WlltN YOU WANT A TAXI 99 me YOKOHAMA THE NEW in a hurry Phone 1 CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HOME BAKERY ALL NEW CANS Phone 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper jjlli Nil 'Oj i'JIl.NUK Ml PKIIT, H.C. TUK8I1AY. HKl'TKMHKIl 0, 122. Salnriir't ClrcllHM 1.SSO. tlrrt ) 122. PRICK FIVK RKNTB Labor Aiinual Event Is Celebrated Ural .11 II PA NKW HII VIK IIPKNhllul IhKKulH KV I Hh I. W V a 1 mmm m W m W - w DEATH OF MISS RAGING FIRES PRETTY WEDDING AT Labor Day Celebration Proves Finest Hall in Northern B.C. VERNA THOMPSON DESTRUCTIVE ATLIN LAST WEEK Very Successful Event at which MIm Nora Kenny Becomes Orlde Opening Dance Held Last Night Fourteen NEARTCRRACE of W.Allard Dudley Celebrant.Tilly Father Many Enjoy Sports and Games Year Old Daughter of 'i'l Ult XliK. Sept. .". - The uffnial opening of (lie new Mr. and Mr. W. E. Thompson A charming wedding wa ot- The weather wa jul right for the Trade- ami Iabor Council' Yv A Home took plm e last evening and celebrated lis Died In Hopital Today Number of Bulldinaa and Much emnixeij on Tue.biy, Allgilnt ff l.ahor l)iy celehratiou eterilay and. 111 -pile cif the gloomy ; g of a grand hall in their Urge dance, hall. The inem- Timber at II a.m. 111 I to- iuaint little fnreciil made lat week, there wa not a drop of rain all day and Destroyed Rain organ nation iri' -i-ted (he ladies' auxiliary, the Tlir i)'.ilh iM-riirrril a all i-arK Calholie Church ererted by Kalti-er Ihe event all came off nn-onling to tn-hedule. In the course of liiiiir I he fnTHl ll'iilal hi Save Situation. ' wIih h had i It urge r the buffet. in I Allard many year ago when the clay eriii paid adniiiion to the Arnipoli Hill recreation , .II wim tastefully decorated mitt nothing wan left un-i.. l lortiina if Mii Vtrna TImiii). I be fir! went into Ihe Yukon grimidi mid enjoyed a pleudid pnigram which la.oleil from fiNirteeii nl4 la .villi, KllltACK, Sept. 5. l ite f,tr. litlioii lo make lite event one of the mM ur- on. ynr district with hi miion to the 10 o'clix k in-the morning until late in the afternoon. The Hit r of Mr. and Mi. W. K. 'I'lnnii-ton. e-l firen that liat,e been raving , i hld ii Terrace. Iienring commenced at nine o'clock 111 Ihe likee and Hen dii-Ini'l. Indian. Mi Nora Kenny a of event wu large mid varied and included. lieiile Ihe iMtiai Tli' liltle uirl li:n ! m to I ii up until three. The committee in charge consisted (rrln for ome(nk and lo-r durliiy Ihe .a-l inonlh or le'pulnr y'Miiir- lady of (hi- city children' races and field events for adult. haeball. lacrosse and of I. Y. Ileewer, president; J. M. lieeame the brble of V. Iludley football game. The day wa ue-eeful ilralli i not unexprlmi. alii.......!. 'ix iek rtietl a eheek 011 n i'i'i i a '' Mrlnlyre, secretary; C. Creeliuan .1 1. - I......4.1.. I.l..u Kalui'iUy hhI Sunday by a heavy lilly of Allin, II. C. formerly all Ihe way through from s, J It. AmatW. K. V. Maker. V.T . . ' " ' , l . 