noi toot THfi DAILT NEWS Wednesday. June M c 71 ftisch BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui .itfjBBBk VKit 1 Tkn .BBBBBBBBBBVJ aBBBBBk end I MOPE YOU DlDrVT f I CCXJLDNT ) f wWWEt?6VOoT 6V1E VAJZ TELUNQ I AND VVA. 1 1 BHeRAlwr 1 A NT VOO COT , MAKE ANY Bf?EAKS EVEN URTA TALKING A300TVll Ma ABOUT HER S V J cXStSJft ?2Utv NO WlOttf I . P AT THE PfTTY THI6 A WAV! LONG TO MRS I JMCCARflYINGj 7j- ,t ,fM rV- S J A K J A.FTE?NOON KM- Be Prepared! Fire Risk is always with you We Write Fire Insurance of Every Kind Let us quote you jpOLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE burning the midnight oil will be -- FOR RENT SCHEME IS OUTLINED FOR appreciated and rerognued. Sim, Agent for WHOLE OF THIS DISTRICT ilar diplomas are recognized in Fttlt ItF.NT New Norwegian American Line other places by both employers Daily News Classified Ads. house; full ir,..i Swedish American Line baih: I.W.O0 ! fOnnlintied from Page I). and union, and apprenticeships ,pii Scandinavian American Aenn Pjsi. are horlened for those who can 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdnitlMnwnl Tak.n for Lmma than SO lhoi,, i i Line. I director and learhers and provide produce ttfem. It would 1 the OOOII llej, . from such eipupnicnt a it was Oliver Typewriter Mireclor's duly to obtain the Safe necessary to purehae. WANTED BOARD. wes. j-isiiermeii'A n. Cary anie recognition tor siniierils or FIRE INSURANCE Training Desirable. vJloo. tj-r lhah Ih.v did M..ihlay (hey Moneer llnoms. 107 ir, ,"y (lie inslilute. In conclusion Ilie Anyox di will W'ANTKI) Men and women to IUMMI1 Inlander. 8.1(1 Second desere lo lose l heir ant yon rector ".lld surely il would he lo the learn Ihe flarher Trade by the Avenue, phone 137. If n.vr two ,,, Dybh & Hanson "Should says:lln project receive interests of public progress and lers. only method in the world Ihal nisi 'nrge fro,n , avn prosperity for the FOR SALX store. Apply Wall (lie public support thai it justly iMt.NVlfll'K S doughboy are Ihe will save you lime and money to behinil and gel help Third Avenuo deserves, it would he necessary cijicis bare stuff J 1 ' and fit you for a position tim S.W.n I riKime. house, two HorsK for rent Fog' uch sliitlenis wbn Prince Rupert, B. 0. that buine men in all walksf alflryr -- worth while. 'We guartnlee lots and nil In garden, 117(10, Apply Prtnce II.,,.. ue.l Iheir lime to g.od advant- life, should recognize the recpin i v. The Rooter. steady employment at Rood half cash or 11300 all ca.h. a nee Agencic- sibilily thai the future devolves wages. W rite now for beauti 7 roomed house with additional ''lToer Is no reason why AUCTI0N jiipon I hem. We rannot hope to ful illustrated catalogue. Mnler S room apartment, on cement SALE. , .USE., Ut1rs' Ituperl. in Ibe years. t fhave experienced workmen, men Barber College. 3oo Main 81. rfHl1l7lv",4''l not be the home of n plies, bath, etc.. icetleni ron-dilion M'trilU.V SAI.F -r M who can ie iruieo n carry ui greal technical, commercial and Vancouver. II. C and good local bin 19,- son's furniture ,,t Shamrock c-piilially leeltnieal work lo 000 on easy payments. loll Apartment.. industrial inslitiile. worthy of rtFJ.IAItl.K agent wanted for ftu. successful conclusion unles we 1 room hMist, lot' In garden, in July U. the Province, a credit lo Ibe city peft DIstrlcL The Sovereign ijrive Iheru every opportunily and and al a low overhead expendi- j Life Assurance Company. Head ch'ieken bouse, etc., near King hflp. which i reasonalily ours I-dwnnl FOIJIl rKm modem l BACON t lure." office, Winnipeg. .Man. Write school, I700, erms. I to give. There are very few Id renl. Ajilv Snmii Chas. A. Pyne. Prince (Seorge, 3. bHHk .10, section 1, wilh I HAM I :rien!ific colleges or univers ! ft. frontage on lllggar manager for Northern lriHh I'lVT for lleni m lu ifi that can a I ford Ilie et- Plaee and three BUTTER Columbia. rnome.l hmise menls. U. U S'. ' I (pense of installing all thr ma. Ten Years Ago $Kw0 cash. EGGS I . IiiiuTT