PAOB six ifHM DAIL1 BgW" Tnedr Rep' HOTEL ARRIVALS VISITS THE SHERIFF G. H. Arnold, Notary Public i "FRUIH-TIVE8" Prince Rupert. Rev, J. A. Shirley, M. A, Spent WESTHOLME THEATRE FIRE INSURANCE la carefully written by ui In reliable Mix- W. A. Mill. Mini Mr- SAVED Few Hours In City 1. U. Currie, O. J. Kistier. U II JER LIFE Yesterday. Tonight, Tuesday companies. Wi are permanently engaged In the bustnees and Kernan, e..rue li. lvy, K. t our records are accurately Kept eo that when your policy expiree Newann. Jiahn I'Mrr.lrotn. Van- The Ilea, lohlt Ah tu Hhlrlet. you will be notified In sufficient time to keep your property a'.imer. Fretl len. X. K. Wall. This Fruit Medicine Always M.A., li.l.. r.auatn aaf Kbertlf ataal Victorien Sardou's protected. We solicit your business. He.irue K. lUl.lwin. j. IMrriiiB- laeire M. Shirley, ai-r..iiiana-il ln ami M. KttUand. Sealllr: Mr Glres Relief by Mra. Hhirley Were f.a.ifT. H. Q. LTD. HELQERSON, and Mr. J. 8. Younir. Mltine. in (he Pritweaa Allee ye.ierdat. Immortal Spectacular Drama Rentals. Insurancs. Loans. BIT Duaio Hf , Moirrtitu apM'li": KllrahHh Ycning and Klla They had ilir. e hours lo ee I It.- I llregle. Minneapolis (ufTered terribly with Pvprm. rily. The ali'-riff met Ibetu Mith I had it for years tod all the metM-elnei Mr. . A. Mrtii-ttrlty, atalhni. t a ear and did the hami'ra, Inrlud. took inl.; lr. hikI Mm. Lrwln lleftird. I read del not do me say fL Ina iaii. lo ArehaVaron Hit and aomethlof about Tnea-IiVj" 'Theodora' Motilreal: . I llinn, Ilelmor- IHhai I hi Vernel. eia tfoifvr mil Slmk fnaUi LADIES al; Mm. llayttiiMid Willi. ,in- mnj WJrn fXrMaaa, ao I tfied .Mr. Mliirley bat. been rerlor TIMBER SALt X 41 ST. iln. Kiurlmiil; Mr. Ilittte. Iititt-ran, them. of hi. hiepheira, VitinlM'a' fr V. I.; W. I.aimr. Virions. After flniahinn few bote, Im Iwehe ;ear and la maw S'lltta; Attention! IJlMHrt Sealed r otr.ur.lender! rrtnee UI to Repert.received net bt liter Hie Robert Slranerk. i. K. FHi and eatlrely relieved of(he Ik apeHai. In tt'hil.- Horr. in Ibr ukou '"" trtn nta iw t-irnia oar or peptenttier. hallili-rn lle-iinil, O.iIim l.alf Terrltorjr fur llixhatp Mtrmaer. : reaeral health my tad Ill, for the purrhaae of Urenre. X tiff wat realare4; A lmbion, 15c and 35c I am a ppcnalist in Ladies' near Harlequin Baaia. c.H. I rwl W. Manuel aim V. Ilell. I'rinre Ism writing-to tell jnm that Ioe buard fart of rprucr. Cedar, (leorpe; Mr. II. loiiaklii. TCNOERS WANTCO. life to tunsorial requirements and llemlotk and Balaam my "Fruit- Uvea" Hin the holder of five French om of(I Umber.ear ill be allowed far removal ttraham iakJoti and Colin Mile. AVTOt.VBTTK Bftt'CIIBK. Medals and eight Diplomas Furl tor rxrtmlar f the cWef loree-Jrr. lionaldit. Nana Harbor: A. V. SOe a hoi. for li.50. trial alia Tie. fender, la ill elee al i"Mtn -ti for )Iairdresing. rniw Vlrtoiia.harrt. Ike Irlatmt lottntt. Carter,1 fM-e-entr; Mr. ami Mm. At dealers or seat .tpald If Sei.nibrr II, 1921 for the fd- r. Hall. Exalfw: Mr. and Mrs. T. Frait titea