1 r. rainfall. of Xew York. The riiureh wa a financial a well a a nlrirtly TWO LADIES IIL.Lill.lJ UUniLilt ; ! nil nriTiirn parrni iio M'wire. anil C. Maneor. Mr. A iliati- tin' liarlffll nynipalliy of The hub wind feiMii I be artistically deenraled with native leletiration tandMiint. The re. bury MVenMent of Ike Ladies flower an,) fall leave of golden frenhnienl tand did a big bovine, the fiilirr roiitmumty. I.itllc Mi "it li on Wednesday had fanned ARE DROWNED BY TURKS AGAIN An Hilary ami Mr. J. Mclntyre Vema a a very poolnr iiirl Ike mohlerteiir fire between Ibe hue. Itev. Kalher Allard per. although the comnvtlee in formed Hie weiblinz ceremony. charge might have filled Hie ire erretary-treasurer. atnH a with- rirrli- of frinl aik. lake and Ike Skena river U'llil Kiratlettt duM-o music was pro- a roaring tkeajl of flame wa the hrtde wore a kamlxune cream rone a little too full to allow !l mixir hrr aarnni f in imli-lie imiu wlnif pvefytliiMV before gown of cream brocaded taffeta for the uual profit. How. Thrown Into Water Near Revel, tlian on iiioK- xtihihi a-a l.H, Evacuation of la u.r il. w4rb(p of H. I', Para-Minor rlrtir lillli- ilaii" ' r .m l miht. II. Iene dSgud "f nioke. ilk ami georgeiie rreue trim, ever, it BMilrd the kid and that stcke When Car Left Road. dle, viotinM. other member be I al ' icnl. in park and he were earried ted wilh gokl. 'Hie graceful wa the main object. The North Brother Lives Hero. n.i'-i ui in- iiPK'-i ing Mrs. Ateood, piano; I'. link- tile liainl- of I'm- It 1 n l"fla'i-r. for imkH J.v Ihe parched wiinl. vii wa damlily arranged with ern I I.C. Itegluienlal Kami wa in New hf ert. cornet: M. Newton. ao- Tke dry neelerbruk an, lab. oranse blooin ami a lovely attendance 1110 t of the day and HKVKl.i-.Tiih!-:. Sept. 5. Mr. suffered H pko; II. CawndtM. lrotkllc. I intt. added tmrl a llii roaring bower boonel of lavender enlivened Ihe carrying 00 1 of the Thoma Klei'd of HeveUloke and iin.i- ..i ui rarm. hHrk. illtiM. V. Moore Ma WAS OVERCOME fin 11 are deMmyeiJ the traet of weel pea lied Wllk lulie rooi-pleleij urogram eonlderahly. Mi Anna Liler, matron of the .1- in la Minor i fl.,r nuuiirr tandliiK timber I)lo? in it her attire. The firl event on the prourum. local li-iHtal. were dmwned on ir. a. e.rl evacna Very Flna Building The iiiiile wa attended by (lie Junior League baeball game Saluniay when the aulo in which nttie are by H.r rhr yAV.V.A. Mali I the WITH GASOLINE II I a 1 1 WW Uie latkelae road Mi Magdalen Link uf Lo An. between the While Sox ami the Ihey were riding went over the larpest bwihllng the association 1 ne imiaaalile a the tire sete I jil.. who wa gowned in Tlnv Tim at to in the morning. emhaakmciit into 10 feet of i. np,.,' .1 ..!,.. Um m northern Ik-Mlndi Columbia : leapi'd ai-roi awl $"-" frl Ike lak green organdie. Her not wa wn by the foriovr by h enre water. The acekleiil jK-curred at ii.w.MMr t iftrffapudi. 