class horseman, an experienced packer, ind one of the best riders in this yvart of the north. Rev. L. F. Bannister officiated at the funeral, the service being re- peated by a Chinese interpreter. Interment took place in the Hazelton er Is FINED $300 Alderman Linzey Victor | Walter Corey, for supplying liquor to Indians, was fined $300, with op- tion of three months’ imprisonment, in city police court yesterday after- noon. A _ similar charge against | Purdie Steeves was dismissed. Kate |/Dennis, Indian, for dyunkenness, was fined $10, with option of seven | days’ imprisonment, \*+ e+ eee ee eeoeeee@ + * | CANADIAN CATTLE + + \* EMBARGO REMOVED # * |\# LONDON, Noy. 2—The House # of Commons last night moved # cline yesterday when 622,435 shares | + without division to remove the # changed hands, All industrial, rail! existing embargo against im- |* portation of Canadian cattle to # * the United Kingdom, + x Yoh a tetereeaboeseeee