Limited, IHUwa. My specialities Include Marcel TIMBtR SALI X4114. Ililni and family. I'.. A. l'..r Hie Uily of (WI tn. of Waving, Face Massage, I Sealed IrivVri will tx- rmltrd tT the Manror. IVrrare: A?e onald. furuai-.1 ..aal. DENTISTRY! Shampooing, Singeing, Hair Minitter of Landt at Victoria not later Kliiiar .VIm.h, Lake lle-rt: than nnnn on the Slat day of September, on and Mm. . A. Taylor. I'orl Kar rerialn avaodwork rejMiir. Dyeing, Scalp Treatment. ttif. for the parchatr of Llrenra X 4111. tieorKe Ilia. k. INirl Jjt. t ml l.t;n.(ioo fret of cedar, sprere, F.aiiifrl"ii : M. II. Janie, IMifUm: inyl.'n. aa aer arfaratlona l lae eell Modern X-RAY Service Toupees and wiks for gentlemen llrmlorl and Balaam, oa an am atlaatrai V. Marenleiie, Hrwari; Nl aaaaei oil the aVattf of the Mar re ai Sir Lake. Klleralle Channel, Kanr S. and transformations ! laiKl Piairtrl Sarity. Juin-au: Mm. Inle I.. 1'ilt. rtttttt hsry of I ee. at any hour. for ladies. Switches made Three umber 1 yeara win 1 allowed for re-Biotal I'reiiiifi : Mi. anil Mr. II. A. LOCAL NEVA9 NOTES f .o iii u ranee of amhulanre DR. BAYNE up from ladies' own comb-inn. Turn ft partinilart of the 1iirt Fnrea-ler. I.alia and Mr. aHJ Mm. X. S. a. in l ati yarasw vadnt fire. Priiare Virt.cla,Rupert, B.'B.' or Malrk-t loreitrr. Stewart. Kdiiuiiitit; J. Anlhtit Mr. I'a.. e.t.n i. makm? The laeweal tar any lentler ttol Rooms 4, b, , Helgerson Block Phena 10 Am at your service any time and K. I'fdemon. Kairn; i. He rmin, Irtfa mii Hie I'rinre ae.-. .arlly rreilrl. ORiee llatura Mornmsa W It. Aftermxins. I 30 b n. by appointment Phone 601. Iiwn. ttox; H. I aelNMHlbna. Jidni Inia wieek wild her liutand Prince Ruoert General Hospital. Kveninics. 7-9 H:V7:irT7aTfflHI.M Shawallatf; H. Setift. faa-kalfl. Vill'l IMS ler Of Hie r.el. Chas.LeClercq - BISHOP FALLOWS DEAD. 320 Slith Street. Central. Any one kaviaa an aiKjnt V. II. tirant. Ketrhitn: T. a Tain at th lkor I tar iawimH. t:nit;;o, oiai. !i Hfii o "T ,,Uf tfnt herring bail I eonreded by Bsliernit" J. Iiiiwmi and A. UlindheHn. City; lee are reiaelMf In oetnl tame Sttmuel Tallow., Iiea.l ! Mi- r Lj1 I j te u,e finest procurable at any Paufln i. n TO EUROPE Kini. uinalia; A. I'inkney. (. in( T. Itteae Maeway. aeeretory. forMHNl KaiM-iaaal i:hur-li in r I a.-I I'orl and It i "Fishy I'rtre. 130 per ton. I' J. II. Mirrion, M. . K. i. dead. If"P The laeal way of Insuring a road quality li.p l( 'Snappy" MiMry t.N.M.: Mm. F. R. ARdNataty MI, I Ma fiaaernian t. have i-iriiiy of our bard froteu u . I at the lueeias couar oe aatTtSM UHl RESERflTKNS NOW! Mil-Hi Mini faintly. Seal lie; Mr. wImi m prke aft laal week ia I COtUMBIA It per ton Janie-s lMin. Vanrouver: A. Ni Uaa I re;rtaa driftin (at I ta enoBATE. Aif;i "nr ell-eiiu.ped store ran supply flthms r a Printing Qucaio-CMCaeouee-souTNSaiPTOM-Msaeuaa l-ey. Gluny. Alia.: H. Ititott. a. haa aee takea In rKarsre la Bat Matter at Iwe Adaaiawn niia . . lirrinen f rliilbini. atloeeriea and ff"- Iium l ake: I. . MrManataMin. ay I lee yanavineaal (Milter and te and hardware la aw atailir af Uar r.uu ,4 . 