4. Vmh ftf II , iL.. Lundiuilaud Kelly, umraiN Uake..mliimileirrtHii i.liugjsj aiesMti afJf5JrlaolttM Schooner. Oullford Had to Maka. nklffoK, aiad rarHed Ttav leuMre I a l" storey Haty Return to Port With S.'tller. tMjrger iKil a HWtl ke a bou-1 ewopei-eil the Tiny Tin' battery here when the auto left Ihe road 5 A lire franse bjiktiNg H lt feel. On CapL R. Hobb her of men. miidvyed bv tke Unci of oiiik weet i-en . ml Frmetl and Nickerwn. Ihe.wliH iaing aiHdlicr car on the The griHim wa alleudeil by W hite P. IiHrle ami Jame ov Heveltoke rfM.rl that tk rlub aeriinieit 011 road rHitrwr new lload. (t,r luwee frmir a avHMK I'eler Uabvio of Allin. IL 0. 1 ii'ii. put feh effort In MrAleenan were th? umpire. Hie Iliere were four oilier every people m A-ia Minor n ra.lKH,, Uy tw ami a awetal mum The halibut i.li.tiillir 1 1.111101-1 The breakfal k L the flame whieti were weiMiug wa erv. team divided a 9t0 prize. in Ihe ear bul thee ecaped t 1 .i,i.-(t i lurkuN m Uy 2X im une tf tiillliu kul I akt a l.alt ecllirll III IHlHl' Ihe Atlin Inn. .... i ",,,pln toward nettlej-' rd al The laere game in Hie after, while Uie car wa slipping down I i-' a UiiVi kya lH hallway. Ih Ike II... ..ll, lMr .kiniir bonie. The young couple retired to noon wa won by the WW t to I. the embankment. PIMMtte KI Ike tsrtiutfl fluur la Cait. H lloll. who hM hern Ihe eoiy liltlr home which the Dr. Grant's Cabin. and the Callie beat Ihe Son of ttlMa a m eat M ! Ut4 il fur f fare., tour in ntmt- i verroiiM illi ji"lini' 111111111. hail inn. ijrw r fa. I tie eabin oeeupii J. Ilell. groom tngeniouwly arranged. Continued on 1'age Five) 1 Mi l.iier. who I 56 years lllllilll n jUer. Hf uf wliteli ha almaily Mi.yiataaM bail Un-n MiakiHX onir re In Ihe evening I hr Imm- who i logsinz ami lakinjr out f age. i a iter of Fred Littler renuM by 41. IV Miincliw. rr?w. ;.air tlir intiw of n gao- 1.. ..Ml,.X. V..M. - K. I. limber three mile from Terraer. r 1 lie Hank of Commerce staff Urey uf the bulhl. line tank inoi.l- wh.-n b- Ma- nn- aier ereiiade by all Ike toorM rULlLL AWll rirUUTltn - ... nun wrul down, lit kt nenrly in tin niy. The family home fJIBIVftJiBI aM - taken Ui wlh thr itanee (erel inenwi"ii. II wa an from the i'.. P. It. .learner I'raa- niiuuiinui uuat a Iim.I Tbi all hi and leyirit. i- al Nana)iii" l.all The llonr ttoare U h) M kHr or br!! it foi ml Im Mr. ree Alice. I lie Uu r 11 pro. BEAT FISHERMEN IN He. cabin wa owned by lar of laor ami cloak roaMMtHv in iliffiniltv ami then il lMik enleil Ihe l.ride with a hand-onie tiranl of I'rioce II 11 pert A mile TUG-OF-WAR FINALS i, aii' -i'i pimI itHo)t a Oovkl me uf the kVinHhrr hUt ( o tn r.Urll.le nearer Terraee IUh Uoclelle'a beaded Ivsitber bag. MOHAMMEDANS QUIET rtibp.i n. Hi-- ia-naii! '.llM..i H Mr H nwrlk-rn lt.il. Tlr The griNini, Iludley Tilly wa wu the net! nljttrllire to AT CALCUTTA tnr.- a f k a-" a-t!ltonr t, utiniker iHe edge (train a..... O...V a o.r ..a...l.M..I - .iaJ. I . . chief Iravclllliu I it tier 1 01 for Ike' I III' lU2-of-Wnr eV'lll 'Il '".