and eiiuiiimenl that is In Pi'nce Rupert I i WA.VI'Kli . to 10 act of land Lot 31 and 35. Mock 3, Se. SUMMER RESORTS. i necessary for a good technical wilh sheltered wulerf ronlage S. View lots on Alllti A en lie LARD i (raining. We here in Ihe North, within mile of Prince llu-ert. A Hrret bfMnesile, 75o. half Illl.l. FA II.v. T. . r a. !n Ihe oilier hand, rannot hope June. 2S, 1912. j Owners only write lo rash, tine bit on lbaeh PliWe d.itbm for siinini. c ,!i find Ihe money for Ihe free A. . II. I.uras ha been ap- i P. O. flox 6. Prince Ituperl. for ma. a beauty. Ils ami Terms iiHsb r ,i, The Empire Standard. poinled o siierintend the in-' hills if le.r.. lion of such a school, let alone 60, UUmk IS. section t. 7h. ,t ; I he equipping of the same. L'n-lis gineering fimf mnslruclion of ihe' (illll. WANTF.! AppIv No. I terms or 750 M. M. fear, and French P.BURNS LTD. eas. CO., dry dock being built . business al Hay- Weslenhnver lilock. .ISO our men are pre- l"h- til lie ball game Stephens. THE QUEEN'S HOTEL I pared lo come forward wilh as Creek. Is nof at all lame MassstL 'sistance, ninny hundreds of men When we cber FOIl SAI.H- l umiliire of ihre Open July I. T The cily council has BITS OF LIFE" SEEN i TERRACE jand women are gom? to be protested And we jeer nxMiied bnu. asomplete. In-eluding Stortsmen and Ho! i robbed of Ihe opportunity of againl Ihe government granting And. make il. clear AT THE WESTHOLME everything $100.00, Flhlng. SlnHOing. li . . & a technical (raining which they any further waler or foreshore We're te, inning side You walk in and I walk on I. PicciK - FRUIT deserve. I believe that rights to the railway crnip,rtf iBe ii.le wOTilnV LANDS justly We re Also gramophone and fifly Rooms from $1. Mssls from SOc our business men are broad whether in return for the grant Then we plieer again Marshall Neilan . lalesf First word. Slo.oo. ijos Park Private SvlUt. f 1194 acres unimproved land close of the. site for federal buildings minded enough In realize hi For we fear again Nalional fealure, -Itit of Life, Avenue. J. C. 8. DUNN, Prcprltlor. t, to school house, one mile from iiliffirtilly and are sufficiently or not. . I was a. lengthy We shatt noirwin-t . , which is In be seen al the West town, rn good road. Good soil riMcusinn or the question at the FfHt SAI.Ii shrewd lo appreciate Ihe advan Without a din. holme tonight is another in nova neniintr llefrigera-lor, TAXI 4 and wafer on the land. Prico council meeting last nlg'hi. tase thai slich a training would lion in mot ion picture prihtc. kitchen cabfnel, Ibe -:' $750 cash, or 1800 on terms of be in Ihe furtherance of their The city clerk' adding ma Harvey leads us all lion. housewife's ideal comfort, cost Phone Ml 5 one-half cash, balance on year. chine is lo remain in Ihe' cily 85 when 'Call Oeor' T. t own business, thai ihey would As Kassun hits the ball The film was recently shown new. In excellent ? Tlii sis a jt"hJ bargain. offer the use of their plants and hall in spite of the fact that Aid. Then we shout o a gathering of prominent mo. condition. Will soil cheap, Flve-p3sener T t Jr j ' ' equipment at convenient times to Mullock-Webster thinks it should Art.I yell about on picture iiroduoer ill lis cheap. Apply 2 IK Fillli Ae. Prompt Day and N - i KENNEY BROS. & CO. who wished lo learn and be returned lo Ihe makers. The Some lazy lout ngeles who were unanimous in West. 131 Standi Boston Qrlll, Third enu J Real Estate A Insurance Brokers, clirnb life's. laiMr of success. mailer was dealt with last nihl W'o 'suit lit Ui hop around heir prediction thai it would CLOTHES CLEANID We and orue heal devHope.1 lliit ttfe1 FOH SALH Fiiriiillire of four TERRACE. B.C. want trained men and women Ail fiase- at a bound establish a new tvue of motion ld. Ilullock-Websler and City roomed flat. Cost i00. Wjll and hy al -l SH AM and I see no olher way to train For we Mieer him on. lirliire enierlainmenl. presei our unskilled labor lhan in the Clerk Woods in c4innerlion wilh There's nothing lo queer hifil wiieniig a it iioe fiHir sepa sell for .100. (ir would rent pressing p"" manner here set forth. Mr. 