PAGE TWO TTTE DAILY NEWS Saturday, February is , The Daily News CRIPPLED WITH !ANY0X LEAGUE AMERICA'S MERMAIDS WHO LEAD THE WORLD, winch nupKm1 - miiTisii cm.UMniA PuMJr.lied Kvcry Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News RHEUMATiSm NOMINATES ITS mmt . iifji V , Helen JTyt Printing and Publishing Company. Third Avenue. It. I PtJLI.EN. Managing- Editor. NEW OFFICERS! Then She Took "FRU1T.A-TJVES" SUBSCRIPTION RATES: And Hat Been Well Ever Sine City Delivery, ly mnil or i-nrrirr, per month $1.00 Successful Year Just Concluded Hy nmil In all parts of I ho Hrilish Kmpiro and the United State, J by Community Organlxatlon I in advance, per year '. $0.00 In Smelter Town. j Tn another 1:011 nl rips, in ndvanrtv per year S7,50 GROSS PROFIT WAS $15,849 TELEPHONE 98 Transient Display Advertising $l.'iO per inch per insertion 'Large Library Is One of Features Transient Advertising on Front, . $2.80 per inch I New Method of Choos- l.oenl'Henders, per iicrlion. . . per lino ing Officers. Clarified Advc rtiing. per insertion . . . .2r per word lgil Notices, cadi insertion 15r per agate line '(tie nmuiiil genernl meeting tif the Anyox Onmmunily l.eauue Contract Tlnles on Anptirnlion. All advertising, should be in The Daily News niflee on day pre-ceding was held In-Ihe Itecreiilion Hall publication. All advertising received subject to npproval. , !on Wedyei.lay exenfiig, H. Ar- MADAM SLOAT chatrmau of Jin' league Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Jmour, ri:m-H Juscnos, N.R., Jau.rCcd, l)20 presiding. The norulua-J I tun or ollicers Tor Hie rorlhcom-;inu DAILY EDITION MS Saturday. Feb. 18, 1 922. "For many years, i Tras a great year was the drier item to be sufferer from Iiuligestiun, Cuiuiipaiiun ilea 1 1 wilb, and Hheumatism. My Stomach. waa Booth Memorial School Affairs weak and gave ine constant distress, j ,1. Lowry. secretary of Ihe while Ittieuiiialiam in my Joints made I league, read Hie minules or Hie inn almost acnpple. was treated by IprAvioiis meeting, which wen Given an Airing Joint Meeting two different doctors but their medb i.'idopfed. I. Mii7.7ell, secretary oT clne-did Uie no good. , (he social service bntnch; Jack Sherman, secret nry or (he alhlchc School Board and City Council Tlien ' tritd "Fruit-a-tit ts" and 'at hrani-h. and .1. l'iuler-.Moss, ot-- once that fruit medicine Jielped me. ganier or the polytechnic, read Soon the Constipation and liullges. reports 'on their renectie Ileitis Mailers-regarding the construction and present condition nf tinn were relieved, hnd ttie.JIhptiuia-tsm oT endeavor. (he Month Memorial School were given an airing al the joint meeting began to go away,and iu a few 3225 Books. niontlLS entirely disappeared. Fur of the school board ami cily Council last evening. The merlin twelve yean now, my health has letn The cbairmaii read a report n g was called filr the purpose or considering Ihe ID22 limtrs fin i class, and I attribute it to the Hie library tuctjvilies . or (he or the school board, hut the real subject was drifted away front of"J'Vuil-a-lives" nhich I take ruga league and slated (hat Ihe ibrnr contained 2-Ti hooks suitable tor several limes, and on one of these, occasions (here was some Urly-. Irs. PLAItA SI.OAT. children, (nn iniscrllaneous ol- rather sharp talk between Aid. .Montgomery and Trnslee Patmorc JXlc a box, 6 for $2.50 trial tire 25c. umes and IfifiO books of a lechn?- All the members of the cily council and the school hoard vvre At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives cal and educaliorinl nature, inak- present, as well as City Engineer Whillnkep, Cily Solicitor Hooper, Limited, Ottawa. - iug a total or 322 books. The W. M. Vance, secretary nf the laverage inonlhly al tendance Tor school hoard, and II. I.. CampbolNCove schools were (he only one SUITCASES Ihe past twelve months was lfti) and Hie number oT bool)S n iul 85b. superintendent ir public schools, in operation. This year there was The ordinary estimates of ijtffi.ftin (In- lloolh