- BUT S 11 ir-human effort J' ,ni..l l.-.l li..' lal r BUua)lei by Albert Mrt'if- Ue nkiniwr i alnnil alriabt put fnrtk to avr Mr. lir- tVanadian tiov eminent during Ike nertion Willi t lie Labor Hay cele-war RIOTING NEAR THERE - w i li' a' tiii.uel iler f I'riwae llu-r. HowWr rttaln anil win ! ante in oui leite building. Ill ltme wa and alo erved with the V. hralioii cterday wei-.' among Ii' K- nnt'ily iiajni' I"- iii ilonr leu 1 1 from the ilam-f .-a without d.'iay it i muter- badly eorehed but aed. Hi K. I lo eminent a a-i-lant chief the moil inlrreilinu feature of A . mi -lufl l.all la a bakwy t by IU. mak- t Ml. oivbard wa delriyird by the inspector. Mr. Tilly '.family tm entile day piograiu. tlI.Cl rr.V. Sept. 5. Murium mn i ery Miraeie ari-anioMMii. i'iri'iir heal. Tko apple were have twen 111 Hie fur luiine in The firemen' and iotircmcn lenlival. celebrating the first U BAB FS BORN AS ifcMir ntH-n uutwanl and fir-i-cnpea CHAUTAUQUA IS NOT Itaked 011 the tree. Mr. 4Urlette l.oiHbin ami New York mre tki touihiiied tiam won the In t" of month of the Mohammedan year are bema inUllel. Tlf l one of tke ohl timer of tke year I Mil. Mr. Tilly I iierman-'lke day when Ihey defeated the iweit imietly here. At Telim- HOSPITAL WAS BURNING .lur fur ll in-helra ia t l t GIVEN GUARANTEE dilrHt and poeed a valuaMe ently located at Allin. II. C.,l fi.liermen team, the winners of lara 2i mile from Calcutta seri- and imm la enlartWHi lor eomeri . . 1..... l.. 1...... ..... r.... wliere he will trade with t lie , he event al the Aeropidl Dili ou rioting a id rlatie between ll .fe. j ..' .-n... an Re- urHieea lu 31 by V. FOR NEXT SEASON I ton 01 nay. owneu uy r. .Merk. outpot on li. half "f hi firm.'ground. Iat evening. 'I'ke put!Hindu and Mobammedaii occur- Valued at SS.000 ley. Tki wa a tidal lo. ;wa taged on Sewnd AveniM iaired. ArtiH-d police ii'ton.'d onler moved Without Any Catuallle. Ihe iHiikJini w ererteJ K If the iiiiiiiii"ii (Uiautaui Kirkaldy A llaker were foilun-ale jfrimt of the provincial govern--arter one per-on had hen killed ronlrarU.r C. I. llrewvr ami I inrluite I'ltiK-i- Itiiiwrl on it in ain a fMirtuble sawmill FISH PRICE IS ment huildingo on eieal. 'Ihe eilynd 15 wounded. of the "-MN'IAlHMI il will ilo wkieb m loeated further ileam wa -surceful by IJV feet I - U l . Sf,i i. Two Uallr lurHer. hw4li im-mbem il uifi ary .nel yai' al aluel eiwiulete on H own ir.iiiioini. 110 along Ihe road. The machine fifteen minulea lraigli fuil.iW MAN M H KRV l Hk M taerieunlMi i wliilc I.a STILL RISING? .i..- r. i. .,..., ...... il,. it Vliuill lilutwutVLiI IIUIV w.i burned to Ike al iH.Mtrft. l'.rAH nr tlw rrwimn iruaraiilee haxniic been ntauP' by were removed with diffk-ulty .IT II9I.TI.I.T1I 1 T.-ii lr of rburlly i f till" ileairaWe UruH Iwwie i beal eitiaen for il emraavmenl from Hie track of Ihe fire ami vuil of the day and lliey TWO YOUNG CHILDREN 1 iiHiiuii. Ibleteen of him'ii to the uniletl elfrtrl of ! hen-. Tki w the dni.ion uow laitd in the roadway covered uImi were at a diadvantage on I.