'Wn.J's. "net." on rale and disiinrt stories, "I ills of to suitaMe tenant. Phone Mine S lilts ralletl for an.) Ml. Stork's Hardware Supply we're 27.1. No. I I yapp lluilding. Phone C4J Deficiency. For out lo win Ife" presents Ihe short slnry "It was slated at the oulset s- Th.'.t's why we make a din. magazine idea on Ihe screen in n LINO, The Tailor ! FfHt HAI.K- Two Iloslnn Terrier 3 (hat the apprenticeship syideru The Man in the LIMITED Moon manner never before attempted pups, male aixl female .(Pine, ORIENTAL O0O0S Sorlsmen'i Headquarter had lo a large degree fallen down I Cach stiry has different SAYS:-! MORE UNEMPLOYED IN a tye blood sliM-k . 50 apiee.. Write for ihe reason were given why this Kimonos. I f the first Japanese plol, iscos. II. N. Willi, W.urne. I ML 15? FISHING TACKLE OF ALL is so. n is for technical schools CITY PAST FEW DAYS ng a sal ire. Ihe second a omi- llalnhoo Furniture. ' ' j1 KINDS. and in-lilution of the type that III' editor is ail bet up be edr-drarua, ibe third a rnelo FOIl SAI.rV-SixJy cord hemlo,'k llaskels, Cbildren s 1! 1 : f We carry a complete, line of I advocate to supply the defic cause he hears Ihe people up Irania and the fourth a farce and cedar; cul fine. tljM per Toys, Fb. tackle guaranteed to "'gel iency. We want lo lake Ihe man he Jlulkley alley read the Daily j. m. Campbell, Agent, Ileporl which is expected to send Ihe conl or 15 fUi. W. Sims, Jap 1iWFJiT PfllCl S the H)g Ones." who is apprenticed as a niachin. News. an Increase In Number of patrons away with a laugh. In liilet, pnreher Island. If F. K. AKASE v' Phone Black 114. 1st, for instance, and leach him' Job Se'ekere Here". Selecting tils' ftttir slorles, Mr, P. O. Ilox 01 Trl r,1 " Ihe subjects upon which his sucj taw Neilan drew, from the works of FOH SAI.H Five riMtined house Third Avenue cess, as a machinist is to be a nd he ougliT to know. James Campbell, of the Pro writers wtio were prominently wilh bath. IVirner lol. Apply When in Terrace built. We wan I In take hint vincial (iovernment labor bureau. denlified wilh Ihe respective Itoj'Jghlh Avenue I-tI. Plifiie WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIM- Hi rough a course, spread over'a JINKS says there seems lo lie rcporU a increase in the unemployed type of plol they offer !f III) lllue 501 . I IK rbx k watch, certain number of years, anil sme spread lwlween a profit of Hf in Ihe cily during picture. Kxperl VOll SAI.F, Two fresh maker at chronometer stop pows; leach him Ihose exercises in oo.lioo on local utilities and Ihe past ten day, the number mechanics wilh which he does in the hole, milkers. W. Sims, Jap Intel, Walrh and Jewellery 1 fauOfi how idinding At To. This i ac-i-oiinied Mrs. J. P. Walsh arrived on Island. Porahcr It specially. Tourist Hotel not come in contact in his daily (iV for by the number r Ihe Prince (ieort this morning ru work. Hut that U not the niosl I'I'.llll el.c, will Mall orders promptly sttineorj tit floaters who have reached Ihe from Vaiicoiier lo visit.her F.I.ITK Cafe for sale, furnished par. QIBB Beat, Rooms and Dining Room important iiem, in Ihe education lake a guess at the conditions of cily recently from Vancouver eni. flajilani and Mrs. F. T. complete. Phone 173. tf OEO.Office P n I' 71 Service in the North which we would wish lo offer affairs. and Fliiionton. Some bad come Island. Opp. Post saunders, Iiigby Roorai from $1 00 up him. We wanl In educate him lo the district to work on Ihe LOST Prince twv ' Meals from 35c up generally, all around the work NOW; that I'arHament has :id-joiinsed railway and Ihe Anyox dam but pmick nrr-rnT i.ssn Mstnirr. CYCLE REPAIRS. F. DUBORD, Prop. he has elecled lo follow; lo give What oilier adjournment did ind stay wilh their jobs. A wstbict r wiAST nv.tat i. I.OST Hunch of keys, between him a knowledge of drafting; of ltali we look forwnrd tof few men are being enl right Tike iHillee ilul I. 0. T. Vmwkkttt. fit Post Office and Seventh Avenue Cycles of all makes r , 1 rr-t Sumrti, H: riwlvr, lwiwl in M iimlhemalics: chemistry, of applied along in the various lozging lm Miftl.ler T UfHl. tut fifty iKellra I'isl. Finder please leave and baby carriage r 1 J mechanics, of commercial Ui prieri far nsil sl srul ntmrsl at Daily News Office. Ilewanl. looking forward Vhody's Accessories. camps, I Ik- Anyox dam and Ihe t utrr Ilie filllnf devribed Ut'iU: Oycle S lelier writing and composition lo eee the F.Iks get another -l-lopiug -ailway. 