r(IE TWO THE DATLT HEW8 Wednesday. Juno lo? fits The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA PiiMiOied Every Aflernonn, except Sunday, the Prince YOU'D BETTER HURRY! Rupert Ilaily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, hy mail or carrier, per month $1.00 Hy mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, In advance, per year f-fl.00 TWO MORE BUSY DA YS r To ill other countries, in advance per year $7.50 N't'.7 TELEPHONE 98 That Will Bring Crowds To This Big transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch Local Renders, per insertion 2!c per line Ulassifled Advertising, per insertion 2o per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per ngate line Contract Rales on Application. All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day pre ceding indication. All Advertising received snhject to approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOM Wednesday. June 28, 19:'?. Rip S2Sale Longer Stop Here For C.P.R. Vessels. As h renll of complaints made hy passengers on the (ip.R steamers the Council of the Hoard of Trade yeMerday derided In write the officials of trie company asking that the Alaskan vessels of their line he allowed to make a longer stay in this port. Passengers wish to spend utne lillle lime here in order to see 1he city and its industries and to make small purchases in the city. This .they are sometimes uiiahle lo d, owing to the short time Prohahly the vessels th remain CP.R.here.officials have never realized that the UA ID XU A JfNHNff! Fridty Evening at Ten o'clock sharp, the doors will close, all Sale .passengers on their vessels were interested in Prince Rupert or F rXl A frlAlflifU. Signs and Sale Tags will be Removed. Prince Rupert's Greatest they would have made the change long ago. Sale will end. Now for Final Price Reductions. DON'T FORGET FRIDA Y IS THE LAST DA Y Utelcssness Of Senate. The closing f Parliament draws attention once more In the ue.lessness of that appendage of Parliament known as the Senate. The old men who s-it there deal with a uumler of divorce Men's Suits Men's Suits Men's Suits cases and pass on hills which have heen considered at length in the other 1 Ion so. 11 is the old men's home for politicians, (he plac where the "has lieen" are sent, where they may putter REGULAR $25.00 SUITS. There are only REGULAR $35.00 TWEED and WORSTED BLUE SERGE SUITS. lloc.wh.Tr.., away their remaining days in playing at lawmaking. 15 suits a this price hut they are wondertol good SUITS, .mil uof lor m.iiiv d.-na have sm b value-, are uffrreil I'xiiatir.l.ii.ii'v i.iJur. (in,,r,udei ,m Canada cannot afford lo keep up such an interesting relic values at that. The first fifteen liu-kv one- wilt been ofierrd nt tin- pru c. liniwi and firrv -f-(e. WOOL. iMUtai llYK. and gre .1 v u.ie ,,( ,e nrw just now. hid the difficulty is in ridding ourselves of the incubus. get them at Ihe fs in the new Spring Models AND NOW THEY low priee ol Oil It woiild he nece-sary to gel the old men to vote themselves GO AT THE RIP-ROARIN' out'of hnsiness in onler lo secure change in the llrili-li North RIP-ROARIN' RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE $26.80 America Act which would make the thing legal. It would he an SALE PRICE $17.50 SALE PRICE $23.40 admission on the part of the old men that they are a Useless khI-and lhal they are accepting the people's money under false pretences. 