Memorial School and TRUNKS In the course uf an address the were ticeepted by it"' council arid the Westview School as well, chairman slated that considerable the cxtraordihary estimates were Apfiaratus for the new playshi'i1 CLUB BAGS discussion hnd taken place locally cut froni K855 to r555, the al- at. Month School would also ha ton the question of building a new I mm t '"'" 1 I AiLEEN RlCClN. I 1TW j iotmcruls for swimming tank and In he provided, jpicturr stiow Jiouse. At present L I Mu GtRTlUIDE ECUJLt Large Stock on hand. 1 1 he show is held in picture the oT the tinvingj part playgrounds As to the swimming pool the es-Aiocn taken off. The school honrdltiuialed cost wits 5nnn. Or Ibis Prices very low. illecrealioii Hall, which is also aIIv XaJh '"J?, t0 f"Cy djVng UnitedSUt,!e bo85t of fir "tperta who lead the w .ia mdiridu. ht ?llT:UyeyA M,sf-.,AILee,ri Btein. Oljrmpls champion; Mim Helen Meany, national aprii.cbo.rt expressed itseir as satisfied with sunt, the Itotary Clith hait nfTcred J. F. MAGUIRE uscji lor lias kri tin it ami ottiec in Si5hJSi til tdo,or holder,.and Mia, Helen Wainwright, American indoor champion, are th door .. . . . , ,,, ... during the winter ilinlr the sports aamn,ta 1.: i action of the council at I lie j to advance half and if all was r ,t v.. "V1, " "'u xavm in kia. norms oi mentiot end Tit (he kneeling. ,'j round riphl Hie school hoar.f Next the Prince Kupert Hotel monlhs, and this being situated thl J i? Iy dvelo,Ped Plunger, Miss Georgia Wll.wn, who i, lowing exceptional akiU. Four senior ui Th ' meeting opened would over Hie pool room interreres.'with ToZ rkTallC. fhJ?'!5.:J?I Metropolitan A, 1 shortly provide the other halt', iiieje una iraporani open events planned undoubtedly will brine together many f. arter H o'clock and fmniedrutely There 'would lie the playing of' pool and billiard itars. ineltidinfr MIbb RthMa mIVif v A u.. t! r:... t . r.Jv... .t a thorough, in-resolved V f VJ if;. ia: n iuurvurri i oouoriuge oi tat W- i itseir into eoinnTfttee uf vcsligal ion he Tore anything was matter or the healing al (he underneath. 11 wus lhui?h that 'i, " uu" n ;"Aurui i-?CKer oi ine miladelphia Turngrmeindr, and In the whole. The cstiiiuilcs were done, or c'ourse. school. On Monday morning, on the jjiasemenl, or (be present ,. i,,clJ1,K u,uK,ii-n,, a season oi ppicndid .competition, j eaturnl h read by tho clerk,and the discus-j "Personally, I favor it very his orders, fine-third or the rooms liifibling could be utilized H o permit -. Mon commenced. , ; much," . continued the doctor, had .been dismissed on account of oT using it roc cither u swimming Mrs. John Kirkley, Waller Jones. Salaries Little Higher. "Every child should be taught to th Void, The heating plant did pool or a recreation ball. Aid. Perry asked how the salary swim. It is a healthy pastime and noj seem to be Working satisfactorily, However, this nialler was lert' for Conway,-, (iharlcs W?tow.. Jirighl, Mis. Tt S7 C. Jloberison Ilagnall,!). total compared with last year and improves their physical condi lie had called Mr. Potter (he Jncoming -council o jleeide. K.'.I. Frank Telioi Jimmy fax lold by Mr. Put more that tion." aod together they had gone In (lie Method of:Electing. Oi.mway, 'Murdoch. .Airs. FCans. Archie Mor there was little..difference? except ' Plans for Tank. school. Mr. 1'olter had maintained An amendment, to Hie consl,t(n- Mrs. Mrs. -McKay. ton, Swanson, that wtiicti was caused hy the; Dr. Kergin wenr on to explain that (tie w'el Walls 'idisorbcd i tlon or the league was passed Miss McColl ami Mr. C.i ilkovich. gradually rising schedules. that the se'hool board hartiin mind great deal of the beat. In he based on it proposal hy J. I.owry, Aid. 