- 111 llllKpllllI .IMlli'l1. ir -i.l. nl IHe aaeiieiation ami uuHle at thf wi-ck-ewi when the with tarpaulin. Total Arrivals for Yesterday and the cleats. WtHlHSTOCK. N.H.. Sept. C. lueal roinmillre for thin year Deetructlon at Remo. today on 23 Schooners In Ihe a tier noon events tho -HH.M'il tiuriug tin' fin Hie e relary. A coroner's jury found Mr. Allan !ii"liai. The amHietalniH tn Terrari' i in roitrluded il buniueaa with (be Al the ame time ami!her fire 266,500 Pounds. fishermen's team bestl two other I'oyd :-eHiiii.e for thi' death of otHMlltHMi. It trl- trouiie. There wa a h be- wa rusiux 011 or near Die (lento train captained by W. II. Waldorf her two " 'tirtary iuiatfe a a ! riouri.lilnii t'hildren who were discovered of 13 ami Iween reeeiil and expena tni road eetion, mIm.uI five utile Fih arrival have beeu heavy and Harry Smith respective- 1 1 lie fiiv wa- Il.tluO. i with a HMMiiberhii in lli.-ir bed with their I.m a iiioiulteiKliiu of HM. (In yortr hihI the eoniniitte bail to from Terra ro. t'red Malton' mi fur nil auu wiwwu iy puuinv the luruier intt. head cruahed to a jtlly. harn and orcliunl went ami lHUy' auctioiui nieniLvr of the t win- lluert C. V make Ui a defieil altmiuwn the limie, yfnlrnU) Th ge.t. !0 the ITinee FORTY MEN BURIED the dptrutive lit.. L'vnliaotiu Vltrl fUU rukllllila I.... ..f .!.. . m . oneert lrly l roiil nvrl wa not fully lived ui .town before at t ---- y,w- ii i ti it trm his vi iiiv nsv w ni. In tinif Anri atv will eul l V A. a V. HipMrle' ranch halibut bav been markHeol.l O. H.lLAUl lj HUIlUKtU Al of the to on either ik lilaie. V. rtf Ftrwneii.and policemen COAL EXPLOSION Iri'iuce when the iiinMina MINE wa Kurrouiuieu iy urn, uui wu Yeterda eight boat arriving Ca.ey. James I'ark. Hed Morn- hi.lll will he furl her relebraKH. FAREWELL PARTY ON BASEBALL forluuule enough lu wave hi had Ht.oiH) iKKind and today 15 on, n mwhurt. A. l'oulie v ASTU:, r.na . s. .t ... home, which tmik fire evral had IKi,5 iMiuud. I.vlex. Macdonald (notice.. Alex. DEPARTURE FROM CITY 'il were eni timhi'd n an JOE LYNCH BEAT Monday Games. time. However, he lot a valuable The price. i .till on the up. I;McVuald fire hall , . U. eun- a i i'iil iii n' I'"' - NATIONAL LEAGUE ew and bull. They were grade, the Atlin having bid the berg. It. MrUlih'chy. Captain tl'-' IIMH'tllllK J'l" IkxIk"- PAT MOORE YESTERDAY St. I.oui 5--V I'tllidmriih 3-6. killed by u tree falling aero highest figure in month. ta-Se Chief U. H. MvlKnialu. llefoie...he left. for the South i fci'i s hri li 'i'i 1 oi'i - Ilrooklyn !-. I'hiladelphiu 5-7. Hie roadway, lrikiiiif Ihe uniin. and 1.5r for the 1nna '. oaten. Fishermen J. McOregorv V.IU m the prince iiuperi Sunday Mlf.HKiAX CITY. te.t. 5 1- Chicago H-o. Ciui iiiiiati. 