1S Oct. 17 Nat,14 Eanartea af Scetlaad T'' I' J H. BeMte. awe al hataBB I key. Me will raa4 bawtblf. tarraaaeS lateMatr i adds to your business prestige. Oct. SOct. S1 Emaeeea of Freaae Xaaa Harbor; H It. IMantMB. be eaatjaltl lo PHnee Humeri f..r caaaaVeea.. Twareauj.iWaWe uaa tl Maa aa liiaanr a Ar-i atrB NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Junrait: J Walker. J. Juknoott. nwdial allamUEda. test MONTBtALSOUTNalPTOMMTWCRr I eaaB aa ' "f I M MeWau.-i. Ketehlkan. Alaska Branch It Is the keynote of success Saa.1SOct.11 Net. S SlatlU U. T. I'.; W. Ula.M-ll. Skeena orrvrtal lanamiaaur, aata readtat ia. In all modern business. Sea.27 Oct.M Wat. SZ Mleeedeaa :1 1 -: It. X. dnitell. mhiry: In lite afMtrte icr. afpaaaraaa nt law aaad i It HrtJalKai .4 Awaeet aUawarata, aaf AaeaaaaW iuaaauB a.Ml You take no chances when J. I. !. SmitNem; II. Iluller. day I lee hHp neee wm wiatt by wf ABdrew Btwwa. aad as Smarter OBTBtAt TO UVCMeoOL Mf " laataat af ..iiai.rl r. lie rane-r you trust your Printing orders CANAOIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. V. Marhalaaff with J. lUirrie. .er. IT la aSlffJiCn waal Iwe aVaia f ike THEO COLLART, LTD. NOTARY Se.IS Oct.IS Mat.1S Vlcteela WESTERN LINES. tl: Mi. liaTfa Frixselt wi.n eier nawat-d Oenrt. riwa le.urhia .Nan - - run lic to us. Oat.IS Wat. IT aaeeualm av Bai MBind W heat . r.ped . the ? h third irie in the rare fv.r irtrl dar af Aeril. AJ tstt. at v.,n i FOR TIES. We have the finest printing See.tS Oct.Z7.Net. 4 aaeautare TENDER IH Paaat 'Maluna lata ad Bntii ..lutnUa We are now Agent foe the Nat York Life Insurance Company, and tsnaier: I. 1. Me. equipment north of Vancouver, Oct. S Nat. S ateatreee Sealed tradera addrrMed to the tawier-taMI yeara it i riBTHia oanrart. ihai u- ,i The most liberal and strongest company on the continent akd tadnrafd "Tewrter far Tie Ma Hantaan at fitr bianawlf I lie 1 H WeWalHa aaa a.H r adauau.oa and can handle anything MONTREAL TO BLASeOW tM be rereated at lata offtre tm4M Imetae eternal jtralilutle f eViMi. ..f tHW deal 4 tw aaad ertaf aad dr. lare i Assets, $9S2,w32,13S.S0. Lei us show you how to sate yewr In the printing line to urU awaat. Satairdar. Itth dar af e- a heater 'aeftl n-'ae your Ste-H . Caraicaa teantier. Ift fur ano.eaw RaMwaf law kkMiea tAltiani lie Irealed dat- ataaa rili'-hiue a ' i i., money. entire satisfaction. 'Sap.ZS Oct.Z1.Mat.IS Saeteaaate lu tie atatMafartiarrd from taaariirr rat be-tmer a a wtM.i .i,i.i.,M.t . i ,i a aBBaeaaaaaawwaaaawawaaaaaawn - aaBBaBWBaWBBaaaawaBaWWBBBaaaaawJaa laeauber. Itft. atKl Mat. Itl. aad ereaaeu aa i rteew h." B a per -4 .ue P.O. Bei U. dehaered tielveea leetutrr lat. till, aad av.iiih al m.liiv , . .i. Phone Blue S3. Westbolme Tbealre Block. QUEBEO TO LIVERPOOL. ttftember. lata. ttfl. ux canadaM i i r mb - Cowan &Latta UobmI I aaea Waal or Arnaatiwf aad Fart Al the filial riilerlatealitrnt f Rose, Se-1t OtHSNet. T Emoraaa af Br Hal a anew, as