20 OZ. BLUE 8ERGE SUITS. R g The Liheral parly had a plank in its platform years ago ad-vocallng REGULAR $45.00 SUITS. Th s it tot of REGULAR $45.00 SUITS. Splendid Pattern, J'.'imi srller and Miev ore go.ii ..dr. I Pi ll' the abolition reform of the Senate. So however, or far, Tweed and Worsted Suits are -In n m .11 he and Colorings in the Newest Modefv Brown ,.ul ALL WOOL .ml INDIliO DYK Ai b has heen done, to the in the nothing" owing difficulty getting wanted colors and newest paiteru. it. v Spring Orey mixture in Ihe finest T WEEDS i.i.I PATTERNS and COLORINGS IN IMPORTED Senators to should he reformed. As see why they long as they Mixlels. WORSTEDS. TWEEDS and WORSTEDS. Hand ittr T do not put obstructions in th'e path of legislation they are allowed , to remain. ,11 will Jake sonie hig voidest between the two Houses Model, and every vul toray prthJitlerttfon'rtrthe jvelei.nes nf.carrying4 a-payroll RIP-ROARIN' RIP-ROARIN' ileiiolrs ye and fit $33.40 $38.40 of'that kmd wjlmiHt'gettiirg retunmor the money experidi-d. SALE PRICE $26.80 SALE PRICE RIP-ROARIN SALE PRICE City Utilities Under Discussion. The city utilities have heen umjer discussion a. good deal of late and that largely through Ihe lack of information available. The Daily News has published several articles dealing with the MEN'S WEAR MEN'S WEAR :matter, one of which was taken from the annual statement of "the city auditor and the other the result of a recent meeting at A hig grouping of all f our regular A fine lug lot of MEN'S HEAVY REGULAR 50c FINE BLACK REGULAR $4.00 FINE FELT jWhieh all Ihe officials of the department were present as well a $2.00 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS. RIBBED, ALL WOOL SHIRTS and CASHMERE HOSE. Dothb Sole HATS, hi the new Spring tiai mi.I the depuly minister of finance of the province. All Ihe newest Stirling materials. DRAWERS, to dear at Exlra SMcia Value. popular rotor. In view of the divergent views expressed and of the desire Soft double cuffs; all sizes. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE ... 90c RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $2.90 of Ihe public for information, it seems as if an authoritative RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE . . $1.45 3 PAIRS FOR $1.00 statement should he given out ner the signature of the mayor Cream Colored. Spring Needle. "BORSALINO" HATS The w- VERY FINE DRESSY SHIRTS in selling hat on the in.uk. i. anil ihe chairman of the utilities committee, which, would explain Elastic Ribbed COMBINATIONS. MEN'S HEAVY WORK SOCKS. popular the best makes. Beautiful imported and certainly the Irt value. Our entire Ihe whole situation and let the people see how their utilities Regular 2.uO. All wool. is Wide materials in the newest coloring and toek in the eaon' n.-w-l are paying. There too a spread he'.ween the figures RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE . . $1.60 RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE soft double cuff.. Ilego- IW ! " given out Jiy Alderman Montgomery that the utilities have made patterns: 5 PAIRS FOR $1.00 le mid Wanted color. h profit of $100,000 and the olher that they have lost ..1,00o. lar .2.r0. ?.ro. "RED LABEL" SHIRTS and niP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $590 The probability is that neither are correct. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE . . $1.90 DRAWERS. Il.rv nhhed mid guar- HEAVY BLACK COTTON and MEN'S WORK SHIRTS hi tiray NEAR HOSE. Double YOUNG MEN'S Must Allow For uul' i'il all wool. LISLE Sole. MEN'S AND Depredation. , Near Flannel. fienerous filters. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $1.45 Special Values. CAPS in all colors and the I.'1"-1 Any business such as that conducted by the city mut allow-n Regular l.r0. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE Minpe. Regular 12.50. RIP-ROARIN' SALE PRICE $1.20 SAME IN COMBINATIONS $2.90 PRICE $1.65 5 PAIRS FOR $1.00 RIP-ROARIN' SALE large percentage for depreciation. There will have lo be a neiy power plafil soon, wluclr means that the old one is virtually scrapped. There will have to he a new telephone system installed, which means that the old one will be of little value. When Jhe old plants are set aside they must have been paid for if the hooks of the city have been properly kept. The depreciation ofi MARTIN O'REILLY plants such as those used hy the city is very nearly ten per cent That is what a business firm would write off each year. If this has h"en lone and there is still -a good margin of profit, the pen- ple should know it and they should know it officially. If. on the) nan other hand, it Is shown that there is'not a good margin of profit after setting aside a proper sum for overhead and depreciation, HAZELTON llullllll' Willi II.'l Iiusiian.l, .li.'.l tixof Il.iard of Trade will pay n then the people who own the plants should be so informed. It isj l.'int wk in III.' (laeiu.n Il. viil to the hoard at I'"it I'r;ier easy to juggle with figures so that the ordinary person does not pilal. -- FOR SALE understand them. What is needed now is a plain statement of Angus Il'-alon returned lasl S. 11. Il.irper, .if ihe Prinre Mu-pert foci without week from an eight day iplora. any camouflage. i hraneh, i in charg of Ihe lion lrl. into th Ki.xpux Valley. VANDERHOOF - lt.iy.il ItaVk here .luring the ah. FULLER'S GENERAL STORE xeure uf J. Italnl who i on h"li-dayn. Rev. J. II. Young, of Terraee, live high rliiol tiujf-nlH and con.hide.I (lie Union Chureh r. Hixleen en Ira lire ranili.lalex are On Hays Cove Avenue vires in Xew llazellon nn Sunday, trying (lie .leiirtiiieulal exiuiiiua. Mle Kalherine MarVirmaek Sinre moving from my Third Avenue Store, I have donhled "Supreme" Itev. .1. II. Hewitt lHng at THk-wa. lioiiN liere tliia week. Mi ,n Brand and Oilell.i Iievauld have return. the IniNiiir.., hut (l tn my intention lo devote all my '""' Kathleen M.rr..w 1 in ehargc ed frnm St. .Jopph' Aea.lemy. the Trint iarden" on Siith Street. So I an) offerm for lneetiir (5. 'II. tSrtwer. Klore at nn exreplional hargain. l'rlnee Huperl, lo upend the vacation Ml Constanee fio.Mnrrt re. at home. Any good eniart peron with a unalj Invent menl ean talf turned on Saturday from Ilo. YeMenlny afternoon at 2:.'lft In Huh utore and du well. FRESH FRESH eheiir, Minn., wln-re he u'enf I he new I'renhyte'rlau Chureh the ROASTED CoffeE aceoiiuiuiiyin Mrs. Stanton, of marriage of I.ewtiT rtannom and Tearher Olarlee, ran you de. Living ipiarlem with halhrnmn and range ar(lin "n ROASTED line hug? nertum. llazi'lton. Mi liilna llurrowii wa lemn. ized hy Itev. fienrKe T. Uray, of Clariee - please (earlier, t See me nt once. never derljne II. Iowa Stale L. MURRAY FULLER. Phone 45.. . The DEMAND for SUPREME Hugh Harris, the well known Chile.). Student. I'icul mining man, lui gmie lo FRESH COFFEE is growing steadily Him .Mayo eounlry. I.at Thurnday the Vanderhuof day by day because of its delicious xehool ehihlrrii vt'ere gien a SUITCASES ROASTED Taste and Aroma. -You Mum Kathleen While, of I.mly. holiday, the m',ninn heing ihelr know how good Freshly sinllli, )in i-nl.-rc.l Hi llaz.-llim fiml nnuiuil i.irl day. There TRUNKS lltlgtrson.Block, Prince Ruptrt. Phone 3. COFFEE Roasted Coffee smells. It ll'wjilial in fci, in training. were ninny r.iren and plenleou iusfc Rtira iin vonr VirnoL-fnc refrehmenl were provided. CLUB BAGS Dr. E. S.TAIT ' Mr. Jame MrKay received ; appetite to hunger point that l&Yinl Lisl u'L nt lh ilrftnlh ,,f .Mm. II, ..MrKenny relumed! only the taste or "SUPREME" will satisfy. I lir father Jame Oraham. at tai week front tier old iionie in Large Stock on hand. Dental Surgeon Klrkinlillorh, Scotland. .Matillaha where hn atlended Ihe Prices very low. Office Hourt, 9. a.m. to 9p.m. STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. funeral if her father. J.. F. Mrs. i:iklntnn, who arrived MAGUIRE Sunday by Appointment Coffea Importer and Roasters PRINCE RUPERT. here three week ana,from Tein-(;raf.h A noon the l'nrt Eraser Nxt th. Print .'tuf ert tUlrl Creek on her way lo Ihe road li completed the Yandr-