1-5. u u Ihvy were being driven In 'Jame Neville, I. Thompson. Bd.! ntshl. Mr. J. Itussell, of Van l.vnrh. .illtilliiNvi'tliht eliuiiion New York-ltoton, rjitn eufety. UNEMPLOYMENT CONFERENCE jwinther. Andrew llansaii. Haiw couver, win. iia been vtstung SEYERAL .,. a d the title vlen!a.v when AMERICAN LEAGUE. Welcome Rain. UlTAWA. Sept. Willi,underdahl. rl LockwiMnl, MimIIu here with her sller. Mr. Harry BURNED IN I.m unit the ileeiklmi ful.t With Philadelphia 5-0, Vwliinlou. Tmlay Hie eltler ale hrealh- delegate here from every pro- j,.,,,,.,,. Mu Jhu Iversuli. Cap-vlnee Haskell, l'iftti Avenue Wol, was A PITTSBURGH FIRE al Moore. t-2. inif eaoicr. Ihe rain of Ihe lat of the llominioii except ;lami j Mvagher. honored at a surprise farewell Cleveland 3-1. Kt. I.oui to-12. ter part of the week wa loo Ule P. K. I. everyllung i prepared narly al her sister's home. The 1 FIRE AT COBALT. Heimil, 3, Chicago 0. to uld prtMlurliou hut will ave for the opening today of llie availing wa delightfully spent 1 -HI lUill, H. j.l. . S.'.'ittl mill lhnunnd of dollar' worth uf Uiulional louference on uiieiu- CINDERELLA DANCE until the time of the departure an men lei'.'iilly elllioy- CDIIAI.T. Henl. i.-fVU BIRTHS. timber and eltler' effect. K toyi,'iii, lii'wniM...I.IM.J of the steamer drew near when OF DAY A ininieil in ilralli ami leu mid main huft houa of Ue For Ihe pul few iiionth Hie CONCLUSION all ihe guest adjourned to tho 1 -.M'lely uud a Ji0.iiKi (l llrien IUer hi lu "" '!- 1 h.'ii' wa- born hi me itenerui uiirici urrouuuiua icrruee uu raideuee of Torruee ua r lowly hoalside. Those present wern ' ' 1 uui'd tiy a fire which .lroye.1 by fire. Ihe hiaa iMtny ll..nilal on Ki'ptehHber & to Mr lbeeii awepl for uillu by fore! eiaiM'd being bur wed. T)i The Cinderella dance in the Mr. Jack MorrUon. Miss A. ' ' 1 Him liunkliuiue ul Ihe Kt.nou. mi.! Mi- -'uck Mi' ' 111 1. "f fire, tliu eirvplioiially dry beroii- effort of the aitUen auditorium lat night wu a fit. Msrriiu. Mi K. MorrUon, Mrs. 1 1 anil H'liiMil to nearby the I'.igliili An . n 1 1 . twin, u boy ami 'a-i..n aiding in work 01 de- alone suNiiig ihein. ting eoticlulou to the siMN-e. JatM Hviiii- Miss 11. Ityrne, MUa II. Ilurlnell arril n st I'Ui iioii. Settler home and Tlie g..v, i niiiriii w ik i hi IlieUul Ijibor Hay eetokralion. Mr ii ge Krifi, Mrs, Joe eily mii Ilia I'rl All''' - " . Mr and I'ui 11. and logger damp have i-..ad tiu !"' s ui.'wliai de- About 75 oouple were P ino Mii II Marsh, Mr. and DIKD AT SIMLA. In-day i" tl Miiti"" ""M'"""' Mi- H W I w ,i s. aid ii.i'ii going down before the iayd by ' - taking off of the and a iil'tidiu '.'oi. g wa M - ti V 1 1.-9 A King, J. Nick. Kept. 5. Oaiierul Kir laff or lb Uwal hilUl.of Vau- Avenue Wei. al Ibe twn-rul weep uf the fltuas, At one I men itt am lc- iiakiiug m lhahoyed da nving i. tUU4.(uie,..H. .. iw-owii. J. Ilubiu and ""'fell 1.'gent of Jodliiui' llartiii'll 1 gruduale II"-I "ai :, jjt. inliuf t. 1 1 1 it i. , in July. a : Ulilbor .! Hie ''I'ffi i I ruai .'.' VllllU! 1 ii- Iuti. IMaK'i II Mu.-tdl. iMi 1 1 1 i ii ida