aerordakre mat a taa afeeirira I tHia a. Ila dated Mares lata. lata. Ibe hautaut(ua ratiiaiar "ti Saturday Limited aeF U Aaeate etertwfceee, ee t. J. I tV4teed aw Caaadua tneiima SaHtuel W. raUl- laammai Liwra between Anualfawr Prince Rupert, B.C. rORSTER. eaeeel Steal. OPJt. Sutler. a an wawaanea. ell sate aiiaalher of lll in-.n.i Phone 234. vaecaerer. Teleeateee 3 , iae.eee tu be deMterrd aa Caitadia atauiial Uaea brtmeew rwrt Arthar ii.aaal and amttiiit ltelur.-v ln- I CABArXAB PACITIO RAItWAT and WaaaaiM'r. eaclatdiar ttnet Ut " alajerl Xtug I inker and Traffla AmL MMMveaata. u b dekeered a Caaadiaa Ibinker." All I lie wewial at a Uuaia I Lauea tw MtmaraoU. tea.aa au be deUtrred aaa Canadiaa I lal aa ale" if e 'In' Exhibition EsJft, There Will Be A Coal Shortage ataaaul aaitMia Lanea aaa tt'taiiwait.Waal of Wuuif la (raisraii iaeinu a HKaal ini.i.-i Thla Winter aea.awa a be dramered oa Canadian, iliit taaae. The alleadaiH-c si- 1922 alaoaal Laaea m nnera AiberU. Silversides aae.eee to be dewtered ua (.aaadiaa aaaai ery lar?r for a Uel ii;,'Ii' Be wisfc! Kataaual Unea betwera Bed la at - jtttaeiaua aim rwri aiaa. te be dewtered oa Caaa- I be C. IV H eleaaaer l'i ... dtaa Jawrltaas a tfcMttal and Etadaao.Urn brtweea Bed i'aaa rea .Mere. i.apl. ilniii-i"ii. Wonderful Exhibition of Farm and Dairy Products. Magnificent Order Your Eros. a be neutered oa Canadiaa txHittd f n.iai anri.(irr i Kkas Second Street. B.C.Uaea betaeea Ladaa aod vay. ii in hiI fur a few Immii-yeleriay display of District Exhibits. Interesting collection of Minerals, Fisheries, Tender fortua and fw-atWrfia eaa be dHamed at the ufnre of UM Ceneral Taa ninriiiuy The irani- Lumber, Boat Models, Photography, Fancy Work, Home Cooking, DIRECT AOENTS FOR areat. raoaea 1I aa I nana SUUuw. Ta-nattu. tr Had 1:5 i.a-iiijer ff-ni Coal Now tA1aaHev.J. B.Maa..rarkia.or C. faaaartn c. Labrte.Tie Parrnaa-Aeent. Yaiat-aatner al-'lll 'ill af wli.'lli Manual Training, Domestic Science, Flowers and Plants. Finest ler treat, Vaiaruaver. B.C. Trudera will di4arketj Iter.-, imilar a num- taut itr rwtvaariered uwlraa made va fona display of School Exhibits. Excellent Don't left avMrtaea It the nailwav oiiaBT. laer beiMi; taken mi faar laH Imm ii yet Indian Display get lie wan aetxarr be twaaatleeed.(ae qaanwtiea aeaa uaa miimI. Aiumiiu Ihnae arrituiK DOG SHOW POULTRY SHOW STOCK SHOW We have arran-d for delivery Tor auweal at aar leader Dot neceaaartl-r aere C. A. M.ile II. flier...n. arrenaeo. of 3,000 Ions of trraaernwwta til be made Ibraarn the Mr. aaad Mr-. W . I.. l'jed4Mi. Mr 16 Commercial and in tm arewf I a i-araui. winntrfr Mr., tt I Uldell. J .1 i" imnliaae Mea prodwred m matl auaa- MMaJ Nanaimo-Wellington tiilp lauoa by artaal betUera frum their wwa riherry and M It. Harti.eil Industrial Displays BETTER BABIES CONTEST W H C.RtST. llae Ual aaf Hi. .. tallitv (a..