'Ilie tendency for men CMiimriwInt a tmi pitninl al ihs J. 0AWTH0RN rvnael if i,l M FOUND nil: thrivee eaview and of commercial geography no around Ilie lot on Satur o come from the prairies, where IMr(H fU rhlin.; Ilienr .l k -lwlM Has removed to fW of P1 thai he may Ihe belter be en day by the Sons of (lanada, at ificr,. is plenty of farm work, to rlislii.Its-are U srsim ini 6f rlislnt;risiMiH-beeiiiriil.thriire e.Cia SO FOUND Key ring belonging lo Ituperl Mustfl Ptore & Transfer aided lo equip himself as a true least thai is what some of the the con-l is still' apparent. pri.inr irxml l rrf. a manon. Apply Dally News Third Avenue lAtrt iru Storage .iprii ira, ivzi. crafisman, in order that he may Son are saying. o. r. MoxcToi. Office. Company ne a- ccedll in his employer, n 4 Prosperous advertising means W. SS(lt, Se. I - ' - - - I HYDE TRANSFER Phone 777. Ihe I mon lo which he belongs IF I hey do noi play any bei- regular continuous advertising. i-hiM E hi i.jd histjict. j llfBJBU ! Furniture Crating a Speciality and Ihe country in which he tisTiiicT or mst hsstlr. t. j Phons 6o, lives. Tsk Ikilire Ihal I. 0. r. Munrkkrfi. ( Baggage and' stsprass Saamrh, H i ., rtnrhrr, intnul lu M'lj Hi and Express Delivery The same remarks fiily In lh Mimif i.r Land, for a lirrar F. BROCHU, Proprietor, all branches of If clinical and "Nowadays" l tnrrx rr rual M aiwl natural Coal andtWood. lit uvrr Ids ralliiii( Oetcnbeit Uua Distrl'l r,,r coiiiuitfTial education wheilier (jimnieiiriiif al a lawl plaulnl al Ilie Agents Hiiiert,BTrl for men or women. Supplement It is "SALADA" for io& MUII Ix.rlliscH SO rhalut,roriief iliitre hi V, eal lltn,$u rhalio,ttteure Olotvi Airless Tubes. Dm shop work wilh sludy which breakfast,for dinner, f Per-Cent 1 Hialn.llieiM-e Ui iKirlli potn nf rliaiiia;rnl7lirrtiii-lit lle-nre rl Cisii so Secom) i eno , The Popular Restaurant i going lo Increase the speed (troiiir li arrea. PARLOR. for lAralni April Slrd. Ilf BEAUTY CULTURE, supper and five and efficiency of (lie individual. Vgurejf il a unsirt(k s4ib The Boston Grill "From Ihe inlilij(c, nfler sal-ixiyin? o'clock Tea the Continent i. jisNSii.V, Airent Phone lck 625. his instructor and pas. wide riuirr m rtnr mmi niTii(rT .llalrdresslng, Shampooing Hen. Ing examination in his sulipecU (iHTtOCT OK COAST MVMit 1 1 $rince George Man .r. naing, Morcel Waving, Third Ave. he will receive certificate and Tk IViUre Ihal 170. F. SKlt.n, tt .(it kind class Saamrh. hX.. ranrlMir, liitriii to ai.pir lo worn ng, Fuce and Scalp irrai Just the. ofKATHthal credits and when he has i g 1 Wrathall's, will appeal to the, most fus. erttiipleled the course in all Ihe lo zin.m for rual oil and IS TORONTO III Above "SALADA" I'! fr. '"''""'f vsrril-. uri! i IB -.. a Ck.i.. ill I Third Ave. lldiuns appetite. ro-relalei suhjecj. he will re-celve lu ti a imi i.lam -d ai ilia B and Business District Bl Private Boxes. a diploma. east rhalna; lliema Miila rlnlin: B 2M ROOMS 1 FURNITURE CRATINQ Open Day and Night. Obtain Recognition. lt?.r 1? vyiM"u lMt'""iiriiM,iis-ur. ivniT Ci.w-frlvlnr ai K too wis Pifeaa etta HI fiv evfierleneed men. Ill- ' I1-'' Phone 457. "II in Mien up lo Ihe piiiilic in sift arraa, auHuruwrivi i ajl i provs whether tho hour spm in Ta. ma tnple ns our dolly bread Inralrd April vlrit.n r f.yrtCT0X. In wiMNaif isoMON.s-a,"'VJBl I II II. ll KM MINOS W. tAHtQ.1, AfiiOt. tale HuJioa j Uw