'Dybhuvh 4niuired if the (he establishing or classes cspe-cslimatcs afelrnoons the rooms were i-oin- to Ihe effect Hint. Hie election or Hospital Eoard. At the close of the meeting last year had been over cinlly Tor children. A club uiiglil forinble. councillors should lake place Charles Wing called for nomina-j j JUST ARRIVED "V.!.. II 1 I I ...i... it... or uiide;,.llie? expenilituie, Mr. also he organized so Jhat grown-Vance, : iTiiijni iinnii-Mi-r u.tivi'o wii ine every six months, rn percent, (o tinns tor Hie ! board, I hi hospital feej-etary, explaineld that ups could use (detank in the eve. vvalls were damp' and Mr. Kergin be Heeled Tor six mouths and 00 there had beea nn over cxpendi- ninas and (be project migliMlius aiiswered that tlnjy hail never per cent, bir (wehe month bdlowing lliifb noiriinalioiw Forslh', W. II.lieirr-made: McDonald, 2000 lbs. Valentine Tea turn some' dnied nul construction. Those elected-with the hiphc! of (wo or three thou- he made self-supporting. The properly since T. W. O Neill. J. sand dollars which would be taken Ischnol hoard was. not committed . number nT o(es to. take ollice Tor Muridiy, Regular Price 60c per lb. care or oul or Ihe surpluses ofilo it hut had-deemed it wise to re Are you ajare thai ,the tiles in a Iwelve moil(lily' period, while Pinder-Moss, Miws.cs. King. Armour. To introduce this lea, we will gen FOR ONE WEEK ONLY former Final I lie scliooi were set on edge?; those with (he lowest number of Teboe, Paul, Morciiw ami years. figures for serve the rund in the estimates so itri'l had Snot jet been prepared. 'thai it might he proceeded with asked, Aid. Hollarl.' ' voles In take nfllce ror a six place llaslett.on February The elecfimi I'll.. will lake 2 lbs, B. C. Granulated Sugar although a statement had heenl it it was found feasible. "Yes. and that they.wern,purity inoniniy period. In llii manner struck up to the end nf October. Aid. Collnnl wanted In know lllleil with water wben;lbey were il was thought Hie council would Mayor llochcster asked if Ihe what etl'ecl the tank would hav put up. The first Hoiir-of Ihe always hair its membership jn oT- -I?' with every two lbs. of Valentine Tea for. 95c, cost nf lire .escapes bad not been on the school, which was already school is of solid, masonry. The iice conversant, wun ine opera-lions I 1 The Man in the Moon BUY NOW NO LIMIT TO QUANTITIES provided for in the original contract, damp. Would it be rieeessnrv Jo water has gone through the brick of (he league. Embodied in for the building. Mr. Kergin blast to install It Would th walls, filled the hollow tile and Ibis auirndment was ji rider- to Ho SAYS:- 1 explained that itlnis had not been present facililles for herding soaked through i(i inches linlo the eftec that iu future all councils -wjx FULLERS, LIMITED done u it was tell that the price stand it? walls and celling," elected should be empowered to .MOST or our amusements are Phone 45 of steel was at that time too high Jr. Kergin replied (hat the tank ,-"Wbal efTei'l (to you think the appoint their own chairmen, the taxed, some much more hcavilv and nln the (Ire escapes had been would have no effect on the build cold weal her Wotild have on the chairman when so elected up-poinling lliaii the picture sIiowm. deemed unnecessary hy Ihe board. iiik as similar ones were com. 't'ibjH rontain(ag. water? Do you his colleagues o (he The. council had. however, de-!monly (installed in buildimrs not think (hey :woubl break?" vndrius branches most snilidde lo JOHN OMVF.Il urged ft,,- iiiulv manded tti'nl they be iiiiilcd sMbcr oities, ucli a the Y. M. asked Aid. Ollarl.. their eapihilitirs. or Canada in an address in ni- the estirnatn was now being pre. A. s. No blasting would be neces "I have no doubt of it." The suggesliion lhat all citizens, lava bul he iitialirie ii iierme Lumber Lath sented, sary and the board had been as Aid. Kilversides' .asked what wtielher members or (be league or the Hallway Commission by ask & Swimming Tank sured thai the healing facilities space had been laid nl for a not, should be permitted In vole ing lhat. lluVr unify he nnl The matter the , swinmiing would stand it. swjmmmg, uint. lie .Jtau ncyni' ror councillors was thrown out. the expense of Mrilish Columbia. tank, ijncJuded In a K 5500 estimate Aid. Dyhfiavn xniri it had been hiCard nrfii. scliooi with1 one Ui it. After discussion it was thought Shiplap-Boards and for swimming , lank, playgrounds report I'd I hut Ihe school rooms (ttwiis usually in a .."gymnasium thai cilixens WHAT John wants and what and cn.uim:nl for play sh"d, wa; nould'not he kept warm and that separate. the welfurn or the community we all want Is unit v in Hie m.