-azr Each Child receives Medical Kxaminaii r Coal Canadiaa Oetaeral faaUunal Tie Hailwafa Areat. far Ike n.ilb m. lualed A. I. Rock Drilling Contest, Turvato. Kliuaa. Mr. and Mr. I.. tMewart. Certificate and Score Cards. T-mwtn tna-n.t th, ISff Single and Double Ifand Phone 116 or tw4. K. MrNrill. ! HtewaH. Mr and S Silver Cujis 8 Sterling Silver Si Mr. i:iiri.liaiien and K brake Albert & McCaffery Arriving Next Week f..r Wrauell . K. Miaore. (.apt Lunches Kalrathmentt, Mot Silver Mug for Twins and Mr.. Jatn.-. anal Mr, and Doge, aerved at all hour a LIMITED Mi li. l-'.r.l ll 11 ..r raim. Presentation of Prizes and in the for li I'l-teiniaii Mra. Mi and Drawing Phonograph Pickling RAMSAY PAINTS Mil -.-. ,ni.l I,. Itn liS i !"t Popularity Contest Edson Coal TW MUTT PAJUT TO PAINT RICHT Co. It Will Pay You to Oet Our Prices. Cucumbers SHE HAS RAISED Sports. Attractions Famous Phone 22. P.O. Box 120. and Onions A FAMILY OF TEN Shows EDSON COAL of every description Hazelton,t he big Seaplane Ladies' GreenTomatoes DR. FOWLER'S Confetti Horns Baloons Now is t ine to get EXTRACT OF Merry-Go-Round will take passengers up daily f a " your s ;pply. Preserving A SPECIAL PRICE FOR Ready-to-Wear WILD STRAWBERRY Shooting Gallery AUGUST DELIVERY. Lowest Prices Pears and NEVER FAILED HER See Bessie, the Big Shark Visit the Big Midway For further information, Advance Styles Whale Cleopatra.the Baby I'hnne (8. Office of Prince Rupert Feed Mrs. R. Goldbloom Peaches Mri Irtta W Stair, tail Walerrllla. and Brother Bill, the Seal NATIVE and LOCAL FOOTBALL Co., Cor. Second Ave. and .B, mrllea I ua ralaed t faiutljr .f GAMES Seventh SL Third Ave. Monday Ueinga holiday lea clilkirra aad bat alvtjrt kaed Vr Visit the House of Mystery lualer'a tllrtrt NATIVE BASEBALL of Wild flramW-m l,.r this store will be open euiiatuar ewiiHiaH. tad it Ul netar ftllad. Big Band Contest all day Wednesday ruttr xeara art,, wbea Uaa etaulera wn Pie Eating and BIG BASEBALL SERIES aUMil. aunaa of my uelrbburi tailed la Uaa durlur. taut could (el no relief, I Wood Chopping Contests PACIFIC CARTAGE Dr. Geo. L Barton Rupert Table Supply Co. Iflrr Md tbeia taiMi(tlx it Hat litre jr,are au Itawlera".well litltl and being arranged I alao uaed n fur Iwe of lujr uaa rtiil-drra Limited Phones 211 A 212. al tlw aaiue tllua wlwa Hjey were Childrens' (Palmer) paaMi bluud. Races Grand Masked Ball Big Evening Concerts wt a ftw Ouaal eoua luade Phone 93 Itieoi wall." Coalumea at Mra. Illldllch'a Chiropractor Attention! Season Ticket Holders. madf n Furniture, Piano and If va waul to be on lite tare aide tak A typographical error has been Ladies' and Gents' faar berfr.lar. laaler . Ellnarl vt Wild Straw our tickets. Tickets should read "Admit to Exhibition und Carnival Ground aud Safe Moving WALLACE BLOCK leaM aa t'tliur what yoa Tailor. ek for. TUere are many Uuiutuwa ua Ilia instead of "Admit to Exhibition, Carnival and Grounds." This Ticket p i General Cartage Phone fi0. tuarkei. a U aaea aud sl orlfUial VOdl Sand and Gravel M. T. LEE far. folr, teaae. Ht Uit pail not admit bearer to the Ball Grounds, "K.OrBea 177 rkaae Red I3S up lay Tar t Mltbara c... I.UMted, 1 wriAilu ''bt