-ii. in on taken up,,, j iio niaym- asked classes had to he sent hTunn. If Common-'Custom. lo become members orihe ler oT Meight rules. Dimensioft if any segregation had been made this whs the case there must In nr. neruin snur thai H was league were no! rpialitled to. vote Thoroughly Air Dried and Htorfd Mnder Cover of this item. something wrong with the calculation rpiite common la ;have aymnn upon the a(fairs ami management IOH.N has not an Irish burr nor I)r..Kergin staled thai no segregation that (bo healing system ilunis inside the schools. r the ot the league. has he one or (he curious dia- hud bene made. In past, would be aide iu take care of the school board was assured that 0 Large Profits. iccis mat corne from north of Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding year 2fino bad been allotted for swimming tank. there would tie a swimming tank The, profit mid loss account of (he Jyjie. bul he has 11 iiicnur. playground -when the Morden Heat In School (continued on Pag Four.l the league showed a gross profit habit of doing conjuring iricks and Finish Street, King Edward and Seal Jr. Kergin then went into the or 15.o-J0.!M. with the letter "II". Now v..u '- ..IIIMWI.I avc it and 'aven'i now you A vote or thanks was passed by T" r a the meeting to the retiring rjinlr- SPRUCE LATH i en i ears Ago j PIU.VOIJ Iluiierl pennle are u oiaii nun councillors lc the ex- Manufactured In Prince at Lowest Prl Rupert and selling in ri nee Kupert little speedy, jiometiines and ihn j eelhtnl work lliey hud done in I lie past again they are slow. They should year. WHY YOU SHOULD SAVE There is discord tin have been in London- (o buy up among Prior tn Ihe nominal ions (be Ihe PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. windows. and "other Conservatives in Prince Huneri present rtinirmaii, ji. Armour, points of To insure yourself against an unknown J'rogresHive Aeetinri lias vuiiiage amng ine tine of the 361 sprung sluled Hint be did not, stand for wedding procession of Seal Cove, Prlnca Rupert Telephone future. Princess up aim nas niueriy ijenounced nomination again owing In the To insure happiness and comfort inyonr the old parly and challenged fact (hat be did -not fe.'l wnll phy Mary. Then they coulr have old nominal ions made enough money (, iftsT nge. rnr the Association sically and thai he had oilier To insure provision for your family in xeculive. (hem for a year or two. business pressing mailer to the event of your death, - attend to. DENTISTRY Commence Saving to-day with James .1. fialkiiu and MUs I UK man who could corner Calht-rlne King, nf Denver, have Nominations. the seats most suceessrullv THE ROYAL been, married, The The following members were would be the Don't rnlinB tooth BANK malch was a nominated beij niun. neglect your teeth. One decayed or as prospective rutin roman.lle and th- one proposal lowers vitality. illors, the Heel inh of which will your OF CANADA was made by Wire. fillAPFK are like (rouble Ihev lake place orj.rcbruary 2f: Floyd alwnys Aome in lntnchw. S. J, MacLeod, Manager, Council rneelingi will he held llatt, Mrs. .1. pjnder.Moss, Mr. DR. BAYNE in Inn' gymnasium of the rim hall Wray, Caplain fteeder; W, O. Phone 1"s Prlnoe Rupert Branch W)MK people have note feel Rooms 4, E, f, Helflereon Block now (htit the old city ball has Owens, W. Modal, Ted fimnvotu With nth w I lie pinch come Oltloe Hourst Morninpe, 9-12; Afternoons, :3n-6 aOj bet'ti ordered removed rrnrn (he Fred Morrow. Ales, KoberlK, Mr. when (hey have lo nav the hill Evening, 7-9. flrand Trunk Pacific veservn. Pnmplin, Pal Main; I'.'i Waugh, T.l 1'rfr the boe. v T